ABSTRACT A 4.6 kilometer stretch of beach was sampled for poly- chaete distribution. Analysis shows these beach polychaetes to be divided into three groups with respect to tidal height. A high group of 4 species of sand and particle feeders clus- ters around the mean higher high water (+1.72 meters). A parallel group of sand and particle feeders occurs on the low beach (0.0 to +0.73 meters). A smaller group of preda¬ tors spans the area from the low beach to the higher high water line. It is suggested that the polarization into high and low groups is caused by a central zone of substrate disturbance and/or by differing moisture and organic contents. The area of study contained two gradients. The first was a vertical gradient of moisture and organic content increasing with decreasing tidal height. The second was a lateral gradient of increasing wave action and sand size, decreasing organic content and water content, and decreasing species number. INTRODUCTION Polychaete worms have often been found to be major consti- tuents of sandy beach communities (Eltringham, 1971). Histori- cally, however, their distribution has been studied only in the most general terms and very little has been learned about their distribution on specific beaches and how this distribution relates to environmental factors. This condition is character- istic of the status of our present understanding of sandy beach communities. In short, very little is known about intertidal zonation and ecological relationships in the sand habitat as compared to the voluminous literature available on the rocky intertidal. Many of the organisms of the beach live under the surface of the sand and therefore the usual vertical gradients, so often associated with tidal cycles and exposure in the rocky inter- tidal, are not immediately evident here. Closer examination of the seemingly homogeneous sandy beach reveals that indeed organ- isms are distributed relative to tidal height and they also may show lateral variation in response to changing physical features along the beach. Previous studies of polychaetes in the Monterey Bay area (Moore, 1909; Chamberlain, 1918) have been mostly taxonomic in nature and have provided little information concerning distri- bution, physical environmental parameters, or the possible relations between the two. A few studies (Rote, 1969; Clark and Haderlie, 1962) have dealt with the biology of single species. The area chosen for our study, Del Monte Beach, was a stretch of beach within Monterey Bay which showed apparently strong gradients of wave action and associated parameters. This offered us a study area with two sets of cross gradients, one vertical, related to tidal exposure, and the other hori- zontal, related to geographical variations. This investigation was designed to determine the specific distribution of polychaete species on this stretch of sandy beach in Monterey Bay and to try and relate this distribution to gradients of physical factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS AREA OF STUDY The study was conducted on a 4.6 km beach stretching north from Municipal Wharf 2 in Monterey, California to the southern border of Fort Ord. Six transects, approximately 900 meters apart, were established (Fig. 1), each stretching from the berm to the lowest point that could be reached at lower low tide (approximately -0.3 meters). Both physical parameters and polychaete distributions were studied at each transect at lower low tide either on the same day or on two successive days. ORGANIC CONTENT DETERMINATION On each transect sand samples were taken 15 cm below the beach surface at four equidistant locations reaching from the berm to the waterline with the exact locations determined by the length of the transect. The organic content was determined, in triplicate, using the wet ashing technique of Strickland and Parsons (1965). SAND SIZE AND WATER CONTENT Samples were taken on the surface and 15 cm below at four or more locations between the berm and the waterline on each transect. The samples were placed in tared beakers and covered. In the laboratory the samples were weighed, dried for 24 hours in an 80° oven and weighed again to constant weight. From these figures water content of the samples was calculated as percentage water per gram dry weight of sand. Water content was determined only for the subsurface samples. All samples were then analysed for sand size by combining each pair of surface and below surface samples and sifting through a set of Standard Tyler screens with mesh sizes of 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, and 0.063 mm. Cumulative per- centages were calculated and graphed against screen size to determine md values for each sample. Since the mdQ values for the samples on any single transect were always very close (e.g. at Del Monte the mean Q value was 1.16 with a standard deviation of 0.082), they were averaged to give a single mdo value for the entire transect. PERMEABILITY A constant head permeability device was used after the methods of Means and Parcher (1971). On each transect three samples were taken at tidal heights of approximately O, O.6, and 1.8 meters using a PVC pipe coring device. 60 ml bottle samples were taken from the top, middle, and bottom of this core. In the laboratory the core was "reconstructed" by pouring the sand into the constant head device in the same sequence as it was collected in the field. The apparatus was then filled with water and allowed to run for 4.3 hours, after which large changes in permeability due to packing had ceased. After measuring the core length and water head a quantity of water was taken in a beaker over a period of 20 seconds and the permeability determined by the equation: pin cm secL where hAt L = length of core in cm, Q = volume of water collected in co, h = length of water head in cm, A = cross sectional area of core in cm, and t = time in seconds. SALINITY Salinity of interstitial water was sampled along each transect at the four points used for sand size. Determination was accomplished with an AO refractometer which reads salinity directly in parts per thousand. POPULATION SAMPLING Samples were taken along each transect at 3 meter intervals, starting at the berm. 1.5 meters on each side of the transect a quarter meter cubic corer (1/64 m2) was driven into the beach and the enclosed sand troweled into a bucket. The sample was then wet sifted on the beach simultaneously through two screens of mesh sizes 6 and 1 mm respectively. All organisms were collected and returned to the laboratory for counting and identification. In addition qualitative samplings were often taken to determine boundaries of populations and to assure that no major polychaete populations were overlooked. RESULTS I. PHYSICAL FACTORS WAVE ACTION AND SLOPE OF BEACH A definite gradient of increasing wave action from south to north was observed with slight wave action occuring at Del Monte increasing to relatively heavy wave action at Sand City. Wave size increased at a moderate rate between Del Monte and Holiday Inn and then showed a large increase at Seaside and Sand City. Although wave action varied greatly from day to day over the entire area, the same general gradient was apparently maintained. Due to daily degradation and accumulation of sand on the beach, the slope of each transect could not be easily determined. However a gradient much like that seen with wave action was observed. The beach was relatively flat at Del Monte, increas- ing in slope toward Holiday Inn. At Holiday Inn there was a rapid increase in beach slope corresponding very closely to the observed rise in wave action. Although not quantified it was noted that large areas, especially in the central portions of the beach between mean higherhigh water and mean lower low water were often eroded and then refilled within two days o l PARTICLE SIZE Particle size distribution again showed a gradient parallel to that of wave action with sand size ranging from a median o value of 1.16 at Del Monte to -0.06 at Sand City (Fig. 1). Sand size increased slowly over the first three transects and then rapidly increased between Townhouse and Holiday Inn. Sand size increased moderately toward Seaside where there was a large jump in grain size. Within each transect the sand size stayed relatively constant between the upper and lower limits of the beach. Most samples on any one transect showed no statistical difference to a 95% confidence level. The greatest differences to be found were at Seaside and Sand City but even these differ- ences were not significant when the confidence level was dropped to 688. ORGANIC CONTENT Organic content was inversely related to wave action. The highest organic content was 409 ug Carbon/g dry sand at Del Monte and the lowest was 202 at Seaside (Fig. 1). The biggest change in organic content was the decrease between USNPGS and Holiday Inn where the level dropped from 403 to 244 ug Carbon/ g dry sand. The mean organic contents exhibited a gradient between the two extremes but due to the great randomness of values on any one transect (Fig. 2) the variations between some individual transects were not statistically apparent. There is a difference between Del Monte and Seaside to a 95% significance level using a t distribution. Using a Mann-Whitney U test with a 90 level of significance the values from Del Monte and Holi- day Inn are also found to be statistically different. Our data also suggested that the organic content of the upper beach was less than that of the lower beach (Table 1). WATER CONTENT The volume of interstitial water decreases along a vert- ical gradient from the lower to the upper beach and along a horizontal gradient from Del Monte to Sand City (Fig.1). Lower water content higher on the beach is probably due to desic- cation during low tides when these measurements were made. This would mean that the water content would vary most in the zone between lower high water and higher high water. Interstitial water content decreases slowly and evenly from 18.8% water/g dry sand to 10.3% between Del Monte and Sand City. SALINITY Salinity readings were taken on both interstitial and sur face water at various levels on the beach and consistently gave readings between 32°/00 and 340/00. PERMEABILITY Permeability measurements suggest an increasing gradient from Del Monte to Sand City, but the high value obtained at USNPGS and low value at Seaside are inconsistent with such an interpretation. It is believed that the method of determination produced conditions of packing different from those in the natural state and this caused the apparently inconsistent results. II. RELATIONSHIPS OF PHYSICAL GRADIENTS The common factor associated with the demonstrated gradients seems to be wave action. It controls sand movement and distri- bution and slope of the beach which in turn affects permeability, 10 water content, and settling of organic matter. The gradient of increasing wave action in this stretch of beach brings with it proportional increases in sand size, beach slope, and possibly permeability, while at the same time inversely affecting the interstitial water content and organic content of the sand. Gradients along individual transects are probably more affected by the tidal cycle than by wave action. The amount of water brought in as well as the amount of time each day a certain level is covered is dependent upon the tides. This leads to three zones, an upper dry zone, a central zone of change, and a low covered zone. Tidal cycles also affect organic content in that more organic material can settle out in the lower zones, especially in calm areas. III. POLYCHAETE DISTRIBUTION The vertical and lateral distributions as well as average densities are shown in Figures 3 and 4 and Table II. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTIONS IN RELATION TO TIDAL HEIGHT The polychaetes found can be divided into three groups relative to tidal height. An upper group is clustered on and above the mean higherhigh water line (1.72 meters, Doty, 1946). A lower group is found on and below the mean higher low water line (+0.73 meters). A third group straddles the area inbetween and reaches into the upper and lower groups. The upper beach population is dominated by two species; an Ophellid, Euzonus dillonensis (Hartman, 1938),and the Spionid, Pygospio californica (Hartman, 1936). Both of these occur in dense bands 20 to 30 feet wide with a lower border corresponding very closely to the mean higher high water line. The members of this group are either sand or detrital feeders. E. dillonensis has a maximum density at USNPGS with much smaller densities on the transects to the north and south. A closely related specie, Euzonus mucronata (Treadwell, 1914), is found with E, dillonensis only at Del Monte. P. californica has a maximum vertical range at the USNPGS, but is not found at Del Monte. Moving north its density drops slightly at Townhouse and much more severely at Holiday Inn where the density drop is accompanied by a small downward shift in the population to a lower tidal height. The fourth member of the upper beach group is a Phylodocid, Eteone dilatae (Hartman, 1936) which is found on the southern two transects in low num- bers. The lower beach group is analogous to the upper group in that it is composed mainly of sand feeders. Average densities are much lower on the lower beach and in contrast to the bands of organisms found in the upper beach, distribution is spotty, The dominant species of the lower beach is the Orbiniid, Scoloplos armiger (Muller, 1776) which is found from Del Monte to Holiday Inn with a maximum density at Holiday Inn. Other species in the lower group were Travisia gigas (Hartman, 1938), Euzonus williamsi (Hartman, 1938), and Glycera convoluta (Keferstein, 1882). The only major polychaete population in the straddling group is Nephtys californiensis (Hartman, 1938), found on the 12 southern three transects. At these transects N. californiensis ranges from just below mean higher high water to below mean lower low water. At Holiday Inn and Seaside its range is restricted, especially in its upper limits. One other polychaete, the Glycerid Hemipodus borealis (Johnson, 1901) may also inhabit a large portion of the straddling zone. Our data shows their range at Sand City to be very small, but recent studies of that beach show a much wider range (Wells, 1972). This suggests that H. borealis may be replacing N. californiensis at the northern two transects. LATERAL DISTRIBUTION TRENDS One of the most obvious trends over the range between Del Monte and Sand City is the decrease in total number of species from 7 to 1 as one progresses to the north. There is a drop from 7 to 4 species between Del Monte and Holiday Inn (a dis- tance of 2.8 km) and a drop from 4 to 1 species between Holiday Inn and Sand City (1.8 km). The largest densities for all polychaetes are found at USNPGS with 12.3 polychaetes per core (a core = 1/64 m2) and at Townhouse with 5.7 polychaetes per core. There is a smaller density at Del Monte (2.1) and very small densities on the northern three transects (1.4, 0.7, and 0.1) (Fig. 4). The number of species found on the upper beach decreases steadily over the four southern transects and drops out entirely on the two northern transects. The mid tidal range shows a single species, N. Californiensis, in the three southern transects, but 13 E because its upper limits are depressed it is found only in the e proport: lower beach at Holiday Inn and Seaside. T n of reases in moving species that belongs to the lower group ir north until Holiday Inn where all species are in the low beach area (Fig. 5). 14 DISCUSSION The results showed a gradient of decreasing number of species and individuals with increasing sand size and decreasing organic content across the 4.6 km beach moving north from Del Monte to Sand City. Several explanations for this are possible. Since many of the species found were typical sand feeders, the possibility of the sand reaching sizes prohibitive to inges- tion was considered. Euzonus dillonensis was used as an exam- ple of a sand feeder whose distribution was sharply diminished along the gradient and its ability to ingest sand of larger size was tested. E. dillonensis was placed in the larger sand from Sand City where it is not usually found. Analysis of gut contents showed it was able to feed by selecting only the smaller particles. This, coupled with the observation that such sand feeding polychaetes as Scoloplos armiger and Euzonus williamsi occupied positions on beaches of larger sand size, pointed to the probability that factors other than sand size caused the species limitations noted. Factors associated with sand size such as water content and permeability were considered next. Both show gradients that suggest higher desiccation on the northern beaches of the study area. Moisture is essential both in respiratory considerations and feeding (Dales, 1963) and the problems presented by sand that quickly loses its water may be insurmountable. A gradient of increasing wave action caused greater beach 15 contour changes such that on the northern beaches large quant¬ ities of sand could be removed in a single tidal cycle. This factor would place most burrowing forms in danger of being washed up into the surf. It is interesting to note that the one species present on the most northern beach was an inter- stitial form, the Glycerid, Hemipodus borealis. The drop in number of species and individuals closely parallels the drop in organic content. Since the sand and detrital feeding polychaetes use organic material in the sand as a nutrient source it is possible that this is the limiting factor on the northern beaches. The above suggestions deal with tolerances of the adult polychaete forms, but it should be remembered that these ani- mals have a pelagic larval stage that could be controlling the observed distributions. Even if random oceanic input is con- ceded this randomness is lost upon consideration of settlement. Wilson (1952), in studying the bottom dwelling polychaete Ophelia bicornis found them to choose a substratum appropriate to a successful adult stage. A similar perception of sand size, interstitial size, and organic content by beaching larvae could keep them from settling the more rigorous northern beaches of the study area. An even more basic consideration would be that if the larvae act like small sand grains or bits of organic detritus they might remain in suspension in the heavy surf on the steeply sloped northern beaches and never settle out while to the south the milder wave action would permit such settling. Figure 3 shows that the populations sampled over the 4.6 km 16 beach could be grouped into three categories according to tidal height. The first clusters around the mean higher high water line and consists of Euzonus dillonensis, Euzonus mucronata, Eteone dilatae, and Pygospio californica, which are all sand or particle feeders. The second group, Travisia gigas, Scoloplos armiger, and Euzonus williamsi, extend down from the mean higher low water line and are also sand feeders. The third group, Nephtys californiensis and Hemipodus borealis, both predators, ranges over the entire distance between the upper and lower groups mentioned above. Of the physical parameters studied only two, organic content and water content show differences between upper and lower beach consistent with the zonation observed. The upper group exper- iences relatively dry conditions being mostly affected by wave wash at higher tides, while the lower group is more often sub- merged than not (Doty, 1946). Concerning organic content, the data is only suggestive (Table 1), but it appears that the lower beach contains more organic material. It has been shown (Fox. Crane, McConnaugh, 1948) that E. mucronata needs only small amounts of organic material absorbed on sand to meet its food needs. This possibly accounts for its high position on the beach in the area of less organic content. Differential needs such as these could account for the upper and lower grouping noted. A more complete understanding of what is involved in this grouping can be obtained by following the groups across the beach from Del Monte to Sand City. The upper group, which 17 represents a large proportion of the worms on the three southern beaches, is sharply reduced at Holiday Inn and disappears alto¬ gether at the Seaside transect (Fig. 5). This is paralleled by a drop in water content and organic content. It is interesting to note that there is a cross gradient present. From south to north the water content and organic content go down, and from upper beach to lower beach they go up. This means that for an organism to inhabit an area of comparable moisture and nutrient conditions as it moves in a northerly direction, it would also have to move down to a lower tidal height. This is exactly what is found in the positioning of the remnant of the Pygospio californica population at Holiday Inn. The Euzonus dillonensis population was sampled quantitatively between Townhouse and Holiday Inn and found to decrease in numbers gradually. It would be interesting to sample more carefully taking tidal heights and seeing if E. dillonensis follows the same trend as P. californica. The middle beach group inhabits an area which is more rigorous than the upper and lower extremes. It is more rigorous because it is an area over which the tides rush twice a day whereas the upper and lower beach regions are affected only once a day, the upper at higher high water and the lower at lower low water. This représents a stressful condition as each tide deposits or removes sand and generally churns up the sub- stratum (Dr. Warren Thompson, personal communication). Even at Del Monte, the transect with smallest wave action, large gouges were often taken out of the mid beach area by the action 18 of the water. The upper and lower regions also represent more stable conditions of dry or submerged states due to the oscil- lations of the tides. It is possible that this harsh central region creates the polarity of polychaete populations and pre- vents a smooth continuum of species moving down the beach in tidal height. The species that does inhabit the central region, Nephtys californiensis, is clearly the best swimmer and fastest bur- rower of all the species we sampled. Dales (1963) notes its swimming and burrowing abilities and attributes these to an effective parapodial stroke. As the wave action increases from Townhouse to Holiday Inn to Seaside even N. californiensis is restricted and it moves out of the more rigorous central beach area. Moving north from Holiday Inn a similar downward shift is shown in the distribution of Euzonus williamsi, the highest member of the lower group. N. Californiensis disappears at Sand City in accordance with Clark and Haderlies (1962) findings that Nephtys is not found on beaches with larger (1 to 0.3 mm) sand size and heavy wave action. It appears that another predator, Hemipodus borealis takes over the area vacated by the N. californiensis. Observations during the time of lower low water on beaches with light wave activity show that N. californiensis had a definite limit in its distribution in terms of tidal height, Consistently over the three southern beaches the mean higher high water line marked its upper boundary. This is possibly due to the desiccation problems presented by the upper beach, 19 for without such a physical limit it would only seem natural for N. californiensis to extend upward into the rich food source pre- sented by the upper group species. Nephtys feeds on polychaetes in general, including other Nephtys (Clark, 1962). It is pos- sible that at high tide the water content is sufficient for N. Californiensis to range above this boundary. The fact that N. californiensis and E. dillonensis popu- lations are co-terminal poses some very interesting questions. Differences in moisture requirements of the two species could be causing the sharp break. Their boundary coincides with the highest point of the beach that is completely submerged (the mean higher high water line). But there is also the biotic consideration. N. californiensis is a predator and E. dillon- ensis a possible prey. Analysis of gut content of N. californ- iensis found at the higher end of their range suggested that they were feeding on Euzonus. As in the case of the barnacles Chthamalus stellatus and Balanus balanoides documented by J.H. Connell (1961) we seem to have two intertidal populations with a sharp vertical boundary. It is possible that problems of desiccation prohibit higher N. californiensis encroachment while N. californiensis predation marks the lower limitof E. dillonensis. Such suggestions could easily be tested with appropriate analysis of N. californiensis desiccation toler- ances and E. dillonensis distribution in the absence of N. californiensis. It is interesting to note that the popula- tions of sand and detritus feeders that exist in the absence of N. californiensis (P. californica, E. dillonensis, E. 20 mucronata, and Eteone dilatae) exhibit much larger numbers than those lower beach species that live with it (Scoloplos armiger, Travisia gigas, etc.). Generally it is apparent that wave action is of primary importance to the beach polychaete populations. Not only does it control such important factors as sand size, water content, and nutrient levels, but its physical presence seems to create distinct grouping of species. More work is needed in this area to isolate the individual aspects of the beach environment and interpret their specific effect on polychaete distribution. 21 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FIGURE CAPTIONS Map of southern Monterey Bay indicates location of the six transects studied. Graphs of sand size and organic content show mean value, standard deviation, and range of values at each transect. Water content graph shows mean values and ranges. Curve is plotted along mean values. Boxes show limits of standard deviation. Variability of sampling sites and corresponding organic content values found on the Del Monte transect on one day. Vertical distribution of polychaetes at the six transects. shown in order with northernmost transect on extreme right. Verticalscale represents tidal height in meters. Kites show relative abundance and tidal range. Average density of polychaetes per core (1/64 m2) for each of the six transects, in order with northernmost on extreme right. Lightly shaded bar represents density above mean lower high water. Darker shaded bar across mean lower high water. White bar below mean lower high water. Black bar represents total average density of polychaetes on transect, Number of species in relation to mean lower high water (+1.3 meters). Transects shown in order with northern- most on extreme right. Lightly shaded bar represents number of species above mean lower high water. Darker shaded bar across mean lower high water. White bar below mean lower high water. Black bar represents total species number on transect. 22 HMSS MONTEREY BAY MONTEREY 1.00. 50 SAND SIZE Ma .50 1.00. — 40. WATER 30. CONTENT 20. 100 g dry sand 10 500. ORGANIC 400. CONTENT ugC/g dry sand 300. 200. 001 kilometers A DEL MIONTE B U.S. IAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL (USHPGS) C TOWMHOUSES D HOLIDAY INN E SEASIDE F SAND CITY 23 TIDAL HEIGH (meters) 291 483 gCg dry sand 324 345 404 349 486 HORIZONTAL DISTANCE (meters) saa- saaa 5 — Szade Le=- 32 S 2 kaa 3 zruuo OOL s- 1 (Siajau L - L L jusia 25 LE a Above MLHW E AcrOSS MLHW Below MLHW Total Average Density □ 11 Del Monte USNPGS Townhouse Holiday inn Seaside Sand City TRANSECT IEDE L oo L o o L L SL ZO m . . . . . . L L S L 27 II. TABLE CAPTIONS 1., Organic content of sand at each transect in ug C/g dry sand. Mean values are given for samples taken above and below a tidal height of +1.3 meters (mean lower high water) and for the total of all samples taken at each transect. Tidal ranges in meters and densities per core (1/64 m3) over observed vertical ranges of species found at the six transects. O BEACH DEL MONTE USHPGS TOWNHOUSES HOLIDAY INN SEASIDE SAND CITY ABOVE 384 276 265 174 150 203 BELOW 486 530 380 315 246 200 TOTAL 410 403 351 244 222 202 29 a 2 9 38 89 NO 10 — + + 8 5 1 1 1 1 DA O 27 1 - 8 O - Q + — 10 a- —. + + 29 1. 0 oo 1 20 0 2 9 6 19 ION o 0 o REFERENCES Bascom, W., 1964. Waves and beaches, the dynamics of the ocean surface. Doubleday and Company, Inc., Garden City, New York, 268 pp. Chamberlin, R.V., 1918. Polychaetes from Monterey Bay. Proc. biol. Soc. Wash., Vol. 31, pp. 173-180. Clark, R.B., 1962. Observations on the food of Nephtys. Limnol. Oceanogr., Vol. 7 (3), pp. 380-385. Clark, R.B. & E.C. Haderlie, 1962. The distribution of Nephtys californiensis and N. caecoides on the California coast. J. Anim. Ecol., Vol. 31, pp. 339-357. Connell, J.H., 1961. The influence of interspecific competi- tion and other factors on the distribution of the barnacle Chthamalus stellatus. Ecology, Vol. 42, pp. 710-723. Dales, R.P., 1963. Annelids. Hutchinson & Co., London, 200 pp. Doty. M.S., 1946. Critical tide factors that are correlated with the vertical distribution of marine algae and other organisms along the Pacific coast. Ecology, Vol. 27, pp. 315-328. Eltringham, S.K., 1971. Life in mud and sand. English Univers- ities Press, London, 218 pp. Fox, D.L., S.C. Crane & B.H. Mc Connaughey, 1948. A biochem¬ ical study of the marine annelid worm Thoracophelia mucro- nata, its food, biochromes and carotenoid metabolism. J. mar. Res., Vol. 7, pp. 567-585. Hartman, O., 1969. Atlas of the errantiate polychaetous annelids from California. Allan Hancock Foundation, Los Angeles, 828 pp. Hartman, O., 1969. Atlas of the sedentariate polychaetous annelids from California. Allen Hancock Foundation, Los Angeles, 828 pp. 31 Means, R.E. & J,V, Parcher, 1964. Physical proportions of soils. Constable, London, 464 pp. Moore, J.P., 1909. Polychaetous annelids from Monterey Bay and San Diego, California. Proc. Natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., pp. 235-295. Rote, J., 1968. Ecological studies of the Cirratulid worm Cirriformia spirabranchia at Elkhorn Slough. An unpublished study done at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Calif. Stricklan, J.D.H. & T.R. Parsons, 1965. A manual of sea water analysis. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottowa, 203 pp. Wells, E.A., Personal communication Wilson, D.P., 1971. The influence of the nature of the sub- stratum on the metamorphosis of the larvae of marine animals. especially the larvae of Ophelia bicornis savigny, Annls. Inst. Oceanogr., Vol. 27, pp. 49-156. 32 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would especially like to thank Dr. Welton Lee of the Hopkins Marine Station for his great amounts of assistance, insight, and enthusiasm. We also wish to acknowledge Dr. Donald Abbott and Dr. John Phillips of the Hopkins Marine Station and Dr. Warren Thompson of the U.S. Naval Post Graduate School for their help. Finally, we wish to thank Fred Johnson for aiding us in our study.