INTRODUCTION Carmel, a city of 4712 inhabitants, is located on the California coast approximately 120 miles south of San Francisco. The city discharges 1.1 to 1.3 million gallons a day of primary treated effluent from an ocean outfall into that part of Carmel Bay bounded to the north by the Carmel River and to the south by Monastery Beach. The pipe that carries the sewage from the Carmel treatment plant to the bay is over 2000 feet in length, and emerges immediately subtidal in a rocky intertidal area that receives moderately heavy surf at high tide. The research reported herein deals with the distribution and abundance of marine intertidal fauna in the Carmel outfall area and was chosen due to the need for knowledge concerning the effect of primary sewage effluent on intertidal organisms. Recent municipal proposals to change existing conditions by either extending the outfall pipe farther out into the bay or developing a secondary treatment plant made this project even more essential in that comparisons might be drawn in the future against a baseline of present conditions. In addition, the Carmel treatment plant has recently begun a program of heavy chlorination of their sewage, and plans have been formulated to increase the flow yolume of this waste by adding the effluent from the Pebble Beach community. Present conditions of the intertidal animal life around the outfall must now be known to calculate the probable effects of these changes, and to help determine the most advisable future course of action for sewage treatment for this growing coastal community. Reports in the literature have dealt with the effects of sewage outfalls on deep water marine environments (e.g. Reish, 1959). Oceanographic studies prepared for the Californians Against Pollution concentrated on similar problems in the Santa Monica Bay area of California in 1956. In addition, these same topics have been discussed at various symposiums including those held at the University of California at Berkeley in 1969, and in Washington, D. C. in 1966. However, little has been done researching the effects of sewage outfalls on the distribution of intertidal animals. Virtually nothing has been done in the Carmel area. The research on the Carmel outfall reported in this paper will therefore be concerned with intertidal faunal distribution and abundance as a possible parameter for measuring sewage pollution. The research first involved mapping the survey area in Carmel Bay, as well as the currents affecting the outfall region. Knowledge of current movements was then used to determine locations where chemical analyses of the water would provide more detailed information concerning the dilution of the effluent and its area of influence. This in turn determined where transects would be laid so as to best calculate the distribution and abundance of the fauna. As a result of the foregoing research, a test organism apparently affected by the effluent was selected, and its mortality rate in varying concentrations of sewage was tested. MATERTALS ANI METHODS Mapping the Study Ares A map of the coastline from Mission Point to Point Lobos, a state park reserve (Figure 1), was obtained from the California Dept. of Parks and Recreation, and shows the general study area in Carmel Bay, California. In addition, the area immediately adjacent to the outfall, an area approximately 325 feet by 150 feet is shown in Figure 2. Current Studies Current studies were carried out on two different days. May 11 and May 25, 1970. On each day 12 plastic bottles that were color coded and filled with fresh water were used to show current movement. On the first day, the 12 bottles were placed in a line parallel to the shore from a point approximately 2000 feet south of the outfall to a point nearly 500 feet north of the outfall. The bottles were dropped from a boat about 1000 feet offshore at regular intervals of 10 seconds along this line and their initial position in the water was marked with fluorescein dye. On the second day, the 12 bottles were placed in a line close to where the previous pattern of bottles had last been sighted. This line began about 260 feet off from the center of Monastery Beach and extended well beyond where the first series of bottles had been located, nearly 5600 feet offshore towards Cypress Point. These bottles were laid at 15 second intervals and had fluorescein dye packets attached to them. On both days the drift bottles were followed for at least two hours, and their positions were plotted from observation points on the shore. Inshore currents near the outfall region were studied with 20 and 40 gram fluorescein dye packets on May 11, 1970. The visual dispersion of the dye with the currents was recorded at both low and high tide over a total period of seven hours. Chemical Analyses Chemical analyses included tests for phosphates, nitrites, nitrates, dissolved oxygen, chlorine, and hydrogen sulfide. The methods used for nutrients, Cl,, and 0, analyses are those outlined by Strickland and Parsons, 1965. Salinity was measured with a pocket refractometer calibrated against standard Copenhagen water. A portable pH meter was used for pH readings, and a standard mercury-filled centigrade thermometer for temperature values. Heavy metals were tested using a Perkin-Elmer Model 303 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. All tests except those for heavy metals were made at 10 stations ranging from approximately one mile south of the outfall at south Point Lobos (Station J) and about 4000 feet south of the outfall at north Point Lobos (Station I) all the way to 2000 feet north of the outfall at Mission Point (Station B, see Figure 6). Testing was also carried out at the Carmel treatment plant itself (StationA). Heavy metals were measured only in the effluent at the plant. All field testing was accomplished at the lowest tide on three different days, May 7, 13, and 28 1970. The low tides on those days were -1.2 feet, 0.4 feet, and 0.2 feet, respectively. Faunal Distribution Following the chemical analyses, a qualitative stud of faunal distribution was accomplished by laying out transect lines from higher high water (43.0 - 16.0 feet) perpendicular to the shore 70-130 feet in length to about mean lower low water (0.0 feet). All organisms that could be seen one foot to either side of the line were identified. These transects were taken along the shore at the same locations where chemical analyses had been made earlier (cf. Figures 6 and 9). The qualitative results obtained from the transect studies were later further quantified. To accomplish this, five typical types of areas were chosen in eight of the transects and sampled for numbers and kinds of organisms. These eight stations corresponded to transects 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (cf. Figure 9). The characteristics of these areas were as follows: Area Type I - +4.0 to 15.0 feet, horizontal, inshore, direct sun, splashed at high tide, very little plant cover. ype II - 43.0 to 44.0 feet, horizontal, direct sun, Area T inshore, medium amount of plant cover. Area Type III - 13.0 to 44.0 feet, horizontal, direct sun, standing water, 20-40 feet from shore, heavy plant cover. Area Type IV- 12.0 to 43.0 feet, vertical, inshore, facing wave action. Area Type V - +2.0 to 13.0 feet, vertical, 10-20 feet farther out from shore than Area Type IV protected from much of the wave action. Five quarter meter squares were placed along each of the eight transects at points which had characteristics similar to those outlined above. All the macroscopic fauna observable within each of the squares was counted with the aid of a hand counter. Diversity indices were later computed on a Wang calculator by following the Simpson and Shannon-Wiener formulae as outlined by Cox, 1967. Limpet Toxicity The limpets Acmaea digitalis and A. scutum were arrarentl; affected by the effluent, and so were chosen for toxicity tests. To minimize variability due to size, tidal height, and location, 160 individuals were all collected at Mission Point at the same tidal heigth of 43.0 to + 4.0 feet for A. digitalis and from 0.O to 41.0 feet for A. scutum. All the individuals taken were 1 to 2 cm in length. Ten limpets of each species were placed in a series of shallow plastic dishes filled to the top with sea water containing 2, 10, 20, 50, and 100% Carmel sewage Sea water controls were also utilized. Both chlorinated and unchlorinated sewage for these experiments was collected from the Carmel treatment plant. The dishes had a barrier placed around the top edge so that the limpets could not escape the test solutions. Temperature was kept constant at 14 centigrade by emmersing the plastic dishes in a cold water bath. The limpets were given ample space, and were left outside to be exposed to the natural light regime. The salinity loss due to the inclusion of the fresh water sewage was approximated in the controls for each concentration by using an appropriate volume of distilled water in the control dishes. The mortality rate of the limpets was recorded at eight time intervals covering a span of 32 hours. The controls were examined over a total period of 53 hours. Death was established if the limpet did not attach to the dish and its tentacles did not respond to touch. RESULT Current Studies The currents recorded on May 11, 1970 are seen in Figure 3. These 12 drift bottles moved in an uniform direction southward towards Monastery Beach. The second group of 12 bottles were laid in the line close to where the first group of bottles were last sighted. This study took place on May 25, 1970, and as Figure 4 shows, these bottles moved in a circular pattern and ended up approximately 100 feet offshore at the north end of Monastery Beach. The compass readings taken from shore positions for these two groups of bottles are shown in Table la and 1b, respectively. Table 2 gives the dates and locations of bottle recovery. The recovery rate for the bottles is high, especially for the second current study. The data from these two studies gives evidence to suggest that the effluent is moving in a southerly direction towards Monastery Beach, and might even be reaching north Point Lobos below Whaler's Cove about 4000 feet south of the outfall. One drift bottle from the first study was found about 100 feet off this north Point Lobos shore. An examination of the inshore currents tends to support the evidence of strong southward currents. Figure 5 indicates the movement of fluorescein dye laid as packets near the mouth of the outfall at low and high tide on May 11, 1970. It was quite noticeable that part of the effluent moved only 100 feet north before joining the main movement of water southward. There is also a heavy wash of effluent directly behind the outfall which moves to the southern end of the rocks of the outfall area, a distance of about 600 feet. From these current studies it appears that for this period the effluent was moving in a southerly direction towards Monastery Beach, and because of circular patterns at that point, the effluent may linger in this area. The drift bottles were set about 1000 feet offshore so anything plaeed in the water up to this distance would probably move in a similar pattern. Chemical Ana ses The locations where chemical tests were undertaken are indicated in Figure 6. These stations were selected as a result of the current studies with Stations D and F expected to show the greatest amount of effluent contact. Stations C and E were expected to show less sewage pollution than the above stations. Station B at Mission Point approximately 2000 feet north of the outfall was believed to be comparable to Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach approximately 2000 feet south of the outfall. The results of the chemical tests are graphed in Figures 7a-7h. Note that the curves are similar in frequently reaching maximum values at specific stations for H,S, PO, NO., Cl,, and temperature. The 0,, salinity, and NO tests show the exact inverse pattern where collectively their minimum values are often reached at specific stations. This correlation was clarified by ranking the values obtained, giving the station with the highest value for a chemical test a ranking of 1, the station with the second highest value a ranking of 2, etc. If two stations had the same value for an analyses, they were given the same ranking. Ranking was plotted against station and Figure 8 shows a marked similarity between the widely different types of chemical tests. There appears to be a differential dispersion of the effluent with Stations D, E, F, and G receiving the most contact with the sewage. This information supports the current study evidence of the southward movement of the effluent. The sewage from the Carmel outfall is of domestic origin, and therefore, pH readings and heavy metal concentrations were not expected to be extreme. At the outfall, the water was acidic with a reading of 6.6. But 50 feet to either side of the outfall the pH readings were neutral at 7.0 and remained so the rest of the way along the shore both to the north and south. Six metals were tested for with the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. These were copper, zinc, cadmium, mercury, lead, and chromium. Only zinc and copper appeared in appreciable amounts, snd neither was very much greater than normal concentrations in sea water. Although these chemical tests were of a short term nature, it is importanit to note that the results show a similar pattern which correlates to the currents in the area. There is also a relatively low dilution of some of the fundamental components of the sewage, such as hydrogen sulfide, at distances over 1000 feet away from the outfall. Faunal Distribution The locations of the transects are displayed in Figure 9. These locations were selected in areas where current studies and chemical tests had been achieved so correlations would be evident. Observations from the transect studies are graphically represented in Figures 10-19. Certain species are obviously scarce or lacking from transects near the outfall, e.g. the larger limpets, starfish, and sea urchins. Figure 20 is a summary of this transect material and records the relative distribution and abundance of the fauna, and exhibits those species which can be said to be evidently affected by the effluent, e.g. Mytilus californianus, Mitella polymerus, Balanus glandula, Chthamalus spp., and Tetraclita squamosa rubescens. These results were supported by the data gathered in the distribution squares study. The faunal distribution studies were done at eight stations along the shoreline corresponding to transects 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 (cf. Figure 9). Tables 3-7 show the population counts from each of five types of areas (described on pp. 4-5) at each of the eight stations. Note the decrease in the number of species, the ratio of live to dead barnacles, and the diversity indices in the outfall region (Stations 2-6). The larger limpets such as Acmaea limatula, A. scutum, A. pelta, Diodora spp., and Lottia gigantea are scarce or lacking in this region. The relative abundance and distribution of tunicate species are tabulated in Table 8. Again the lack of species in Stations 2-6 is very noticeable. Limpet Toxicity Figures 2la-j are concerned with the LT50 experiments (time required for 50% of the population to die) for Acmaea digitalis and A. scutum. It is apparent that up to concentrations of 20% sewage, chlorine significantly reduces the LT50. The LT50 are compiled for the different concentrations of sewage in Table 9, and range from 32 hours for 2% unchlorinated sewage to 4 hours for 100% chlorinated sewage. Although these tests were not conclusive due to the small sample size, it is evident adult limpet populations are affected quickly by sewage effluent. 16 DISCUSSTON It was evident at the time of the mapping and current studies that there existed a strong southward current from the mouth of the outfall. The current extended down to Monastery Beach, with several drift bottles ending up about 100 feet north of this beach and approximately 2000 feet south of the outfall. There is also evidence currents may be carrying the effluent as far as north Point Lobos below Whaler's Cove about 4000 feet south of the outfall. If the effluent were to reach this area, it would tend to remain there because of the circular currents near Monastery Beach shown to exist in the second current study. The high recovery rate of drift bottles, nearly 60% within two weeks after the second study, shows the effluent is not moving out to sea, and thus, may have an even larger affect on the marine intertidal fauna within Carmel Bay, especially to the south of the Carmel outfall. In the immediate area of the outfall the effluent appeare to wash straight back into the beach area directly behind the pipe. The area to the north of the pipe for an estimated 100 feet received a heavy wash of effluent, which eventually joined the larger southward movement of water. The extreme north end of the outfall rocks and the area about 160 feet south of the outfall were not as heavily washed with effluent as the rest of the immediate outfall area, suggesting that currents may bypass Stations C and E (cf. Figure 6). The apparent dilution of effluent from the mouth of the outfall southward is not large. At a point approximately 600 feet south of the Carmel outfall, nitrites had been diluted only 58% and hydrogen sulfide 69%. The area 250 feet north of the outfall at the end of the immediate outfall area gave test results often comparable to areas much farther away from the outfall, such as Station B at Mission Point to the north, and Station I at north Point Lobos to the south. Also from the chemical tests, it is evident Station E 160 feet south of the outfall does not receive as much effluent as Station F about 600 feet south of the outfall. The results of the chemical analyses were not conclusive and must be repeated at a later date for confirmation. However, the data strongly suggests the movement of the effluent with the currents southward towards the Monastery Beach and Point Lobos areas, where it apparently may stay for some time. The chemical analyses definitely indicated some areas in the region of the outfall were receiving larger doses of effluent than others. This information aided in selection of the transect locations. It was immediately evident from our transects that near and to the south of the outfall had fewer animal species than areas farther removed from the outfall. For example, certain species of molluscs, crabs, starfich, tunicates, and barnacles were scarce or entirely lacking in transects 3-6 where physical parameters denoted conditions capable of supporting such populations. Figure 19 shows this evidence very clearly. Unfortunately, certain species such as annelids were left out of this study due to the difficulty in collecting and identifying such small organisms. The transects were examined on two different days in order to increase the accuracy of the observations. It is not possible to entirely eliminate sampling errors in the distributional studies, but attempts were made to minimize these errors as much as possible. Tunicates and porifera presented a difficult problem because the numbers of individuals in colonies could not be easily counted. Therefore, only their presence or absence was included in the distribution samples, and they were excluded from diversity index calculations. For quantitative studies, five typical areas were selected at each of the eight stations with tidal height, exposed surface, and wave action approximated as closely as possible for each type of area. The results showed a clear gradient for the total number of species in each type of area for the eight stations with the greatest numbers occurring in the control areas and decreaing towards the outfall. There is no such gradient for the total number of individuals in an area. This may be accounted for by the fact that some species, i.e. Acmaea scabra and Anthopleura elegantissima may be doing better in the outfall region due to decreased competition from other species. The competition between Acmaea scabra and A. digitalis has been well documented by Haven in a 1966 Monterey Bay area study. The diversity indices used in this study are dependent on sample size and range too widely to support a definite gradient from control to outfall area. Still, it is clear that for Area Types I-IV (Tables 5-8), the diversity indices for the outfall Station 4 are considerably lower than for the areas farthest away from the outfall at Stations 1 and 9. This is not true for Area Type V which is at the highest tidal height examined. One possible reason for this apparent contradiction is simply that an area five feet above mean lower low water is often out of the water, and hence does not receive sustained exposure to the sewage effluent. Similar results for the relationship between tidal height and a diversity indices gradient was noted by Clearman (1970) in his study of the distribution and abundance of microfauna at varying distances from the Pacific Grove, California outfall. The general pattern of distribution seen was likewise reflected in the number of live barnacles in the different distribution squares. A barnacle was assumed to be living if the shell was filled with the organism. Empty shells were noted so that the per cent of live barnacles in the distribution squares could be tabulated (Tables 5-9). There is definitely a greater ratio of live to dead barnadles in the areas farthest away from the outfall region. A possible explanation for this is that barnacles are filter feeders and therefore, come into significantly large contact with the sewage in the water. The distribution patterns of other filter feeders such as Mytilus californianus and Mitella polymerus tend to support this idea in that there was a lack of clustering, gereral smaller size, and looser attachment at Stations 3 and 4 (cf. Welsh, 1970). Tunicates, still another group of filter feeders, are also conspicuously absent from Stations 2-6 where overhanging rocks and tide pools would seem to provide perfectly habitable areas for this group. A phylum apparently affected by the effluent is Mollusca, especially the limpets. It was quite noticeable in the outfall region that the limpets were often attached very loosely to the rocks and could be picked off by hand, especially A. digitalis. The rocks were covered with Hildenbrandia, an encrusting alga, and a diatomaceus slime which may account for the decreased attachment strength of limpets in the area. In Stations 2-4 in the outfall region, the A. digitalis were very small and almost all were under 2mm in length. In the areas farthest removed from the outfall, they often reached a length of nearl, 2 cm. Small limpets were also found in these areas far to the north and the south, but always along with the larger A. digitalis. If it were assumed these small Acmaea were very young, then it may be hypothesized that the effluent is affecting some adult stage of the organism rather than a developmental stage. Although Acmaea scabra was also smaller in the proximity of the outfall, it seemed to be able to attach far more securely to rocks than A. digitalis. It was observed in field studies that A. scabra" scalloped shell conformed closely to its position on the irregular rock surface. This may account for its stronger attachment to rocks. The larger limpets such as Lottia gigantea, Diodora spp., Acmaea scutum, A. pelta, and A. limatula were scarce or completely missing from Stations 2-4, although quite abundant at other stations. More detailed work is obviously necessary to back up the very qualitative statements about attachment strength and shell size. The observations about limpets examined in the distributional studies led to the LT50 experiments with Acmaea digitalis and A. scutum. While the sample sizes were much too small to be conclusive, toxicity tests on A. digitalis and A. scutum showed that these two species seemed definitely affected by sewage concentrations as low as 2% within the relatively short time of 32 hours. With this knowledge, the concentration of sewage should be lowered even further in future experiments. Another clear point from Figures 20-22 is the increased lethality of the sewage after chlorination in concentrations up to 20%. Above this level, sewage without chlorination appeared to be just as lethal. This suggests that chlorine may be lethal to limpets in the outfall area where sewage concentrations are well below 20%. A differing rate of death between A. digitalis and A. scutum was not discernible, and salinity reduction was not the apparent cause for the high mortality rate. The manner of death for these limpets may be of some consequence in designating how the sewage kills these organisms. The dead limpets in almost all cases had thrust their shells back to expose their gills, often with enough force to tear their mantle. Two limpets that were observed to die in 100% distilled water did not contort in this manner. It is essential to note that for 2% unchlorinated sewage concentrations, the LT50 for these limpets was approximately 32 hours. Because these limpets are affected quickly in sewage of relatively low concentrations, Acmaea may provide an excellent test organism for future research dealing with the effect of sewage effluent on intertidal marine organisms. One such possible experiment may include the placement of rocks with attached limpets at varying distances from the outfall to thst their mortality rate within their natural environment. 15 SUMMARY This research project examined the effects of primary treated effluent on the distribution and abundance of marine intertidal fauna in a portion of Carmel Bay, California. During the time of the current studies, the effluent was moving south from the outfall and appeared to remain in the Monastery Beach area due to circular currents. The sewage was not moving straight out to sea. Damage in the outfall area can be seen in the form of distribution patterns and are reflected in the diversity indices for specific types of areas. The distribution patterns suggest that Mytilus californianus (California mussel), Mitella polymerus (Gooseneck barnacle), Balanus glandula, Chthamalus spp., Tetraclita squamosa rubescens, Acmaea spp., Pisaster ochraceus, Pagurus spp., Haliotis cracherodii may be good intertidal indicators of and sewage pollution. Toxicity tests on Acmaea digitalis and A. scutum suggest that at low concentrations of sewage, Cl, may be responsible for much of the lethality of the sewage. However, Cl, does not account for the entire toxicity of any concentration of sewage The research outlined in this paper suggests further investigations are necessary to confirm present information about current and effluent movement in Carmel Bay, the toxicity of sewage due to Cl,, the toxicity of other sewage components, distribution and diversity patterns as measurable parameters of sewage pollution, and the development of other types of indicators of sewage pollution. ACKNOWLEDGEMEN I would like to thank Mr. Rich, superintendent of Point Lobos State Reserve, for access to that area, Mr. Mehlert of the California State Department of Parks and Recreation for the map of the Carmel Bay area, and Hal Stibbs for his help in identifying tunicate species. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Welton Lee for his help, advice, and encouragement throughout the course of this project. This study was supported by the Undergraduate Research Program of the National Science Foundation, grant GY-7288. REFEREN Californians Against Pollution. 1956. Sewage in Santa Monica Bay: a critical review of the oceanographic studies. La Jolla, Calif. 95p. Clearman, David. 1970. The effect of primary treated sewage on the distribution and abundance of microfauna on Endocladia muricata, Prionitis lanceolata, and Corralina vancouverensis. Unpublished report, Hopkins Marine Station, spring 1970. Konecci, Eugene B., editor. 1967. Ecological technology, space-earth-sea. Austin, Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas. 300p. Pearson, E. A., editor. 1960. Waste disposal in the marine environment. Pergammon Press, New York. 569p. Reish, Donald J. 1959. An Ecological Study of Pollution in Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors, California. University of Southern California Press, Los Angeles, California. 119p. Strickland, J. D. H., and Parson T. R. 1965. A manual of sea water analysis, with special reference to the more common micronutrients and to particulate organic material Ottawa, Fisheries Research Board of Canada, ottawa, Canada. 265 p. Welsh, Joseph E. 1970. Coliform Distribution and Coliform Uptake By Mytilus californianus In Carmel Bay. Unpublished report, Hopkins Marine Station, spring 1970. Figure 1: Map of the Carmel Bay, California ...... sandy shore kelp beds rocky promontory area CARMEL BAY MISSION POINT OUTFALL MONASTERY /BEACH e, 1:10,000 POINT LOBOS Scale — 6 Figure 2: Map of the immediate outfall area in Carmel Bay, California. The area encompassed is 325 feet by 150 feet. tp - tide pool R S To 0 Q 1 Q 9 50 lejino 0 2 Figure 3: Current study I in Carmel Bay, California The bottles were numbered 1 through 12 and their approximate southward travel route over a period of two hours is indicated by the dashed lines. The bottles were followed from two reference points on the shore (Ref. Pt. 1 and Ref. Pt. 2). 00 Carmel Bay CURRENT STUDY May 11,1970 O930-1600 8 Mission Point S i e 0 AN Pt. Lobos A. Scale O REF.PT. Outfall OREF. PT. 2 Hud Monastery Beach 1:10000 4 Figure 4: Current study II in Carmel Bay, California. The 12 bottles were laid in a line that extended from 200 feet off Monastery Beach towards Cypress Point, a total distance of about 5600 feet. Their approximate travel routes toward the north end of Monastery Beach and the times of their first compass readings are indicated. The bottles were followed from a point on the shore (Ref. Pt. 3). 26 1 4 Mission Point Carmel Bay k CURRENT STUDY May 25,1970—1100-1300 Outfall P p 2 --. 6. 2 Monastery Beach geonn Ber 1:10000 Scale Pt. Lobos 26 0 O Table la: Compass readings for current study I. Table 1b: Compass readings for current study II. e 2 Sible A Time 1032 1039 1102 1122 1132 1142 1232 1252 Time 1115 1130 1145 1215 1245 Ref. Pt. Ref. Pt. 185 185 206 200 188 178 18/ 34 /2 20 200 210 205 205 185 /82 CURRENT STUDY I Bottle No. 222 207 205 272 210 215 206 218 202 217 214 216 222 213 209 212 208 218 205 206 215 212 193 200 216 210 198 195 187 187 195 189 190 188 CURRENT STUDY II Bottle No. 925 343 330 310 342 353 34 345 339 350 358 35/ 350 350 355 353 233 236 222 214 214 215 210 208° 202 202 195 195 322 320 335 337 345 339 354 353 244 229 238 228 224 200 20 10 318 335 331 353 254 230 240 224 218 210 199 183 3/6 334 336 350 358 /2 260 238 248 248 235 230 315° 330° 335 350 358 8 able 2: Recovery record of the drift bottles from the two current studies C Figure 5: Map of the inshore currents near the immediate outfall area in Carmel Bay, California. The arrows indicate the relative strength and movement of fluorescein dye with the currents. The currents were watched at both high and low tide over a period of seven hours. tp - tide pool - locations where dye packets were lai — S 0 2 J Figure 6: Location of samples for chemical tests in Carmel Bay, California. The location of Station A for the treatment plant and Station J at the south shore of Point Lobos are only approximated. .. Vt Carmel Bay LOCATION of SAMPLES for CHEMICAL TESTS S C X—. S. Pt. Lobos O X—A. Sewage Plant -B. Mission Pt. -C. —D. Outfall : —E. F. —G. —H. Monastery Beach —l. N. Pt. Lobos Scale 1:10,000 Figure 7a: Amounts of hydrogen sulfide at the various stations. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station F at 600 feet south of the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. Each point represents the mean of the results of two runs made on the same sample. The samples were collected on May 7, 1970 at low tide. Figure 7b: Amounts of phosphate at the various stations. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station F at 600 feet south of the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. Each point represents the mean of the results of two runs made on the same sample. The samples were collected on May 7, 1970 at low tide. 6 5L A- 2 Seger Hyd rogen Sulfide ABCDEFGH A 700 600 500 Phosphate 400 300 12 o 3 6 4 .2 ABCDEFGHI Station S Figure 7c: Amounts of nitrate at the various stations. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station F at 600 feet south of the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. Each point represents the mean of the results of two runs made on the same sample. The samples were collected on May 7, 1970 at low tide. Figure 7d: Amounts of nitrite at the various stations. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station F at 600 feet south of the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. Each point represents the mean of the results of two runs made on the same sample. The samples were collected on May 7, 1970 at low tide. 0 2 4 25 20 15- Z L Fgen A B ABC E Station — Station Nitrate F 1 Nitrite H Oc Figure 7e: Salinity in parts per thousand at the various stations. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station F at 600 feet south of the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. Each point represents the readings taken with a refractometer on May 28, 1970 at low tide. Figure 7f: Amounts of chlorine at the various stations. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point Station D at the outfall, Station F at 600 feet south of the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. Each point represents the mean of two runs made on the same sample. The samples were collected on May 7, 1970 at low tide. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 4 O- E Fegre A B A B C D Salinity G HI Station Chlorine —3 L H — Station — 10 Figure 7g: Amounts of dissolved oxygen at the various stations. Station Aisat the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station F at 600 feet south of the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. Each point represents the mean of two runs made on the same sample. The samples were collected on May 13, 1970 at low tide. Figure 7h: Temperature readings at the various stations. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point Station D at the outfall, Station F at 600 feet south of the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. Each point represents the temperature of the water on May 28, 1970 at low tide. 6 25 15 12 3 Hgee BC A B Dissolved Oxygen 6 Location Temperature S H 6 Location S 85 Figure 8a: Ranking of PO, and H,S values plotted against the various stations. Ranking was accomplished by giving the station with the highest test value a ranking of 1, the station with the second highest test value a ranking of 2, etc. If two stations had the same test value, they were given the same rank. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. - - - — phosphate test — — — hydrogen sulfide test Figure 8b: Ranking of NO, and temperature values plotted against the various stations. Ranking was accomplished by giving the station with the highest test value a ranking of 1, the station with the second highest test value a ranking of 2, etc. If two stations had the same test value, they were given the same rank. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. - - nitrite test — — — temperature test Figure 8c: Ranking of Cl, and salinity values plotted against the various stations. Ranking was accomplished by giving the station with the highest test value a ranking of 1, the station with the second highest test value a rankin of 2, etc. If two stations had the same test value, they were given the same rank. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. - - - - salinity test chlorine test igure 8d: Ranking of NO, and 0, values plotted against the various stations. Ranking was accomplished by giving the station with the highest test value a ranking of 1, the station with the second highest test value a ranking of 2, etc. If two stations had the same test value, they were given the same rank. Station A is at the treatment plant, Station B at Mission Point, Station D at the outfall, Station H at the north end of Monastery Beach, and Station I at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. - - -- nitrate test — — dissolved oxygen test o. Sal tri XX 4 3 4 ABcbttn 10 9 A 1 9 1 g 4 3 18k x Atbttont -6 X 0 H25 10- X P04 8 7 5 3 10 CHLORINE 7 6 4 3 2+ SALINITY STATION X NO2 Q—O TEMP R 8 Atebttan 4 0 02 6 k 105 Acbttont 45 Figure 9: Location of transect studies in Carmel Bay, California. The study area was examined during April and May 1970 at low tide. 46 S --10 Lgire 7 Mission Point tit Bay Carmel LOCATION of TRANSECTS Point Lobos +-1-2 e-1. L114 Outfall F---5 6 8 Monastery Beach Scale 1:1O000 N Figure 10: Faunal species in transect 1. Transect 1 was at Mission Point, 2000 feet north of the outfall. HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water * - presence of species and relative abundance 95. Aaur TRANSECT I Mission Pt. 4/27/70 ECIES Acmaea asmi digitalis limatula pelta scabra scutum Amphipoda spp. Anthopleura elegantissima xanthogrammica Balanus glandula Chthamalus spp. Haliotis cracherodii Henricia leviuscula Katharina tunicata Keyhole limpet Leptasterias pusilla Littorina planaxis scutulata Lottia gigantea Mitella polymerus Mopalia spp. Mytilus californianus Nudibranchia sp. Pachygrapsus crassipes Pagurus spp. Porifera spp. Strongylocentratus purpuratus Tegula brunnea funebralis Tetraclita squamosa rubescens Thais spp. Tunicata spp. 265 6 3 2 2 10 * ** . *** *** .. * * * *** ... * * * **+ *. .** ** * .1. * * * *** 4. 74 *** ** + *** 20 11. * * *** 4 506o 70 DISTANCE FROM HHW (Et) . * * * * * * 1* *** * * * * *+ *** 1 *** * * * * * * ... ** * ... * * ++ s *** ** .** 1* *4* *** * ** . 44 1 4. * * * * ** *** * ** 1 *** 49 Figure 11: Faunal species in transect 2. Transect 2 was 200 feet north of the outfall and in the immediate outfall region. HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water * - presence of species and relative abundance Figure 12: Faunal species in transect 3. Transect 3 was 25 feet north of the outfall and in the immediate outfall region. HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water * - presence of species and relative abundance Fjun 9 Lam FRAwskcr a 4/24/70 22 V 2 10 10 30 40 50 60 70 30 90 100 10 SPECIES DISTANCE FROM HHW (Ft) -7I *** Acmaea digitalis pelta **. scabra scutum ... 11. * ** *.. ... ... Anthopleura elegantissima * + xanthogrammica *** *** ** .. 1 Balanus glandula ... r ... .1. ... 1. * * * Chthamalus spp. *** * * Isopoda spp. . 4. .4. . Katharina tunicata * * .** ... s ... ... .. ... Mitella polymerus 4. Mopalia spp. . californianus Mytilus Pisaster ochraceus 2 E TRAESECT 3 25 ft. N. of Outfall: 4/25/70 O W 8. 40 30 10 20 60 70 ECIES DISTANCE FROM HHW (ft) 71 11. Acmaea digitalis * * * . scabra *** *** 1.. .. Anthopleura elegantissima xanthogrammice . Balanus glandula * ** . 1. Chthamalus spp. Katharina tunicata Mitella polymerus Mopalia spp. 4.. 44 Mytilus californianus Pisaster ochraceus .. 41. Tegula funebralis Tetraclita sp. **. ** .. 30 Figure 13: Faunal species in transect 4. Transect 4 was directly behind the outfal HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water * - presence of species and relative abundance Figure 14: Faunal species in transect Transect 5 was 160 feet south of the outfall and in the immediate outfall region. HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water - presence of species and relative abundance Han 5. Gaue TRANSEC 6 Directly behind outfal 24 4/24/70 22 SPECIES Acmaea digitalis 1 * * * scabra Anthopleura elegantissim xanthogrammic Balanus glandula * * Chthamalus spp. Katharina tunicata ** Littorina planaxis * ** scutulata * * * Mitella polymerus Mopalia spp. Tegula funebralis Tetraclita sp. Thais spp. 47 TRANSECT 4/25/70 2 20 SPECIES digitalis scabra Anthopleura elegantissima": * k. xanthogrammice Balanus glandula Chthamalus spp. Katharina tunicata Littorina scutulata Mitella polymerus Mopalia spp. Mytilus californianus Pisaster ochraceus Sculpin Tetraclita sp. Thais spp. Tegula funebralis — **+ 4.. 50 30 DISTANCE FROM HHW (Ft) **+ * * * 11 *.* **+ * * 4 4. .4 4. 47 40 100 DISTANCE FROM HHW (ft) 0 70 80 .** 4++ +++ .. .. .** .. 120 140160 Figure 15: Faunal species in transect 6 Transect 6 was 600 feet south of the outfall at the end the immediate outfall region. HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water presence of species and relative abundand 952 Aegn TRANSECT 6 7 4/24/70 SPECIES Acmaea digitalis scabra Anthopleura elegantissima xanthogrammica Balanus glandula Chthamalus spp. Katharina tunicata Littorina scutulata Mitella polymerus Mopalia spp. Mytilus californianus Pisaster ochraceus Tegula brunnea funebralis Tetraclita sp. Thais spp. 4- O -2+ ... ** * 20 1. *** ** A 40 60 80 DISTANCE FROM HHW (f4) — * ** **1*11 ... ** * .. *** * * * * ** *** * * * * ** *** 11. *** * ** .. ... *** *** ** * ** ... 100 .. *** 14. * ** Figure 16: Faunal species in transect 7. Transect 7 was approximately 1000 feet south of the outfal and located on a rocky promontory. HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water * - presence of species and relative distribution 85 5 Aa TRANSECT 7 3 3 22 1/26/70 2 Jo SPECIES Acmaea asmi digitalis pelta scabra Anthopleura elegantissima xanthogrammica Balanus glandula Chthamalus spp. Haliotis cracherodii Henricia leviuscula Katharina tunicata Littorina planaxis scutulata Mitella polymerus Mopalia spp. Mytilus californianus Nudibranchia spp. Pachygrapsus crassipes Pagurus samuelis Pisaster ochraceus Porifèra Sculpin Tegula brunnea " funebralis Tetraclita sp. Thais spp. Tunicata spp. ... * ** 1. * ** 1. *. 4. 0 20 4* * * * * * *4* * * * ..* 30 DISTANCE FROM HHW(Ft) ++ 7. *** ... * * * * * 1 ** *** 1. **. * ** *** . * * ... ** **. *** ** * 114 .*. ... * ** *+* .. * ** 57* M 70 80 *** . * * * 7 11 ++ 11 *** ** * ** * * 4.. *** ... * ** ... -.. * * * Figure 17: Faunal species in transect 8. Transect 8 was approximately 2000 feet south of the outfa and at the north end of Monastery Beach. HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water * - presence of species and relative abundance 952 Vure TRANSECT +4 Monastery Beach 4/26/70 2 Wy 30 52 — 0 20 SPECIES — Acmaea asmi digitalis limatula pelta ... *** scabra scutum . Anthopleura elegantissima xanthogrammica Balanus glandula .. Chthamalus spp. Cryptochiton stelleri Haliotis cracherodii Isopoda spp. Katharina tunicata Leptasterias pusilla . Littorina planaxis *** *** scutulata Mitella polymerus Mitrella spp. Mopalia spp. Mytilus californianus Nudibranchia spp. 4 * Pachygrapsus crassipes .* .. Pagurus samuelis Pisaster ochraceus Porifera spp. Pugettia producta Sculpin Strongylocentratus purpuratus Tegula brunnea ** *** funebralis 1.. Tetraclita sp. Thais spp. Tunicata spp. 30 DISTANCE FROM HHW (ft) *** * ** *** 44 1* .. * ** * ** *.. 4 *** * * * *** * ** 71 .. ** * * * * * 11 *** *** ..* * ** .4* * * * *** * ** .7. * ** *** 70 80 4 * * * **. ** * * * * .* *** ... * ** * ** .*. Figure 18: Faunal species in transect 9. Transect 9 was approximately 4000 feet south of the outfal and at the northeast corner of Point Lobos. HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water * - presence of species and relative abundance 5 Kanne TRANSECT N. Pt. Lobos 5/6/70 SPECIES Acmaea asmi digitalis insessa limatula pelta scabra scutum Amphipoda spp. Anthopleura elegantissima xanthogrammica Balanus glandula Bryozoa spp. Chthamalus spp. Haliotis cracherodii Isopoda spp. Katharina tunicata Keyhole limpet Leptasterias pusilla Littorina planaxis scutulata Lottia gigantea Mitella polymerus Mopalia lignosa Mytilus californianus Nudibranchia spp. Pachygrapsus crassipes Pagurus samuelis Pisaster ochraceus Porifera spp. Pugettia producta Strongylocentratus purpuratus Tegula brunnea funebralis Tetraclita sp. Thais spp. Tunicata spp. 5E 14 u1 3 + 2 * * * * * * * * * *.. * * * ... * ** 14. *.. ..* * *** *** *** 10 20 * * * *** 54 .. * * * 4* 144 .*. ** * DISTANCE FROM HHW (Et) *** *** *** * ** * * * *** * * * ** * ** ** ** * * * â* * * *** *. *** ** .. * * * *** **. ** ** . * * * 17 * * * ** *** *** r *1 ** ... .. *** * * * * ** . 47. . * * * ** 4 ... 1 *** * * + * ** 1* *** ses * + 44 * * ... * * * * * * .* * ** 70 80 ** * . * * * ** *** 1. 4.. 11* *.. 44 . * * * * * * * * * * * * 1.. ... * ** * * * *** Figure 19: Faunal species in transect 10. Transect 10 was approximately one mile south of the outfall and at the south shore of Point Lobos. HHW - higher high water MLLW - mean lower low water * - presence of species and relative abundance 6. Aedun TRANSECT 10 S. Pt. Lobos 4/29/70 SPECIES Acmaea asmi digitalis insessa limatula pelta scabra " scutum Amphipoda spps. Anthopleura elegantissima xanthogrammica Balanus glandula Blenius folius Bryozoalspp. Calliostoa canaliculatum costatum Chthamalus spp. Cryptochiton stellerri Haliotis cracherodii Hapalogaster cavicauda Henricia leviuscula Isopodalspp. Katharina tunicata Keyhole limpet Lepidozona Leptasterias pusilla Littoria planaxis scutulata Lottia gigantea Mitella polymerus Mitrella carinata Mopalia spp. Mytilus californianus Nudibranchia spp. Pachygrapsus crassipes Pagurus spp. Pisaster ochraceus Porifera spp. Pugettia producta Sculpin Strongylocentratus purpuratus Tegula brunnea funebralis Tetraclita squamose rubesens Thais spp. Tunicata 41 23 I * * * .. * * * *** * * **+ 1.. ** * 1* ** * ** *** *** * ** *** 4.. 10 **+ .4* 4. ** * . ... ** 30 DISTANCE FROM HHW(«4) *** .** * * * * * * * * * ** ** * *** * * * * * * .. 4. ... ... ... **+ 511 F1. * * * 1** 4* t 44 * * * + 70 30 *** *** * ** .*. . * * * * * * ** * ** *.* * * * * * * *** . * * 1 * * * paleal 20 Laure SPECIES Blenius folius Lepidozona Hapalogaster cavicauda Calliostoma costatum Calliostoma canaliculatum Bryozoa spp. Acmaea insessa Cryptochiton stelleri Mitrella spp. Pugettia producta Keyhole limpet Amphipoda spp. Henricia leviuscula Lottia gigantea Sculpin Isopoda spp. Leptasterias pusilla Acmaea limatula Strongylocentratus purpuratus Nudibranchia spp. Pachygrapsus crassipes Acmaea asmi Haliotis cracherodii Pagurus samuelis Porifera spp. Tunicata spp. Tegula brunnea Acmaea scutum Acmaea pelta Littorina planaxis Thais spp. Pisaster ochraceus Tegula funebralis Littorina scutulata Tetraclita squamosa rubescens Mitella polymerus (Pollicipes, Balanus glandula Mopalia lignosa Katharina tunicata Anthopleura xanthogrammica Mytilus californianus Acmaea digitalis Acmaea scabra Anthopleura elegantissima Chthamalus spp. Total t of Species E TRANSECI 8 55 u Ze E 10 64 Figure 20: Summary of transect information from the study area in Carmel Bay, California. presence of species and relative abundance - presence of species, relative abundance, and evidence being affected by the effluent 65 Table 3: Faunal abundance in Area I. Abundance is given in terms of number of individuals per square meter. Distribution counts were taken in eight of the ten transects with transects 3 and 5 excluded. The characteristics of Area I are shown and the data illustrates the numbers and kinds of fauna observable in the distribution squares. POPULATTON DISTRIBUTION I April-May 1970 Characteristics of Area I at mean lower low water +4.0 to 45.0 feet horizontal inshore direct sun splashed at high tide, little plant cover Abundance/ per Station ies Acmaea digitalis 188 Littorina scutulata 52 3248 Balanus glandula 96.8% 92.8% % alive 148 728 660 Littorina planaxis 168 428 Acmaea scabra 752 6384 10080 1000 600 188 Chthamalus spp. 94.0% 88.3% 93.7% 97.6% 96.2% % alive Total of species 11592 11004 504 Total 4 of indiv. 1428 676 714 2898 2201 168 Mean + of indiv. per species Simpson's Diversity 2.98 1.98 1.19 1.72 2.52 Index Shannon-Wiener 0.88 1.58 0.52 Diversity Index 1.58 0.99 164 208 48 100% 800 636 6784 3092 94.7% 96.4% 4056 7836 156 811 1.64 0.72 1.12 Table 4: Faunal abundance in Area II. Abundance is given in terms of number of individuals per square meter. Distribution counts were taken in eight of the ten transects with transects 3 and 5 excluded. The characteristics of Area II are shown and the data illustrates the numbers and kinds of fauna observable in the distribution squares. *- presence of species POPULATION DISTRIBUTION April-May 1970 Characteristics of Area II at mean lower low water: 13.0 to +4.0 feet horizontal direct sun inshore medium amount of plant cover Abundance/M per Station Species Tunicates Lottia gigantea Keyhole limpet L. planaxis Isopods Acmaea asmi Pagurus spp. Acmaea scutum Mitrella spp. Pugettia producta Tetraclita sp. % alive M. californianus Pollicipes Acmaea pelta Mopalia lignosa Acmaea digitalis 1360 Balanus glandula % alive 89.5% L. scutulata A. elegantissima 280 Tegula funebralis 480 Acmaea scabra 200 60 176 400 Chthamalus spp. 312 % alive 100% 83.3% 73.6% 75.0% Total of species 1840 376 804 680 Total + of indiv. 307 Mean of indiv. 156 201 per species Simpson's Diversity 2.77 2.33 1.97 1.73 Index Shannon-Wiener 1.08 1.82 1.52 1.16 Diversity Index 212 100% 100% 1016 492 60 100% 91.4% 88.3% 224 24 140 372 236 912 1752 2644 1432 94.0% 90.3% 94.2% 11 12 3584 2497 3712 448 208 1.76 1.91 3.48 1.45 2.04 1.31 172 2.69 1.7 Table 5: Faunal abundance in Area III. Abundance is given in terms of number of individuals per square meter. Distribution counts were taken in eight of the ten transects with transects 3 and 5 excluded. The characteristics of Area III are shown and the data illustrates the numbers and kinds of fauna observable in the distribution squares. * - Presence of species Ste POPULATION DISTRIBUTION III April-May 1970 Characteristics of Area III at mean lower low water: +3.0 to +4.0 feet horizontal, standing water direct sun, out from shore heavy plant over Abundance/M per Station Species Tunicates Bryozoans Sponges Keyhole limpet Pachygrapsus sp. Henricia sp. Acmaea scutum Nudibranchia spp. Pugettia producta Strongylocentratus sp. 108 Amphipods Katharina tunicata Acmaea asmi Tegula funebralis Isopods Sculpin Tegula brunnea Pagurus spp. Mitrella spp. Acmaea pelta Lottia gigantea Pollicipes Leptasterias pusilla A. xanthogrammica Pisaster ochraceus Tetraclita sp. 200 % alive 85.6% 90.9% Mopalia lignosa Mytilus californianus 296 200 Balanus glandula 100 % alive 83.3% 42.2% A. elegantissima 208 112 152 Acmaea scabra 280 160 Acmaea digitalis 168 20 712 784 203 Chthamalus spp. 112 1140 % alive 23.4% 91.8% 66.7% 81.8% Total of species 13 Total of indiv. 1060 3180 1760 135 346 Mean of indiv. 265 354 per species Simpson's Div. Index 3.72 1.90 2.15 2.16 Shannon-Wiener 2.34 1.23 1.58 1.59 Diversity Index 100% 164 100% 176 188 1588 93.4% 169 2.42 2.11 100% 100% 792 200 96.12 1316 69 2.54 2.18 184 97.89 164 176 97.8% 220 600 332 18 2168 145 6.43 2.99 10 276 28 4.57 2.53 Table 6: Faunal abundance in Area IV. Abundance is given in terms of number of individuals per square meter. Distribution counts were taken in eight of the ten transects with transects 3 and 5 excluded. The characteristics of Area IV are shown and the data illustrates the numbers and kinds of fauna observable in the distribution squares. - presence of species / POPULATION DISTRIBUTION April-May 1970 Characteristics of Area IV at mean lower low water: 12.0 to 13.0 feet vertical inshore facing wave action Abundance per Station 2 Species Pachygrapsus sp. Lottia gigantea Keyhole limpet Tegula brunnea L. scutulata Tegula funebralis Acmaea limatula Acmaea pelta Pisaster ochraceus A. elegantissima 300 Acmaea scutum Amphipods Katharina tunicata Thais spp. M. californianus Isopods 244 Balanus glandula 164 24 % alive 95.4% 76.6% 60.0% Mopalia lignosa Pollicipes 860 392 Acmaea scabra 128 Tetraclita sp. 48 220 % alive 94.8% 100% ).09 760 Chthamalus spp. 700 80 832 % alive 92.2% 90.9% 71.1% 76.6% 960 Acmaea digitalis 60 1312 Tunicates Sponges Total of species Total of indiv. 1912 1932 1224 3032 337 273 245 Mean + of indiv. 242 per species Simpson's Diversity 2.55 3.78 2.01 3.55 Index Shannon- Wiener 1.44 1.71 2.27 2.13 Diversity Index 12 332 97.6% 80 95.3% 452 1.75 1.27 600 83.4% 44 260 104 13. 97.0% 912 93.4% 580 14 3004 234 5.27 2.71 100% 40 120 168 100% 112 100% 524 1248 4.53 2.84 20 112 200 100% 148 12 784 6.19 2.88 Table 7: Faunal abundace in Area V. Abundance is given in terms of number of individuals per square meter. Distribution counts were taken in eight of the ten transects with transects 3 and 5 excluded. The characteristics of Area V are shown and the data illustrates the numbers and kinds of fauna observable in the distribution squares. * - presence of species POPULATION DISTRIBUTION V April-May 1970 Characteristics of Area V at mean lower low water: +2.0 to 13.0 feet vertical out from shore protected from direct wave action Abundance/M per Station Specie: Sponges Strongylocentratus sp. Lottia gigantea Haliotis cracherodii Pisaster ochraceus Polychaeta spp. Tegula brunnea Pycnogonida spp. Tegula funebralis Mitrella spp. Amphipoda spp. Pagurus spp. Leptasterias pusilla Nudibranchs Katherina tunicata Isopods Thais spp. Mytilus californianus Keyhole limpet Acmaea scutum 168 Pollicipes Littorina scutulata 568 460 A. elegantissima Acmaea pelta Mopalia lignosa Balanus glandula % alive 75.0% 81.8% 77.8% Tetraclita sp. 312 97.5% 100% % alive 328 904 1960 Chthamalus spp. 83.7% 92.3% 72.3% 94.6% % alive 248 1360 1808 Acmaea digitalis 616 300 Acmaea scabra 100 11 Total of species 5068 420 2152 1812 Total + of indiv. 457 461 Mean of indiv per species Simpson's Diversity 2.49 3.05 3.41 .67 Index 1.77 2.12 1.79 1.07 Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index 256 100% 16 100% 304 1.40 1.01 92.2% 316 59 4328 97.0% 328 5784 445 1.75 1.52 100% 40 100% 612 1.49 1.21 20 100% 60 100% 48 564 6.26 3.11 Table 8: Tunicate distribution near the outfall in Carmel California, May 1970. Only stations in transects 2 through 7 were examined. Station 2 is 200 feet north of the outfall, Station 4 is at the outfall. Station 6 is about 1000 feet south of the outfall on another rocky promontory, and Station 7 is about 2000 feet south of the outfall at the north end of Monastery Beach. * - presence of species and relative abundance TUNICATE DISTRIBUTION Relative Abundance per Station Species 2 Cystodytes lobatus Eudistoma ritteri Perophora annectens Distaplia smithii Amaroucium solidum Ritterella pulchra Styela montereyensis Synoicum par-fustis Sigillinaria aequali-siphonis Distaplia occidentalis Eudistoma psammion Amaroucium californicum +++ +++ +++ Figure 2la: Toxicity tests on A. scutum in 2% Carmel sewage Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over a period of 53 hours. - mortality rate in 0% sewage - - - - mortality rate in 2% unchlorinated sewage —mortality rate in 2% chlorinated sewage Figure 21b: Toxicity tests on A. scutum in 10% Carmel sewage. Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over a period of 53 hours. — mortality rate in 0% sewage - - - - mortality rate in 10% unchlorinated sewag - mortality rate in 10% chlorinated sewage Figure 21c: Toxicity tests on A. digitalis in 2% Carmel sewage. Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over period of 53 hours. mortality rate in 0% sewage - - - mortality rate in 2% unchlorinated sewage — — mortality rate in 2% chlorinated sewage Figure 21d: Toxicity tests on A. digitalis in 10% Carmel sewage. Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over a period of 53 hours. — mortality rate in 0% sewage - - - - mortality rate in 10% unchlorinated sewage — — — mortality rate in 10% chlorinated sewage 100- 50 100- 50 5 Frgur 100 10% 270 -3 OOO 50 X--X-X 9-0—08 9--0--0-0-8 X-X-** ) — X — X-X--X--X Ox-0o0 0 28 12 20 12 20 28 100 270 10%6 poo Q0 50 Food p--0--0-0—8 X OX-8X2-—0—00 28 28 12 20— 20 12 Time in Hrs. Figure 21e: Toxicity tests on A. scutum in 20% Carmel sewage. Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over a period of 53 hours. mortality rate in 0% sewage - - - - mortality rate in 20% unchlorinated sewag — — mortality rate in 20% chlorinated sewage Figure 21f: Toxicity tests on A. scutum in 50% Carmel sewage Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over a period of 53 hours. mortality rate in 0% sewage - - - - mortality rate in 50% unchlorinated sewag — — - mortality rate in 50% chlorinated sewage Figure 21g: Toxicity tests on A. digitalis in 20% Carmel sewage. Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over a period of 53 hours. mortality rate in 0% sewag - - - mortality rate in 20% unchlorinated sewage — mortality rate in 20% chlorinated sewage Figure 21h: Toxicity tests on A. digitalis in 50% Carmel sewage. Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over a period of 53 hours. mortality rate in 0% sewage - - - - mortality rate in 50% unchlorinated sewage — — — mortality rate in 50% chlorinated sewage gene 100- 50 OLXX0 100 50 Soo 20% 100 P X 50 —OO 4 12 28 20 H 0 100 —6 X----- ——X 50 —OO oo 28 12 20 Time in Hours 50% F-X X O O 2 28 20 ——0—0—0—0-0 XX OO 12— 20 28 Figure 21i: Toxicity tests on A. scutum in 100% Carmel sewage Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over a period of 53 hours. mortality rate in 0% sewage - - mortality rate in 100% unchlorinated sewage — — mortality rate in 100% chlorinated sewage Figure 21j: Toxicity tests on A. digitalis in 100% Carmel sewage Limpets in the control dish of 0% sewage were examined over a period of 53 hours. mortality rate in 0% sewage -- mortality rate in 100% unchlorinated sewage — mortality rate in 100% chlorinated sewage e 100 2 50 de oo 100% âXXXX 100 -00 50 —0 —0 20 28 12 Time in Hours A. scutum 100% X-XX 00 od o poo0 28 20 12 A. digitalis Agen 2 Table 9: LT50's for limpets in varying concentrations of Carme sewage Limpets in the control dish were examined over a period of 53 hours. 16 Sewage Concentrations 2% unchlorinated 2% chlorinated 10% unchlorinated 10% chlorinated 20% unchlorinated 20% chlorinated 50% unchlorinated 50% chlorinated 100% unchlorinated 100% chlorinated Toxicity Times Acmaea digitalis hours 32 27 21 24 " Acmaea scutun O hours 32 22 27 21 P