PONEC 1a ABSTRACT: 1. The bidirectional hearts of the tunicates Ascidia ceratodes, Ciona intestinalis, and Clavelina huntsmani showed preferred dir- ectionality in number, rate, and period of beating. 2. Each species tested demonstrated a charact¬ eristic reversal pattern, but there were large individual variations from the species averages. 3. Temperature affected both rate and period of beating, but it did not affect number of beats per period. 4. Salinity changes and injury had significant effects on the cardiac function of Clavelina huntsmani. Changes in Ph had no effect. 5. Heart rate slowed just before reversal in all six species tested. 6. There are at least five different types of heartbeat reversal. 7. An endogenous counting mechanism seems to be a major means of regulating reversal. INTRODUCTION The tubular hearts of ascidians have fascinated research- ers since the early 1800's. (Kuhl and v. Hasselt, 1822) The heartbeat consists of peristaltic contractions propagating along the length of the thin muscular tube. Periodically, the direction of the contraction reverses so that the pro¬ pagations travel alternately in the "visceral" direction (toward the base of the animal) and in the "pharyngeal" dir¬ ection (toward the pharynx). Many studies have been reported concerning the causes of this heartheat reversal and the possible regulation of it. There are at least three reasonable theories which attempt explaining this phenomenon. The first is the pacemaker fatique PONEC theory which proposes that a pacemaker region at each end of the heart periodically fatigues. Thus, uhen one end fatiques, the "rested" end begins beating. This idea is strongly suo¬ ported by the experiment in which the heart was removed from the body of a Ciona and cut in half. Millar (1953), Ebara (1954). Krijgsman (1956), and others showed that each half of the heart had alternate periods of beating and resting, sug- gestive of fatigue. On the other hand, proponents of the second theory, the back pressure theory, contend that while the heart beats in one direction, pressure increases on its arterial side and decreases on its venous side. The decreas¬ ing venous pressure is thought to deactivate the dominant pace¬ maker so that its rate decreases and reversal can occur. (Haywood and Moon, 1953) A third theory suggests that reversal is caused by an active competition between the two pacemaker regions to control beat direction. Periodically, one end subdues the other end by iniating beats at a higher frequency. Although the research on the tunicate heart is exten¬ sive, there are certain areas in which it is deficient. For instance, much of the work done so far has concentrated on Ciona intestinalis and a few other species. Few inter- species comparative studies on rates of beating and reversal of the heart have been done. Also, much of the analysis has been done on excised, cannulated hearts so that the natural. in vivo heart patterns are not clearly defined for some species. PONEC These deficiencies led me to perform in vivo heart rate and reversal pattern recordings for six species of ascidians. hese six (Ascidia ceratodes, Ciona intestinalis, Perophora annectens, Clavelina huntsmani, Botrylloides sp., and Botryllus sp.) were chosen to provide a variety of sizes and morphological characteristics as well as a broad taxonomic representation. Also, more detailed experiments testing the reaction of the heart in the tunicate (Clavelina huntsmani) to changes in temperature, Ph, salinity, and injury were per¬ formed. Such variations were selected as representative of a few of the environmental challenges that a Clavelina, living on intertidal rocks, might encounter. MATERIALS AND METHODS tach animal was allowed to relax in a clear finger bowl filled with seawater at 12.5°C, which is ambient temperature for the Monterey Bay, Ca. Then, in each living tunicate, the beating heart was viewed via transmitted light with a dis- secting microscope. The tunics of all species studied exceot Ascidia ceratodes were transparent enough that the heart could be thus viewed. Since only a few of the Ascidia were clear enough for such observation, the rest had a small window cut above the heart for easier viewing. The cut animals were allowed to stabilize for 24 hours before the recordings the recordings were made. A polygraph chart recorder moving at Imm per second was Used to record heartbeat. A manual switch induced a spike on either side of a baseline (upward indicating a pharyngeal beat; dounward for a visceral beat) every time a propagation passed PONEC a preselected landmark just above the heart. The hearts were recorded for a time encompassing about twenty reversals. The selected environmental manipulations were performed exclusively on Clavelina huntsmani. A Clavelina often shares its circulatory system with one of two asexually budded indi¬ viduals. This complication was avoided with the selection of animals which lacked fully developed buds. Temperature mani¬ ulations were performed by setting a coiled copper tube coated with nail polish in the finger bowl with the animal. A circul¬ ating cooling unit pumped antifreeze solution at various reg- ulated temperatures through the coil. This system was also used to keep the seawater at ambient ocean temperature (12.5°C) during other environmental manipulations. NaDH and HEl were used to adjust the Ph of the seawater. The low salinity sol¬ ution consisted of 20% distilled water and 80% seawater. For high salinity, 2.69 of Nacl was added to 100ml seawater. For injury studies, animals were stabbed with a sharp, pointed scalpel through the branchial basket Imm below the oral siphon. The injury test was repeated on animals anesthetized with procaine. Procaine was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. and was used at a concentration of 0.125 mm. RESULTS Comparative Heart Study Table 1 shows the average figures for both the visceral and the pharyngeal directions' number of beats, period of PONEC beating, and rate of beating for the six species of tunicates observed. The species means were calculated from the indi¬ cated number of animals for heartbeat in each direction over the entire period of observation. These calculations showed that Ascidia ceratodes beats longer, faster, and preferentially in the pharyngeal direction. Ciona intestinalis and Clavelina huntsmani also showed directionality in number, period, and rate, but these two species were biased toward the visceral direction. Unlike the first three species, Perophora annectens, Botrylloides, and Botryllus did not show significant direc¬ tional preferences. Figure 1 illustrates bar diagrams of average rate vs. time of beating. This gives an overall view of the reversal pattern of an individual selected from each species whose direction¬ ality pattern roughly matches the species average. The diagram for Ascidia ceratodes in Figure 1 demonstrated some of the fluctuations in rate and reversal pattern that could be observed in the individualssamples. Of the six species, Ascidia ceratodes showed the greatest variability in number of beats and periods of beating. Ciona intestinalis, on the other hand, had the had the most regular pattern with almost no fluctuations in any of the animals recorded. The other four species had characteristic reversal patterns, but there were sporadic deviations from them. Spontaneous body contractions were observed during the recordings in all six species. Although these contractions usually involved a dramatic compression of the animal's form, it was never seen to affect the heart rate or reversal pattern in any way PONEC Environmental Effects on Heartbeat of Clavelina huntsmani Ihe observation of sudden changes in the heart reversal patterns in all six species brought out the question of whether such variations were random or induced by some unseen change in the environment. Clavelina huntsmani was chosen for tests on potential environmental influences because, although some of these factors have been studied before, little work has been applied to Clavelina huntsmani or to living samples.. Temperature had a clear effect on the rate of heartbeat and the rate of reversal. The animal whose rate and period of beating as a function of temperature is shown in Figure 24 demonstrated that as temperature increased, the heart rate also increased dramatically. At the same time, the reversal freg¬ uency proportionally increased so that the number of beats in each direction remained relatively constant over the entire range of temperatures, as shown in Figure 28. Both ends of the heart were similarly affected because there was no sig¬ nificant change in relative directionality. The fact that number remained constant while period fluctuated demonstrated that the number of beats may be the factor controlling the occurrence of reversal. Ph, on the other hand, had no significant on the number, rate, or period of beating in either direction. (Figure 3) Figure 4 illustrates the reversal pattern of another animal in three different salinities. In low salinity, the frequency of reversal increased, but the heart rate was not dramatically altered. (Figure 48) The average ratio of the number of beats PONEC in the visceral vs. the pharyngeal direction did not signif¬ icantly change in low salinity. In high salinity, both the ratepof beating and the reversal frequency were more sig¬ nificantly altered. Figure 40 shows that the heart beat for an unusually long period in the visceral direction before reversing. Its rate then slowed, and the beat became irregular and spasmodic. Uhen a Clavelina was injured with a scalpel, the zooid contracted violently down inside the tunic and remained there for over an hour. During this time, the heart rate was the same as in the animal before injury, but the reversal frequency increased. The pattern of reversal could become very irreg¬ ular, but in general, a regular but shorter reversal pattern was the dominant feature as shown in Figure 5A. In order to test whether mechanical agitation of the heart due to branchial contraction following stabbing might be directly responsible for the rapid heart reversals, and to question whether ner¬ vous pathways might be involved, the stabbing experiment was repeated on animals paralyzed by 0.125mM procaine. (See Parker, 1981) Comparisons of "normal" heart recordings(ie. without stabbing) before and after procaine anesthesia revealed that procaine did not affect the heart's rate or reversal pat¬ tern for at least the first two hours of exposure. Exposure to procaine for over three hours, however, caused serious arhythmia in the heart. This effect was not studied in detail. Figure 5B shows the reaction of a procaine anesthetized animal to the stab insult. The animals used for the insult experiments were exposed to procaine for one hour, after which their pral siphons were no longer responsive to probing PONEC Ihen, the unresponsive animals were injured with a scalpel, again in the branchial basket. There was no body contraction upon injury, but again, there was severe bleeding. Like the unanesthetized animals, the heart rates were unaltered, but the frequency of reversal increased. Detailed Study of Reversal Types. In all six species studied, there was usually a noticable slowing of the heart rate just before reversal. Figure 6 illustrates this phenomenon in a sample Clavelina huntsmani, where the reciprocal of the inter-beat interval (ie. the instantaneous frequency) is plotted vs. beat number for a period of unidirectional beating. There is a clear slowing of heart rate between beats 300 and 500 after which a reversal occurred. This slowing, however, was not the only pattern of beat¬ ing associated with reversal. Figure 7 illustrates five different types of reversals that were observed. The draw¬ ings are actual tracings of the actual polygraph recordings made on sample Clavelina. Classification of the different categories depended on whether the heart slowed before rev¬ ersal, whether there was a reversal pause (when the heart stopped for about 5 seconds before reversal), and whether bi¬ directional beating (beats that started at both ends and col¬ lided in the middle) was associated with reversal. As shown in Figure 7, the most common pattern consisted of heartbeat slowing, a reversal pause, and then takeover by the other pacemaker. There was no noticable difference in the way this occurred at either end of the heart. As indicated in Figurer?, PONEC the patterns of reversal (B-E) occurred progressively less frequently. DISCUSSION The overall species averages of visceral vs. pharyngeal humber, period, and rate of beating showed that the most sig¬ nificant differences between the six tested species were in rate of beating and period between reversals. The differ- ences between the average number of beats per period for each species were much less pronounced. For instance, Clavelina huntsmani and Botrylloides beat, on the average, the same number of beats in the visceral direction, but their visceral heart rates differed by more than a factor of two. Ihe differences between the rate and perind between rever¬ sal averages for these six species can be partially ex¬ plained in terms of morphological differences. For instance, an inverse correlation exists between the average size of a species and the average heart rate. The three smaller species, (Perophora annectens, Botrylloides, and Botryllus) had heart rates almost double those of the larger species, (Ascidia ceratodes, Ciona intestinalis, and Clavelina huntsmani). Also, the three smaller species were colonial tunicates with common circulatory systems. The maintenance of the high blood flow rates observed in common blood vessels in the test probably demanded faster beating from the individual hearts. The colonial blood systems hight also have been responsible for the lack of directionality preference of heartbeat in Perophora annectens, Botrylloides, and Botryllus. If even dis- tribution of blood throughout the colony is to be maintained, PONEC 10 hearts beating with directionality preferences would be coun¬ terproductive. Also, the back-pressure theory (Haywood and Moon, 1953) would suggest that this evenness is synchron¬ ized through the colony by means of pressure induced reversals. Ubservations of natural fluctuations in the three recorded parameters (number per period, reversal frequency, and rate of heartbeat in each direction) as well as the environmental effects on these living animals indicate that the regulation of heartbeat reversal in tunicates is much more complexxthan past investigators have suggested. Pacemaker "fatigue", as mentioned in the introduction, is a leading theory for cause of reversal because both ends of an isolated heart showed alternate periods of beating and resting even when the heart was bisected. As mentioned in the results, the most common type of reversal in the living animal involved slowing, a pause, and then reversal. The consistency of this observation supports pacemaker fatique as a dominant cause of reversal. However, "fatique", if it is defined in the classical sense, (a decreased ability to function due to repetative action) cannot directly cause heartbeat reversal. The reason for this is that, over a wide range of temperatures, the beat and reversal rate of Clavelina huntsmani changed dra¬ matically, but the numbers of beats per period remained nearly constant. Thus, a period seems to be defined by a particular number of beats regardless of how rapidly the heart is beating, (See Figures 24 and 28) This is contrary to the "fatigue" theory which would have predicted thetheart to beat for larger PONEC 11 numbers per period at lower temperatures because a heart beating more slowly would be less prone to fatique. Also, the occas¬ ional absence of slowing before a reversal and the variable nature of the beating pattern before reversals strongly sug¬ gest that other factors must be involved in heart regulation. The fact remains, however, that a regular pattern of heart reversal can be observed in living specimens from all six species.studied. This regularity seems primarily dependent on the absolute number of beats, rather than on time or heart rate. Thus, it is logical to conclude that an endogenous, number-dependent regulatory mechanism exists in the tunicate for the control of heart reversal. However, fluctuations from regular patterns of reversal, such as those caused by injury, suggest that this "heartbeat counter" is also succeptible to influence from other regulatory mechanisms. Une type of heartbeat counter mechanism that has been suggested is the back-pressure theory (Haywood and Moon, 1953). Une can see how buildup of pressure on one side of the body during a period of unidirectional beating might depend on the number of beats that have occurred. The mechanism of pressure's effect on reversal is postulated to be an inhibition of the active pacemaker on the venous end of the heart because blood pressure decreases there. This lower rate then facilitates a reversal. However, the idea that low pressure induced in¬ hibition causes a lower heart rate is contradicted by the observation that severe bleeding in the animal caused neither a directional preference nor slowing of the heart rate. (Figure 5 PONEC 12 The only change observed was an increase in reversal freg¬ uency to establish a new, regular pattern, where the back- pressure theory predicts that a decrease in blood pressure should have slowed at least the pharyngeal pacemaker (nearest the cut) if not both pacemakers. Manipulations of salinity (Figure 4) were observed to have significant effects on both the heart rate and reversal pat¬ tern, but, again, the effects on reversal pattern were far more dramatic. It is possible that the salinity fluctuations effec¬ tively caused blood pressure changes (due to osmotic stresses) which might affect heartbeat. However, the time course of such an effect as well as the osmotic gradients would be too com¬ plicated to determine. Also, possible effects of salinity changes on muscle and nerve action potentials or on the heart's contractile machinery might further complicate the situation. The most interpretable of the salinity results was the fact that high salinity consistently had a much more dramatic effect on heart function than did low salinity. This seems ecologically significant in that a Clavelina huntsmani living on an intertidal rock is more likely to encounter salinities much lower than seawater's (eg. rain) than much higher salin¬ ities. Thus, the ability of the heart to cope better with low salinities can be interpreted as a possible ecological adapt- ation. Two observations discounted any important influence of the force of body contraction on heart reversal. First, spontaneous body contractions occurred in all six species without any noticable effect on the heart. Second, there was PONEC no significant difference in the way procaine paralyzed animals' hearts reacted to injury (even though there was no body con¬ traction) when compared with the reaction of unanesthetized animals which had violent body contractions. (Figure 5) Evidence for the pacemaker competition theory (Loeb, 1900) came from observations of occasional reversals without the usually associated decrease in heart rate. This suggests a more forcible taking over of the heartbeat by the inactive pacemaker. A more dramatic example of this is that, occasionally, bi¬ directional beats (beats that started at both ends of the heart and collided in the middle) preceded reversals even in the absence of beat slowing or any indication of "fatique". (Figure bD and 6E) However, this type of reversal occurred so seldom in comparison with the regular pattern that pacemaker compet- ition must play a relatively limited role in regulating heart reversals. In summary, the most logical explanation for periodic heartbeat reversal in Clavelina huntsmani is the presence of an endogenous, number dependent regulatory mechanism or counter, succeptible to modification by other influences such as pacemaker competition, pressure changes, and possible ner¬ vous control. The existence of a number dependent reversal regulator for more species of tunicates is also consistent with the data in Table 1, where the number of heartbeats per period has smaller inter-species differences than do reversal fre¬ quency or rate of heartbeat. ACKNOULEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere thanks to the following people who made this project possible: The entire faculty and staff of Hopkins Marine Station, especially Dr. William F. Gilly whose patient support and instruction, along with his technical assistance, helped me immeasurably to properly apply my research efforts. 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Uitrecksels uit brieven van de Heren Kuhl en van Hasselt. Buitenzorg den 12 den Aug. In: Algemene Konst-en Letterbode, 1: 115 MILLAR, R. H., (1952). Reversal of heartbeat in tunicates. Nature, Lond., 170: 851-852. MILLAR, R. H., (1953b). Reply to Haywood and Moon's paper "Beversal of Heartbeat in Tunicates." Nature, 172:41. WOLFE, E., (1932). Pulsation frequency of the advisceral and abvisceral heartbeat of Ciona intestinalis in relation to temperature. J. Sen. Physiol., 16: 89-98 6 lable 1. Dverall heart data averages for the six species tested. Ihe numbers in the left column represent sample size for each species. Each mean is listed with its standard error meas¬ urement and represents about twenty reversal periods per organism tested.. 10 — 2 0 Z 6 +1 +1 +1 — — +1 Figure 1. Bar graph plots of mean rate in each direction (visceral and pharyngeal) for individuals whose rate, period, and number averages were representative of their respective species means listad in Table 1. 9 T - I II — — es/sa — — I SE 20 8 Figure 2. A) The effects of temperature on visceral and pharyn¬ geal period and rate of beating in Clavelina huntsmani. The rate of beating in both directions increased significantly with temperature while the periods of beating decreased. B) The effects of temperature on visceral and pharyngeal numbers of beats per perind. No significant change is shown for either direction. 2 AVE EATS/SE — 30 AVE 4BEATS A 2 2 A A A TEMP %0 2 TEMF sec rate A pharyngeal A viscera! 0 A O 16 pharyngeal A viscera! 0 A A A A 24 F 1400 o00 AVE TIME (SEC) 600 200 24 22 Figure 3. A) The effects of Ph on visceral and pharyngeal period. and rate of beating in Clavelina huntsmani. No significant change in either parameter was observed over the range of Ph's. B) Ihe effects of Ph on visceral and pharyngeal numbers of beats per period. No significant change was shown for either direction. .8 A A A rate A 0 9 600 -4 TIN (SEC. 200 AVE EATS 300- AVE 4BEATS A 2 8 PH sec pharyngeal A visceral 2 10 pharyngea! A visceral 8 2 2 2 85 Figure 4. The effects of high and low salinity on heart rate and reversal pattern in Clavelina huntsmani. A represents the normal pattern in seawater of regular salinity. B shous the plot of rate vs. time for the some organism in low salinity seawater. Heart rate was not significantly altered, but reversal frequency increased. E shous the rate vs. time plot for the same organism in high salinity seawater. After a long visceral period of beating at the normal rate, both the rate and frequency of reversal changed dramatically. U i L D O 26 Figure 5. A) The effects of injury on rate and reversal frequency of the heart in Clavelina huntsmani. Both bar diagrams from A are from the same animal. The second was recorded after the animal was stabbed in the branchial basket with a scalpel. The heart rate did not change, but the reversal frequency increased with two irregular reversals. B) The effect of injury on rate and reversal frequency in a Clavelina huntsmani anesthetized with procaine. An increase of reversal frequency, similar to that of 5A can be sean. 5 1 O 1 a o 26 Figure 6. Fluctuations of instantaneous heart rate before reversal in Clavelina huntsmani. The rate (which is the reciprocal of the inter-beat interval for each beat) is plotted for every fifth beat as a function of the number of beats which have occurred. A dramatic drog in heart rate from beats 300 to 500 can be seen. A reversal occurred after the last recorded beat. 2 BEATS/SECOND 6 0 O O Figure 7. Illustrations of five different types of reversals of the heart of Clavelina huntsmani. A shows the most common type of reversal in which a slowing and a pause of the active pacemaker occurs first. B shows a reversal pause, but no slowing of the active pacemaker before reversal. In C, there is slowing before reversal, but no reversal pause. D shows slowing and bidirectional beats before reversal. E shows only bidirec¬ tional beats before reversal. most pharyngea! viscera! least EL 100 H 200 seconds