ABSTRACT Marine invertebrate embryos can concentrate amino acids from dilute solution against gradients as steep as 10°. I report here that Notoacmea incessa embryos can concentrate leucine and methionine 200 and 400 times, respectively, over ambient levels after 15 minutes incubation. Transport increased at 3 hours post-fertilization with maximal rates for the first 36 hours of development occurring by 12-18 hours post-fertilization. A Lineweaver-Burk analysis of leucine of 4.9 X 10-14 uptake revealed a Km of 1.262 uM and a Vmay moles/embryo/15 minutes. This Ky value is comparable to that observed for other marine invertebrate embryos, but the Vmay value is 10-100 times lower. Approximately 703 of the leucine transported by the embryo was incorporated into protein, as compared to 153 for methionine. Several possible explanations for the different rates of incorporation are presented. INTRODUCTION From the moment of fertilization until an organism has developed a functional digestive system, one might assume that the events of development must be fueled by the embryo's endogenous reserves stored in the yolk of the egg. Manahan, however, has reported that only 133 of a developing marine invertebrate embryo's metabolic demands can be met by these endogenous reserves (Manahan, 1988). Many studies (reviewed in Stephens, 1988) have suggested that the developing embryo supplies the remainder of its metabolic demand by concentrating dissolved organic matter from the surrounding seawater. In fact, marine invertebrate embryos can concentrate free amino acids from seawater against gradients as steep as 10° to 10'. As thermodynamically unfavorable as this would seem, Manahan has calculated that the cost of transporting a mole of glycine against such a concentration gradient would be less than 43 of the potential benefit an organism could derive by the oxidation of that same mole of glycine (Manahan, 1983). Most of the present work, however, has concentrated on the mechanics of the transport system itself and few have focused attention on the changes which this system may undergo as an organism passes through the early stages of development. This study describes the pattern of amino acid transport during the first 36 hours of development of the marine invertebrate gastropod, Notoacmea incessa. Uptake of leucine and methionine rapidly increased at 3 hours post-fertilization, reaching maximum concentrations of 200 and 400 times, respectively, over ambient. The Ky value of leucine uptake was comparable to that observed for other marine invertebrate embryos, but the Vmay value was 10-100 times lower than the other Vpax values. The bulk of the leucine taken into the embryo was incorporated into protein, wheras for methionine, most remained unincorporated. MATERIALS AND METHODS HANDLING OF GAMETES Notoacmea incessa, commonly found grazing on the brown algae Egregia menziesii, were collected from the intertidal in the general vicinity of the Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. Immediately following collection, the limpets were placed in filtered seawater, originally at 150, but allowed to come to room temperature over several hours to induce spawning. Eggs were fertilized in filtered seawater with penicillin and streptomycin (each at 150 mg/1, hereafter referred to as FSW+) by addition of dilute sperm. Approximately 1 hour after fertilization, excess sperm was removed by washing the eggs three times. Washing involved sedimentation of the embryos by hand centrifugation, aspiration of the supernatant, and resuspension in fresh FSW+. Embryo concentrations were adjusted to 500/ml (0.053 y/v) or 1000/ml (0.18 v/v). Direct embryo counts were performed on multiple 50 ul aliquots from homogenous suspensions. Embryo volume was calculated from measurements of egg diameter using a stage micrometer and light microscope. The developing embryos were incubated at 500/ml FSW+ at 150 in a beaker with stirring. FSW- was changed at 12 hour intervals to maintain water quality. MEASUREMENT OF AMINO ACID TRANSPORT Embryos were pulsed with radioactive-labeled amino acid for 15 minutes at 150. "H-leucine (stock specific activity of 52 Ci/mmol, diluted with cold leucine to 5.2 Ci/mmol) and 328- methionine (stock specific activity of 1361 Ci/mmol, undiluted) were added simultaneously to 4 ml of a 1000 embryo/ml suspension to final concentrations of 1.0 x 10"°M for leucine and 7.0 x 10"2 M for methionine. The embryos were kept in suspension with gentle bubbling. At the end of the incubation period, embryos were washed three times with cold FSW to remove unassimilated labeled amino acid. Two ml of cold 102 trichloroacetic acid (TCA) with 1 mg/ml cold carrier leucine was then added to the embryo pellet. Following extraction at 4C for 1 hour, the embryos were sedimented and 500 ul of supernatant was added to 5 ml of Ecolume scintillation fluid for determination of free amino acid content. The remainder of the TCA supernatant was aspirated and the embryo pellet was then washed three times with 2 ml cold TCA. The pellet was dissolved in 2 ml 0.5 M-NaoH with 58 Triton X to obtain the TCA-insoluble fraction (protein). 500 ul of this solution was added to 5 ml of Ecolume scintillation fluid to assay for incorporation of the labeled amino acid into protein. Radioactivity measurements were made in a Beckman LS-1300 scintillation counter. Counting efficiencies were corrected for differing quenches by the two solvents, TCA and NaoH/Triton using external standards. The efficiencies observed were in the range of 15-208 for 3H and 508 for 328. SDS GEL ELECTROPHORESIS AND AUTORADIOGRAPHY Samples were prepared by adding 100 ul of 2X SDS buffer (200 mg sucrose, 40 mg sodium lauryl sulfate, and 40 ul beta¬ mercaptoethanol in 2 ml distilled water) to a pellet of 3000 embryos which had been pulsed for 145 minutes with 7 x 10"2 M 998-methionine. The samples were boiled for 10 minutes to neutralize endogenous protease activity, sonicated with a cell disrupter to homogenize the mixture, and frozen for storage. The samples (15 ul) were run on a 108 SDS gel for 2 hours at a constant current of 25 mA and allowed to expose X-ray film for 24 hours to produce the autoradiograph. RESULTS UPTAKE RATES Figures 1 and 2 describe uptake of leucine and methionine by N. incessa embryos from the environment during the first 36 hours of development. Transport occurs at a low level in the unfertilized egg and declines as the egg deteriorates. Fertilized eggs show increased transport activity beginning at 3 hours post-fertilization, continuing to increase for the next 9-15 hours to a level 4 times the unfertilized rates. Transport rates then remained constant through the termination of the experiment at 36 hours post-fertilization. The approximate stages of development at each time point are given in Table 1. Figure 3 shows that embryos concentrated leucine as high as 200 times over ambient and methionine as high as 400 times over ambient during the 15 minute pulse. Figure 4 shows the depletion of the available amino acid pool from the environment as calculated from the moles of amino acid taken up by the embryos. This depletion of the available pool may have been large enough to alter significantly the ambient concentrations of the amino acids, perhaps thereby affecting uptake rates. LEAKAGE OF AMINO ACIDS FROM EMBRYO Although there was an apparent uptake of labeled amino acid, it is possible that uptake involved both transport into the embryo and diffusion out of the embryo down the steep concentration gradient. If this were the case, then the washing procedure with FSW- to remove the remaining labeled amino acid would also wash out much of the amino acid which had accumulated in the embryo. To test this, 6-hour embryos were incubated in 1 x 10-6 M leucine with or without 2x 10"9 emetine HCl, a protein synthesis inhibitor, for 15 minutes at 150. After rapid washing to remove the remaining labeled amino acid, the embryos were left in fresh FSW at 150 for varying periods of time during which they could leak out accumulated amino acid, if they do indeed leak. The leakage of up to 308 of the transported leucine after 10 minutes in FSW as implied by Figure 5 indicates that leakage from the embryo is substantial. The downward trend of Figure 5, however, is inconsistent and most likely due to experimental error. As the rate of leakage, if it occurred, would depend upon the concentration gradient, one would expect that if the internal concentration of free amino acid were increased, the leakage rate would show a corresponding increase. The presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor would prevent amino acids from incorporating into proteins, forcing them to remain in solution and thereby increasing their internal concentration relative to the control. The addition of emetine, a potent protein synthesis inhibitor (843 inhibition observed), during the pulse, however, failed to elicit increased leakage rates, implying that leakage is not occurring to a significant extent and that the transport system does not have to overcome rapid diffusion of amino acids to the environment. Km AND Vmax Values for K and Vpay of transport were obtained for leucine uptake only. Table 2 shows how the values obtained for N. incessa compare to those obtained by Epel for the sea urchin embryo, S. purpuratus, (Epel, 1972) and by Manahan for the oyster embryo, C. gigas (Manahan, 1988). Note that depletion of the available amino acid pool (Figure 5) may have significantly decreased the ambient concentration of leucine, consequently giving erroneous values for Ky and Vmay. INCORPORATION Figures 6 and 7 report the fate of the transported amino acids, whether remaining free or becoming incorporated into protein. Leucine was incorporated into protein to a much greater extent (70.83 +/- 6.4, n=8) than was methionine (14.43 +/- 4.8, n=8). Note that the free amino acid fraction may contain both intact amino acids and metabolized forms as well. AUTORADIOGRAPH An autoradiograph (Figure 8) was done to reveal any patterns of protein synthesis which might be characteristic of a particular developmental stage. Note that only proteins synthesized during the radioactive pulse will appear as bands on the autoradiograph. No unique pattern of bands was observed for any of the time point samples. The overall darker character of the gel lanes which contained fertilized embryo samples confirms that fertilized embryos are indeed taking up and incorporating exogenously-supplied amino acids to a much greater extent than unfertilized eggs. DISCUSSION Embryos of N. incessa were pulsed with labeled leucine and methionine and rates of uptake were observed to change during the course of the first 36 hours of development. Over a 15 minute pulse, the embryos maximally concentrated leucine to 200 times over ambient and methionine to 400 times over ambient. Leucine also showed considerable incorporation into protein, while much of the methionine remained free. The apparent ability of unfertilized eggs to concentrate amino acids 50 to 100 times over ambient (Figures 1,2,3) suggests that unfertilized eggs possess the same transport system as fertilized eggs, but which is not activated to the same extent. This proposition that increased transport of amino acids results from the activation of a pre-existing system rather than the de novo synthesis of one post- fertilization is demonstrated much more directly by Epel (Epel, 1972), where activation of transport is shown to remain unaffected by fertilization in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors. Leucine and methionine transport is significantly activated by 3 hours post-fertilization. Uptake rates increase steadily through 12-18 hours, but level-off soon afterwards. The leveling-off of uptake rates after 12 to 18 hours may indicate that maximal transport has been achieved by that time, but it is also possible that this is simply a consequence of the depletion of the available amino acid pool to levels sufficiently low to affect uptake rates adversely (Figure 4). Adding amino acid in non-limiting amounts would resolve this 10 ambiguity. The close agreement of the K value for N. incessa with those for S. purpuratus and C. gigas suggests that a similar type of membrane transporter molecule is involved, although the particular amino acids used to determine the values were not same in all three cases. The lower value of Vpay observed for N. incessa as compared to S. purpuratus (Table 2), however, may be due either to a lower density of transporters in the N. incessa membrane or a smaller surface area available for transport. Although the surface area of the N. incessa egg (diameter 140 um), assuming a smooth sphere, is nearly 3.5 times larger than that of the S. purpuratus egg (diameter 75 um), microvilli as observed by Epel (Epel, 1977) on the surface of the S. purpuratus egg could conceivably provide the smaller egg with a greater surface area. As to the reason why N. incessa might have either a lower density or a lesser surface area for transport, perhaps N. incessa embryos do not need to transport amino acids as vigorously as S. purpuratus or C. gigas, since they must only survive for 4 days before they begin feeding, wheras S. purpuratus and C. gigas must last for over 30 days (Strathmann, 1987). Further studies are necessary to confirm the Vmax value observed for N. incessa and to determine the nature of its deviance from other values, if any. Berg has noted that exogenous valine is incorporated into protein preferentially over endogenous stores (Berg, 1970). While incorporation of endogenous leucine was not considered here, the tendency of leucine transported from the environment 11 to be incorporated into protein appears to be consistent with Berg's findings. Methionine's tendency, however, to remain unincorporated contradicts the findings of Ilan and Ilan (Ilan and Ilan, 1981), who reported that exogenously supplied methionine is preferentially channeled into protein by S. purpuratus embryos. Methionine's tendency to remain unincorporated relative to leucine could have several possible explanations. One possibility is that methionine is simply not as ubiquitous in N. incessa proteins as is leucine. A CRC table listing mole percentages of amino acids in several common proteins indicated that leucine typically comprises 10-158 of a protein, while methionine typically comprises only 1-48 (CRC, 1970). Another possibility is that although methionine, whose tRNA is coded for by the start codon, is present in the leader sequence of every peptide, N. incessa could cleave off the leader sequences from its proteins more rapidly than other organisms, thereby decreasing the frequency of its occurrence in the protein fraction. Lastly, methionine could be prevented from being incorporated into protein by its metabolism to other forms. In one particular metabolic pathway, methionine serves as a methyl donor for the methylation of phosphatidyl ethanolamine to produce phosphatidyl choline, a major cell membrane component (Lehninger, 1970). As considerable cell membrane must be synthesized during the early stages of development, it seems quite plausible that the demand for phosphatidyl choline could cause much of the exogenous methionine to be metabolized, thereby precluding its incorporation into protein. 12 SUMMARY N. incessa embryos concentrated leucine and methionine in 15 minutes to levels as great as 200 and 400 times, respectively, over ambient concentrations. This concentrating ability did not become activated until 3 hours post- fertilization. The apparent concentrating ability of unfertilized eggs, albeit 4 times lower than maximal fertilized rates, suggests that the transport system is present in the unfertilized egg, simply awaiting activation upon fertilization. Leucine appears to be channeled primarily into protein while methionine seems to remain largely unincorporated. The lower level of methionine incorporation may be due to its infrequent occurrence in common proteins, its cleavage from proteins with the leader peptide, or its metabolism in other biosynthetic pathways. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge the help and guidance of Professor David Epel, Dr. Robert Swezey, and Denis Larochelle, without which this project would have been impossible. LITERATURE CITED Berg, W.E. Further Studies on the Kinetics of Incorporation of Valine into the Sea Urchin Embryo. Experimental Cell Research 60 (1970) 210-217. Handbook of Biochemistry, Selected Chemical Rubber Company. Data for Molecular Biology. Cleveland: The Chemical Rubber Co. (1970) pp. C281-C293. D. Activation of an Na"-Dependent Amino Acid Epel, Transport System Upon Fertilization of Sea Urchin Eggs. Experimental Cell Research 72 (1972) 74-89. The Program of Fertilization. Scientific Epel D. American Vol. 237, No. 5 (November 1977) 128-138. J. and J. Ilan. Preferential Channeling of Exogenously Ilan Supplied Methionine into Protein by Sea Urchin Embryos. Journal of Biological Chemistry 256 (1981) 2830-2834. The Molecular Basis of Cell Lehninger, A.L. Biochemistry: Structure and Function. New York: Worth Publishers (1970) 194-195,523,524. Manahan, D.T. et al. Simultaneous Determination of Net Uptake of 16 Amino Acids by a Marine Bivalve. American Journal of Physiology 244 (1983) R832-R838. Manahan, D. Shape and Form During Animal Development: Adaptations to the Chemical Environment. Lecture delivered 5/27/88 at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, CA. Stephens, G.C. Epidermal Amino Acid Transport in Marine Invertebrates. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 947 (1988) 113-138. Strathmann, M.F. Reproduction and Development of Marine Invertebrates of the Northern Pacific Coast. Seattle: University of Washington Press (1987) pp. 224,233,328,528. TABLE/FIGURE LEGENDS Table 1. Approximate stages of N. incessa development observed at time-course experiment time points. Embryos incubated at 15c. Table 2. Comparison of Kn and Vmay values for amino acid transport in three different marine invertebrates. Particular amino acids used to determine each of these sets of values may not have been the same. Figure 1. Leakage of labeled-leucine from pulsed embryos into surrounding filtered seawater. Embryos pulsed in the presence of 2 X 10 M emetine (protein synthesis inhibitor) did not show increased leakage over control. Figure 2. Concentration of leucine and methionine in developing N. incessa embryos reaches several hundred times ambient concentration. Ambient leucine concentration = 1x 10°M 3 M. Ambient methionine concentration = 7x 10 Figure 3. Leucine uptake rate by N. incessa embryos increases dramatically post-fertilization. Ambient leucine concentration = 1x 10 M. Figure 4. Methionine uptake rate by N. incessa embryos increases dramatically post-fertilization. Ambient methionine concentration = 7x 10 Figure 5. Approximately 703 of leucine transported into developing N. incessa embryos is incorporated into protein. Figure 6. Approximately 153 of methionine transported into developing N. incessa embryos is incorporated into protein. Figure 7. Developing N.incessa embryos deplete a closed environment of available amino acids by as much as 503, significantly lowering ambient concentrations and, consequently, altering uptake rates. Initial ambient concentrations: leucine = 1x 10 methionine - 7x 10 Values calculated from embryo uptake rates -- measurements were NOT taken for amino acid content of seawater. Figure 8. Autoradiograph of SDS Gels. Upper gel contains successive time points of developing embryos (1,3,6,12,18,24,36,48 hours post-fertilization). Lower gel contains successive time points of unfertilized eggs (0,1,3,6,12 hours old). Samples in both gels for time point 1 hour post-fertilization were incorrectly processed. Time points 0,1,3 hours actually probably represent 4 hours post-fertilization. TIME IN HOURS —---—— 12 18 24 36 TABLE 1 STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT —---—— Unfertilized egg 2-cells 4-,8-,16-cells Solid ball of cells Oval to muffin-shaped with semi- active, sparse band of cilia. Muffin-shaped with denser band of cilia. Trocophore larvae: muffin-shaped with band of cilia about crest and tuft of cilia at apex. Very active/motile. Early veliger larvae: shell beginning to form. TABLE ay in moles/emb/15 min Ki 1.262 uM 4.922 x 10-14 N. incessa 2-hour embryo 3 X 10-13 purpuratus 1.4 - 2.0 uM 3-hour embryo 4 X 10-12 gigas 1 - 4 uM larvae 3.5 — 3 - 2.5 1.5 5 0 + FIGURE 1 AMINO ACID UPTAKE LEUGNE — — 10 HOURS POST-FERTILIZATON UNFERTILIZED D FERTUZED 4.5 — 3.5 — 2.5 - 1.5 - 0.5 O - FIGURE 2 AMINO ACID UPTAKE METHIONINE HOURS POST-FERTILIZATON UNFERTILIZED D FERTLZED 450 - 400 - 350 - 300 - 250 200 - 150 - 100 0 + FIGURE 3 AMINO ACID CONCENTRATION g 30 HOURS POST-FERTILIZATOON METHIONNE LEUGNE FIGURE 4 DEPLETION FROM ENVIRONMENT AMINO AC CALCULATED FROM EMBRYO UPTAKE 100— so 80 - gd 70 - 60 - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 - 0 + 10 HOURS POST-FERTIUZATON METHIONNE LEUGNE 40 FIGURE 5 LEAKAGE OF LABELED-LEUCINE FROM 6-HOUR EMBRYOS 90 - 70 - 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - — 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 0 MINUTE TIME EMETINE-TREATED D CONTROL 3.2 - 2.8 — 2.6 — 2.4 - 2.2 1.8 - 1.6 - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 0 FIGURE 6 AMINO ACID UPTAKE/INCORPORATION LEUGNE 30 HOURS POST-FERTILIZATON X TOTAL D PROTEIN FREE 4.5 - 3.5 2.5 - 1.5 0.5 - FIGURE 7 AMINO ACID UPTAKE/INCORPORATION METHIONINE 30 10 HOURS POST-FERTILIZATON X TOTAL H PROTEIN FREE 205 KD - 116. 97.4- 205 KD 116 97.4 66 44 FIGURE 8 3 6 12 18 24 36 48 01 3 6 12