15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, IF ANY, CONCERNING AUTHORS, ADDRESS, TITLE, OR CITATION DATA PLEASE TYPE ABSTRACT DOUBLE SPACED BELOW Acmaea limatula moves only when splashed or submerged, whether this period comes during the day or night. Movement commences shortly after wetting, rises to a high level as the tide comes in, drops during periods of high tide, and increases again as the tide receeds. At night rising tides pro- duce upward movement, but during the day the animals move downward on both rising and falling tides, particuarly during the latter. Some homing occurs, particularly on horizontal sufaces. Acmaea limatula spends most of its time on the red encrusting algae Hildenbrandia and Peyssonelia when these are available. The main foods of the limpet are microscopic algae and the encrusting red and coraline algae Hildenbrandia, Peyssonelia, Lithothamnion and Lithophyllum. Non-encrusting forms are not eaten unless they are short, growing close to the rock surface. Dietary studies suggest that in habitats where both A. limatula and A. pelta occur, there is little competition for food. EATON, CHARLES M. (Hopkins Marine Station, Pacifio Grove, Calif., USA.) The activity and food of the file limpet, Aomaea limatula (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). The Veliger. PLEASE DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE THE ACTIVITY AND FOOD OF THE FILE LIMPET, ACMAEA LIMATULA (Mollusoa: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) Charles MoKendree Eaton Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, California INTRODUCTION Acmaea limatula Carpenter, 1864, has been studied from the stand- point of taxonomy, distribution, and habitat (Test,11946), response of the heartrate to changes in temperature (Segal, 1962), osmotic behavior (Segal and Dehnel, 1962) and reproduotion and growth (Seapy, 1966). Published accounts of other aspects of its biology, however, are lacking. It has been the purpose of the present study to investigate the activity pattern and feeding habits of this species. GENERAL ACTIVITY IN RELATION TO PHASE OF TIDE To determine the general activity pattern of A. limatula, field observations on a population of thirteen limpets were carried out over a period of forty-five hours from May 2 to May 4, 1966. The population was looated at Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California, on a flat, vertical granite face which was totally exposed and covered by water twice a day. Coordinates were drawn on the surface of the rock with a lacquer paint, and the animals were marked with colored paints to distinguish each individual. The position and orientation of each animal were then observed andd recorded at intervals of 1.5 hours. At the end of the 45-hour observation period, a series of positions for each animal had been determined, fostnste C. M. Eaton -2- the distance between successive positions representing the net, minimum displacement between observation periods. Figure 4 a,b,c shows displacement tracks for three individuals. In order to observe the movements of the limpets during periods of high tide and rough water, it was necessary to wear a wet suit with two weight belts and to use underwater writing material (x-ray film with the emulsion removed and the surface roughened with sand- paper proved very satisfactory for pencil notes). As can be seen from Figure 1, individuals of Acmaea limatula move actively only during periods when they are either splashed by water or submerged. The time of day or night at which the period of wetting occurs does not appear to influence the amount of activity. The movement during periods of complete exposure (0130 to 0600, May 3) approaches zero. During each period of rising tide a large amount of activity was observed, but the animals do not begin moving immediately upon being splashed, and some remain inactive for a time after they are first submerged (0600 to 0730, May 3; 1730 to 1900, May 3; and 0730 to 0900, May 4). Following the incoming tide, the activity characteristically drops during periods of high water, to be followed again by a sharp increase as the tide is falling. These periods of high tide are often accompanied by great surge, and many of the animals stop moving altogether, clamping down on the surface of the rock. Although the movement again increases as the tide receeds, it is interesting to note that in all cases, except for the period 00 between 2230 to 0000, May 2, the activity does not reach the level observed during incoming tides. 180 -3- C. M. Eaton VERTICAL MOVEMENT IN RELATION TO PHASE OF TIDE AND TIME OF DAY The vertical displacement of the population of thirteen limpets with reference to tide and time of day is shown in Figure 2. It is clear that during periods of nocturnal rising tides, Acamaea limatula shows a definite upward displacement, but, during the daytime hours (0730 to 1350, May 3; and 0900 to 1500, May 4), the displacement is characteristically in a downward direction, whether the tide is rising or falling. This correlates nicely with the studies on light sensitivity in various Acmaea species made by Ross (1966); A. limatula was the only species studied showing a strong negative response to light. It should also bennoted that the tendency to move down¬ ward during the daytime, in terms of either the number of individuals moving or the total displacement, is proportionally reateraduring the receedinggtides than on the incoming tides. Again, although nocturnal receeding tides tend to produce ran¬ dom movement (five individuals moved up, four down in each case) the displacement upward is proportionally less than that for the rising nighttime tidesl Rogers (1966), in his study of Acmaea scutum, found that this species conforms to the more typical vertical displacement pattern shown by many intertidal invertebrates (Wieser, 1952; Glynn, 1965, Figure 30 and pp. 53-55). A. scutum moves up with rising tides, and down with falling tides, no matter whether the period of submersion comes during the day or night, though upward movement during the day is less than that at night. G -4- Cm M. Eaton wa: A series of experiments w done in the laboratory in order to substantiate Acmaea limatula's partial non-conformity to the general rule for the vertical movements of transient intertidal invertebrates. In all four experiments eight indi¬ viduals were subjected to simulated rising tides for periods of 1.5 hours; only the amount of light was varied. In each case, fresh organismsewere collected from the field at low tide, except for the first daylight experiment in which the same individuals were used as in the preceeding darkroom experiment. The specimens were placed in a line in the middle of a rough¬ ened sixteen-inch piece of marble, four facing upward, four downward. After the activity of the animals had ceased, the marble slab was placed in aquarium with the water level coming two inches below the line of limpets. The water was then adjusted so as to rise two inches every fifteen minutes and comressed air vabbled was into the water to create simulated waves and splash. Thennatenwasthen adjustedseastenise twerthehes-uver fitbeenminutesand senpsessedainuns sunzintethe-watente araatesinutatodmaoean The first two experiments were run in the darkroom, the last two outside in the early afternoon sunlight. These experiments (Figure 3) confirmed A. limatula's general tendency to move downward during daylight incoming tides and upward during nighttime incoming tides. It should be men¬ tioned here that the graphs denoting distance of vertical dis¬ placement for the experiments run in the daylight are not entire¬ ly accurate, for in both experiments two individuals moved off -5- C. M. Eaton the piece of marble onto the bottom of the agquarium during the first half hour. Their vertical downward movement was then listed as a minus eight inches in both experiments, even though the downward displacement might have been considerably greater had the marble slab been longer. HOMING TENDENCY V Homing, as used in this paper, is the consistent returning to the same exactlocation with thessame orientation. Figures 4a and 4b illustrate the non-homing behavior shown by twelve of the thirteen limpets in the population followed in the field. These typical displacement tracks show that the animals spent each consecutive exposed period in a new location. Only one individual in the population homed consistently for the entire forty-five hour period (Figure 4c). Interestingly enough, the homing limpet not only returned to its home site as the tide went out, but also during periods of high tide accom¬ ted n panied by surge. This type of behavior was also observed in homing Acmaea limatula observed in other locations. They would leave their home sites as the tide wastrising, return when the tide was highiand then either remain at home or leave again as the tide was falling. This behavior helps to emphasize the characteristic drop in activity during periods of high tide as shown in Figure 1. Although only one of thirteen animals in the population -6- C. M. Eaton whose activity was closely followed, homed consistently for a period of four low tides, the percentage of homing animals may be higher for the total population. In another field observation made on Mussel point, nine of fifteen Acmaea limatula homed consistently for a 48-hour period. These limpets were located on a horizontal rater than a vertical surface, and although the numberg of animals observed is small, the findings suggest that homing may be more prevalent among populations of A. limatula which must cope with desiccation accompanied by direct sunlight. DISTRIBUTION IN RELATION TO ALGAE The algae present seem to play a significant role in the distribution of Acmaea limatula. A good example of this can be cited from the population whose movements are shown in Figure 1. The surface of the vertical face on which the thirteen limpets were located was occupied mainly by diatoms and microscopic green and blue-green algae on the left-hand upper side of the rock, and by encrusting red algae, mainly Hildenbrandia and some Peyssonelia, on the lower right-hand side. These two regions occupied approximately equal areas, and both areas bore occasional small clumps of Endocladia or Gigartina. Though Hildenbrandia and Peyssonelia dominated only about half of the rock surface (Figure 5), the thirteen limpets observed spent a combined total of 500 hours in this lower right-hand region. C -7- C. M. Eaton During the 45-hour observation period, only two limpets ventured into the region bearing mainly green and blue-green algae and diatoms, where they spent a total of 85 hours. Although individual Acmaea limatula can be found in widely differing regions within the intertidal of Mussel Point, the larger populations (up to 37/square yard) are invariably located in regions where Hildenbrandia or Peyssonelia or both are abundant. In order to demonstrate this relationship between limpets and algae, a 3.4 square foot rock surface was chosen con¬ taining fourteen A. limatula, a fairly abundant crop of the red-encrusting alga Hildenbrandia, and a wide variety of other algal growths. A clear plastic sheet was placed over the region and the areas occupied by the various algae were outlined with wax marking pencils. The locations of the fourteen A. limatula were noted. The drawing was traced onto a large piece of graph paper, and the different regions were cut out and weighed. By compar¬ weights ing these to the weight of one square inch of graph paper, it was possible to get a fairly accurate dtermination of the areas ptesent occupied by the various algae. Figure 6 shows what qualifative more a observations confirm, that, at least during low tide, A. limatula is often found in direct association with the red encrusting algae. This, of course, is only an instantaneous glance at the distribution of A. limatula, but it seems per¬ tenent when viewed in conjunction with Figure 5 and the gut content analyses below. limatula Although on Mussel Point large populations of Acmaea were found only on the red encrusting algae, Hildenbrandia and Peyss -8- C. M. Eaton Peyssonelia, this may not necessarily apply to other regions along the Pacific Coast. It was noted, for example, that on Point Lobos, just south of Carmel, California, fairly large populations of A. limatula seemed to thrive on low horizontal expanses of sandstone covered primarily with microscopic and tock surfaces and encrusting coralline algae. Extensive low, horizontal ewper are not found on Mussel Point, but as can be seen from the gut analyses below, A. limatula does eat microscopic algal films theg ar and encrusting coraline algae when available. RELATIONSHIP OF FOOD AVAILABLE TO FOOD EATEN To correlate the availability of various algae with the foods actually eaten by Acmaea limatulay a series of gut anal¬ yses were performed on animals from differing areas. Eight regions were chosen which showed either differences in the algal species present, or in the relative abundance of the species. Five limpets were collected from each region after making a rough assessment of the relative amounts of different algae available to the animals. The stomach contents of these 40 animals were observed microscopically and with the Rind help of Doctor Isabella Abbott, the algal fragments present were ident¬ ified and an estimate of the relative abundance of different species was made. Figure 7a-h and Table 1 indicate that the main source of food for A. limatula consists of the microscopic algae and of the encrusting forms, Hildenbrandia, Peyssonelia, Lithophyllum, -9- C. M. Eaton and Lithothamnion. Strangely enough, A. limatula seems to ignore the encrusting red alga Petrocelis (Figure 7g) even though it grows in relative abundance within the intertidal region inhabited by this limpet. The non-encrusting algae are rarely ingested except for tiny individuals of larger species, or species which form a short fuzz growing close to the rock surface (Table 1, III, Figure 7b,e,f,h) In such cases the thalli found were very small and capable of being swallowed whole. Only once was a fragment of a large, non-encrusting algae (not an entire thallus) found within a stomach, although many such algae were available to;the indi¬ viduals analyzed. The item foundingested was a section of a large brown alga which could not be found in the surrounding area. Figure 7h provides an excellant example of Acmaea limatula's tendency to avoid the larger non-encrusting algae as food sources. Although this limpet eats the encrusting coraline algae Lithophyllum and Lithothamnion, the non-encrusting formline Corallina was completely ignored here, even though it dominated the region. FOOD NICHE SPECIALIZATION IN ACMAEA LIMATULA AND ACMAEA PELTA Acmaea limatula and the very eurytopic limpet Acmaea pelta may often be found occupying the same general areas and hab¬ itats in the intermediate and low intertidal zones on Mussel Point. In order to substantiate the presence of overlapping sater species distribution jo populations, Craig and the author mapped oseie -10- C. M. Eaton three transects, each three feet wide,extending from the low to the high intertidal zones. Populations of the two species overlap broadly, and several places were discovered where both A. limatula and A. pelta were abundant see also Craig, 1966). With such an overlap in distribution on the part of two spac species in the same genus, one might expect considerable comp¬ etition, especially for food since both species are herbivores and scrapers. Interestingly enough, little competition for food actually exists. The two species live side by side, A. pelta eating the larger, non-encrusting algal forms (Craig,1966) and A. limatula ingesting primarily the encrusting red and coraline algae. SUMMARY 1. Individuals of Acmaea limatula move actively only during periods when they are either splashed by water or submerged. The time of day or night at which the period of wetting occurs does not appear to influence the amount of activity. Animals do not begin moving immediately upon being splashed, and some remain inactive for a time after they are first submerged. Activity reaches a high level as the tide is rising, characteristically drops during periods of high tide, and shows some increase again as the tide recedés. 3. With rising tides at night, a definite upward movement occurs. During the daytime hours, the displacement is characteristically -11- C.M. Eaton in a downward direction during both rising and falling tides. during The tendency to move downwardAthe daytime is proportionally greater during the receding tides than on the incoming tides. Only one of the thirteen limpets in the population studied in detail homed consistently for the entire 45-hour pbservation period. However, on a large horizontal rock, nine of fifteen homed consistently for a 48-hour observation period. Where the red encrusting algae Hildenbrandia and Peyssonelia are present, Acmaea limatula spends most of its time on these. The main foods of A. limatula are microscopic algae and the and coraline encrusting redAalgae Hildenbrandia, Peyssonelia, Lithophyllum, and Lithothamnion. The encrusting red alga Petrocelis is ignored, even though it is relatively abundant in the region inhabited by the limpet. Non-encrusting forms are not eaten unless they are very short, growing close to the rock surface. Although A. limatula and Acmaea pelta may often be founoccu- pying the same general areas and habitats in the intermediate, and low intertidal zones of Mussel Point, there is little interspecific competition for food. A. pelta eats the larger non-encrusting algae while A. limatula ingests primarily the encrusting red and coraline algae. -12- C. M. Eaton ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere thanks to the faculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station, especially to Drs. Donald P. Abbott and Isabella A. Abbott for their advice and enoourage- ment. This work was made possible by Grant G 1806 from the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation. 13 C. M. Eaton LITERATURE CITED Craig, Peter C. 1966. The activity pattern and food habits of the limpet Acmaea pelta. The Veliger Glynn, Peter W. 1965. Community composition, structure, and interrelationships in marine intertidal Endocladia muricata-Balanus glandula association in Monterey Bay, California. Beaufortia 12 (148):1-198 Rogers, Don A. 1966. The effects of light and tide on movements of the limpet, Acmaea scutum (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). The Veliger Ross, Thomas L. 1966. The light response in the limpet Acmaea limatula (Mollusca: Prosobranchia). The Veliger Seapy, Roger R. 1966. Reproduction and growth of the file limpet, Acmaea limatula Carpenter, 1864. The Veliger 8 (4) :300-310 Segal, Earl 1962. Initial response of the heart-rate of a gastropod, Acmaea limatula, to abrupt changes in temperature. Nature 195 (4842) :674-675 14 C. M. Eaton LITERATURE CITED (cont.) Segal, Earl and Paul A. Dehnel 1962. Osmotic behavior in an intertidal limpet, Acmaea limatula. Biol. Bull. 122(3): 417-430. Test, Avery Ransome (Grant) 1946. Speciation in limpets of the genus Acmaea. Contrib. Lab. Vert. Biol., Univ. Michigan, No. 31:1-24. Wieser, W. 1952. Investigations of the microfauna inhabiting seaweeds on rocky coasts. J. Mar. Biol. Assn. U.K., 31:35-44. 1. Permanent address: 15. FOOTNOTES C. M. Eaton 16 C. M. Eaton Table 1 Frequency of occurrence of Algae found in gut of Acmaea limatula NUMBER OF ANIMALS TYPE OF ALGA WITH ALGA IN GUT I. Microscopic Algae (small greens, blue-greens 40 and diatoms) II. Encrusting Algae 1. Hildenbrandia occidentalis 2. Peyssonelia pacifica 15 3. Lithophyllum sp. 4. Lithothamnion sp. 10 5. Ralfsia pacifica III. Low, Turf-forming Algae (up to 3mm. high, 1. Gelidium coulteri 2. Clodophora trichotoma 3. Leathesia difformis IV. Other Algae 1. Centroceras clavulatum 2. Colpomenia peregrina 3. Rhodoglossum affine 4. fragment of a large brown alga 14 C 17 C. M. Eaton TABLE CAPTIONS Table 1. Frequenoy of occurrence of algae found in the gut of Aomaea limatula. C. M. Eaton 18 FIGURE CAPTIONS Figure 1 Movement of Acmaea limatula in relation to phases of the tide, May 2-4, 1966. Time of day is shown at the top. Distance moyed represents average net displacement for 13 limpets. Since the limpets occupied different vertical positions on the rock, the number exposed, awash, and submerged at each observation time is indicated. HHW- higher high water; LHW- lower high water. Figure 2 Vertical movement of Acmaea limatula on a vertical rock face at selected phases of tide and time of day, May 2-4, 1966. Only the vertical components of movement are represented. Each vertical bar shows total net displacement upward or downward for 13 individuals over a three-hour period when conditions on the rock surface changed from total exposure to total submersion on a rising tide, or from total submersion to total exposure on a falling tide. Numbers above and be¬ low each vertical bar show numbers of animals whose net dis¬ placement during the period was upward and downward, re- spectively; numbers on the zero line indicate numbers of animals remaining stationary, or showing only horizontal movement. 19 C. M. Eaton FIGURE CAPTIONS (cont.) Figure 3 Vertical movement in the laboratory under simulated conditions of incoming tides. Figure 4 Typical displacement tracks for 3 individuals of Acmaea limatula. Observations were made at intervals of 1.5 hours over a period of 45 hours, May 2-4, 1966. Limpets did not always move between successive observation periods even when submerged or awash. Figure 5 Distribution of thirteen Acmaea limatula in relation to algae available, for a period of 45 hours, May 2-4, 1966. Figure 6 Distribution of fourteen Acmaea limatulå at low tide in relation to algae available within a 3.4 square foot area, mid-May, 1966. Figure 7 Relationship of food available to food eaten in eight different areas on Mussel Point, May, 1966. The lines at the ends of the upper vertical bars show the range of variation encountered in the five limpets examined in each region. AVAGE DIST. MOvÉD PER INDIVIDUAL (INCHES) NO. OF ANIMALS EXPOSED, AWASH OR SUBMERGED MAY 2 MAY MAY 4 ooo ooog oooooo 30 988 8888888 ooooo ooa ooi oo o HHW LHW HHW LHW 10- SIT HT DUSK NIGHT DAWN DAY -EXPOSED -AWASH □ =SUBMERGED Fraue 1 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 TIDAL CONDITIONS 9. 0 — O 3 511 15 4 night day 2 E flow ebb Fgure 2 50 40 30 10 8 20 30 2 0 darkroom daylight Fruv d 46 6 0 5 28 S 28 1 26 5 82 S s E 8 600 500 400 300 200 100 25 50 100 25 5 50 E Fuur 5 5 Figur 5 DE. 2 . Ho 82 + HOH3 E6 24 4 55 a E d 5 22 AP . H83 HO S4 E 4 52 HE 82 H8H3 c LUU 4 3 4. +o a 4 - 2 9 oo a5 Figurs Cedto Se E 0 ae