Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria Studies on the Embryological Development of the Squid Loligo opalescens and Symbiotic Sheath Bacteria Abstrac Encased within a bacteria associated sheath, the embryos of the squid Loligo opalescens are able to withstand a three to five week incubation period on the ocean floor. It appears that the unidentified bacteria are symbionts of the developing embryos; the longer the association with the sheath, the further the development of the embryos. When the sheath remained, but the bacteria was removed with antibiotics, the stripped fingers showed a greater susceptibilty when exposed to fungal-rich solutions. The experimental evidence suggests that the sheath bacteria are symbionts of the developing Loligo opalescens embryos. Introduction The market squid Loligo opalescens inhabits the waters along the west coast of North America (Hixon, 1983). After mating, females deposit twenty or more finger-like gelatinous masses containing between 115 to 300 embryos (Strathmann, 1987). Inexplicably, the embryos of the squid Loligo opalescens withstand a three to five week incubation period on subtidal sandy substrates resisting fungal, microbial, and animal predation. Discovered and described several years ago, the egg capsule sheath of Loligo opalescens contains one to five layers of bacteria (Biggs and Epel, 1991). With the structural properties of a secretory organ (Bloodgood, 1977), the female squids’ accessory nidamental Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria (AN) gland was pointed to as the probable source of the sheath bacteria. It has been observed that the AN lumen becomes filled with several types of symbiotic bacteria with sexual maturation (Richard et al, 1979; Buchner, 1965). However, the function of the AN gland and the sheath bacteria is unknown (Lum-Kong, 1992a). Symbiotic marine bacteria provides protection for other systems. The embryos of the shrimp Palaemon macrodactylus (Gil-Turnes et al, 1989) and lobster Homarus americanus (Gil-Turnes and Fenical, 1992) demonstrate a remarkable ability to resist infection by the fungus, Lagenidium callinectes. In the Hawaiian squid, Euprymna scolopes, luminous symbiotic bacteria are needed for the maturation and development of the light organ (McFall-Ngai and Ruby, 1991). The following experiments attempted to determine the relationship between the sheath bacteria and the squid embryos. By separating the bacteria-associated sheath from the developing embryos, and later eliminating all bacteria with antibiotics, the development of the squid embryos was observed. When separated from the sheath, the embryos with the least sheath association suffered the earliest mortality. The longer the development with the encasing the sheath, the greater the development of the embryos. In another experiment, the sheath remained while the sheath bacteria were removed with the use of antibiotics. The fingers that were stripped of bacteria showed a greater susceptibility when exposed to two fungal-rich solutions. The following experiments support the symbiotic relationship of the bacteria with the developing embryos. Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria Materials and Methods General: Loligo opalescens were captured in Monterey Bay during May 1994, placed in circular, 2000 L holding tanks with continual flow, and induced to mate by the presence of egg fingers gathered by staff scuba divers. Additional egg fingers were collected from scuba divers offshore from Hopkins Marine Station in Monterey Bay. Freshly dead squid were collected from fishing boats for in vitro fertilization. The standard arrangement for following development and effects of antibiotics in the egg fingers consisted of tying fingers to autoclaved string attached to a weight. Plastic petri dishes covered the sterile glass beakers. All beakers were placed in a water bath which fluctuated between 16-18 C. Throughout the experiments, embryos were aged according to stages rather than days. Temperature influences the developmental schedule, the higher the temperature the shorter the incubation period (Fields, 1965; Strathmann, 1987). All solutions (sterile sea water, natural sea water, fungal-rich and protease inhibition solutions) were changed at least every third day. Natural sea water came directly from Monterey Bay. Terms: Finger: The finger, with its bacteria associated sheath and embryo-chorion mass, is what is naturally laid and attached to sandy substrates. By cutting both ends and making an incision along the Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria long axis, the finger can be divided into the sheath and embryos. Sheath: The sheath contains bacteria and is the wrapping or case surrounding the cluster of embryos. Once unwrapped (from the embryos), the separated sheath contains no embryos. Embryos: After the removal of the sheath, the embryo-chorion mass remains. This mass consists of developing fertilized eggs. The chorion, generally described as the secondary envelope (the primary envelope being the vitelline membrane), is a product of the follicular cells (Boletzky, 1986). After fertilization, the egg shrinks widening the space between the just fertilized egg and its surrounding chorion (Fields, 1965). In vitro fertilization: Unfertilized eggs removed from ovaries and sperm taken from the spermatophores are the sources of the gametes used in in vitro fertilization. Antibiotic sensitivity testing: To determine the significance of the symbiotic bacteria on embryological development, an effective antibiotic solution was needed to eliminate all sheath-associated bacteria. Thirty-six representative strains previously isolated from the squid accessory nidamental (AN) gland and egg sheath were streaked onto five plates each containing a separate antibiotic (tetracycline 15 ug/ml, kanamycin 40 ug/ml, streptomycin 100 ug/ml, rifampicin 100 ug/ml, ampicillin 100 ug/ml). The plates were then incubated overnight at room temperature. When compared to the control of marine agar (MA), the combination of rifampicin and streptomycin inhibited the growth of all thirty-six strains. Rifampicin binds to bacterial subunits of RNA polymerase to inhibit Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria transcription. Bactericidal streptomycin irreversibly binds to a ribosomal subunit thereby decreasing the rate of translation while increasing the chance of misreading (Volk et al, 1986). With a final pH of 8.2, the following final concentrations were used in the streptomycin-rifampicin antibiotic solution; streptomycin: 100 ug/ 1 ml distilled water; rifampicin:100 ug/ 1 ml DMSO. A milliliter (ml) of each 100x stock solution was diluted with 1 liter (L) of sterile sea water (SSW). Besides being replaced daily for freshness, the antibiotic solution was tested for efficacy in vitro. Following the egg fingers marinade in the antibiotic solution, 100 ul of the used antibiotic solution was plated onto marine agar plates to monitor any bacterial growth on the nutrient-sufficient medium. The streptomycin-rifampicin antibiotic combination demonstrated no effect on Strongylocentrotus purpuratus fertilization or short term (t« 2 days) development. Assaying embryo development in antibiotic solution: Newly laid egg fingers were placed into the antibiotic solution after several washes in sterile sea water (Diagram 1). To monitor development, the fingers were periodically (-3 days) removed and examined using light microscopy. Concurrently, egg fingers developing in sterile sea water were transferred into the antibiotic solution every three days. Using sterile techniques, egg fingers which underwent their entire development in sterile sea water served as controls. Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria Development following transient antibiotic treatment: To determine the egg fingers' susceptibility to infection in the absence of symbionts, fingers were rinsed in SSW and placed in the rifampicin-streptomycin antibiotic solution (Diagram 2). After five days, the fingers were divided into four solutions: sterile sea water, natural sea water, fungal-rich solution I (Lagenidium callinectes) fungal-rich solution II (Rhodotorula glutinis). A scoop of L. callinectes, transferred from a frozen glycerol and plated onto a marine agar plate, was placed into the fungal-rich I solution; 500 ul of an overnight culture of R. glutinis was inoculated into the 500 mls SSW containing fingers in fungal-rich II solution. Both fungal-rich solutions consisted of fungi added to sterile sea water. All fingers were examined using light microscopy and sterile techniques every third day. I specifically examined the encasing sheath surfaces for fungal attack. Normal fingers were placed in both fungal-rich solutions as the control after a rinse with sterile sea water. Fingers placed in sterile sea water after a five day marinade in antibiotics were a second control. Development of separate tissues in sterile sea water and sea water: To determine how the separate components (intact fingers, sheath, embryos) of the finger developed in isolation, the different parts of the finger were dissected (Diagram 3). Using sterile techniques, intact fingers were longitudinally cut and their chorion-embryo mass removed. Unwrapped from all embryos, the separated sheaths were placed apart from the remaining embryo¬ Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria chorion portion. These six (fingers, sheath, embryos in both SSW and SW) beakers were set up simultaneously from egg fingers collected by staff scuba divers. Unfertilized eggs and sperm were removed from freshly dead squid and fertilized in vitro. Embryo development was monitored in the intact fingers, isolated embryos, and in vitro fertilizations. The sheath, separated from all embryos, was watched for any general observations as discoloration. thickening, or surface texture. All four parts (fingers, sheath, embryos, in vitro fertilizations) were placed in both sterile and natural sea water solutions. All eight beakers were checked and their solutions changed every third day. The isolated embryos were staged every third day. Protease Inhibition Solution: To examine the relationship between bacterial protease secretion and/or development, hatching, and anti-fungal activity, the effects of protease inhibition on bacterial proteases were examined. The experiments below ascertained which inhibitors prevented protease activity. Five of the representative thirty-six (including two negative controls) bacterial strains and a concentrated protease were plated onto marine agar plates overlaid with a known protease inhibitor. Four protease inhibitors were individually placed on a marine agar plate; 1 uM leupeptin, 1 um pepstatin, O.5 mM EDTA, 30 um SBTI. A plain plate of marine agar was the control. The plates were incubated overnight at room temperature. From these streaks a protease inhibition solution (PIS) was created. From stock solutions of O.5 mM EDTA and Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria 10 mg SBTI/ml, five milliliters (ml) EDTA and 1.5 ml SBTI were mixed into 500 ml sterile sea water. EDTA inhibits metalloproteases whereas SBTI inhibits trypsin (product information). The acidic (pH 4.5) solution was then brought up to -pH 7.6 with the addition of 1 M NaoH. Effect of Protease Inhibition On Hatching: Egg fingers rinsed with SSW were placed into the protease inhibition solution to study hatching. The solution was changed every third day to insure freshness. Like the antibiotic solution, the used protease inhibition solution was also streaked onto marine agar plates to test for bacterial activity. Results Development in the antibiotic solution: The fingers immersed in the rifampicin-streptomycin antibiotic solution were collected by staff scuba divers. The fingers used as the sterile sea water control were gathered from the holding tanks from captured squid. Fingers placed in the antibiotic solution following a sterile sea water wash developed normally, but at an unusually slow rate. At t=17 days in the water bath, no depression separating the future external yolk sac from the future embryonic body could be seen on most embryos (younger than Segawa’s stage 8). A few cloudy Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria chorions were seen although most embryos appeared transparent and healthy. A few embryos did show distinctive features characteristic of more advanced stages. These more advanced embryos were used as evidence for the healthy, but slow, development of the younger embryos. The fingers transferred from sterile sea water into the antibiotic solution initially appeared healthy. However, as time and development progressed, the eg fingers in the antibiotic solution failed to continue development (t=21). To confirm that all bacteria were eliminated by the antibiotics, the antibiotic solution that the fingers had been immersed in was plated onto marine agar and incubated overnight. This was done several times throughout the experiment. Finger tissue immersed in the antibiotic solution was plated once. An orange colored bacteria eventually grew on some of the streaked plates. Not present in a concentration large enough to fear infection, only a handful of orange colonies grew when 100 ul of used antibiotic solution was streaked onto the nutrient-rich marine agar plates. The streptomycin- rifampicin solution effectively eliminated the broad majority of finger bacteria. Development following a transient antibiotic treatment: Egg fingers placed into sterile sea water following the five day antibiotic treatment appeared normal, but slow in development. At t=17 days in the water bath, most sterile sea water fingers showed no beginning of organogenesis (Segawa’s stage 8). Similarly, the Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria natural sea water fingers looked like they were developing slowly and normally. The fingers placed in the fungal-rich solution of R. glutinis were also developing slowly (when compared to the sterile sea water control). Besides slow development, many of the R. glutinis embryos were peculiar in shape (snowman-like). Not circular, the embryo shapes failed to resemble forms drawn and described by either Arnold or Segawa. More suspicious were the embryos removed from the L. callinectes fingers. A mist was seen in the chorions of the L. callinectes fingers; this mist did not resemble the particulate debris viewed in other embryos. Also, development appeared stalled and embryos unusually large. By t-21, normal embryos were seen (younger than Segawa’s stage 8), but no normal development. It was undetermined whether the embryos were stalled in development or dead. No movement within the chorion was seen. Tissue from the L. callinectes embryos were plated onto yeast and marine agar. Development of separate tissues in sterile sea water and sea water: The egg fingers used in this experiment were gathered from staff scuba divers off of Hopkins Marine Station. To compensate for the ambiguity about the egg fingers' exact age, the fingers were staged before beginning (Segawa et al, 1988; Arnold, 1965). Embryos: When separated from the sheath, embryos in both sterile sea water and natural sea water failed to develop into 10 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria hatchlings. Isolated embryos developed eyes and chromatophores in both the sterile and natural sea water solutions (Figure 1), but soon after deteriorated into cloudy chorions impossible to stage (Figure 2) The natural sea water embryos degenerated before the embryos in the sterile sea water (Chart 1, Graph 1). By t=16 days, small, mobile specks identified as protozoa were seen associated with the chorion surfaces when all embryos appeared dead. Tissue samples from both sea water solutions along with some natural sea water solution were plated. In vitro fertilization: Unfertilized eggs from freshly dead females deteriorated quickly (t=2 days). Just as rapidly, both the sterile and natural sea water in vitro fertilization eggs degenerated (Figures 3,4) Although a percentage of the unfertilized eggs were immature and incapable of fertilization, in both sea water solutions chorions were seen and used as evidence for fertilization. Both in vitro solutions had distinct smells and were cloudy two days after fertilization. Only dead embryos and lysed material remained by the second day. Control Fingers: Hatchlings broke through the natural sea water finger sheath on the sixteenth day in the water bath. Although low in viability, embryos survived and developed into the hatchling stage. Shortly after the hatchlings broke emerged both of the natural sea water fingers began to disintegrate. This tissue was plated for bacterial and fungal attack. Especially noticeable was the thinning and weakening of the sheaths which were unable to hold the 11 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria enclosed embryos. No hatchlings emerged from the sterile sea water control. Enclosed in the sheath, embryos developed eyes and chromatophores before turning opaque in color. Unlike the natural sea water fingers’ sheaths, the sheath remained intact around the still embryos. Sheaths: The separated sheaths in both sterile sea water and natural sea water appeared seemed unaffected by their separation from the embryos; no bacterial or fungal attack was seen on the sheath surfaces. In both sea water solutions, the sheaths thickened. Toward the end of the experiment (t-22 days), the natural sea water sheaths appeared slightly discolored. Intact fingers held in tanks with a constant flow of natural sea water demonstrated the same discoloration likely to be algal settlement. Overall, the sheaths in both sea water solutions appeared basically unaffected by their separation from the embryo-chorion mass. Bacteria Identification via Biolog: Samples of SSW and SW embryo tissue, along with SW embryo solution, were spread (100 ul plate) onto marine agar plates. Bacteria isolated from the SW embryo tissue was examined using the commercially available Biolog identification kit (Hayward, California). The bacteria associated within the chorion of the cloudy SW embryos was identified as Vibrio harveyi B. 12 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria Discussion The evidence suggests a direct correlation exists between the period and extent of embryo development and the embryos' association with the sheath. The longer the embryos' association with the sheath, the greater the developmental stages reached. This connection endorses the theory that the sheath-associated bacteria are symbionts of the developing L. opalescens embryos. Öther experiments support this relationship. Following a transient antibiotic treatment, egg fingers were placed into four different media. Although the sheath remained, the sheath bacteria were eliminated with the streptomycin-rifampicin antibiotic treatment. These egg fingers which were stripped of their bacteria via antibiotics then placed into fungal-rich solutions (R. glutinis, L. callinectes) showed the greatest tendency to deviate from normal development with unusual shapes, sizes, and chorion fluid. Although the effects of the antibiotic, a fluctuating water bath temperature, and the lack of circulation complicated the experiment, the uniform treatments equalized the results. With no association with the sheath, both in vitro fertilizations rapidly degenerated. The finger embryos, which underwent their entire development encased in the sheath, demonstrated the greatest development and the longest survival time. Note: For the development of separate tissues, the time (t=16 days) refers to time in the water bath not time since spawning. 13 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria Correlation between sheath association and embryo survival- development: Control Fingers: Although the sterile sea water control fingers failed to bear healthy hatchlings, the SSW fingers followed normal development (Segawa et al, 1988; Arnold, 1965) until the eighteenth day in the fluctuating water bath. Similarly at t=18 days, the whole fingers immersed in the natural sea water began to deviate from the detailed accounts of normal development. Unlike the sterile sea water fingers, the natural sea water fingers did yield hatchlings beginning on the sixteenth day in the water bath. The reasons for the discrepancy in hatchling results between the sterile and natural sea water solutions may be explained by the occasional wild temperature fluctuations in the water bath. Except for sterile versus natural sea water, all aspects of the experiment treated the two egg finger groups identically. Thus, it seems unlikely that the sterile sea water fingers would succumb to an infection when the natural sea water fingers yielded hatchlings. Although changed every third day, perhaps the SSW fingers were more sensitive to the lack of circulating water than the SW fingers. In either case, both fingers developed until t=18 days before signs of abnormality surfaced. The SSW and SW isolated embryos did not last as long. The SSW embryos began to look irregular on t-12 days. and the SWembryos deviated earlier at t=10 days. Without the sheath and its associated symbionts, the isolated embryos were more susceptible to infection than the intact fingers. The embryos developed through several stages before deteriorating; perhaps several layers of the sheath remained associated providing some, if 14 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria minimal, protection to the embryos. The growth of infectious bacteria and fungi also takes time. Embryos: Isolated embryos appeared unable to develop into the hatchling stage without the sheath. However, the factor(s) which prevented the SSW control fingers from hatching may also be blocking the development of the embryos. The embryos developed in conditions uniform with the fingers; sea water solutions were changed every third day and they shared the same water bath. In Vitro Fertilization: Both sterile and natural sea water in vitro fertilizations failed to progress past the second day. Removed from dead females' ovaries, the unfertilized eggs had no association with the sheath and its bacteria. The rapid deterioration of both in vitro fertilizations and unfertilized eggs support the hypothesis that the sheath bacteria are symbionts of the squid embryos. Identified infectant: Identified with the Biolog system, the bacteria associated within the cloudy chorions of the SW embryos was Vibrio harveyi B. V. harveyi B is associated with high mortality rates of the pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima Jamson (Pass et al, 1987). The increased occurrences of infection in the pearl oysters were attributed to inadequate water circulation. Of the eight beakers, none were equipped with a circulating flow. Thus, perhaps their exists a correlation between the absence of a circulating flow and the V. harveyi Binfection. 15 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria Although no bacteria has yet been isolated and identified from the intact fingers, V. harveyi B partially explains the SSW finger anomaly. Sitting in a still sea water solution, the fingers lay prone to attack from the V. harveyi B. The presence of this bacteria could partly explain the sterile sea water’s lack, and natural sea water’s low percentage, of hatchlings. The reason for the difference separating the SSW and SW hatchling results remains unknown. Antibiotic Development: Egg fingers placed into the rifampicin- streptomycin antibiotic treatment began to develop normally (t=18 days in solution), but at an unusually slow rate. At t=26 it appeared that the visibly young (before Segawa’s stage 9) embryos were stalled in development. Although a common characteristic of the egg fingers immersed in the antibiotic, it is unproven whether the slowed and stalled development is linked to the absence of bacteria, the antibiotic solution, or both. To answer this unknown more antibiotics capable of stripping the sheath of its bacteria need to be used. If different antibiotics (playing the same function of eliminating bacteria) yield different results, then the antibiotics effect on development can be monitored. If an array of antibiotics are used with the same developmental schedule, then it is more likely that it is the absence of bacteria which is influencing the slowed development. The fingers transferred from sterile sea water into the antibiotic solution every three days displayed differences. The transferred fingers, all gathered from the same finger cluster, all appeared slow 16 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria in developing. However, the fingers which were transferred into the antibiotic solution earlier were much smaller than the fingers transferred from the SSW later. In all transferred fingers (t=O, 3, 6, 9, 12 days), no features characteristic of organogenesis were visible. The fingers transferred at different times resembled one another in developmental stages, but differed in finger size. Protease Inhibition Development: Like the antibiotic fingers, the fingers immersed in the protease inhibitor solution (younger than Segawa’s stage 9: t=16 days in solution) also displayed normal, but slow, development initially. As of t=24, the egg fingers in the protease inhibition solution failed to show the rudimentary optic vesicles or primordium shell gland indicative of the beginning of organogenesis (Segawa, 1988). Development was prominently behind the natural sea water control; they appeared retarded in development. It is undetermined whether the protease inhibition, the protease inhibition solution, or both were responsible for the slow, and eventually stalled, development of the embryos. The effect of the protease inhibition on hatching could not be studied since the embryos stalled in development. Different media following antibiotic treatment: The testing of different media following transient antibiotic treatment gave more evidence for the necessity of the symbiotic sheath bacteria in embryological development. The fingers immersed in sterile sea water appeared normal, along with the fingers in the natural sea 17 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria water solution. Fungi-rich solution I (R. glutinis) finger embryos appeared basically normal, but with strange embryo outlines. No unusual debris or infection was seen. The second fungal-rich solution (L. callinectes) had some strangely large embryos. Also associated with the L. callinectes, a mist was seen within the chorions that did not resemble the particulate matter previously seen in healthy embryos. Embryo tissue streaked onto yeast and marine agar produced mucoid, cream colonies. As of yet, no infectants have been identified. The fungal-rich solutions looked a little unordinary with unusual embryo shapes, sizes, and chorion mist. Beginning on t=26, no circulation or movement within the chorion was seen. Although the embryos may have been stalled in development, it is also quite likely that they were dead. Judging from the other experiments using the antibiotic solution, it is quite probable that the streptomycin-rifampicin combination caused a slowing, and ultimate stalling, in embryo development. However, the egg fingers placed in the fungal-rich solutions following the antibiotic treatment showed the greatest irregularities and at the earliest time. Thus, the egg fingers stripped of the sheath bacteria were more susceptible to the fungal-rich solutions than any of the control egg fingers. The controls were fingers that received no antibiotic treatment before placement in the fungal-rich solutions, and fingers transferred from the antibiotic solution into sterile and natural sea water solutions. The antibiotic solution may be blocking embryo development, but still the hypothesis holds: fingers stripped of the sheath bacteria via antibiotics showed a greater tendency to deviate from normal development. 18 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria Problems and Suggestions: The following suggestions may be successful in overcoming some of the experiments’ ambiguities. First, all egg fingers should come from a single source at a simultaneous spawning time. For this, mature squid need to be captured and induced to mate in the holding tanks. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, egg fingers were collected from Monterey Bay by staff scuba divers and later from the holding tanks. A second suggestion eliminates worries concerning the effects of stationary solutions; paddles should be used to provide a consistent, continual circulation over the egg fingers and finger parts. Next, a larger-sized container might possibly decrease complications associated with a limited volume solution. Fourth, more antibiotic testing needs to be done to eliminate the experimental results seen as a reaction to the antibiotic influence (as opposed to absence of bacteria). Finally, the temperature needs to remain stable to insure consistent conditions. The isolated embryos and in vitro fertilized eggs were just as susceptible to the effects of the uncirculating sea water solutions as the control fingers. But, the difference in days of normal development hold. The lack of circulation may have stimulated the growth of a bacterial infection in all beakers, but the separate tissue sections responded differently. The in vitro fertilized eggs died within two days; the absence of an association with the sheath and its bacteria explain the quick deterioration. The embryos associated and separated from the sheath lasted longer (SSW t=12, SW t=10) than the in vitro fertilized eggs, but shorter than the whole fingers. 19 Nakashima: Loligo opalescens Embryo Development and Sheath Bacteria Again, the association with the sheath and its bacteria comply with the normal development time of the different tissue types. With no sheath association, the in vitro fertilized and unfertilized eggs rapidly worsened. The embryos, with an initial association with the sheath, lasted longer but still failed to yield hatchlings. Never separated from the sheath, the intact fingers’ embryos in both sterile and natural sea water solutions developed and survived the longest. When the sheath remained but the bacteria were removed, the fingers which were transferred from the antibiotic solution to the fungal-rich solutions demonstrated the largest irregularities in development. Either by removing the sheath with forceps, or stripping the bacteria with antibiotics, the unprotected embryos appeared more susceptible to infection and developmental irregularities when compared to the embryos with the sheath bacteria. Thus, the sheath associated bacteria appear to be symbionts of the developing L. opalescens embryos. 20 0 O. 2u 40 1 — 599000 0 08 ege oo o O0 1 pp+ u- 311 oo0oo 0 oo o oo0. o 000 0°00 Be5990o § 6 000) 5 0 0 H 22 0 139 u-51 o00 e o 00 o o 000 09 8090 g00 289 5 Po00000 rog D § 5 — 9 N s 8 90. 380. MS . . s Graph 1 Embryo Development in SSW and SW Solutions f: finger e: isolated embryos iv: in vitro fertilization SSW: sterile sea water SW: natural sea water Segawa’s (1988) stages used 1. . ai 18 E 1 kaaa 13 E aia- aa. - 29 aaa- 58 a- 5. a- - - . 55 - . kaaaaaa. aaaaaaaaa- s 5 Figure 1: An isolated embryo developing normally in the natural sea water solution. Figure 2: An isolated embryo in the natural sea water solution. Note the clouded chorion and littered chorion surface. Figure 3: In vitro fertilization in the sterile sea water solution. Within two days of fertilization only dead, lysed debris remained. Figure 4: In vitro fertilization in the natural sea water solution. Like the SSW in vitro fertilization, only broken chorions and debris remained two days after fertilization. Acknowledgments ThankYou... I extend an especially big thankyou to Dr. Melissa Xaufmann with her limitless curiousitu, endless patience, and constant grin. Thankyou to Dr. Epel for the quidance and care. To Chris Patton, Emile, and Paul Sund, I appreciate all of the energu. And to the Epel lab, Fenrik, Barney, Beth, and Barb, thankyou for accomodatinq this undergraduate. I enjoyed and appreciated it all. ARNOLD, J. M., 1965. Normal embryonic stages of the squid, Loligo pealii (Lesueur). Biological Bulletin. 128: 24-32. BIGGS, J. and D. EPEL, 1991. 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Science. 246: 117-118. GIL-TURNES, M. S. and W. FENICAL, 1992. Embryos of Homarus americanus are protected by epibiotic bacteria. Biological Bulletin. 182: 105-108. HIXON, R. F., 1983. Loligo opalescens. In Cephalopod Life Cycles Volume 1, Species Accounts (Ed. P. R. Boyle). Academic Press, San Francisco. LUM-KONG, A., 1992a. A histological study of the accessory reproductive organs of female Loligo forbesi (cephalopod: Loliginidae). Zool. Lond. 226, 469-490. MCFALL-NGAI, M. J. and E. G. RUBY, 1991. Symbiont recognition and 4 » subsequent morphogenesis as early events in an animal-bacterial mutualism. Science. 254 (5037): 1491-1494. PASS, D. A., R. DYBDAHL, and M. M. MANNION, 1987. Investigations into the causes of mortality of the Pearl Oyster, Pinctada maxima (Jamson), in Western Australia. Aquaculture. 65: 149- 169. RICHARD., A., C. VAN DEN BRANDEN, and W. DECLEIR, 1979. The cycle of activity in the accessory nidamental glands from cephlopods. 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