Abstract Wrack macrofauna on North Moss Beach, Monterey County, California, were studied in an attempt to determine if a faunal succession occurs in aging wrack. Samples of naturally occur¬ ring wrack and of wrack artificially placed on the beach were An attempt was made to establish the collected and studied. relative age of wrack by determining its moisture content, assuming that wrack loses moisture gradually and steadily as it ages. However, wrack at different stages of decay can have the same moisture content. Therefore, no definite conclusions could be made in regard to succession in naturally occurring wrack. Yet, it was found that among wrack banks seemingly in the same general state of decay, great variation in species composition and species abundance may take place. This was also demonstrated in samples of artificial wrack over both short and long periods of time. The evidence suggests that typical terrestrial succession Sporadic and sudden changes in species does not occur in wrack. composition and species population sizes seem to be the rule. In an attempt to explain more clearly how such changes in the community of wrack macrofauna may take place with time, an hypothesis has been formulated which takes into account the spatial and temporal variability in the state of beach wrack and the mechanism by which typical wrack fauna may respond relative to possible pre-adaptations to similar kinds of environmental situations. Introduction The sandy beach, though virtually devoid of visible vegetation, supports a fairly diverse animal community (Backlund, 1945). As Back- lund (1945) has shown, wrack, i.e. detached marine algae deposited on the beach, provides food, moisture, and shelter for many members of this community. Yet, because of tidal variations, the residence time of wrack on sandy beaches varies considerably (Backlund, 1945 and Evans, 1972). For instance, very high tides such as the extreme spring tides that occur each year, may deposit wrack so high on a gradually sloping beach that it remains there for months or even years. In contrast, daily tides may result in a dynamic process whereby, lower on the beach, the deposition and removal of wrack occurs on successive high tides. The animal community inhabiting wrack is subjected to a wide variety of changes, two of the most important being the continuous moisture loss from, and bacterial decomposition of, the wrack itself (Backlund, 1945). These changes should have a profound effect on the wrack fauna for, as Backlund has found, "Every schizophagous species can only utilize dead organic matter which has a special degree of moistness, and usually also quite a special degree of decaying." Therefore, it seems probable that gradual changes might occur in faunal species composition and population densities as wrack ages on the beach. It is quite possible that a distinct series of different associations occur in wrack as it progresses through successive stages of drying and decay. The system envisioned would then somewhat resemble typical terrestrial succession as is known to occur in other biomes. Though Backlund and Remmert (1964) acknowledge that there is a difference between the fauna of fresh and old wrack, neither has con¬ ducted studies to determine what the differences are or how the animal community may change as wrack ages. Therefore, the following study was initiated in hopes of shedding some light on this subject. The study was conducted at North Moss Beach (also known as Asilomar Beach), Monterey County, California. The beach is about one-half mile in length and is exposed to open ocean except at each end where rocky outcrops screen much of the incoming surf. This gradually sloping sandy beach is bordered on the east by small dunes, on the north by a public road and one of the rocky areas just mentioned, and on the south by cliffs and rocks. A small freshwater stream is located within the northern quarter of the beach. -3 Materials and Methods Only wrack macrofauna were considered in this study. For con¬ venience, these were defined as all organisms larger than 0.5 mm. (in any dimension). Three types of sampling were attempted: random sampling of four-week naturally occurring wrack; a long-term study involving weekly collec¬ tions of wrack samples experimentally placed on the beach; and a three-day short-term study involving daily collections of wrack samples experimentally placed on the beach. Random sampling On each of three successive days, April 25-27, five banks of wrack were chosen at random and samples of both wrack and the sand immediately beneath the wrack were taken. These were taken progressively from north to south along the beach and at different intertidal levels. Samples were characterized as being either in a high intertidal area (+5.5 to +7.0 ft.) or a mid intertidal area (+4.5 to + 5.5 ft.). No samples of wrack were taken in the surf zone and the lower intertidal areas (below +4.5 ft.) since preliminary observations indicated that few, if any, organisms inhabited wrack located there. Prior to taking samples, the following data were determined and recorded: date and time of day; air temperature (approximately 3 ft. above the sand); wrack surface temperature; temperature 5 cm. down in wrack and 5 cm. down in sand under wrack; dimensions of the wrack bank; location of wrack in the intertidal zone; the algal species composing the wrack and their per cent composition by volume. The last figure was determined merely by visual estimation. Samples of wrack were removed from the wrack banks by means of pruning shears. The volume of samples varied but all included a seg¬ surface ment extending from the wrackdown to the sand, with samples varying in both length and width from 10 cm. to 25 cm. After the wrack sample was bagged, the sand sample was taken by moving the wrack bank aside and immediately placing a box with one-fourth square meter openings on the sand such that all animals on the sand surface were trapped within The sand to a depth of 5 cm. was then dug the four sides of the box. out of the box and returned to the laboratory. Since it was thought that the moisture content of wrack decreases with residence time on the beach, the moisture content was determined for each wrack and sand sample. These values could then be used as relative measures of the age of the wrack banks sampled. In the laboratory, after the wet weight had been determined for each sample, wet and dry weights of small portions of each sand sample and the major algal species of each wrack sample were determined. Small pieces of the wettest and the dryest algae, and of each plant part present for each algal species,were dried collectively for each wrack sample. The moisture content of the collection was determined and assumed to be an estimation of the average moisture content of the algae in the wrack. The macrofauna was then extracted from each sample. Sand samples were washed through a series of screens with screen openings of succes¬ sively smaller size, the smallest openings being 0.5 mm. Animals in the wrack samples were extracted using a Tullgren apparatus as described by Backlund (1945). The samples were left in the apparatus for 24 hours, after which time, most, if not all, macrofauha had been extracted. Long-term study The second aspect of the study involved placing approximately ten¬ pound samples of fresh Macrocystis integrifolia.(acquired from the surf zone) on the beach. Three rows of five samples per row were layed out, each row being parallel with the water's edge. The rows were placed approximately 30 feet apart at three successive levels, the highest level being at the foot of the sand dunes (approximately +6.5 ft.). Initially, an 18 inch stake was driven well into the sand in the center of each pile. The following day, it was found that six of the samples had been washed away, so in an attempt to prevent this from happening with the remaining samples, the others were wrapped with wire and attached to the stake, The purpose of this part of the study was to determine macrofaunal changes that occur within wrack at different levels on the beach over a relatively long time period. It was intended that one sample per week from each row would be collected. However, all samples except four at the highest level were washed away within one week. As a result, it was possible only to study changes that occur over four weeks at a very high intertidal level (approximately +6.5 ft.). These samples were collected and processed in the same manner as described earlier, with the exception that the entire bank of wrack was collected and processed, It should be noted that all these samples had been washed by surf and were almost completely covered by sand at the time they were ultimately collected. Therefore, a considerable amount of sand was collected with the wrack. The sand that was mixed with the wrack was sifted and the animals obtained were recorded as being in the wrack itself. -6- Oshort-term study Three ten-pound samples of fresh Macrocystis integrifolia (cut from the kelp beds off Hopkins Marine Station) were staked out parallel with the water's edge at a high intertidal location (approximately+6.5 ft.). The banks were approximately 30 feet apart. On each of the next three succeeding days, one bank was collected, as was a sample of the sand under it. Determination of moisture content and animal extrac¬ tion procedures were the same as described earlier. -7- Results It should be noted that in this study, data for all Dipterans and Diptera larvae are not as quantitatively accurate as the other data. This is especially true for adult flies, since the sampling procedures were not sufficient to allow for the quantitative capture of flies. Hence, only flies that were residing deep within the wrack were caught. Higher numbers of the Dipteran species Leptocera johnsoni were caught than other species, probably because this species tends to inhabit the deeper layers of the wrack (Hyatt, 1972). Many of the animals found in the sand samples actually had fallen out of the wrack when it was picked up. It can be assumed then, that many of the animals found in the sand samples actually were in the wrack at the time of sampling. This was a problem especially in the short-term study because the samples had not greatly diminished in volume as a result of moisture loss as previous samples had, and they were therefore, more difficult to collect. Many more animals were able to escape from the wrack because of the longer time required to bag the samples. Many small larvae were probably overlooked because they could not easily be detected in the detritus and small amounts of sand that were mixed in with animals during extraction procedures. Also because of this fact, the unidentified egg cases found in some samples may have been overlooked in other samples. These egg cases were small and were coated with sand grains, making them very difficult to detect when mixed with sand. Random sampling The moisture content of sample wrack and the relative abundance of each species found associated with it is given in table 1. The same type of data for sand samples is given in table 2. In figure 1, the wrack samples are arranged in order of increasing moisture content and the total abundance of animals for each sample is indicated. This figure shows that there is no direct relationship between wrack moisture content and abundance of macrofauna in wrack. For each dominant species, the abundance is plotted against wrack This figure again moisture content for wrack samples in figure 2. shows that a relationship between wrack moisture content and individual species abundance does not seem to exist. In all cases, there is considerable variation in abundance as wrack moisture content increases. In order to determine if the algal species composition of wrack is important in determining the distribution of wrack fauna, the species composition of each wrack pile sampled is indicated and the samples are arranged in order of increasing total abundance of animals in figure 3. It is evident from this figure that the distribution of wrack fauna is not directly related to the species composition of the wrack. Temperature data are plotted in order of sample number in figure 4. Directly beneath this graph, the total animal species abundance is indicated for each sample. It does not appear as if a close relationship exists between temperature and the presence or absence of wrack macrofauna. In figure 5, each bank of wrack sampled is diagrammatically shown. These are arranged in order of increasing moisture content and the outlined area representing each wrack bank is a relative indication of the volume occupied by the wrack as seen on the beach. By comparing the high intertidal samples with the others, it becomes evident that wrack moisture content does not seem to depend on the location of the wrack on the beach. Therefore, since old wrack located high on the beach may have a moisture content comparable to newer wrack located low on the beach, it is not possible to use moisture content as an indicator of age. Long-term study In figure 6, the concentrations of the dominant species in each weekly wrack sample are indicated. For the first sample, the species are arranged in order of decreasing concentration, and the same order of species is followed in the remaining three samples. Weekly fluctu¬ ations took place in almost every species, some of which were very great. The greatest abundance of animals occurred in the sample of the second week, but decreases followed in the remaining two weeks. Loss in moisture content from the fresh Macrocystis integrifolia during the four weeks of the experiment was considerable. Water con¬ tent decreased from 89.6% at the beginning of the experiment, to a value of 47.4% in the fourth sample. Short-term study Figure 7 shows the concentrations of the dominant species in each daily wrack sample. The arrangement is the same as in figure 6. A surprisingly large number of species were found in the wrack samples, even after only one day on the beach. As in the case of the long-term study, great fluctuations in population densities took place In many species, there was a significant increase in population density from the first day to the second, with a great decrease the following day. Moisture content of the Macrocystis integrifolia decreased from 89.3% at the beginning of the experiment to 66.5% in the third sample. It should be noted that most data for sand samples has not been except in the appendix. presented One reason for this is that, in most cases, the abundance of animals in the sand samples was so small as to be insignificant. Changes in abundance many times involved decreases or increases of only one or a few individuals. Also, no significant differences were found between the species composition of the fauna of wrack and sand. has already been mentioned, most of the animals found in the As sand samples actually had escaped from the wrack sample when it was being collected. Discussion The results of the random sampling program suggest very strongly that there is no clear relationship between wrack moisture content and the species composition and abundance of wrack macrofauna. It has been impossible to show any relationship between wrack moisture content and wrack age, therefore no conclusions can be made regarding macrofaunal succession in aging wrack from the results of this aspect of the study One factor that seems to be important in determining the abun- dance of wrack macrofauna is the location of the wrack on the beach. Figure 8 shows the correlation of total species abundance in wrack samples with the approximate location of the sample longitudinally along the beach. It can be seen that species abundance is very low at the north end of the beach but increases greatly as one moves south, and most especially in samples taken just south of the fresh- water stream. There are many possible reasons for this phenomenon. For instance, the rocky outcrop at the north end of the beach appears to prevent wrack from being deposited on the north quarter of the beach in as great amounts as it is deposited in the sampling area south of the stream. Since it is possible that most wrack animals aggregate where the food is in most abundant supply we might expect the distribution seen in figure 8. In addition however, the presence of the road and the fact that the north quarter of the beach is more frequented by people could both be factors that might affect the presence of wrack animals there. It has been shown that in both the long-term and the short- term sampling experiments great fluctuations take place in the pop- ulation densities of some wrack animals as wrack ages. Assuming that, to some extent, wrack placed artificially on the beach simu- lates natural wrack, it appears that gradual species replacements and gradual changes in species population densities do not take place in wrack in periods of from three days to four weeks. Rather sporadic and sudden increases and decreases in populations of species seem to be the common occurrence. The species involved in these changes often show correspondance in their appearance or disappear¬ ance. For instance, in the long-term study, the sample of the second week contained significantly higher populations of Cercyon fimbriatus and Tarphiota geniculata than did the sample of the first week. This may suggest the existence of an association between these two species. Possibly the simultaneous increases in population sizes of the two species merely results from a common need of wrack of the same moisture content and/or same state of decay for both species. However, this does not seem to be the case in all samples for these two species. In the short-term study, while C. fimbriatus was found in high numbers in the sample of the second day, the abundance of T. geniculata was not great. The differences between naturally-occurring wrack and wrack placed artificially on the beach, as discussed by Backlund (1945) must be noted. A basic difference is that wrack deposited on the beach as a result of wave action is compacted by the water while wrack artificially placed on the beach is loosely packed. The effect of this is increased aeration and consequent faster drying of the artificial wrack over that of the natural wrack. Also, wave action tends to partially bury wrack as it is being deposited further decreasing its aeration. Naturally-occurring wrack is possibly subjected to partial decomposition in the sea before being deposited on the shore, whereas in the short-term study, Macrocystis was cut from living plants, and had not begun to decompose prior to its placement on the beach. This difference may result in a slower inhabitation rate in the artificial wrack for those animals that utilize wrack only after a certain stage of decay has been reached. In both the short-term and the long-term studies, fresh Macrocystis was placed very high intertidally on dry sand. It is obvious that this situation never occurs naturally. Such a good source of food and moisture at that location on the beach is, indeed, a very attractive commodity to animals living there. This might explain why, especially in the short-term experiments, unusually high numbers of animals were found in the wrack. A very important difference between natural and artificial wrack in this study is that the artificial wrack was staked down and was not moved around by surf or wave action. Natural wrack may be moved from place to place on the beach and as well, from zone subtidal to intertidal zone and back, many times during its life history. It seems probable then that the animal community in artificial wrack will not develop and change in precisely the same manner as will that of the natural wrack. However, the results obtained in the studies involving artificial wrack may indicate trends which help to explain the uneven distribution and abundance of species among natural wrack banks. Insects have been found in this study to be the most well- represented class of animals inhabiting wrack and, as Backlund (1945) notes, "...most insects are usually spread to wrack...by active flight." Backlund also tells of seeing swarms of beetles flying around the beach at night. Possibly entire swarms may converge on a wrack bank. If this does occur, it might explain the great fluctuations in numbers of animals, especially beetles, that have been found to take place in wrack fauna over time. A particular swarm may be attracted to a specific bank for any number, and possibly a combination, of reasons. A few factors that may be important are (1) wrack moisture content and its state of decay, (2) wrack odor, (3) other organisms already present in the wrack, temperature of the wrack, (4 and (5) the location of the wrack on the beach. Possibly the presence on a bank of a female emitting a pheromone would attract entire swarms of males. Furthermore, a species may be attracted to a bank for only a very short period of time. This might account for the great fluctuations in numbers of some insects that were found to occur in the artificial wrack banks even over short time periods. Still another factor must be considered when trying to explain the seemingly random distribution of wrack animals, that factor being the life history of the wrack itself. After wrack becomes deposited on the beach, basically one of three things will happen to it: (1) It may be washed out to sea again; (2) It may be moved from one part of the beach to another by the surf; (3) It may be covered by sand. In all wrack, these changes probably take place numerous times and in varying ways such that each individual bank of -15- wrack on the beach will have a unique life history. As well. wrack of different ages and species become mixed, further compli¬ cating the picture (Evans, 1972). So it becomes evident that animals living in wrack are subjected to constant change of their habitat which makes the assessment of any kind of pattern of succession impossible utilizing the more traditional approaches such as attempted in this study. In short, the results of this study suggest strongly that a complex combination of biotic and abiotic factors operate to determine the characteristics of a wrack bank. This might explain why no simple correlation could be found between either wrack moisture content and the vertical position of the wrack on the beach or wrack moisture content and the structure of the wrack macrofauna community. Furthermore, no clearcut stages of macrofaunal succession could be elucidated as a result of the inability to age wrack with respect to its state of decay. How- ever, the study has shown that there are indeed distinct and peculiar groupings of species which occur over time, even short periods of time, suggesting that in some fashion there is a succession of wrack fauna associated with different stages of decay and perhaps other secondary environmental factors. Yet, instead of a situation where the habitat remains permanent in a spatial sense and changes in character with time, allowing for a series of different associations to develop over time, we have a situation where there is both spatial variability and temporal variability. Figure 9 illustrates the essentials of the hypothesis developed from the results of this study. Although a limited number of factors are dealt with in the figure, it nevertheless illustrates how spatial as well as temporal variability may affect the distribution of wrack macrofauna. The figure shows a section of a hypothetical beach on which there are nine evenly-spaced banks of wrack, represented by circles, which are numbered for reference. The beach is shown progressively at four different points in time, as indicated by the Roman numerals down the left side of the figure. The relative moisture content and state of decay of each wrack bank is indicated by the letters within the circles, with state of decay represented by lower case letters and moisture content represented by upper case letters (see key). At time I, banks 1,2, and 3 are shown to be below the tidal level. the level of the water being indicated by the jagged horizontal line. These banks are located low intertidally, whereas banks 4,5, and 6 are located mid intertidally and banks 7,8, and 9 are at a high intertidal level. Two types of macrofaunal associations, represented by horizontal and vertical hatching within the circles, are shown to be present within the wrack banks. Association #1 (vertical hatching) is found in wrack banks of dryness C and state of decay c. Association +2 is found in banks of dryness B and state of decay a. At time I, association #l is in wrack bank 8 and association #2 is in wrack bank 6. Upon studying figure 9 it becomes evident that both spatial and temporal change occurs on the beach, and therefore, the location of a wrack bank on the beach will have a great affect on -17 the way that it develops. The rate of decay and moisture loss in wrack is influenced by a number of factors. For instance, the state of decay of wrack when it is deposited will probably affect both its rate of decay and its rate of moisture loss on the beach. The size of the wrack bank, of course, will greatly affect both decay rate and rate of moisture loss. The vertical location of the wrack on the beach will determine how often the wrack will be washed by the tides and the length of tiime it will remain on the beach. To illustrate the importance of some of these factors, we can discuss one of the hypothetical wrack banks in figure 9. At time I in the figure, wrack bank 1 has, of course, a high moisture content, since it is below the tide level. Its state of decay is b. It becomes deposited on the beach at time II, but no change is immediately seen in moisture content. Perhaps the bank is quite large or possibly it has become partially covered with sand. Both of these factors would probably greatly influence rate of moisture loss. No change is seen in the state of decay of wrack bank 1 immediately after deposition. In this case, the size of the bank, its algal species composition, and/or its state of decay at the time of deposition may be the influencing factors. The bank starts to dry out and its moisture content becomes B at time III, but still no change is seen in its state of decay. This would be understandable if the wrack were composed of fresh algae which would probably have a slow initial decay rate due to its short amount of time of exposure to bacterial decomposition. At time IV, the state of decay of wrack bank 1 has proceeded to c, but now the bank is again below the tide level and so its moisture -18- content is back to A. Other wrack banks in figure 9 could be discussed and explanations for change, or lack of change, could be proposed. For instance, a number of factors might cause a wrack bank like 5 to remain static over time or a bank like 9 to decay rapidly. The point to be made is that there are a complex number of ways that wrack banks can change over time because of the great number of factors influencing them. Now, how do wrack organisms cope with such irregular and extreme changes in wrack? Many typical marine or maritime organ¬ isms live in the sand and move with the tide. Such organisms utilize wrack primarily as a food source and only occaisonally as a source of shelter and moisture. However, it would seem that typical wrack animals, since they depend upon wrack not only as a source of food but as their only source of shelter and moisture, would be highly adapted to finding wrack containing the appropriate constellation of factors necessary for the species involved. As well, because of the limited amount of wrack that is available on most beaches, the competition for niche space among wrack animals would be high, and any specialization would be advantageous to these animals. Such specialization might result in different wrack animals utilizing wrack at different stages of decay and moisture content. Because wrack banks are continually changing in this regard, and because they are subjected to other changes such as inundation as result of tidal action, it would seem that wrack organisms would benefit greatly if they were able to detect the state of decay and moisture content of wrack and to move quickly from one wrack bank to another. In particular, insects appear to be especially pre-adapted to this type of life. They are often able to detect the presence of very small quantities of compounds over some distance and use this ability to find an appropriate place in which to live. Bark beetles, for example, are well known for such abilitiese Another excellent example of this is the ability of many male insects to detect the presence of minute quantities of pheromones emitted virtually miles away by females of their species. It seems possible then, that wrack animals might be able to determine the state of decay of wrack by detecting small amounts of compounds given off into the air as a result of decomposition. Flying wrack insects especially would be at an advantage since they would be able to move quickly to the most desirable wrack. These ideas are illustrated in figure 9. Association 1 is found only in old, dry wrack. When wrack bank 8 becomes buried at time II, association fl is forced to seek out another old, dry wrack bank. The entire association then moves to wrack bank 4. As other wrack ages, more old, dry wrack becomes available, and the association utilizes this as well (wrack bank 9, in this case). So in this example, the association benefits by being able to quickly find old, dry wrack when forced to, and by being able to utilize all sources of old, dry wrack available on a stretch of beach. Association +2 in figure 9 is found in moist, new wrack. At times I and II then, it is in wrack bank 6. However, as this bank ages and another bank of moist, new wrack becomes available as a result of wave and tidal action, the association moves to the -20- more preferable bank. Yet, this bank becomes submerged by the tides again, and the association is forced to seek out wrack on another portion of the beach. As has already been mentioned, flying insects, such as the many species of Staphylinids that have been found in this study, would be able to move more quickly to desirable wrack than would non-flying insects such as the Tenebrionid beetles. This might explain why such great fluctuations have been found to occur in over time. wrack populations of Staphylinids It may also explain why such insects are found in great numbers on the beach, comparatively, since they are able to more efficiently utilize wrack as a food source. Evidence from this study is in full accord with the hypothesis proposed. However, sufficient data are not available to prove the hypothesis as yet. Further study is required if we are to achieve an understanding of the complex community of wrack macrofauna, and of wrack itself as a unique biome. 0 Footnotes 1. Backlund, Helge Alfred Oskar, 1945. Wrack fauna of Sweden and Finland; ecology and chorology. Opuscula entomologica. Supplementum, 1945. pp. 127-128. 2. Ibid, p. 143 22 Literature Cited Backlund, Helge Alfred Oskar. 1945. Wrack fauna of Sweden and Finland; ecology and chorology. Opuscula entomologica. Supplementum, 1945. 296 pp. Evans, Elaine, 1972. Unpublished, on file at -Hopkins Marine Station library. Hyatt, Joel 1972. Behavior of wrack Dipterans Fucellia rufitibia (Anthomyiidae), Coelopa vanduzeei (Coelopidae), and Leptocera johnsoni (Sphaeroceridae) on a California beach. Unpublished, on file at Hopkins Marine Station library. Remmert, Hermann 1964. Distribution and ecological factors con¬ trolling distribution of the European wrack fauna. In Proc. Fifth Mar. Biol. Symp.: T. Levring, ed. pp. 179-184. 2 Acknowledgements I especially wish to thank Dr. Welton Lee of Hopkins Marine Station for his invaluable suggestions and undying patience. A more devoted teacher probably cannot be found. My thanks go also to Dr. I.M. Newell and Ian Moore of the University of California who identified the Coleopterans found in this study. Also helping with identification were Sam Johnson, Joel Hyatt, and Helen Kompfner, as well as Dr. Lee, all of Hopkins Marine Station. Their help was greatly appreciated. Special thanks go to Delane Munson, also of Hopkins Marine Station. 2 Table Captions Table 1. Moisture content of wrack and relative abundance of each species found in random wrack samples. Relative abundance indicated by length of bar, according to key. Wrack moisture content shown as percentage of total wet weight. Table 2. Moisture content of sand and relative abundance of each species found in random sand samples. Relative abundance Sand indicated by length of bar, according to key. moisture content shown as percentage of total wet weight. .. ..... E E: o0 o o 70 o Se - 0 Ia 1 I L a Aa L AR IIAEAA n a H Hin HI H — 98 L 8 5 — + ——: 3— . :. . :: : +. . .... Eü Ain Lan a A LA 5. 4 19 6 1801955 ase e A a o a — al ... ... -22 5.5 Figure Captions Figure 1. Relative abundance of macrofauna in each random wrack sample in relation to wrack moisture content. Moisture content of sample wrack increases in samples from left to right along horizontal axis. Corresponding relative abundance indicated on vertical axis. Scale: 1= macrofauna least abundant; 6= macro- fauna most abundant. Figure 2. Relative abundance of predominant animal species in random wrack samples in relation to wrack moisture content. Species from left to right, top to bottom are: Orchestoidea benedicti, Orchestoidea californiana, Cafius canescens, Cercyon fimbriatus, Pontamalota californica, Leptocera johnsoni. Moisture content indicated on horizontal axis. Relative abundance indicated on vertical axis. Scale: 1= scarce; 2= common; 3- abundant; 4= very abundant. Figure 3. Algal species composition of wrack sampled in relation to abundance of wrack macrofauna. Abundance of macrofauna in sample wrack increases in samples from left to right along hori- zontal axis. Per cent composition of each algal species for each sample indicated on vertical axis according to key. Figure 4. Comparison of temperature data for each sample with relative abundance of macrofauna in random wrack samples. Upper graph shows temperature data for wrack and sand samples according to key. Odd sample numbers are wrack samples; even sample numbers are sand samples. Lower graph shows corresponding relative abundance of macrofauna for each random wrack sample, with 2 abundance for each wrack sample indicated directly beneath temperature data for each sample on upper graph. See fig. 1 for scale of abundance. Figure 5. Height and volume of wrack banks sampled in relation to moisture content. Moisture content of sampled wrack indicated (in %) by number under each illustration. Illustrations arranged from left to right, top to bottom in order of increasing moisture content. Height of each wrack bank indicated by vertical scale. Area occupied by each illustration is relative indication of volume occupied by wrack bank. Illustrations with diagonal hatching indicate wrack banks sampled at high intertidal level. Figure 6. Concentrations of dominant species for each weekly wrack sample in long-term study. Species indicated by number on horizontal axis according to key. Concentration (in number of individuals per kilogram wrack, wet weight) indicated on vertical axis. Note that two scales are used on vertical axis. Values above 10 on right scale are shown by broken bar, with value at top of bar. Figure 7. Concentrations of dominant species for each daily wrack sample in short-term study. Species indicated by number on horizontal axis according to key. Concentration (in number of individuals per kilogram wrack, wet weight) indicated on vertical axis Figure 8. Map of North Moss Beach and location of sampling areas, with abundance of macrofauna for each random wrack sample indicated directly beneath approximate location of wrack bank sampled. Different sampling areas indicated on map according to key 2 at lower left of figure. Relative abundance of macrofauna for each sample indicated directly beneath approximate location of wrack bank sampled. See figure 2 for scale of abundance. Figure 9. Temporal and spatial change on a hypothetical beach and its possible affect on wrack banks and their macrofauna. Each box represents same section of beach at four points in time. Circles represent nine hypothetical wrack banks (numbered for reference). Top three circles in each box represent wrack located low intertidally; middle three represent wrack located mid intertidally; bottom three represent wrack located high intertidally. Tidal level indicated by jagged horizontal line. Moisture content of each bank over time indicated by upper case letters according to key. State of decay of each bank indicated by lower case letters according to key. Two macrofaunal associa- tions represented by horizontal and vertical hatching according to key. Movement of associations among wrack banks through time indicated by arrows. . + — +—— —1 . . - ur 2 2 a — : E ONVGNRaV 3 AIIVISA Ii i L EL L LILL LILILLIL LL . O benedicti . 2 u1 —1. 0 2 50 70 60 C conescens ....:: —2 0 3 —24— 1 50 60 30 californico 2 50 60 WRACK MOISTURE —— O. californiano 41 T 50 60 C. fimbriatus 31 21- 50 | 60 | 70 80 L johnsoni — — —1- 60 70 80 50 CONTENT (% 90 i . — — .. M — ul M 2 E . - LLLLIALILLLILLILLLALLIL 2 LM ) —L a . E ALAMIEMMI : E ... E TTI LLAMILILLILILALLAILILAL 1 — — ++++ mi — — 1 1 — — 3 NOIIISOdNOS 4 ad IN39 LEEILILLILLI LII: LLAIL .. 1— — . E . T — — n8 1101 57 Air — In wrack —-— Wrack surface — — In sand — — 1,2 34 5,6 7,8 9,10 11,12 13,14 15,16 17,18 19,20 21,22 23,24 2526 2728 2930 — 6 u m I . 7 9 13 15 17 19 2 23 27 29 SAMPLE NUMBER 11: . .. n: + 25 207 10+ + 5 + 51 52 70 20 — —1— — 0 80 79 19 + . — I 20—— 15— + - 10+ —5+ —— 82 82 +++ + + LHLI —10 5. —01 8 6 81 Mlu IALLLIIIIL 71 — 8 3 — + 8 8 First week o0 50- . 234 Second weel 00 Z 50 2 3 4 5 Third week 100 Z L O 50 Z 12134 5 S Fourth week 10 100 50 12345 Fucellio spp. larvoe M Bledius monstratus + Aleochoro sulcicollis Cercyon fimbriotus Torphioto geniculota 6 Cafius conescens Soprinus sp. 8 Leptocero johnsoni Alloniscus perconvexus 10 Cafius luteidennis I 90 Epontius lobscurus 6 78 larvae 12 Cofius conescens 5 Leptocero johnsoni larvoe — +— 6 78 1011 20.4 ... L 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 19.0 6 7 8 9 10111213 First doy L 100 — . + 50 — — 345 + Second do 100 50 — — 12 3141516L Third doy +00—— 2 O 5 50 2 3 4 56 7 — Cercyon fimbriatus — 2 Leptocera johnsoni 3 Cafius conescens 4 Pontamalota californico 5 Tarphiota geniculata 6 Cafius luteidennis Aleocharo sulcicollis ELLEMLILLLITIITIt t +— : i G.O. 5 08. . + 5 3 2 V. 3. . .. *. X) — 3 5 .* /... N:.. 7.. .3. U) 2 H X ++ ILI E + a — 2 u + 0. 6 o oc : . —1 TIME Ab Aa Low intertidal Veeraed tidal level I Ba- Cb BC . High intertidal TASSOCTATIONS Ab Bc Aa —Ba— Bc — URE MOIS Bb burted CONTENT wei + Bb -Ba- 1 E ee Bb Be STALE OF DECAY Ch buried new :::1: Ac Ac Ab aaatie (ee Bb II W chburied U + dry old 0 APPENDIX Table Captions Table 1. Concentration of each species found in random wrack samples. Concentration expressed as number of individuals per kilogram wrack, wet weight. Table II. Concentration of each species found in random sand samples. Concentration expressed as number of individuals per 10 kilograms sand, wet weight. Table III. Concentration of each species found in short-term and long-term study samples. Wrack sample concentrations expressed as number of individuals per kilogram wrack, wet weight. Sand sample concentrations expressed as number of individuals per 10 kilograms sand, wet weight. ... .. 0 o o.a — — — o — oo 2 0 a un O EEEOE O — — OK o i + + ..... 0— oso 98 8 e a 0 10 a ...: i H + i ... .. o o a 105 5 — . — + — 5 fsase 0 ook o + + — 0 — + D— oe + —— DS — . — + L 58 — + —— — 8 5 l 8 o .. . I .... a