The subpopulation of Collisella scabra found on the
shells of Lottia gigantea show significant differences from the
general population of C scabra: population density is ten times
less, shell/hody weight ratios are higher indicating slower
orputh patterns possibly due to limited food availability, and
denmity on the shell increases in areas of high wave astion
possibly due to the faster rate of algal growth in these areas.
Ihe limited foraging area on the Le gigantea shell may provide an
upper limit to the number of riders it can support, as riders
from crowded shells do not lower their metabolic rates. HE
p tdtheea
coat otherwise found on their shells. This loss of algae, the
creation of the Cy scabra's home scar, the added weight of the
riders, or the drag differences created by the riders cause no
amparent advantage or disadvantage to the Li gigantea. While
these remults are in ho way comprehensive, they provide a
backorpund knowledge for further studies of the species
In this study I examine the interactions between Collisella
seabra and Lottia gigantea in particular the association between
the subpopulation of Co scabra which live on the surface of the
Le digantea shell (henceforth referred to as riders). What are
the differences between this subpepulation and the genemal E
scabra population (henceforth referred to as nonmiders) and,
setund, what are the differences between Li gigantea with and
without these C. scabma riders on their shells?
Ihe existente of riders on limpets shells is not an entirely
pew phenomenon. A surprising number of limpets live on the
shells of other animals. Species of acmaeids and patellids live
on the shell of conspecifics until they become too large, at
which time they migrate onte the surrounding rock (Branch, 1971).
Other spei suha Eatellidainiis and C
are found to home on a series of other shells, changing host
shells rapidly (Eikenberry & Wickizer, 1944, Creese, 1778).
However, Om scabra are unique in that they ride on the back of a
species othem than their own and in greater density and numbers
than ather miders.
In this study of the interactions between riders and the L
disiamtes on which they are found, I maks preliminary field
ubsemvations and measurements of shell and body welghte and
sizes, C. scabra densities and metabolic mates, and tood
availability on the Ey digantea shell surface. While the results
t m  tha theya th
d studie
All field observations and samples of kottia gigantea and
Collisella scabra were conducted at Hopkins Marine Station,
Facific Groye, CO. Sites 41 and 2 were on two sheer rack taces
at Cabrillo Foint, directly facing the oncoming surf and site e
nas a wall near Bird Hock at an angle of approximately 45 degrees
to the ancoming sumf. I chose these sites because of their
abundance of Lottia gigantea at the widest range of intertidal
Heights to e fund at the Station.
I observed the Li gigantea and Ce scabra during 30 daytime
low tides and three high tides: 1.)a high high tide at 2100 a.m.
2y) a low high tide at 6100 a.m. (1/T heur after dawn) and d.)a
hich high tide at 4:00 p.m. The high tide watches were done at
sites i a T fom six hours, beginning three hours before high
measured the lengthe and widths of all the Li gidam
all of their pe scabra riders found at eath of the three sites.
The pedal area of the limpets was then estimated to be mi
mesaumed in the field. However, within sach species the shapes
af the shells, including the height of the apes, remains constant
as a funntien of length and width. Therefore, surface area of
the shells depende primarily on the length and width of the shell
and the equation for pedal area was thus used as an estimation of
ralative sumface amea of the shelle within each species.
If it is again assumed that the shape of the limpet does not
change as it grows (a reasonable assumption for these species),
an estimate of relative limpet volumes is obtained by (pedal
The Da scabma density on the Li gigantea shells were
calculated as (the  of scabra riders on the bi gigantee
shell)/(shell surfate area). (Note: Li gigantea pedal area was
used as am estimation af shell suuface amea as noted above.)
Spasial density of the Sa scabma in the area surrounding a lottia
was malculated in two ways. First, as a measure of the sheem
numbers af Dy sgabma in the area, I counted the number of scabra
within a SOcm. X SO em. quadrat centered on each Ee didantea. Ca
srabra demsity equalled (the  of C. scabma in the
transect)/(2500 em"). Second, as a measure of the numbers of C.
scabna per area available for foraging, Cr scabma density
equalled (the  of C. scabra in the transect)/ (2500 emt - the
zum af all areas within the transect bulldozed by by ginantea).
The bulldezed grazing areas were measured using a grid divided
into areas of 4 emt and counting the number of these divisions
covered by the graing armas.
messured at mite 2. This site was chosen betause it offered the
greatest number of Li gidantea at intertidal heights
unintergupted by large musmel beds. I meamured the length and
t taa a.
divided the area inte &am horizontal transeats each 0 am wide
beginning at the point of the lowest lottia. I computed and
averaged the pedal areas of all Ly gigantea within each transect
(4-7 luttia weme in each transect).
I used the same method for measuring a scabma sise as a
function of intertidal height except that I did not measure all
the C. smabma at site H2. Instead, a 2Scm.-wide vertical strip
was haphazardly chmsen at the site. Within the strip, I measured
the lengths and widths of all the C. scabra at the same o
herizontal transects marked off from the lottia measurements (4-9
scabra were in each transet).
Laboratory Studies
I measured the amount of standing algal growth on eight
digantea shells and also noted the number of riders on each of
these shells. On one shell was a fresh scar that appeared to be
the homesite of a C. sgabra which was no longer on the shell.
The sear appeared to be i-E dayz old as it lacked any algae om
evidence of amosion and was still the lucid grey color of curgent
C. scabma homesites. For the purpose of this measurement, I
counted this scar as 1/2 of a rider because the missing ridem had
recently beem present to eat some of the algae even if it hadm't
mpased on the shell in the preyios
As an estimate of shell suface area of Le gigantea in the
laboratory studies, I measured the area of tissus paper needed to
toyer the sumface of the shell. To measume the amount of algal
arguth on theee same shells, I scraped the surface of the shell
and dissolyed my scrapings in 70 acetone. A spectrophutometen
was used to measure extinction coefficients at o4 nm. and 647
nm, and used in the spectrophotometric equations given by deffrey
and Humphrey, 1975, tw establish the amounts of chlorophyll a and
b present in the acetone solutions; Chlorophyll a - 11.93E4
1.E and Chlorphyll b- 20. E - 5.SOE. These
chlormphyll ampunts indicated the amounts of greem algae present
on the entire shell (Jeffrey and Humphrey 1975).
The shell mass per murface area was used as the measurement
of shell thickness. Mass of the shell was the weight of the L.
gigantes shell after the body had heen completely cut away, the
zhall pat-dried, and all algae had been scraped and bleached gff
it. Shell stuface wam again taken by measuring the area of
tizzue paper needed to cever the outside surface of the lottia
Metabolic rates of C. scabra were estimated via the onygen
consumption rates recorded in a differential respirometer. C.
srabma found on Li gigantea with two or more riders were compared
with C. scabra from the surrounding area. Gerial respiration
rates of all the C. zeabma were measured within an hou after
cullection from the field and conducted in the the dark to aveid
any contribution the photosynthesis of algae on the
amiht a
the first hour showed erratic consumptions as the  sa
adjusted to their new envirenment in the respiremeter, only th
spcund hour'a result were used. Ouygem consumption waz
nurmalied t dry hedy mass (oven dried fom lo houms at ec
The masses of various-sised C. scabra riders' shells were
compared to the shell masses of the C. scabma in the surrounding
areas. The shells were weighed after being pat-dried while the
C. scabra bodies were oven dried at 60 degress celcius for 16
hours before being weighed.
Field Ohservations
Lattia gigantea were found only within a i meter Fange of
intertidal heights, approwimately 1.Em to 2.Em above zero tide
datum, and only in areas of high wave action on vertical rock
faces. Collisella scabma inhabited these same areas but were
also found in areas of lower wave action, on horizontal surtaces,
and on sites up to .Em. above zero tide datum. Within the cne
meter range of cohabitation hy these species (which included the
entire La gigantea range), intertidal height made no difference
in whether or not a lottia had riders or in the amount of riders
ner lottia (r - .OS, n - 21). Instead, the number of riders per
La digantea appears dependent on the Ly gidantes's microhabitats
conditions. Casual field observations indicate that it the
didantea is positioned in a crevice, behind a rocky on a rock
face not directly facing the oncoming surf, or in any other
microhabitat reducing its exposure to waves, it has none or fewer
riders than a similar Ey gigantea in areas of higher wave action.
C. scabra riders werd not observed to leave the LE didant
shell. They remain immobile and positioned in their immediate
homesites at all times except the daily high tides. When they
mhellz. The piders Torage on any and all pante o the e
didantea shall's enternal surface and return to their homesite
amnemally only mebile and foraging for the twe hours surreumeing
the hich tides. Casual observations note that time spent
oreater in times of rougher surf and more extreme high tides.
Lottia gigantea foraging patterns were similar to those of
the Cy scabra: Ee gigantea were mobile and foraging during the
two hours surrounding high tides. Casual observations again
huted that rougher sumf during the high tides increased the time
spent fomaging, distance travelled, and the percentage st L
aidantsa foraging in an area. In times of peak wave action the
La diganteg were not only mobile, but ewhibited the unusual
behavior previously noted by Morris, et al, 1980, of pulling its
shell away from the rock surface rather than hunkering against
the rock like other limpets. While this behavior has been noted
to he advantageous for the Er gigantea because it allows water to
flow around the La gigantea foot and decreases drag on the limpet
as a whole (Morris, et al, 1980), it also effectively isplates
the C. scabma on its back; the riders find themselves on a shell
lifted uff the rock surface often as high as the P. acabma's own
hody length. While this positioning of the Le gigantea away from
the romk pan he a formidable barrier to a rider attempting to get
off the Ly gigantea shell, it does not appear to be the cause of
the Co acabma failing to leave the shall; the Le gidantea are
only positioned away from the rock in this manner for a trastion
ttth a
not leave the shell despite the lack of the barrisr.
The Ey soabma deneity on Le didantea is independent of both
in the area surrounding a Ex gigantea is not a factor in
determining the density of rider C. scabra on the Ly gigantea.
The average number of Cr scabra in the surrounding area is 1.O
10 Cscabra/m while the average number of C. scabra per E
didantea shall area is l1 wy 10 Ce scabra/em". On averags
there are ten times fewer C. scabra per area of Le gidantea shell
than surrunding area.
function of intertidal height. Large Li gigantea were tound at
the same low intertidal heights as the large C. scabra and small
Ly digantea ware found at the same high intertidal heights as the
small C. scabra (using basal area as an indicator of relative
site in both speties) (see fig. la & b). Despite this equivalent
size distribution of the two species, the larger Le gidantea did
not necessarily have the larger riders (see fig. 2). While there
is trend for some of the largest riders to be on the largest L.
didantam and the smallest riders to be on the smallest
Ladigantes, the trand is weak with a correlation of pi of .2es.
Ihus, the size of the Co scabra is not a major determining factom
in whether or nut its home is om particular sized y gidantea.
There is a much stronger correlation (r - .45, n - 46)
batusen the total arn of the areas of all the Fidere and twe an
of the Le didantes (sæm fig. 3). If these dats are manipulated
so that C. scabma measurements indicate siss (om') rather than
amsa (omf) and by gigantea ares indicates available foraging ares
ke diganteg area - area covered by the Cu sgsbra) the
Field oheervations show that the amount of standing algal
growth on the surface of the Li gigantea shell is inversely
preportional to the number of riders present on the shell. Fig.
S shows this observation to be quantifiably true; the presente of
more riders implies the presence of less algae. In tact, with
tue or more riders the ampunt of standing algae per square inch
of La digantea shell is unmeasurably low.
While both the Le gigantea with and without algae (i.e.
without and with riders) increase the thickness of their shell as
they increase its overall sise (see Fig. 4), the presente of
algse (i.e, mome riders) did not cause any signiticant
change in rate of increase in shell thickness for pe ginante.
Ihe decreased presente of greem algaes on Ei gigantea with riders
dome not make an apparent difference in the thickness of the a
digantea shell.
The average rate of oxygen consumption per dry body weight
of the C. scabra on Le digantes with two or more riders was 77y
ul Doghr (n - 7) while the average rate for O. scabra in the
surrounding area was 767 ul Oo/g/hr (n - 6), with the difference
peing insignificant. A t-test shows better than a 75 confidence
in assuming the twe consumption rates to be the same. Despite
thlaatat w
differente in the rate of oxygen consumption from e acabra feund
en tha ack ubtrate.
Eiderz ym, nonridems, however, did show a differente in the
masz of their shells relative to mody size. While both L
idass and nonrider orm heavem shells as them pody sie
enlarges (with r's of .75 and .40 respectively), rider Dy scabra
have significantly heavier shells than the nonriders at all body
weights (s fig. 7). Higher body weights of riders and
nepriders show a greater difference in shell weights than at
lower body weights.
The subpopulation of E. scabra that lies within the one
meter range of Li gigantea distribution is larger at lower
intertidal sites than at higher sites (se Fig ib). This trend
is opposite to that previously notes by Morris, et al, (1780) in
which the general population of L are larger at higher
intertidal sites. This reversal in Ca srabma size distribution
within this one meter range can probably be explained by the
presence and site distribution of Le gigantea in the same mange
(see Fig. 1a). The Le gigantea bulldoze much of the area, which
creatly affetts the distribution and population of C EA in
the area. If a particulam C. scabra is able to resist the
bulldozing force of a Le gigantea, it is more likely to be found
in this range than if it were not able to resist dislodgement.
W. G. Wright (1777) showed that homing species, including
scabma, can sometimes resist forces in cese of the Le
didantea's bulldozing force but only if the force is applied when
the Cy scabma is on its homesite. Limpets without homesites
could not resist the bulldozing at all. Assuming, then, that I.)
The better fit the Co scabra is to its homesite, the better it
respective fontes they tan enent on aer

distribution within this range can be explained by the fact that
were distributed as Morris, et al (1980), suggests, then the
smallest M. zeamma would engounter bulldezing by the langest e
digantea and would be unlikely to be able to resist dislodgement
because, first, its small sise would be unable to exert a large
enough force, and, second, if its small size were due to a young
age, then it would not have had much time tw establish a
significant home scar.
he tact that Ce scabra can resist dislodgement by L.
gigantea may also be a factor in detemmining why it is the only
species of limpets found on the backs of bi gigantea. Due to its
homing behavior, it is one of the few species that cam resist
bulldoring and exist within an area otherwise completely cleamed
of limpets. Because this bulldozed area normally surrounds the
E digantea, the Ca scabra may be the only species of limpete
clase enough to scramble up on the Li gigantea's shell. In fact,
Wright (1977) has shown that not only are Collissella digitalis
unable to avercome the bulldozing force, but they alse tend to
recognire and actively avoid Li gigantea grazing areas, which
might explain why this species, which is similam in size,
distribution, and grazing behaviors to C. scabra, is not found om
L gidantea shells. The rigidity of Ca smabra's homing behavior
(Jessee, 1968, Villee a Groody, 1740, Hewatt, 1740) may also
explain its seemingly unique ability to live on the comfined amea
the sams areas surrounding its hmmesite, the species may be able
may selectively allow Eo szahma to live on the limited foraging
Froximity to Li gigantea may explain why the density of C.
scabma per area of Li gigantea shell is independent of density in
the measured surrounding area. Os only some  can resist
bulldozing (Wright, 1977), the density of C. scabra immediately
surrounding the Li gigantea is a reflection of the number of D.
spahma that could resist bulldozing. This number is not
necessarily a function of the total number of C. acabma in the
larger surrmunding area and is also conziderably less the G
scabra density in this larger area. If further experiments show
that approkimately one in ten Ci scabra could resist bulldoring
and thus that the density of Ca scabra was on average 10 times
less in the bulldored area than in the surrounding area, it could
EMplain why density per area of Li gigantea shell is on average
ten times less than in the larger surrounding area. Hider
density would then simply be a function of of C. scabra density
in the immediate surrounding graring area rather than in the
langem ungrated surrounding area.
The fact that there are ten times fewer . scabma per area of
L. digantea shell than per surrounding area could be explained sy
numeroum uther factors. Ferhaps the low density per area of
shell is because: 1.) It is ten times more likely for a Q.
scabma to forage on a rock than on a mobile shell (This is
assuming Ca scabma are still able to forage onto a moving shell

2.) Unly one in ten Ee didante encountered by meving L scabme
are stationemy (assuming C. smabne selectively clims only en
Immobile shells), .) Survivability is on average ten time
lower for riders than nonriders, or 4.) The density of C. scabma
is determined by the food availability and the surface of the
smooth En gigantea shell provide only a limited area for algal
growth while the surrounding rock'e surface is relatively
etremely rough, providing a greatem surface area fom algal
grouth, and cam therefore support an increased amount of foraging
Neither possibility l or  seems likely to be the
explanation for low rider density because they rely on foraging
and homesite selectiveness of the the Ly scabra, a sturdy speties
nut known te show much selemtiveness as they exist in a wide
varisty of lecations under a wide variety of conditions. But
these possibilities are difficult to disprove because it wmuld
entail watching the Ea scabra as they mount L. gigantea shells,
an umpredictable event at best and ome that would be difficult to
see in significant numbers. Fossibility  would entail a
fecundity study af C. scabra which in the past have proved
difficult and inconclusive in determining fastors for
survivability (Farry, 1977, Wells, 1980). However, casual
obzaryations pyer a seven week perind did not note a greatem
which would probably he noticeable if it were large enough to
euplain the ten-fold difference in demsities.
pamulte. Fig, 4 whows that there is a significant correlation
sliattaa a
deviations from this correlation are caused by the amount of
riders being too small for a given sired Le gigantea and never in
too large an amount of riders ewisting on the shell (Assuming the
lipe in Fig. 4 to be specifying the limit of riders a Le gidantea
shell can support). It appears, then, that the available
foraging area of a Ly gigantea shell sets an upper limit to the
total eum of riders' sizes whith can home and forage on the
shell, but that it does not determine the amount of ridere Below
that limit. If this is true, then only about half of the Le
didantea are near the limit of the amount of riders its available
foraging areas can support (see tig. 4).
Howeyer, the shell's available foraging area is not
uecessarily an indication of the available algse. The amount of
avsilable algae is dependent on several factors, largely the rate
of arputh of the algae. While the spectrophotometer data showed
that the amount of standing growth of algae decreased with an
increase in number of riders and that the amount of standing
areuth was approaching zero on Le gidantea with two or more
riderm (sse fig. E), it does not indicate the rate of growth of
the algae on the shells. If the rate of algae growth on the Le
siaantea with two or more riders is faster than the rate on the
shells with fewer riders, then the C. scabra from the more
trowded shells would have just as much algae available to them.

that by gigantes with a bigh density of riders were in more
enperiencing a greater amount of water flowing aver them. It nas
been shown in several cases that increased ambient water flow¬
increases the rate of algal growth. Such an increase in alde
growth rate could explain how Ca scabra can exist in numbess
greater than twe on a Ei gigantea even if their is no standing
algae on the shell. This hypothesis is further supported by the
fact that there is no decrease in oxygen consumption in riders
that are found on shells with two or more Co seabta. The rate of
Mygen consumption is strongly correlated with metabplic rate
(Parry, 1977) which has been shown to be inversely related to
fGEd availability (Farry, 1978, Eranch 2 Newell, 1978, Davies,
1767). The lack of a decrease in respiration mates of riders on
crowded Ei gigantea shells could indicate that there is
sutticient food available om bi gigantee shells, even on shells
with more than two riders and no apparent standing aldae.
Ihis tood availability hypothesis is further supported by
the tact that mider C. scabra have heavier shells per body weight
than nonriders, which may indimate that they feed slower than the
thinner-shelled nonriders and thus need less algae on which to
feed. Falmer (1980) shewed that thicker shelled Thaid lamellosa
fmed slower than thinner shelled ones, and this may also be true
of L srabma. Palmer's study of In lamellosa also showed a
slower rate of increase in bedy weight propertional to shell
weight in thicker-shelled animals (1780), which is similar to the
propertional to body size than the thinner-shelled nonmiders.
Palmer explains this by showing that the amount of shell material
laid dowm over time is the same tor both the thick- and the thim-
shelled animals, but that body size does not increase as much in
thicker-shelled murphalogies becamse the animal cannut expand its
internal volume faster than the shell is expanding. If this
theory holds true for C. scabra, then the thicker-shelled rider
C scabra do not need as much algae as the lighter-shelled
nonrider Co scahma because, while they are expending the same
amount of energy for shell material annually, the thicker-shelled
ridera have lower metabolic costs because they grow and maintain
a proportionally smallem bady weight.
One could epand on this hypothesis in two ways. Fimst, it
it were shown that rider C. scabra growth rates are food limited,
ne could furthem hypethesite that the decramed fmad
availability is only limiting body sise and shell production
distribution of shell in relatively thicker layers would simply
be due to the body failing to expand beneath it. On the other
hand riders may inherently lay down thicken shells, perhaps
REEESSItated y an increased expmure to waye astimn and
predation because they are removed from their camouflage and the
protection of rock protrusions. If this is true then the mody
site of the riders is limited by the intemnal volume ar the
shell, and an increase in food availability on the L ainantea
shells would nut increase the riders' body mite.
that mthae
dus to a decrease in medy weight relative to shell weight. Im
to lomomotion. Wecause C. scabma never leave the shell of the E
digantea, they are likely to never forage over long distances.
C. scabma in the surrounding area, however, can forage over long
distances and becaume of inter- and intra-species competition tor
the local algae, they are more likely to need to forage over lang
distances to get a sufficient food supply. Ereen (1971) shuwed
that Collisella digitalis moved greater distances from its
original site when food availability was low and the same may be
true for Ca scabma. Calow, 1974, and Denny, 1980, have both
indicated that locomotion in gastropods can he a signiticant
metabolic cost. Calow (1974) reports locomotion costs to he as
high as 26 of total food intake and if rider E. scabma dom't
incur this metabolic cost them they can exist on less algae and
still maintain the same respiration mate, which I have shown them
to do.
While rider C. scabma show differences in shell growth,
foraging area, density of population, and pemhaps in di
travelled compared to nonriders of the same species,
appmar unaffected hy the existence om nonexistente ot rider on
their backs. The major change incurred by the Li gigantea with
the addition of a Cy scabra is the loss of the algal coat that
presence of this algae ys, the presence of midess hypothetically
tould affect the i didentee in several ways: 1.) It could
incrmaze the levels of biceresimn by increasing the ameunt at
aldal borings am Okpan and Farrew l'
E discuss, 2.) It cmuld
deurmasz the layelz of biserssimn by increasing the avallability
Farrow, 1985), J.) It could effect the drag coefficient of the
limmet as a whole, 4.) The weight of the riders can increase the
metabolic needs of the Le gigantea because of the increased load
it muet carry in locomotion, or S.) The creation of a homescar by
the rider Co scabma could significantly weaken the Li gigantea
In actuality, none of these hypathetical effects cause a
significant difference between Ei didantea with and without
riders. First, the Ly gigantea show no difference in the ratio
of shell weight to sufame area (see fig. 6) between shells with
and without riders. If borings, either caused by algae om a
spunge, were significantly affecting the shells, a ditterence
umuld have occurred in these ratios (Young amp; Nelsen, 1985).
While the existence of riders did appear to be associated with an
increase in the occurrence of the boring sponge gliona gelata on
the My didantea shell, the microscopic bored holes were too small
te make any substantial differente tu the Li gidantea. Likewise,
the increass in drag coefficient due ta the algal coat on .
digantea with no riders has beem shownn to be insigniticantly
small and the loss of algae is likely to be countered by an
drag amefficient independent of the nummem of .tes nit
shell. In addition, the weight of the midens is unlikely to
ingrmaze the metabolic needm of lomemotion as the proportionally
metabolit cost (Denny, 1980, Calow, 1974). Finally, while
Lindberg ≈ Duyer fumpubliehed) document the sottening and
mussequent scraping of the area beneath the C. scabra in order to
create the homescar, the resulting spot of thinner shell is
unlikely te affect the overall strength of the shell because, as
Falmer (1980) implies, the shell structure as a factor in
strength can outweigh a few local changes in shell thickness.
Also, these spots of decressed shell thickness are usually
covered by the Sa scabma which created the scar and are, thus,
uzually not expmsed long enough for forres to take advantage o
these weak spt.
The spacial density of C. scabra is ten times less on L.
digantea than in the surrounding area, possibly due to limited
foraging arsa on the Li gigantea.
2.) In areas of increazed wave action the density of ridems om
the Ly gigantea increases, possibly dus to corresponding increase
in rate of algal growth caused by increased ambient water flow.
3.) Hider Ca sgabra have a higher ratio of shell mass per hody
mase than de nonriders, possibly due to either a.) a slower rate
of body growth necessitating that the shell be laid down thickem,
ar b.) the body mass being limited by the smallem internal volume
available created by the shell being laid down thicker.
A i
Abpan, E. B. & Farrow, G. E., 1985. Marine Geology, 67, 139-150.
Branch, G. M., 1971. Zool. Afr., o, 1-38.
Eranch, G. M. 2 Newell,, R. C., 1978. Mar. Biol., 47, J51-301.
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Fig. la Lottia Gigantea Sizes Varying With Intertidal Ht.
1.2 -

0.9 -
0.8 -
0.4 -
0.2 -
0.1 -
Height Above Lowest Transect (cm)
Fig. 1b Collisella Scabra Sizes Varying With Intertidal Ht.
43 -
46 -
44 -
42 -

40 -
36 -
34 -

Height Prom Lowest Transect (cm)
Fig. 2 SCABRA vs. LOTTIA Areas
150 -
140 -
130 -
120 -
110 -


+ + +

40 -


0 +
2.2 2.8
Lottio Giganteo Areo (em squored)
220 -
20 -
100 -


40 -

—kk t-

1.5 1.7
0.1 0.3 0,5 0.7 0.9
Lottio Oiganteo Ared (em squored)
8 —

o seeae


A +

(qouj bs/Bn) VZHV/TXHdOHOIHO
2.9 —
2.B -
2.7 -
2.6 -
2.3 -
1.7 -
1.5 -
1.4 -
0.9 -
+ No Agoe Coot
With end Wiout Ag
with aae
ithout algae

Lotto Oigonteo Sufoce Aeo (sq. Inch)
— No Agoe
Algoe Regresson

0 T



t 4
ti -
ta ta
t t.

Fig. 1aTheaerage areas of a
concurrentlyadecrease in the same, successivly higher intertidal
-91 , respectively)
Fig. 2 The area covered hy the C scabma is insignificantly
Fig. 3 The total area covered by all the D sabma miders on
Each La didantea morrelates somewhat with the area of the Li
-.51  - 45)
(Extluding the ianta withi
Fid. 5 Concentrations of chlorophyll a and chlomephyll b, usem
the humber of rider C. scabma increases. With two or more ridere
on a Le didantea, the algal amount present is approaching sero.(n
— )
Fid. 6 The presence of an algae coat (i.e. no riders) or lack
of an algae coat (i.e, with riders) made no difference in how
thick the Li dinantea makes its shell.
Fig. 7 Co scabra riders have a higher shell mass per body mass
than nepriders. This increased amount of shell mategial forme
thicker shells for the riders than the nenridess. (g - .47,
Ibis projemt would never have beem completed without the
anvice and encouragement of my advisor, Hark Demny. Had it nat
Laen for his ability to make the dreamy and often hazardous
intertidal work seem "neat", I would have given up on this
prejest leng ago. I would alze like to thank the rest of the
faculty and staff at Hepkins Mamine Station fom imparting on me many
of the ideas and technical knowledge I used in my work. Finally.
I would like to thank my fellow students, especially those
pesiding at 100 Forest Ave.. fom listening to all the thials and
tribulations of working with C.
in which I'm sure they held no previous interest.