Abstract The resistance of Loligo opalescens embryos to predation may be due to symbiotic bacteria which colonize the egg sheath. It has been hypothesized that these symbiotic microbes are transferred to the egg sheath from the accessory nidamental (AN) gland of the mature female. Cultures of bactena from freshly spawned egg sheath tissue have produced two to three morphological types of bacteria. Sheath and gland isolates of the same morphology were shown to express identical patterns of protease activity, antifungal activity, and H,S production. Whole cell hybridizations of purified sheath bacteria with l6s TDNA probes supports the hypothesis that one sheath isolate is the same species as a previously charactenzed AN gland isolate. RAPD PCR analysis confirms the correlation between sheath and gland isolates by showing both produce similar genomic fingerprints. Comparative analysis of 16S FDNA sequences verifies this homology between sheath and gland isolates, indicating vertical transmission of the AN gland symbionts to the egg sheath during spawning. Introduction Monterey Bay is a spawning ground for the squid Loligo opalescens which deposits numerous eggs cases on the ocean floor every spring. The squid embryos, encased within a mucopolysaccharide egg sheath, have been observed to develop virtually undisturbed during their three to five week incubation period. Studies have shown that the sheaths of these egg cases are inhabited by bacteria (Biggs and Epel, 1991). The presence of these bacteria in the egg sheath may protect the embryos from micro and macro predation. Previous studies have indicated that these sheath bacteria secrete putrescine, a polyamine compound found in rotting material, which has been shown to deter potential predators from the egg cases (Hoerner, 1996). The presence of bacteria within newly laid cases suggests that the bacteria and the egg sheath may be secreted simultaneously, a process known as vertical transmission. A newly identified species of bacteria in the genus Shewanella has been shown to colonize the accessory nidamental gland (AN gland) of the female squid which participates in the secretion of the egg case (Kaufman. personal communication). The AN gland is also known as the reproductive gland. as its color signals the reproductive maturity of the squid. This change in color occurs upon the colonization of the gland by pigmented bacteria. Due to its association with bacteria and secretory structure, the AN gland has been indicated as a likely source for bacteria found in the egg sheath (Biggs and Epel, 1991). Verification that the bacteria in the freshly laid egg sheaths were of the same new Shewanella species as the bacteria from the AN gland would be strong evidence to support the theory of vertical transmission. Several techniques were employed to investigate whether the bacteria in the AN gland were vertically transmitted to the egg sheath. In this study we illustrated that the bacteria in the egg sheath express the same potentially symbiotic activities as the bacteria in the AN gland, antifungal activity, protease activity and the production of hydrogen sulfide. RAPD PCR analysis of the egg sheath isolates genomic DNA demonstrated that egg sheath isolates and AN gland isolates produced similar genomic fingerprints. Whole cell hybridization studies showed that 165 IDNA probes specifically designed to label the AN gland symbiont would also label egg sheath isolates. Additionally, l6s ribosomal DNA amplification, sequencing, and homology searches revealed that egg sheath isolates had almost identical 16S rDNA sequences as previous AN gland isolates. and indicated the presence of a second uncharacterized species in both the AN gland and the egg sheath. Pathogenic associations have long been the focus of bacterial-animal interactions. However all animals maintain cooperative associations with a complement of bacteria (Ruby, 1996) and would not be able to survive without microbial assistance. Models of non pathogenic bacterial-animal associations can reveal much about the w ay prokarvotes interact with eukaryotic cells. provide valuable information to the medical and pharmace utical community. and contribute to an understanding of the dy namics of the biosphere. Squid-bacteria symbiosis have been previously characterized in both loliginid squid such as Loligo pealei (Bloodgood. 1977/ Barbieri.19%6) and sepiod squid such as Euprymna scolopes (Ruby. 19%6). Loligo opalescens is the first of such squid-bacteria models hy pothesi zed to vertically transmit its bacterial symbionts to the egg sheaths of its embryos. Materials and Methods Plating experiments: Isolation of colonies: Freshly spawned egg cases from Loligo opalescens Berry were collected from the squid culture facility at Hopkins Marine Station. The egg cases were immersed in 95% ethanol for 2 minutes to remove any exogenous bacteria on their surfaces, then rinsed twice in sterile seawater. A section of the sheath, approximately lem’, was cut from each of the egg cases and its mass was recorded. Each section was subjected to one of the following additional ethanol treatments: O. 2. 4,6, and 8 minutes to sterilize the outer lavers of the egg sheath section (Table 1). After the second immersion in ethanol, the sections were again rinsed twice in sterile seawater. Next, each section was homogenized in ImL of sterile seawater with a sterile dounce and the homogenate was diluted to concentrations of 10', 10, 103, 10 and 105. 100uL of the homogenate and each of the dilutions, was plated onto marine agar and allowed to incubate for I to 2 days. After the bacterial colonies had developed on the plates, the colonies formed per gram of sheath tissue (cfulg) was determined by counting the number of morphologically identical colonies observed on the plate. multiplied by the reciprocal of the original homogenate 's dilution, and then divided by the mass of the section from which the homogenate had been made. Colonies of different morphologies were purified by removing the desired colony trom the sheath tissue cultures on a sterile inoculation loop and then re-streaking the colony across a fresh. sterile. marine agar plate. Protease Activity Assar: Each of the morphologically different sheath isolates was patched onto replicate marine agar plates containing ISce skim milk and allowed to grow at 1S Cor at room temperature. It was obser ed whether the isolate expressed protease activity by determining whether a zone of clearing formed around the isolate in the agar plate. indicating the proteolytic degradation of the protein casein contained in the milk. H.S Production Assay: Each of the morphologically different sheath isolates was patched onto replicate Marine triple-sugar-iron (TSI) plates and allowed to grow at 15°C or at room temperature. Isolates were positive for the production of H,S if a black precipitate of iron sulfide formed on the plate within the patch of bacteria. Antifungal Assay: Top agar plates containing the yeast against which the antifungal activity would be tested were made by making overnight cultures the yeast (l colony of the yeast grown overnight in SmL of marine broth) and adding lul, lOul, 5Oul or 10Oul of the overnight culture to Aml of 1% molten top agar. This mixture was vortexed briefly and immediately poured onto à manine agar plate, forming a top layer of agar containing the yeast. The tor agar was allowed to cool, then each of the morphologically different sheath isolates was patched onto the plate. After several days of growth it was determined whether the sheath isolate exhibited antifungal activity by observing a zone of clearing in the lawn of veast around the isolate. Antibiotic Sensitivity Assay: lop agar plates containing the sheath isolate whose antibiotic sensitivity would be tested were made by making ovemnight cultures of the isolate (I colony of the isolate grown overnight in Sml of marine broth) and adding 25ul of the culture to dml of 1% melted tot agar. This mixture was vortexed and immediately poured onto a sterile. marine agar plate. wo such plates were made for each isolate. Upon cooling. twenty disks containing the following antibiotics were placed upon the two top agar plates made for each isolate (IO per plate): PLATE41 PLATES2 Ampicillin lOug Neomycin 3Omcg 30ug Bacitracin 10 units Nalidixic acid 30ug Cefamanoole Penicillin 10 IU 3Oug Cefazolin Polymyxin B 300 IU Sug Sug Ciprofloxacin Rifampin Streptomycin Chloramphenicol 3Oug Soug Clindamycin Sulfisoxazole 2ug 25mg 93 - Erythromycin Sulfamethoxazole D.15ug ISug Kanamycin 3Omc and Trimethoprim 1.25ug Moxalactam 30ug Tetracycline 30ug Tobramycin lOug After several days of growth. the plates were observed for zones of clearing in the bacterial lawn around the antibiotic disks. A zone of clearing would imply that the bacteria had been prevented from growing in that region due to its sensitivity to the antibiotic. Microscopic Morphology and Metabolic fingerprinting Electron microscopy: Isolates from the egg sheath in log and in stationary phase were examined by electron microscopy to observe possible differences in morphology. Cells were applied to an EM grid by floating the grid for 2 minutes on a lOOul drop of log phase culture or overnight culture. The cells were fixed onto the grid. and negatively stained with a 2 minute treatment with 1% phosphotungstic acid. Biolog Identification Kit: Potential identities for the egg sheath isolates were examined using the BIOLOG assay and computer program which compared the metabolic fingerprint of each isolate, against the charactenstic metabolic fingerprints of other bacteria in the Biolog database Molecular Studies Isolation of genomic DNA: The genomic DNA was extracted from several isolates of each morphology found in the egg sheath, including purified colonies of bacteria previously isolated from the AN gland, from purified colonies previously isolated from the egg sheath, and from several control strains of bacteria. The genomic DNA (gDNA) was isolated using the Rapid Prep Micro Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (Pharmacia Biotech). This kit employs the use of individual premanufactured resin-packed columns to purify the DNA from 2x 10 microbial cells (approximately Iml of an overnight culture), and then the DNA is eluted in 400ul of buffer. The DNA is then precipitated from this suspension with the addition of 320ul of isopropanol and collected by centrifugation. After use of the RapidPrep kit the gDNA pellet from each sample was re-suspended in 30ul of ddH.O and was stored at 4°C. RAPD PCR Analvsis: The genomic differences between the previously isolated AN gland symbionts. previously isolated egg sheath bacteria, and the new egg sheath isolates were investigated using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPD). This technique detects genomic polymorphisms by using short oligonucleotide primers (7 to 15 bp) of random sequence to initiate the polymerase chain reaction. generating a fingerprint of amplification products specific to the species and/or strain level in question. Ready to Go RAPD Analysis Beads (Pharmacia Biotech) were used to implement the RAPD Analysis. These beads contained all the reagents. excluding the primer. nécessary to carry out the reactions. lo prepare the samples for RAPD Analysis one Ready to Go" bead was placed in each stenle PCR tube with Sul of the primer to be used in the reaction. 2ul of sample DNA was added to each tube, and brought up to a volume of 25ul with the addition of 18ul of water. For each trial a no DNA control was included. The samples were placed on a Perkin Elmer thermal cycler at a setting of: 95°-5 min 95° - 1 min cycles 36°- 1 min ) X 45 1 min 4°- hold When the reaction ended the products were visualized via agarose gel electrophoresis, Banding patters were compared by calculating a ratio of similarity for pair-wise comparisons of isolates the formula for which is: ratio of - number of common bands similarity total number of bands Whole cell hybridisation Ribosomal DNA probes were used to determine whether probes designed specifically for the AN gland symbiont would hybridize to the egg sheath isolates. Bacterial cells were harvested from Iml of log phase cultures of three morphologically different egg sheath isolates, and two control strains. The harvested cells were washed in cold sterile seawater and then resuspended in Iml cold sterile seawater. This resuspension was added to Iml of 8% paraformaldehyde fixative (Ag paraformaldehyde flakes, Smls IOXPBS. 45mls ddH,O) and fixed for 1 hour. After 1 hour the cells were pelleted from the fixative, washed in sterile seawater, and resuspended in cold sterile seawater. 3Oul of the fixed cells were applied to slides coated with gelatin and chrome alum CrK(SO.), The slides were allowed to air dry. and then were post-fixed for 20 minutes in a solution of 3Omls 37% formaldehyde and 270mls MeOH. After the post-fixation the slides were rinsed briefly in water and dried in the dark. 20ul of pre-warmed hybridization buffer (lOmls 25xSET. S00ul 10%SDS. 39.5mss dH. O)was added to the prepared cells on each slide and lul of the probe (SOng/ ul) was added to the buffer. Four different probe treatments were applied to each group of cells. A eubacterial probe (EUB) as a positive control was used to label all isolates at a conserved region in the 16S FDNA gene. A probe specific to Shewanella putrefaciencs (SPN) was used as a negative control to show that the hybridization reaction was specific on the species level and not across the genus Shewanella. A probe designed to label the AN gland symbiont (SQ26) which would hybridize along the same variable region of the l6s gene as the SPN probe. And a control hybridization, which contained no probe, was also performed with each group of cells. The cells on the slide were covered with à small square of parasilm and were placed in a SOml Falcon tube containing a kimwipe saturated in hybridization buffer to incubate overnight at 50C. After the incubation the cells were washed twice in. 2X SET then were observed for probe binding under phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy l6s Ribosomal DNA Amplification and Sequencing los ribosomal DNA was amplified from the genomic DNA prepared from four of the egg sheath isolates using Perkin Elmer Gene AMP PCR Core Reagents and two primers which hybridized at opposite ends of the l6s gene. The amplification was achieved via PCR with the following reaction profile: CX 3 min 95°Cx30 sec SSCX30 sec 28 cycles CxI min¬ Verification that the l6s Ribosomal DNA gene had been amplified was achieved by observing a 1500bp band after gel electrophoresis of the product. The amplified 16S FDNA was purified with the Promega Wizard PCR Preps DNA purification system. The purified product was sent to the Stanford University Protein and Nucleic Acid facility for nucleotide sequencing. The sequences were analy zed for homology to the previous AN gland isolate with the program BESTHT. Searches of the Genbank database with the FASTA algorithm were then used to locate homologous sequences. Results Plating experiments: Isolation of colonies from egg sheath tissue Bactena were isolated from 15 section of egg sheath in 4 trials as described in the Materials and Methods (Table 1). Three distinet bacterial morphologies were isolated from the 15 egg sheaths examined. Based upon their color they were labeled brown-orange (BO), orange-green (OG), and white (W). The BO and Wisolates were present in cultures from each of the 15 sheaths. The OG isolate was found in 7 of the 15 sheaths. The number of colonies formed per gram of egg sheath tissue (cfu/g) for each of the 15 sheaths examined are presented in Table 2. The cfu present on the marine agar decreased linearl with the amount of time the sections of sheath were immersed in ethanol (Figure 1.) The decrease in cfu per minute of EtOH treatment is present between the BO and Wisolates from all the sheaths examined, indicating that the two morphologies' relative frequency is maintained upon exposure to ethanol. A similar plot of cfulg formed vs. ethanol time treatment was generated for sheaths (J3, J5-J10) which included the OG isolate (Figure 2). Protease Activity Assay. H.S Production Assay, Antifungal Assay: The BO and OG isolates were shown to express protease activity against the protein casein as indicated by a zone of clearing around the isolate after several days of growth on a marine agar plate containing skim milk (Figure 3a). The BO and OG isolates were both found to produce hydrogen sulfide. as evidenced by a black precipitate of iron sulfide on marine triple-sugar-iron-agar plates (Figure 3b).The Wisolates do not express protease activity nor did they indicate production of hydrogen sulfide. The BO isolates have also been shown to express antifungal activity by preventing the growth of the marine veast Rhodotorula glutinis, and Candidatropicalis on marine agar plates (Table 3). Antibiotic Sensitivity Assay. The three isolates were tested for their sensitivity to twenty antibiotics which targeted a wide range of cellular activities such as cell wall formation and protein synthesis (Table 4). The BO, and OG isolates shared a90% identical pattern of antibiotic resistance and sensitivity. The W bacteria showed sensitivity to all the antibiotics tested. The three isolates shared sensitivities to thirteen out of the twenty antibiotics tested. Morphological characterisation and metabolic fingerprinting Electron microscopy, Each of the isolates were examined via electron microscopy. The BO and QG isolates appeared to have identical morphologies. Both isolates were rod shaped with unsheathed polar flagella. The Wisolates were morphologically different than the BO and CG isolates. The Wisolates were smaller, shorter rods with a single appendage (the E pilus) emanating from the side of the cell. (Figure 4). Biolog Assay: The BIOLOG identification assay indicated that the BO and OG isolates were of the genus Shewanella, and were closely related to the species Shewanella putrefaciens (Table 5). The system was unable to indicate any close relatives of the Wisolate, Molecular studies: RAPD PCR Analvsis: RAPD PCR analysis consistently produced similar genomic fingerprints among the BO egg sheath isolates. and the previous isolates from the AN gland and the egg sheath. 8010 and SQ26. RAPD PCR analysis also consistently produced similar genomic fingerprints among the Wegg sheath isolates and previous WAN gland isolates (Figure 5). The fingerprints of the OG isolates were shown to consistently differ from the BO isolates. indicating genomic differences between the two similar morphologies. The ratios of similarity (described in materials and methods) among pairwise comparisons of isolates show the AN gland symbionts and egg sheath isolates of the same morphologies produced the highest ratios of similarity (Table 6). A chart of these values graphically illustrates the amplification product similarity ratios (Figure 6). Whole cell hybridisations A l6s ribosomal DNA probe desi gned to specifically label the newly identified AN gland symbiont (SQ26) also labeled the BO and OG egg sheath isolates, indicating that the two egg sheath isolates were closely related to, if not the same species as the AN gland symbiont (Figure 7). The W bacteria were not labeled by this probe. The control probe EUB which hybridizes at a conserved region of the l6s gene and thus labels all eubacteria, labeled all the isolates tested. The negative control probe, specific to Shewanella putrefaciens, and differing from the newly identified Shewanella species probe (SO26) by 4 bases, did not hybridize to any of the isolates, only to the control strain of S. putrefaciens (SPATCC). The no probe treatment indicated the level of autofluorescence emitted by the bactena, and provided the standard against which the positive or negative results of the other probe treatments were judged. The cumulative results of all the hybridizations and controls are shown in Table 7. l6s Ribosomal DNA Amplification and Sequencing. The l6s ribosomal DNA was amplified via PCR as described in the Materials and Methods section and the amplification product viewed on a.7% agarose gel. A band near 150Obp was observed indicating the amplification reaction had been successful. Sequencing of the purified product was performed by the Stanford University Protein Nucleic Acid facility (PAN). Sequences of the BO and OG isolates were found to be at least 96% identical to that of the newly identified AN gland symbiont. The OG isolates were found to be at least 93% identical to the sequence of the AN gland symbiont. The BO and OG isolates were also 93%e identical. Due to an incomplete sequence (10 out of 1300 bp total), the given percentages of identity among the OG, BO and AN gland symbiont are likely to be higher than indicated. Using the computer algorithm FASTA, the OG and W sequences were compared to the bacterial l6s FDNA sequences in the Genbank database to locate instances of sequence homology (Table 8). The closest match to the OG bacteria that Genbank presented was a barophilic Shewanella strain (DB5S0 1) with a similarity percentage of 92.1%, followed closely by 9 Shewanella species and strains with similarity percentages from 91.9-893%. The closest match presented by Genbank is over 3% lower than the match between the newly identified species of Shewanella from the AN gland and the OG bacteria. The W isolate 's sequence was also searched for in the Genbank database. The closet match presented by Genbank was Roseobacter algicola a newly identified symbiont of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima. (Lafay, B et al, 1995). The percent of similarity between the Wisolate and Roseobacter was 86.6%. Discussion In this study we verified that bacteria isolated from freshly spawned squid eggs were the same as AN gland symbionts, indicating the vertical transmission of the bacterial symbionts from the squid to their egg cases. Bacterial isolates from the egg sheath were tested to verify that they expressed the same potentially symbiotic activities as isolates from the AN gland. The BO and OG bacteria were shown to express protease activity. The protease activity expressed by these isolates may serve to create an inhospitable environment within the egg sheath to prevent additional microbial colonization. This protease activity may also serve weaken the egg sheath when the embryos are ready to emerge from their incubation. The antifungal activity shown to be expressed by BO egg sheath isolates and AN gland isolates may also be a symbiotic function as the egg sheaths are observed to be resistant to fungal parasites during their incubation period. The bacterial production of an antifungal compound compatible with the tissue of newly developing squid has widespread pharmaceutical implications. Most antifungal compounds will indiscriminately damage all eukaryotic cells, not just fungal ones, so a fungicidal compound specific only to fungal cells could revolutionize the treatment of fungal infections. Both the BO and the OG bacteria were shown to produce hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic compound and its presence in the egg sheath suggests that perhaps the squid have developed a defense to this compound. H,S, like putrescine, is part of the chemical signal of rotting food, and may also serve to deter predators by chemically disguising the egg cases as rotting material. Molecular studies were used to determine whether the similarities observed in morphology and activity profiles among the BO and OG egg sheath isolates and the AN gland symbionts could be observed at the genomic level. A four primer RAPD PCR analysis was used to assign ratios of similarity for pairwise comparisons of egg sheath isolates and AN gland isolates. The highest ratios of similarity achieved were between the white AN gland isolates and white egg sheath isolates, and between BO egg sheath isolates, and the newly identified Shewanella species from the AN gland. The OG isolates were shown to genomically differ from the BO ones, as they consistently produced a fingerprint distinct from the AN gland isolate or BO egg sheath isolate. This fingerprint analysis indicated some genomic difference between the BO and the OG bacteria. The ratios of fingerprint similarity obtained through this 4 primer RAPD analysis much be considered qualitatively. Robust RAPD PCR analysis of population genetics can be performed with 20 or more primers under optimal conditions, to give more accurate estimations of genetic similanty. The ratios obtained from the four primer study have been used to assign trends only. not true indexes of genomic similarity. lo verify that the egg sheath isolates were the same species as isolates from the AN gland. as had been indicated for the BO isolate by the RAPD fingerprint analysis, IDNA probes specific to the new ly identified AN gland symbiont were shown to hybridize to both the BO and the OG bacteria. The negative control probe to Shewanella putrefaciens did not hybridize to either isolate, indicating that these isolates were more closely related to the neu AN gland species, than they were to its close relative in the same genus. This observation supported the hypothesis that the species found in the AN gland was also found in the ege sheaths, and further indicated that the OG and BO isolates were closely related on the species level, with genomic variation due possibly to strain type. The Wisolate from the egg sheath did not hybridize to the probe for the newly identified AN gland symbiont. indicating that this isolate was a different species than the BO and OG isolates. Conclusive evidence for the species homology of the BO, OG and AN gland symbiotic bacteria was provided by the amplification and sequencing of the l6s ribosomal DNA gene. The 16s ribosomal DNA gene is used for sequence analysis because it contains several regions of highly conserved sequence useful for obtaining alignments, yet contains sufficient sequence variability in other regions of the molecule to serve as a phylogenetic chronometer (Brock, 1996). Sequence analysis of the 16s genes of the three types of egg sheath isolates showed that the BO and OG morphologies were closely related on the species level, as had been indicated by the whole cell hybridization study. Both isolates had almost identical rDNA sequences when compared to each other and to the sequence of à previous AN gland isolate. A homology search of the Genbank database produced no closer match to the BO and OG isolates' 16S rDNA sequences, than the percent similarity between the egg sheath isolates and the sequence of the AN gland symbiont, leading to the conclusion that the BO. OG and newly identified AN gland symbiont are of the same species. The presence of tw o morphologically different strains of the same species of symbiont in some of the egg sheaths leads to speculation on the diversity among strains of the AN gland symbionts. Competition between strains of Vibrio fisheri has been documented in the light organ of the pacific squid E. scolopes (Lee. K.H., 1991). The light organ of this squid is analogous to the AN gland of the loliginid squid how ev er it been specialized to house bioluminescent bacteria and to emit light as a counter-predatory measure. The studies showed that multiple strains of V. fisheri were capable of colonizing the light organ and were able to do so when competing strains were absent. In the presence of à dominant strain, even light organs previously colonized by non-dominant bacteria quickly became saturated with the dominant strains to the exclusion of the less dominant strains. Since BO is the only strain of the newly identified Shewanella species that has been observed in colonies obtained from AN gland tissue, it is possible that this is the dominant strain within the species and prevents the growth of the OG strain in vivo. Perhaps sometimes several of the OG bacteria are able to survive in the AN gland despite the selective pressure for the BO, and are successfully vertically transmitted into the egg sheath where, free of the selective pressure, they are able to establish an equal population as the BO strain. This would explain why only some of the egg sheaths contained the OG strain while all of them contained the BO and Wstrains, and would further explain why no OG colonies had been observed during investigations of the AN gland. This hypothesis could be investigated by plating AN gland tissue homogenate on marine agar plates containing the antibiotic cefazolin to which the OG isolate is resistant but the BO isolate and W isolate are not. If enough OG bacteria reside at low levels in the AN gland, they may be observable on such a culture. However, this method may not be able to detect the presence of only a few bacteria in the AN gland and another method of selecting for the OG strain would have to be devised. The third morphology of bacteria isolated from the egg sheath were the Wisolates which RAPD RCR analysis had indicated were the same genotype as Wisolates from the AN gland. The Wisolates were shown not to be of the same species as the BO and OG by the whole cell hybridization study. and this was confirmed by 16S FDNA sequence analysis. Previous studies of the AN gland's association with bacteria by electron and fluorescent microscopy (Lai. 1994) had indicated the possibility that two distinct morphologies of bacteria were present in the AN gland at varying relative frequency based on the age of the squid. Whole cell images of the Wisolates roughly match the sectioned images presented by Lai. The two morphologies described were a rod shaped bacterium which would correspond to the BO and OG isolates from this study, and a smaller rounder morphology, which would correspond to the Wisolate from this study. The different morphologies in Lai's study were recognized to possibly be due to differences in the bactenum's orientation during sectioning. However, differences in the maturity levels of the squid examined also correlated to differing morphologies of bacteria. A homology search through Genbank for the Wisolate's sequence presented two new species of the genus Roseobacter as the nearest relatives based on 165 rDNA sequence with a percentage of identity of 86.6% and 84.4%. These percentages of TDNA homology are too low to assign genus or species verification. However, it is interesting to note that Roseobacter algicola, the first identity suggested, is a newly identified marine symbiont of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima (Lafay, 1995). And the second identity suggested is an unidentified species of a Roseobacter symbiont of the gall tissue of the marine red alga Prionitis lanceolata (Ashen, Goff, 1996). Studies by Hena Barbieri (1996) have indicated that the accessory nidamental gland of the Atlantic squid Loligo pealei is inhabited by a diverse population of bacteria. Twenty morphologically distinct colonies were isolated from the L. pealei AN gland. Using rRNA sequence analysis. one of these morphological types was most closely related to the genus Roseobacter with 93% identity to Roseobacter denitrificans. It is possible that the W bactera is a new species within the genus Roseobacter, a member of the alpha sub-group of the proteobacter. Conclusion This study has provided evidence to support the theory that the squid Loligo opdlescens vertically transmits a reproductive gland bacterial symbiont to the egg sheaths of its embryos by demonstrating that the bacteria isolated from freshly spaw ned egg sheaths were of the same newly identified species as isolates from the AN gland. Diversity within this species was indicated by the presence of a morphologically different strain in 7 out of the 15 egg sheaths examined, indicating possible competition between strains for colonization of the gland, analogous to the competition observed in the light organ of E. scolopes. These sheath isolates were shown to express potentially symbiotic activities such as the production of hydrogen sulfide, protease activity and antifungal activity. Also indicated was the presence of a second previously unidentified symbiont of the AN gland and egg sheaths, which appears be vertically transmitted as well. Acknowledgments Iwould like to thank Melissa Kaufman for her guidance, generosity and patience in teaching me everything I needed to know for this project. Thanks also to Professor Epel, and his lab. Nancy, Beth and Lisa. for making me feel so welcome this quarter. Literature Cited Ashen, JB, Goff L. "Molecular-identification of a bacterium associated with gall formation in the marine red alga Prionitis-lanceolata" Journal of Phycology v. 32(2) pp. 286-297. 1996. Barbieri, Elena. "New Evidence for Bacterial Diversity in the Accessory Nidamental Gland of the Squid (Loligo pealei)." Biological Bulletin v 191 pp. 316-317. 1996. Biggs, James and David Epel. "Egg Capsule Sheath of Loligo opalescens Berry: Structure and Association with Bacteria." The Journal of Experimental Zoology. v.259 pp. 263. 267. 1991. Bloodgood, Robert A. "The squid accessory nidamental gland: ultrastructure and 9 — association with bacteria Tissue and Cell v. 9(2) pp. 197-208. 1977. Brock. Biology of Microorganisms 7th ed. New York : Prentice Hall. pp. 618. 1996. Hoerner, Michelle. "Analysis of Putrescine in the egg case of Loligo opalescens Potential Roles in Predator Deterrence. " Hopkins Manne Station Final Papers 175H. 1996. Kaufman, Melissa R. Personal communication. Lafay, B, et al. "Roseobacter-algicola sp-nov, a new marine bacterium isolated from the phycosphere of the toxin producing dinoflagellate Porcentrum-lima" Intemational Joumal of Systematic Bacteriology. v. 45(2) pp. 290-296. 1995. Lai, Cindy J. "The Association between symbiotic bacteria and the accessory nidamental gland of squid Loligo Opalescens." Hopkins Marine Station Final Papers 175H.1994. Ruby, Edward G. "Lessons from a cooperative, bacterial-animal association: the librio fischeri-Euprymna scolopes Light Organ Symbiosis." Annual Review of Microbiology. v. 50 pp. 591-624. 1996. Table 1. Age since spawning for each egg sheath and ethanol treatment times of whole sheath and section sheath time since Ethanol umber spawning treatment times for sheath:section 3h5 2:0 min « 3hrs 2:0 mir trial 2 « 3hrs 2:2 min « 3hrs 2:2 min « 3hrs 2:0 min trial -1 day 2:2 min -1 day 2:4 min 1 day 2:6 min 1day 2:0 min 1 day 10 2:0 min trial 4 +-7 days 2:2 min 12 -7 days 2:4 min 13 -7 days 2:6 min -7 days 114 2:8 min 115-1 -7 days 2:0 min 115-2 2:2 min U15-3 2:4 min L1s-4 2:6 min TABLE 2. Average CFU per gram of sheath tissue. (total EtOH treatment times in parentheses) sheath B0 6 number 11(2) 1.20E404 2.245405 2(2) 1.43E402 5.37E404 3(4) 4.67E402 1.67E402 1.07E404 4(4) 1.79E402 O.OOE400 1.20E403 95(2) 5.O0E405 5.71E404 3.14E405 16(4) 4.00E403 1.07E40 8.00E403 17(6) 1.50E403 7.00E402 2.10E403 8(8 4.00E402 6.63E403 1.60E404 9(2 1.40E405 2.445404 3.78E404 110(2 2.45E405 5.50E404 2.00E404 11(4) 1.20E404 2.35E403 112(4) 2.00E40. 2.50E405 113(4) O.OOE4OC 6.00E402 114(2) 1.O0E402 9.00E403 115-1(2) 1.50E405 8.60E404 115-2(4) 5.30E404 5.90E404 115-3(6 O.OOE400 4.00E404 115-4(8) O.00E400 O.OOE+00 Table 3. Activity Assays protease activity produces H2S antifungal activity prown- prange YES VES YES orange¬ green YES VES not tested white NO NO NO Table 4. Antibiotic sensitivity assay ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE bacterial isolates from egq sheath Antibiotic white brown-orange orange green Ampicillin Bacitrancin Cefamanoole Cefazolin Ciprofloxacin Chloramphenicol Clindamycin Erythromycin Kanamycin Moxalactam Neomycin Nalidixic acid Penicillin Polymyxin B Rifampin Streptomycin Sulfisoxazole Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim Tetracycline Tobramycin NO RESISTANCE Table 5. Results of Biolog identification search. BIOLOG ASSAY Bacterial isolate Proposed ldentity Shewanella putrefaciens A 18 Brown-orange J8 Orange-green Shewanella putrefaciens B No 1D 92-1 White Shewanella putrefaciens B CDC group EF-4 Psychrobacter immobilis Psychrobacter immobilis 92-2 White CDC group EF-4 CDC GTOUD EF4 91 White Vibrio Cyclosites similarity 0.917 0.798 0.145 0.135 0.134 0.651 0.0 0.649 0.062 Table 6a. Ratio of similarity between banding patterns obtained by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR Analysis of bacterial isolates ISPATCC 8026 18910 L8 B0 primer SPATCC 0.57143 0.6 S926 0.75 0.6 SD010 0.5 J8 B0 1806 J8 W. 12 W primer 2 SPATCC 8910 8926 8 B0 SPATCC O.44444 0.5 0.66667 S926 0.75 0.75 SD010 0.75 J8 B0 1806 38 W 12 W primer 3 SPATCC 8926 18910 8 B0 SPATCC 0.4 0.5 8026 O.83333 0.66667 S0010 0.66667 J8 B0 1806 18 W 32 W primer 4 SPATCC 8026 8910 J8 B0 SPATCC O.42857 8026 0.90909 0.7692: S0010 0.66667 18 80 1806 18 W 12 W SPATCC average 8026 S910 J8 80 SPATCC O.36786 0.44167 0.3432 5026 0.81061 0.69647 SDQ10 0.64583 J8 80 J8 0G J8 W 12 W D806 0.4 0.75 O.33333 0.25 1806 O.44444 0.28571 0.25 O.5714: 806 O.3076. 0.42857 1806 O.36364 O.54545 0.5 J8OG 0.35202 0.47222 0.27083 O.4375 8 W. 18 W. 0.3333: O.18182 O.36364 O.36364 O.54545 8 W. 0.16667 0.26667 O.1666. 0.25 O.16667 18 W. O.18182 -2- O.53333 0.6666 J8 W 0.22727 0.14949 0.17677 0.38232 O.4596 12 W. 0.22222 0.28571 O.44444 12 W O.30768 O.16667 O.3333: O.33332 0.9375 2 w. 0.16667 0.26667 O.16667 0.25 0.16667 2 W. O.16667 0.16667 O.15385 0.375 0.61538 0.92308 12 W 0.16026 0.20556 0.23489 0.35060 0.32051 0.95353 Table 6b. Ratio of similarity of banding patterns between amplification fragments of egg sheath isolates J2W and J8W and the banding pattern of AN gland isolate MK84. K84 vs 12W NK84 vs 18W primer 1 nO DNA 0.66 primer 2 0.9 primer 3 0.92 0.94 primer 0.75 23 average 0.8275 10.95553 Table 8. Results of sequence homology search through Genbank Close relatives egg sheath isolates. FASTA Homology search % similarity orange-green parophillic Shewanella (strain 5501) 92.6 Shewanella benthica 91.9 hewanella sp. strain DB172F 91.8 Shewanella sp. strain DB172R 91.6 Shewanella strain DB 6906 91.3 Shewanella strain D5512 90.8 Shewanella strain 90.7 DB6705 Shewanella alga 89.6 89.3 B. gelidimarina FASTA Homology search 6 similarity white Roseobacter algicola 86.6 Vs. P. lanceolata gall bymbiont/Roseobacter 84.6 Octadecobacter arcticensis 84.4 Marinosulfonas methylotrophus 84.5 UNIP a-Proteobacterium 84.4 Silicibacter lacuscaerulensis 83.4 Paracoccus alcaliphilus 82.5 Paracoccus aminophilus 81.8 Paracoccus aminovorans 81.8 Figure Legends Averaged ethanol treatment effects on colony formation units per gram. Figure 1. The cfus/g decrease linearly as the length of the Ethanol treatment times increase. Averaged ethanol treatment effects on cfus/g of the three morphologies Figure 2. isolated in trials 2 and 3. Figure 3. 3a) Protease plate. Zone of clearing around BO and OG isolates indicate proteolytic activity. No zone of clearing is present around white isolate. 3b)TSI plate. Black precipitate in bacterial patch indicated the production of hydrogen sulfide. BO and ÖG both have a black precipitate, the white colony does not. Electron Micrographs of BO, OG and Wisolates. Figure 4. a) BO bacteria in log phase. Cell is dividing by binary fission. b)W bacteria in stationary phase. Note F pilus for DNA exchange/mating protruding from the side of the bacterium. e)OG bacteria with single polar flagellum. Hair-like lines extending from the surface of bacteria are most likely staining artifacts. Two RAPD gels showing amplification patterns with 2 different primers. Figure 5. Similar genomic finger prints shown among the BO isolates, lanes 4-7 and among the white isolates lanes 10-13. Different finger prints obtained for the OG isolates compared to the BO isolates. lanes: 8-J8 ÖG: ÖG from sheath J8 1- size standard 9- J8 ÖG: ÖG from sheath J8 2- No DNA control 10-JI W: W from sheath J1 3-Ecoli 4- SQ26: Sequence of AN isolate 11-J2 W: W from sheath J2 5- SQ1O: AN gland isolate 12-J8 W: W from sheath J8 6-JI BO: BO from sheath J 13-MK84: WAN gland isolate 7- J8 BO: BO from sheath J8 Figure 6. Graph of RAPD analysis ratios of similarities among pairwise comparisons of isolates. Note that the BO isolates have a high ratio of similarity when compared to the previous sheath and AN gland isolates SQ26 and SQ1O. The W bacteria have a high ratio of similarity when compared to MK84. a previous white isolate from the AN gland. Figure 7. Photos of whole cell hybridization for BO isolate. Note positive hybridization signals for the EUB and SQ26 probe and negative hybnidization signals for the SPN and no probe treatments. Figure 1. Ethanol treatment effects on colony formation units per gram 120000 oo000 80000 60000 40000 20000 E EE 2min 4min 6+min Ethanol treatment time W E80 Figure 2. Ethanol treatment effects on the three morphologies isolated in trials 2 and 3. ETHANOL EFFECTS ON TRIALS 2 AND 3 INCLUDING ORANGE GREEN ISOLATI 200000 180000 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 nW 20000 BO o E 4min 2min 6 min Ethanol treatment time o 5 a. 8 a Figure 4. a) Brown-orange Figure 4. b) White Figure 4. c) Figure 4. d) Figure 4.e) Figure 5. ratio of similarity between RAPD PCR banding pattems — Noo J8W -J2W MK84-J8W MK84-12W S026-5910 J8B0-S926 J8B0-S910 J80G-S026 J8W-1806 SQ1O-SPATCC J8B0-J806 J8B0-J8W SPATCC-S926 J8B0-12W J8OG-SPATCC SPATCC-J8B0 J80G-12W J80G-SQ10 J2W-S910 SATCC-8 S926-12w J8W-S910 J2W-SPATCC J8W-S926 Figure 7. Brown-orange Rrown-orange Brown-orange Brown-orange No Probe EUB S926 SPN