C ABSTRACT The gastreped Calliastema camaliculatum demonstrates a violen ape espanet the aa Pypedia ellianthidehee escape mechanism is a highly complex series af reactions that culmenates in the secretion of a noxious yellow substance from the animal's hypebranchial gland. The extent to which C. ganaliculatuun will ge te escape from Eygnepedia without using the secretien demenstrates a general reluctance to use the methed if it can be ayoided. The source of this excretion appears to be endogenous to C. canaliculatum and does not come from its diet. Once secreted, the snail needs between 4-7 days te regenerate the substance te its tull capacity, but four days appears to be sufficient for the effectiveness of the zubstance to reach its full strength. C INTRODUCTION The gastroped Calliestema camaliculatum is one of many species af Mallusca that exhibitz an escape respenze when preveled hy ar asteroid (Bulleck, 1753; Feder, 1963,1967; Mentgomery, 1767; Mauzey et al., 1768; Fhillips, 1776; Daytom et al., 1977; Moitza and Fhillips, 1979; Abbett and Haderlie, 1980; Harrald, 1781, 1982: Herrlinger, 1783; Watanabe, 1783). C. canaliculatum reacts particularly vielently to the seastar Fyenspodia heliantheides. Many of the initial stages of this escape respense are shared with sther snails of this gemus (Harreld, 1781; Herrlinger, 1783), but Ca canaliculatum also secretes a moxious yellow substance from its hypcbranchial gland when stimulated by Eygnepedia (Baxter and Gilly, personal communication). This added feature to the typical Calliestoma genus escape mechanism appears to be quite effective. Herrlinger, 1983, reported that althaugh gastrepeds made up 77 cf the typical Eymmemedia's diet, enly abeut 1.54 of these were C. canaliculatum compared to Ca ligatum which makes up almest 25 at the gastropods eaten. C. ligatum does not display the secretion of the yellow substance. The cbjectives of this study were to extensively observe the stages of C. canaliculatum's escape mechanism from Eyenepodia, to th extent that it became predictable, and to determine the source af th noxious exudate as being derived from the snail's diet of the kelp Macracystis pyrifera, the red algae Gigartina gemymbifema, and the encrusting invertebrates present on these plants (Hunt, 1977 Sellers, 1977; Abbatt and Haderlie, 1980) ar frem some endogencus sGurde. MATERIALS AND METHODS aperimental imal: Calligstoma canaliculatum and Eyenspedia heliantheides (here¬ after Eycnapodia) were collected in the kelp beds off of Hopkins Marine Life Refuge (HMLR) an Foint Cabrille, Pacific Grove, California using SCUBA. The C. canaliculatum were mest often faund feeding en the blades of the brown alga Macrecytis pymifema and occasionally on the red alga Sidartina gorymbifera on the sandy bettom. Behavieral Experiments: A total of thirty C. canaliculatum were used to determine a characteristic escape response to Fyenepedia. The snails were kept in running seawater tanks with plenty of kelp to feed on. One snai at a time was placed in an 8'x 4'x 2' seawater tank where a Eycnepedia was being held. Individual tube feet were removed from the seastar using forceps and then applied to varying parts of the snail so the behavioral response could be observed. A whole Pyenemee as kalaattlttv that the respense was the same as that observed when the individual tube feet were used. The snails were divided into twe groups of fifteen and placed on either a horizental or vertical substratum within the tank. After observations were made, the tested snail was placed in a seperate holding tank than the untested ones. Unce a characteristic response could be predicted, illustrations were made (Fiss, 2-9) to demenstrate the escape mechanism. Secretion Production Exmeriments: A total of eighty C. camaliculatum (different from the thirty used in the above experiments) were cellected an Hay 4, 1988 and induced to release the yellow substance that day. To collect the exudate, a snail was held with the aperature up while a Fyenepedia tube foct was applied to the head of the animal. The snail then retracted inte its shell while secreting the product mixed in seawater. This mixture was callected using a micrepipet and stared in a refrigerated flask. The snails were then randomly divided inte four groups a twenty and placed inte seperate running seawater tanks, each cantaining a different fecd source: TOMK 1 = Kelp with blades encrusted by sessile invertebrates TOMH 2 = Kelp with ne invertebrate TNaia lancealata TAMK 4 = Me Focd All of the kelp, Macrecystis pymifema, and red algae, Gigartina corymbifera, were collected off of HMLR using SCUBA. Invertebrates were remaved from the kelp used in TANK 2 by cheasing ycunger sections of fronds and washing them off and scrubbing them down. Twenty-four heurs later five snails were removed fram each tari and numbered 1-5. These were then induced to release their exudate using the method descriped above. This process was continued to produce four sampling regimes within ach tank: GEGUF 1 - snails 4'd i-S were induced to secrete every day ROUP - snailz 'd 4-10 were induced to secrete every a days GEQUF 3 - enails 'd li-is were induced to secrete avery 3 days GEOUF 4 - snails 4'd 1-2O were induced te secrete averyday The test was conducted for twelve days. Each time a snail underwent the precess of "being slimed" the ameunt of secretion released was yisibly determined by the ameunt af yellow product that appeared in the seawater mixture and recorded. The follewing relative scale was used to quantify the results: O pane pana-deak ameunt sereted waa amaunt secretd 3 weak-maderate ammunt secreted 4 maderate amaunt zecrete Sm mederate-strang amaunt secreted strang amount secreted The "6" an the scale was equivalent to the amount af exudate sscreted from the average snail just captured from the ccean. Ofter gellecting the exudate in Mppendorf tubes and labelling them, a bicassay was run on a live Eygnepedia. The same seastar was used for all biclegical tests; the Eycnepodia was removed trom its holding tank and placed in a container (approximately 12" 6' 3 5") with seawater. A control was run using SOul of ardinary smawater and "shesting" it at the tip of ene arm of the Eyenepediat ubserve the response. The test consisted of expesing an arm af the seastar to a MOul sample (e.g., the peoled collection from snails 1-t fram the Kelp tank on May S was one sample, etc.) of the secretion and recording the response on a O-o scale of the strength of behavior response (Fig.1). The Pyenepedia was then rested for 5 minutes befare the next SOul sample was administerec. Finally, after the twelve day testing peried the snails ware returned to the Bay and forty new C. manaliculatum were collected. These were divided up inte greups af ten and placed in the faur tankz mentiened abeve. This hatch was nat induced te secrete the slime befere heing placed inte the tanks. After ane week, all forty snailz underwent the zegretien precess, and amounts and bicassay recordings were made as described abeve. RESULTS: HehavieralEperimet A predictable escape respense was determined for . camaliculatum from Pyenapedia on both horizental and vertical surfaces. On the herizantal zubstratum the follewing was abserved: 1) When a Exenepedia tume foct was touched to the head tentacles af O gamaliculatum, the snail quickly turned auay from the stimulated area (Fiq. 2). 2) When "attacked" from behind C. canaliculatum lifts up its shell and begins to ru away. Approximately 50 af the spails tested in this maner released the hypebranchial secretien while they were rumming, and this tends te stick to the snail's shell and mucus trail (Fig. 3). 3) Ofter repeated stimdlatien from behind, the soail begins te ratate its shell back and forth while threwing its fact adainst the substratum gausing a samersaulting reactien away from the Fyenapadia. In 1004 of animals tested, the yellaw secretion respense takes place in canjustic with this mevement, wrapping armund the snail as it retates (Fig. 4). 4) Once on its back the snail continues to rotate its foot until it is stimulated again by the tube fest. Ot this peint the animal retracts most of the way into its shell, dives a final pulse that shects out mare exudate, and pulls all the way back into itz shell (Fig. S). Un the vertical substratum the follawing was abserved: 1) When C. canaliculatum was attacked by a tube foot from helgw its pesition on the substratum (i.e., an the back af its foot), it ran up, away from the Eyenapedia (Fig. 6). When the snail was stimulated at its head by the tube foct, it displayed a substratum release respense (hig. 7) 3) Upon landing upside-down an the horizental surface, E. canaliculatum tried immedistely to right itself. When tauched again by the tube feat befare turning ever, the animal just retracted, pulsed out exudate, and pulled all the way inte its shell (Figs. S,9). Ne faat-shell rataticr waz ebserved in these snails. 4) If the animal was given the chance to right itself, it ran in any direction with its tentacles wildly reaching out for input. If stimulated with a tube fect the snail eshibited the same horizontal responses already described. In addition, all snails, regardless af what surface they were attached to, responded anly when actually touched by the tube feet. Saerationkdutaa Fig. 10 shows the amount of exudate produced did nat depend on the foed source aver the twelve day experimental period, but rather that the major factor in C. canaliculatmim's regeneration of the eaudate was the time it was given to de so. Alse, as the time between induced secretion was ingreased so did the strength of the Eycnepedia reaction to it (Fig. 11). Of eighty criginal snails that were induced to slime on the day they were captured, ten of these did not produce the yellow exudate. The second batch of forty snails that were left in the identical tanks for ane week before being induced to secrete producee a 100x positive response, as appesed to the 87.5% of snails in the griginal batch that secreted the yellow substance. Furthermore, the forty mnails in batch 2 all secreted at level 4, while the relative ameunt af slime mecreted by these in match 1 covered the entire mang fram 0—6. DISCUSSION Behavieral Experiments: One preblem I encountered with these studies was the reluctance af the Eyenapodia to naturally forage after the C. ganaliculatum in aquaria. Attempts were made to induce the seastar inte moving in the general direction of the snail placed in the tank mut to no avail. Therefore, the technique using individual tube feet described abeve was used to simulate an attacking seastar. With a nutural predatery event there would be more variability in timing and persistence. The described behavier represents a hierarchy of responses to a sustained attack. It would be of great interest ta ebserve the behavier in the field te decument its form, success, and ather consequences. I noticed that for all thirty snails tested the secretion af the exudate was a last ditch technique used to escape. The C canaliculatum were very reluctant to release the product. Also, I aften faund the snails halding en the substrate with the antericr par af their feet, while the ventral side of the posterior part of their feet wrapped up onte the dersal surface of their shells. This has been observed in Ca ligatum as well (Harrald, 1781), and is apparently used te maintain a mucus layer on the shell. Therefere, the observed shell retation reaction must have several functions: 1) It makes it even more difficult for the starfish to get a seed grip an the snail due te its mucus-layered shell. It samersaults the snail aut af the pathway af the starfich (Althauch in Harrald, 181, this behavier in C.ligatum was not too effective unless the snail was near alede). 3) Finally, it wraps the yellow exudate around the snail so that whenever the zeastar attempts to grab hald ot the prey it is in censtant contact with the noxicus substance. The substance alse sticks to the mucus trail that the running snail lays down, therfore the Fyenspedia is faced with the secrection while still in pursuit of its meal. The release response I cbserved alse illustrates the extent to which C. ganaliculatum will ge to avoid using the exudate to escape. On the vertical zurface the responze differs when centacted frem abeve or belew. It would be maladaptive to release and fall inte the multiarmed Eyanepedia, however the snail gains escape velccity by releasing its hold on the substrate and falling when attacked from above. This would work on either a vertical reet tace er on those rare calm eccasions when Pycnepodia climbs kelp to forage (Baxter, personal communication). Of course, when a snail releases and falls it may be placing itself in jeopardy from the tentacles of a waiting anemane, and this is ancther petential predater which may he defeated by the hypebranchial secretien. Once C. canaliculatum secreted its hypobranchial slime and retracted all the way back inte its shell, the animal remained pulled in for upwards of 30-3 minutes sometimes, even when they were no langer being proveked by a simulated Fyeneedia.is seems to be yet more evidence for the observation that the release of the product is the last stage in this animal's complex escape response to the seastar; C. canaliculatum cheoses to remain withdraun and helpless until it seems safe te ceme aut again. Finally althaugh Myndiads at studies an its dist have mhoun that this snail is nat a preferred prey, while its clese relative Ce limatum is a major source or nutrition for the seastar (Herrlinger, 1783). The latter species has an almest identical escape respense to that of Ce canaliculattm. with the impertant exception af the hypchranchial secretion (Harreld, 1781: Herrlinger, 1783). Thus, it seems evident that the intensity of the Cy canaliculatum escape response is directly correlated to the Fycnepedia's dietary preferencey this correlation between actively esgaping from predators and the abundance of prey that ended up in the diet has been extensively studied using different predater-prey relationchips (Feder, 1753. 1747; Fhillips, 1974: Dayten at al., 17771 Maitcza and Fhillips, 1979; Harrald, 1981, 1982; Herrlinger, 1783: Watanabe, 1783). samationkaedut Ihe question of whether the moxicus substance is derived form the diet or by andegenous synthesis seams to be decided in faver ar andagenous synthesis. The ability to preduce the hypcbranchial seatidt deethe ftha (at least aver a twe week peried when secretion was repeatedly alicited), but rather on the time it has te regenerate the substande Spails in all four af the experimental tanks were increasingly abl te secrete the substande as the recavery time between induced semrationz was increased. Further zupport for this conclusion ceme fram results ahtained in the secend experiment using ferty new snal that were left in the tanks for a week before being preveked inte the mecretion precess. All forty of these snails, after one week with ne predators to attack them, were able to secrete a large amount (equivalent te the "4" an the scale) of the hypebranchial substance. But, the eighty eriginal snails that were induced to secrete the slime en the day they were collected only had a 87.5 pesitive megretion rate, and not all of them secreted the "A" equivalent. This indicates that mame af these snails had prebably been recently attacked in the field and ferced to use the exudate to escape and not had time te regenerate it befare they were captured. This has the matential to allow predater-prey studies in free ranging pepulations by messuring the numbers af attacks that were not successtal. Furthermere, when comparing the averages calculated for both the amounts and the bicassay reactions (Figs. 10,11), it appeare that four days is not encugh time to generate the strang " reading for the ameunt of secreticn released, but it is a lang enough time to generate a strengly velatile secretion, therstere 1) The recevery peried necessary te preduce the largest amaunt of the exudate lies somewhere between the lengest tested pericd, 4 days, and the ebserved peried at whicn 100 af the Ce canaliculatum population secreted the sauvalattte aday 2) Singe the "4" on the Eyenepedia reaction scale did net gerrempond to the "A" an the scale for ameunt at yellew chzeryed, it appears that the active reagent af the gampaund daas nat lie in the yellaw part af the substance. This latter observation is supperted by bicchemical tests run on 10 C the secretion (Smaby, personal communicatien). SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to figure out the dynamics af the escape response that C. canaliculatum exhibits in the presence of th predater Eycnopedia, in terms of both the behavioral and production mechanisms. It appears that the diet af the snail has no impact an its ability to generate a volatile secretion. C. gamaliculatum can regenerate the substance in large and effective quantities, but this requires over four days to achieve maximum amount and titer. Ameunt of secretion in the experiment were measured by eye in terms at the yellowness of the mixture. It would be more accurate to develep a spectrophetometris method. It appears that the active ingredient dees not necessarily lie in the yellow factor because the strongest reactions in the bicassay were ebserved even theuch the ancurt secreted did not reach the peak on the scale. If the active compeun (er compounds) can be identified a quantitative measure can be developed. The snail also goes through a rigorous patterns of predictable actions before it will exude the substance, suggesting quite a bit of reluctance in using this mechanism unless absolutely necessary. ACKNOMLEDGEMENTS Chuck Baxter deserves mere thanks than can possibly be expressed in a few words; he was infinately available wheneyer I needed him to help me solve my many problems, and the suggestions he dave me are a large part of the reason this preject was completed. I would alse like to express my unending gratitude to Tom Otis. Niels Smaby, and Tiffany Tom for going above and beyond the call of Guty when it came to diving for me whenever it was necessary (which turned cut to be quite often). Thanks to Dre. William Gilly and Stuart Thompsen for their suggestions and interest in the "slime". and to Rob Sweezey and Chris Fatton for taking time eut to help on the graphics at a period when their time was in the greatest demand, Finally, a big thank you to the rest of the class, especially Niels (my partnær in "slime") and the rest of the residents of 1009 Ferest Evende, for making these past twe monthe a couple of the mest memerable in my life. LITERATURE CITED Abbett, D.F. and E.C. Haderlie. 1980. Froscbrarichias Marine smails Ins Intertidal invertebrates of Califormia. Morris, R.H., D. Ahbett and E.C. Haderlie teds). Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif. p. 230-307. Fulleck, T.H. 1953. Fredater reccgniticn and escape responses ot some intertidal gastropods in the presence of starfish. Behavior S: 130-140. Dayton, D.K., R.J Rosenthal, L.C. Mayer and T. 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Carmel Bay, with special reference to kelp harvesting. M.G. Thesis, Sam Francisce State University, S1 p. Mauzey, K.F., C. Eirkeland and F.K. Dayton. 1968. Feeding behavic of the astercids and escape respenses of their prey in the Fuge Sound regien. Ecelagy 49: 603-619. Moitza, D.J. and D.W. Fhillips. 1979. Frey defense, predater preference, and nen-randem diet: The interactions between Eycnepedia heliantheides and two species of sea urchins. Har. Bial. SS: 299-304. Montgomery, D.H. 1947. Responses of two Haliotid gastropods, Hallictis assimilis and Halligtis rufesgens to the forcipulate astnikaealta Valigar Fhillips, D.W. 1974. The effect of a species-specific avoidance response to predatory starfish en the intertidal distribution two gastropeds. Oecologia 23: 83-94. Sellers, R.G., Jr. 1977. The diets of four species of Callicstema and some aspects af their distribution within a kelp bed. M. Thesis, Stanferd University, Hepkins Marine Station. atana a deoth dastropods: Contrasting adaptations of closely-related prey species. J. Exp. Mar. Biel. Ecel. 71: 257-270. C FIGURE LEGEND Figure 1. Quantification of the Eymmepedia's reactions in the bidassay. O m na exn, same as cantral with seawater 1 arm af zeastar wraps aver tube feet; 2 retraction et arm, fallawed by streching aut af tube feet 3slight arm curl; 4 = curl seen in "3", follewed by lifting and halding arm vertically: S - strang curl af arm; a ever tighter curl, followed by starfish meving away from area. Ce ganaliculatum cames in contact with a Eyenemedia tube Figure fast at its anterier and and hegins to turn away. Cw camaliculatum is proveked by Fyenmpedia tube fect from Figure 3. the anterier and, resulting in the snail lifting up it shell and running away, sometimes secreting the yelle hypsbrancial subztange at the same t. After repeated pesterier provecation with a Fymnapadia Figure 4. tube foot. Cy canaliculatum begins to spin its shell back and farth and thrawz itzelf forward in a zamersaulting metion while secreting the hymchranchial substande. Frevecation centinuz after C gamaliculatum turns itself Fig ayer, and the snail retracts mest of the way inteits shell, pulses aut mere af the yellow substance, and pulls all way back inte ithel 1. Cy ganaliculatum is attacked on a vertical surface from Figura 6. the pesterior and hy a Fyanapadia tube fect causing the mnail to run up the substratum. Ea gamaliculatum displaym the substratum release respense Figure 7. after Being pravaked Trem the anteriar end an a ver tical surface by a Myanmpadia tube foct. Fallauin sustatu alase. aaliculatum land Figure. itz back and tries ta rightitslt. Cy canaliculatum is proveked by a tube foot before being Figure able to right itself and it quickly pulses aut the yella substanze and retracts inte itz sheil. mach paint an the graph is an average af the ameunt cr Figure 10. vellow substance secreted by each group af snails within the four seperate tanks thraughaut the testing per iad. The visually determined ameunts based an the yelicwmes af the mixture were quantified using the scale deserid in the Materials and Mathads zectien of this paper. Wach peint an the graph is an average af the reactier Figure 11. displayed by Exenmpadia to the yellow substande secreted hy sach greup af snails within the four seperate tan throughout the testing peried. The visually qualitied O responses wera quantified using the zcale deseried the Materialz and Metheds mection af this paper. HGURE L. QUANTIF ICATION oF PYCNOPODIA BIOASSAV NONE. (- NO RXN 50 — VENTRAL SOPFACE FACINGUP 50u WEAK: 2 Soul — 5oul MODERATE: 4 — Sul 5 STRONG: g 50ul - MOVES AWA FIGURE 2. TUBE FOO STIMULATION HERE K — — S 0-80 FLGURE 3. TUBE FDO V S 4 t — FIGURE JELLDW 9 SECRETION S FIGURE 5. JELLDW SECRETION a FIGURE O. FLGURE 7 IDBE FOOT — TVBE FOOT Z — FleUke o. FLGURE7. JDBE P — - — ELLOW SERETIN O 0 O V IGURE 10. 6 ad6 O 0 X202 G III ODNO ODNO o npo оoe o uns + 0 +1 0 O O 0 O PGURE SC N KC oo + 0 . II OENO OD 0 O podouoja jo esuodseg ennbje DI 0 O O 0 O O