Kent Imai
May 30, 1964
Heretofore, observations on the spawning and development of the internally
fertilizing intertidal snails, L. planaxis and L. scutulata, have been limited to
studies conducted by Hewatt (1938) and by Glynn (1963). Recent observations at
Hopkins Marine Station on the central California coast further elucidate the
reproductive biology of these littorines. These studies, conducted in the lab¬
oratory and in the field in the period April 21 to May 29, 1964, shed some light
on spauning behavior and suggest relationships between development and ecological
conditions pertaining to these two species.
L. planaxis and L. scutulata are oviparous, and females of both species have
been observed to lay eggs in the field and in the laboratory. The egg mass is
extruded from beneath the right side of the mantle cavity in the region of the
genital pore. Females have been seen in various postures during the egg laying
process - alone or when paired with a male, while crawling or quiescent - and in
all cases have been attached to their substrate by the foot. In one instance, a
female discharged eggs while a male was attempting copulation. In the field, egg
laying snails were observed on vertical and horizontal rock surfaces, at the air-
water interfaces of tide and splash pools, and beneath the water surfaces of these
Field observations coupled with laboratory efforts suggest that there are at
least three factors which may induce egg laying. These are 1) changes in light
intensity, 2) physical disturbances, and 3) moisture shock.
In the field, the greatest number of egg masses were located in tide pools and
splash pools during the hours corresponding to daun and dusk. In two separate
instances, fifteen (15) and twenty-four (24) egg masses were layed at 6:00 A.M. and
7:00 A.M., respectively. On three other occasions, one (1), five (5), and thirty-
five (35) egg masses were discharged between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and
- 2 .
8:15 P.M. (Fig. la) In the laboratory, efforts to induce egg laying by means
of changes in light intensity met with success on only one occssion. In this
instance, five females were placed in a finger-boul of sea water and were kept
in a dark room for a period of fifteen (15) hours. One hour after exposure to
sunlight, one female discharged an egg mass.
The effect of physical disturbance on laying behavior was suggested by the
fact that in several instances, females extruded their egg masses on dry surfaces
at various hours during the day and night just after having been brought to the
laboratory from the field. Also, agitation of the water in which snails were kept
was followed by the extrusion of egg masses in two instances, after periods of
fifteen (15) minutes and tuo (2) hours.
Moisture shock appears to be the most effective stimulus to egg laying.
In the field, the only recorded instances of egg laying on vertical or horizontal
rock surfaces isolated from pools were noted during or just after subjection to
wave action (Table I). Figure lb suggests a very slight correlation between
incidence of egg laying and subjection of the snails to wave action from the rising
tide. In addition, forty (40) of the eighty-three (83) egg masses observed in the
field were found on the morning of May 6. Twenty-five (25) of these egg masses
were located in high splash pools which were not reached by wave action but which
were affected by a rainstorm which occurred during the night. In the laboratory,
moisture shock was utilized as a reliable stimulus to egg laying. On numerous
occasions, eggs were obtained from females which had been sprayed with sea water
from a tap. Upon subjection to this moisture shock, egg were extruded after
periods ranging from five (5) minutes to just over two (2) hours.
Individual females were never observed to discharge more than one egg mass
after copulation. Many females were kept in the laboratory after having deposited
a single spawn. These individuals were subjected periodically to sudden changes

A. 35
L. scutulata
B. 24
L. planaxi
C. 15
L. planaxis
L. planaxis 5-11 2015
L. scutulata5-13
L. scutulata5-6
G. 2
L. planaxis 5-19
14.5 C
17.5 C
11.0 C
9.5 C
8,5 C
Eggs found in a series of
pools ranging in height from
open sea to 8 ft; 6" deep.
20 batches floating, 5 at
bottom, 10 scattered be¬
tween pools and in lower
pools. Both species in a¬
bundance at edges & on bot-
tom of pools.
Eggs found floating (16) and
at bottom (8) of a pool 6"
deep and 20 ft above mean
low water.
Eggs found floating in pool
8 ft above mean low water.
Eggs laid in lab- planaxis
taken from horizontal rock
face- 2 ft above mean low
Scutulata observed laying
egg mass just below water
surface in pool+8 ft; 6"
Scutulata observed laying
egg mass in pool plus 28
t; 8 " deep
Eags laid on vertical
rock surface plus 12 ft
during splashing
in light conditions, agitation, and moisture shock, but even after two weeks,
further deposition of spaun was not exhibited.
The egg laying behavior of these littorines, both in the field and in the lab¬
oratory, was conspicuous for its synchronous nature. That is, egg masses fron groups
of females in close proximity to each other on the substrate, or living in the
same rock pool, were often deposited over a period of time not exceeding one hour.
This was established by noting that eggs from the several masses were at the same
stage of development at any one time. In the laboratory, the deposition of eggs
by one individual seemed to affect other individuals in the same finger-bol,
causing them to spawn. This apparent synchrony of egg laying suggests the possi¬
bility of some sort of ectohormonal activity. A more likely possibility is that,
after copulation, the female will delay the egg laying process until such time as
favorable conditions prevail. Spawning stimuli are likely to affect many individuals
occupying similar environments, thus causing the phenomenon of synchrony. Keeping
females in isolation after copulation indicated that the egg laying process may be
delayed for as long as three (3) days.
When freshly laid, the L. planaxis egg mass contains an average of 1200 -
1300 eggs, although spaun masses with as few as 700 and as many as 2000 eggs have
been counted. The composition of the spawn is similar to that described for
L. neritoides by Fretter and Graham (1962). The eggs are enclosed individually in
saucer shaped capsules (one egg per capsule). The capsules, in turn, are held toge¬
ther in a mucus matrix, and are oriented such that they are stacked one on top
of the other (Figs 2a, 2b). The developing eggs average 77 microns in diameter
(range - 70 to 84 microns), are spherical in shape, and of a pinkish hue. Each egg,
with a surrounding store of albumen which is retained by a membrane, is enclosed in
a raised bulge which accomodates the developing embryo in the center of a transparent
capsule averaging 349 microns in diameter (range - 340 to 364 microns). (Dimensions
Lgare 2: Lplasssis, sager f develgginent
al- albamen
ei- cilia
ep capsule
e  developir embogo
f - foat
m- membranc
ma- mucus matx
op opercular

sh- shell
V- yelam
V- viscerat hump

2. Heshlg laidegg mass
6. freshig laid egg mess, deldt

-35 mm

2. Ensapsalgted
4. Devslging srnrga. Li dej Lone. kerg
10 mm
e. Deusloping embege, 3p tr

2 oniautes tejgre tathirg
f. Veliget
are averages of twenty measurements.) (Fig. 2c) The work of Ciselin (1964,
unpublished) suggests that the capsule may be a mucus-like substance composed of
galactogen and some protein. The entire spaun mass is arranged in a spiralling
configuration composed of from one to two rings.
Each L. scutulata spaun contains from two to three times as many eggs as the
individual spawn of L. planaxis. The capsules are arranged in a similar fashion,
except that there are from three to five rings in the spiral configuration. In all
other respects, the egg masses of L. planaxis and L. scutulata are identical. This
casts some doubt on previous observations that each transparent capsule contained
as many as eight developing snails (Glynn, 1963), for none of the L. scutulats
capsules observed in this study contained more than one egg.
In the field and in the laboratory, the freshly laid egg masses were often
observed floating on the surface of the water. Gaseous bubbles held by surface
tension to the surface of the mucus matrix were found to be responsible for this
buoyancy. These bubbles, presumably originating from the gas within the mantle
cavity of the snail, were not observed on the matrix surfaces of submerged spauns.
In any case, the mucus matrix began to break up within one day, at which time the
liberated capsules sank and continued development below the surface of the water.
The sequence of development was followed in the laboratory for L. planaxis
embryos. Rates of development were compared for eggs kept at 25 degrees C., at
room temperature (15.8 - 21.5 degrees C.) and at sea water temperature (11.0 -
14.0 degrees C.). (Fig. 3) Discrepancies in the rates of development for eggs
at room temperature and for eggs at sea vater temperature are attributed to fluc¬
tuations in the range of temperatures obtaining under these two conditions.
Like most molluscs, the L. planaxis egg is holoblastic and cleavage is of
spiral type. The first two divisions are meridional and result in four blastomeres
of approximately equal size. The third division is horizontal and results
in an eight celled stage of four mieromeres and four macromeres. Drauings of
subsequent stages are presented in Figure 2.
Hatching occurs from tuo (2) to eight-and-three-quarters (8 3/4) days after
spawning. The nearly incessant ciliary movement of the encapsulated embryo just
before hatching seems to assist the larva in its struggle to escape confinement.
The larvae vacate their capsules through the ruptured wall of the raised bulge in
the center of the capsule. The studies by Linke (1933) on L. littorea, as cited
by Fretter and Graham (1962), indicate that osmotic pressure within the capsule
may be partly responsible for the break in the wall.
L. Planaxis and L. scutulata hatch as free-swimming post-torsional veliger
larvae. There are no grossly obvious characteristics which help to distinguish one
from the other. The most obvious morphological structures visible under the micro-
scope are a bilobed velum ringed with cilia, a shell, an operculum and a slightly
developed foot. Thus, Hewatt's identification of trochophores belonging to the
species L. planaxis appears to be erroneous (Hewatt, 1938).
The pelagic veligers swim about by means of ciliary movement. The natural
positions when swimming is with the bilobed velum and foot above and the shell below.
Slight agitation of the water seems to have no effect upon their swimming movements,
which appear to be random. If, while swimming, the larvae encounter any objects
or surfaces, they immediately cease ciliary movement and sink to the bottom. They
resume swimming momentarily. If a veliger is resting on the bottom, it can be
made to retract completely into its shell by tapping on the microscope stage. The
veligers of L. planaxis and L. scutulata have been kept alive for up to eight days
after hatching without indications of settling. The foot of the larva, even after
eight days of pelagic life, appears unsuited as yet to the assumption of a benthic
existence. Presumably, the pelagic life of these two species lasts considerably
longer than eight days.
Attempts to locate developing embryos in the field have met with little
success. In the tide pools and splash pools, eggs were found in all stages of
development up to the presence of moving cilia. This corresponds to just over
two days of development at room temperature. Most of the eggs recovered from
these pools had begun to lose their characteristic pinkish hue, and looked to be
inviable. This suggests that eggs which remain in the higher rock pools are
subject to ecological pressures which prevent their complete development. Such
pressures might include increased salinity due to evaporation, or the presence of
predators which could conceivably feed on the developing eggs as they lay quiescent
on the pool bottoms. Surface plankton collected from the open sea a few feet from
the rocky shore yielded a single veliger which resembled the larva of L. planaxis
or L. scutulata.
On the basis of these field observations, it appears that the eggs of
L. planaxis and L. scutulata must somehow attain the open sea. It is possible
that these species may be induced to spaun during periods of wave action, when the
possibility that the eggs will reach the sea is greatest. After a period of
pelagic development, the veligers may settle on rocks in the low intertidal and
assume the crawling mode of life.
1962. British Prosobranch Molluscs. Ray Society, London.
1963. Thesis on the Endocladia - Balanus Association.
Hopkins Marine Station,
Pacific Grove, California.
Notes on the breeding seasons of the rocky beach fauna of Monterey Bay,
Proceedings of the Calif. Academy of Sciences, Fourth Series,
volume 23; 283 - 288.