C BST Pagurus samuelis were collected from eight locations on the California coast between San Francisco and Los Angeles. It was found that DDT residue concentration levels at gix of the eight locations were relatively low, ranging from .6 ppb to 6.9 ppb. While levels at Monterey Harbor (mean value 36 ppb) and White's Point (mean value 840 ppb) were much higher. Some possible explanations for this difference are given. There was no significant difference between levels in males as compared to ovigerous females of the same populations. TAo INTHODUCTION The chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide DDT and its metabolites DDD and DDE are widely distributed in the environment today. DDT residues enter the oceanic en- vironment through agricultural runoff, rivers, sewage disposal and settling of airborne particles (Freed, 1970; Peterle, 1970). DDT residues have a very low solubility in water and readily absorb to particulate material, es- pecially organic particles (Odum, et. al., 1969; Peterle, 1970). In contrast, the solubility of DDT residues in lipids and other organic material is very high (Wurster, 1969). Also, DDT and its metabolites are among the most persistent of the organochloride pesticides in biological systems (Macek, 1970). DDT residues are readily acquired by organisms through direct uptake from water or through assimilation from food. They become concentrated in body lipid stores at levels much greater than those of the environment (Cox, 1971) and there is a biological magnification of DDT residue concentrations at successive steps and trophic levels (Woodwell, 1969; Harrison, et. al., 1970). The acoumulation of DDT residues by decapod crusta¬ ceans has been reported by Odum, et. al. (1969) and Dimond, et. al. (1968). The toxic effects of DDT have been reported by Eisler (1969) for Pagurus longicarpus and by Poole and Williams (1970) for the larvae of two species of Cancer. There are no previous reports of T residue levels in the family Paguridae. Paguru samuelis was chosen for study because it is abundant along the Californian rocky coast, occurs high in the intertidal zone and is therefore easy to collect (Bollay, 1964). Samples were taken from various areas and tested to determine natural levels of DDT residues in Pagurus amuelis. EO - METHODS AND MATERIALS Pagurus samuelis were collected from eight areas on the California coast between San Francisco and the Palos Verdes Peninsula. (Fig. 1) A) Pacifica: latitude 37° 35'; near the San Pedro Sewage Treatment Plant and outfall. B) Monterey Harbor: latitude 36° 36'; under Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey Harbor, and for about 100 meters northwest. This area is within the Coast Guard breakwater. C) Mussel Point, Pacific Grove: latitude 36° 37'; east of Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford Uni- versity. D) Point Pinos, Pacfic Grove: latitude 36° 38'; within 60 meters of the outfall from the Pacific Grove Sewage Treatment Plant. E) Carmel Mission Point, center of Carmel Bay: latitude 36° 32'; south side of the point, about 500 meters north of the outfall from the Carmel Sewage Treatment Plant. F) Monastery Beach, south end of the Carmel Bay; latitude 36° 31'; about 700 meters south of the outfall from the Carmel Sewage Treatment Plant. The currents run generally southward from the outfall. G) Malpaso Creek, Monterey County: latitude 36% 28'; about 500 meters south of the creek on undeveloped private land which is locked to the general public. H) White's Point, Palos Verdes Peninsula: latitude 33° 43'; from the beach closest to the Los Angeles County sewer outfall. This is one of the largest primary treatment outfalls on the West Coast. Samples were all taken at low tide near the upper intertidal limit of the brown alga Egregia. One hundred Pagurus samuelis were taken from each study area. In the laboratory, they were removed, without injury, from their shells by removing the tip of the shell and poking 635 the crab out. When possible five pooled samples of males and five pooled samples of females were tested from each area. Among the females, only ovigerous individuals were used, and the eggs borne externally were removed before digestion to assure a more uniform population. Each pooled sample consisted of from three to five whole in- dividuals depending on weight. The wet weights of indi- viduals ranged from.5 g to 1.5 g. Total sample weights ranged from 1.88g to 4.26 g wet weight. Crabs were placed in small glass vials, digested in a 50-50 mixture of 60% perchloric and glacial acetic acids, and extracted with hexane (Stanley and Le Favoure, 1965). All glassware was cleaned by first washing, then rinsing in distilled water and finally heating for eight hours at 375° C. Cleanup was done on a silica gel micro- column (Kadoum, 1967) with .05 g of Nuchar Attaclay added to remove pigments. The column was eluted with approxi- mately 8 ml of pesticide grade benzene. Approximately 958-99% of the pesticide residues originally present were recovered after digestion and cleanup. Samples were then evaporated down to desired concentrations and aliquots were injected into a Beckman GC-4 gas chromatograph fitted with two electron capture detectors. The column was Pyrex glass, 6', packed with a l to 1 mixed bed of 58 5% DC200 and 6% QFl on 80-100 mesh Chromasorb W (acid washed and DMCS treated). The column temperature was 200° C and the inlet temperature 220° C. The carrier gas was helium. The identity of the DDT, DDD and DDE peaks was periodically checked using the partition coefficients established by Bowman and Berzoa (Berzoa et. al., 1969). RESUE AND DISCUSBTON DDT residues in Pagurus samuelis are shown in Table 1 and Figure 2. The levels of DDT residues are low in six of the eight study areas with combined means for the two sexes ranging from .6 ppb (parts per billion) wet weight to 6.9 ppb. The remaining two study areas have much higher concentration levels: Monterey Harbor has a mean value of 36 ppb total DDT residues and White's Point has a mean value of 840 ppb total DDT residues. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using the Student's t-test (Simpson, et. al., 1960). The difference in levels of DDT and its metabolites between males and ovigerous females in the same population was not statistically significant in any of the eight popula- tions. Thus I felt justified in combining the males and females when computing the mean concentration values for each area. The populations at Monterey Wharf and White's 53 Point are statistically different from the remaining six populations and from each other at the.Ol level. The remaining six populations do not show statistically sig- nificant differences at the.05 level using this test. The mean pesticide residue values for the Monterey Harbor and White's Point do have relatively large standard deviations. This can be partially explained by the feeding habits of Pagurus samuelis. These crabs are scavengers on both plant and animal materials. As a result their intake of DDT residues by assimilåtion from food may vary widely from individual to individual. This may be particularly relevant at the Monterey Harbor. Here fish are cleaned, and heads and viscera are often thrown off the pier; fish parts were observed in the area when Pagurus were collected. Also located in this area is a large storm drain. The runoff from the drain spills out approximately 10 meters from the rocks where half of the Pagurus were collected. This drain accomodates runoff from yards and gardens in the Monterey area and may be another source of DDT input. Although the use of DDT is now regulated by the state, homeowners may still be using DDT that was purchased before regulations came into effect. The extremely high values found in the Pagurus from 53 White's Point correlates to similarly high values found by Burnett (1971) in the Emerita analoga of this area. The effluent from the L.A. County sewage system is dis- charged from a diffuser that begins approximately 1.6 kilometers offshore at White's Point and diffuses for another 1.6 kilometers. The sole producer of DDT in the United States is located in L.A. county and disposes of its effluent into the L.A. county sewer system (Burnett. 1971). Although the amount of DDT residues in this eff- luent has decreased considerably in the last year, the levels are still high, approximately 36.5 metric tons per year (Cox, 1971). This probably accounts for the majority of the DDT residues in this area. The effects of DDT residues on members of the Paguridae family are not yet well documented. Eisler (1969) has established toxicity levels for several pesti- cides for Pagurus longicarpus. The subtle, chronic effects of pestioide residues may, however, be more important than such dramatic short term effects. The effects of these residues on reproductive behavior and larval survival may prove to be particularly significant. It is perhaps into these areas that research should now be directed. SUMMARY Pagurus samuelis were collected from eight locations on the California coast between San Francisco and Los Angeles. It was found that DDT residue concentration levels at six of the eight locations were relatively low, ranging from .6 ppb to 6.9 ppb. While levels at Monterey Harbor (mean value 36 ppb) and White's Point (mean value 840 ppb) were much higher. Some possible explanations for this difference are given. There was no significant difference between levels in males as compared to ovigerous females of the same populations. ACKNOWLELUEMENTS I would like to thank the faculty, students and staff of Hopkins Marine Station for a very enjoyable experience. In particular, I express my great appre- ciation to Dr. Donald Abbott, Robin Burnett, Jim Rote and Judy Peters for their help throughout this project. I would also like to thank Phil Murphy for his help with the gas chromatograph. Finally I thank Marsh Youngbluth for all his help on the volleyball court. C 0 0. BLE C Table 1: means, standard deviations and ranges for males (all samples combined), females (all samples combined) and total population for each study area. C GURE CAE IONS Figure 1: map showing geographical locations of the eight study areas. Figure 2: DDE, DDD and DDT concentrations for all samples. Ordinates show pesticide residues in parts per billion wet weight: black (DDE), stippled (DDD), white (DDT). Numbers on abscissa desig. nate individual samples. Location PACIFICA MON ERE HA BOR CSSLE POINT OIN PINOS MEL MISSION POI) 2 NAS EA BEACH MALPASO CREEK —— A1. POINT DDE mean 3.D. .8 1.2 1.0 Org .1 12 1.8 1.1 13 610 13 3.2 1.7 1.9 619 1.8 2.8 7.0 1.4 6.8 69 6.9 2.1 2.6 .5 3.0 1.1 .8 679 2.3 .8 .1 .8 . 3 619 .8 .8 .4 .1 5 .6 3 649 130 840 54 700 C+9 760 410 549 DD DDD range mean S.D. mange mean S.D. ran 5- 1.6 1.1- 1.3 5- 1. 2.9- 16 5.3 11- 8. 5.3 2.0 26 13 8.9 9.4 20- 8.0 7.4 5.1 3.3- 18 20 16 11- 8.0 2.9- 17 6.4 4 8.1 20 1.0- 2.7 1.1- 3.2 1.0- 3.2 1.2- 11 5.1- 8. 4.2- 11 2.1- 3.U 1.9- 1.1 1.9- 1.1 1.0 .6- 1. .6- 1.7 .4- 1.4 .3- .6 3- 1.4 9.3 14- 310- 11- 17 20 8 1.600 23 6.6 17- 70 25- 42 12 650 23 7.1 25- 310- 11 29 14 54 1.600 35 123459 123 PACIFICA U ol 12345 912345 MUSSEL POINT lo¬ UU s 2345 1234 POINT PINOS 123 CARMEL MISSION POINT 12345 12345 MONASTERY BEACH 12345012345 MALPASO CREEK 70- 60 50 40 30- 20- 1600 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 20o- 00 L 5 12345 91 2345 MONTEREY HARBOR § 123459 23 WHITE'S POINT 596 POINT PINOS MUSSEL POINT¬ CARMEL MISSION POINT MONASTERY BEACH MALPASO CREEKfG San Francisco Bay Sanfadiseo PACIFICA A — Monterey Bay RMOMEREY HARBOR Carmel River ) Long Beach San Pedro Bay WHITE'S POINT 546 1 ALURE CITED Berzoa, M., Inscoe, M.N., Bowman, M.C. 1969. 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