INTRODUCTION For many years investigators have been studying the mechanisms involved in the penetration of hard shells by boring organisms (Hancock, 1848; Lindsay, 1912; Hunter, 1949; Smith, 1969); however evaluating the shell damage done by the commensal activity has had little work. The many species of California abalones (Haliotidae) are bored principally by two animals that live commensally on the shells: Clione celata Grant, var californiana De Laubenfels, 1932, a boring sponge (Porifera); and Penitella conradi Valenciennes, 1846, a boring clam. Cliona celata californiana bores a spreading network of tunnels in its host's shell as it grows (MacGinitie and MacGinitie, 1949). The boring piddock, Penitella conradi, belongs to a group of rock and shell borers of the family Pholadidae and chemically excavates a burrow which it enlarges as it grows (Jaccarini, Bannister and Micallef, 1968). This paper reports on investigations on geographic distribution of the commensals, the structural damage to host shells, some aspects of the relationship over historical time, and some other observations on the biology of this infection. The main question revolves around the strength of the shell when infected and the loss of protection against predators. It is known that sea otters use rocks to break the abalone shell (Kenyon, 1959) and crabs prey upon the abalone by breaking off the sides of the shell (Lox, 1962). It was found in this study that the shell is definitely weaker if it is infected. MATERIALS AND METHODS Field and Study Sites Collection of the many different species of abalones was from the entire coast of California (fig. 1). A total of 257 shells of Haliotis rufescens, 65 of H. cracherodii, 64 of H. corrugata, 15 of H. assimilis, 51 of H. sorenseni, and 75 of H. fulgens were used in the study. As the map indicates the geographical distribution covered abalones found as far north as Point Saint George (Latitude 42°, Longitude 124°) and as far south as the Islas Coronados (Latitute 32°, Longitude 117°). Shells used in the lab experiments were measured for height (dorso-ventral axis) and maximum length. However only the amount of infection and the lengths were measured for the shells not used in the lab studies. Lab Studies Many methods were used to find the approixmate amount of infection of Cliona celata and Penitella conradi to the abalone shells. When looking strictly at the surface area of the shell, detection of Penitella was reserved to counting holes on the outside and the blister pearls on the inside. To increase accuracy in many cases the shell was cleaned off of any plant material and sanded in order to show the tip of the Penitella. For Cliona,shell infection was quantified by placing a l cm" grid over the surface area and counting the infected and uninfected squares over the entire surface to compute the percentage. These were the methods used in a study on these commensals by Hansen (1970). The above methods do not take into account the extent of shell damage. Cliona can bore very deeply into a shell or it can bore only in the prismatic layer; however, the appearance is equivalent on the surface area. The Penitella can be large or small and their pattern of distribution in the shell will affect the amount of structural damage. Since the borers remove shell material and the amount of damage is a function of the shell removed: it was judged that a determination of shell density would be a good criterion of harm done by these commensals. In the study 25 Haliotis rufescens shells were cut into 2.5 um wide strips perpendicular to the longitudinal body axis. The volume of each strip was calculated by measuring as carefully as possible the average width, length and thickness. The weight was also recorded. The density was obtained by dividing the weight by the volume. The density of an entire shell was found by averaging the densities of all the strips, Independent measurements on the same strips indicated an error of less than + 38. The first strength test (Fig. 3) estimated the breaking point while increasing the force applied to a 1 cm rod resting on the convex surface while the shell was resting on a scale. The force at which the shell shattered was recorded. Shells of approximately equal dimensions were used. The second strength test (Fig. 6) recorded the force at which individual stripsbroke, when a spring balance was attached 4 centimeters from one end of the strip, while the other end was fixed. The force was applied horizontally until the strip broke and the maximum value recorded. Shells dated as far back as 3500 years by archaeologists were also looked at. Abalone and fresh abalone shells with and without commensals were maintained in aquaria with running sea water. Every 3 days the shells were checked for the activity of the borers. RESULTS Figures 1 and 2 present the collection sites of the 6 species of Haliotis along with the infection rates which were determined for the two commensals. Cliona is most pre¬ valent in the red abalone with lowest infection in the black and pink abalones. For Penitella the infection rate is dramatically lower for the black and somewhat reduced for the white and threaded abalones. The tests for strength of the infected shells are pre¬ sented in Figures 3 through 9. Figure 4 shows a correlation between the breaking force and the amount of surface area bored by Cliona. High values of boring reduce the strength of the shell by over 603. The results for Penitella show no clear correlation between number of Penitella per shell and breaking point. These are presented in Figure 5 and the graph reveals the scatter is very wide throughout the range of infection. When the strips are tested for their breaking strength we see a similar relationship as obtained in the whole shells for Cliona (Figure 7). The slope of the line is similar indicating a similar reduction in breaking strengh of the shell strips as a function of percent infection by Cliona. Figure 8 shows the results of these tests applied to strips of shell bored by Penitella. Here, though the correlation be¬ tween number of Penitella per shell and breaking strength does exist, it shows a low slope and a good deal of scatter. Measuring the density of shell strips revealed a strong correlation between density and infection. In a shell with minimal damage by borers the density was 2.78 gms/cm while another with extensive damage by Cliona had a density of 1.49 gms/cm’. When the force required to break strips was plotted against shell density there is a very good positive correla¬ tion. Shell of maximal density requires 758 greater force than those which have been heavily bored and are about 653 of normal density. DISCUSSION There exists a good correlation between the damage done by shell borers and the strength of abalone shells. These differ between the pholad and sponge since the pholad pro¬ duces localized points of weakness and the sponge progressively spreads and deteriorates the shell with time. The older larger shells often have sustained massive damage and offer little protection to the abalone. There can be little question that this damage can make them more susceptible to predation by crabs and otters. An attempt was made to deter¬ mine if a higher proportion of abalone taken by sea otters had boring damage but the sample was too small to yield con¬ clusive results. There is a difference in the susceptibility of the different species of abalone to attack by the borers. The black abalone which lives primarily intertidally and in the shallow subtidal has an appreciably lower infection rate for both Cliona and Penitella. This is perhaps mediated through habitat difference. The shells are in general quite clean of growth of algae or other invertebrates. There may be some depth limitation of Penitella infection as the white abalone which occupies the deepest waters has the lowest infection rate of any of the subtidal species. These two commensals differ in their specificity of host selection. Cliona can be found associated with a wide variety of calcareous substrates including shells of oysters, rock scallops, barnacles, coralline algae and a variety of other gastropods. Penitella conradi is only reported from abalone. It would be interesting to see if the infection rate of Penitella was significantly dropping in the areas where sea otters forage and have reduced both the population size and size distribution of abalone. This would require collection of a large sample of abalone which was not possible. Many large abalone are taken which do have massive shell damage by borers and appear to do well in their habitat. These are in general from outside the range of the sea otter. Their principal predator which would have to breech the defense would be large crabs. Since the shell is laid down at the margins this would provide new strong shell where the crab would focus its attack. The activity of boring commensals has been demonstrated to greatly weaken the shell of abalone. It is still difficult to quantify what impact this has on abalone survival in natural situations. SUMMARY 1. There are direct positive correlations between infection by shell borers, shell density and the breaking point of abalone shells. 2. Cliona celata bores into all species studied with the greatest infection in H. rufesens and the least in H. cracherodii. 3. Penitella conradi has lowest infection rates in H. cracherodii and highest rates in H. rufesens, H. fulgens and H. corrugata. 4. Penitella and Cliona have distinct boring patterns and damage the shell in different ways. LITERATURE CITED Cox, Keith W. 1962. California Abalones, Family Haliotidae. Fish Bulletin 118, Calif. Dept. Fish and Game, Sacramento, Calif. Ebert, Earl E. 1973. Mariculture in California. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game, Marine Resources Report No. 18. Sacramento, Calif. Hancock, A. 1848. On the boring of the Mollusca into rocks and the removal of portions of their shells. Ann. Mag. Natur. Hist. 2: 225-247. Hansen, John. 1970. Commensal activity as a function of age in two species of California abalones. Veliger, Volume 13:1. Hunter, R. 1959. The structure and behavior of Hiatella gallicana (Lamarck) with special references to the boring habits. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 63: 271-289. Jaccarini, V., W. H. Bannister and H. Micallef. 1968. The pallial glands and rock boring in Lithophaga lithophaga. J. Zool. 154: 397-401. Kenyon, T. 1970. The sea otter in the eastern Pacific Ocean. U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wild Life. Seattle, Washington. Lindsay, B. 1912. On the boring Mollusca of St. Andrews. Ann. Mag. Natur. Hist. 9: 369-374. MacGinitie, G.E. Eber and N. MacGinitie. 1949. Natural history of marine animals. McGraw-Hill, New York. Meredith, Steven Edward. 1968. Notes on the extension of the boring clam, Penitella conradi. Veliger 10(3); 281-282. Moffet, A. 1978. Review of the fishery biology of abalones. Washington State Dept. of Fisheries. Olympia, Washing- ton. Smith, Edmund H. 1969. Functional morphology of Penitella conradi relative to shell penetration. Am. Zoologist 9: 869-880. Figure 1 Distribution of Cliona celata californiana in California abalone. The map on the left shows the latitudinal range of each spedies; the circles on the lines indicate the collection spots during the study. The lines are also arranged in accordance to the depths, where each species occurs. The bar graph on the right represents the number of shells being infected by Cliona celata and the 2 surface area being bored. The data for the figures of depth and latitude from Cox (1962) and McAllister (1976). n - the total number of abalones found during the study o - the specific spot on the latitudinal range where the abalone was collected x - the actual geographic spot on the map. The numbers stand for: 1 - Pt. St. George 2 - Fort Ross Bodega Bay 4 - Half Moon Bay 5 - Monterey Pt. Conception Santa Cruz Is. 8 - Santa Rosa Is. 9 - Santa Catalina 10 - La Jolla 11 - Islas Coronadas Black - Haliotis cracherodii (Leach, 1817) Red - Haliotis rufescens (Swainson, 1822) Pink - Haliotis corrugata (Gray, 1828) Threaded - Haliotis assimilis (Dall, 1878) Green - Haliotis fulgens (Phillippi, 1845) White - Haliotis sorenseni (Bartsch, 1940) Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Distribution of Penitella conradi in abalones in California. The same rules apply for this graph as the previous on, and the legend should be followed identically. The y-axis is however on a different scale; instead of figuring out the percentage bored by Penitella conradi, the actual number of Penitella on the shell was considered. There is a correction to be made as all three specimens of Haliotis fulgens (Green) which are indicated to have twenty Penitella per shell actually had 27, 32, and 45 Penitella respectively for each of the three shells. First strength experiment using a force from the top. The strength of the shell was estimated by applying pressure to the convex surface while the shell was resting on a balance. The force at the break point was recorded. Each shell had a specific noted state of infection and one could test for a correlation. The force applied was in pounds per centimeter squared. First strength test with Cliona. A graph to show force applied to shells versus the infection by Cliona celata. The percent surface area bored by the Cliona celata is different for each shell. Haliotis rufescens is used in this test, which is described in Figure 3. Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 First strength test with Penitella. A graph to show force applied to shells versus the infection by Penitella conradi. nouber of hoes The pereent surface area bored by the Penitella conradi is different for each shell. Haliotis rufescens is used in this test, which is described in Figure 3. Second strength experiment using a force onto a strip of an abalone. Because of the error involved in the first test, the strength of the shell was estimated in this test by cutting the shell into five or six one inch strips - the middle one being used for the experiment. The measurements were at first taken in pounds per square inch but the con¬ version was made to grams per cm2. Some of the strips were not exactly an inch wide so an adjustment also had to be made. The sequence of drawings shows the different steps required in the experiment. Second strength test. A graph to show the correlation be¬ tween the force applied onto the strip of shell and the estimated overall percent of infection by Cliona celata. Haliotis rufescens is used in this test, which is described in Figure 6. Second strength test. A graph to show the correlation between the force applied onto the strip of shell and the estimated overall percent of infection by Penitella conradi. Haliotis rufescens is used in this test, which is described in Figure 6. 0 Figure 9 econd strength test versus density of shell. A graph to show the correlation between the force required to break the strip of shell and the density of the strip. 28 Jo 8 8 oo Figure 1 6 2. L L No number of shells 2L N 90 3 3 9 D 8 N : o 6 H voo Figure 2 I E number of shells 2 — o Figure 3 force E 0 weights abalone balance 140 120 100 80 8 60 3 40 20 Figure 4 . . . 30 50 70 90 10 % surface area bored by clona 2 9 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 Figure 5 LP 2 4 6 8 10 12 4 16 18 no. of penitella per shell Figure 6 8 abalone is cut into strips force balance fixed 350 300 250 200 8 2 10 8 100 50 0 Figure 7 0 0 0 0 E 10 30 50 70 90 % Surface area bored by clona 9 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Figure 8 0 0 o 0 8 0 9 0 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 16 18 no. of penitella per shell 8 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Figure 9 OXXROXOO 8 X 8 2 R 50 X0 X R 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 density (gmem of shell infected by cliona(x penitella(o)