ABSTRACT Tigriopus californicus exhibits a heat shock response under thermal and osmotic stress. At least 3 heat shock proteins (hsps) are induced under conditions of thermal stress at 30.1°c. least 2 hsps are induced by T. californicus in 508 and 2x instant ocean, the latter causing greater hsp induction. The proteins identified under thermal stress were 2 hsp 60's and 1 hsp 70. The proteins identified under osmotic stress were 1 hsp 60 and 1 hsp 70. In both conditions hsp synthesis occured rapidly, most likely under 1 hour. All analysis of protein induction was done by autoradiography using L-[32S)methionine and was supplemented by Western analysis. Identification of hsps in T. californicus will provide the basis for furthur study of hsps in invertebrates and elucidate the role of hsps in the stress response. Heat shock proteins (hsps) are highly conserved proteins produced by an organism under the presence of stress. Stress may come in many different varieties, including changes in temperature, osmolarity, light exposure, or oxygen levels. A cellular response within the organism produces a series of heat shock proteins (hsps), identifiable on the basis of their size and primary structure, to protect the organism from the deleterious effects of stress. Functionally, hsps may serve as constitutive proteins that regulate intracellular traffic of other proteins. Hsps may also function as molecular chaperones and aid in the assembly of immunoglobulins by protecting an unbound heavy chain as the light chain is assembled. Finally, hsps may be induced under shock to transport proteins in and out of intracellular organelles, bind and protect proteins vulnerable to proteases, remove degraded proteins, or refold proteins that have lost their functional tertiary structure. More specifically, many hsps have bound to themselves ATP which when hydrolyzed provides the energy necessary to refold or repair degraded protein (1). Since the heat shock response has been shown to be universal, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, Tigriopus californicus, a marine crustacean, was also expected to demonstrate the heat shock response. T. californicus was chosen as the organism for experimentation because it is easily kept in the laboratory and available in large quantities. More commonly called copepods, T. californicus can tolerate tremendous fluctuations in temperature and salinity. Previous study reports that T. californicus may survive in seawater temperatures up to 40°C and salt concentrations up to 6008 (2). During the summer months, increased ambient temperature and a high degree of evaporation would cause these environmental changes. This study proposed to examine the heat shock response of T. californicus under various conditions of temperature and salinity, specifically evaluating what hsps are produced. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection and Storage Conditions. T. californicus were collected approximately every other week from one high splash pool at Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. The pool's temperature was found to be 18.9°C. Animals were concentrated using a household strainer and placed in a 5 L transparent container filled with filtered seawater. The container was kept within the laboratory, most commonly at a temperature of 19°0. The animals were fed ground mussel 3 times a week and kept near a window that allowed natural exposure to light and dark. Filtered water was changed periodically when T. californicus death was apparent. Determination of the heat shock temperature. Three hundred T. californicus, without regard to sex, were divided into groups of 20 and placed in 15 large test tubes (Kimax 5.5 x 1.0cm) containing approximately 5ml of filtered seawater. The tubes were then placed in a thermal gradient having temperatures ranging from 9.7°c-42.3°C in order to determine the optimum temperature for heat shock. Survival under these conditions was then observed for 4 hours. Observations occurred every 10 min. for the first 2 hours, followed by observations every 30 min. for the subsequent 2 hours. The criterion for optimal heat shock temperature was the highest temperature at which T. californicus sustained survival throughout the 4 hours. Optimum heat shock temperature was concluded to be 30.1°C. Control temperature was set at 18.9°C, close to the animal's normal seawater temperature. All subsequent experiments were carried out using two water baths, one set at the heat shock temperature and one at the control temperature. Radiolabeling of T. californicus proteins during heat shock. Protein synthesis in T. californicus at 18.9°C and during heat shock at 30.1°0 was examined using L-[32S]methionine (Amersham, Arlington, Il1.). Two tubes each containing approximately 300 T. californicus in 5 ml of filtered seawater were acclimated at 18.9°C for 24 hours prior to experimentation. At time zero, 50uCi of radioactive methionine was diluted into 100uL of seawater and added immediately to the test tube upon transfer to 30.1°C. Control animals were labeled at 18.9°C, but in an otherwise identical manner. Both tubes were left undisturbed for 3 hours for the specimens to incorporate the radioactive methionine. Radioactive labeling of proteins was stopped by washing the animals 3 times with 2ml of 0.2M PBS-methionine. Homogenization of T californicus occurred in a 2ml glass homogenizer (Radnoti, Monrovia, CA) using 200uL of homogenization buffer (10mL PBS/10mM EDTA, 50 uL PMSF, 1OuL pepstatin, 10uL leupeptin, 100uL chymostatin, and 50uL of NP-40). The homogenized sample was then centrifuged at 18,000G for 10 min. The supernatant was removed and 10uL samples were used for protein determination (3) and radioactive count analysis. The heat shock time course experiment occurred in an identical manner as above, but with the addition of 2 tubes of T. californicus homogenized at hour 1 and hour 2. Radiolabeling of T. californicus proteins during salinity shock. Protein synthesis of T. californicus in 508, lx, and 2x artifical seawater (Instant Ocean, Aquarium Systems, Mentor, OH) was also examined using L¬ [°98methionine. Three tubes containing T. californicus identical to the ones described above were acclimated in 508 instant ocean for 24 hours prior to experimentation. At time zero, 50uCi of radioactive methionine was diluted into 100uL of 2x seawater and added immediately to the test tube upon transfer of the animals into 2x instant ocean. Animals in the two remaining tubes were radiolabeled in the same manner using the appropriate instant ocean concentration (508 or 1x). The specimens were left undisturbed for 3 hours to allow for radioactive methionine incorporation. All tubes were kept in a 18.9°C water bath. Washing, homogenization, protein determination, and radioactive count determination all were done similar to the methods described in heat shock experimentation. The salinity time course experiment occurred in an identical manner as above, with the addition of 4 tubes (2-508 instant ocean and 2-1x instant ocean) of T. californicus homogenized at hour 2, hour 3, and hour 4. SDS-PAGE. After the the supernatant was isolated, protein was solubilized in 2x SDS buffer (4) containing dithiothreitol and boiled for 3 minutes. Another radioactive count determination was performed following solubilization. Protein was then either stored in a -20°C freezer or used immediately for SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). SDS-PAGE (108 polyacrylamide) was carried out by the method of Laemmli (4). Gels were dried using a vacuum gel drying apparatus (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, CA) at 80°C for 2hrs. The gels were then exposed to Kodak XAR-5 film at room temperature for 24-72hrs. Protein molecular weight markers were from Sigma Co., St. Louis, Mo. Immunoblotting. Western blots of T. californicus protein were done according to standard technique (5). To probe for hsp 60, rabbit anti-hsp 60 from Synechococcus sp. (StressGen, Victoria, B.C., Canada) was used as the primary antibody followed by an anti-rabbit secondary antibody (Sigma Immuno, St. Louis, Mo.). To probe for hsp 70, antibody 3A3 (Dr. Sean Murphy, Northwestern Univ., Illinois) was used as the primary antibody followed by an anti-mouse IgG from goat as the secondary antibody (Sigma Immuno). Proteins transferred by Western procedure onto nitrocellulose were exposed to x-ray film in the same manner as dried gels. RESULTS Temperature for heat shock and hsp induction. At 30.1°C T. californicus sustained swimming activity without instant or gradual death as in higher temperatures. Therefore, all heat shock experiments used 18.9°0 seawater as the control condition and 30.1°C as the heat shock condition. Quantitative differences in protein induction between thermally stressed and nonstresssed T. californicus are apparent when autoradiographs of SDS¬ polyacrylamide gels are compared. Figure 1 is an autoradiograph of an SDS¬ PAGE gel of T. californicus. Each lane contains 87,161 counts per minute (cpm) of radiolabeled protein as determined by a Packard 2200CA scintillation counter. Lane A shows protein incorporation of radioactive methionine at the control temperature (18.9°C). Lane B shows protein incorporation of radioactive methionine at the heat shock temperature (30.1°C). Proteins indicated 1 and 2 show increased induction over basal levels in the heat shock condition. One or more smaller hsp 70's were induced under heat shock (protein 1) and two hsp 60's were induced (protein 2). One hsp 60 at 58kD, produced constituently in the control, was enhanced in the heat shock condition while another hsp 60 at 60kD, faintly produced in the control, was greatly enhanced under heat shock. Figure 2 is an autoradiograph of a Western nitrocellulose membrane containing equal T. californicus protein. Proteins indicated 1 and 2 all show increased induction over basal levels under heat shock similar to Fig. 1. Lane pairs (A and A', B and B', C and C', D and D') of control and heat shock protein (respectively) show decreased overall protein synthesis at 18.9°C in the face of increased hsp production at 30.1°c. Figure 3 is an autoradiograph of a heat shock time course. All four lanes were loaded with equal cpm (236,468cpm) of radioactive protein. Proteins 1, 2, 3, and 4 show increased synthesis after 1, 2, and 3 hours under heat shock as shown in lanes B, C, and D. Again as in Fig. 1, induction of one or more smaller hsp 70's (protein 1) occurs along with induction of 2 hsp 60's: one at 58kD and one at 60kD (prptein 2). Protein 3 indicates an induced protein of 49kD not apparent in the control and not seen in other autoradiographs. All proteins 1-3 are consistently synthesized over the 3 hour time course with the exception of hsp 70 (protein 1) at hour 2 (lane C) where protein induction returns to levels similar to that of the control. Hsp induction under various salinity conditions. Quantitative differences in protein induction between osmotically stressed and nonstresssed T. californicus are apparent when autoradiographs of SDS-polyacrylamide gels are compared. Figure 4 is an autoradiograph of a salinity time course. Lane A shows the protein production of T. californicus in the control condition of 508 instant ocean. Lanes B, C, and D show protein production in lx instant ocean at 2, 3, and 4 hours respectively. Lanes E, F, and G show protein production in 2x instant ocean at 2, 3, and 4 hours respectively. Proteins 1 and 2 show the levels of induced hsp 60 and hsp 70. Lanes B, C, and D show the lowest levels of hsp 60 and hsp 70 throughout the 4 hour time course. Lane A shows a moderate increase of one hsp 60 and one hsp 70 in 508 instant ocean. Lanes E, F, and G show maximum production of hsp 60 and hsp 70 at hour 2 that being to decline at hour 3 and 4. Lanes E, F, and G also show fluctuations of overall protein synthesis, highest at hour 2 in 2x and close to control levels at hour 4 in 2x. DISCUSSION Optimum temperature for heat shock as noted by Lindquist (1) usually occurs 10-15°C above optimum growth temperature. The temperature for heat shock in T. californicus was set at 30.1°C, 11.2°C higher than its normal splash pool temperature of 18.9°C. Shown by the autoradiographs in Figures 1, 2, and 3 heat shock at 30.1°C induced production of three hsps. A constitutive hsp 60 of 58kD was enhanced under heat shock while a larger hsp 60 of 60KD was dramatically enhanced. This doublet of hsp 60's was confirmed by Western analysis which showed one fluorescent band in the control and two in the heat shock condition. At the same time a series of smaller hsp 70's are produced under heat shock, yet how many hsps was left unresolved due to the inability of accurate Western analysis. Resolution by 2-D analysis may elucidate how many hsp 70's are present. In addition to hsp production, general protein synthesis was reduced under thermal stress as seen in Fig. 2. Most likely this reduction of overall protein synthesis occurs so that amino acids are exclusively used to synthesize only proteins that are needed - hsps - and to prevent the unnecessary production of proteins that would inevitably undergo thermal degradation. All these events occur within 1 hour as shown in the time course (Fig. 3) where all three hsps are greatly enhanced at hour 1. The inconsistent results of the time course in regards to 1) the thermally induced 49kD protein (Fig. 3, protein 3) not seen in other autoradiographs and 2) hsp 70 reduction (Fig. 3, lane C) after 2 hours of heat shock are anomalies that need to be reconfirmed. Under varying salinity conditions T. californicus one would expect the condition of lx instant ocean to be the least shocking to T. californicus due to its similar salt concentration to actual seawater. This assumption indeed proved to be true. Induction of hsps occurred only in 508 and 2x instant ocean. Even though the animals were acclimated into 508 seawater for 24hrs., they still maintained hsp production. Shown by autoradiography (Fig. 4) and supported by Western analysis of hsp 60 and hsp 70, exposure to 2x instant ocean caused the most dramatic induction of hsp 60 and hsp 70 followed by 508 instant ocean. As seen in the time course, T. californicus in 2x instant ocean appeared to adapt somewhat after 4 hours of exposure (Fig. 4, Lane G) which closely resembled exposure to 508 instant ocean (Fig. 4, Lane A). This adaptation in 2x instant ocean is interesting when looking at the induction of smaller proteins over the 4 hour time course. In contrast to heat shock where smaller proteins were reduced, under osmotic stress smaller non-hsps are synthesized in increased amounts. Possibly these smaller proteins are 10 utilized by the organism to overcome its hypo-osmotic pressure by increasing its internal solute concentration (6). At least two different hsps, hsp 60 and hsp 70, have been shown to undergo induction when T. californicus has been exposed to thermal and osmotic stress. It may be assumed that other types of stressors including pH variance, anoxia, heavy metals, and pollutants will also cause the induction of these hsps (7). As discussed in the introduction, these hsps are vital to an organism's survival under stress. Hsp 60, for instance, may 1) keep polypeptides in their unfolded state to facilitate their transport across membranes or 2) control proper folding and unfolding of denatured proteins (8). Hsp 70, minimally examined in invertebrates, comes in two main varieties in eukaryotes: hsp 73 that is constitutively produced and hsp 72 that is produced under stress (8). In the T. californicus, induction of a smaller hsp 70 was apparent, especially under heat shock conditions. These two hsps expedite intracellular trafficking of proteins and stabilize protein structure under normal conditions, but also facilitate synthesis and assembly of new proteins that have been destroyed by shock and remove irreversibly denatured proteins (8). Since hsps are so highly conserved and are present in all organisms, understanding the mechanism by which they operate will provide significant insight into not only how T. californicus deals with stress, but how many organisms deal with stress. 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would to thank Julie Golden and Jan Von Kampen for being so helpful and accomodating. I would like to thank Theresa MCEvoy and Christine Shin for putting up with my wise cracks and Dan Lee for helping me make them. I would like to thank all the Hopkins students for making this quarter the best quarter I've ever had at Stanford. Thanks to all the Hopkins professors and special thanks to Dr. R. Paul Levine for being a great advisor and a good friend. 12 LITERATURE CITED 1. Linquist, s. 1986. The Heat Shock-Response. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 55: 1151-1167. 2. Haderlie, E. C., D. P. Abbott, R. L. Caldwell. 1980. Three Other Crustaceans: A Copepod, a Leptostracan, and a Stomatopod. In Morris, E. C. Haderlie, D. P. Abbott. 1980. Intertidal Invertebrates of California. 26: 631-632. Lowry, O. H., N. J. Rosenbrough, A.L. Farr, and R. J. Randall. 1951. Protein determination with the Folin phenol reagents. J. Biol. Chem. 193: 265-275. 4. Laemmli, U. K. 1970. Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. Nature. 227: 680-685. 5. Harlow, E., L. David. 1988. Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual. 12: 471-504. 6. Burton, R. S. 1991. The Journal of Experimental Zoology. 259: 166- 173. 7. Lindquist, s., E. A. Craig. 1988. The Heat-Shock Proteins. 22: 631-633. 8. Welch, W. J. 1990. The Mammalian Stress Response: Cell Physiology and Biochemistry of Stress Proteins. In Morimoto, Tissieres, Georgopoulos. 1990. Stress Proteins in Biology and Medicine. 10: 242-268. 13 FIGURE LEGENDS Fig. 1. Autoradiograph of equally counted (87,161cpm) radiolabeled protein from T. californicus in lanes A and B. Lane A: total protein labeled with radiolabeled methionine at 18.9°c. Lane B: total protein labeled with radioactive methionine at 30.1°c. Dashed lines indicate proteins induced over basal levels. Protein molecular weight markers (Sigma Co., St. Louis, I11.) are at 84kD and 58kD. Gel exposed for 72hrs. Fig. 2. Autoradiograph of a nitrocellulose membrane containing equal amounts of T. californicus protein: 10ug in lanes A and A', 15ug in lanes B and B', 25ug in lanes C and C', and 58ug in lanes D and D'. Lanes A-D: protein labeled with radioactive methionine at 18.9°C. Lanes A'-D': protein labeled with radioactive methionine at 30.1°C. Dashed lines indicate proteins induced over basal levels. Molecular weight markers explained in legend to Fig. 1. Membrane exposed for 96hrs. Fig. 3. Heat shock time course. Autoradiograph of equally counted (236, 468cpm) radiolabeled protein from T. californicus. Lane A: control protein labeled with radioactive methionine at 18.9°C. Lanes B, C, D: heat shock protein labeled with radioactive methionine at 30.1°C and homogenized at 1, 2, and 3 hours respectively. Dashed lines indicate proteins induced over basal levels. Molecular weight markers explained in legend to Fig. 1. Gel exposed for 24hrs. 14 Fig. 4. Salinity shock time course. Autoradiograph of equally counted (248,240cpm) radiolabeled protein from T. californicus. Lane A: control protein labeled with radioactive methionine in 508 instant ocean. Lanes B, C, and D: shocked protein labeled with radioactive methionine in lx instant ocean and homogenized at 2, 3, and 4 hours respectively. Lanes E, F, and G: shocked protein labeled with radioactive methionine in 2x instant ocean and homogenized at 2, 3, and 4 hours respectively. Dashed lines indicate proteins induced over basal levels. Molecular weight markers explained in legend to Fig. 1. Gel exposed for 48hrs. protein protein 2 -84kD -58kD gue protei prote 84kD 58kD 18.9° 30.1°C Figure protein protein protein Figure 3 ABC D 84KD 5880 48.580 30.180 protein 1- protein 2- 50% Figure 4 9 BCDEF Zhr. 3hr. 4hr 2hr 3hr 4hr. 84kD 58kD