Simonsen page 2 Osmotic Response in N. californica INTRODUCTION Nuttallina californica (Reeve, 1847), a common intertidal chiton, has a large vertical range and is found in a variety of habitats. Though the species is eurytopic, individuals appear to maintain their particular position in the intertidal for extended periods (MacGinitie and MacGinitie, 1968). Salinity variations from 14%, to 45%0 have been measured in pools and crevices in the intertidal (Boyle, 1969); the range and duration of osmotic stress would be a function of position in the intertidal. Chitons are typically isosmotic with seawater, as are most marine molluscs, but intertidal species subjected to salinity fluctuations may have developed adaptive responses to osmotic change, (Prosser, 1973). Previous osmotic studies on the chiton, Sypharochiton pelliserpentis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1835), in New Zealand (Boyle, 1969 and 1970) showed this species to be an osmocenformer. The topic explored in this paper is the response to osmotic stress in individuals of Nuttallina californica selected from two micro-habitats differing in vertical height and wave exposure in a way which has resulted in difference in osmotic stress histories. MATERIALS The study was carried out on individuals taken from Mussel Point at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. Simonsen page 3 Osmotic Response in N. californica One group of animals, taken from the lower intertidal, was from a vertical face of granite normal to the incoming surf. These organisms thus were not exposed to sitting water or extensive evaporation. They were found along with the coralline algae Corallina vancouveriensis (Yendo), Litho¬ phyllum proboscideum (Foslie) and the barnacle, Balanus glandula (Darwin, 1854). The other set of animals, taken from the high intertidal, was from an area protected from direct surf action by offshore rocks. The chitons were collected on horizontal ledges, making them exposed to salinity fluctuations from evaporation or precipitation. In the lower part of this range were Endocladia muricata (Postels & Ruprecht) J. G. Agardh, Gigagartina paillata (C. A. Agardh) J. G. Agardh, Tetraclita squamosa (Darwin, 1854) and Pollicipes polymerus (Sowerby, 1833). The chitons in the low intertidal were collected at a tidal range of 2.1 to 3.7 ft. which is almost completely below the plus 3.5 ft. critical level (Doty, 1957) where they are subjected to air exposure less than 10.25 hours a day. Directly above this level there is an almost two¬ fold increase in exposure time and then it gradually increases until at 5.0 ft. the maximum exposure is twentythree hours. The high intertidal Nuttallina were collected between 4.0 and 5.2 ft. and lie in the latter range. Middle sized chitons were chosen, the mean size of the experimental animals from the low intertidal population was 1.86 g. and 2.10 g. for the high intertidal population. Simonsen Osmotic Response in N. californica page 4 METHODS AND RESULTS A. Change in weight following osmotic stress. In order to test for possible differential response to osmotic stress in the two populations, a series of laboratory experiments involving measuring weight changes of stressed animals was conducted. A method of weighing the chiton with its substrate was devised to avoid the stress of constantly detaching the chiton. Plastic petri dishes with holes drilled in the top to allow free exchange of water were used as containers and were blotted dry and weighed with the chitons. Experimental animals were collected and placed in the dishes, kept in running sea water for forty-eight hours to allow them to acclimate and partially empty their guts. The salinity of the ambient and circulating seawater was determined by a salinometer to be 33.9%.. Using this information the experimental salinities of 50%, 75%, 90%. 95%, 100%, 105%, 110%, 120%, and 125% of the concentration of local seawater were mixed from "Instant Ocean Synthetic Sea Salts" (Aquarium Systems, Inc.). For each solution six or more chitons from each site were blotted and weighed with their containers before being placed in 250 ml. finger bowls of test solution. The bowls, covered to reduce evaopration, remained in the sea table at a constant temperature of 14° + 1°C. At intervals of 1, 2, page 5 Simonsen Osmotic response in N. californica 3, 4, 6, 10, 14, and 24 hours the chitons were removed, blotted dry and weighed. In order to distinguish between a behavioral and a physiological difference in the two groups' response to osmotic stress, eight chitons from each site were put in small mesh bags and placed on their backs in finger bowls to prohibit their excluding the external medium. Salinities of water in the bowls, exposure and weighing was as before. Results: Low intertidal chitons gained more weight due to osmotic uptake of water, and at a slightly faster rate than the high intertidal chitons in dilutions of sea water, (Figure 1). Weight changes are presented as percent change of original body weight. In the 95%, 90% and 75% seawater a small decrease toward the original weight occurred with time in both groups. No decrease was seen in the 50% medium where the high intertidal Nuttallina gained an average of 19.4% of their body weight, significantly less than the mean gain of 28.4% for the low intertidal chitons (P(.001, n=30, Student ttest). Low intertidal chitons initially lost weight at a slower rate than the high intertidal in hypertonic seawater, but this was reversed after one to two hours so that they ultimately evidenced a greater percentage change in weight. For the 120% medium, after twenty-four hours, the low inter¬ tidal animals lost an average of 8.9% and the high intertidal chitons lost 6.6% (P.001, n Simonsen Osmotic Response in N. californica page 6 The high intertidal Nuttallina that were placed in the mesh bags in 50% seawater gained 19.3% while the low intertidal chitons gained 26.4%. No significant difference between weightgain in attached versus unattached animals was found (student t-test). B. Freezing Point Depression The internal body fluid and the external medium of the chitons were examined for differences in osmotic concentration using a modification of the method by Gross (Welsh, Smith, & Kammer, 1968). Nuttallina from both the high and the low intertidal groups were placed in various salinities as previously described. At twelve and twenty-four hours one animal was removed from each salinity, weighed and bled by inserting a hypodermic needle between the seventh and eighth plates and extracting with a syringe a small sample of pericardial fluid, (Boyle, 1969). These samples were placed in capillary tubes, sealed and frozen along with samples of the solutions. Results: The results of the freezing point depression experiments show Nuttallina to be an osmoconformer. The mean of the osmotic pressures of the internal fluid was within 1.8% of that of the external fluid, which is within the limits of the definition by Wilbur and Yonge (1964) of osmotic equilibrium (+ 1 to 2%). Equilibrium had been reached before the twelfth hour as there was no appreciable difference between the 12 and the 24 hour samples. Simonsen Osmotic Response in N. californica page 7 Theoretical Osmometer C. To discover how closely Nuttallina follows the predictions for a gravimetric osmometer, eight chitons, four from each group, were weighed and dried to constant weight in a 75°c drying oven. The percent body water was calculated as was the theoretical weight change that would be predicted to occur in each salinity if the chiton was a perfect osmometer with no bound water, Results: Water constitutes 61% (Range= 58% - 66%) of the body weight of the low intertidal Nuttallina and 56% (Range- 53 - 60%) of the high intertidal. The predicted weight gain in 50% seawater is 61% for the low intertidal yet they gained an average of only 28.4%, significantly less than predicted (chi-squared = 17.35, PX.01). The prediction change for the high intertidal is 56% yet the actual average weight gain was 19.4%, again significantly less (chi-squared -23.83, P£.005). DISCUSSION High intertidal Nuttallina californica, although osmoconformers, have developed means to cope with the higher osmotic stresses associated with their environment. Behavioral changes, such'as partial exclusion of water in osmotic imbalance by clamping down, do not completely account for their osmotic response; their equilibrium point for hypotonic solutions emains the same whether or not they are attached. It may, however, affect the rate at which equilibrium is reached, Simonsen Osmotic Response in N. californica page 8 a quantity not measured for unattached animals. In hypotonic solutions the chitons from the high intertidal area gained less than the low intertidal chitons. Both groups, however, showed a decrease in body weight after reaching an extreme, except in 50% seawater; thus volume regulation does occur. The difference between the two groups must be due either to the efficiency of volume regulation or to differences in the threshold of stress required to initiate regulation. By having a lower threshold volume regulation of the high intertidal chitons would start sooner, thereby reducing the weight gained. Since the chiton is not an osmoregulator it never returns to its original weight while still in the hypotonic solution. The theoretical weight changes deviate from the observed changes for the 50% and 75% solutions. This can partly be explained by assuming that 10 - 15% of the body water is bound by protein and osmotically inactive (Prosser, 1973), but some type of mechanism working on a switch basis, such as ionic excretion or the making of monosaccharides from stored polysaccharides, must also be present to account for the difference between the two populations, Since, in hypertonic solutions there is no appreciable return of body weight toward the original weight it is unclear if any volume regulation especially since the actual weight changes come close to the theoretical weight changes. The greater ability for high intertidal Nuttallina californica to withstand osmotic stress could have a genetic basis as in selective larval settling or differential Simonsen Osmotic Response in N. californica page 9 survival. This ability seems more likely, though, to be ontogenetic by development of differences in tissues or metabolism as a result of exposure to the stress. Further work needs to be done before this can be answered. SUMMARY 1) High intertidal Nuttallina californica can cope with osmotic stress better than the low intertidal chitons as shown by their smaller weight change. 2) The low intertidal chitons have a slower initial rate of weight loss in hypertonic seawater. 3) Attached and unattached animals reach the same equilibrium point so behavior alone can't explain the differences in osmotic response. 4) There is a large deviation from predicted weight changes in 50% and 75% seawater which shows that both populations do exhibit some regulation, but with a difference in effectiveness. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to the faculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station, expecially to Mr. Chuck Baxter and Dr. Robin Burnett for their advice and encouragement during the course of this experiment. Simonsen Osmotic Response in N. californica page 10 LITERATURE CITED Boyle, P. R. 1969. The survival of osmotic stress by Sypharochiton pelliserpentis (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Biol. Bull. 136: 154-166. 1970. Aspects of the ecology of a littoral chiton, Sypharochiton pelliserpentis (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). New Zealand Journ. of Marine & Freshwater Research 4 (4) : 364-384. Doty, Maxwell S. 1957. Rocky intertidal surfaces, pp. 558-559. Hedgepath, Joel, W. (ed.), Treatise on marine ecology and paleoecology, Vol. 1-Ecology; New York, Waverly Press; viii + 1296 pp.; illust. MacGinitie, George E. and Nettie MacGinitie 1968. Natural History of Marine Animals. 2nd ed.; New York, N. Y., McGraw Hill. xii + 523 pp.; 286 figs. Prosser, C. Ladd (ed.) 1973. Comparitive animal physiology Vol. 1 3rd ed. W. B. Saunders, 456 pp.; illust. Wilbur, Karl, M. and C. M. Yonge, (eds.) 1964. Physiology of mollusca Vol. 1; New York & London Press, 473 pp.; illust. Simonsen Osmotic Response in N. californica FIGURE CAPTION 1.) Mean weight changes (as 8 of original body weight) of N. californica in experimental solutions of various salinities. Test salinities in percent of ambient seawater and number of animals tested for each condition is indicated. The standan errors of the means were all less than 38 of the percent change indicated and thus too small to indicate graphically. 0 424 +21 +22 5 t 4 47 -4 —10 450½ N: 15 50 J. N15 X + —X757n:6 nt 40 2 —1 551 40/.6 452n:6 — —— 10076— — 100 / 6 ——. ——1— — 105/ 6 — —10/26 —X — 1n — — — 125 / 918 — 125 1. N:19 — 1 3 5 24 Ti (os) lo n