Zonation in isopods. page 2 INTRODUCTION Preliminary investigation of one end of a sand beach at Hopkins Marine Station, Monterey Bay, California, indicated that there were at least four species of ter- restrial isopods living very close to each other in apparently similar habitats. As the area did not appear divisible into more than two zones, sand and iceplant, I became interested in attempting to delineate the environmental and behavioral factors that separated the species. In the course of this investigation I looked at tolerances to several stresses as well as the animalös behavior in the field. Analysis of gut contents was ttempted but proved largely inconclusive. As the study was carried out over a limited period of time, replicate sampling under similar conditions of moon, tide, and weather were not possible. The species studied were Alloniscus perconvexus (Dana, 1054 ), A. cornutus (Budde-Lunde, 1885 ), hiloscia richardsonae (Holmes and Gay, 1909), Armadilloniscus lindahli (Richardson, 1905), A. holmesi (Arcangeli, 1933 ), and Porcellio sp. The later species was not studied extensively due to the low numbers encountered. There remains some doubt as to the identification of Armadilloniscus holmesi, as it Zonation in isopods. page 3 apparently is very similar to A. coronacapitalis and reference specimens were not available to allow conclu¬ sive identification. There is almost no literature relevant to the habitats of either these five species of isopod or similar beach inhabiting forms. Hainsworth (1972) has studied the behavior of A. perconvexus and Hayes (1969 ) examined the ecology of the isopod Tylos punctatus in Southern California. Miller (1930) looked at comparative distributions of isopods relative to water, but his results were rather general in nature. Mulaik (1960 ) stated that Armadilloniscus and Philoscis were commonly found together under wrack, although this was not found in the present study. THE HABITAT The area studied was the rocky end of a sand beach located on the SW corner of Cabrillo Pt., Monterey, California. The beach was made up of unbroken sand to a height of + 1.5 feet from O tide level; there followed a narrow (about 3m) band of scattered rocks and finally at the upper reaches of the beach, iceplant. (See fig. 1) Wave action was moderately strong but waves reached the iceplant only once during the study peiod. Such Zonation sopods. page heavy surf was seen to change the level of sand b almost ten inches in a single night. Air temperature ranged from 7 to 27c and am humidity from 35% R.H. to 100% R.H. during the stu period; the results of one day's measurement of tei erature and humidity under rocks are presented in fig. 1. Humidity was measured with a Honeywell Re. Humidity Readout Instrument which was found accura 3% when tested with saturated salt solu measurements were used to indicate the ran tolerance tests Zonation in isopods. page 5 IYSIOLOGY 1) Temperature Procedure: Ten to twenty animals of each species were placed in petri dishes with a piece of wet towelling to insure 100% R.H. The dishes were then left in constant temperature boxes for 12 hours; mortality at the end of this period was established by a lack of response to probing. Tempenatures tested were 10, 20, 30, 35, and 10c. Results: The results are shown in fig. 2a. Note that the ranges of all species were very similar, with Philoscia showing the least tolerance to temperature stress. 2) Relative Humidity Procedure: Thirty animals of each species were placed in individual cups to prevent clumping, which is possibly a factor in preventing water loss (Cloudsley-Thompson, 1956 ). These were then placed on supports in covered bowls of saturated salt solutions each giving a constant R.H. The solutions and humidities utilized were: 98% R.H. - K,Cr,0 92% R.H. - KNO, 90% R.H. - Bacl,.2H20 Zonation in isopods. page 6 84% R.H. - KCl 100% R.H. - distilled H,O The animals were examined after sufficient time had passed for a sizeable number of animals to die. The experiment was done at a room temperature of 20 - 25c. Results: The results are presented in fig.2b. Note that in order of increasing tolerance to dessication the ani- mals are A. holmesi, A. lindahli, Philoscia, A. cornutus, and A. perconvexus; also significant is that Philoscia were in the 12 hour group. Although I did not test Porcellio, they have been found by others to do quite well for over a day at 80% R.H. (Fiedler, pers. comm.) which is significantly longer than any of the other isopods dealt with. 3) Submersion Procedure: Fourty individuals of each species (note: for the two species of Armadilloniscus only twenty ind- ividuals were used ) were placed in open finger bowls of sea water at room temperature. They were kept untill almost all had died; death was again defined as a lack of response to probing. Results: The results are shown in fig.3. Note Philoscia's low tolerance to submersion. Zonation in isopods. page 7 FIELD STUDIES 1) Static Distribution Procedure: A point was chosen which represented the lowest rocks on the beach. This was at + 1.5 feet from the 0.O tidal level. Ten meter transects parrallel to the water were then layed down at one meter intervals from the base point to the upper beach, a horizontal distance of 9m. All the rocks that were small enough to turn over and were touching the line were examined and the substrate sampled. The number of isopods present was estimated in incremental units of 25 (ie. - 0, 25, 50... etc. ). The total estimate for each level was then corrected to represent a sample of ten rocks (actual numbers of rocks ranged from 7 - 13 ). Finally, each increment of 25 was assigned a value of 1; the final result being a scale of relative abundance from 1 to 38. At 2 - 5pm on the same day temperature and humidity measurements were made under representative rocks along the transects. These are illustrated in fig. 4. Note that this distribution was measured several days after an unnusually high tide, and it may not be "typical". Results: The results are illustrated in figure 45. Armadilloniscus holmesi, Alloniscus cornutus, and Porcellio sopods. page 8 Zonation in appear restricted to specific zones, A. holmesi to th lower beach and Alloniscus and Porcellio to the upper On the other hand, Armadilloniscus lindahli and Philoscia are found over a wider range, Philoscia tending towards the upper beach while A. lindahli appears most heavily in mid-beach. No Alloniscus perconvexus were observed. Note that with the exception of Philose order in which species occur from low corresponds exactl ith the dessicat Zonation in isopods. page 9 2) Activity Patterns Procedure: The activity patterns of the isopods were studied using plastic cups ôcm accross sunk flush with the surface of the sand, into which the isopods fell. A total of 13 such traps were distributed at various distances from the base point described earlier. Several of these were in directional sets, in which microscope slides set in the sand were used to block approach from all but one direction. These were set in pairs, one facing up the beach and the other toward the water. Traps were checked at two hour intervals and all the isopods were identified and counted; the two species of rmadilloniscus were usually treated together due to the ficulty of accurate field identification. di. After counting the animals they were released about Im away from the trap in order to minimize the effect of trapping on the population. Experiments in which the animals were marked with enamel paint showed that there was no significant recapture of just - released individuals using this method. Observations were carried out during three nights with a new moon, two with a full moon, and one with a first quarter moon. On one of the full moon nights a Zonation in isopods. page 10 heavy fog obscured the moon totally. Due to the lack of a consistently reliable light meter, light intensity was not measured. Temperature and humidity were moni¬ tored on most of the nights, but proved to be relatively unimportant. Results: New Moon May 3-4 (fig. 5 ) - Alloniscus and Philoscia both appear to be strongly cued by the absence of light. Armadilloniscus do not show such a response to light and are active well into the morning; this is correlated with the first direct sun on the beach and hence pos- sibly dessication. None of the isopods appear to move any significant distance from the areas in which they are found during the day. The data from May 29-31 (figs. 6 & 7) show the effect of high tide on the animals. Rather than simply shift their activity up the beach (Hainsworth, 1972), the high water kept all species but the two Armadilloniscus from appearing. The submergence of the zone 1 to om above the base point on May 30-31 brought out a large number of A. lindahli that did not show up the preceding night. First Quarter Moon May 9-10 (fig. 8 ) - The most striking difference Zonation in isopods. page 11 between this night and that of May 3-4, which has a comparable tide but no moon, is the relative absence of Alloniscus cornutus, while Philoscia and A. erconvexus seem unaffected by the moon. The absence of Armadilloniscus is probably related to the lower high tide of that night. Full Moon May 16-18 (figs. 9 & 10 ) - The tides on these nights were roughly comparable to that on the new moon of May 3-4, so presumably the major difference between the two sets of nights was the amount of ambient light. In this regard, note that on May 17-10 the moon was obscured by fog, which seems to have made little difference. The primary thing to note is the general similarity between these two nights and the night of quarter moon, as well as the close agreement between May 16-17 and 17- 18, in spite of the fact that the moon was not visible on the second night. Note also that with a slightly higher tide, Armadilloniscus have appeared in relatively large numbers. Directional Sampling The results of the directional sampling are ambiguous, and only selected data are presented (fig. 11 ). There appears to be a tendency for Alloniscus cornutus to move pods. page 12 Zonation in is toward the water in the early night and to return up the beach later on. Remember, though, that the population as a whole did not seem to move (see figs. Ib and 5). Philoscia was not caught in large enough numbers to make any valid statements about, but any pattern in their activity is fairly obscure. The sample of Armadilloniscus is also quite small, but does seem to indicate a pattern of movement sin to that of A. cornutus. This is the opposite of w nat would be expected of a low-middle beach animal, for th traps were situated near the upper boundary of the range. They therefore would be expected to move beach first, and later retur ods. page 13 Zonation in GUT CONTENTS Procedure: Ten to thirty individuals of each species were collected at night from an assortement of areas (sand, rocks, wrack, grass, and iceplant as well as traps ) and preserved in 80% alcohol. When possible the animals collected were ones that had appeared to be feeding. The gut was then dissected out, rehydrated, fixed in Karo syrup and mounted on microscope slides. They were then examined by myself and by Dr. I. A. Abbott and the contents identified to whatever extent possible (generally no farther than algae - vascular plant - animal ). The relative proportions of the material was estimated on a relative scale designation: some, half, or most. Results: A. perconvexus - Almost exclusively brown algae, some other algae and vascular plant material. This was true even for animals taken in the beachgrass and iceplant. A. cornutus - Evenly divided between algae, vascular plant, and arthropod skeletons. The animal matter was largely made up of insect pupae cases, and made up most of the contents of several individuals. Philoscia - Contained both insect pupae and plant material, but very finely ground and difficult to isopods. page 11 tion Zor see. Fair quantities of sand grains were also p Armadilloniscus - There was no obvious between the species. Both contained almost exclus algae, much of it blue-green and simple green. Porcellio - Almost exclusively ar- exoskeletons, with some vascular plant. Zonation in i ds. page 15 CONC LUSION Although there seems to be a relatively homogeneous habitat, the isopods on the beach studied have all adapted to particular physiological and behavioral niches. Of the six species studied, only the two Armadilloniscus have the same diet. Physically, the animals are distri¬ buted from low to high beach in accordance with their tolerances to submersion and dessication, with one exception (Philoscia ). Activity patterns are roughly similar, all being primarily nocturnal, but within this similarity there is great variation, with Alloniscus, liloscia, and probably Porcellio responding negatively to daylight itself while Armadilloniscus appears to be responding to some other cue, possibly desication. Moonlight affects the activity of Alloniscus cornutus and possibly A. perconvexus (Hainsworth, 1972 ) but does cia or Armadilloniscus. The not alter that of Philos activity of both these animals does appear to be related to high surf, Philoscia responding negatively and Armadilloniscus positively. For simplicity, I will deal with the animals one species at a time. Zonation in isopods. pagel6 Alloniscus perconvexus This animal is found between the high tide mark and the iceplant, buried in sand near rocks. They were not found in significant numbers here, and little can be said about their activity. Other researchers (Hainsworth, 1972 ) have found them to respond nega¬ tively to light, including moonlight. They are entirely herbivorous, feeding mostly on brown algae (usually Macrocystis). A. cornutus Also found on the upper beach, this isopod is more closely associated with rocks, which may provide the more constant high humidity that they recquire relative to A. perconvexus. They are active only at night and appear to remain inactive when the moon is out. This negative response to light is found in both Alloniscus and possibly Porcellio, to some extent in Philoscia (which ignores the moon but responds to daylight ), and is allmost absent in Armadilloniscus. A possible explanation for this is that while Alloniscus are large, slow isopods, Philoscia is very fast and Armadilloniscus are extremely small. Small size or great speed are both good defenses against most predation, especially that which is vision- dependant. Therefore it seems possible that the negative Zonation in isopods. page 17 photoresponse of Alloniscus is a means of protecting the animals from predators which they could not escape otherwise. Although no large predators were observed on the beach at night, flocks of birds foraged on the beach allmost every morning as soon as it was light, A. cornutus also seems to respond negatively to heavy surf, but I have no explanation for this, as they were not active even in areas where there was no physical threat to them of being washed out. They travel to some extent, but probably go less than 1 meter in an average night. This is indicated by the fact that while the populations as a whole do not move noticeably, the directional traps found some evidence for a definite cycle of movement during the night, down the beach (to forage ?) and later back up. Their diet is omnivorous but it is not known if they are active predators or scavengers. A. cornutus has evidently replaced the sandy beach A. perconvexus in this rocky area, possibly because of their greater tolerance for water (which is held in the sand by the rocks) and/or their increased utilization of vascular plants as food, represented by the beachgrass common at the upper beach. Zonation in isopods. page 18 Philoscia richardsonae These animals are a puzzle. They are omnivores, as are A.cornutus, but the appearance of the gut contents is very different. They are active regardless of moon phase but are highly inhibited by heavy surf. Although tolerance tests found them the most delicate of the animals studied, they have the widest physical range. They are the fastest of the isopods studied. A possible explanation for all this was first proposed by Nat Howe (pers. comm. ). Simply, the speed and mobility of Philoscia enables them to seek out isolated microhabitats in an otherwise hostile environment. This implies to some extent that they are existing on this beach only marginally, and should be more common elsewhere. A search of the neihboring coastline revealed a very dense population of them underneath concrete rubble on a beach near the Coast Guard pier in Monterey, about one mile north of the study area. Although they were not studied at this site, it should be noted that they were in an extremely sheltered habitat, often beneath up to two feet of loosely fitting rubble. From this evidence, I believe that the study area on Cabrillo Pt. was not a representative habitat for this animal. Zonation in isopods. page 19 Armadilloniscus holmesi This is a low beach herbivore, often submerged by the tide. Their range does not overlap that of any isopod but A. lindahli. They are active at night or early morning when the sand has recently been sub¬ merged, which is a good time to graze on the microalgae that makes up a good part of their diet (when the algae is wet it will not be as tough or shrunken ). They respond less to light than to humidity; this is probably because their small size protects them from predation by birds. A. lindahl These are found slightly higher on the beach than A. holmesi, but feed on essentially the same things. They are active only rarely, however, due to the infrequency of very high tides. As herbivores need to eat fairly regularly, this implies that they find a large part of their food in the algae that is caught beneath racks. Indeed, there were obvious deposits of dead algae under almost every rock sheltering A. lindahli. Like A. holmesi reatly sensitive to light. They range they are notg farther than A. holmesi when they are active; this may be a mechanism of population dispersal, preventing pop¬ ulations under a given rock from stagnating. isopods. Zor tior ements Acknowled I would like to thank Dr. I. A. Abbott assistance with the analysis of gut content: Pratt for his field observations of A. perconvex and Dr. Welton Lee for his advice and assistance the writing of the paper. Zonation in isopods. Figure captions Fig. 1 Beach profile from base point (0) to top of rise. The horizontal axis represents the horizontal distance up the beach; the vertical axis, the vertical rise in height above O tide level. Fig. 2a Survival after 12 hours at 10, 20, 30, 35, and loc (100g R. H. ). N for each species equals 10 - 20. Fig. 2b - Survival at various degrees of dessication. Times chosen on the basis of casual observation of respective tolerances to dessication. N started at 30 per point, but because of escape from the holding cups and subsequent drowning. n actually ranged from 4 - 28. Fig. 3 Tolerance to submersion in sea water. The lines represent number of animals (n - 10) left alive after a given time interval. Fig. la - Temperature and R. H. measured under rocks every meter up the beach from the base point. Temperature is rep¬ resented by the solid line, R.H. by the dotted line. Fig. lb - Relative numbers of animals at each meter above the base point during midafternoon, when they are not active. See text for explanation of vertical scale. Figs. 5 - 10 - These figures show the number of animals (scale in lower right) at any time (horizontal scale) and distance above the base point (left vertical scale). Zonation in isopods. The dotted line represents the farthest a wave came up the beach in a five minute interval. The dark bar on the horizontal axis corresponds to night, and the small bars on figs. 8 and 9 represent moon rise and set. Fig. 11 - Results of directional sampling. The vertical axis represent numbers of animals; the horizontal, time of night. Note that traps faceing up the beach are catching animals comeing down, and vice versa. Zonation in isopods. Literature cited Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L. (1956). Studies in diurnal rythms, VI: Humidity responses and nocturnal activity in woodlice (Isopoda). J. Expt. Biol. 33:576. Hainsworth, B. (1972). Hayes, W. B. (1969 ). Ecological studies on the high beach isopod Tylos punctatus Holmes and Gay. Unpublished Ph. D. thesis. University of California at San Diego. Miller, M. A. (1938 ). Comparative ecological studies of Terrestrial Isopod Crustacea of the San Francisco Bay region. Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool. 13:113-112. Mulaik, S. B. (1960 ). Contribucion al conocimiento de los Isopodos terrestres de Mexico (Isopoda, Oniscoidea). Rev. Soc. Mex. Hist. nat. 21 1:79-292. 1o) FG ) AOSV 01 W O RO O o FIG 25 100 75 50 FG 2a - Philoscia 7- A. perconvexus o-A. lindahli /- A. cornutus A-A. holmesi . 12 hrs. 24 hrs. 100 98 92 90 84 100 98 92 90 84 %o REL. HUMIDITY A. perconvexus 100 + OA. cornutus * Philoscia • A. lindahli 12 hrs. 10 30 35 40 20 TEMP. (°c) (100 % R.H.) 1e FIG. 3 /40 PD + 3 —. = — — e = : e 2 NUMBER ALIVE NUMBER en 2 16 L — —— L EG 28 24 e a STATICLDISTRIBUTION 8 2 3 4 DISTANCE FROMBASE 2/e AIR 1 (M) TANCE FRON BASE Aholn lindahli hiloscia Aconnutus orcelig 100% R. H. I 5 8991 758 627 506 495 324 2-3 22 ACTIVITY 5/3-4/13 NEW MOON Philoscia A. perconvexus Armadilloniscus spp. A.cornutus Porcellio sp. H e 815 8 939 Dios Ogs 039 1 LE HH L a 936 932 L WAVE HT. Im m Ipm 9I lam TIME 15 105 Hot 7-8 6-1 5-6 4-5 L + 3-4 2-3 1-2 ACTIVITY 5/29—30/73 NEW MOON Philoscia A. perconvexus Armadilloniscus spp. A.cornutus Porcellio sp. 1 E 3 234 LE L I 1 La WAVE HT. M I II M m II I m 9pm lam TIME 10 17 758 67 50 455 354 2-3 22 ie ACTIVITY 5/30—31/73 NEW MOON A. perconvexus Philoscia A.cornutus Armadilloniseus spp. Porcellio sp. 026 1 L I AVE HI. II M 5 TIME 9 11 105 1162 528 455 334 2-3 2 79 5/9-10/73 QUARTER MOON ACTIVITV Philescia A. perconvexus Armadilloniscus spp. A.cornutus Porcellio sp. L 224 I L O2 030 L E I 15 05 4 12 8 10 12 10 TIME 637 50 4 354 2-3 22 ACTIVITY 5/16-17/73 FULL MOON Philoscia A. perconvexus Armadilloniscus spp. A.cornutus Porcellio sp. A H 938 342 28 H 48 E E T I I 11 E E TIME 11 5 105 31 637 56 455 354 2-3 feggedse ACTIVITY 5/17-18/73 FULL MOON (FOG) Philoscia 4 A. perconvexus A.cornutus Armadilloniscus spp. Porcellio sp. 05 ar I 20 945 929 EE E 9 935 923 I E E 21 2 TIME 05 6g1 8 8 1 19 U o O V 1 1 0 0 O 111 8 9 1 0) O O 1 — 1 10