SUMMAR Diurnal rhythms in ammonia release were studied in the following eight species of isopods found in Monterey, Cali¬ fornia: Porcellio scaber (Latreille, 1804), Alloniscus per¬ convexus (Dana, 1854), Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804) Idothea montereye is (Maloney, 1933), Idothea kirchanskii (Lee, 1967), Idothea resecata (Stimpson, 1857), Cirolana arfordi (Lockington, 1877), and Lironeca vulgaris (Stimpson, 1857). All species studied except C. harfordi showed con¬ spicuous peaks of release between noon and 4:00 p.m., and ninima at various times during the night. The experiments, carried out on fed male specimens in constant light are be¬ lieved to represent a general pattern in isopods. Additional experiments revealed that ammonia release is not correlated with fecal release in I. resecata, and that sites of release on P. scaber seem to be located on the ventral surfaces of the head and telson. The relationship between ammonia release and locomotory pattern is discussed. ICTION NTR ROD The ammonotelism of isopods has been documented by Dresel and Moyle (1950) who found that ammonia was the major nitrogenous end product in all species they studied, with a few terrestrial species, particularly Armadillium vulgare, producing significant amounts of uric acid, while urea was totally absent. Hartenstein, Wieser, and Schweizer (1969) found that the ammonia release of terrestrial isopods was r greater than that reported by Dresel and Moyle owing to a substantial gaseous evolution. Furthermore Hartenstein et al found that gaseous ammonia release displays a diurnal rhythmicity with a maximum during the afternoon, and they concluded that the rhythm was inversely related to the pat¬ tern of locomotory activity of the animals. The animals tested by Hartenstein et al were members of the Oniscoidaea, and the species tested, Porcellio scaber and Oniscus assellus, are primarily nocturnal scavengers. The Monterey, California has a rich isopod fauna. Oniscoidaea, as well as other amilies which display similar nocturnal locomotory patterns are represented. The abundance of available species provided an opportunity for a comparative study of diurnal rhythms in marine and terrestrial species and reexamination of patterns previously observed (Hartenstein et al 1969). ALS AND METHODS MATE Whenever possible, freshly collected animals were used to minimize any trauma from storage in the laboratory. When storage was necessary, the Oniscoidaea were kept in plastic bins with dirt or sand and litter from where the animals were collected. The Valvifera and Flabellifera were stored in tanks with running seawater, aeration, and a supply of food. In all experiments, only males were used, and in all cases arange of animal sizes was included. The method of monitoring ammonia evolution was different in the terrestrial and marine species. In terrestrial species, individuals were placed in 25 ml Erlenmeyer flasks and the flasks were continually flushed with air. The air was puri¬ fied by filtration through cotton, bubbling through a solu¬ tion of 1 N HoSO) to remove any ammonia, and then humidified by passage through distilled water. After passing through the experimental chambers, ammonia was trapped in 10 ml of distilled water addified to 4.5 by the addition of dilute HCI. Every four hours 1 ml samples were taken, and the trapping solutions replaced. In marine species, individuals were kept in test tubes with 10 ml seawater at ambient seawater temperature and were aerated hourly with purified air. Every four hours, the water was sampled and replaced, as above. In all experiments, the animals were exposed to constant light in the laboratory. Ammonia was measured by the phenol/hypochlorite reac¬ tion as described by Solorzano (1969), and readings were compared against a standard of ammonium sulfate, in a Klett¬ Somerson Photoelectric Colorimeter using a red filter. Ammonia release was studied in terms of sites of re¬ lease by wrapping isopods in damp filter paper impregnated with phenol red. The paper was impregnated by soaking in 1/5 dilution of standard indicator solution, 0.l g in 14.3 ml 0.02 M NaoH and allowed to partially dry. At 30 min. inter¬ vals, the animal was carefully unwrapped and the paper ex¬ amined. EESULT EESOEI I. Rhythmicity in terrestrial species. In experiments conducted in the month of May, the release of gaseous ammonia was monitored through 24 hour periods in three terrestrial species of isopods, Porcellio scaber, Alloniscus perconvexus, and Armadillium vulgare with the result that all species showed a significant and similar rhythmicity. Fed males consistently released significantly greater amounts of ammonia during the afternoon from noon to 4:00 p.m. with release becoming more erratic and signifi¬ cantly diminished during the night. It was found that there is no linear relationship between body weight and amount of release, so each animal was recorded in percent of his own mean hourly release, and compared on this basis, at each reading with other animals. In Porcellio scaber (Fig. 1) the results are very similar to those reported by Hartenstein, Wieser, and Schweizer (1969) for the same species and time of year in Innsbruck, Austria. All animals produced ammonia during the afternoon interval, in amounts that represented a maxima for those animals. In other intervals, some animals released no ammonia or reduced quantities. There is a significant mini¬ mum between midnight and 4:00 a.m. These experiments were carried through one 24 hour period, beginning at noon. It appears unlikely that the observed maximum reflect a period of adjustment to experimental conditions because experiments started at 4:00 p.m. presented the same type of pattern. Both Alloniscus perconvexus and Armadillidium vulgare (Figs. 2 and 3) produced the same pattern observed in Porcellio. Release during the night was sporadic and at a low level for individuals, and the same fairly uniform peak of release oc¬ curred from noon to 4:00 p.m. II. Rhythmicity in marine species. The marine species chosen for study represent two families of isopods, the Valvifera and the Flabellifera. From the former family, Idothea resecata, I. montereyensis, (ii were selected, and from the latter family, rchan! and I. k irolana harfordi and Lironeca vulgaris were chosen. The species of Idothea have a habitat which is more restricted than that of the terrestrial species, in the sense that they are found living and feeding on specific algae. While the terrestrial species are scavengers and exhibit a diurnal oscillation between active scavenging and retirement to burrows. Therefore, they were considered to provide a contrast to the terrestrial forms beyond the fact of their marine environment. However, the three species of Idothea were found to have ammonia excretion patterns closely resembling those of the Oniscoidaea (Figs. 4, 5, 6). In each case, the maxima were located from noon to 4:00 p.m., with minima occurring either between midnight and 4:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. In Idothea resecata (Fig. 6), the amplitude of the fluctuation was decreased and no significant difference between the peaks at 8:00 a.m. to noon and noon to 4:00 p.m. was observed. However, the patterns of these marine species are very similar. The two Flabellifera observed are exceptional both in activity and in excretory pattern. C trolana harfordi and ironeca vulgaris are primarily carnivorous, and Lironeca which is a parisite on flatfish seems to be exclusively carnivorous. Sloan (1967) has shown a relationship between protein intake and ammonia release in isopods, and it was considered desirable to see if high protein intake might also affect release patterns. The pattern observed for fed male Cirolana in constant light was obtained from Harbaugh (1973) who was working on patterns of ammonia release in Cirolana in the same lab that all other species were tested. The pattern observed in Cirolana (Fig. 7) is less distinct than that of the Idothea, but does reveal some interesting features. First the typical maximum from noon to 4:00 p.m. is if anything, a period of minimal release, and the maximal period observed seems to occur between 4:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. This apparent reversal of the patterns previously observed in the other species is less pronounced because of the more constant rate of ammonia release throughout a period of 24 hours. Harbaugh (1973) has reported a more distinct pattern for animals maintained in the dark. The pattern shown by Lironeca vulgaris (Fig. 8) combines features of the patterns of Idothea, terrestrial isopods, and C rolana in a very striking rhythmicity. The individuals tested produced most of their ammonia between noon and 4:00 p.m. with a second substantial peak between midnight and 4:00 a.m. The other readings were often characterized by a number of animals producing no ammonia. III. The nature of ammonia release. Having observed patterns in release, the emphasis was shifted to learning more about the nature of the release itself. For this work, a terrestrial species, Porcellio scaber and a marine species Idothea resecata were chosen. These animals both have afternoon maxima, and were found to be easy to work with. In addition, personal observations of these animals revealed traits which made these animals attractive. Specifically, fed specimens of I. resecata are conspicuous producers of fecal pellets, making it pos¬ sible to test a relationship between fecal and ammonia re¬ lease. Porcellio had been observed to release a sufficient amount of ammonia to cause a color change in phenol red indicator paper. However the basic aim of this set of experiments was to increase the resolution on periods of significant release and determine: (1) Is release a continuous process, or does it occur as discrete events; and (2) is there a rhythm dis¬ cernible within the periods of maximum release? The animals were monitored for ammonia production at half-hour intervals from noon to 4:00 p.m. In addition, I. resecata was scored for presence or absence of feces, and P. scaber for sites of ammonia release. The results, see Figure 9 and Table I, showed that release occurs as discrete events, within limits of temporal resolution, and that the events occur randomly. Despite the randomness of the events, there was a significant consistency in event rate, both interspecifically and intra¬ specifically. I. resecata had a mean ammonia release rate of O.737 events/hour with S.D. I 0.17, while P. scaber had the comparable mean rate of 0.781 events/hour with S.D. I 0.16. In I. resecata no correlation was found between fecal produc¬ tion and ammonia release, though significant amounts of feces were produced. In P. scaber, no fecal release was noted, and release sites were limited to the ventral surfaces of the head and telson regions. SCUSSION As has been previously stated, the primary objectives in undertaking this study were to investigate the possible generality of the pattern observed by Wieser (1969) and, by examining species with contrasting activity patterns, to gain more information about the hypothesis that ammonia release is inversely related to locomotory activity. In eight species belonging to three families of isopods, a pattern of release was found which, with only one exception, closely approximated that reported by Wiser in Porcellio scaber and Oniscus assellus with a large maximum in the afternoon. The general presence of a pattern or rhythm seems fairly well established, but the underlying causes for this rhythm is more obscure. Basic to all theories advanced by Hartenstein to explain rhythmicity, is the existence of inverse relationship of excretion to lo¬ comotory pattern. Rhythmicity reflects energy releasing metabolism of amino acids during activity and excretion during periods of rest in humid burrows where membrane perme¬ ability to ammonia release can best be permitted. In both Porcellio and Alloniscus, there are established patterns of activity which conform to nocturnal scavenging and retreat by day, as documented by Brereton (1957) and Pratt (1973) respectively. However, in the related terrestrial -. 7 species Armadillidium, the nocturnal pattern, though common, may vary from population to population (Paris, 1962) and in local populations near the laboratory, individuals were ob¬ served to be foraging by day. These Armadillidium still show a pattern distinguished by pronounced excretion maxima and minima. In the marine species, the problems in relating the release pattern to activity are even greater. The species of Idothea studied may be found on their characteristic algal substrata, at any time of the day, with filled intestines, and with no observable fluctuations in activity level. However the same rhythm of release was found. Clearly, no humidity or moisture considerations can account for the fluctuation, and the afternoon does not seem to be a period of reduced activity. The Flabellifera studied present even stronger evidence that factors apart from activity may con¬ trol release. Cirolana harfordi is a distinctly nocturnal animal (Harrold, 1973) which has its maximum in activity corresponding with its maximum period of release, or an ap¬ parent direct correlation between activity and excretion. Lironeca vulgaris, in contrast, is an almost sessile parasite, which seems incapable of locomotion in its fully matured male form (Whiteside, 1973). This animal lives most of its life in the gills of fish and yet shows a very marked and relatively complex pattern of release, with maxima in both afternoon and early morning. These observations are comparative, and while it is realized that a similar pattern of release could meet the environmental pressures imposed on in each species, the very similarity of pattern suggests that there might be a more basic common rhythm in isopods, control¬ ling ammonia excretion. The mechanism of ammonia release in isopods also re¬ mains unclear. Preliminary investigation in P. scaber indi¬ cated that the telson might play a role in gaseous release with the anus and respiratory pleopods considered to be likely sites of release. Accordingly, the relation of the telson to release was examined. The technique of wrapping animals in soaked filter paper bearing the non-toxic indi- cator phenol red was found to be a satisfactory method for 10 recording general areas of release, though resolution is not great. The finding that both the head and telson seem in¬ volved in ammonia release poses questions. Is the observed release an artifact of the experimental method, or a response to stress or fright, resulting in release from the integumental glands as noted by Gorham (1973)? All animals survived the experiment apparently unharmed, and the position of an animal wrapped in moist filter paper is not unlike that of a burrowed animal. If the release is not an artifact, then the possi¬ bility of multiple sites must be considered. It has been noted that some crustaceans excrete by means of an antennal gland located on the head (Hartenstein, 1970), and isopods have this gland present. It is also possible that the diges¬ tive tract, which opens at both apparent sites of release may be used as the excretory organ. To investigate this possibility, I. resecata was chosen and investigated to see if the gut might produce simultaneous bursts of feces and ammonia. No correlation could be found. The observation that ammonia excretion occurs in fairly discrete bursts rather than as a continuous process suggests that there might be a build up, either of ammonia or à pre¬ cursor, prior to release. A search for this precursor in animals prior to the times of maximum release may shed further light on the pathway and mechanism of ammonia excretion in these animals. BIBL GRAE Dresel, E. and U. Moyle. 1950. Nitrogenous excretion of amphipods and isopods. J. Exp. Biol. 27: 210-225. Harbaugh, R. 1973. Diurnal pattern of ammonia release in a marine isopod Cirolana harfordi. Research paper, Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Calif. Harrold, C. 1973. Environmental factors affecting patterns of activity in Cirolana harfordi. Research paper, Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Calif. Paris, O. H. and F. A. Petelka. 1962. Population charac¬ teristics of the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare in California grassland. Ecology 43: 229-248. Pratt, S. 1973. Personal communication. Sloan, W. C. 1967. Unpublished. Solorzano, L. 1969. Determination of ammonia in natural waters by the phenol hypochlorite method. Limnology and Oceanography 14: 799-801. Wieser, W., G. Schweizer, and R. Hartenstein. 1969. Patterns in the release ofogaseous ammonia by terrestrial isopods, Oecologia 3: 390-400. Whiteside, C. 1973. Research paper, Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Calif. Gorham, W. 1973. Personal communication. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. John H. Phillips for his advice on experimental methods, and on preparation of this paper. In addition the tireless work of Bob Harbaugh and Rose Thorvaldson has made this paper possible. FIGURE KE Figure 1. The diurnal pattern of ammonia release in fed male Porcellio scaber in constant light. The vertical xis is percent of mean hourly excretion, and the horizontal axis is a 24 hour cycle where 1200 = noon; N - 10, and stan¬ dard deviation is indicated. Figure 2. The diurnal pattern of ammonia release in fed male Alloniscus perconvexus in constant light. Percent mean hourly excretion is plotted against a 24 hour cycle where 12 = noon; N - 8, and S.D. is indicated. Figure 3. The diurnal pattern of ammonia release in fed male Armadillidium vulgare in constant light. Percent mean hourly excretion is plotted against a 24 hour cycle where 12 = noon; N = 8, and S.D. is indicated. Figure 4. The diurnal pattern of ammonia release in fed male Idothea montereyensis in constant light. Percent mean hourly excretion is plotted against a 24 hour cycle where 12 = noon; N = 10, and S.D. is indicated. Figure 5. The diurnal pattern of ammonia release in fed male Idothea kirchanskii in constant light. Percent mean hourly excretion is plotted against a 24 hour cycle where 12 = noon; N = 10, and S. D. is indicated. Figure 6. The diurnal pattern of ammonia release in fed male Idothea resecata in constant light. Percent mean hourly excretion is plotted against a 24 hour cycle where 12 = noon; N = 10, and S.D. is indicated. Figure 7. The diurnal pattern of ammonia release in fed male Cirolana harfordi in constant light. Percent mean hourly excretion is plotted against a 24 hour cycle where 12 - noon; N - 10, and S.D. is indicated. Figure 8. The diurnal pattern of ammonia release in fed male Lironeca vulgaris in constant light. Percent mean hourly excretion is plotted against a 24 hour cycle where 12 - noon; N - 10, and S.D. is indicated. Figure 9. Mean release rates in Idothea resecata and Porcellio scaber, measured at half hour intervals from noon to 4:00 p.m. Values given for fecal release or release from given sites are means calculated during the same interval. N = 20 for I. resecata and N = 8 for P. scaber. 00 D T — . . — . — — s . . D . . 2u O U — O . O O 2 — D Z U — s. L U . aaaaa- -C E I . . . . . . O O LC O Zu 2 E E LL C . . . . i O O — L — I O FIGURE EXCRETORY EVENTS FROM 1200-400 IN P SCABER AND I. RESECATA I.RESECATA N - 20 NHRELEASE O.737 EVENTS/HOUR S.D. O.17 FECAL RELEASE 0.512 S.D. O.47 1 NH, AND FECAL 0.162 8.D. 0.21 P SCABET NHa RELEASE O 781 EVENTS/HOUR S0. 0.16 FECAL RELEASE . NHa RELEASE FROM HEAD 0.284 S.D. 0.22 1 O.46. FROM TELSON S.D. 0.22 IE