Abstract The acrosome reaction in sperm is an essential requirement for fertilization. This involves several interrelated changes in sperm plasma membrane permeability to Ca', Na', H', and K ions. The mechanism by which the acrosome reaction occurs was studied in the marine snail Tegula funetralis and an attempt to define the conditions surrounding the acrosome reaction was made using various inhibitors and inducers of the acrosome reaction. In¬ hibition of the acrosome reaction was achieved in both pH 7.6 artificial sea water and in 10 * mM EDTA in pH 8 artificial sea water. Inhibition was effective in 85% of the sperm evaluated. Several inducers were effective at normally inhibitory pH 7.6. It should be noted that a 100% acrosomal reaction was never achieved due to a mixture of mature and immature sperm. Ca in concen¬ trations ranging from 20mM to 100mM induced acrosome reactions in 48% of sperm after a period of 10 minutes. Heavy metals such as Zn and Sn were found effective in inducing acrosome reaction in concentrations ranging from .1 uM to 100 uM. In particular it was found that at luM concentrations, Zn was most effective in that 62% of sperm had undergone acrosome reactions after ten minutes. The most dramatic results were achieved with a combination of solutions containing 20mM to 100mM Ca and luM Zn'. Under these conditions 73% of sperm had undergone an acrosome reaction after 10 minutes. cAMP was effective in concentrations from.luM to 10mM, the highest percent of acrosome reactions occuring at lOuM concentrations (55%). The results presented here and data from previous work done on the mechanism governing acrosome raaction indicate that Ca, Zn. and cAMP may be involved in the mechniam which triggers and/or mediates the acrosome reaction in T. funebralis Introduction In order for fertilization to occur several changes in gamete surfaces must take place. One of these alterations, the acrosome reaction in sperm involves an alteration in sperm plasma membrane permeability to specific ions. The result is a transformation in morphology and subsequent activation of the sperm necessary for fertilization. The conditions under which the acrosome reaction occurs have been studied extensively in the sperm of the sea urchin, Stronglylo¬ centrotus purpuratus and is believed to be elicited by contact with components in the jelly surrounding the outer surface of the egg. (Shapiro, 1980). Upon contact with the egg jelly, sea urchin sperm undergoes a morphological change characterized by membrane fusion, exocytosis, and extension of the acrosomal filament. (Shapiro, 1980). As in the sea urchin, fertilization in the snail, Tegula fune- bralis takes place externally with seasonal spawning of gametes. The eggs are surrounded by a jelly layer and the spermatozoa are rela¬ tively large with a well formed acrosome thus facilitating assessment of the acrosome reaction under phase contrast microscopy. Although the conditions under which the acrosome reaction in T. funebralis occurs have not been determined, it seems reasonable to assume that the acrosome reaction takes place near the egg and is affected by a component or components contained in the egg or egg jelly. Studies of an egg membrane lysin released by sperm have been made on several species of Tegula (Haino and Kigawa) and the lysin was found to be released after contact with the outer surface of the egg. The mechan¬ ism by which the lysin is released is still under investigation and it remains to be seen whether this is an acrosomal enzyme. Assuming that its release is somehow dependant on the acrosome reaction it can be shown that there is a correlation between contact with egg jelly and the mechanism governing the acrosome reaction. Like many other excitable cells, sperm responds to changes in specific ion gradients through altered permeability of the sperm plasma membrane (Shapiro,1980). More specifically he has shown that induction of the acrosome reaction corresponds to changes in sperm plasma membrane permeability to Ca, H, K, and Na. It was first shown by Dan (1954) that extracellular Ca was an essential requirement for the acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm. Upon triggering of the acrosome reaction there is an influx of Ca ions which accumulate in the mitochondria (Cantino, unpublished data). The mechanism by which this Ca'" influx occurs is not clear. Epel (1977) showed that an ionophore A23187 which allows for Ca uptake triggers the acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm thus it is postulated that Ca influx is an initial step in the mechanism governing the acrosome reaction. Data suggest that there is a close relationship between the acrosome reaction and the increase in sperm plasma membrane permeability to Ca ions. (Shapiro, et.al.). In addition to Ca' influx there are other ionic movements associated with the acrosome reaction. In sea urchin sperm it has been shown that when the acrosome reaction is triggered there is an uptake of Na and concurrent efflux of H' ions into the extra¬ cellular solution. It is suggested that the Na :H exchange is in some way essential to the acrosome reaction. (Schackmann, unpublished data). Of particular interest he has shown that a Ca requiring step preceeds the Na :H exchange thus indicating that a Ca " dependant step is an initial step in the triggering of the acrosome reaction. Increasing K levels from 10 mM to 20mM has been shown to prevent acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm (Shapiro, 1980). He suggests then that K movement is also involved in the acrosome reaction. Later studies by Shapiro indicate that K' efflux occurs after the acrosome reaction is completed and thus is not directly involved in the triggering mechanism. The effect of cyclic nucleotides on acrosome reaction has been studied in sea urchins using a factor isolated from the jelly layer surrounding the egg. (Kopf and Garbers, 1980). They have suggested that activation of the sperm adenylate cyclase is mediated by Ca influx. This activation of adenylate cyclase then causes an elevation in intracellular cAMP concentrations which in turn leads to activation of a protein kinase. The subsequent phosphorylation of membrane proteins may have an effect on the acrosome reaction. (Kopf and Garbers. 1980). The present paper investigates the conditions surrounding the acrosome reaction including alterations in ion permeability and cyclic nucleotide effects. Particular emphasis is placed on the mechanism governing the initial Ca influx and its' relationship with Zn and cAMP. Materials and Methods Tegula funebralis were collected in the intertidal zone at Mussel Point, California during the months of April and May. Snails were kept in running sea water at 13°C and used within 24 hours of collection. To obtain sperm, the shells were cracked in a vise, exposing the gonads. The testis were then dissected away from ad¬ jacent hepatopancreas. Sperm was isolated from the testis using a drawn out Pasteur pipette and then transferred to a small plastic vial. Concentrated sperm was kept on ice for up to four hours after which fresh sperm was obtained. Experiments were carried out by diluting 4-5 ul of sperm in test tubes containing 1 ml of solution. Diluted sperm was thoroughly mixed and 5 ul drops were then placed on slides at given time inter¬ vals and covered with cover slips. Acrosomal activity was assessed by viewing sperm under phase contrast oil immersion at 1000X. Scoring of the acrosome reaction was done using an ocular grid divided into 25 squares. Sperm were scored as being either reacted, partially reacted, or non-reacted. "Blunt" sperm described by Johnson (1981), were counted as reacted. (See Fig. 1, 2, and 3.). In initial ex¬ periments 500 sperm were counted in order to assess accuracy. Five counts of 100 sperm revealed an accuracy within 5%. Therefore results form experiments reported here were all based on counts of 100 sperm. All solutions were prepared using five part artificial sea water: 120 mM NaCl, 10mM KCl, 10mM Cacl,, 60mM MgCl,, and 2mM NaHCO,. Tris buffer was used to bring solutions to proper pH. Experiments were carried out at pH 7.6 and at 25°C unless otherwise noted. Results and Discussion Morphology of the Acrosome Reaction. Sperm of T. funebralis follows a similar sequence of events as that described for sea urchin sperm. Figures 1, 2, and 3, show electron micrographs of T. funebralis sperm during the acrosome reaction. In the sea urchin sperm, triggering of the acrosome reaction results in fusion of the sperm plasma membrane with acro¬ somal membrane, exocytosis of the acrosomal granule, polymerization of globular actin in the periacrosomal region and the extension of the acrosomal filament (Shapiro, et al, 1980). At the point of filament extension the sperm is considered to be acrosome reacted. Spontaneous Acrosome Reaction. Sperm suspended in artificial sea water at pH 8 will undergo a spontaneous acrosome reaction over time. (Fig 4). In order to measure accurately the effects of acrosome reaction inducers the spontaneous triggering must be eliminated. Inhibition of spontaneous activity was achieved in solutions at pH 7.6 as well as in 10 - mM EDTA at pH 8.0. Inhibitory effects were found to be effective in 85% of sperm scored over a period of 30 minutes (Fig. 4). Varying Ca Concentrations The effects of varying Ca concentrations at pH 7.6 (Fig 5) reveal that the acrosome reaction may be induced with high extra¬ cellular Ca levels. Inhibition at the sea water Ca - level (10mM) is overcome by concentrations of 20mM and greater. These results further the hypothesis that Ca influx is correlated with triggering of the acrosome reaction. Effects of Heavy Metals. Work done by Tyler (1953) with sea urchin sperm showed that heavy metal chelators would prolong the life of sperm as much as 100-fold. Iyler concluded that these chelating agents worked by chelating the heavy metals present in sea water. Later work done by Johnson (1981) using EDTA and cysteine gave similar results in prolonging motility and fertilization potential in sea urchin sperm. Johnson has pos¬ tulated that the inhibitory action of chelators is likely to take effect on the sperm surface rather than intracellularly. This theory suggests that the addition of heavy metals should induce and ac¬ rosome reaction. The effects of adding Zn and Sn' in concentrations ranging from 0.1 uM to lOuM are shown in Figure 6. The most dramatic effect Sn showed a similar effect yet not was achieved with luM Zn. as dramatic as the Zn effect. Addition of 1 uM Zn' proved to be particularly interesting and warranted further experimentation. Additionally, .luM amounts of Zn' acted to increase the number of sperm acrosome reacted by a margin of 26 % after 10 minutes. Sea water concentrations of Zn' were found to be between .1 uM and .3 uM along the Pacific Coast (Potts and Todd, 1965). As seen in Figure 6, a luM concentration of Zn' effected a 43% increase in the number of acrosome reactions. Triggering of the acrosome reaction in sea urchins appears to be especially sensitive to Zn concentrations; an increase in concen¬ tration to 10"Mor greater has an inhibitory effect (Johnson, 1981). Similarly in T. funebralis Zn concentrations above 10 M are not nearly as effective in inducing an acrosome reaction as are lower concentrations. These results indicate a correlation between heavy metals and triggering of the acrosome reaction. Further experiments tested the effects of luM Zn at various Ca levels from .lmM to 100 mM. (Fig.7) As shown in Figure 8, addition on Zn even at very low levels of Ca was somewhat effective in inducing acrosome reactions. The data presented suggests that there may be a heavy metal factor, perhaps a Zn factor, involved in the mechanism governing the acrosome reaction. A possible mode of action would be for Zn' to alter the sperm plasma membrane permeability to Ca+2. The following explanation suggests a mechanism by which Zn may act to initiate an acrosome reaction. It is conceivable that there are certain Zn'- specific enzymes such as histidine or another amino acid residue bound in the sperm plasma membrane. When these enzymes or metalloproteins bind to Zn or less strongly to other heavy metals, the structure along the entire protein is altered creating a "hole" through which Ca' influx may occur. Selectivity for Zn or other heavy metals over the more prevalent Ca' ions can be explained by their respective electron configurations. Zn' has a filled "d" shell and an empty "s'" shell making it readily availabel to form covalent bonds with uncharged molecules such as the amino acid residues of proteins. Ca takes on a noble gas configuration and binds mainly to charged ligands (Gilly, in press 1982). The result is that Zn" is selected over Ca' and binds to histidine or another amino acid residue in the sperm plasma membrane thus forming an imidazole bond which exhibits great flexiblilty. (Freeman, 1973). The structure along the entire protein is altered in such a way that the membrane becomes permeable to Ca. Through such a mechanism the presence of Zn' or perhaps other heavy metals may be correlated triggering of the acrosome reaction. Effects of cAMP. The mechanism by which increased levels of extracellular cAMP induces an acrosome reaction is not clear. As shown in Figure 9, addition of cAMP, especially at 10 uM concentrations proved effective in inducing an acrosome reaction in 53% of sperm. The means by which cAMp is transperted across the sperm plasma membrane, if indeed it is, remains a puzzle. The mechanism by which an intracellular increase in cAMP acts in relationship to the acrosome reaction has been studied in sea urchin sperm. (Kopf and Garbers, 1980). These results are dis¬ cussed in the following proposed mechanism for governing of the acrosome reaction in T. funebralis. Based on data presented here and on previous findings in the study of acrosome reactions, the following hypothesis is suggested for a mechanism by which the acrosome reaction might occur. Upon contact with egg jelly components similar to those presented by Kopf and Garbers (1980), the sperm plasma membrane permeability to Ca ions is increased. This step may also be potentiated by presence of Zn'. The increase in intracellular Ca activates sperm adenylate cyclase levels which leads to elevation of sperm cAMP concentrations. The result is an activation of a cAMP-dependant protein kinase and subsequent phosphorylation of membrane proteins which could then allow for further Ca influx, also potentiated by Zn. The end result is the triggering and actual process of the acrosome reaction. This hypothesis is in agreement with findings by Levine and Walsh (1979) suggesting that protease activation occurs prior to any morphe¬ logical changes characterizing the acrosome reaction. It is conceivable then that a correlation exists between the presence of Zn, Ca per¬ meability increase in sperm plasma membrane, and increased levels of cAMP in the triggering of the acrosome reaction. Acknowledgements I owe a very special thanks to Dr. Don Abbott for kicking me in the rear and encouraging me to finish this paper in time for graduation. Many thanks to Dr. Epel for putting up with my antics and especially for all the help and guidance given me throughout the quarter. Without the help of Dr. Dave Clapper in writing this paper I would have been lost and I thank him for all the time he put in. Thanks to Chris Patton for the pictures, and to "Joe" Gilly for all he has done in helping me. Special thanks to Willy and Chris for taking me trout fishing so I could come back and write this paper with a clear mind. Literature Cited Collins,F. and Epel,D. (1977). Exp. Cell Res. 106, 211-222. Dan, J.C. (1954). Biol Bull. 107, 335-349. Freeman, H.C. (1973). Inorganic Biochemistry, G.L. Eichorn (ed.), Elsevier, New York, pp. 121-166. Gilly, W. (in press 1982). Journal of General Physiology. Haino,K. and Kigawa, M. (1966). Exp. Cell Res. 12, 625-633. Johnson, C. (1981). Doctoral Thesis. Stanford University. pp151-193. Kopf, G.S. and Garbers, D.L. (1980). Biology of Reproduction, 22; 1118-1126. Levine, A.E. and Walsh, K.A. (1979) Develop. Biol. 72, 126-137. Potts, W.T.W. and Todd, M. (1965) Comp. Biochem. Physiol.,16, 479-189. Shapiro,B.M., Schackmann, B.W., Gabel, C.A., Foerder, C.A., Farance, M.L., Eddy, E.M. Klebanoff, S.J., (1980). The Cell Surface: Mediator of Developmental Processes. Academic Press Inc. New York. PP128-148. Tyler, A. (1953) Biol Bull. 104: 224-239. Figure Legends Figure 1. Electron micrograph of T. funebralis sperm before undergoing acrosome reaction. Sperm measures approximately lu at the base and 7u in length excluding flagella. Sperm morphology: flagella (f); mitochondria (M), nucleus (n), periacrosomal region containing actin(pa) and acrosomal granule (ag). Figure 2. Electron micrograph of T. funebralis sperm partially reacted. Exocytosis has begun, contents of the acrosomal granule are about to be exposed. Tail not visible due to fixation. Figure3. Electron micrograph of a reacted or "blunt" sperm. The acrosomal filament and tail were destroyed in fixation. Figure 4. Sperm undergoes a spontaneous acrosome reaction in pH 8.1 sea water over time. The effects of inhibition with .1 mM EDTA at pH 8.0 and with pH 7.6 artificial sea water are shown. Figure 5. Effects of increased Cay concentration are shown. Normal sea water concentration of Ca is about lOmM. Figure 6. Effegts of Zn and Sn' at normally inhibitory pH 7.6. At luM Zn concentration 62% of spermghad undergone an acrosome reaction. A control without added Zn exhibited a 14% acrosome reaction. Figure 7. Effects of luM Zn' concentrations at various Ca concentrations. The highest percentage of acrogome reactions was seen to occur at levels of 50mM to LOOmM Ca Figure 8, Effejts of luM Zn at low levels of Ca Ljas compared with a Ca control without Zn. As shown, Zn induces an acrosome even at low levels of Ca Figure 9. Effects of Addition of Cyclic AMP to pH 7.6 ASW. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 C Figure 4 2 ACROSOME REACTION — 3 0 1 9» O 0 0 T I C Figure 5 ACROSOME REACTION P a 0 Z 8 Figure 6 2 ACROSOME REACTION a 8 X+O S9 —4 2 +2 2 2 — Figure 7 2 ACROSOME REACTION S — 8 be bI + O XZ Z OVV Z — U C Figure 8 ACROSOME REACTION o 0 POO ) + 4 NNOO + 2 2 - Z O C C C 2. + 1 — 4 L Noilovsa WOSOSSV