Adaptation to Anaerobiosis in Tigriopus californicus INTRODUCTION Tigriopus californicus (Baker, 1912), a harpacticoid copepod lives mainly in the high tide pools along California's coast. The abundance of high tide pools; the large density of indigenous animals; and their ease of collection and maintenance all support the use of Tigriopus for respiration studies. Prosser (Prosser, 1961) divides animals into four categories based on their utilization of oxygen: obligate anaerobes; infrequent aerobes; aerobes which can withstand multi-hour periods of oxygen deprivation (ie. frogs, aquatic snails); and, aerobic animals which depend on oxygen but briefly accumulate an oxygen debt upon exposure to anoxia (ie. ceph¬ alopod molluscs). From studies done on the respiratory rate of harpacti¬ coid copepods (Pallares, 1974) there is little information that would indicate how Tigriopus would fit in Prosser's classification. The oxygen debt is recognized as an increase to an above normal con¬ sumption rate of oxygen following exposure of the animal to an anoxic medjum. At exactly what level of oxygen saturation a medium becomes an¬ oxic varies for the animal in question. The biochemical pathways for an¬ aerobic respiration in invertebrates have been concisely reviewed by Ho¬ chachka (Hochachka, 1973, 1972). The debt appears to -come from the an¬ jmal's oxidation rate of substrates accumulated during anoxia being added onto its normal consumption rate when the anoxic animal is re-introduced into a non-anoxic medium. The variety of sustrates which build-up varies with the animal (Stokes, 1968; Saz, 1971 ; Hochachka, 1975 ). Enzymatic and fluorometric methods are known (Bergmeyer, 1965; Williamson, 1969) allowing the changing concentrations of: glycerophosphate, succinate, alanine, malate, lactate, etc., to be determined. These substrates form Page 1 Page 2 Adaptation to Anaerobiosis in Tigriopus californicus so that the catabolic system achieves redox balance while partially operating without oxygen. Thus the possession of an oxygen debt shows catabolism sup¬ plies energy needs during the anoxic period imposed. Anoxic survival without accumulating an oxygen debt, by employing other biochemical or physiological adaptations, is documented (Prosser, 1961). Some animals accumulate the substrates and excrete them as waste. Activity has been seen to diminish in ascarid worms as oxygen in the medium drops, with hyperactivity noticeable upon return to aerobic conditions. Therefore the lack of debt does not imply a dearth of energy for an organism during anoxic conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Tigriopus californicus collected from high tide pools ranging from Cabrillo Point south to Carmel Beach acted as the experimental stock. All animals were aquarium acclimated at ambient temperature (16-24 C) for at least twelve hours and fed Tetranin" fish food on odd numbered days. A Yellow Springs Instrument Model 53 Biological Oxygen Monitor attach¬ ed to a self-contained stirring probe registered the amount of oxygen present in the chamber on a 0—100% of saturation scale. The read-out was continuously recorded on a twelve inch Beckman Chart Recorder. Membrane condition was followed daily using the Voltage Plateau Test and replaced as necessary. For the test chamber a one-half liter Erlenmeyer flask pro¬ vided the appropriate aperture for the probe, while concurrently limiting the sites where environmental oxygen diffusion could occur. Similar methods have been used previously (Bayne, 1971; Sassaman, 1973 and 1972). Placement of artificial lights; use of the Hopkin's seawater system as a reseryoir; and, submerging the chamber in a regulated bath maintained Page 3 Adaptation to Anaerobiosis in Tigriopus californicus light, salinity and temperature, respectively, as constants. The variables of the set-up were the amount of Tigriopus sequestered for each run and the lenth of anoxia each group experienced. Anoxic periods had been chosen short enough to avoid signifigant mortality. Tigriopus to be used for standard oxygen depletion runs were strained from the aquarium stock and placed in one liter of ambient temperature sea¬ water. Within ten minutes these animals passed through a strainer, to be caught and subsequently rinsed into the experimental chamber with saturated water. The oxygen probe had to be immediately inserted without trapping any bubbles. Any trapped air was expelled upon seating of the rubber seal about the probe. As oxygen disappeared the percent of saturation fell resulting in a smooth depletion curve being generated. Upon reaching 0% saturation the Tigriopus remained anoxic for varied lengths of time while the water circu¬ lated in the chamber. Time spent at 0% saturation is considered as the anoxic time. Re-introduction of the animals to saturated water terminated anoxia and immediately post-anoxic depletion curves were generated. Calibration of the oxygen electrode monitored over similar time courses saw a total drift for the 100% and 0% line of only 2%. The absolute amount of oxygen in the water was found by extrapolating out from literature data (Harvey, 1955) for seawater at a salinity of 36 parts per thousand. Tigrio¬ pus dry weights could be determined after the post anoxic curve was record¬ ed. The animals were dried at 90 C in a petri dish, then dislodged, collec¬ ted and re-dried. The balance used was a Mettler accurate to 0.0001 grams. Oxygen consumption rates were calculated by placing the best straight line through linear or near linear sections of the consumption curves and then determining the slope, which is the average rate of the period looked 10/t-t. K. at. Q's could be found by applying the formula: 910 K. Adaptation to Anaerobiosis in Tigriopus californicus Where K, is the consumption rate at the temperature T, RESULTS The plot of percent saturation vs time as the Tigriopus respired was a smooth curve. These were transformed into smooth curves of cc 0,/gram of Tigriopus vs time for the three temperatures: 30, 25, 22 C (Figures 1, 2, and 3). Since three standard depletion runs exist for each temperature a mean rate for various time periods can be calculated (Table 1). Rates as stated earlier, came from slopes of linear of near linear sections of the consump¬ tion curves. The minimal consumption rate is also included in the table. It represents the lowest determinable rate before the recorded rate reached zero. Each one of the standard depletion runs has its respective post-anoxic run (Figures 4-12). The differing periods of anoxia per run are noted. Table 2 tabulates the determined anoxic rates per time period in contrast to the respective mean rate and the length of anoxia undergone. Graphically these appear for 30 and 22 in Figures 13 and 14. From the temperatures and rates listed in Table 2, a 0 was calculata¬ ble. The results are found in Table 3. DISCUSSION Using the minimal rates calculated from the standard depletion curves, one may ascertain the minimum debt which could be accumulated by Tigriopus during the periods of anoxia. Since the post-anoxic rates generally are less than the mean rates for the first three time periods, Tigriopus is not repaying an oxygen debt. Calculations show that if the minimum debt were Page 4 Adaptation to Anaerobiosis in Tigriopus californicus repayed at any point in the first ten minutes, the rate of consumption would be from one-half to three times that which is observed. It is important to note that Tigriopus become torporous prior to reach¬ ing anoxia. Using the rate comparisons in Table 2, one sees a decreasing consumption rate post-anoxia for correspondingly longer periods spent anoxic. Apparently the Tigriopus stategy adapts it to reducing oxygen concentration by first reducing the animal's metabolic rate. Secondly, torpor occurs at some low oxygen concentration with further metabolic suppression occurring for longer periods of exposure to anoxia, as evinced by the lower post anoxic rates. Activity of Tigriopus during oxygen depletion changes drastically. Once the percent of saturation falls below 4-9%, one finds Tigriopus immobile, on the chamber's bottom. Observationally, this state appears to be one of low oxygen induced torpor. Since Tigriopus depletes oxygen in the chamber completely, torpor occurs prior to the total disappearance of oxygen. When depletion is allowed to occur without turbulence the torporous state occurs similarily, showing the state to be oxygen dependant. Return to saturated water causes total revival to occur generally within 1-3 minutes at the temperatures used. The Qo's listed in Table 3 range from 1.4—1.9. This falls within the acceptable range for marine invertebrates and does not warrant more of a discussion. Page 5 Adaptation to Anaerobiosis in Tigriopus californicus SUMMARY Tigriopus californicus activity varies from normal at 100% of oxygen saturation to that of a torpid condition at 0%. 2. Gross physiological torpor occurs around 4-9% of oxygen saturation. 3. Post-anoxic oxygen consumption rates show no repayment of an oxygen debt. Increasing periods of anoxia show subsequently depressed rates of 4. oxygen consumption. 5. Q0 values ranged from 1.4—1.9. Page 6 Adaptaptation to Anaerobiosis in Tigriopus californicus REFERENCES Bayne, B.L. 1965 Oxygen Consumption by Three Species of Lamellibranch Mollusc in Declining Ambient Oxygen Tension. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 40A: 955-970. Bergmeyer, H. U. 1965 Methods in Enzymatic Analysis. Academic Press, (London). Harvey, H. W, 1955 Chemistry and Fertility of Sea-Waters. Cambridge University Press, (Cambridge). Hochachka, P. W., et. al. 1975 Metabolic Sources of Power For Mantle Muscle of a Fast Swimming Squid. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 52B: 151-158. Hochachka, P. W., Jeremy Fields, and Tarig Mustafa 1973 Animal Life Without Oxygen: Basic Biochemical Mechanisms. Amer. Zool. 13: 543-555. Hochachka, P. W. and T. Mustafa 2 Invertebrate Faculative Anaerobiosis. Science. 178: 1056-1060. Pallares, Rosa E. and Carlos A. Duville 1974 Measurement of the Respiratory Rate in Harpacticoid Copepods. (Eng. summary). Physis Secc. A Oceanos Org. 32 (85): 441-466. Prosser, C. L. and F. A. Brown, Jr. 1961 Comparative Animal Physiology. Second Edition. W. B. Saunders Co., (Philadelphia). Saz, H. J. 1971 Faculative Anaerobiosis in the Invertebrates. Amer. Zool. 11: 125-135. Sassaman, C. and C. P. Mangum 1973 Relationship Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Metabolism in Estuarine Anemones. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 44A: 1313-1319. Sassaman, C. and C. P. Mangum 1972 Adaptations To Environmental Oxygen Levels in Infaunal and Epifaunal Sea Anemones. Biol. Bull. 143: 657-678. Page 7 Adaptation to Anaerobiosis in Tigriopus californicus REFERENC Stokes, T. M. and J. Awapara 1968 Alanine and Succinate as End -Products of Glucose Degradation in Some Invertegrates. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 25: 883-892. Williamson, J. R. and B. E. Corkey 1969 Assays of Intermediates of the Citric Acid Cycle and Related Compounds by Rluorometric Enzyme Methods. Methods in Enzymology. 13: 434-512. ACKNOWLEDGME I wish to thank the faculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station for all of their help in making this research possible. Special notice goes to my advisor, Dr. Fred Fuhrman, for all of his help. He smoothed out the rough spots. Page 8 The following Standard Depletion Curves were made at the constant temperatures noted. The weight of animals used can be calculated from the Y-intercept in all these cases if you know that 4.37, 4.78, and 5.03 cc 0,/liter are the saturation concentrations of 0, at 30, 25 and 22 degrees centigrade respectively; and that, all experiments were run in a one-half liter chamber. Salinity is a constant at 36 parts per thousand. The different symbols represent different weighted runs, identical in conditions. c02 GRAM 10 0 30 FIGURE 1- 30°C STANDARD DEF MINUTES ZTION RUNS 120 CO. GRAM 25 20 P 30 FIGURE 2- 25 C STANDARD DEPLETION RUNS 04 120 MINU 150 CO GRAM D 30 FIGURE 3-22 C STANDARD DEPLETION RUN: MINUTES 120 STANDARD DEPLETION RATE TABLE 1 Temp. Of Amount of anoxia Run laterincurred TIME PERIODS WITH CONSUMPTION RATES FORO 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 50-60 50-70 MINIMUM 30 c 32 min. 17.4 12.6 10.4 8.7 0.64 6.0 30 105 16.5 12.4 9.9 8.8 7.9 1.56 30 240 22.4 15.3 13.7 11.3 9.2 MEAN RATES 18.8 13.4 11.3 9.6 7.7 25°C 48 min. 13.2 12.0 9.6 7.0 0.52 5.3 25 104 14.7 9.6 9.0 7.3 6.0 2.2 25 201 14.1 11.4 10.1 8.7 6.4 1.6 MEAN RATES 14.0 11.0 9.6 7.7 5.9 22°0 44 min. 13.7 9.6 7.8 6.3 1.2 0.33 22 133 11.5 8.7 7.8 7.2 5.5 0.3 22 233 12.8 9.6 7.2 5.4 2.5 0.18 MEAN RATES 12.7 9.3 7.6 6.3 1.1 Table 1. The above rates were calculated from the curves in Figures 4-12 as the slopes through the time periods noted. The rates listed are in the units of co 02 /gram/Hour and are for animals with no anoxic history. Individual curves are identified by the amount of anoxia they were later sub- jected to. The time periods are in minutes from 100% satur- ation. Figures 4 through 12 represent different post-anoxic curves graphed against their initial depletion curves. Open circles trace out the post-anoxic curve, while crosses show for the respective standard depletion curve. 0, utilization rates for various time periods are arrived at by taking the slopes of these curves through the times desired. ccO, GRAN 13 XO FIGURE 4- 22 C: 44 Minutes of Anoxia MINUTES 90 cc O2 GRA 13 30 FIGURE 5-22 C: 133 Minutes of Anoxia MINUTES 90 120 c02 GRAM 30 FIGURE 6-22 C: 233 Minutes of Anoxia MINUTES 0 120 CCO GRAM 13 XO 30 FIGURE 7- 25 C: 48 Minutes of Anoxia * 0 c MINUTES 120 CO GRAN O FIGURE 8- 25 C: 104 Minutes of Anoxia MINUTES 30 120 c02 GRAN 13 XO FIGURE 9-25 C: 201 Minutes of Anoxia * O * ( MINU 30 90 120 cc O, GRAM XO XO FIGURE 10- 30 C: 32 Minutes of Anoxia 0 X ( O MINUTES 30 cc 0. GRAM 13 FIGURE 11- 30 C: 105 Minutes of Anoxia MINUTES 30 120 c02 GRAM 13 10 FIGURE 12- 30 C: 240 Minutes of Anoxia MINUTES 120 TABLE 2 —POST-ANOXIC RATES OF RESPIRATION Length of Anoxia Temp. of TIME PERIODS (in minutes, Incurred Run 0-10 10-20 20-30 50-70 30-40 50-60 MEAN 18.8 13.4 9.6 11.3 32 min. 30°C 13.4 11.2 11.2 9.9 5.1 30 105 14.7 11.6 10.8 8.7 5.5 30 240 8.4 10.6 9.2 8.5 9.1 25 C MEAN 14.0 11.0 9.6 7.7 5.9 25 48 min. 11.4 9.0 8.7 7.2 5.8 25 104 11.2 11.3 9.0 8.3 5.4 25 10.5 10.8 9.3 8.7 8.0 201 22°0 MEAN 12.7 9.3 7.6 6.3 4.1 44 min. 9.4 8.7 7.6 7.5 4.5 133 8.4 8.1 7.6 7.1 6.4 233 4.2 7.9 6.3 6.6 5.7 Table 2. Summarized above are the anoxic rates from the anoxic curves in Figures 4—12. Notice the anoxic rates are in gen¬ eral lower at all points in comparison to the calculated mean rates for the listed time periods. Inconsistencies in this table are most likely due to the fact that post-anoxia the animals can maintain higher intermediate rates since oxygen depletion in the chamber was not as severe during the first ten minutes. Thus the numbers overlap with time. Figures 13 and 14 are g aphical representations of the data in Table 2 for the temperatures 30° and 22°0. CCO. GRAe 1 FIGURE 13 0-10 — 10- 20-30 30-40 40-50 TIME PERIODS 14 cc O, GRAN A e FIGURE 14 0-19— 10-20 20-30 30-49 40-50 TIME PERIODS TABLE 3 - 9, VALUES TIME PERIODS T1. 0-10 min. 10-20 min 200 910 For: 1.6 30, 25 1.9 25, 22 1.4 1.7 Table 3. Above are the 0's as calculated according to the steps previously outlined. They are within the range for marine invertebrates.