Differences in Aggressiveness Introduction The sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima is typically found in dense intertidal beds which may be subdivided by anemone-free trails (Hand, 1955). Investigations by Francis (1973a) indicate that these trails separate genetically distinct aggregations (clones) of asex- ually reproducing anemones. Francis (1973b) has also reported anemone- free zones separating large, solitary Anthopleura elegantissima from adjacent clonal A. elegantissima. An elaborate behavior pattern resulting from contact between gene- tically distinct A. elegantissima has been studied by Francis (1973b). She noted that a single, well settled anemone from her "Clone 2' placed in the conter of a bowl containing several "Clone 1" A. elegan tissima would be continually attacked and killed within ten days if not removed. Francis (Childress, 1970) was also able to demonstrate the for- mation of separation lines between two clones in the laboratory. She noticed that only animals from one of the clones detached as a result of the interclonal interaction. Such observations inspired this inves- tigation of possible differences in aggressiveness among distinct Anthopleura elegantissima genotypes. Materials and Methods General procedures Clonal Anthopleura elegantissima specimens were collected from four locations along the central California coast: Clone A and Clone E from Point Pinos at Pacific Grove; Clone B from the intertidal region at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove; Clone C from a rocky area just ressiveness Differences in Agg outside of Hovden Cannery, adjacent to Hopkins Marine Station; Clone D from a piling underneith Wharf Number 2 in Monterey Harbor, Monterey. The animals were collected from the approximate centers of dense clones at least 0.5 square meter in area. Clones A, B, C, and E were carefully pried off their granite substrata with a thin spatula. Clone D specimens were gently peeled off of the wooden piling with a fingernail. Animals of Clones A, B. C, and D had expanded oral disc diameters of 1.5 to 3 cm and had dry weights of 0.05 to 0.30 gm; Clone E anemones had diameters of 5 to 8 cm and weighed 0.3 to 1.0 gm. All clones were located from +O.15 to +0.35 m above zero tide level. The areas where Clones A, B, C, and E were collected were chosen for similar exposure to waveshock and sunlight. Clone D anemones were more protected from strong light and wave action. Specimens were maintained in glass bowls supplied with flowing seawater at 13 C in the laboratory for at least one week prior to exper- imentation. Continuous illumination of 3500 Lux was provided by over- head fluorescent lights. Anemones were not fed prior to or during the experiments. Only specimens that were attached to the glass bowls and fully open were chosen for experimentation. For the first experiment six 35x22x4 cm Pyrex baking dishes were ruled with a 2 x 2 cm grid. Three thin Plexiglass dividers spaced 2 cm apart were placed in the center of each dish. Ten members of each clone of two clones of approximately equal size were placed on each side of the cen¬ tral divider as follows: Differences in Aggressiveness Dish 1 Clone A vs. Clone B Dish 2 Clone A vs. Clone C Dish 3 Clone A vs. Clone D Dish 4 Clone B vs. Clone C Dish 5 Clone B vs. Clone D Dish 6 Clone Cvs. Clone D Dividers were lightly greased with petroleum jelly to restrict settling to the dish. In the second experiment single large anemones from Clone E were settled in the center of similar Pyrex dishes with the aid of plastic collars. Varied numbers of small Clone A animals were settled adjacent to the larger Clone E individual. Experiments were repeated with Clone E individuals of different size from those of the first run. Dish 1 1x Clone A vs. 1x Clone E Dish 2 1 x Clone A vs. 1x Clone E Dish 3 2 x Clone A vs. 1 x Clone E Dish 4 2 x Clone A vs. 1 x Clone E Dish 5 8 x Clone A vs. 1 x Clone E For both experiments the dishes were supplied continuously with flowing 13°C seawater. Scoring procedures Behavior was scored according to an arbitrary scale based on many observations of interclonal interactions in the laboratory and in the field (see Table I). Behaviors judged "aggressive" were ranked in order of their presumed potential for inflicting damage on nonclonemates and Differences in Aggressiveness were assigned scores positive in sign. Movements of application (Francis, 1973b) were given a point value of +5. Displacement of an anemone's pedal disc toward a nonclonemate was assigned a score of +4. Swelling of acrorhagi and rapid tentacle retractions after contact with a nonclonemate (Francis, 1973b), preliminary steps toward the movement of application, were ascribed scores of +3 and +1 respectively. "Submissive" responses were ranked in order of the degree of damage that they reflect and were assigned negative values. Severely damaged animals tend to detach their pedal discs from the substrate. Such detachment was assigned a score of -5. Tentacle retraction is a common response of the victim to application of ectoderm. Various degrees of tentacle retraction were assigned the scores listed in Table I. Moderately damaged animals often retreated from the aggressor. Dis- placement of the pedal disc away from a nonclonemate during the scoring period was awarded a score of —4. A score of O was assigned to anemones that exhibited no response after contact with a nonclonemate. A notation of noncontact was made for animals that did not touch animals from the other clone. Data was collected only from animals that contacted non- clonemates. Twenty-four hours after placement in the dish was allowed for the anemones to settle. Restraints separating nonclonemates were then lifted, and the animals' behavior was observed continuously for one hour. Cumulative aggressiveness scores were recorded at five minute intervals for each individual of each clone. At the end of the one hour scoring period the displacement of each Differences in Aggressiveness anemone's pedal disc was measured. Subsequent displacement was recorded at various intervals for twenty-four hours. The water source for each dish was moved periodically to prevent significant movement upstream (Buchsbaum, 1968). Forty-eight hours after the one hour scoring period began the anemones were removed from the dishes for measurement of tentacle length, scarring, and weight. Anemones were placed in 500 ml bowls filled with seawater and a 1 ml dose of 0.25% (V/V in seawater) squid extract. Anemones thus treated completely extended their tentacles. Several relaxed tentacles were measured at random on each animal. Scars (Francis, 1973b) on the column, tentacles and acrorhagi were counted under a dissect- ing scope. The weight of each anemone was determined either by weighing it under seawater ("reduced weight") or measuring its dry weight. Results Interclonal confrontation experiment Table II outlines a dominance hierarchy among four experimental clones: in all its confrontations Clone A had a higher percentage of fully open animals at the conclusion of the one hour scoring period than did its opponents. Clone B had greater proportions of open in- dividuals than its opponents in interactions with Clones C and D but not when confronting Clone A. Clone C showed a higher percentage of open animals than opponents only against Clone D, which in all cases exhibited fewer open animals than its opponents. Average aggressiveness scores per animal per five minute inter- val (over twelve intervals) of the two clones in each dish (listed in Differences in Aggressiv ess Table III) were found to be significantly different (p 0.05, Mann- Whitney U-test). These scores closely follow the dominance hierarchy from Table I. The average points scored decrease consistently as one descends the hierarchy from Clone A to Clone D. Table III also indi- cates that the aggressiveness scores of the opponents steadily decrease down the hierarchy. As the distance between two clones in the hierarchy increases the difference in the aggressiveness scores per animal per five minute interval (over twelve five-minute intervals) of the clones increases linearly (r = 0.93, p£0.01 ; see Figure 1). Scarring counts, a more objective measure of aggressive behavior, also correspond well with the dominance hierarchy. Table IV indicates that the number of scars inflicted by each clone on its opponents de¬ creases consistently from Clone A to Clone D. Fewer scars are inflicted on Clone A than on the lower clones, but there is no regular decrease as the hierarchy is descended. The total number of rapid tentacle retractions (Francis, 1973b) observed in the one hour scoring period for each clone in each con- frontation did not consistently follow the dominance hierarchy. A modifi- cation of the aggressive behavior pattern was observed in a few individuals from Clone A. These animals tended to extend their columns, bend over and sweep the surroundings with their tentacles. Dry weights of individual anemones in the two opposing clones were not significantly different in any of the confrontations; differ- ences in tentacle length were similarly insignificant. Additionally, a plot of aggressiveness scores per animal per five minute interval Differences in Aggressivenes: (over the one hour scoring period) was not significantly correlated with weight. Differential size experiment Figure 2 shows that as the reduced weight ratio of each Clone E individual to its average surrounding Clone A anemone increases, the difference between the aggressiveness scores of the Clone E and its average Clone A increases linearly (r = 0.82, p £ 0.05). Table V indicates that Clone E individuals in each case exhibited more aggressive behavior than the average Clone A adjacent to that Clone E animal. Discussion Consistent differences in aggressive behavior among four clones of Anthopleura elegantissima were identified in the first experiment. Several factors could explain these differences, including variations in morphology, experience, behavior, and physiology. Significant vari- ation in weight or tentacle length was not observed, however. Dissim- ilarity of recent past histories was not explored since the anemones were collected from the centers of large clones where animals were unlikely to have had recent contact with nonclonemates. Behavioral modifications which increase the probability of an aggressive response developing might be expected in the more aggressive clones. The occasional sweeping behavior observed exclusively in a few Clone A individuals would increase the chances of contacting a nonclone¬ mate and may represent such a behavioral modification. It might be ex- pected that the more aggressive genotypes would exhibit more rapid tentacle Differences in Aggressiveness retractions over the scoring period, signifying initiation of aggressive behavior. Rapid retractions, however, did not appear to be a reliable indicator for the aggressive response. Physiological modifications such as faster neural machinery or greater density of nonclonemate recognition sites could contribute to the more aggressive behavior exhibited by the Clone A genotype. That individual large A. elegantissima are more effective than individual small animals in defending their space against several small nonclonemates could explain how large, solitary A. elegantissima are able to maintain positions in the middle of dense aggregations of smaller, clonal anemones, whereas small nonclonemates are either displaced or destroyed. Summary Consistent differences in aggressive behavior were found among four distinct genotypes of Anthopleura elegantissima. These differences could not be attributed to dissimilar weight, tentacle length, or recent past history. Experimental observations indicate that one large Anthopleura elegantissima is more effective in defending its space against small nonclonemates than a single Anthopleura elegantissima of a size similar to its opponents. I thank Nathan Howe for his encouragement and for reading this manu- script, and the students and staff of Hopkins Marine Station for their valuable assistance during the research. Differences in Aggressiveness Literature cited Buchsbaum, V., 1968. Behavioral and physiological responses to light by the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima as related to its algal symbionts. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 123pp. Childress, L., 1970. Intra-specific aggression and its relation to the the distribution pattern of the clonal sea anemone, Antho- pleura elegantissima. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 123pp. Francis, L., 1973a. Clone specific segregation in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. Biol. Bull., 114: 64-72 Francis, L., 1973b. Intraspecific aggression and its effect on the distribution of Anthopleura elegantissima and some related sea anemones. Biol. Bull., 144: 73-92. Hand, C., 1955. The sea anemones of central California, Part II. The Endomyarian and Mesomyarian anemones. Wasman J. Biol. 13: 37-99. 10 Points Assigned 45 +4 Table I. Behavior Observed Movement of application Displacement of pedal disc toward a nonclonemate Swelling of acrorhagi* Rapid retraction of tentacles No response when in contact with a nonclonemate Retraction of 1/8 - 1/4 of tentacles Retraction of 1/4 -1/2 of tentacles Retraction of 1/2 - 3/4 of tentacles Retraction of 3/4 - 4/4 of tentacles Displacement of pecal dise away from a nonclonemate Detachment of pedal disc e Behavior Observed % fully open animals after 1 hour Average displacement per animal in 24 hours Total number of quick retractions in 1 hour Table II. Dish Clone A Clone B 138 0% 1008 100 —— 678 100 —— -4.94 -3.17 —— -0.25 +0.20 +0.17 +0.92 —— —— 14 —— —— 39 Clone C Clone D —— 0% 0 —— 408 —— 208 100% 128 —— -2.06 -- —— -1.50 -0.63 -- —— -1.58 -0.40 -0.81 —— — 13 —— C Table III. Opponent Clone —— 12.5 +2.8 —— +1.0 +1.8 +1.0 0 -1.3 -3.5 -2.3 -2.5 +3.3 Points Scored Against Subject (colum sums) +2.6 +1.0 +1.1 —— 14.7 Foints Scored by Subjects (row sums) 17.9 +3.8 +2.1 -7.1 e Table IV. Opponent Clone —— 2.7 1.0 O —— 8.2 0.6 0 3.8 4.2 — 0.6 —— 1.8 3.1 3.0 4.7 15.0 8.7 0.6 Scars Inflicted by Subject (column sums) Scars Inflicted by Opponents (row sums) 3.7 8.8 8.6 Number of Clone A animals Table V. Clone E score per five minute interval +4.08 +4.42 +3.17 +4.25 +4.17 Clone A score per animal per five minute interval +1.17 -0.17 +2.25 +0.58 +1.73 e e FIGURE 1 +7 DISTANCE IN HIERARCHY 3 SOS SS o Differences in Aggressiveness Table captions Table I : Scoring of aggressive behavior. +5 to -5 points were assigned to each behavior observed for each individual over a one hour scoring period. *(Francis, 1973b) Table II : Some behavioral observations on interclonal confrontations. Displacement of the pedal disc was positive in sign if in the direction of a nonclonemate, negative if away from a nonclonemate. Table III : Aggressiveness scores per animal per five minute interval (over the one hour scoring period) in interclonal confrontations. Table IV : Number of scars per animal forty-eight hours after interclonal confrontation began. Table V : Aggressiveness scores per animal per five minute interval (over the one hour scoring period) of each Clone E individual and its average Clone A opponent. Differences in Aggressiveness Figure captions Figure 1 : The difference in average aggressiveness scores per animal per five minute interval (over the one hour scoring period) between each clone and its opponent clone as a function of the distance between the two opposing clones in the dominance hierarchy. A distance of 1 indicates that the clones are adjacent to each other, while 3 indicates that the clones are at opposite extremes of the hierarchy. Figure 2 : Reduced weight ratio of each Clone E individual to its average surrounding Clone A anemone as a function of the difference in the aggressiveness scores (per animal per five minute interval over the one hour scoring period).