Abstract The algal-cnidarian symbiosis is a useful system for investigating patterns of selection and adaptation different from standard single-organism models. Current research, mostly focused on tropical ecosystems, indicates that the host/symbiont relationship can be flexible: hosts can house different symbionts under different conditions. This flexibility may allow for adaptation of the entire symbiotic system (holosymbiont) rather than the individual players. However, less is known about the behavior of temperate algal-cnidarian systems. In this study, 1 examine the fine scale dinoflagellate symbiont biogeography in the temperate sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissimam, as first observed by LaJeunesse and Trench (2000). Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA indicates a complex transition zone from Cape Mendecino (N40° 24’, W124° 23’) to Salt Point (N38° 33’, W123° 20’), with anemones to the north harboring Symbiodinium muscatinei and those to the south co-harboring S. muscatinei and S. californium. S. californium is present in the north and south of the transition zone, but absent from the center. A new RFLP signature was found in anemones from the center of the transition zone, suggesting the presence of a third dinoflagellate species endemic to that area. Introduction The algal-cnidarian symbiosis offers an important example of the potential for non¬ genotypic adaptation in the natural world: current understanding suggests that multiple algal symbiont species may exist in flexible, adaptive relationships with their cnidarian hosts (Buddemeier and Fautin 1993; Baker 2003). These symbionts, dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium, represent an ancient and deeply diverged group (Rowan and Knowlton 1992; Rowan 1998) in which closely related types can differ in their response to such important environmental factors as temperature and irradiance (Rowan and Knowlton 1995; Savage et al. 2002; Baker 2003). While host-symbiont associations that exhibit high degrees of specificity appear to be range-limited by the physiological limitations of their symbionts (lglesias-Prieto et al. 2004), other, more flexible relationships may allow for greater and faster adaptation to different environmental conditions (Rowan et al. 1997; Baker 2001). The widely distributed temperate sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima may use symbiont-flexibility to exploit a range of ecological niches. In addition to dinoflagellate zooxanthellae, A. elegantissima can host chlorophyte zoochlorellae (Muscatine 1971; Lewis and Muller-Parker 2004). Zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae differ physiologically with respect to temperature and irradiance (Verde and McCloskey 2001, 2002) and are associated with anemones in different environments: zooxanthellate anemones are found preferentially in the exposed upper intertidal, while zoochlorellate anemones tend to be in lower, shaded habitats (McCloskey et al, 1996). In transplant experiments, aposymbiotic anemones grew symbiont populations adapted to the local microhabitat (i.e. zooxanthellae in bright light, zoochlorellae in partial light), suggesting that environmental factors can select for symbiont population type in A. elegantissima (Secord and Muller-Parker, 2005). A. elegantissima also hosts at least two species of Symbiodinium zooxanthellae (LaJeunesse and Trench 2000). S. muscatinei is found throughout A. elegantissima’s range from southern California to northern Washington, while S. californium has been reported in association with S. muscatinei only south of Carmel, California. These data suggest that environmental factors may also account for variation of zooxanthellae type in A. elegantissima, and the authors suggest temperature as the limiting factor. However, the large distance between sample sites in that study limits the utility of the results. Knowledge of the biogeography of A. elegantissima’s symbionts on a finer spatial scale could be useful in assessing the actual factors involved in creating the variation described above, as well as tracking and predicting the effects of changing environmental conditions on the Pacific coast. In this study, I utilized the methods of LaJeunesse and Trench (2000) to develop a finer- scale biogeography of A. elegantissima’s dinoflagellate symbionts. I sampled anemones at 30-80 kilometer intervals between Bodega Bay, CA and the Oregon border, amplified a portion of the 18s ribosomal gene using Symbiodinium specific primers, and characterized genotype using RFLP analysis. Methods and materials Collecting Tissue samples from 83 A. elegantissima were collected in May of 2005 between Pacific Grove and the Oregon border. A small piece of tissue was taken from each anemone, ranging from a few tentacles to a radial section, and preserved in 70% ethanol. Specific locations included Pelican Point (PP; N41° 57’, W124° 12’); Wilson Creek Beach (WC; N41° 36’, W124° 07’); Trinidad Head, north and south sides (TN and TS; N41° 02’, W124° 08’); Humboldt Bay north jetty, interior and exterior (HI and HE; N40° 46’, W124° 14’); Mattole Road on Cape Medocino (MR; N40° 24’, W124° 23’); Shelter Cove(SC; N40° 01’, W124° 04’); Van Damme State Park, near Albion (AL; N39° 16’, W123° 47’); Point Arena Cove (PA; N38° 54’, W123° 43’); Salt Point (SP; N38° 33’, W123° 20’); Bodega Bay (BB; N38° 19’, W123° 04’); and Pacific Grove (PG; N36° 37’, W121° 37’). Preliminary analysis of Bodega Bay specimens indicated the presence of S. californium, so no samples were taken between there and Pacific Grove. Between four and ten anemones were sampled at each site (Except PG, n-2). Samples at each site were taken from different tide heights and light exposure levels, and where possible, from different sides of potential biogeographic break points (e.g. Trinidad Head). DNA Extraction, Amplification, and RFLP Analysis I extracted DNA from the samples using a NucleoSpin6 spin-column kit from BD Biosciences. Between 1 and 3 tentacles from each anemone were extracted according to manufacturer instructions, except at half reagent volumes and spinning at 6000 rpm in a microcentrifuge for every step except elution. Columns were eluted with 50 ul warmed elution buffer as supplied in the kit and microcentrifuged at 3000 rpm for one minute. PCR amplification of an approximately 1800bp piece of thel 8s Small Sub-Unit ribosomal DNA (SSUFDNA) was performed using the following Symbiodinium-specific primers developed by Rowan and Powers (1991): sssz (GCA GTT ATA RTT TAT TTG ATG GTY RCT GCT AC) and ss3z (AGC ACT GCG TCA GTC CGA ATA ATT CAC CGG). 1:10 dilutions of the extracted genomic DNA were amplified in 25 ul reactions on a DYADTM thermocycler (MJ Research) under the following conditions: an initial denaturing at 92°C for 3 minutes; 35 cycles of 92°C denaturing for 30 seconds, 50°C annealing for 1 minute, and 72 extension for 1 minute; and a final 5 minute extension at 72°C. Amplifications were visualized on 1.5% agarose gels stained in ethydium bromide. Successful amplifications were digested with aTagl restriction enzyme in New England Biolabs Buffer 3 with BSA. 5 ul of the restriction solution, containing 1 unit of enzyme, were added to 20 ul of PCR product and incubated at 65°C for four hours. The product was run out on 3% agarose gels at 100V for two hours, then stained in ethydium bromide solution and photographed. I also amplified a sequence of approximately 650bp spanning part of 18s, internally transcribed spacer (ITS) 1, 5.8s, ITS2, and part of 28s using the primers s-DINO (CGC TCC TAC CGA TTG AGT GA) and DIR-rev (ATA TGC TTA AAT TCA GCG GGT). 25ul reactions were performed on a DYADTM thermocycler (MJ Research) under the following conditions: an initial denaturing at 92° for 3 minutes; 35 cycles of 92° for 30 seconds, 55° for 30 seconds, and 72° for 2 minutes; and a final extension at 72° for 5 minutes. Cloning, DNA sequencing, and analysis SSU amplifications from sample BB4 and ITS amplifications from samples BB4, PAS, and PP6 were cloned in competent E. coli cells using the pGEM-TG vector kit from Promega. The resulting colonies were then picked into strip tubes and screened for presence of the desired sequence. Screens were run on a DYADTM thermocycler (MJ Research) using the vector primers T7 and M13r under the following conditions: initial denaturing at 94° for 3 minutes, 35 cycles of 94° for 30 seconds, 55° for 30 seconds, and 72° for 1 minute 30 seconds, followed by a 5 minute final extension. Some successful screens were reamplified using the internal SSU primers and reaction conditions as described above. Screens were visualized on 1.5% agarose gels stained in ethydium bromide, and those yielding the desired band size were cleaned for sequencing using shrimp alkaline phosphatase and exonuclease. Cycle sequencing was performed on a DYADTM thermocycler (MJ Research) in 1Oul reactions containing 6.5ul water, 1.75ul 5X sequencing buffer, lul cleaned PCR template, 0.25ul primer, and 0.5ul BigDye6 from Applied Biosystems, Inc. Reaction conditions were as follows: initial denaturing at 96° C for 3 minutes followed by 40 cycles of 96° C for 10 seconds, 50° C for 10 seconds, and 60° C for 4 minutes. Sequencing was attempted using all primers described above. DNA was precipitated from the product with 40ul of 75% isopropanol and pelleted in a centrifuge at 12,500g for 1 hour. Pellets were dried, resuspended in formamide, and sequenced on an Applied Biosystems 3100 Genetic Analyzer. Sequences were cleaned and aligned in SequencherTM 4.2 (Applied Biosystems, Inc.). Alignments were exported to PAUP* 4.0b10 (available from Sinauer Associates, Inc) and analyzed for parsimony. Results Digestion with aTagl yielded three characteristic RFLP profiles distributed geographically (Fig 1). The first, found north of Cape Mendecino, has distinct bands at approximately 900bp, 500bp, and 200bp (Fig 2a), equivalent to the restriction sites for S. muscatinei as described by LaJeunesse and Trench (2000). The second, found south of Cape Mendecino, had the same three bands as the northern populations with an additional band at approximately 800bp (Fig 2b). This additional band coincides with the band found by LaJeunesse and Trench (2000) in southern anemone populations, and may represent both large fragments (867bp and 794bp) predicted by the sequence for S. californium in GenBank (AF225965). The 129bp fragment predicted by this sequence is visible in digests of all samples from Pacific Grove and Bodega Bay and one from Salt Point (Fig 3a), but not in those north of Bodega Bay (Fig 3b). This may be due to poor amplification of S. californium from anemones with mixed populations (LaJeunesse and Trench, 2000). Alternatively, it may be due to the loss of a restriction site in some S. californium from northern anemones. Digests displaying the 800bp band from Pacific Grove to Cape Mendocino yielded an additional band at around 1000bp not described by LaJeunesse and Trench (2000), a band especially strong in those digests that did not show the 129bp fragment. This 1000bp band may represent bases 1-1000 of the amplified S. californium fragment, undigested either due to loss of the 867bp restriction site in these populations or an incomplete digestion. Notably, the band pattern representative of S. californium is absent in digests from Albion and Point Arena, both of which are south of Cape Mendocino. All samples from these two sites, as well as several from Mattole Road and two from the south side of Trinidad Head, displayed a patter similar to that from northern samples but with two additional bands: one near 880bp, the other near 480bp (Fig 2c). This new restriction pattern is undescribed, and may represent a new Symbiodinium type endemic to the central California coast. In the two collection locations where multiple restriction patterns were present, samples didn’t appear to be correlated to elevation above mean tide level or basic microhabitat type. At the Mattole Road location, the only one to show all three restriction patterns, there appeared to be at least one anemone (MR8) containing each Symbiodinium type. The full data set is given in Appendix I. To test the possibility that the third, novel restriction pattern represented a new Symbiodinium type, I cloned and sequenced SSU and ITS sequences from sample PAS, which displays the new restriction pattern; and PP6, which doesn’t. Unfortunately, the resulting SSU sequence fragments, ranging from 125 to 350bp, were too short to include any of the restriction sites. ITS clones, which yielded sequences between 500 and 650bp, mostly clustered with an ITS sequence from S. muscatinei obtained from GenBank (AF333510). While one cloned sequence from PAS grouped outside this cluster, a 100-replicate bootstrap search does not show significance (Fig 4). Discussion This study shows a clear shift in dinoflagellate symbiont types inhabiting A. elegantissima on the California coast, and characterizes the primary transition zone between the two major symbiont types as an approximately 240 kilometer section between latitudes N40° 24' (Cape Mendecino) and N38° 23’ (Salt Point). This transition zone is not a gradual cline, showing instead at least one alternation between northern- and southern-type symbiont communities. A new RFLP profile endemic to the transition zone suggests but does not confirm the presence of an undescribed Symbiodinium species inhabiting anemones in this transition zone. While the large-scale results—specifically the loss of S. californium in anemones between central California and Oregon—are consistent with previous observation (LaJeunesse and Trench, 2000), the finer scale of sampling reveals a greater degree of complexity than was previously understood. It has been proposed that colder water temperatures are the primary selective force limiting S. californium’s range to the south (LaJeunesse and Trench, 2000). Although local water temperature has been well established as the most important factor in determining Anthopleura symbiont type at the phylum level (Saunders and Muller-Parker, 1997; Secord and Augustine, 2000), its effects on symbiont population at the species level have not been directly studied. Most studies of temperature effects on symbiont population composition in cnidarians focus on tropical subtidal species, and most directly demonstrated physiological species boundaries are for maximum rather than minimum thermal tolerances (Baker, 2003). Since A. elegantissima is an intertidal species exposed to a much wider range of environmental extremes, those studies may have limited applicability. The biogeographic complexity of the transition zone raises questions about the hypothesis that cold water temperatures are the major factor controlling the distribution of Symbiodinium type in A. elegantissima. How can temperature variation account for the ubiquitous representation of S. californium in samples from Salt Point and Shelter Cove and its complete absence from samples at two points in between? The relative lack of sites showing multiple symbiont community profiles suggests that either competition between symbiont types is strong enough to act uniformly on small differences, or that the local environmental differences controlling symbiont community structure are large enough to generate a sharp cline. If water temperature is the controlling variable, measurements at those locations should track the symbiont distribution. Such an observation would be the first strong evidence in favor of that hypothesis. Because A. elegantissima is a mid- to upper-intertidal organism, however, its most significant thermal stresses are likely to occur when exposed to air. Studies of another Pacific 10 coast intertidal species, the California mussel, have shown that interactions between tide timing, wave splash, and terrestrial conditions can generate selectively significant "hot spots" at northern latitudes (Helmuth et al., 2002). Such a phenomenon could account for the transition zone observed in this study: Cape Mendecino could represent an area of reduced cold stress during the most selectively important times, thus allowing for the presence of S. californium farther north than a simple temperature gradient would predict. This study also suggests, but does not confirm, the presence of a third Symbiodinium type present in California A. elegantissima. The additional RFLP signal in some samples is difficult to explain by poor amplification because of the clarity and uniformity of the bands, and because of the geographic consistency of the signal. However, the smaller size of both new bands implies the presence of a third new band, potentially in the 300-400bp range, which is not visible in any of the digests. Sequence analysis, if consistent with the new RFLP signal, should provide ample evidence either way. More extensive molecular investigation will be required, but if substantiated as an additional member of the A. elegantissima symbiont group, this third type would be unique in its limited range. Conclusion In this study, I used RFLP analysis of 18S Small Subunit Ribosomal DNA to assess the previously undescribed fine scale biogeography of Symbiodinium species in symbiotic relationships with Anthopleura elegantissima on the California coast. Results were consistent with a single species (Symbiodinium muscatinei) inhabiting all anemones, with a second species (S. californium) found only in southern hosts. The transition appeared to take place between Cape Mendocino and Salt Point, a distance of approximately 240 kilometers. Symbiont populations within the transition zone did not follow a simple cline, instead displaying near- ubiquitous S. californium presence at the north and south ends of the zone and complete absence in the center. RFLP digests from anemones in the transition zone which lacked S. californium displayed a new restriction pattern, suggesting the presence of a previously unknown Symbiodinium type endemic to the transition zone. Acknowledgements Many thanks to George Somero and Steve Palumbi, my mentors and advisors throughout this project; to the entire Palumbi lab for their kindness and patience in hosting me, especially Tom Oliver and Adam McCoy; to Jim Watanabe for his assistance in editing. Special thanks to Chris Harley of Bodega Bay Marine Lab for collecting the Bodega Bay samples and generously hosting me on my own collecting trip. Literature Cited Baker, A. C. 2001. Reef corals bleach to survive change. Nature 411: 765-766. Baker, A. C. 2003 Flexibility and specificity in coral-algal symbiosis: diversity, ecology, and biogeography of Symbiodinium. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 34: 661-68. Buddemeier, R. W. and D. G. 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Biogeography and microhabitat variation in temperate algal¬ invertebrate symbioses: Zooxanthellae and zoochlorellae in two Pacific intertidal sea anemones, Anthopleura elegantissima and A. xanthogrammica. Invertebrate Biology 119: 139-146. Verde, E. A. and L. R. McCloskey. 2001. A comparative analysis of the photobiology of zooxanthellae and zoochlorellae symbiotic with the temperate clonal anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt). I. Effect of temperature. Marine Biology 138: 477- 489. Verde, E. A. and L. R. McCloskey. 2002. A comparative analysis of the photobiology of zooxanthellae and zoochlorellae symbiotic with the temperate clonal anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt). II. Effect of light intensity. Marine Biology 141: 225-239. Figures Legend Figure 1. Symbiont populations of anemones on the Northern California coast. Pie graphs illustrate relative abundance of each RFLP profile at each collecting site; pie size represents sample size. Figure 2. Three RFLP digests displaying the three different signatures. A) Northern symbiont community; three bands indicate the sole presence of S. muscatinei. B) Southern symbiont community C) Transitional symbiont community. Note the presence of additional bands (arrowed) approximately 20-40 base pairs smaller than the two larger bands in a). This pattern is indicative of S. muscatinei, possibly mixed with an unknown Symbiodinium type. Figure 3. RFLP digests for anemones containing S. californium at two locations. A) Samples from Bodega Bay. Note clear presence of a 129bp band, indicated by an arrow. B) Samples from Shelter Cove, the northernmost location in which all samples harbored S. Californium. Note absence of 129bp band and presence of a stronger band at around 110Obp, indicated by an arrow. Figure 4. 100-replicate bootstrap tree of cloned ITS sequences from the symbiont populations of anemones from Pigeon Point (PP6) and Point Arena (PA5). PP6 displays a typical S. muscatinei RFLP signature. PA5 displays the intermediate, unknown RFLP signature in additions to the S. muscatinei. Clone itsPA5-B7 may represent an additional Symbiodinium species. Figure 1 PP W TI T5 H HE MR Sc AC PA ( Sp B8C S. muscatinei S. muscatinei + unknown S. muscatinei + S. californium PGC 16 gure 2 Figure 3 18 Figure 4 Bootstrap 73 — ItSPA5-A8-f D10 08.ab1 — itSPPG-C7-fG10 14.ab — itsP A5-B8-f F1O 12.ab1 —itsPA5-H8-fG08 14.ab1 — ItSPA5-E7-1 B08 04.ab1 — itsPA5-G7-f EOS 10.ab1 itSPP6-A5-f 007.13 ab — S.nuscatnei —itSPA5-B7-f E10 10.ab S.-califomium Appendix: RFLP symbiont types by sample Pelican Point 1 4 - Wilson Creek 1 M Trinidad North 1 M, I M, I Trinidad South 1 Humbolt Interior 1 Humbolt Exterior 1 4 Mattole Road 1 M, C M, C M, I Legend Unsuccessful amplification Symbiodinium muscatinei present Unknown RFLP signature present Symbiodinium californium present Shelter Cove 1 Albion 1 Point Arena 1 Salt Point 1 Bodega Bay 1 Pacific Grove 1 M, I M, I M, C M, I M, I M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, I M, I M, I M, I M, I M, I M, I M, I M, I M, I M, I M, I M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C M, C 20