ABSTRACT The sensitivity of sea urchin egg fertilization was tested in waters of various degrees of chlorinated and unchlorinated domsetic sewage. Chlorine in sewage, especially diluted sewage, was found to strongly inhibit sea urchin fertilization. Removal of chlorine suggested that there were other pollutants present in sewage effluent. The sea urchin fertilization bioassay may be useful in indicating pollution though it cannot act as the sole indicator of water quality. INTRODUCTION In recent years, with the rising awareness of pollution in the environment, it has become necessary to find ways of measuring environmental quality. Much work has been done to find effective bioassays which can indicate environmental deterioration. For an arganism to be a good bioassay it must show effects clearly, simply, and quantitatively. Moreover, the organism must be sufficiently abundant year round to be used any time. Many organisms have been tested as bioassays for indicating pollution including diatoms, crustaceans, bivalves, and many fish, especially stickel¬ backs, with varying success (Wilber, 1969; Warren, 1971; Tarzwell, 1971). Some of the major difficulties have been the hardiness of the organisms and the length of time required to get results. The organisms that are hardy enough to culture in the laboratory are usually too hardy to show subtle changes in environmental quality. Sea urchin gametes have the potential for being excellent test material. In many regions of the world, several species occure withe overlapping spawning seasons so gametes can be found at any time of the year. Sea urchins can be kept for long periods of time in the laboratory, and can be chem¬ ically induced to shed eggs and sperm. While the mature organism is relatively hardy, the eggs and especially the sperm seem sensitive to environmental changes. Furthermore, the development rates of sea urchins are relatively rapid so changes can be detected over a short period of time. Kobayashi (1971) proposed that water quality could be bioassayed by the ability of sea urchin eggs to be fertilized in test waters. He tested the quality of the water in the vicinity of Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Japan, using fertilization, cell division, gastrulation, polyspermy, and exogastrulation as indicators. Using eggs and sperm of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus amd Anthocidaris crassispina he tested water from the open sea side of Hatakejima Island, the land side of Hatakejima Island, Tsunashirazu Cove, and the running sea water system of the laboratory. He concluded, "...any signs of biologically significant pollution have seemingly not yet been observed in the laboratory water and the water from the open sea side of Hatakejima Island, but a considerable pollution is already difinable in the water from the land side of the island and the water from Tsuna¬ shirazu Cove, especially in the latter." Using this work as a basis for further studies, I conducted experiments with Strongylocentrotus purpuratus on water taken from the Mon- terey sewage outfall and the Pacific Grove sewage outfall. MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals The animals were collected from Pigeon Point, San Mateo, California, on April 21, 1971, and stored in large tanks 27 with flowing sea water. They were fed unlimited amounts of the brown algae, Macrocystus. Water samples Pacific Grove, California, discharges approximately 1.26 million gallons of primary treated sewage daily with a peak hour flow of 6.0 million gallons per day from an outfall on Point Pinos. The end of the outfall is located off a rocky intertidal area with a southern exposure and lies one foot below mean lower low water in a region of heavy surf. Samples were taken at low tide from three sites: site 1, the outfall; site 2, five meters to the west; and site 3, five meters to the east (fig.1). The rocks at site I were deviod of any but microscopic life. The rocks at the other two collection points were populated almost solely by stunted specimens of the red algae Prionitus lanceolata. The lack of species diversity reflects the influence of pollutants in the water. I observed a turbidity in the water samples due to particulate matter coming from the outfall. The water samples taken from the three sites had a consistent grading of turbidity of 1 greater than 2 greater than 3. Monterey, California, discharges an average of 2.67 million gallons of secondary treated sewage per day with a peak hour flow of 8.6 million gallons per day into the Monterey Bay through a submerged pipe approximately 10 meters deep. Samples were taken from the surface between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. at markers on the boil and 100 and 200 meters in each cardinal direction, and stored at 4°C. Though there was a slight turbidity to the samples, there was no noticable gradation. Water, considered to be unpolluted, was taken off Hopkins Marine Station, filtered through a 0.45 u millipore filter and stored at 4°C. This water was used as the unpolluted "control"against the water from Pacific Grove and Monterey throughout the experiment. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN All experiments were conducted at 15°Ciunder artificial light. Twenty-five ml. Erlenmeyer flasks were used for the experiments because of their relatively large bottom surface area. Before transfering the water to the flasks all samples to be tested were well mixed. The water samples were tested undiluted and the following dilutions: 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, and 1:16. Eggs and sperm were obtaineddby injecting O.5M KCI into the sea urchins and collectinggthe shed gametes in filtered sea water. The eggs were washed twice with filtered sea water. Approximately 0.5 ml. of egg suspension or enough eggs to form a single layer on the bottom of the flask, and 0.3 ml. of sperm suspension or approximately one hundred sperm per egg were used for each test. The sperm was allowed to sit in the samples for ten minutes before the eggs were added. This means these tests were actually on the effects of different water on sperm viability. Ten minutes after the eggs were mixed with the sperm, aliquots were removed and observed under the microscope for elevation of the fertili¬ zation membrane. Two hundred eggs of each aliquot were counted. 294 The water from each sample was tested twice: first on the day of collection of the water, and then on the following day. Development was observed six hours after the eggs were mixed with the sperm by counting the percentage of fertilized eggs which had reached the eight cell stage. Muchmore (1970) researching the effectsoof chlorine on sea urchin fertilization, used sodium thiosulphate to reduce free chlorine and neutralize its effect. Following this I also neutralized the chlorine in some of my samples with excess sodium thiosulphate. RESULTS Pacific Grove The results from the Pacific Grove water samples show that chlorine strongly inhibits fertilization. Inhibition of fertilization by chlorine was especially evident after dilution of the sewage. (figr 2,3,4185)at Foreekampletat the outfall, inhibition of fertilization could be removed by removal of the chlorine from dilutions of more than 1:4. Further from the outfall, at sites 2aand 3, removal of chlorine at dilutions above 1:4 increased the percent of fertilization. Therefore, at high sewage concentrations, materials other than chlorine suppressed fertilization. Allowing the samples to sit in stoppered bottles overnight usually caused a decrease in the effect of the inhibitor, but this was not due only to decrease of chlorine in the samples (see, for example 20 May, fig 3). Monterey The results from the Monterey experiments also show inhibition by both chlorine and some other pollutant (fig.586). The Monterey Health Department rated May 24, 1971 as an average day with the chlorinator adding 2 ppm. chlorine to the sewage effluent. However on May 3 and May 10 the chlorinator had been malfunctioning. On May 3 the addition of chlorine had been very low and then spurted relatively high. The coloform counts taken at the same time as my samples were low, only 230 mpn. at the boil, also indicating that the chlorine was high at that time. On May 10 there was less than 1.0 ppm. chlorine being added to the effluent at the time of the sampling, and the coloform counts were high, 4600 mpn. at the boil, indicating a very low chlorine count. Fertilization of the sea urchin gametes was low on May 3 and high on May 10, suggesting that the different amount of chlorine in the effluent directly influenced the water quality. Variations in the effluent over a period of time are indicated in the results from May 24 with the outer stations showing lower values than the boil. The lower values on May 3 at the boil and 100 meters to the north and west indicate the effluent was dispersing from the boil in those directions. I ran developmental tests on samples from both Monterey and Pacific Grove (fig.7). The Monterey samples showed some cases of slight variations in development from the filtered sea water while the Pacific Grove samples indicated that those eggs that were fertilized developed normally. 396 INTERPRETATION These results show that high concentrations of sewage can have definite effects on sea urchin fertilization, but low concentrations have little effects. The system, there¬ fore, does not seem very sensitive for sewage pollution. Chlorine in the sewage appears to strongly effect fertilization; however other substances in the effluent also suppress fert¬ ilization, especially when at high concentrations. Kobayashi (1971) found much lower inhibition of ferti- lization in his samples than I found in mine (fig.8). Four out of nine cases fromthealand side of Hatakejima and four out of six cases from Tsunashirazu Cove varied more than one standard deviation fron the mean value of the unpolluted samples from the laboratory. Only four values varied more than two standard deviation units. The occurance of values below one standard deviation for development supports his conclusions that the water on the land side of Hatakejima and Tsunashirazu Cove werecpolluted, but in all his experiments the development values were relatively high, over 90%. Muchmore (1970) with dilutions of sewage effluent from the Pacific Grove outfall of 33%, 10%, and 5% neutralized for chlorine, concluded, "Tests show that the effects of unchlorinated domestic sewage on fertilization is relatively slight, especially when compared to the effect of chlorinated sewage." I also found at low concentrations, unchlorinated sewage has little effect on fertilization. Other pollutants, however, can effect gametes. Allen (1971), testing the 29 effects of oil on sea urchin fertilization, found that while most crude and refined oils saturated in sea water did not appreciably effect the sperm before fertilization, development was inhibited almost completely for most oils at dilutions down to 6.25%. Originally the experimental design called for the use of artificial sea water as the unpolluted control and for making the sewage effluent-sea water dilutions. This seemed desirable because the components of the water would be known and constant. However the Ward's artificial sea water that I used inhibited the fertilization from 10 to 90%. The varying effect of different toxicants on sea urchin fertilization and development show the system to be a poor overall pollution indicator. While a high coloform count at Monterey on May 10 showed high levels of sewage in the water, the sea urchin test was not sensitive to it. Sample waters had very little effectoon developmentin Kobayashi's (1971) and my data, but an overwhelming effect was found by Allen (1971) with oils. It seems unlikely that any bio¬ assay can be found that will be a good indicator for all pollution. Rather a system could be devised that uses several bioassays for different toxicants. Coloform counts are now in use to determine human waste concentrations. The sea urchin bioassay might be another useful and relatively straightforeward indicator of water quality, especially with respect to chlorine, heavy sewage, and petroleum pro¬ ducts. While this bioassay cannot prove the water is not 29 polluted, if there is inhibition to fertilization it is a good indicator that the water is polluted and corrective steps should be taken. CONCLUSION 1. The sensitivity of fertilization of sea urchin eggs was tested in waters of various degrees of sewage pollution. 2. Fertilization seems very sensitive to chlorine and removal of chlorine from sewage polluted water often restores water quality with respect to ability of fertili- zation of sea urchin eggs. 3. However, in some cases, removal of chlorine did not restore water quality, and fertilization was still very low. This suggests that other pollutants which effect sea urchin fertilization are present in sewage effluent. 4. It is suggested that the use of fertilization of sea urchin eggs might be an easy and valuable technique for testing water quality, although it cannot be the sole standard for water quality. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. John Pearse and Dr. Vicki Pearse for their patience and help, and Mr. Tony Weaver for help in collecting water samples. BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, Heather. 1971. The effects of petroleum fractions on the fertilization and cleavage of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Hopkins Marine Station Final Papers 175H.(ase Marie Pellihe Bulletin, jn press, Sept.issne) Kobayashi, Naomasa. 1971. Fertilized sea urchin eggs as an indicatory material for marine pollution bioassay, Publications of the Seto Marine preliminary experiments. Biological Laboratory. (6)319-424 Muchmore. Douglas B. 1970. The effects of unchlorinated and chlorinated sewage on sea urchin fertilization. Hopkins Marine Station Final Papers 175H, pp. 430 451. Tarzwell, C.M. 1970. Measurements of pollution effects on living organisms. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, vol. 177, number 1048, pp. 279-285. Warren, Charles E. 1971. Biology and Water Pollution, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, pp. xvi + 434. Wilber, Charles G, 19691 The Biological Aspects of Water Pollution, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, pp. vii + 296. 300 o 00 PIPE POINTIPINOS 2 figure 1 36 MONTEREY ar paciele 006 rRL orreet TEREL 5-17-71 neutralized 5-19-71 20 n 19 n 20 5-20-71 n220 n 21 5-17-71 n 18 5-19- 20 n 19 n 20 5-20-71 n 21 5-17-71 n 18 5-19-71 20 n19 n 20 5-20-71 21 n 20 n 21 GROVE PACIFIC %0 FERTILIZATION dilutions sea 1:4 1:16 water 1:8 95.5 10 11 97.5 10 99 98. 100 99 100 94 1.5 88.5 42 17.5 85.0 15 85.5 95 20 15 85 11 27.5 5 99.5 76 54 13 81 100 17 100 92 8.5 10 6 99.5 99.5 100 99.5 99.5 99.5 100 100 6 40 95 88 98 48 97 93 100 58 77 95 36 85 99 99.5 99 99.5 80 86 93 94 98.5 100 99.5 12 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 96.5 34 82 99 42 45 96 64 11 73 96 49.5 95.5 74 98.5 67 40 96 1:2 3 .5 17.5 37 4 82 5 99 118 1:1 21 99.5 100 18 99.5 63 figure 2 30. 100 100 100 00 PACIFIC GROVE SITE 1 o° FERTILIZATON 1:16 1:4 1:2 18 38 o 22 1:16 1:2 18 116 1:4 13 1:8 O DAV 1 DILUTIONS NEUTRALIZED DAV 1:1 Om D DAY2 NEUTRALIZED DAV figure 30 100 + % 100 % 100 % SITE 2 PACIFIC GROVE % FERTILIZATION 1:4 1.2 1.16 18 1:4 1:16 1.2 2 1.8 1.16 1:2 O oav1 DILUTIONS NEGTAOLIZEC 1:4 ODAV 2 oa 2 NEOTAALIZEO figure4 100 100 100 GROVE SITE 3 PACIFIC % FERTILIZATION m o 8 1.16 1:2 18 1:4 2 116 14 8 C 1.16 1:8 1.4 DILUTIONS 1:2 L 1:1 o DDOY 2 DAY 4 NEGTRAAIEE figure 100 % 100 00 % MON TEREY % FERTILLZATION 0 N boil E S E 0m O o W oiE 10 m o 8 O boilE Oom W N 200 m 200 m O O 200 m O CHLORINRTED O NEUTRALIZED figure 306 W boil 5-3-71 5-10-7198.0 5-24-7145.0 12.0 95.0 neutralized 97.5 too S MONTEREY % FERTILIZAT ION 200 m 100 m N. E 75.0 99.0 5.0 16.0 98.0 92.0195.0 93.0 100 97.C 100 100 99.0 99.0 100 100 19.0 10.0 34.0 22.C 63.0 44.0 33.0 28.0 40.0 19.0 7.0 26.0 52.0 12.0 32.0 21.0 52.5 68.0 87.0 61.0 66.0 85.0 62.0 74.0 96.0 84.0 80.0 61.0 78.0 54.0 90.0 53.0 100 7 100- AE 0 10 MONTEREY figure 30, figure 8 KÖBAYASHI- aP FERTILIZATION mean-92.24 standard deviation- 7.13 laboratory open sea side land side cove 98. 94.9 90.1 5-21-70 93.1 98.4 98.5 92.0 97.8 93.5 — — 99.6 86.5 98.2 97.6 84.2 99.8 99.7 87.2 98.2 93.2 7-21-70 95.1 82.3 8-18-70 80.4 82.1 91.2 82.7 83.4 90.1 77.1181.0 84.1 68.2 69.1 75.3 KOBAYASHI- SP GASTRULA STAGE mean-98.01 s.d.-1.55 laboratory open sea side land side cove 93.9 97.6 — 5-21-70 98.6 96.5 94.5 90.1 95.3 — 93.1 97.7 7-21-70 98.9 98.6 97.6 98.7 97.6 95.7 96.1 97.7 95.3 93.4 95.1 94.5 8-18-70 98.8 98.8 99.3 98.8 98.6 98.9 97.5 96.9 97.6 96.7 95.8 96.7 LISSANT-DEVELOPMENT-MONTEREY 100 m 200 m boil 97.0 100 76.0 100 100 92.( 94.5 98.5 100 98.5 99.5 98.0 94.0 100 99.5 100 95.0 100 98.5 100 99.5 99.5 100 100 98.5 100 100 NT-PACIEIC GROVE LISSANT-DEVELOPME 1:16 1:8 1:4 1:2 fsw 1:1 - —— —— 100 100 99.5 site 1 --- 100 99.0 ——— — 99.( — 100 100 100 98.5 â site 2 99.5 100 97.0 — — 100 site 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99.0 100 99.5 97.0 fsw- filtered sea water