Daniel-1 INTRODUCTION Tegula funebralis (Adams, 1854) is one of the most abundant of the larger gastropods in the rocky intertidal along California shores. Clumped together beneath rocks and in crevices at low tide, the animals periodically move up and outward, littering the open rock surfaces by the thousands. Some aspects of the movement of Tegula have been studied by previous researchers. Wara and Wright (1964) studied the intertidal distribution of populations at Pacific Grove, California, and watched snails disperse over a two week period in several environmentally different areas to gain insight into factors which might influence movement. They found the animals remained in sheltered areas during daytime high tides byt moved upward on rocks during high tides at night. Upward movement was diminished in bright moonlight and under turbulent conditions. Glynn (1965) observed that small T. funebralis in the Balanus-Endocladia zone move out of their clusters when wetted and distribute themselves more evenly over the substrate. The responses of Tegula funebralis to turbulence (Overholser 1964) and light (Kosin, 1964) have been studied in laboratory experiments. Yet what is known about the movements of the snails in the field with respect to diel and tidal cycles is based on qualitative observations. Thetheepresentustudy the movements of T. funebralis he Feld were monitored,to determine what environmental events and/orrconditions correlate most closely with those movements. Daniel-2 FIELD STUDIES -METHODS- Studies were carried out on the north side of Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California, during the period May 8-31, 1978. After initial observations three sites were chosen on the basis of (1) accessibility at high tide, (2) the presence of numerous Tegula funebralis, (3) the availability of vertical of sloping rock surfaces on which the snails could climb, and (4) the consistency with which Tegula moved on and off those surfaces. At each site the Tegula population was clustered in crevices and under narrow rock overhangs below the elevatedrrocks at low tide. As conditions changed, T. funebralis emerged from hiding and spread outward and upward onto exposed surfaces permitting periodic counts to be made easily. Site I was a pyramid-shaped rock with a square base and four vertical faces. It was approximately 30 cm at the base and 38 cm high. This rock was divided about halfway to the top into upper and lower zónes. At low tide Tegula were clustered in the crevice where the base of the rock met the substrate. As the snails dispersed they climbed the pyramid, moving into the lower, and then upper zone. Site II was a flat, steeply sloping rock face on the side of a large boulder. An area 20 cm high and 110 cm wide was marked on the face near the base of the boulder. This area was divided into twoee vertical zones, each about 20 cm. high and 110 cm wide. At low tide Tegula were hidden underneath the boulder in a narrow space between the boulder and the underlying rock substrate; in dis¬ persing they climbed up the rock face into the marked areas on the rock face. Daniel-3 Site III consisted of three rocks close together and of approximately the same height, with snails clumped at the base of the rocks at low tide. Each rock had a flat, horizontal top. On each rock,, dispersing snails climbed up a short vertical face and roamed over the upper surface. Since the three rocks were subjected to nearly identical conditions they were condidered together. Data were taken hourly over a 24 hour period on eight separate occasions diring the month of May. At each observation the number of Tegula in each designated area of each site was recorded, as well as whether that area was dry, washed intermittantly by water, or submerged. Surge and wave action were rated on a scale of one to four, ene representing nearly calm conditions and four representing strong surge. In determining whether an area was to be considered dry, washed or submerged, a previously dry site was considered washed when first splashed or wetted by water on a rising tide. An area was considered submerged only when covered continually by the sea. More frequent observations had to be made at critical periods of incoming and outgoing tides when these conditions were rapidly changing. A plastic tube with a transparent plexiglass bottom was used for underwater viewing to count smails on areas that were submerged. At night, a flashlight with an orange filter provided the neccessary light. -RESULTS- Figures 1,2, and 3 show the tidal cycle and the number of Tegula in each of the study sites at each observation. Also shown are the particular periods when the sites were dry, washed, and submerged, and an estimate of surge strength. Accurate observations were difficult or impossible to obtain at high water (see areas marked "no data" on Daniel-4 Figures 1-3). The results obtained were consistent for all three study sites and can be considered together. Certain features of the movements of Tegula funebralis show up very clearly. First, the animals exhibit a tidal rhythmicity. The snails were clustered and hidden when exposed to air at low tide. They dispersed from their clusters when wetted, climbed steep slopes where these were present, and distributed themsleves in the areas which were washed and then submerged. The snails moved up along with the rising water level, but did not move up into dry areas ahead of the advancing swash. At ebbing tides as the water receded and the study sites were first washed and then subsequently left exposed to dry, Tegula moved downward out of those areas, back to the crevices and small caves below. There are two important exceptions to this general scheme. (1) On the nights of May 17-18 and May 28-29 (Figures 1,2,3) and May 30-31 (Figures 1 and 3), significant numbers of snails were counted in study sites which were neither washed nor submerged. (2) During periods of high surge at high tide, the number of Tegula seen in the study sites decreased significantly. This can be seen in data taken on May 22-23 (Figures 1 and 3), May 28-29 (Figures 2 and 3), and May 30-31 (Figure 1). In order to compare the amount of movement of the Tegula populations at night with that during the day, the data from all study sites were combined (Figure 4). Only the counts made when the animals were dry or awash were included since data taken at high tide when the animals were submerged were too incomplete for valid comparison. It can be Daniel-5 seen that many more snails were present in the study sites at night than during the day. Nearly all animals dispersed during the day were awash (or submerged), whereas many of those dispersed during the night were exposed to air above the swash. Those animals which were distributed on rocks above the swash zone at night had not moved up under dry conditions; they had moved up into the study sites during the previous high tide, and simply had not moved down as the waters receded. In summary the results show that in the field, the movement of Tegula funebralis is positively correlated with the tide cycle. The dates on which data were taken were chosen in order to portray all possible relationships between the tidal and diel cycles. In Figures 1,2, and 3 it is evident that as the time of a high tide gets later and later in the diel period, so does the corresponding peak of movement. The basic pattern of movement clearly followsthe tidal cycle. During dry conditions, Tegula were clustered beneath rocks and in cracks and crevices. Upon being wetted, Tegula funebralis moved out over the rock surfaces. The reverse occurred as the tide went down, the animals retreating to their protected areas when washed and subsequently left above water. During high tide there were significantly fewer Tegula on the rocks when the surge and wave action were at their strongest. There were also clear differences between day and night. At night, in contrast to the day, not all the snails moved off the rocks at low tide, and numerous snails were left on rock surfaces which were neither washed or submerged. It was also shown that Tegula moved out in larger numbers on the rocks at high tide during night than during the day. Daniel-6 -DISCUSSION¬ The finding that Tegula move up during daylight high tides modifies observations made by Wara and Wright (1964) that Tegula move up to rock tops during high tide only at night. The upward movement is shown here to be related primarily to the tidal cycle. However, the diel cycle appears to play a modifying role. This is indicated by the fact that more snails move up at high tides during the night than during daylight high tides and the fact that some snails are found high on the rocks above the swash during night low tides. An important observation in assigning the diel cycle a role secondary to the tidal cycle in influencing Tegula movement is that Tegula found on rock surfaces above the swash at low tide had moved up during the previous high tide and had been left there. Under similar tidal conditions during the day these snails would havebbeen "high and dry", but the rocks at night tend to remain wet for a long time after being exposed to air on a falling tide. Perhaps the residual moisture on the rocks at night was a suffi¬ cient stimulus to keep some snails out on thetrocks. This is consistent with the general conclusion that Tegula movement is dependent primarily on moisture and perhaps only secondarily on light or factors whose variation is correlated with light. Field observations by Glynn (1965) and Hewatt (1934) show that there is an increase in feeding activity of Tegula at night. Increased numbers at night during all conditions would then correlate with an increase in feeding activity. Although taking counts of Tegula in the field at times of strong surge and wave action is often impossible, the results that were obtained agree with laboratory studies by Overholser (1964) and field observations Daniel-7 by Wara and Wright (1964) that Tegula funebralis move down to sheltered areas in response to a strong current. STUDIES CONDUCTED IN OUTDOOR TANKS -METHODS- In order to study the movement of Tegula funebralis in relation to the diel cycle in the absence of tidal fluctuations, snails were exposed to the natural day-night regime but under constant submersion. Tegula of various sizes were collected from various intertidal sites at Mussel Point and placed in two fiberglass tubs provided with fresh flowing seawater. The large tub (91 cm x 91 cm, with a water depth of 55 cm) contained 212 snails, the smaller tub cmxcm, with a water depth of cm) had 100 snails. Rocks from the natural habitat were placed in the tubs to provide protected areas where the Tegula could clump together out of view. Äfter a 48 hour acclimation period, observations were made hourly during some of the same 24 hour periods when field data were being collected. In each tub, animals that could be seen on the rock surface, the tub bottom, and the tub sides were counted. -RESULTS- Under conditions of constant submersion, the movement of Tegula to and from clusters beneath rocks is clearly related to the diel cycle. Figure 5 shows the number of snails visible in the tub at each hour. The tidal cycle shown is that of the sea during the observations; the tanks showed no know tidal effects. During most of the day Tegula were hidden beneath the rocks. At approximately 1500 hours they began to move outeon the rock and the tub surfaces until most of the snails had moved from underneath the rock. Starting at around 0500 hours the number of visible snails decreased as the rocks. There is under Daniel-8 Tegula began to move back below the rocks. There is no correlation between movement of Tegula in the tubs under constant submersion and the events of the tidal cycle present in the field. -DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS¬ The general finding that Tegula tend to be negatively phototactic supports the conclusions of Kosin (1964). In Figure 5 it can be seen that the movement of Tegula from beneath the rocks is more gradual than the movement back to those protected areas. The tubs were located on the northeast side of a large building. They received direct sunlight from sunrise until about 1230 (small tub) or 1430 (large tub). The animals were thus exposed to a more rapid change in light intensity during the early morning sunrise than during the late afternoon sunset. The most rapid change in light intensity occurs at a time when the animals might be expected to show the greatest dark adaptation. These findings and the work of Kosin (1964) and Wara and Wright (1964) support the statement that the diel cycle exerts an important influence on the movement of Tegula funebralis, although the field data show it plays a role secondary to that of the tidal rhythm. Surge plays an important modifying role during periods of strong wave action at high tide. No hint of an endogenous rhythm in the movement of Tegula was noted. No movement correlated with the tide cycle in the animals kept submerged in the tubs. Kosin (1964) found no evidence of rhythmic behavior in T. funebralis maintained continually submerged in either continuous light or continuous darkness. Tegula do show a predictable rhythmic pattern in their movement, but these data and observations of earlier researchers suggest that the movementof Tegula occur in response to such Daniel-9 stimuli as changes in moisture (eg. wetting by swash after a dry period), changes in light, or marked changes in turbulence. Even relatively small fluctuations in environmental conditions may have an effect. SUMMARY 1) Studies in the intertidal zone and in outdoor tanks were carried out at Pacific Grove, California, to determine the movements of Tegula funebralis and the environmental events correlated most closely with them. The snails cluster in sheltered areas at low tide especially during the day. 2) Movement of Tegula funebralis into the open and upward on rocks is positively correlated with periods when the animals are washed and submerged. 3) Tegula move upward when awash and submerged during both day and night high tides, but more snails move up during the night than during the day. 4) During the day as the tide recedes, Tegula stay below the water line and retreat back to area where they cluster and remain inactive, At night, numerous snails are left exposed to air on the rocks as the tide recedes. Unwetted Tegula do not move up on dry rocks during either night or day. 5) During periods of high surge, Tegula submerged or awash move down rock surfaces to protected areas. 6) Tegula constantly submerged in outdoor aquaria showed no evidence of tidal rhythmicity, but followed a diel cycle of activity. During most of the day the snails stayed clustered under the rocks. In late afternoon and evening the snails moved out and climbed up the rocks and sides of the tanks. Daniel-10 7) Tegula movement shows a basic tidal rhythmicity, modified by the daily cycle of light and darkness and by conditions of high surge. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Donald P. Abbott for his suggestions, criticisms and encouragement during my work. His unlimited enthusiasm and energy helped make this project possible. Daniel-11 LITERATURE CITED Glynn, Peter W. 1965 Community composition, structure and interrelation¬ ships in the marineintertidal Endocladia muricata- Balanus glandula association in Monterey Bay. Beaufortia V.12., No. 148 Hewatt, W.G. 1934 Ecological studies on selected marine intertidal communities of Monterey Bay. Ph.D. thesis, Dept. Biol. Stanford Univ.: 118-120 Kosin, Dorothea F. 1964 Light responses of Tegula funebralis (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Veliger 6 (Suppl.): 30-37 Overholser, J. Alan 1964 Orientation and response of Tegula funebralis to tidal current and turbulence (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Veliger 6 (Suppl.): 38-41 Wara, William M. and Wright, Benjamin B. 1964 The distribution and movement of Tegula funebralis in the intertidal region of Monterey Bay, California. Veliger 6 (Suppl.): 30-37 Daniel-12 FIGURE EXPLANATTONS olle porban Figure 1: Number of Tegula funebralis in Study Site 1. The top half ver Hack pad of thebar represents the upper zone of the rock, the bottom half represents the lower zone. Horizontal bars indicate periods when the zones are washed (hollow bars) and submerged (black bars). Figure 2 : Number of Tegula funebralis in Study Site 2. The top half of the bar represents the upperzzone of the rock, the bottom half represents the lower zone. Horizontal bars indicate periods when the zones are washed (hollow bars) and submerged (black bars). Figure 3: Number of Tegula funebralis in Study Site 3. Horizontal bars indicate periods when the zone is washed (hollow bars) and submerged (black bars). Figure 4: Total number of Tegula funebralis in the Study Sites under washed (X's) and submerged (black dots) conditions. Figure 5: Number of Tegula funebralis visible on rock surfaces and onl the sides and bottom of each tub. oo 80- 6o- 40- ¬ 80- 6o 40- oo¬ 00. so- 0 MA 8-9 M ::::: 3 T 4 k DAT * . ::: 26 F ::: TIME DA Nise Sondel MAU . . . . . . . . . . * * . 22-23 25 4 :: * * * * * * . . ... VN 25-20 80 60 40 . .. . . . ! :: 80 28-2 40- +++ ::: MAQ 80- 5 OE 6 0 50 40- 30- 20 50 Ao¬ 30 - 20 10 - 50 40 30- 20 20 - 30 My -9 +++ . ...: : 13-14 : :: . T .. . . MA 6 Surse V DAIA : ::: .: : . 25 H ::: 1 RE 2 TIE MAT 22-23 ::::: 25 T1 * * * * * 50 NA 40 25-20 30- 20 25 T++++++ .. . . :. : . 50 MAU 40- 28-29 30- +++ ++++ :: .::: 50f Mg: 40 30 20 4 DA o MAGS9 40 120— 0 60 6O 40. 7 120 Ag 0 60 60- 40- T 0MA 60 6o- 40 oo MA 60 40 : : . Su Srnsse DATA O . . . . .. . . ++ ::: Fiouve :::: :. MAG 22-23 14447 4 . . : : . MAU 25-26 ::: :: :k::. ::: . . . ME O DAC o 50 46 20 100 8o 60 40 120 Se 90 e xo — xx 2 838 * a o NUNBER • 90 X 00 0 XX0 ) XX XX X TéGulA OE S 0. 20 6 o- 8 MAA 22-25 1414 RAU 25-2 28-28 N 0 8 Sunvise TIME MAN 22 120- 60 1+1 2 M 25-26 100— T MA 25-20 140— 20- 30- 200 - ++41 DAC OE LAR 44 TUB Sunsei S