Westersund Phototaxis and a tidal rhythm Abstract Under high intensity fluorescent light, the intertidal chiton, Mopalia muscosa was shown to be negatively phototactic when left 43 to 27 hours. Chitons seemed to respond to tide both exogenously and endogenously by reduction of movement. The suggested tidal rhythm appears to be the mechanism by which these chitons may predict the heighths of low tides. The rhythm appears to have been rephased by a single artificial low tide of 10 to 45 minutes. Diurnal movement patterns appear to be exogenous. Westersund, Page 2 Control of Movement in a Chiton Introduction The chiton Mopalia muscosa (Gould, 1846) is flexible in habit and habitat. In the present study on the Monterey Peninsula, California. M. muscosa was found at low tide (1) in permanent tide pools, (2) attached to the undersides of large rocks in sand with Mopalia lignosa (Gould, 1846). (3) in the midst of tight clusters of the sea anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt, 1835), (4) in the shade of various macroscopic algae, (5) in bare rock crevices with only microscopic and crustose algae, and (6) on exposed surfaces where their shells are often bleached white by the sun. Barnawell (1954) notes that M. muscosa is one of the few species of Mopalia that can do well in the estuarine conditions of San Francisco Bay. This variety of habitats implies behavioral flexi- bility as well as wide physiological tolerances. Field observations by Smith (1975), myself, and others indicate that Mopalia muscosa moves mostly at high tide and at night. In an observation which led to the present research, chitons in a high tide pool began to move at sunset. At the same time, a rising tide splashed the tide pool with waves, and the water temperature dropped rapidly from 24°C. to 15°C. The chitons may have begun to move in response to the onset of darkness, the disturbance of the pool by wave splash, the lowered temperature, or an endogenous cycle. A series of experiments was planned to determine the effect of each stimulus isolated from the rest. All work was carried out at the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University during the period April-June, 1974. Westersund, Page 3 Control of Movement in a Chiton Effects of Light, Turbulence, Temperature and Water Level on Movement Methods. Five aquaria, each containing 5 Mopalia muscosa, were placed in darkrooms equipped with running sea water. In each tank, 3 of the chitons were freshly collected, and the other 2 had been in the laboratory 1 to 2 weeks. Individual animals were not marked, but were recognized'by size and adhering algal cover. Each aquarium was held under a different set of test conditions for a period of 12 hours, as shown in Fig. 1, and explained below. Tanks A, B, and D were held in the same darkroom, while Tanks C and E were isolated in separate dark- rooms. At the start of the experiment and every 30 minutes thereafter, the position of the center or midpoint of the animal was established to the nearest centimeter. The straight-line distance between consecu¬ tive midpoint positions was calculated and recorded as the distance moved (net displacement) per hour. Observations under dark conditions were made with a flashlight covered with a red filter, to which the chitons appeared to give no response. Results and Discussion. The control animals in Tank A (Fig. 1-A) held at constant darkness, temperature, and turbulence, showed little movement. Small peaks of activity were noted which (unfortunately) occurred when conditions were changed in other tanks. Since the control was held in the same room with Tanks B and D, the manipulations carried out on these other tanks may have altered the noise level or some other Westersund, Page 4 Control of Movement in a Chiton factor in the room to cause these small activity peaks. It is also possible that these were random fluctuations. The animals in Tank B, subjected to varying turbulence (Fig. 1-B) showed no obvious response to this gentle stimulus. In Tank C, exposed to alternate periods of light and darkness (Fig. 7-C), there was less movement during light than during dark periods; and the first onset of a dark period was accompanied by a sharp increase in activity. In Tank D, (Fig. ]-D) the animals responded to a falling water level by moving down the sides of the tank, keeping half susmerged until they reached the bottom. Although the aquarium bottom remained wet during the artificial low tides, the chitons moved very little until the "tide" rose again. Animals kept in Tank E with a temperature cycle (Fig. 1-E) showed increased activity at the onset of each change. The results indicate that movement may be stimulated by decreases in incident light, or by a change in water temperature or water level. Endogenous Rhythms 4lthough the results obtained above indicate that movement may be stimulated by some exogenous factors; thepossibilityofanexogenous rhythm remains unerplored.—To examine-this-questien, the following experiment was perfored e veve passe egeo phytn Westersund, Page 5 Control of Movement in a Chiton Methods. Eight chitons from low tide pools and 8 from other habitats were collected and placed in aquaria equipped with running sea water at 14°C. in constant darkness. Animals ranged in length from 5 to 9 cm. Subsequet Observations were made with the aid of a dim red light. The position of the midpoint of each chiton was checked every 45 minutes . over a 25 hour period;after the chitons had been in the aquaria .5, 3, 13 and 19 days. Movement (net displacement) was recorded as in the previous experiment. Results and Discussion. Fig. 2-A shows the total activity of all 16 animals for a 25 hour period starting 12 hours after they were placed in aquaria. Minimum activity, corresponding to actual lower low tide, is followed immediately by an increase in activity. After 3 days in the tank (Fig. 2-B), a sharp increase in activity of the animals still corresponds to the rising tide following the lower low tide, but there is less overall activity. After 13 days (Fig. 2-C) activity is again low during the lower low tide and the overall activity is again high. No tidal cycle is clearly resolvable after 19 days in the tanks (Fig. 2-D). The results obtained are very suggestive of a tidal rhythm of movement. The lull in activity at low tide periods coincides with the field observations of Smith (1975) who found that Mopalia muscosa that were uncovered by the tide had already "homed", while other animals slightly lower in the intertidal that were not going to be exposed did not home, but did reduce their movement. Activity was greatest during C Westersund, Page 6 Control of Movement in a Chiton spring tides, days and 13. These results eombined suggest the animals may predict monthly fluctuations of tidal height. Further studies are needed to confirm and expand on these preliminary conclusions. Westersund, Page 7 Control of Movement in a Chiton Summary (1) Mopalia muscosa appears to be exogenously stimulated to move by decreases in incident light, or by a change in water temperature or water level. (2) M. muscosa responds to an artificially lowered water level by moving down, staying half submerged. The chitons move very little in an empty tank until it is refilled. (3) M. muscosa shows evidence of an endogenous tidal rhythm in their movement. Under constant aquarium conditions, they move less at times corresponding to low tide, especially the lower low tide, and they move much more soon after. (4) M. muscosa under constant aquarium conditions shows more overall movement and clearer tidal cycles during spring tides. The same monthly cyclé may enable them to predict the heights of low tides. (5) No endogenous diurnal activity pattern was detected. Westersund, Page 8 Control of Movement in a Chiton Acknowledgments I would like to thank and acknowledge the help of: Dr. Robin Burnett, who advised me during this study and the writing of this paper: David W. Phillips, who gave advice and loaned equipment; Dr. W. G. Evans. who advised and encouraged me to study tidal rhythms; and Margaret Westersund, my wife, who worked with me observing chitons at all hours. 2 Westersund, Page 9 Control of Movement in a Chiton Literature Cited Barnawell, Earl Baker 1954. The biology of the genus Mopalia in San Francisco Bay. M.A. Thesis. Dept. of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley. 85 pp.; 9 figs.. Suanne Yvonne Smith, 1975. Temporal and spatial activity patterns for the intertidal The pellshe. chiton Mopalia muscosa. The Veliger. sine tastous Westersund, Page 10 Control of Movement in a Chiton Figure Captions es haone en ) Fig. 1. Total distance moved vs. time for 5 chitons in each of 5 aquaria held under conditions explained below. At the top of the teth verte be eregene ern eirne an figure is a curve representing the height of the tide and shading e one o revet, representing night. In the activity curves, the finer lines show general trends by connecting averages of adjacent data points. A. In this the control, nothing was varied. Sea water circulated at 14°C., the tank was kept full, and the room was kept dark. These were also the conditions in the other tanks, except for those that were varied, as explained below and shown above each of the other activity graphs. B. Tha gently turbulent flow of sea water was stopped or restarted every 3 hours. Temperature change was minimal. C. Cool bright overhead flourescent lights were turned on or off every 3 hours. D. The tank was alternately drained or refilled every 3 hours. The tank took about 1 hour to refill and 1.5 hours to drain. During the 3 hour filling period, the water was kept flowing, but during the draining period, the water was shut off. Therefore a small temperature cycle probably accompanied the "tidal" cycle. E. The incoming stream of water was changed from a source at 14°C. to a source at 25°C. or back again every 3 hours. After 1.5 hours, the temperature of the tank was within 1"C. of the incoming water temperature. 21 hoes forrl ne Fig. 2. Total distance moved vs. time for 16 chitons maintained in constant dark and observed after .5 (A), 3 (B), 13 (C), and 19 (D) days in aquaria. External conditions of light and tide are shown for each Westersund, Page 11 Control of Movement in a Chiton conseqversd vevfu at bas observation period. Chitons were observed every 45 minutes; As in Fig. finer lines show general trends. Note the recurring pattern of reduced activity at low tides followed by sharply increasing activity soon after- ward. K. UESTERSUND FlG. 1 X 1 111 8 — —1 5 No tav 14 Aöi o 1/ L i 1: : —1. L1 9 + e 8 o Lon 11 51 wartt g 1—+ 8 S - + —+ 25 S o I . i — ——: — t 801 30 340 20 o 20 6 2V F V ad A M (Ocskisigt 2 2 A. B. C