CONTENT I. Introduction II. Materials and methods III. Trophozoites of the enteric type IV. The coelomic type (a) The trophic phase: syzygy (b) The gametocyst (c) The zygocyst (d) The sporocyst V. Infection (a) Frequency of infection (b) Dispersal of spores (c) Digestion of spores by the host VI. Discussion VII. References cited VIII. Description of plates IX. Acknowledgments page I. INTRODUCTION Gregarine parasitism has been extensively studied in polychaetes (Ray, 1930; Miles, 1963; Dibb, 1938; Rees and Howell, 1966) cirratulids included (Cox, 1965). Most of these reports are primarily concerned with gregarines found in the intestine. No account is found of the acephaline form harbored in the coelom of the cirratulid Cirriformia spirabrancha. Populations of C. spirabrancha from Monterey, California are infected in high frequency with a coelomic gregarine and at least one intestinal sporozoan. This communication describes some aspects of the parasites of C. spirabrancha. Various stages of the life-cycle of the coelomic type are demonstrated, and the trophic form of the enteric type is introduced. Preliminary investigations into the mechanism of infection are noted. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS Specimens of C. spirabrancha were dug from the intertidal mud flats under the south edge of Fisherman's Wharf in the Monterey Harbor. Worms were brought into the laboratory with a generous portion of their substrate, placed in aquaria, and supplied with aerated flowing sea water. They were examined within forty-eight hours after collection. Worms of average size (approximately 0.25 gram) were picked at random from the aquaria, relaxed in isotonic MgCl,, and dissected by dorsolateral longitudinal incision of the body wall. The sex of the worms and stage of gametogenesis were noted, and the number and location of parasitic forms in the coelom were estimated. Specimens of gregarine forms were first examined in situ under the dissecting microscope, and then transferred by pasteur pipet to microscope slides and covered with a supported coverslip. Cytoplasmic structures and cyst contents were freed for examination at high magnification by crushing them gently under the coverslip. The contents of at least four cysts from each worm were examined to determine the extent to which each developmental stage of the parasite was present. Each host was then assigned to one of three groups according to maturation of gametes: 1) immature, having no gametes; 2) maturing, males having spermatid clusters and females having small eggs in sacs; and 3) mature, having fully ripe gametes. ap6 Each worm was also classed according to the predominant developmental phase of the parasite into one of six groups: 1) no parasites; 2) trophozoites; 3) associated sporadins; 4) gametocysts; 5) zygocysts; and 6) sporocysts. When coelomic forms had been examined, small portions of the gut were excised, placed on microscope slides, teased apart with needles, and pressed with the coverslip to spread the tissues and reveal the attached trophozoites of the intestine. Bouin-fixed and Masson's trichrome-stained serial paraffin sections (12 microns thickness) of whole worms were examined for attachment characteristics and evidence of entero-coelomic migration. Methyl green and neutral red were used as vital stains. However, unless otherwise noted all descriptions and illustrations in this communication were made from untreated specimens, An attempt was made to lyse the spores with egg white lysozyme (Pentex), pronase (Calbiochem), dithioerythritol (DTE, Sigma), DTE-pronase, sodium lauryl sulfate (Sigma), distilled water. sea water, and extract of gut from the host. The gut extract was prepared by homogenization of whole gastric tract at 0-5° C. in buffered artificial sea water and subsequent centrifugation to remove large particles. Twenty mature sporocysts were placed in each culture chamber and about half were crushed with a glass rod to release the spores. Each chamber was then filled with a lysing agent and sealed with petroleum jelly under a coverslip. Cysts were incubated with each lysing agent at 5P C., 14° C., and 21° C. up to 24 hours, during which time they were examined frequently and compared. ap7 III. TROPHOZOITES OF THE INTESTINE The mature trophozoite (plate I, figure a) measures about 0.20mm in length and about 0.0l mm in diameter. In situ, they move in a pendular manner from their anterior attachment point on the intestinal epithelium; The mode of attachment is unknown, but no penetration of host tissue is visible in fixed and stained paraffin sections at high magnification. When detached, they assume a spiral or sigmoid shape (plate I, figure b). Longitudinal striations in the pellicle are pronounced, numbering between ten and twenty. The nucleus usually lies between one-tenth and one-fifth of the length from the anterior end; one or two prominent nucleoli are visible. The size and shape of the nucleus are variable (plate I. figure c), depending upon stresses applied to it by the anterior and posterior cytoplasmic masses during peristaltic contractions along the entire length of the trophozoite. In a fixed and stained cross section of one attachment region of a trophozoite (plate I, figure d), the anterior end seems to be transversely septate; no other such examples were seen, although other attachment regions were examined. IV. THE COELOMIC TYPE A complete life-cycle of the coelomic gregarine of C. spirabrancha has not been followed in a single individual. But by carefully observing all systematic changes of different individuals, and using outlines (Kudo, 1946; Hyman, 1940; Calkins, 1933; Mackinnan and Hawes, 1961) of the life-cycles of similar species, one may hypothesize the continuum of events which brings about the developmental cycle. In other acephaline eugregarines, syzygy is followed by a multiple fission of the haploid sporont nuclei. The resulting gametes fuse, and a spore case develops around the resulting zygote. Meiosis occurs, producing haploid sporozoites capable of reinfection and development to mature trophozoites. The parasite of the coelom of C. spirabrancha is presumedn to have a similar life-cycle, and a similar logical progression has been applied to what has been observed in this species. (a) The Trophic Phase; Syzygy The trophozoites are elongate and teardrop-shaped. measuring 1.0 to 1.2 mm in length and about 0.1 mm in diameter at the thickest region when mature. The pellicle is smooth and unstriated, but sufficiently firm to buckle when the parasite is sharply bent (plate II, figure a). Though the pellicle is thickest and has a conical shape at the anterior end, no attachment organelles are evident. The nucleus is nearly spherical, having a flexible membrane that endures when the trophozoite is crushed; it lies very near the anterior. No nucleoli are evident in unstained specimens. Peristaltic contractions are in general more subdued in the mature trophozoite than in the small ones (plate II, figure a: about 0.12 mm long). These smaller individuals are capable of a sort of autoencystment (plate II, figure b-g), a phenomenon induced by adverse conditions on the microscope slide. Trophozoites in situ associate in pairs in various ways (plate III, figures a, e, f). After the initial contact they draw their "tails" around one another and then gradually reduce them, Eventually their original morphology is lost (plate III, figure a-d), and the cyst appears approximately spherical, with a diameter of 0.35-0.40 mm; both nuclei are still clearly evident. If the trophozo- ites are pressed apart just as they have begun to reduce their "tails" (plate III, figure b) they retain much of their original form except that their "tails" appear annulated (plate III, figure g). But if they are pressed after their association has become firmly established (plate IV, figure b), they rupture. Upon examination at high magnification, the cytoplasm appears much like that of the trophozoite itself (plate IV, figure c). 830 (b) The Gametocyst In other cysts, the nuclear membranes have disappeared (plate IV, figure d); but at high magnification the cytoplasm looks much the same as before (plate IV, figure f). At the same time, a loose membrane has formed about the cyst, to persist throughout the development. (c) The zygocyst Still other cysts contain a large number of roughly spherical bodies (plate IV, figure g-i) which measure about 10 microns in diameter. The contain large phase-dense nuclear bodies near their center. (d) The sporocyst The slightly flattened (plate IV, figure j) mature cysts contain navicular or biconical spores (plate IV, figure 1) similar in sice to the zygotes. The number of phase-dense bodies per spore varies up to eight; these are the nuclei of the sporozoites. 2 V. INFECTION (a) Frequency of Infection The stages of the coelomic form are found exclusively in that region which, in worms carrying on gametogenesis, bears the gametes. Some hosts contain predominantly one systematic stage; others contain several stages in similar proportions. From as few as none to more than 100 parasites have been seen in a single host. Tabulation of the data from the population survey (text figure) shows that there is no correlation between gamete development in the host and life-cycle of the parasite. Approximately the same infection pattern exists at all stages of gametogenesis. That the stages between syzygy and spore formation are present in such relatively low proportions indicates that this period of the cycle is relatively short. (b) Spore Dispersal It is interesting to note that during spawning of both male - and female worms in the aquaria, a few cysts and trophozoites were seen to emerge with gametes through the gonopores. These spawnede animals were then dissected, and found still to contain a large number of parasites. Since a low proportion of the sporocysts are dispersed during a spawn, and since there is no synchrony between the processes of gametogenesis and parasite development, it is likely that this is a coincidental dispersion mechanism. (c) Digestion of Spores by the Host Unsuccessful attempts have been made to reinfect gregarine hosts by feeding them mature cysts or spores. It was presumed that reinfection is through ingestion of spores or sporocysts by the host: the spore walls are digested by enzymes in the gut and the liberated sporozoites migrate through the gut wall to the coelomic cavity. where they mature. Attempts to digest sporocysts and spores in vitro, using proteolytic enzymes, polysaccharide degradingeagents, osmotic shock, and extract of gut from the host all failed. It is possible that the digestive process for spores is àn indûced one, and that the capacity for enzyme production was lost during extraction of gut enzymes. Further, no sporozoites have been observed in gut fluids, and there was no evidence of entero-coelomic migration in the serial paraffin sections. 23 DE aa. 2 W ö+i 10 GANIWVXS SISOH 20 NOILOVAS 23/ VI. DISCUSSION The form of the trophozoite and the presumed spore and the apparent life-cycle plâce the coelomic type in the tribe acephalina (Kölliker) of the suborder eugregarinida (Doflein). The determination of famill rests on interpretation of the spore structure; the spores are either biconical (monocystidae (Butschli))or rhynchocystidae (Bhatia)) or navicular (Urosporidae (Woodcock)). It is clear that some criteria other than morphology must be established to clarify the taxonomy of the order gregarinida. A more efficient mode than spawning of the host for spore dispersal must be sought. It must be firmly established that mature spores can be digested by the host, or the mode of infection must be seriously reconsidered. Since there seems to be no relationship physiologically between host gametes and the parasite, it is interesting that they are found in the same region of the coelom. If infection is through the gut, and entero-coelomic migration does occur, it is possible that the region surrounded by gametes is the region of the gut at which sporozoites are released. Perhaps nutrients required both for gametogenesis and by the parasited are passed to the coelom in this region exclusively. 3/ VII. REFERENCES CITED CALKINS, G. N. (1933). The Biology of the Protozoa. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. COX, F. E. G. (1965). Ditrypanocystis cirratuli (Sporozoa, Archi- gregarinida) Parasitic in Cirratulus cirratus from Plymouth. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K. 45: 59-64. DIBB, M. J. (1938). Selenocystis foliata (Ray) from Scolelepsis fuliginosa and its Identity with Haplozoan Species. Parisitology 30: 296-308. HIMAN, L. H. (1940). The Invertebrates: Protozoa through Ctenophora. McGraw-Hill, New York. KUDO, R. R. (1946). Protozoology. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill. MACKINNAN, D. L. & HAWES, R. S. J. (1961). An Introduction to the Study of Protozoa. Clarendon Press, Oxford. MILES, H. B. (1963). The Occurrence of Acephaline Gregarines in British Earthworms. Arch. Protistenk. 106: 575-82. RAY, H. N. (1930). Studies on Some Sporozoa in Polychaete Worms. I. Gregarines of the Genus Selenidium. Parisitology 22, 370-98. REES, B. (1962). Studies on Monocystic Gregarines. Two new Monocystic Genera Cephalocystis and Dendrocystis. Parasitology 56: 305. & HOWELL, M. J. (1966). Regection of the Generic Name Dendrocystis Rees, 1962 and its Replacement by Arborocystis nov. nom. V Protozoa: Gregarinomorpha. Parasitolo gx 21: 1-15. 236 VIII. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES All figures are drawn with the aid of camera lucida. The specimens were untreated unless otherwise npted. Plate I. Figure a. The enteric type. Mature trophozoites. Note nucleoli and longitudinal striations. (x 400) Figure b. The enteric type. In coiled state after detachment from intestinal epithelium. (x 400) Figure c: 1-8. Rhe enteric type. Region about the nucleus during peristaltic contractions. Note deformation of nuclear shape. (x 400) Figure d. The enteric type. Trichrome-stained paraffin section (12 microns) through the intestine of C. spirabrancha showing attachment point of a trophozoite. Note ectoplasmic septa near anterior of trophozoite. (x 200) Plate II. Figure a. The coelomic type. Trophozoites. Note smoothness and rigidity of pellicle. (x 100) Figure b.g. The coelomic type. Small trophozoite self-encysting under stress of temperature, pressure, osmotic imbalance. (x 400) 8 Plate III. Figure a-d. The coelomic type. Association and encystment of sporadins over a period of about one-half hour. (x 100) Figure e. The coelomic type. Anterior-to-posterior association of sporadins. (x 100) Figure f. The coelomic type. "Ball-and-socket" association of sporadins, pressed apart slightly under a coverslip. (x 100) Figure g. The coelomic type. One of a pair of encysted sporadins, showing annulation in the "tail" region. (x 100) Plate IV. Figure a-c. The coelomic type. Encysted sporadins. (a, b: x 100; c: X 1000) Figure d-f. The coelomic type. Gametocyst after multiple fission of sporadin nuclei. (d, e: x 100; f: x 1000) Figure g-i. The coelomic type. EZygocyst. (g, h: x 100; i: x 1000) Figure j-1. The coelomic type. Sporocyst. (j. k: x 100; 1: x 1000) C. 5. . . . 4 1 5 PLATE I K. 238 O PLATE I S 6 S O . ... 7... c0 1 . : — . C. . e. PLATE II C. d. . .. ..*.. 218 . c. . . ....*. PLATE III . . ... . . .. .. . . ) 1.. . 5 C. 1..7. .. . . . . . .. . ... .. . .. 1.77. .... *. .. b. 1 C. 4 . . . . ... d. 241 . 7 . . ... PLATE III - ...... 2...... . 6.:. . . Wl 2 ..*.. 4 H. 9. . : 5 . . .*.. 0.. 5..:. 5 . ... .. .. X . .. . . . . PLATE IV 23 . S .... .... . .. . . .. ... . .. . . . .. ... *. .. **... 2 — E 24 PLATE IV 6. * .. ..... 5. ......... 5 : 537.... te .3 ) 4. k. F. 5- 1 -.S Ta- k . .. . . . ..... .. ... * !.. .. . ..* . . S IX. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to J. R. Pearse for his generous guidance in the research and for his editorial assistance with this communication; to D. Epel for his suggestions for the spore lysis study; to R. Szal for his help in abtaining equipment and supplies; to M. Jeffries for providing samples of active gut extract, and to B. W. Belman for the excellent histological work. This projeet was supported in part by the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation Grant G4-4369.