FCP Gene Family of Macrocystis pyrifera (Giant Kelp): Development of Gene Specific Probes Marina L. Tostado Stephanie K. Clendennen Powers Lab June 5, 1992 ABSTRACT Eight genes in Macrocystis pyrifera code for the FCP protein. Each gene has similar coding regions but very different noncoding regions (dissimilar sequences and sizes). From this gene family three genes, 2A, 4B, and 4C, were studied. Gene specific primers were made and challenged with positive results. These primers were used in PCR reactions to make gene specific probes. The gene specificities of the probes were tested using Southern Blot Analysis concluding with supporting results. A light regulation experiment using RNA obtained from incubated kelp blades which were analyzed on a Northern Blot using the radioactive gene specific probes was conducted but its results were ambiguous. INTRODUCTION Macrocystis pyrifera contains about eight distinct genes which code for the FCP protein, similar to the CAB protein of higher plants and green algae for both are part of the light harvesting center connected to Photosystem II complex of photo¬ synthesis (Grossman et al, 1990). FCP proteins function as a satellite dish which focuses the suns light to reaction centers. These eight different genes make up the FCP gene family of giant kelp. In this gene family, every gene is made up of a) about an 858 homologus coding region of about 700 bp and b) a distinct noncoding region of different sizes and of different sequences. Of the family 3 specific genes were studied: 2A, 4B, and 40. 2A has a noncoding region length of about 1 kb while 4B and 4C have about a 500 bp noncoding region. Why does Macrosystis pyrifera contain many different genes to code for the same protein? In the Drosophila actin gene family (which like the FCP gene family has similar coding regions with noncoding regions of different sizes and sequences), the actin genes were found to be developmentally regulated and tissue specific (Fyrberg et al, 1983). In tomatoes, the CAB genes were found to be organ/tissue specific and light regulated (Kellmann et al, 1990). To answer this basic question gene specific probes were made. By creating such probes the expression of these different genes could be followed through different developmental stages and stress responses by measuring the amount of its mRNA, thus elucidating the presence of the various genes. In order to make gene specific probes, gene specific primers were designed and made. Using Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR), we amplified the noncoding regions to use as probes on Southern Blot Analysis to test the probe's specificity. A light regulation experiment in which giant kelp blades were incubated at low level light, so as to induce the production of FCP proteins, was then set up and samples were obtained periodically. Form these samples RNA was exptracted and a Northern Blot was performed using radioactive labeled probes. Our results were encouraging. MATERIALS AND METHODS Designing Primers: Using the known sequence of the noncoding region of 2A, 4B, and 40, a 20bp sequence for each gene containing a unique sequence (with little or no repeats) and one rich in GC pairs was found. The GC pairs are preferred over AT pairs because of their stronger bonds (three instead of two) which are more stable and thus permit for higher temperatures in PCR reactions. A T74 primer was also made for the plasmid vector (see fig. 1). PCR Reactions: For the Polymerase Chain Reactions the doing region, 2A, 4B, and 40 gDNA were used as templates. dNTPs, TAQ enzyme and buffer, T74 primer, along with the respective primers were added. The reactions were carried out at 90°C for denaturing, 55° to anneal, and 72°C to extend for 25-30 cycles. Agarose Gel: 63 agarose gels were used for the DNA. 23 EtBr was added to the agarose to visualize the DNA when irradiated. Ikb ladders were used as references. Southern Blots: DNA Extraction: liquid Nitrogen was used to grind the tissues. The DNA was then chloroform extracted. The polysaccherides were precipitated in 203 EtOH. The DNA was precipitated in EtOH, resuspended in water and quantitated in the spectrometer DNA Digest: Each gene (coding, 2A, 4B, and 40) was digested with Sac I, Pst I, and Hind III overnight and visualized on an agarose gel (see fig. 2). The DNA/RNA was transferred onto a nylon Transfer: membrane (see fig. 3) and the membrane was then UV irradiated to permanently bind the DNA to the membrane. Prehybridization: Blotted the membranes with Salmon Sperm DNA. Added water, Klenow Buffer, GAT mix, random primers, radioactive CTP and Klenow Enzyme. Hybridization: 108 SSPE, 28 SDS, and water. Exposure: 24-48 hrs. RNA Extraction: The tissue was ground in liquid Nitrogen. RNase free reagents used. Extracted with Chloroform. Precipitated polysaccherides with EtOH. The RNA was precipitated with Licl in BME. Extracted with Acid Phenol. Precipitated with NaOAc and EtOH. Quantitated on spectrometer. RNA Gel: 1.28 agarose, 6.68 formaldehyde gel composition. RNase free reagents were used. Running buffer: 0.2 M MOPS, 10mM EDTA, 1OmM NaOAc, and 378 formaldehyde. Light Regulation Experiment: filtered sea water; incubation temperature: 15°C; light: 70 micro E/m's which is approximately half the saturating illumination (Gerard et al, 1986). RESULTS The primers indeed were gene specific. Each primer was challenged by introducing various templates of different sizes to the PCR reaction and then analyzing it on a gel. Only one product of the correct size was obtained (see fig. 1). After a 24 hr. exposure, the Southern revealed promising results. In the blot labeled with the coding region the molecular weight marker was easily distinguished while many bands in each digest lane were visible. On the blot labeled with the 2A noncoding region, again, the molecular weight marker could easily be spotted. Using the marker as a reference point, one band in each digest lane could be distinguished, each of which corresponded to one band on the blot labeled with the coding region. These results highly suggest that the probes were gene specific because only one band per lane was seen on the blot labeled with the noncoding region. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, results from the Northern Blot Analysis were ambiguous; clear results could not be obtained. DISCUSSION The evidence obtained strongly suggests the presence of gene specific probes. When the genes are probed with the coding region, eight different products are found in a southern. However, when the 2A noncoding region was used as the probe it hybridized to only one of the eight products, strongly suggesting gene specificity. More experiments, however, are needed. The development and use of gene specific probes can be extremely helpful in future experiments. Once these probes are made they can easily be amplified by PCR reactions. These probes could monitor the expression of genes through the measure of the mRNA. For example, at different depths kelp blades are exposed to different quantities of light and so future experiments could focus on light regulation of the FCP genes. Also, experiments focusing on tissue specificity and developmental stages (where FCP production in juveniles and full grown kelp with canopies are compared) or nutrient regulation (i.e. during upwellings) can provide invaluable to the comprehension of gene families and their regulation. In all, gene specific probes are but the first, but nonetheless valuable, step in elucidating the need of various different genes to produce one protein. GENE EAMILY MAP S 2A .K8 48 4 1.1KB 2A PRIMER, SEQUENCE: GCA TCG CTA CCG ATT GTC GG 4B PRIMER, SEQUENCE: TCG TCT CGT GAC CTC TCG E TG AC PRIMER, SEQUENCE: GCA CGT GTC GGC ACG CGT GG T7+ PRIMER, SEQUENCE: GCG TAA TAC GAC TCA CTA TAG G (CODNG REGON) Fig. 1 1.7KB Hig Nylon oxt butter 59 MA DNA Daests 2 6 La weiget +Gas Vlatt Jaget Tanl Sack —3 Euer gger e Wick ugpo Vaneter oP DNA 0 Nlon Menrne Mer 16 Fiwe Prodet Bier Mallen + * ** 4 Vo r + Zrttern lyg Eot REFERENCES Fyrberg, E.A., Mahaffey, J.w., Bond, B.J., and Davidson, (1983). Transcripts of the Six Drosophila Actin Genes Accumulate in a Stage-and Tissue-Specific Manner. Cell. Vol. 33, 115-123. Gerard, V.A., (1986). Photosynthetic Characteristics of Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) Determined in situ. Marine Biology. 90, 473-482. Snyder Grossman, Manodori, A. (1990). A. and D. Proteins of Diatoms: Their Relationship to Light-harvesting the Chlorophyll a/b Binding Proteins of Higher Plants and Their Mode of Transport into Plastids. Molecular General Genetics. 1-10. Kellmann, J.w. Pichersky, E., and Piechulla, B. (1990). Analysis of the Diurnal Expression Patterns of the Tomato Chlorophyll a/b Binding Protein Genes. Influence and Light Characterization of the Gene Family. Photochemistry and Photobiology, Vol. 52. 35-41. Kishore R., and Schwartzbach, S.D., (1992). Photo and Nutritional Regulation of the Light-Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b Binding Protein of Photosystem II mRNA Levels in Euglena. Plant Physiology, Vol. 98. 808-812.