Page 28 Vol. 6; Supplement THE VELIGER Excretory Products of Tegula funebralis and Tegula brunnea (Mollusca : Gastropoda) YOLANDA I. LEONARD Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California (1 Table) kidney was used since it could be more readily dissected INTRODUCTION free of other tissue. QUESTIONS CONCERNING the excretory products of Tegula All four tissues from each group of ten snails were funebralis (A. ADAMS, 1854) arose when some rather removed, blotted on a piece of filter paper, and weighed casual qualitative tests were performed on the kidneys of on a Mettler balance. A tungstic acid filtrate prepared the snail. The right kidney appeared to contain a high by Haden’s modification of Folin’s method (TODD, SAN concentration of uric acid while the left kidney had none. FORD & STILWELL, 1948, p. 352) was used to remove pro¬ This is a quantitative study of the excretory products of tein from a tissue homogenate. The four filtrates from this snail and the related species, T. brunnea (PHILIPPI, the tissues of each group were stored between tests in a 1848). freezer. In order to interpret the results of the tests for excretory METHODS products, it was necessary to determine the total non¬ protein nitrogen in the various tissues. This was done by The snails, both Tegula funebralis and Tegula brunnea, used in these experiments were taken from the same area the method of Folin and Wu (TODD, SANFORD & STIL WELL, 1948, pp. 353-354) which was modified by de near the Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, Cali¬ creasing all the constituents in proportion so that the fornia. They were collected at low tide; all except two final volume after the addition of Nessler’s solution would groups were immediately killed and the tissues to be be 10 ml. investigated were prepared as protein-free filtrates. Two Ammonia was determined by adding 1 ml of Nessler's groups were kept in a tank in the laboratory for a week solution to a solution of 1 ml of protein-free filtrate before they were examined; they were not fed during this and 8 ml. of distilled water. Urea was determined by the period. The Tégula funebralis used were approximately 2- 2.5 cm. in diameter. The Tegula brunnea were slightly modified method of Hawk-Andes (LEVINSON & MACFATE. 1952, pp. 370-371) ; the volume of all the reagents was smaller, 1.8 - 2.0 cm. in diameter. It was necessary to reduced proportionally to give a final volume after Ness¬ use large snails in order to obtain samples free of other lerization of 10 ml. Twelve drops of a five per cent urease contaminating tissues. A few Tegula montereyi (KIENER, solution made from Arlington tablets and purified with 1850), 2.5 - 3.0 cm. in diameter, were used; these came permutit powder were used. Benedict's method for the from kelp beds forty feet under surface. quantitative determination of uric acid (TODD, SANFORL The tissues examined were the ctenidium, digestive & STILWELL, 1948, pp. 361-362) was used without modi¬ gland, and the two kidneys. The latter (which could be fication. more accurately called coelomoducts) are very different morphologically. The left kidney is known as the papillary RESULTS sac because of the many villi on its internal surface. Each villus has a hemocoelic space in its center. The right URIC ACID was found in significant quantities in the right kidney has two lobes; the anterior one runs parallel to the kidneys of both Tegula funebralis and Tegula brunnea, left kidney, and the posterior one is behind the pericardial but no trace of this compound was found in the left kid cavity. The left kidney is white; in both Tegula funebrali, neys of these snails. In Tegula montereyi there was no and Tegula brunnea the right kidney is green in males detectable uric acid present in any of the tissues tested. and yellow in females. The posterior lobe of the right Slight traces of free ammonia were found in the digestive Page 29 Vol. 6; Supplement THE VELIGER Table 1 Uric acid N Group Tissue Non-protein N Uric acid Non-protein N X 10 mg/gwet wt mg/g wet wt. Tegula funebralis Right kidney 11.8 Left kidney 0.907 Digestive gland 1.55 0.796 Ctenidium 1.55 1.89 Right kidney 40.7 Left kidney 1.66 2.81 Digestive gland 1.70 Ctenidium Right kidney 1.36 24.4 Left kidney Digestive gland 1.00 Ctenidium 1.45 Tegula brunnea Right kidney 6.86 22 Left kidney 1.79 Digestive gland 2.15 Ctenidium 1.73 Right kidney 5.03 34.8 Left kidney 3.08 Digestive gland 2.66 Ctenidium 2.98 Right kidney 4.48 76.6 Left kidney 1.80 Digestive gland 3.06 Ctenidium maintained in the laboratory for one week without added food. gland of both Tegula funebralis and Tegula brunnea. necessary to convert their wastes into uric acid. Tegula Thère was no detectable urea in any of the tissues exam- funebralis and T. brunnea, which both live in the inter- ined. These results are presented in Table I. tidal zone, are exposed to the air a good deal of the time and so tend to convert their wastes into the non-toxic and DISCUSSION conveniently stored uric acid. A comparison of the uric acid production of Tegula The left kidney does not appear to have any excretory funebralis and T. brunnea with that of T. montereyi function and perhaps serves as an organ of reabsorption seems to support Needham’s theory concerning the adapt- as does the left kidney of Haliotis (HARRISON, 1961) ive significance of uric acid formation (NEEDHAM, 1935) Reabsorption would enable the animal to conserve many Since T. montereyi are constantly in the water, any am¬ valuable nutrients that would otherwise be lost in the monia formed can be continuously diffused into the sea, urine. This function of the left kidney seems quite prob- and so there is no need for them to expend the extra energy able when one considers both the increase in surface area Vol. 6; Supplement Page 30 THE VELIGER LITERATURE CITED provided by the papillae and the highly vascularized nature of these papillae. HARRISON, F M. 1961. Some excretory processes in the abalone Haliotis ruf¬ SUMMARY escens. Journ. Exp. Biol. 39 179-192 LEVINSON & MACFATE 1. Tests were performed on the snails, Tegula funebralis 1951. Clinical laboratory diagnosis. 4th ed.; pp. 1 - 1146. and T. brunnea, to determine the nature and quantity of Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia their excretory products and the organs of excretion. NEEDHAM, J. 2. Standard colorimetric assays were used on homo- 1935. Problems of nitrogen catabolism in invertebrates. II. genates prepared from the ctenidium, digestive gland, Correlations between uricotelic metabolism and habitat in the right and left kidneys. Total non-protein nitrogen, ammo¬ phylum Mollusca. Biochem. Journ. 29: 238-251 nia, urea, and uric acid were determined. PICKEN, L. E. R. 3. Uric acid was observed to be the major excretory 1937. The mechanism of urine formation in invertebrates. II. product of these snails. It accounted for 11.8% to 76.6% The excretory mechanism of certain Mollusca. Journ. Exp. of the total non-protein nitrogen in the right kidneys, the Biol. 14: 20 -34 only organs where this waste product was detectable. TODD, SANFORD & STILWELL Only slight traces of ammonia were found in the digestive 1948. Clinical diagnosis by laboratory methods. 11th ed. gland, and no urea was present in the tissues tested. W. B. Saunders Co.; i-xi + 954 pp. The Distribution and Movement of Tegula funebralis in the Intertidal Region of Monterey Bay, California (Mollusca: Gastropoda) WILLIAM M. WARA AND BENJAMIN B. WRIGHT Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California (9 Text figures) tigated Tegula funebralis intertidal distribution and move¬ INTRODUCTION ment patterns in relation to certain biological and physical Tegula funebralis (A. ADAMS, 1854) is very common environmental factors. Before investigating movement pat- along the west coast of California, although little work terns, we wanted an accurate, correlatable distribution has been done on its intertidal distribution. Hewatt (1934 analysis for several areas along Mussel Point, Pacific describes its distribution as between the plus one and plus Grove, California. To do this, we collected information five foot level above mean lower low water. Ricketts and pertaining to numbers and size classes of this snail along Calvin (1962, pp. 352-355) put the population center at with environmental data of the areas, such as vertical level the three foot tide level. Neither reference describes the of collection, algal covering, area configuration, substra¬ distribution extent along the intertidal region. We inves- tum, and wave and current action. Factors that seem to