Tegula and Benthic Predators ABSTRACT This study investigates the chemoreceptive abilities and escape responses of Tegula brunnea, T.montereyi, and T.pulligo to common predators. The predators studied were the sea stars Pisaster giganteus and Pycnopodia helianthoides, and the crab Cancer antennarius. T.brunnea and T.pulligo could both detect Cancer from waterborne olfactory cues. Furthermore, all three Tegula species took a significantly longer time to emerge from their shells in Cancer water as opposed to Pisaster or Pycnopodia water. T.brunnea exhibited a flight response in the starfish waters but not in Cancer water. T.pulligo exhibited a flight response to Pycnopodia, but not to Pisaster or Cancer. T.montereyi displayed a flight response in Pisaster water but was more stationary in Pycnopodia and Cancer waters. In the lab, T.brunnea was most susceptible to predation by Pycnopodia. T.pulligo and T.montereyi, however, secreted a distasteful pedal mucus that significantly decreased successful predation by Pycnopodia. T.brunnea did not have such a defensive mechanism. None of the Tegula species displayed an active escape response to the presence of Cancer. T.brunnea, however, was consumed least often by Cancer because it had the thickest shell of the Tegula species. T.pulligo, with an intermediate shell thickness, was consumed at the greatest rate. T.montereyi, the thinnest shelled species, had a lower than expected consumption rate, possibly because of structural characteristics of its shell other than thickness. Tegula and Benthic Predators In response to Pisaster predation, fewer T.montereyi were consumed than either T.pulligo or T.brunnea. These differences were not significant and were not pursued further. INTRODUCTION Predation in natural habitats plays an important role in structuring marine communities. Predation can determine the abundance, variability, and distribution of species as well as provide prey with strong selective pressures for the evolution of defensive mechanisms that reduce predator-induced mortality. Prosobranch gastropods have been particularly well-studied in this regard (Geller, 1982; Harrold, 1982; Schmitt, 1982; Shivji et al., 1983; Watanabe. 1984). These mechanisms can be classified as either avoidance responses or general defense mechanisms. Avoidance responses serve to limit encounters with predators. These include camouflage coloration, lengthy withdrawal into shell, or increased locomotion or climbing upon olfactory stimulation by waterborne chemicals (Burke, 1964; Schmitt, 1981; Geller, 1982; Palmer et al., 1982). The role of general defense mechanisms is to reduce the probability of death once contact with a predator is made. Common examples are morphologies that increase the prey's handling time or chemicals to confuse the predator or render the prey unpalatable (Barns, 1972; Herrlinger, 1983; Watanabe, 1983; Palmer, 1985; Legault and Himmelman, 1993;). The intensity of these responses has been shown to increase as the risk of predation 2 Tegula and Benthic Predators increases (Legault and Himmelman, 1993). This paper explores the variety of defensive adaptations of three species of subtidal Tegula to three common benthic predators. Three species of Tegula live on and around the kelp forests off the central Californian coast. All are similar in size, diet, and external shell morphology, but differ in abundance, distribution, and shell strength (Abbott and Haderlie, 1980; Watanabe, 1983; Watanabe, 1984). T.brunnea, the most abundant snail, resides in low intertidal and subtidal waters (0-6m), and has the thickest shell. T.montereyi, rarest of the three species, inhabits off-shore kelp beds (7-12m) with a majority of adults living on the lower half of kelp plants. T.montereyi has the thinnest shell of the three species. T.pulligo has a density close to that of T.brunnea, and is found in off-shore kelp beds with T.montereyi. The shell thickness of T.pulligo is between that of T.brunnea and T.montereyi. Most known Tegula predators are benthic, the principal ones being Pisaster giganteus and Pycnopodia helianthoides (Watanabe, 1984). Cancer antennarius also feed on Tegula, but less frequently than do the starfishes. Pisaster is found in low intertidal areas, but is most common in subtidal zones (Feder, 1980). Many gastropod species respond to Pisaster by increasing locomotion away from the sea star and increasing climbing rates (Szal, 1970; Schmitt, 1981, 1982; Harrold, 1982; Watanabe, 1983). Pycnopodia is less abundant than Pisaster and occurs in subtidal zones. Cancer has a density between that of Pisaster and Pycnopodia, and is generally found in the intertidal zone and subtidally near the bases of kelp (Garth and Abbott, 1980). Crushing predators generally prey upon thinner Tegula and Benthic Predators shelled gastropods and are thought to influence shell evolution in areas where predation is high (Vermeij, 1978, 1987; Geller, 1982; Palmer, 1985). With a variety of simple experiments, this study attempts to characterize avoidance and escape behaviors of each of the three Tegula species to Pisaster, Pycnopodia, and Cancer. Additionally, simple preferences by the predators for a particular Tegula species based on snail palatability or shell morphology (other than shell thickness which is examined with other defensive adaptations) will be explored. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was conducted at the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University in Pacific Grove, California. All experimental organisms were collected by SCUBA divers from the kelp forest adjacent to the station and stored in outdoor tanks supplied with running sea water. Organisms were given at least 24 hours to acclimate to the tanks before use. Pycnopodia were given an additional 24 hours to allow for the release of stomach contents. Behavioral observations were made in three fiberglass outdoor tanks (90 x 90 x 60 cm) and in two glass indoor aquaria (45 x 25 x 30 cm) each supplied with running sea water. All experiments were carried out using Tegula with a maximum basal diameter of 19 to 28 mm. Pisaster giganteus ranged in sized from 17.5 to 27.2 cm (from Tegula and Benthic Predators tips of opposite rays), Pycnopodia helianthoides from 21.2 to 44.5 cm, and Cancer antennarius from 15.2 to 15.9 cm (carapace width). Responses to Predator Scented Water To examine whether Tegula can detect and differentiate among predator species by detecting waterborne olfactory cues, snails were observed in a 350 ml glass dish containing 175 ml of sea water from various sources. Control sea water was obtained from the running sea water system, and predator water was taken from tanks which had held several individual predators for at least 72 hours. A total of 10 snails of each species were observed in the 4 water types: control, Pisaster, Cancer, and Pycnopodia water. To begin, a single snail that had been gently handled until the operculum fully closed was placed operculum side down in the center of the dish. Only snails closing the operculum in less than 10 seconds were used in the experiment. These snails were then observed for 10 minutes, noting the times when the epipodial tentacles first appeared and when the snail had fully emerged and attached its foot to the glass. Attachment was confirmed by observing snails from below. The time between the appearance of the epipodial tentacles and the sticking of the foot to the dish will be referred to as the "shell emergence time." The location of each snail was recorded after 10 minutes as being above the water line, at the water line, or on the bottom of the dish. The shell emergence times were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The location of the Tegula and Benthic Predators snails after 10 minutes in different water types were analyzed by Chi-square test. Predation Rates To test whether predation rates are different between the 3 Tegula species, snails were fed to predators in the outdoor tanks. The consumption rates of snails fed to Pisaster and Pycnopodia were calculated by counting, removing, and replacing empty shells daily. Snails above the water line were knocked back into the tank. Consumption rate for snails fed to Cancer was calculated by counting the live snails remaining in the tank. These were then returned with additional snails to keep the total number of each Tegula species constant. Table I contains the specific numbers of organisms used in each trial. The number of snails of each species eaten per individual predator per day were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Additional Pycnopodia Experiments To differentiate between effects of predator preferences and effectiveness of prey escape responses, anesthesia was used to eliminate escape responses. Two snails of each species were submerged in isotonic MgCl2 solution for 90 minutes. They were then added to an outdoor tank containing a single Pycnopodia. Empty shells were removed daily. Snails remained inactive for the duration of the experiment which lasted for 2 days. Tegula and Benthic Predators Predation of Tegula by Pycnopodia based on each species palatability was investigated by feeding Pycnopodia extracted snails The shells of six Tegula, two of each species, were opened, and the foot and head of the snails removed. All six snails were placed in an indoor aquarium containing a single Pycnopodia and feeding behavior was observed. The preference of Pycnopodia for Tegula species based on shell characteristics was investigated by extracting one Tegula of each species. The soft parts of each snail were then inserted into a shell of a different Tegula species. T.brunnea was inserted into a shell of T.montereyi, T.montereyi inserted into a shell of T.pulligo, and T.pulligo was inserted into a shell of T.brunnea. The snails were inserted so that the operculum blocked the shell aperture leaving no snail tissue exposed. The shells were then placed in an indoor aquarium containing a single Pycnopodia, and feeding behavior was observed. Finally, experiments were conducted to determine whether T. montereyi and T. pulligo secrete a pedal mucus that is distasteful to Pycnopodia. T.montereyi was held against the tube feet of Pycnopodia for approximately 2 minutes, and then extracted from its shell. The T.montereyi was then added together with an extracted T.brunnea and T.pulligo, neither of which had been stimulated by a predator, to an indoor aquarium holding a different Pycnopodia than was used to stimulate the snail. Feeding behavior was observed. This study was repeated, but with the stimulation of a T.pulligo instead of a T.montereyi. Tegula and Benthic Predators Secretion of pedal mucus by live snails was tested by holding a T.pulligo against the tube feet of Pycnopodia for approximately 2 minutes. The foot of the stimulated snail was then rubbed over the shell and foot of a T.brunnea. This T.brunnea was added along with an untreated T.brunnea to an indoor tank containing a single Pycnopodia. Feeding behavior was only recorded if Pycnopodia actively investigated the snails within two minutes of their deposit into the tank and if at least 1 snail was consumed. Otherwise, the trial was discarded to avoid artifacts resulting from loss or dilution of the applied coating of mucus or from snail rejection due to a nonforaging Pycnopodia. Three successful trials were carried out with stimulation of T.pulligo, and 4 with T.montereyi. In 1 trial involving T.montereyi, a third T.brunnea was treated with the mucus from an unstimulated T.montereyi and added to the tank. Control trials were conducted by feeding Pycnopodia 2 untreated T.brunnea. Additional Cancer Experiments To investigate movement as a possible escape response, 15 snails of each species were added to an outdoor tank containing 1 week-old crab water. After 100 minutes, the snails' location on the sides or bottom of the tank was recorded. This test was repeated once. The response of Cancer to anesthetized snails was also examined. One test included 3 crabs and 15 snails per species over 1 day. This test was repeated using only 2 crabs. A third trial involved 5 snails per species and 1 crab. Tegula and Benthic Predators Taste preferences of Cancer were studied by feeding two extracted snails of each species to a single crab in the indoor aquarium. This test was repeated in the outdoor tank. Finally, general observations of Cancer feeding on live snails were made in the indoor tanks using one crab and 5 snails of each species. Approximately 90 percent of the tank was covered in brown butcher paper to limit visual distractions, and most observations were made after dark using minimal lighting. Observations focused on species selection, time held for each snail, and the condition of the snail after release by the crab. RESULTS Responses to Predator Scented Water Exposing Tegula to water with various predator scents elicits specific avoidance responses from all 3 Tegula species. For both T.brunnea and T.pulligo, the shell emergence times were significantly greater in Cancer water compared to the control water and both starfish species. Shell emergence times in starfish water were shorter than in the control water, but these differences were not significant for either snail species (Figs. 1-2; Table II). T.brunnea and T.pulligo appear to detect Cancer water but not Pisaster or Pycnopodia. T. montereyi shell emergence time in control water was significantly longer than that for either T.brunnea or T.pulligo Tegula and Benthic Predators (Pc.002), resulting in no significant difference between the emergence times in the predator waters compared to the control water for T.montereyi. However, shell emergence times in Cancer water were still significantly longer than in either sea star water (Fig. 3; Table II) Another measurement of avoidance response is characterized by the snails’ movement in each of the water types. A significantly greater number of both T.brunnea and T.pulligo climbed the side of the glass dish in Pycnopodia water compared to the control water (Figs. 4-5). A significantly greater number of T.brunnea also climbed in Pisaster water compared to the control. T.pulligo did not show this trend. Finally, neither T.brunnea or T.pulligo exhibited a significant climbing difference in Cancer water compared to the control water (Figs. 4-5). Significantly more T.montereyi climbed in response to Pisaster water compared to the control water. The differences between Pycnopodia water and the control, and Cancer water and the control, however, were not significant (Fig. 6). In summary, T.brunnea has a longer shell emergence time in Cancer water compared to the control, but the movement patterns are not different. Emergence times were not affected in Pisaster and Pycnopodia water, but increased climbing in these waters was observed. T.pulligo is identical to T.brunnea, except that movement was affected by Pycnopodia and not by Pisaster. T.montereyi's response is less clear than the other Tegula species due in part to the longer shell emergence time in the control water. No differences between the control and predator waters were observed although 10 Tegula and Benthic Predators there were differences between the Cancer and starfish waters. Movement patterns were only affected by Pisaster. Unbiased between-species comparisons of movement patterns among the 3 Tegula species are not possible since the time before the opening of the operculum was significantly longer for T.montereyi than for either T.brunnea or T.pulligo (Appendix A & B). This left T.montereyi less time than the other 2 species had to migrate to its final preferred location before the end of the 10-minute experiment. Pycnopodia Experiments Of the 35 snails consumed by Pycnopodia during both consumption trials, all but 2 were T.brunnea. Two T.pulligo and no T.montereyi were consumed (Figure 7). Since snails above the water line were knocked back into the tank, all species were assumed to be equally available to the predators. Investigating whether taste preference caused T.brunnea to be consumed at the highest rate, snails of each species were extracted from their shells and fed to Pycnopodia. In both trials, all snails, regardless of species, were consumed within 5 minutes, suggesting that Tegula palatability does not cause Pycnopodia to distinguish and select between species. The effect of shell type on consumption by Pycnopodia was examined by extracting snails and inserting them into shells of different Tegula species. Again, all snails were consumed, regardless of species. This indicates that Pycnopodia do not distinguish among snail species based solely on shell characteristics. Tegula and Benthic Predators Turning to the role of Tegula escape responses in surviving Pycnopodia predation, snails were anesthetized and fed to the star. Within 2 days, all snails were consumed in apparently random order indicating the presence of escape behaviors in live T.montereyi and T.pulligo. The possibility of a mucus secretion by T.montereyi and T.pulligo to deter predation was examined by extracting snails that had been exposed to Pycnopodia tube feet and feeding the snails to Pycnopodia. In both trials involving stimulated T.montereyi and T.pulligo, all snails were eaten regardless of species, suggesting that a mucus coating is not effective with dead snails. Finally, pedal mucus secretion was studied by exposing T.montereyi or T.pulligo to Pycnopodia and rubbing their mucus film over the foot and shell of a T.brunnea. Of the 3 T.pulligo experiments where Pycnopodia responded in less than 2 minutes, 2 trials resulted in Pycnopodia consuming the untreated T.brunnea while actively avoiding the one treated with mucus from T.pulligo. Both T.brunnea were consumed in the third trial. Of the 3 T.montereyi experiments where Pycnopodia responded in less than 2 minutes, 2 trials resulted in Pycnopodia consuming the untreated T.brunnea and rejecting the one treated with mucus from stimulated T.montereyi. The second of these 2 trials included the T.brunnea treated with mucus from the unstimulated T.montereyi, and it too was eaten. Both T.brunnea were consumed in the third trial. In 4 control trials using 2 untreated T.brunnea, both snails were consumed by Pycnopodia. Tegula and Benthic Predators Cancer Experiments The consumption data shows that Cancer ate T.pulligo significantly more often than T.brunnea. T.montereyi was eaten more frequently than T.brunnea, but these differences were not statistically significant (Fig. 8; Table III). In the presence of MgClz, all snails regardless of species were eaten at a significantly higher rate. The rank order of the individual species, however, did not change (Fig. 8; Table III). This indicates that behavioral responses by Tegula species reduce predation by crabs, but that the effectiveness is similar for all 3 species Site selection by snails as a possible escape response was investigated by recording the location of Tegula in the tank containing Cancer water. The average of both 100-minute trials reveals that the number of snails on the bottom and walls of the tank is similar among the 3 Tegula species (Fig. 9). More snails were found on the walls, away from where the crabs would be, than were located on the bottom of the tank. The selection of certain Tegula species based on Cancer preference was studied by feeding extracted snails to the crabs. In both trials, all 6 snails, 2 of each species, were eaten within 10 minutes in no order. Cancer apparently do not select between species based on snail palatability To investigate further how Cancer selects its prey, feeding behavior was observed and analyzed. Of the number of snails of each species picked up by Cancer, the crabs attempted to consume (either brought snail to mouth or tried to crack shell with chelipeds) 13 Tegula and Benthic Predators a similar percentage from each species (Table IV). This shows a lack of species selection by Cancer. Of the snails that Cancer tried to consume, a greater percentage of T.pulligo and T.montereyi were subsequently eaten than T.brunnea (Table IV). These data suggest that Cancer consume the species with the thinnest and most easily broken shells, those being T.pulligo and T.montereyi. Pisaster Experiments The data from the Pisaster eating trials reveal insignificant differences between the consumption rates of the different Tegula species (Figure 10; Table V). The low number of trials makes it difficult to resolve differences in consumption rates. DISCUSSION Responses to Predator Scented Water The detection of waterborne chemicals by the three Tegula species varies between species. T.brunnea was able to detect all three predators based on shell emergence times or movement patterns. T..pulligo can detect Cancer and Pycnopodia, but not Pisaster. T.montereyi, in contrast, appears to detect only Pisaster, and not Cancer and Pycnopodia. Finally, all three Tegula species seem to distinguish between Cancer and the starfish, but not between the individual sea stars. 14 Tegula and Benthic Predators That all three Tegula species take a significantly longer time to emerge from their shells in Cancer water as opposed to Pisaster or Pycnopodia water suggests that lengthy withdrawal into the shell is a defensive behavior to Cancer. Lack of movement and exposure might increase the chances of the shell appearing empty and being bypassed by a foraging crab. This is supported by Vermeij (1987) who reports that withdrawal into the shell helps snails avoid detection by enemies and thwarts those attacking by way of the aperture because soft parts cannot be easily reached. Additional research into this behavior would be of value. The number of each species of snails on the sides of the dish does not increase in Cancer water compared to the control water. This lack of active climbing supports the finding that gastropods are unable to successfully flee from fast moving predators such as Cancer, and therefore do not develop flight behaviors from them (Schmitt, 1981). The avoidance behaviors of individual Tegula species to Pisaster and Pycnopodia water vary more than they did in Cancer water. T.brunnea employs a flight response to Pisaster and Pycnopodia as indicated by the increased climbing in these waters. However, its high consumption rate by Pycnopodia in the laboratory suggests this is not an especially effective response. T.pulligo exhibits a flight response in Pycnopodia water, but not in Pisaster water. With the exception of the lack of climbing by T.pulligo in Pisaster water, these flight behaviors were expected because of the slower movement speeds of the starfish. In the field, climbing gives the snails a chance to gain safe refuge in kelp plants from slower Tegula and Benthic Predators moving predators (Watanabe, 1984). This then puts the snail in a position where dropping off the substratum would give it a chance to fall out of the reach of nearby predators (Watanabe, 1983). The lack of active climbing by T.pulligo in response to Pisaster water cannot be explained and further research would be of interest. T.montereyi uses two different avoidance responses to Pisaster and Pycnopodia water. Similar findings were reported by Herrlinger (1983) and Watanabe (1983). In Pisaster water, significantly more snails were found on the sides of the dish as compared to the control water. In Pycnopodia water, however, T.montereyi did not show differences in movement compared to the control water. This lack of detection does not seem critical for survival since T.montereyi can escape predation with a mucus secretion upon contact by Pycnopodia, as will be discussed later. Pycnopodia Experiments T.pulligo and T.montereyi exhibited nearly flawless escape responses to Pycnopodia predation in the laboratory. In contrast, T.brunnea did not possess a defensive adaptation to survive Pycnopodia. In the absence of escape behaviors, Pycnopodia did not show a preference for one snail species over another. All dead snails, regardless of species, were consumed. This indicates that the different mortality rates between the Tegula species are indeed due to the presence or absence of escape responses. T.brunnea, whenever captured by a foraging sea star, was consumed. The only exception was when its shell and foot was 16 Tegula and Benthic Predators coated with mucus from a T.montereyi or T.pulligo that had been stimulated by Pycnopodia. Stimulation was necessary for secretion of the distasteful mucus as evidenced by the consumption of T.brunnea coated with mucus from an unstimulated T.montereyi. This supports the assertion that mucus secreted by T.montereyi and T.pulligo in response to Pycnopodia is accountable for the snails lower mortality rates (Watanabe, 1983; Herrlinger, 1983). That T.montereyi survived Pycnopodia predation was not surprising based on observations by Watanabe (1983). He reports that T.montereyi allows its head and foot to contact the tube feet of Pycnopodia when captured. This induces the starfish to reject the snail as it did in my experiment. Herrlinger (1983) also observed that Pycnopodia rejects T.montereyi when the snail is brought to the mouth of Pycnopodia. The use of distasteful mucus by T.pulligo to escape Pycnopodia, however, has not been well documented. Herrlinger (1983) reported that T.pulligo might secrete a distasteful mucus to lower consumption rates by Pycnopodia. This behavior, though, was not investigated further. In fact, previous field and laboratory observations of interactions between T.pulligo and Pycnopodia indicate that T.pulligo accounts for a major portion of Pycnopodia’s diet (Herrlinger, 1983: Shivji et al., 1983; Watanabe, 1983). The different results of Shivji, et al. (1983) can possibly be accounted for by the fact that their observations took place off the coast of Vancouver where T.brunnea is absent. Therefore, T.pulligo may have been the best prey species available. The contradiction with Watanabe (1983) maybe a consequence of maintaining constant abundances of each snail 17 Tegula and Benthic Predators species in my laboratory experiments. In my tests, therefore, Pycnopodia, preyed upon the least well defended species, T.brunnea, and was not forced to attempt consumption of the other two species as may have been the case in Watanabe’s (1983) experiments. Unlike with the experiments by Shivji, et al. (1983) and Watanabe (1983), the differences between my results and those of Herrlinger (1983) cannot readily be accounted. Herrlinger (1983) observed organisms in the same area from which my animals were obtained. He found that Pycnopodia ate a much greater percentage of T.pulligo than of either T.brunnea or T.montereyi, which were hardly consumed at all. One explanation as to why more T.pulligo are consumed in the field than T.brunnea is that T.pulligo are simply more accessible to predation than are T.brunnea. T.pulligo survive in subtidal kelp zones, but T.brunnea are mainly found in shallower areas with a highly protective algal cover (Herrlinger, 1983; Watanabe, 1984). This might make T.brunnea less accessible to Pycnopodia forcing Pycnopodia to prey upon the more available T.pulligo. Cancer Experiments T.brunnea had the most effective defense of the three Tegula species against Cancer predation. In the absence of all active escape responses, Cancer still consumed similar proportions of each Tegula species. This indicates that the three snail species did not employ active defensive behaviors that were different from one another. Instead, a passive response, shell thickness, was effectively used by 18 Tegula and Benthic Predators T.brunnea to lower mortality from predation. Although still susceptible to Cancer predation, thicker shells are effective in decreasing the potential food value of the snail by increasing its handling time. Thick shells, however, are not desirable for all species because they are expensive to make and may not be as functional overall as some thinner shell types are (Vermeij, 1978, 1987; Palmer, 1985) Focusing on the consumption of T.montereyi and T.pulligo, a surprising finding was that more T.pulligo were consumed than T.montereyi. T.montereyi have the thinnest shells and theoretically should have been consumed at the highest rate. T.montereyi is not distasteful to Cancer, since all extracted individuals were consumed. One possible explanation for this discrepancy concerns shell structure. Vermeij (1987) reports that crabs can be discouraged from peeling a shell as the spirals get smaller and tighter together. Furthermore, a deep umbilicus can lessen structural weaknesses of shells. T.montereyi have the best defined umbilicals of the three Tegula species which might account for its lower than expected consumption rate. Additional research into this area would be of value. Pisaster Experiments Pisaster consumed a higher number of T.brunnea and T.pulligo than of T.montereyi over both feeding studies. No experiments were conducted to identify possible defensive behaviors by T.montereyi because the data were statistically insignificant. Previous studies, 19 Tegula and Benthic Predators however, report that T.montereyi is indeed preyed upon less frequently than are the other two species, probably because of its ability to withdraw deeper into its shell (Vermeij, 1987; Watanabe 1983). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I’d like to extend a special thanks to Jim Watanabe for his direction, insight, and patience, and for setting aside his own research to help me finish this project. My gratitude is also extended to Joe Wible for aiding my research, and to all the Hopkins divers who collected fresh organisms for me to manipulate and study. Tegula and Benthic Predators Literature Cited Abbott, D.P., and E.C. Haderlie. 1980. Prosobranchia: marine snails. Pages 230-307 in R.H. Morris, D.P. Abbott, and E.C. Haderlie, editors. Intertidal invertebrates of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, USA. Barns, A.T. and J.F. Case. 1972. Bioluminescence in the mesopelagic copepod, Gaussia princeps (T.Scott). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 8:53-71 Burke, W.R. 1964. Chemoreception by Tegula funebralis. Veliger 6 (supp.):17-20. Feder, H.M. 1980. Asteroidea: the sea stars. Pages 117-135 in R.H. Morris, D.P. Abbott, and E.C. Haderlie, editors. Intertidal invertebrates of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, USA. Garth, J.S. and D.P. Abbott. 1980. Brachyura: the true crabs. Pages 594-630 in R.H. Morris, D.P. Abbott, and E.C. Haderlie, editors. Intertidal invertebrates of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, USA. Geller, J.B. 1982. Chemically mediated response of a gastropod, Tegula funebralis (A. Adams), to a predatory crab, Cancer antennarius (Stimpson). Journal of Experimental Marine Biolog and Ecology 65:19-28 Harrold, C. 1982. Escape responses and prey availability in a kelp forest predator-prey system. American Naturalist 119:132-135 Herrlinger, T.J. The diet and predator-prey relationships of the sea star Pycnopodia helianthoides (Brandt) from a central California kelp forest. Thesis. San Jose State University, San Jose, California. USA. Legault, C., and J.H. Himmelman. 1993. Relation between escape behavior of benthic marine invertebrates and the risk of predation. 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Predator No. of No. of No. of Trial No. of Species Predators Tbrunnea T.montereyi T.pulligo No. Pisaster Pycnopodia 20 Cancer snails were removed 2 days before end of trial to give Pycnopodia stomach time to empty Trial Length (days) 11 10 Tegula and Benthic Predators Table II. Two-way ANOVA, showing the effect of snail species and predator water type on length of time for snail to emerge from shell and grip substratum. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE Source Sum-of- Degrees of Mean¬ F-Ratio Probability Freedom Squares Square 46.892 0.000 Snail 23.446 34.171 Species Predator 67.645 22.548 32.862 0.000 13.465 0.005 Species X 2.244 3.271 Predator ERROR 74.104 108 0.686 TUKEY POST HOC TEST MATRIX OF PAIRWISE MEAN DIFFERENCES (Probabilities in Parentheses) Tegula Cancer Pisaster Pycnopodia brunnea Pisaster -2.386 (.000 -1.654 (001) 0.733 (707 Pycnopodia -1.311 (.028) 0343 (999) Control 1.075 (155 Tegula Cancer Pisaster Pycnopodia montereyi -1.542 (004) Pisaster -1.383 (015) 0.159 (1.000 Pycnopodia 0.746 (684) Control 0.637 (855) 0.797 (588) Tegula Cancer Pisaster Pycnopodia pulligo -1.880 (.000 Pisaster -1.821 (.000 0.059 (1.000 Pycnopodia 2.579 (.000) 0.758 (662) 0.699 (765) Control 24 Tegula and Benthic Predators Table III. Two-way ANÖVA, showing the effect of snail species and MgClz on Tegula consumption rate by Cancer. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE Source Sum-of- Degrees of F-Ratio Probability Mean¬ Squares Freedom Square Snail 7.142 10.664 5.332 0.014 Species 6.400 6.400 8.573 0.017 Mgcl Species X 0.339 0.253 0.506 0.721 MgCl2 6.719 ERROR 0.747 TUKEY POST HOCTEST MATRIX OF PAIRWISE MEAN DIFFERENCES (Probabilities in Parentheses) Cancer T.brunnea T.montereyi antennarius 0.764 (396 T.montereyi 2.083 (012 1.319 (097 Tpullige — Tegula and Benthic Predators Table IV. Observed selection and consumption of Tegula by Cancer. Snails Eaten Snail Species Consumption Attempts Snails Captured Consumption Attempts 67% T.brunnea 60% T.montereyi 22% T.pullige 67% 25% Tegula and Benthic Predators Table V. One-way ANÖVA, showing effect of snail species on consumption by Pisaster. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE Sum-of- Source Degrees of Mean¬ Probability F-Ratio Freedom Square Squares 3.108 0.186 Snail 0.073 0.036 Species ERROR 0.035 0.012 TUKEY POST HOCTEST MATRIX OF PAIRWISE MEAN DIFFERENCES (Probabilities in Parentheses) Pisaster T.brunnea T.montereyi giganteus -0.254 (192) T.montereyi 0.206 (281) 0.047 (903 T.pulligo — Tegula and Benthic Predators Figure Legends: Figure 1. T.brunnea: Average time from opening of operculum to sticking of foot in different water types. Figure 2. T.pulligo: Average time from opening of operculum to sticking of foot in different water types. Figure 3. T.montereyi: Average time from opening of operculum to sticking of foot in different water types. Figure 4. Distribution of T.brunnea after 10 minutes in different water types. Figure 5. Distribution of T.pulligo after 10 minutes in different water types. Figure 6. Distribution of T.montereyi after 10 minutes in different water types. Figure 7. Average number of each snail species eaten per day per Pycnopodia. Figure 8. Average number of each snail species eaten per day per Cancer. Figure 9. Average distribution of snails in Cancer water after 100 minutes. Figure 10. Average number of each snail species eaten per day per Pisaster. 300 200 100 : 0 Water Types Tegula and Benthic Predators Control Water Pisaster Water Cancer Water □ Pycnopodia Water Figure 1. 300 7 200 100 - 0 + Water Types Tegula and Benthic Predators Control Water Pisaster Water □ Cancer Water □ Pycnopodia Water Figure 2. Figure 3. 400 300 - 200 - 100 - Tegula and Benthic Predators Control Water Pisaster Water □ Cancer Water □ Pycnopodia Water Water Types Tegula and Benthic Predators Figure 4. 12 7 Bottom At Water Line □ Above Water Line A Pycnopodia Control Pisaster Cancer Water Type Chi-Square Values (Probabilities in Parentheses) Control vs. Pisaster 6.667 (0.010) Control vs. Cancer 0.000 (1.000) Control vs. Pycnopodia 6.667 (0.010) 32 Tegula and Benthic Predators Figure 5. 87 Bottom At Water Line Above Water Line Pisaster Pycnopodia Contro Cancer Water Type Chi-Square Values (Probabilities in Parentheses) Control vs. Pisaster 2.095 (0.351) Control vs. Cancer 1.818 (0.403) Control vs. Pycnopodia 6.921 (0..031) 33 Tegula and Benthic Predators Figure 6. 10 Bottom AtWater Line □ Above Water Line L oA Contro Pisaster Cancer Pycnopodia Water Type Chi-Square Values (Probabilities in Parentheses) Control vs. Pisaster 7.200 (0.027) 5.067 (0.079) Control vs. Cancer Control vs. Pycnopodia 1.067 (0.587) 34 Figure 7. 2.0- 50 5210 O.O- Trial1 Tegula and Benthic Predators Tbrunnea T.montereyi E T.pulligo Average Trial 2 Totals Figure 8. 4.0 Tegula and Benthic Predators Tbrunnea T.montereyi E T.pulligo 0.0 Average of Trials with Normal Snails Average of Trials with Anesthetized Snails Totals 36 Figure 9. 10.0- 8.0- 6.0 4.0 0.0- Bottom nea ereyi Location Tegula and Benthic Predators Figure 10. 0.6 0.5 0.4: O.3 52 0.2 0.1 0.0- 2 Trail1 Tegula and Benthic Predators T.brunnea T.montereyi E T.pulligo Trial. Totals Tegula and Benthic Predators Appendix A. Average Time for the Operculum of Each Snail Species to Open in the Different Water Types 150 + T.brunnea T.montereyi E T.pullige Z Pisaster Control Cancer Pycnopodia Water Type 39 Tegula and Benthic Predators Appendix B. Two-way ANOVA, showing the effect of snail species and predator water type on length of time for Tegula epipodial tentacles to appear. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE Sum-of- Source Degrees of Mean¬ F-Ratio Probability Squares Freedom Square 111.595 Snail 55.797 77.690 0.000 Species Predator 14.055 4.685 0.000 6.523 Species X 9.962 0.039 1.660 2.312 Predator ERROR 77.565 108 0.718 TUKEY POST HOCTEST MATRIX OF PAIRWISE MEAN DIFFERENCES (Probabilities in Parentheses) Control T.brunnea T.montereyi water T.montereyi 1.700 (0.001) -1.117(0.139) 2.817 (0.000) T.pulligo Pisaster T.brunnea T.montereyi water T.montereyi 1.334 (0.030) T.pulligo 0.745 (0.715) -2.079 (0.000) Cancer T.montereyi T.brunnea water 1.168 (0.101 T.montereyi 0.588 (0.923) -1.755 (0.001) T.pulligo Pycnopodia T.brunnea T.montereyi water 2.665 (0.000) T.montereyi 2.403 (0.000) 0.263 (1.000 T.pulligo 40 Tegula and Benthic Predators Appendix C. Consumption data of trials with Pycnopodia helianthoides. Trial NUMBER CONSUMED Trial 2 Trial 1 Length T.brunnea T.montereyi T.pulligo T.brunnea T.montereyi T.pulligo (days) 10 13 20 Total Tegula and Benthic Predators Appendix D. Consumption data of trials with Cancer antennarius. Active Snails NUMBER CONSUMED Trial Trial 2 Length Trial 1 T.pulligo T.brunnea T.montereyi T.pulligo T.brunnea T.montereyi (days) 16 Total 33 2 Anesthetized Snails Trial NUMBER CONSUMED Length Trial 1 Trial 2 T.montereyi Tbrunnea T.montereyi T.pulligo T.brunnea T.pulligo (days) 10 Total Anesthetized Snails Trial NUMBER CONSUMED Trial 3 Length T.brunnea T.montereyi T.pulligo (days) Total Tegula and Benthic Predators Appendix E. Consumption data of trials with Pisaster giganteus. NUMBER CONSUMED Trial Trial 1 Trial 2 Length T.montereyi T.brunnea T.montereyi T.brunnea T.pulligo T.pulligo (days) 10 11 Total 13 18 12