OLFACTORY RECEPTORS AND NERVE TRANSMISSION IN ROCKFISH OF THE GENUS SEBASTES Brendan Flannery June 9, 1989 Hopkins Marine Station Spring Course ABSTRACT Work on olfaction in fish is significant in two major ways. First, characterization of effective attractants obviously would impact on commercial fishing. Second, examining basic olfactory mechanisms in fish could further our general understanding of sensory mechanisms in vertebrates. We examined the olfactory system in three abundant rockfish of the Sebastes genus in order to initiate such a program of research. We discovered extremely slow conduction velocities of in the olfactory nerve of 15 to 25 cm/sec, and extremely small axons, even compared to other fish. Our studies raise questions about the organization of these axons in the olfactory nerve. Finally, tissue dissociation proved effective in isolating single receptor cells in high yield. Future research on olfaction in Sebastes rockfish looks very promising. INTRODUCTION Herman Kleerekoper (1969), in his extensive review of olfaction in fish, remarked, that "the olfactory organ is the most primitive among the sensory receptors." Yet, we do not understand the mechanisms involved in olfaction. Such events as receptor-stimulant interaction. neural processing and recognition of odors remain unsolved puzzles and great possibilities exist for significant future research. Olfaction in fish has historically been a useful system with which to address these questions because the sense of smell is highly developed in these animals. For example, certain species can detect alanine and other substances at extremely low concentrations (Hara, 1975). Migratory salmon find identify home stream by the "scent" of small concentrations of chemicals (Ueda, cited in Bardach and Villars, 1974). We can infer the importance of olfaction for fish simply from observing the extremely large size of the olfactory organ in relation to that of the brain, and the tremendous number of receptor cells (up to 10 million; Doving, cited in Kleerekoper, 1969). Despite the historical interest in fish olfaction from a behavioral point of view and the large number of readily accessible receptor cells, the organ in fish has received comparatively little attention in studies focusing on transduction mechanisms in single receptor cells. Current research techniques of particular importance are being applied in the study of olfactory receptor cells of other species. Patch clamp recording enables visualization of membrane currents mediated by receptor and channel proteins (Nakamura and Gold, 1987). Biochemical and molecular research analyzes properties of the membrane proteins themselves (Lancet, 1986). Both approaches might benefit from a large pool of sensory cells, such as occurs in fish. The shortage of work on fish with these newer techniques is even more surprising in light of the great commercial importance of these animals. We have initiated studies designed to develop a model experimental system for examination of transduction mechanisms in olfactory receptor cell of a fish. The present paper describes several aspects of the anatomy and physiology of the olfactory organ and nerve in Sebastes, genus of Scorpionidae rockfish common in the North Pacific. The particular advantages of study on this animal include the ready access to the organ and nerve, the easy dissociation of single receptor cells, and the large number of species available for comparative purposes. METHODS AND MATERIALS Isolation of Olfactory Organ and Nerve We examined three species of Sebastes rockfish: chrysomelus (black and yellow), atrovirens (kelp), and caurinus (copper). All fish were caught with barbless hooks baited with squid in the intertidal zone of the Monterey Bay. They ranged in length from 20 to 25 cm. Fish were kept for up to two weeks in a tank with circulating natural sea water at ambient sea water temperature (13-15 C), and sustained with regular feeding. Individual fish were killed by rapid decapitation, and one eye was removed to expose the olfactory nerve, which runs along the inside of the orbit. The olfactory nerve was then severed where it entered the skull and separated from surrounding connective tissue. We enlarged the naris, freed the olfactory organ from the pigmented tissue which held it in place in the nasal cavity, and then teased out the entire organ and intra-orbital section of nerve through the enlarged naris. The nerve is easily damaged during this procedure at the site where it passes through the ocular bone which separates the nasal cavity from the eye socket. If the extraction of organ and nerve is carried out carefully, with a minimum of lateral pulling and without squeezing the nerve in the forceps, the preparation obtained shows no difference in characteristics of nerve transmission compared to those observed with in situ preparations. All experiments were carried out in a saline solution designed for Pacific sanddab (Citharichthys sordidus) by Gilly (1987): 200 NaCl, 4 Cacl , 4MgCl, 3KCl, 10 Hepes (mmol/1), buffered to 7.2 with NaOH. All chemicals were obtained from Sigma Chemical (St. Louis, MO). Transmission Electron Microscopy We fixed pieces of nerve and rosette in 28 glutaraldehyde in fish saline for two hours, then washed in clean saline and postfixed in 2% OsO in artificial sea water for one hour. Osmolarity of the glutaraldehyde was adjusted to approximate that of the fish saline by dilution with deionized water. After dehydration in graded ethanol. tissue was embedded in LR White. Sections approximately 0.15 microns thick (silver-gold) were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and viewed at an accelerating voltage of 60kV in a Phillips 201 electron microscope. Recording Action Currents in Nerve The method of extracellular recording is described in Gilly, Yee and Burkhardt (1986). Glass suction electrodes ranged in diameter from O.5mm to O.1mm, and we obtained best recordings when the nerve precisely filled the tip of the suction electrode, thereby creating a fairly tight seal. The stimulating electrode consisted of two Pt-Ir wires (70 um diameter) separated by 150 um and insulated by a thin film of silicone glue. We calculated conduction velocities by dividing inter-electrode distance by the time lapse between the onset of the shock artifact and an estimate of median height of the depolarizing action current on a storage oscilloscope. Uncertainty in determining the median height of the first spike leads to an estimated maximum error of 10% in the conduction velocities. Isolation of Single Cells Pieces of a rosette consisting of 4-5 lamellae were dissected manually and placed in normal saline containing 5 mg/ml Protease XIV (Sigma) for 50 minutes. The pieces of tissue were then washed in clean saline and immediately examined under an inverted compound microscope (4Ox objective). We also found that "natural" cell dissociation took place when slices of the rosette were simply left in saline at room temperature for two hours. In both cases, we dispersed cells from the lamellae by gently shaking the tissue manually. RESULTS Examination of Olfactory Organ and Nerve The rosettes removed from adult rockfish of 20-25 cm length filled the nasal cavity underneath the incurrent and excurrent nostrils. The rosette is slightly elliptical in shape, with 20-24 lamellae. Very small lamellae lie at the most anterior end, and significantly larger ones at the posterior end of the nasal cavity (Figure ja). This anatomy agrees with that described for similar fishes by Kleerekoper (1969). Observation of a living rosette under a compound microscope (40x water immersion objective) revealed motile cilia on the "top" edge of each lamella (i.e., the edge facing the inhalant naris). Beating of these cilia propelled fluid down each surface of the lamella towards the center of the rosette and outwards between the lamellae. What appeared to be receptor cells were visible on the lower half of the flat sides of the lamellae. Whether those cells were restricted to these areas could not be determined. The olfactory nerve extracted with the rosette measured up to 3 cm in length. The whole nerve consists of about 8 major bundles, each with numerous subdivisions (Figure 1b). The tissue sheath on each individual bundle does not bind to that surrounding adjacent bundles. Thus, for when we cut the sheath wrapping the whole nerve, the separate bundles would fall apart. This made it feasible to obtain a single bundle of axons (several hundred thousand axons) several om in length. thereby permitting stimulation and recording of action currents in a specific group of axons. Although the dissection becomes more difficult, each major bundle can be further "de-sheathed" to expose a number of minor bundles or filaments, referred to collectively as "fila olfactoria" by Kleerekoper (1969). Recording can also be done from these smaller filaments. Each major bundle seems to innervate one specific region of the rosette, most likely a wedge of several lamellae. Where the major bundles approach the bottom of the rosette, distinct branching occurs, as depicted in Figure 1b. In some instances, one of these smaller filaments or fila could be traced into a single lamella. Transmission Electron Microsopy Observations of the olfactory nerve in cross section (Figure 2) reveal the fine structure of the axonal bundles. A Schwann cell nucleus is visible and varying numbers of tiny axons are ensheathed by the processes sent out by such Schwann cells. The number of Schwann cells and their exact three-dimensional disposition could not be determined in our observations. Each Schwann cell must ensheath thousands of small axons, however, and the average axonal diameter is approximately 0.05 microns (histogram, Figure 3). The extensive shrinkage seen in the preparation makes accurate diameter estimation impossible. Use of the electron microscope to view epithelium will be discussed in conjunction with the results on isolation of single cells. Electrophysiolgy Extracellular recordings of olfactory nerve activity were made with a suction electrode, applied either en passant or to the cut end of the nerve. Following a brief electric shock applied to the nerve, we observed a bi-phasic, graded spike typical of compound activity from a large number of axons with similar properties. (Figure 4). Conduction velocity was very slow, as would be expected for non¬ myellinated axons of such small diameter (see below). Increasing shock strengths showed that the greater recruitment of axons at higher voltage did not appreciably change the time course of the response. However, in many instances, shocks near threshold did reveal a dramatic change in time course. This change in time course could assume either of two representations: two distinct peaks would appear at different thresholds, as depicted in Figure 5, or a "shoulder" would arise in the depolarizing phase of the spike, as can be seen in Figure 6. These phenomena suggest that more than one class of axon may exist. Conduction velocities measured ranged from 15 to 25 cm/sec. The variation occurred from nerve to nerve, and velocities did not depend on distance the stimulating and recording electrode. Figure 6a shows two records from the same nerve for inter-electrode distances of O.4 and 0.8 cm. Figure 6b shows three records from the same nerye at distances of 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 cm. The conduction velocity is measured in each response as approximately 15 cm/sec. Increasing inter¬ electrode distance did cause a widening of the recorded signal, and a slower rise to peak voltage (Figure 6). Isolation of single sensory cells Several cell types are visible in the material dissociated from the sensory epithelium, as documented in Figure 7. The yield of receptor cells from this procedure was excellent, although the protease seemed to remove the long sensory cilia which are expected to be associated with sensory receptors (Kleerekoper, 1969). In an attempt to visualize ciliated sensory cells, we also observed cells shaken from "naturally" dissociated tissue. The yield from this method was much lower, and most of the sensory cells seen had broken off from the tissue in the company of support cells and were not easily visualized. Between the two methods, several specific cell types could be found which appear to correspond well to those depicted in the schematic drawing at the top of Figure 7 (taken from Bardach and Villars, 1974). Basal cells did not appear in the dissociated material in any number. Figures 8 and 9 show electron micrographs of a section through the olfactory epithelium in a plane normal to the lamellar face. The same type of cells seen in the dissociated material were also seen in fixed tissue. A receptor equipped with cilia appears in Figure 8a. Basal cells appear at the bottom of Figure 9. Figure 8b shows two receptor¬ like cells without cilia, most likely a simple result of the cutting plane. Although only a small sample size was analyzed, we observed no receptor cells in slices from the top of the lamellae. All of the receptor cells were found on the side of one lamellae, facing another lamellae. This leads to the idea that ciliated cells on top of the lamellae may serve to move water down between the folds towards the receptors. DISCUSSION Before choosing the rockfish, we compared the size of olfactory organs in several intertidal fish. Compared to specked sanddabs (Citharichthys stigmaeus), black surfperch (Embiotica lateralis) and monkey-faced eel (Cebidichthys viacens), the olfactory rosette in rockfish was the largest relative to body size. It was discovered that in sand dabs and eel, the nasal cavity would fill with mucus when the animal was killed. This made the dissection of these animals difficult. Because this effect was not observed in rockfish, the removal of the organ from rockfish was much simpler. An interesting organization of the olfactory nerve exists which facilitates extracellular recording. Individual bundles of nerve fibers appear to directly innervate primarily, and perhaps solely, one region of the rosette. This arrangement facilitates mapping of the rosette for responsiveness when recording from one of these bundles. and will be useful in further testing of Mozell's (1970) hypothesis that there exist regions of different specificities on the sensory epithelium. Further, if such spatial patterning exists, the correspondence between specific filaments and lamellae may play an important role in signal processing. The observed effects of increasing inter-electrode distance on the time course of the recorded action currents fits well with a hypothesis that axons in most bundles are of very close, but not identical diameter. As the distance traveled by the response increases, the small variation in conduction velocities causes the spike to broaden. Often, a difference in conduction time between groups of slightly smaller or larger axons appears as a "shoulder" which is smoothed out in the broadening peak as distance traveled increases (see Figure 6b). Several of our results raise the question of whether there are separable or definable fiber types in olfactory nerve. Certainly, the appearance of two peaks or of a "shoulder" on some responses suggest that two classes of axons exist. A variety of waveforms was recorded: two clear spikes (Figure 5), "shoulders" (Figure 6) and very smooth shape (Figure 4). This variation suggests that the distribution of different diameter axons may not be uniform throughout the nerye. In the cross-section of nerve in Figure 2 and accompanying histogram in Figure 3, neither distinct spatial segregation nor proof for two classes of axons can be demonstrated. Additional anatomical measurement and a larger sample size would be necessary to solve this point. Packaging of fibers of larger or smaller diameters in different Schwann cells could explain the phenomena observed in the two traces of Figure 5. The faster, larger axons making the first spike should be the first to depolarize, exhibiting a lower threshold, as seen in the top trace. However, in the bottom trace, the smaller axons involved in creating the slower spike show a lower threshold. However, we propose this phenomena to be the result of placing the stimulating electrode closer to a region enriched in smaller axons. The more distant regions containing the larger axons would thus be excited only at higher voltages. Whether the differentiation of bundles of fibers has a specific purpose is a question which will require much future investigation. Unfortunately, attempts to electrically stimulate the sensory face of the epithelium yielded no interpretable results. More careful mapping and recording from smaller nerve bundles might yield positive results. Recording from nerve while applying chemical stimulants to the sensory epithelium is technically feasible with this organ, but our limited attempts at chemical stimulation do not warrant serious discussion. Dissociation of single putative sensory cells from the olfactory epithelium was very successful. The simple methods used and the resultant high yield make it seem likely that additional technical refinements would produce even better results. It definitely appears that single cell recording techniques such as patch clamp should work well for studying olfaction in fish. Furthermore, the ready access to the large olfactory organ in rockfish and the success we had with dissociation methods prompts us to suggest use of these rockfish for future biochemical and molecular research on the olfactory system. Using fish as models for olfactory research shows great promise, not only in relation to fisheries biology and commercial fishing, but 12 E also for elucidating basic mechanisms governing olfaction in vertebrates. ACKNOW LEDGMENTS 1 thank Bruce Hopkins for operating the Transmission Electron Microscope, and Dr. Stuart Thompson for helpful advice. I appreciate my parents' patient waiting for the conclusion of this project. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bardach, J.E. and Villars, Trudy. 1974. "The Chemical Senses of Fishes."in Grant, P.T. and Mackie, A.M., eds. Chemoreception in Marine Organisms. London: Academic Press. pp. 49-97. Bardach, J. 1975. "Chemoreception in Aquatic Animals." in Denton, D. and Coghlan, J., eds. Olfaction and Taste V New York: Academic Press. pp. 121-132. Bernard, Rudy. 1975. "Can Taste Neuron Specificity Coexist with Multiple Sensitivity?" in Denton, D. and Coghlan, J., eds. Olfaction and Taste V New York: Academic Press. pp. 11-14. Easton, Dexter. 1965. 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Lancet, Doron. 1986. "Vertebrate Olfactory Reception," in Annual Review of Neuroscience. 9. pp. 329-55 Laverack, M. S. 1974. "The Structure and Function of Chemoreceptor Cells." in Grant, P.T. and Mackie, A.M., eds. Chemoreception in Marine Organisms. London: Academic Press. pp. 1-49. Mozell, Maxwell. 1971. "Spatial and Temporal Patterning," in Beidler, Lloyd, ed. Handbook of Sensory Physiology, Volume IV: Chemical Senses, Part I: Olfacti n. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. 205-216. Nakamura, T. and Gold, G. 1987. "A cyclic nucleotide-gated conductance in olfactory receptor cilia. Nature. 325, 442-444. FIGURES Figure 1. Drawing of olfactory organ as viewed from front and back. From back of rosette, branching of major bundles into filaments is apparent. Major bundles, fila olfactoria, pigmented tissue and orientation is labeled. Figure 2. Cross section of Sebastes chrysomelus olfactory nerve. 10,000x. Scale: 1 micron. Schwann cell nucleus (Nu.), Schwann cell ensheathing processes (Pr), and axons (ax.) are labelled. Shrinkage of tissue in preparation is apparent by amount of plastic (white areas) in picture. Figure 3. Histogram representing distribution of axon sizes as measured from Figure 2. Figure 4. Typical bi-phasic, graded action current in olfactory nerve of Sebastes atrovirens, as observed with extracellular recording. Shocks: 20, 40, 60, 80 & 100 V with 0.4 msec duration. Interelectrode distance: O.6 cm. Figure 5. Responses showing two peaks. Top: Larger, faster axons (first peak) have lower threshold while smaller axons are recruited at greater shock strength. Shocks: 10-50V with 1Omsec (long) duration. Inter-electrode distance: 1.2 cm. Bottom: Recruitment of fibers now reversed. Smaller axons (second peak) show lower threshold. Shocks: 10-40 V with 0.4 msec duration. Inter-electrode distance: 0.6 cm. Figure 6. Effect of changing inter-electrode distance on response. Both pictures are from the same preparation. Notice appearance of "shoulder" consistently on all spikes. Top: Two spikes represent inter-electrode distances of 0.4 and 0.8 cm. Shocks: 45V at 0.4 cm, 45-60 V at 0.8 cm with duration of 0.4 msec. Bottom: Three spikes represent distances of 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 cm. Shock: 65V at all three positions with O.4 msec duration. Figure 7. Identification of cells dissociated from olfactory epithelium based on drawings by Holl (cited in Bardach-Villars). a) Original drawing by Holl. b-g) All pictures of cells dissociated with Protease, except for e) which came from "natural" dissociation. All cells were seen under inverted compound microscope at 600x. b)two apparent types of receptor cells; c)elongate receptor cell; d)"cigar- shaped" receptor cell; e)ciliated cell; f) ciliated cell with cilia removed; g)goblet cell. Figure 8. Detail of sensory epithelium from olfactory organ of Sebastes chrysomelus. a) 4,500x. b) 4,500x. Resolution of receptor cells (rc), supporting cells (sc), and ciliated cells (cc). Figure 9. Transmission micrograph of sensory epithelium from olfactory organ of Sebastes chrysomelus. 1,500x. Goblet cells (gc), receptor cells (rc) and basal cells (bc) are visible. . Single lamella 119 L pigwented fissue linig ose Onerser and asal c Silamant Sila olsactore V maje Burde Figure ft C 25 15- 10 Fi d d .12 500 0,02-0.04 0.04-0.06 0.06-0.08 0.08-0.10 0.10-0.12 Axon Diameters (in microns) ire 3 20 msec Figure 4 O.4 40 msec 20 msec 0.2 O. Figure 20 msec 20 msec Figure 6 e a L Ner D Detail of an olfactory lamella of the eel (from Holl. 1965). (1) receptors (2) supporting cells (3) ciliated cells (4) basal cells (5) goblet cell c) d) a) Figure 25 mcros 24 2 Figure 8 104 Figure 9