ABSTRACT Although most previous research has not been successful in getting mature, differentiated neurons to express exogenous DNA, this has reportedly been done in a variety of neuron types in Aplysia californica using a RSV promoterlenhancer sequence. This study attempted to express the lacZ gene from Escherichia coli in the giant fiber lobe (GFL) neurons of squid using this promoterlenhancer. No expression of the B- galactosidase enzyme was detected in GFL cells or the Aplysia neurons when the cells were injected with the plasmid, but ß-galactosidase activity was assayed in neuroblastoma cells. A probable reason for non-expression of the plasmid in the Aplysia may be ineffective injection techniques. The non-expression in the GFL cells may be due to either the injection process or the inability of the cell to be induced by the RSV promoter. However, one additional factor involved in expression of exogenous DNA was found. In looking at another study done on GFL cells, it was found that heat shock increased expression of Na channels. The exact mechanism that is affected to produce this effect from endogenous genes is unknown, but the effect heat shock may have on exogenous DNA expression cannot be ignored. And given the differences between the Aplysia and the squid systems, more studies on the effect of heat shock on these systems must be done before any definite conclusions may be drawn. Until recently, expression of exogenous DNA in mature, non-dividing cells, such as differentiated neurons, has not been possible. The DNA, when it is placed in the nucleus of such cells, remains untranslated and is eventually degraded. However, in February 1992, Bong-Kiun Kaang, Eric Kandel, and others reported expression of exogenous DNA in the abdominal ganglia of Aplysia californica by using a Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) promoterlenhancer sequence (Kaang, et al, 1992). They were able to get expression of this vector not only in the abdominal ganglion, but also in the buccal ganglion, the pleural ganglion, the pedal ganglion, the cerebral ganglion, motoneurons, interneurons, and sensory neurons (Kaang, 1992). Iwas able to get from the Kandel laboratory a copy of one of the plasmids they used, the pNEX-lacz, which contained the RSV sequence and the Escherichia coli lacz gene as the reporter gene. (Fig. 1) Through microinjecting, have been able to get expression of this vector in mouse sympathetic neuroblastoma cells (NIE-115), but have not been successful with its expression in either the abdominal ganglia of Aplysia or the giant fiber lobe (GFL) cells of the squid Loligo opalescens. MATEBIALS AND METHODS Preparation of the Plasmid. The pNEX-lacZ plasmid was transformed into E.coli and grown overnight in DYT and ampicillin broth. The DNA was then isolated using the Oiagen midi preparation procedure and cleaned in a phenolschloroform extraction. Microinjection of Plasmids into Giant Fiber Lobe Cells. From Loligo opalescens the giant fiber lobe was dissected and plated as previously described. (Gilly et al, 1990) Within 1-48 hours after plating, the neurons were injected using a compressed gas system (Eppendorf Microinjector 5242 and N2 gas) with a DNA solution consisting of 0.5 ug/uI DNA, 0.05-0.5% fast green, 10 mM Tris-HCl at pH 7.3, and 100 mM KCI. The injection microelectrodes were made from a glass with similar properties to the Narishige IM-CFS borosilicate 1 mm OD glass capillaries with filler fibers using either a Livingston puller (F.S. Hockman) (Gilly, 1978). Microinjection of Neuroblastoma cells. Differentiated mouse sympathetic neuroblastoma cells (NIE-115, kindly provided by Sam Wang and Chris Mathes) were received ready to be injected on glass cover slips, and they were injected with the DNA solution using the Eppendorf Microinjector. The cells had been differentiated as will be described. (Mathes et al, 1992) The microelectrodes used for injection were the same as that for the GFL cells. Microinjection of Plasmids into Aplysia neurons. The Aplysia californica abdominal ganglion was dissected, pinned on a Sylgard plate and desheathed in L15 medium (Schacher and Proshansky, 1983) containing an equal volume of artificial sea water (ASW) of the following composition: 475 mM Nacl, 10 mM KCI, 10 mM CaCl2, 50 MgCl2, and 10 mM HEPES. These neurons were injected using a Picospritzer Il (General Valve Corporation) with the same DNA solution as with the GFL cells, with the exception that KCl was replaced with Nacl. The injection microelectrodes were made from World Precision Kwik-Fil glass capillaries (approx. 2 mm ÖD) using a Narishige PE¬ 2 electrode puller. Detection of ß-Galactosidase. The cells were washed 24 hr after microinjection with Ca-free ASW (the above ASW composition without any CaClo), then fixed and stained as previously described. (Kaang et al, 1992) RESULTS When the GFL cells were injected with the pNEX-lacz gene, no expression of the ß-galactosidase activity was detected. Öther injection procedures were attempted by varying the time between the plating of the cells and the injections, the DNA injections solution, the glass and the glass pullers used to make the microelectrodes, and the wash solutions, but positive results were not obtained. To determine whether the plasmid received was indeed the pNEX-lacz, a series of tests were run to verify this: First, a BamH1 restriction digest was done on the plasmid, which resulted in fragments of appropriate sizes. Next, the plasmid was transformed into E. coli and grown on agar with X-gal. Because the bacteria is able to absorb the X-gal through their cell membranes and use it, the blue colonies that resulted were a positive indication that the bacteria was producing the ß-galactosidase enzyme. Thus the negative result with the GFL cells was not due to a fault with the lacZ gene. To test the integrity of the RSV promoterlenhancer sequence, the plasmid was injected into mouse sympathetic neuroblastoma cells. Because the Rous sarcoma virus is a mammalian virus, the neuroblastoma cells were expected to express the plasmid. Staining these injected cells showed a mixture of very well stained and partially stained cells. (see Table 1) Dense staining of cells was only seen in the case of DNA-injected cells. 24 cells similar to the example in Fig. 2 were seen with 950 cells injected. Mock injections of the cells were done with a solution of 0.05% fast green, 10 mM Tris-HCI and 100 mM KCl, as a control for possible expression of a ß-galactosidase gene in physically stressed cells, but no dense staining was evident. Similarly, bathing the cells in the DNA containing solution or no treatment at all failed to produce dark staining, which I took to indicate positive ß-galactosidase expression. With this definition, it can be concluded that the injected neuroblastoma cells expressed the pNEX-lacZ vector. Thus, the promoter sequence was not faulty. In addition to the 24 darkly stained cells, there were many faintly stained cells. These cells had either small, light blue circles of stain about 2-10 um in diameter or a faint blue stain throughout the cell. This result could be due to background staining from the technique or it could be due to the cells producing small amounts of the enzyme. From these results, which it is cannot be determined. Because of this, the partially stained cells were deemed as unusable as a positive indicator of plasmid expression. As a final control, injections were done on Aplysia abdominal ganglion, but with no detection of ß-galactosidase expression. This result was confusing, because the plasmid was supposed to be functional in the Aplysia. In looking over the procedure used by Kandel to determine where any procedural deviations may have occurred, it was tound that in his preparation of the abdominal ganglion, the ganglion was dissected, then treated with protease IX (Sigma) for 1 hr at 34.5°0. The normal temperature at which Aplysia cells are cultured is 17°0, so this would subject the cells to extreme physical stress. Nonetheless, injections were repeated using heat proteased ganglia, but again, no expression of ß-galactosidase activity was found. In the proteasing step of the GFL cells, the cells are maintained at room temperature, and heat was not necessary. To determine whether the 34.5°0 treatment was a necessary part of the plasmid expression, the heat treatment was attempted with the GFL cells. But before this, survivorship experiments were run to determine whether the squid cells would live through the heat shock. In Figure 4A, with the 1.5 and 2 hour heat shocked cells, a rapid decrease in the cells surviving can be seen. In the 1 hr heat shocked cells, an initial increase in the cell death can be seen, but after 48 hr this rate levels off to a survival rate similar to that of the control. In Figure 4B, these two trends can be seen in cells that were treated in the same 1 hr heat shock. In one plate the cells died rapidly (open hexagons). In the other plate (open circles), a rapid initial decrease in cell survival was halted after approximately 48 hrs, when the cell survival rate returned to the control level. Thus some cells seem to survive heat shock better than others. With the knowledge that some GFL cells can withstand 1 hr heat shock, this duration was used in all future heat shock experiments. DNA was injected into cells 1-8 hours after heat shocking, but no ß-galactosidase activity was detected. ß-galactosidase assays were also done on cells that were heat shocked 1 hour after injection, but these likewise resulted in negative staining. DISCUSSION No expression of the pNEX-lacZ plasmid was successfully detected in the GFL cells, and the controls that were run indicate that the lack of expression was not due to an error in the plasmid. This leaves two possibilities why the expression didn’t work in the squid cells. One possibility is that the GFL cells cannot be induced by the RSV promoter to express the exogenous DNA under any circumstances, and a second possibility is that the injections were not properly done, resulting in low efficiency. In looking at a study done in parallel with this expression project, however, another possible factor in expression of exogenous DNA was found. In this study (Gilly, 1992), whole cell voltage clamp experiments were performed on the control and heat shocked GFL cells of the survivorship experiment. In cells that were heat shocked 48 hours after plating, it was found that over the 24 hours following the temperature stress, the heat shock induced a four-fold increase in the density of Na channel conductance as compared to the control plates. Because the GFL cells in the squid normally do not express Na channels in the somata, (Brismar and Gilly, 1987) thus resulting in cells that in primary cell culture initially do not contain any Na channels, and because the Na conductance is proportional to the number of functional Na channels in the cell membrane, any Na conductance that is detected in these cells is a result of mappropriately expressed Na channels. Thus, the heat shock in effect caused a four-fold increase in Na channel protein expression, a dramatic increase. The mechanism through which this increase is produced is unknown. Morimoto, lissières, and Georgopoulos have reported a wide ranging effect of heat shock in protein synthesis, from the transcriptional to translational effects as well as effects on post-translational protein stability, any of which may lead to increased levels of proteins, any of which may have taken place in the GFL cells. This finding cannot directly be applied to a possible effect of heat shock on the expression of exogenous DNA, but given that heat shock has an effect on the expression of endogenous genes, the possibility that heat shock would have a similar effect on exogenous DNA expression cannot be excluded. In order to resolve the exact role heat shock is playing in gene expression, further experiments must be done to understand more completely its effect on these organisms. thank Dr. W. Gilly for his patience, support, insights, and especially his pushing me to get done what needed to get done so that it got done; Dr. M. Perri for her patience, support, insights, and compassion upon a lowly undergraduate; Dr. E. Kandel for the PNEX-lacZ, the various information relayed, both on paper and on phone, and his assent of my visit to his laboratory; Dr. P. Pfaffinger for his information on the details of the Aplysia project; Dr. S. Thompson for the information on and the dissections of the Aplysia ganglia, for the use of the Picospritzer, and for his interest; C. Mathes and S. Wang for the neuroblastoma cells and for their kindness; and J. Lucero for the dissection of the GFL cells. APPENDIX A: DNA MICROINJECTION TECHNIQUE In injecting the GFL cells, the Eppendorf Microinjector and Micromanipulator were used to insert the DNA into the cells. However, this process is not as simple as it sounds. First, the optimal placement of the injection is in the nucleus of the cell. If the injection is made into the cytoplasm, there is no cause to believe that the DNA would be imported into the nucleus. Thus, to get the DNA into the nucleus, injection directly within the nuclear membrane is the only way of ensuring this. However, this is easier said than done. In the GFL cells, the nucleus seems to be of various sizes and visibility, depending on the condition of the cell. In the healthier cells it is more difficult to see the nucleus, whereas in the more stressed cells the nuclear membrane is easily detectable. When they are visible, unless the cell is extremely unhealthy, the nucleus seems small, about 20 to 50 um in diameter. Thus, in healthy cells the nucleus is hard to detect, and in cells where the nucleus is visible, not only is it small, but the cell isn’t as healthy. Even if the nucleus is visible, the placement of the injection into it is yet another feat: On the micromanipulator, the lower limit to which the microelectrode is to penetrate is set and the glass tip placed directly over the spot at which the injection should be placed. Given that the cell is only visible from the top and the level at which the nucleus is present is difficult to establish, the microelectrode, when the injection is made, could come above or below the nucleus, leaving it unaffected. To complicate the matter further, when the nucleus is definitely penetrated, some nuclear membranes have been seen to stick to the glass, coming out with it as the microelectrode exits the cell, killing the cell. In the neuroblastoma and the Aplysia cells, the cell is composed primarily of the nucleus and it's difficult to miss the nucleus, which explains the more successful injections into the neuroblastoma cells, but brings to question the non-expression in the Aplysia neurons. Note also that if the injection set up is coupled with an electrical reading of the microelectrode, as had been done in this set up, just by reading the action potentials that are detected, being in the cell is ensured. The gist of this is that even in the Aplysia cells the injections are challenging to perform. Eric Kandel and Paul Pfaffinger, have likened the injection technique to art, that with more practice some people get better at it and that some people never get better at all. The common agreement among the people who perform injections into cells is that the injections are extremely difficult to master. APPENDIX B: DNA CLEANING In my protocol, the DNA used for injection was cleaned by running it through a Oaigen column. When the Kandel lab was contacted, it was found that when they started to do the research they also used a Oaigen column, but that they switched over to centrifuging the DNA in a CsCllethidium bromide gradient. Whether this does get the DNA cleaner is not known, but the Oaigen-cleaned DNA turned out to be extremely sticky, clogging the microelectrode very easily. Whether this stickiness is an innate property of the DNA or whether it is due to contaminants is unknown, and how this affects the success of the injections is likewise unknown. Literature Cited Brismar, T. and Gilly, W. (1987) Synthesis of sodium channels in the cell bodies of squid giant axons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:1459-1463. Gilly, W. (1992) Personal correspondence. Gilly, W. (1978) Contractile activation in slow and twitch muscle fibers of the frog. PhD thesis. Gilly, W., Lucero, M., and Horrigan, F. (1990) Control of the spatial distribution of sodium channels in giant fiber lobe neurons of the squid. Neuron 5:663-674. Kaang, B. (1992) Studies of long-term facilitation using gene transfer methods. PhD thesis. Kaang, B., Pfaffinger, P., Grant, S., Kandel, E., and Furukawa, Y. (1992) Overexpression of an Aplysia Shaker K“ channel gene modifies the electrical properties and synapfic efficacy of identified Aplysia neurons. Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 89:1133-1137. Mathes, C., Wang, S., Vargas, H., and Thompson, S.H. (1992) Intracellular calcium release in NIE-115 neuroblastoma cells is mediated by the Mj muscarinic receptor subtype and is antagonized by MCN-A-343. Brain Research 00 (in press). Morimoto, R., Tissières, A., and Georgopoulos, C. (1990) Stress Proteins in Biology and Medicine. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Schacher, S. and Proshansky, E. (1983) Neurite regeneration by Aplysia neurons in dissociated cell culture: Modulation by Aplysia hemolymph and the presence of the initial axonal segment. The Journal of Neuroscience 3:2403-2413. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Construction of the pNEX-lacz. A photo of a positively stained neuroblastoma cell for B-galactosidase assay. (A) The percentage of cells surviving in three different heat shock times. The filled circles are the control, the open circles the 1 hr heat shocked cells, the triangles the 1.5 hr heat shocked cells, and the squares the 2 hr heat shocked cells. Heat shock was delivered to the cells 24 hr after plating, as indicated by the arrow. (B) The percentage of cells surviving 1 hr heat shocks. The filled circles indicate the control plate, and the open markers indicate two different plates of 1 hr heat shocks. These plates were heat shocked 48 hr after plating, again as indicated by the arrow. a. ooop 0 2 8 25 oo . RSV AXAP-1 AATRAA MCS PNEX Bam HI T4 DNA ligase lac 2 RS 4P A DNEX - lac 2 PNASSB JAATAAA Fig. 1. lac 2 U 8- A V 8- CELLS SURVIVING (%) — 88