C O THE INTERTIDAL AND SUBTIDAL DISTRIBUTION OF FOUR SPECIES OF PAGURUS (Fabricius) AT MUSSEL POINT, CALIFORNIA Robert Belknap and John Markham From the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University C O C The hermit crabs Pagurus samuelis (Stimpson, 1857), Pagurus granosimanus (Stimpson, 1859), Pagurus hemphillii (Benedict, 1892), and Pagurus hirsutiusculus (Dana, 1651) occupy a definite distribution by species in the intertidal area at Mussel Point, California. Prior to making a thorough ecological study of the four species, it was necessary to determine their distribution as to the total number of individuals and the relative predominance of each species under a number of different ecological conditions. A survey by Bollay (1964) indicated a definite species distribution over a 10 meter transect with P. samuelis predom- inantly in the rocky outcroppings and high pools of the upper intertidal and P. granosimanus and P. hirsutiusculus gaining predominance in the deeper channels of the lower intertidal. The region selected for our survey is larger and encompasses a greater variety of environmental extremes, including a small section of the subtidal. Extensive collecticns of the Pagirus species were made with the objective of determining distribution of the species present and the factors contributing to their distribution. Methods The area chosen for study (see fig. 1) is 80 meters long and 30 meters wide, extending from the highest to lowest intertidal areas adjacent to the Hopkins Marine Station. The transect was laid out by triangulation from two reference points of established position and height above mean low low water with ai transit and level rod. O A subtidal transect 15 x 3 meters was also selected. Combined, these transects provide all types of situations avail- able on a rocky bottom, ranging from an intertidal height of 3 meters to a subtidal depth of -10 meters with raspect to mean low low water, encompassing all degrees of exposure to air, sun, currents, and extremes in amount of vegetation. The sampled areas are selected to be representative of the different environmental conditions present. Each sample covers an area of 0.1 meter2, plus or minus 10%, or was corrected to this value when the results were tabulated. Sampling was carried out with a shovel and followed by a suction pump until no Pagurus could be found in the area. A portable submarine of the type used to tow scuba divers was converted into a suction pump by restricting the intake to a 4 inch flexible hose and directing the exhaust into a burlap sack. (fig. 2) Sampling procedure involved: (1) Hand collection of the larger or extremely mobile crabs. (2) Shovel collection of the top 5 centimeters of substrate, with the exception of rock surfaces. (3) Suction pump collection of any spilled or remaining specimens. (4) Neasurement and description of the sampled area. Whenever samples were taken above the water line, a cleining with trowel, brush, or hand was substituted for the (vacuuming) action of the pump. Each collected sample was taken to shore and washed through a series of 6 screens ranging in mesh size from 15.5 x 15.5 mm. to O.7 X O.7 mm. This separation permitted a study of size distribution and provided a good correlation with crab size as expressed by width of hard carapace and length of entire carapace. (Table I) Schmitt's key (1921) served as the basis for identification of large hermit crabs. Identification of the smaller specimens was done under a dissecting microscope with a key provided by Markham (1965). The tabulated data from each sample area were entered on a segmented disc to show percentage composition by species, and the number of each disc placed at the appropriate position on a map of the transect. (figs. 3a-d) Results The 51 samples taken contained a total of 2,921 individuals. The results portrayed in figures 4, 5, « 6 show that the species are differentially distributed with respect to horizontal distance. Figure 7 illustrates the vertical distribution. Where broad bands are used in the figures, they represent 90% of the population given by N, while the narrow lines represent the other 10/. In figure 8 the adult and juvenile populations of two species are compared. Ten samples with high population densities were chosen to represent each species, and the distribution of each displayed as it was sorted by shell size in the screens. (The majority of specimens found in screens 5 k 6 were without shells.) All specimens with a carapace widta of 1.5 mm or greater (screens 1-3 see Table I) are considered mature on the basis f coloration typical for the species (Markham, 1955), and egg bearing in the female population (Lamel, 1965). Discussion In figure 5 it can be seen that P. samuelis, P. granosimanus, and P. hemphillii have distinct horizontal distributions. P. samuelis is centered around the inner regions of the transect; P. granosimanus/found primarily in the central portion of tie transect, an area of pools, rocky bottoms, trenches and crevices which give some protection against the mild surge found in this area. P. hemphillii occupies the outermost portions of the transect, but is found in smaller numbers per 0.1 m'. The surprising distribution is that of P. hirsutiusculus which can be found in large numbers throughout the horizontal ixis of the transect. The next figure should be compared with figs. 1 £ 5 to emphasize the abovementioned points. Figure 6 represents the species composition of the samples 10 meter areas to show in fig. 4 averaged over a pattern of doninance in each horizontal area, Again, the same g- pattern is present -- P. samuelis occurs primarily in the inner zone, P. granosimanus in the midile, and P. hemphillii in the outer. P. hirsutiusculus is found throughout, appearing in the samples with greater frequency as the distance from shore increases. The E. hemphillii and P. samuelis populations are completely separated, with few exceptions, and those occur at the edges of deep pools, (samples 23 % 27). Some mixing might be exjected at a natural boundary between the deep water hermit crios and their higher dwelling neighbors. Vertical distribution is shown in figure 7, and again E. hirsutiusculus is found throughout the range, although in smaller numbers above 0.5 meters. P. granosimanus, while occupying the whole range above -0.65 meters, occurs primarily in the middle heights. Once again, P. hemphillii and P. samuelis are separated, the former occurring entirely at the greatest depths and the latter at the greatest heights, with only a small overlap between the heights of -O.O1 and 0.15 meters, where few of either species are found. The occurrence of P. hirsutiusculus in the lower intertidal regions 1910 contrasts with Rickett's/statement that only P. hemphillii is to be found in the low-tide region from O to -0.75 meters. Figure 8 is a representation of the striking fact that P. granosimanus juveniles are seldom found in the areis where the population density is high for the species. This distribution contrasts sharply with that of P. samelis where the juvenile population often outnumbers the mature individuals. When the population densities (n - given species population per O.1 m*) are compared, it is evident that the P. granosimanus juveniles are relatively scarce, in fact, practically absent in contrast to the large number of juveniles taken in the P. samuelis zone. Environmental factors affecting distribution are intertidal height and distance from shore, degree of exposure to sun and current, and the nature of the substrate. Two samples (lc 5, fig. taken from protected pools close to shore are very similar in habitat and population density, both sample areas partially shaded and covered by 15 cm. of water, both with sandy bottoms covered by broken mussel shells. Yet one sample is composed entirely of P. samuelis (102 per 0.1 m2), and the other is almost completely P. hirsutiusculus (152 out of 159 per 0.1 m2) since the two areas are located only 2½ meters apart, the segrecation of species may be explained in part by the 0.42 meter difference in height, P. hirsutiusculus found in the lower area. The presence of coralline algae in the lower area constitutes the other major difference in environment. P. hirsutiusculus is usually found in areas with algal cover, while P. samuelis is predominant in areas with rocky or sandy bottoms. We concur with Orians and King (1964) in this observation. The segregation by species noted above is not an isolated example. A glance at the first twenty samples listed in fig. 4 finds seven of them with population densities greater than 100 per 0.1 m2, and in each case, the sample is predominantly one species or another. P. samuelis and P. hirsitiusculus will not share the same rock or algal cover if the population density is high, even when they live in close proximity. The data suggest the following hypothesis: any sample with a population density greater than 100 per O.1 m will tend to be composed predominantly of one species. Differences in substrate and exposure often account for the relative predominance of juvenile or adult individuals in a particular area. Juveniles prefer a sheltered environment and are usually clustered together in large quantities under rocks or clumped in sandy beds of coralline algae. Siae alone forces the adult population into more exposed rocky areas, but similar areas witn algal cover of protective crevices contain higner population densities. The lowest population densities are found in swift surge channels or sunny open areas. Several samples with zero or less than five individuals per O.im2 were taken from the graveled bottoms of deep pools with no algil cover or protection of any sort. However, the population density of both juveniles and adults is usually high at the water's edge, for either a ri O 7. Further indication of the role of height as a fictor in distribution is given by the scattered occurrence of P. samuelis in the outer sections of the transect. All P. simuelis occurring more than 30 meters from shore were found at a height of 0.0. maters or greater. Sample 34, which contained the greatest percentage of P. simuelis in any sample iken past 30 meters, was collected from a height of 0.55 meters, a height well within tnat containing 90% of the population. Evidently P. samuelis occupies a definite vert'cal zone vherever it occurs horizontally in the intertidal. Ten samples in the subtidal transect yielded 13 P. hemphillii, 1 P. granosimanus, and ten small specimens which have not yet been identified. The bottom area is covered with large gravel and rippled by surge, only a few boulders forming protected pockets for the Pagurus population. Although the sampled area covered only 2 m2, it was determined by visual inspection and selected sampling that no hermit crabs are present in the large gravel surge channels which cover most of this subtidal region. Sumnary A survey of the intertidal and subtidal area off Mussel Point has shoun: (1) The Pagurus spp. found intertidally occupy definite horizontal and vertical zones. The inper section of the middle the transect contains primarily P. section P. granosimanus, and the outer regions P. hemphillii, with P. hirsutiusculus extending over most of the transect. (2) Juveniles of P. granosimanus are not clustered together in large quantities under rocks and algal cover, whereas the other three species of Pagurus exhibit high population densities under these conditions. (3) The data on population in fig. I suggest the following hypothesis -- any sample with a population iensity greater than 100 per 0.1 m' will tend to be composed predominantly of one species. Pagurus Spp. may be located in terms of i referred (4) environment. P. samuelis can oe found in rocky exposed areas, where P. hirsutiusculus prefers regions with algal cover. P. granosimanus is found in the pools and mild surge channels of the midile ind lower intertidil, where P. hemphillii prefers the deeper witers and constant surge of the lower intertidal und sibtiiil regions. The number of Pagurus spp. is reduced in the sibtidal (5) region. P. hemphillii is the dominant srecies, P. granosimanus is found occasionally, with P. sinielis and P. hirsutiusculus absent entirely in the smill region studied here c LEGEND Figure 1: Photograph of the transect at Mussel Point, calif. Looking northward, the Bird Rocks appear in the upper righthand corner. Reference point Bis indicated in the lower righthand corner. Subtidal transect is 30 meters East of Bird Rock. Figure 2: Photograph of the suction purp used in sampling, with the collecting bag, shovel, and series of graded gcregns in the background. The inverted bucket covers a waterrurp to recirculate sea water used to waeh specimens and substrate isto the profer screens. Figure 3: Sketch of intertidal transect. Sample nurbers on wap corresrond with those below dieks (3e). Inset (7c) is of ertire transect 1/4 X scale of main sketch to show relationskigs of figs. 3a-c. In this figure and thoee which follow, the abbreviations used are: P. sam, Pagurus samuelis; P. hirs, Pagurus hirsutlusculus; 11111. drus granosimanus; P. hewp, Pagurus he P. gran, Pa Scale at right incicates Clstance from refererce point B in meters. Liscs ahow a composition of each sample by species. Figure 4: Species comrosition of intertidal samples. N indicates total number in each samrle per 0.1 metere, D indicates Cistances from shore groupe within 10 meter bands. S indicates sample nümber, corresponding to the same number on map and disc, fig. Ja-d. Species designations same as fig. 30. Figure 5: Horizontal distribution by species in the intertical, Percentages are of total crabs taken, 2921 indivicuals. M, meters from shore (ref. pt. B). N, number of given species collected. Eroad bands represent 90 of the given population, narrow lines, the remaining 10%. Figure 6: Species comrosition of intertidal samples averaged over 10 meter horizontal bands. Solid lines with croeses, Pagyryg samuelis dotted lines with circles, Fagurus granosimanus; dashed lines with squares, Pagurue hirsutiusculus; dots and dacheg with triangles, 1111. Peints plotted above are obtained from fig. 4 Pagurus herph by averaging the percentages recorded in each 10 meter tand. M. meters from ref. pt. B; % are of total crats collecte in the given 10 meter band. Figure 7: Vertical Cistribution by species. M, reters above mean low low water; broad bands, percentages, & Nas Gesignated in fig. 5. Figure 8: Adult and juvenile populations in samples of two épecies. Grav incicates adults found in screens 1-3, white indicates juvenilee found in screens 5 & 6, and stripes indica'e mixed pogulations fouge in sereen 4. N, number of P. Samuelis or P. grancgigarus per 0.1 mo. C LITERATURE CITED Bollay, Melodv, 1964. Distribution and utilization of Gastropod shells by the hermit crabs Pagurus samuelis, Pagurus granosimanus, and Pagurus hirsutiusculus at Pacific Crove, California. The Veliger (Supplement): 71-76. Lamel David A, 1965. Egg bearing potential and egg development in Pagurus granosimanus and Pagurus samuelis. Unpublished paper, Stanford university. Orians, Gordon H. & Charles E. King, 1964. Shell selection and invasion rates of some Pacific hermit crabs. Pacific Science 18: 297-306. Putnam, John D. & John C. Markham, 1965. Keys to larval and post- larval stages for selected species of Pagurus. Unpublished paper, Stanford University. Ricketts, Edward F & Jack Calvin, 1948. Between Pacific Tices, Revised Ecition, Stanford, California, Stanford University Press:81. Schmitt, W.L., 1921. The Marine Decapod Crustacea of California, Univ. Calif. Publ. Z0ol., 23: 128-143. TABLE I Correlation of Screen Size with Carapace Size - Grid dimensions Screen 41 -- 4.0 mm. and larger in width 15.0 mmX 15.0 mm 7.0 mm. and larger in length Screen 42 -- 2.1 mm. to 3.9 mm. in width 8.5 mmX 8.5 mm 4.0 mm. to 6.9 mm. in length Screen 43 -- 1.5 mm. to 2.1 mm. in width 6.0 mmX 6.0 mm 3.5 mm. to 5.0 mm. in length Screen 44 -- 1.4 mm. to 2.0 mm. in width 3.O mm X 3.0 mm 2.6 mm. to 3.6 mm. in length Screen 45 -- 1.0 mm. to 1.5 mm. in width 1.4 mmX 1.4 mm 2.0 mm. to 2.6 mm. in length Screen 46 -- 0.7 mm. to 0.9 mm in width O.7 mmX 0.7 mm 1.1 mm. to 1.8 mm. in length About fifteen samples were measured to determine the mean size range in each case. Table II Vertical height of intertidal samples (in meters) Sample f Vertical ht. Sample 0.83 0.96 .96 0.92 0.50 0.99 0.70 0.3 0.36 0.19 1.27 0.53 10 1.20 1 0.43 12 o.4 0.47 44 0.00 0.52 16 19 .51 0.51 19 0.15 .05 -0.14 -0.18 0.05 Vertical ht. 0.03 -0.03 O.03 -0.23 0.07 0.26 0.55 -0.51 0.38 0.05 O.13 -0.01 -0.65 -0.41 -0.39 -0.39 -0.65 -0.1 -0.58 -1.19 -0.15 -0.77 0.02 -0.08 C Figure 1: Photograph of the transect at Mussel Point, Calif, Looking northward, the bird Rocks appear in the upper righthanc corner. Reference point E is indicated in the lower righthand Subt'dal transect is 30 meters ast of sird oc. corner. Fig.! Fig. 2 Figure 2: Photograph of the suctien pump used in earpling, with the collecting bag, shovel, and series of graced screens in the The inverted bucket covers a waterpurp to recirculate backrround. oer the sea water used to wash specimens and betrate t 0 5 S 1 ) Fig 3 26 36 23 48 44 34 17 .38 45 43 25 32 30 39 46 75 70 60 50 45 40 35 17 24 s 22 Fig. 30 t e 6y -... ..... ... . . . oe..... ........ ........ . ... ......... o.oooooo ooc.o........occ. eeeecec.. .........s.............................. ........................................ ........................................ ..ooooooo oocoo.... ........ eeeeeeeo. ..c.ccos occcoooo oeee... oo * 0* .... ... . . .... .... .. ee..... ....... H.. .... ......... ooo.... ....S.... .... ......... ......... ....Jo .... ..... — occcccccopoccccoccoo cececocoo. ........... o eeeeoeo. ......./......... ooo ceoeoc... eeeee.. ceeeeeo. veeee... eeeoeso. ...... .. ...... .. . .. .... .. ... ....... le... eeeeoo. »..* .ooooo o. — .... Ov50. ecceeo.. e.. eooo. ..... . . . . 15 None 29 — 36 38 43 44 45 /0 .. . . . ... — eeeooo. eeeeeo. ........ ceeeee.. eee..... — reeeos 4 f. -.....).oo — — ......... .......o¬ .... — 12 ..... ceeeeo. ....... •... — — 19 20 48 — . * »e... ..... ..... . ... : 21 None 49 0 o oo -1.. 0 11— — 2 . od — O 0 1. 05 o. C— •5 oto —0 — — * - e. a 0 — O - u o o oo. ES- oca e 0 10 S1 L 12 stttepetelllle 18 tt 22 11 grt 12 ZZ l 21 6t St 2 99 H Z 2 atttleetl 92 VI 22 V L H 02 91 92 VI 92 Vettttlll 9 81 l. 4 19 lL . * 18 6 ety seflt t D 8 Z 21 12 36 ttdtetd 69 901 89 29 6Szeel 20 22 . * — 22 8 10 2 39 0 X . 8 8 8 O 5 1. 1i 0- -15 o a. B.11. 0 C1. 0 , o O —1 o o ol ot.o -- 2 a o o . ogLoGVS ( O a C Oa .. 04 .. ..... O0 oOS.3. — 5. O—0— 9 3 Of.of.4. -— ONXLS 0 - 34: m. o ta- 5- 0 1. S L Hirs 1390 son 1265 910 224 Elh emp 253 76 2 Fig. 5 Figure 5: Horizontal distribution by species in the intertical. Percentages are of total crabs taken, 2921 individuals. M, meters from shore (ref. pt. B). N, number of given species collected, Broad bands represent 90% of the given population, narrow lines, the remaining 10. EMes a103 N1390 E son 1269 E. pran 224 P. Nemp 76 Fig. 7 Figur Vertic 10 1 10 10 u incn D INCNE reurest e aoeen e 1 P samuelis P. granosimanus Fig. 8 Figure 8: Adult anc juvenile populations in samples of two species. Gray indicates adults found in screens 1-3, white indicates juveniles found in screens 5 & 6, and stripes indicate mixec populations fougé in screen 4. N, number of P, samuelis or P, granosiranus per O.1 me N- Acknowledgments We would like to gratefully acknowledge the advice and assistance of Professors Laurence R. Blinks and Donald P. Abbott. Thanks to Bill Austin for advice and materials, to Robert Cook and Jim Landers for photographs and help with the subtidal region, and to Jack Putnam for uncomplaining help with the disagreeable task of screening.