This study attempts to correlate mechanical characteristics of
the tube feet and ampullae in Pycnopodia helianthoides with filmed
behaviour of the tube foot-ampulla system in operation. The tube
foot-ampulla system is an isovolumetric system. Tube foot wall
thickness increases during contraction (£ = 0.5 at 54% extensjon).
lube feet at maximum contraction lose about 88% of their extended
volume. The ampullae simultaneously expand in volume by roughly
Longitudinal and circular fibers were found in the ampulla. The
maximum strain for these fibers is as yet undetermined, but what
limits tube foot contraction is more likely the maximum contractility
of tube foot longitudinal muscles. Tube foot extension is limited by
contraction of the ampulla (i.e. restricted by total internal volume
of the system). Helically unmapped fibers in the tube foot
greatly enhance its extensile capability.
The tube feet and ampullae are the extremities of
the water vascular system in Echinoderms. Water enters
the system through a madrepore on the dorsal side of the
oral disc. Some of this water is channeled out the arms
of the organism through radial canals. These canals
are the common ducts to which all of the tube feet and
ampullae are connected.
The tube feet-ampullae systems of Asteroids are reported
to be isovolumetric. A muscularly controlléd, one-way
valve (Smith, 1946) allows water to enter from the radial
canal to compensate for diffusion. This valve then
closes, trapping a finite volume inside,
Physical properties of the tube foot have received
much attention lately, but the morphology of the ampullae
and how it coordinates activity with the tube foot de¬
serves further examination.
This study attempts to correlate physical characteri¬
stics of the ampullae and tube foot in Pycnapodja heljan¬
thoides with actual behaviour of the tube foot-ampulla
system in operation.
Studjes recently undertaken by others at the Hopkins
Marine Station: Tang (unpub. 1983), Shibata (unpub. 1983),
as well as by Smith (1946) and Woodley (1979) will be
analyzed as they relate to findings in this study.
Materials and Methods
I. Filming
To observe the tube foot and ampulla in operation, am¬
bulacra of Pycnapodia were amputated and a viewing window was
cut into the side (figure 1). Video films were recorded and
three events showing clear and dramatic contraction and
extension were chosen for analysis.
The tube foot and its associated ampulla were care¬
fully traced after stopping the film every thirty to
sixty frames (0.5 - 1.0 seconds). These tracings were then
projected and retraced onto paper. The paper tracings
were retraced a third time onto an Apple II graphics
tablet digitizer. Area data of both the tube foot and
ampulla as well as the length and width of the tube foot
at intervals during contraction and extension were recorded.
The accuracy of the above measurements was determined
by first retracing the minimum possible outline of both
the tube foot and ampulla and then tracing a maximum
possible outline for the same events. Averaging the maxi¬
mum and minimum values separately gave the individual high
and low boundaries of error for areas, length, and width.
II. Volume
In order to ascertain relative volumes of the tube
foot and ampulla, ambulacra were first fixed in 37% formalin
for two days, then decalcified in a solution of 3% HCI in
70% ethanol for seven to fourteen days. Neutralization in
70% alcohol with KCO, added as needed was accomplished
within two more days. (Kozloff, 1971)
In preparation for sectioning the arms in the cryostat,
they were slowly taken up into distilled water by a Magruder
osmotic gradient apparatus and then soaked in a solution of
10% gum arabic in 50% saturated sugar solution. (Kozloff,
1971) The arms were frozen at -25° C. in the microtome for
twelve hours before sectioning.
Sections were made longitudinally through the tube
foot and ampulla (figure 3). Measurements of their internal
geometry were made by using an ocular ruler. Volumes were
then calculated.
III. Volume Exchange
In determining how water volume is exchanged throughout
contraction and extension, I needed to obtain similar sections
from tube feet in their most extended and contracted states.
This was accomplished by instantly freezing amputated ambulacra
in liquid nitrogen. Fixation was done at -20°C. in a solution
of 37% formalin in 70% alcohol. Decalcification and preparation
were repeated as before.
in the microtome proved difficult so
tube feet of various lengths were cut radially by hand with
fine micro scissors. Hall thicknesses were measured at 100%,
75%, and 54% longitudinal extension of the tube foot. Strain
values were calculated by the formula £ -
where g
is strain (a percentage change value), W is new wall width and
W. is the wall width at maximum tube foot extension.
Area measurements of the model section used for the
volume calculations in Part II above were matched with a
tube foot and ampulla from one of the three filmed events.
The model fit tube foot 1878 in its most extended state, so
using the wall strain data, total wall thickness at 54% extension
could be calculated.
Hall thickness was then subtracted from the observed
tube foot total width at 54% contraction to give average
internal width. The internal tube foot volume was cal¬
culated as Irl, where r - lumen radius, and L = tube foot
IV. Ampulla Morphology
The morphology of the ampulla was studied. Tts muscu¬
lature could easily be determined by direct observation.
These muscles were then separated from the ampullae with fine
forceps after briefly soaking them in a 1:1 solution of IM
KOH and glycerol (Woodley, 1967). The remaining tissue was
then observed with an Aus Jena polarizing light microscope.
Relative areas, which are proportional to volumes, of
three distinct tube foot-ampulla systems during contraction and
extension are depicted in figure 2 (time intervals are
roughly the same between each point: 0.5 - 1.0 seconds).
The data from each of the three filmed events fit lines of
similar slope (-0.54, -0.81, -0.88 with linear regressions of
-0.68, -0.92, -0.88 respectively) indicating that volume
is immediately and directly displaced from the tube foot to the
ampulla and back during contraction and extension.
This proves that the system is isovolumetric, which adds
confirmation to the existence of a one-way valve reported
by Smith (1946).
To determine how volume in the tube foot changed
during contraction, areas of the model in figure 3 were matched
to those of the filmed event f878 in its most extended
condition. For the model:
Ampulla area - 2.3 mm + 10%)
Tube foot area = 9.9 mm (+ 10%)
For 1878 (at maximum extension):
Ampulla area - 2.3 mm° (49.4%, -4,3%)
Tube foot area = 9.22 mm (+10.3%, -5.6%)
Ampulla areas are identical and tube foot areas agree within
95% confidence intervals. Volumes are therefore assumed to
be identical.
Wall thickness of the tube feet from arms frozen in
liquid nitrogen was found to increase during tube foot
contraction. The strain value at 53% (minimum) extension
is 0.5 (+ 0.07).
The wall strain at 53% extension being known, the
thickness of the walls of 1878 at 53% extensjon could
be calculated. Subtracting this figure from the obseryed
tube foot total width at 53% extension of 1878 gave the Jumen
width, and finally its volume was calculated.
At 53% extension, the tube foot lumen volume of 1878
has decreased by 88% from full extension. The ampulla at
53% tube foot extension has increased in volume by 1110%,
Study of ampulla morphology reveals only longitudinal
and circular fibers oriented at 902 to each other (figure 44
and B). No helically wound fibers were found. During ampulla
contraction, the outer longitudinal fibers become crimped
into waves and the inner circular fibers arrange themselves
in the troughs of these waves.
The innermost layer of tissue is muscle bundles. Separate
bands of muscle radiate from the top of the ampulla until they
form a continuous sheath about half-way down (figure 4C and D).
Presumably this is to allow for greater ampulla expansion by
reducing the limitations of diametric muscle stretch.
From the value of 1110% increase in ampulla volume at
maximum tube foot contraction, it is obvious that the ampulla
is capable of withstanding a very great strain (£ - 9.2).
Maximum strains in the longitudinal and circular fibers
are unknown but are probably not the limiting factors in
tube foot contraction.
Since the tube foot volume at maximum contraction was
reduced to 12% of that at full extension, very little more
could be realistically squeezed out without collapsing the
tube foot altogether. What seems more probable as the
limiting factor in tube foot contraction is the maximum
contractility of the longitudinal muscles in the tube
foot. This hypothesis, however, requires verification.
The tube feet can be physically stretched to much greater
than their maximally observed extension of 254%, and afterward
retürn to normal operation. This then rules out the maximum strain
of the longitudinal fibers limiting extension as is hypo¬
thesized for ophiuroid tube feet by Woodley (Wainwright et
al, 1976).
When one observes the ampulla in figure 3 at 8.5% its
maximal ly expanded volume, it appears that it must be approach-
ing very closely its maximum contraction. What seems most
likely then, is that maximum tube foot extension is limited
by the contractility of muscles in the ampulla, or more
precisely, the finite volume of the system.
If the model tube foot in figure 3 is at very near
maximum extension (200%), how is it that a tube foot can
attain extensions of 254% as was recorded for one of the
three filmed events? This is explained in figure 5.
A tube foot at minimum extension with dimensions
2 mm. x 1.5 mm. is increased in volume by 88%. If its walls
were constructed of an ISOTROPIC material,the stress would be
twice as high in the hoop direction as in the longitudinal
direction. Thus it would increase in the circumference twice
as much as it does in length (Wainwright et al, 1976).
If the tube foot were to remain a RIGID HOOP as vôlume
increased, it would attain a two-fold increase in length as
was observed for two of the three filmed events. The third
event, however, (MAXIMUM OBSERVED, figure 5), revealed a
further extension of up to 254%, and a discernible decrease
in width to 78% (+3,8%, -9.3%).
Tang (1983) and Shibata (1983) have both recorded helically
wound fibers in the tube feet of Asteroids. Shibata's work
was done on Pycnapodia tube feet. These helically wrapped
fibers are depicted in figure 4 and probably allow the tube
foot to attain further extension by constricting the tube foot
in width.
To better understand this concept one must recognize
that these helical fibers become packed together so that they
lie nearly horizontal at maximum tube foot contraction. As
the tube foot extends, the angles between the fibers and the
longitudinal axis of the tube foot decrease.
Tang (1983) has reported helical fibers in Pisaster
ochraceous, to be oriented at 76° at minimum extension and 6° at
maximum extension. If we assume similar angles of 80° and
10° for Pycnapodia, percent decreases in width during extension
would be as follows:
At 80°, width = 100%
At 45°, width = 72%
(Denny, pers. comm.)
At 10°, width - 17.3%
One can see that widths change very little during at
least the first half of extension, but much more noticeably
during the second half. This reflects the observation that
below about a 200% increase in length, no discernible change
in width was recorded. From 200% to 254% however, tube foot
width is seen to decrease.
This simple but illustrative exercise fails to account
for strains in the helical fibers. No doubt stretching goes
on during extension and this must be taken into consideration.
Nonetheless, this concept plays a major role in explaining
the observed strains in tube foot width during extension.
1. A direct tube foot to ampulla volume displacement supports
the existence of a one-way valve (Smith, 1946). The tube foot¬
ampulla system is isovolumetric.
2. Tube foot wall thicknesses increase with contraction.
£ = 0.5 at 54% extension.
3. Tube feet at maximum contraction lose about 88% of their
extended volume. Ampullae can increase in volume to roughly
4. The ampulla has longitudinal and circular fibers but none
helically wrapped.
5. The limit of tube foot contraction is probably due to
maximum contractility of its longitudinal muscles, Extensjon
is limited by muscular contraction of the ampulla (j.e.
restricted by total internal volume).
6. Extensile capabilities of the tube feet are greatly
enhanced by helically wrapped fibers,
Thanks to my advisor Mark Denny for all his help and in¬
Thanks to Freya Sonner for her sound advice and selfless
Finally, thanks to Sushma Govindarajulu for her spiritual
encouragement and typing this manuscript.
Literature Cited
Kozloff, E.N., Galigher, A.G., (1971) Essentials of Practical
Microtechnique. London. Henry Kimpton
Smith, J.E. (1946) The mechnaics and innervation of the starfish
tube foot-ampulla system. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 232:270-310
Wainwright, S.A., W.D. Biggs, J.D. Currey and M.M. Gosline (1976)
Mechanical Design in Organisms. New York : John Wiley
Woodley, J.D. (1967) Problems in the ophiuroid water-vascular
system. Symp. zool. Soc. Lond. 20: 75-104
Woodley, J.D. (1979) The biomechanics of ophiuroid tube feet.
In: Echinoderms: Present and Past, (M. Jangoux, ed.),
pp. 293-299.
Figure Legends
Figure 1: The viewing window cut into the side of a Pycna¬
podia ambulacrum to facilitate filming of the entire tube foot¬
ampulla system in operation.
Figure 2: Graph of tube foot vs. ampulla areas during
tube foot contraction and extension. Tube foot area per¬
centage errors are +10.3%, -5.6%; ampulla area percentage
errors are +9.4%, -4.3%.
Figure 3: Cross-section of the model tube foot-ampulla
Figure 4: Morphology of the Ampulla.
Figure 5: Tube foot extension for tube feet of different
physical characteristics given an internal volume increase of
88% from the ORIGINAL volume. Helically wound fibers are
responsible for the MAXIMUM OBSERVED tube foot as illustrated.





tube foot
fm 2


—. 7

tube foot (% extension)

—— - 1834
—. —. —






... ...


- -..
Pegvr 4


—--— —
outer long. fibers
inner circ. fibers

innermost muscle bands
muscle bands (top view)







—: —.—

















- —--:—-












— —







---- --




+ --











—- —-



WIDTH Cin mm.)

