Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption Abstract Measurements obtained by the direct method of Warburg, definitely show that glycerol has an effect on the oxygen consumption of a whole cell preparation of Anthopleura ele¬ gantissima. However, inconclusive evidence from the util¬ ization of U-140 glycerol has not shown whether glycerol is directly metabolized or inductively used by A. elegantissima cells. A comparison with other results for a similar investi¬ gation with A. xanthogrammica, shows that whole cell prepara¬ tions of both A. elegantissima and A. xanthogrammica react in the same manner to glycerol. Key Words Anthozoa - Anthopleura elegantissima - 0, consumption Glycerol - Respiration Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption Introduction Sea anemones may have symbiotic dinoflagellates, termed zooxanthellae, residing within their tissues. In Anthopleura elegantissima, the symbionts are confined to the endodermal layer (Trench 1971a). The amount of zooxanthellae may be quantifiably measured and identified by the presence of the chlorophyll pigments a and c, and the carotenoid peridenin (Strain 1944, Jeffrey 1968). The benefits which this symbiotic relationship can pro¬ duce are manyfold; however, only some aspects have been studied. For example, previous studies have shown that the zooxanthellae can release a substantial portion of soluble organic products to their host animal. In vivo experiments conducted by Trench (197la, b) have shown that approximately 508 of the 140 fixed by photosynthesis in the zooxanthellae is translocated to the tissues of A. elegantissima. The photosynthate obtained was determined by in vitro and in vivo studies (Trench 197la, b) to be 140 glycerol, 140 glu¬ cose, 140 alanine and other 140 organic acids. Of these, radioactive glucose was the major carbohydrate to be retained by the zooxanthellae, whereas radioactive lipids and proteins were found to be present in the host's tissues. Deacylation of the lipid moiety yielded 140 glycerol while hydrolysis of the protein yielded 140 amino acids. Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption Earlier experiments (Muscatine 1974, Taylor 1969) have shown that symbiotic anemones starved in the dark, lose weight at a faster rate than those starved in the light. This implies that the algal's photosynthesis and subsequent translocation of products to the host is sufficient to aid the anemones in their nutritional requirements. Thus the zooxanthellae's relationship with the sea anemones is most likely one of a nutritional role. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the utili¬ zation of glycerol in symbiotic A. elegantissima on the basis of oxygen consumption. Since glucose is retained by the zooxanthellae, it appears reasonable to assume that glycerol, the only other major carbohydrate produced in the photosynthate, should also be capable of affecting the rate of oxygen consumption by the anemone's cells. If this is correct, it remains to be seen whether glycerol is directly metabolized or whether it has an inductive effect on a sys¬ tem which increases the amount of oxygen consumed. Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption Materials and Methods 1. Collection and Maintenance of Specimens The sea anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima, containing symbiotic algae, was collected from the intertidal zone at Point Joe, Seventeen Mile Drive, Del Monte Forest, California. Only clonal specimens were obtained. These were maintained in a sea water aquaria under constant aeration on an approx¬ imate 12h light - 12h dark regime. Experiments were con¬ ducted within four weeks of collection. 2. Tissue Preparation Three anemones from the same clone were taken for each experimental run. These were then scissor minced to produce a whole cell preparation. Verification by microscopic exam¬ ination, revealed that cells of approximately 7 in diameter were interspersed with unicellular zooxanthellae, of an average diameter of 12,. The zooxanthellae were observed to be intercellular. This mince was then suspended with milli¬ pore filtered sea water and allowed to settle for five min¬ utes. Only the supernatant of cells and mucus was used while the residue was returned to the mince. The whole process was repeated until a suitable amount of the super¬ natant was obtained; this was then centrifuged and only the pellet of whole cells was retained. Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption This pellet was washed with sea water and centrifuged repeatedly for a total of three times. In all cases the residue was recovered and diluted to become the stock solu¬ tion. A bath at 25°C was used to keep the solution agitated and thus allow a thorough mixture with air. At appropriate time intervals (48h, 72h, and 96h) the solution was removed, washed with sea water and centrifuged -- this process was repeated three times. After dilution, the residue became the final working solution and upon removing a quantity suitable for the day's experiment, the solution was then returned to the bath until the next interval. All the sea water used in this experiment had been pre¬ viously millipore (0.45) filtered. This filtering removed any particulate food sources bigger than 0.45p from the med¬ ium. The repeated washings and centrifugation of the cell suspension eliminated any soluble substances from the lysed cells, thus removing any food sources which could be added to the metabolite pool and so be used by the cells. These washings allowed for a faster depletion rate of the prepara¬ tion. Samples of 1 ml were withdrawn from the working solu- tion for the following determinations: 1) protein by the Lowry Method (Lowry 1951), 2) chlorophyll a and c using an Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption acetone extraction method (personal communication with J. Phillips), and 3) dry weight. 3. Measurement of Oxygen Consumption The direct method of Warburg (Dixon 1951, Umbreit 1972) was used for all experiments. The volumes of the Warburg vessels used, ranged from 11.2 ml to 16.9 ml. Three samples of cell preparation were obtained from the working solution: 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 ml; these were all brought to a constant volume of 1.5 ml by the addition of sea water. Two dupli¬ cates were used at each volume. The working solution was then returned to the depletion bath. In addition to the above liquid volume, 0.2 ml of 208 KOH solution was added to a filter paper wick in the vessels' centre well for the absorption of CO.. Either 0.2 ml of 1 Molar or 0.2 of 14 mMolar glycerol was added to the side arm and used as the substrate to be tested. The gas phase was air for all experiments. The vessels were shaken at a rate of 104/min with a stroke length of 1.5 cm at 25°C. After allowing 30 minutes for thermoequilibra¬ tion, readings were taken on the half hour until a linear endogenous rate was obtained. Once this was acquired, readings were taken every 15 minutes for four hours. Glycerol was added to the main reaction vessel after the first four Glycerol Affects O, Consumption 15 min readings. At this point the manometers were reset and the interval was timed from the end of this process. 4. Utilization of U-14c Glycerol In order to determine whether the anemone's cells directly metabolized or inductively used glycerol, it was necessary to use U-140 glycerol. A 50 C sample was obtained from Ammersham/Searle. This was diluted with distilled water until 2 050 counts was obtained, 2 x 10 ml was added to 0.2 ml of 14 mMolar of cold glycerol. A 72 hour depletion was used and three 1.0 ml samples of the cell preparation were taken. Beta-phenethylamine (0.07ml) was used instead of KOH. After completing the experimental run, the filter paper wick was removed and put into a scintil¬ lation vial. Upon the addition of Aguasol, the vials were placed into the scintillation counter (Unilux II) and counted for 1 minute after a 30 minute refrigeration period. Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption Results and Discussion The investigation of the utilization of glycerol was divided into two parts: 1) the qualitative demonstration, and 2) the quantitative measure of the effects of glycerol. 1. Qualitative Demonstration For this investigation, 0.2 ml of 1 Molar glycerol was used in the side arm. The experiment was designed to show the effects of an unlimited amount of glycerol on the basis of oxygen consumption, the results, for which, are shown in Table 1. The percentage increase in the rate of oxygen con¬ sumption after the addition of glycerol may be taken to measure the amount that the anemone's reserves have been depleted — it is an index of their depletion as shown in Graph 1. As can be seen from Table 1, samples taken at later intervals show a greater increase in rate after the addition of glycerol, than do those taken at a lesser interval. This may be described in terms of depletion: the highest rate of depletion appears to occur between 48 and 72 hours, while the rate between 72 and 96 hours is one-half that of the previous rate. If the change in rate is observed rather than the percentage increase, it can be seen that the 48 and 72 hour samples have approximately the same increase in Glycerol Affects O, Consumption rate, whereas the 96 hour sample has more than twice that increase. This again suggests that the 96 hour cell sus¬ pension is more devoid of reserves than the 48 and 72 hour samples. A difference in density of the cell suspension caused by errors in pipetting could perhaps explain the low 72 hour reading. 2. Quantitative Demonstration In these experiments, 0.2 ml of 14 mMolar glycerol was used. From a balanced equation of the oxidations of glycerol into CO, and H,O, it was calculated that this amount of glycerol gave slightly more than 20 l of oxygen consumption. The purpose of having only 20 pl instead of an unlimited amount of glycerol was to show that the rate of oxygen con¬ sumption returns to its original endogenous value upon the utilization of the 14 mMolar glycerol. The actual results from a 96 hour depletion bath show exactly what was expected. A linear endogenous rate is observed initially, followed by an increase in rate upon the addition of glycerol for a certain period of time, and finally a return to its previous endogenous value. Graph 2 shows the results of this experiment; it should be noted that this graph only shows the four hour portion of the whole ten hour graph. Table 2 shows the rates of oxygen 10 Glycerol AffectsO Consumption 11 consumption obtained before, during, and after glycerol utilization, the percentage increase of rate, and the amount of oxygen consumed during this utilization. The rates obtained in this experiment are approximately triple the rates found in Table 1 for 96 hours. It is not known why there is such an increase, future experiments should clarify this. As can be seen from Table 2, the rate of utilization of glycerol increases along with the increasing concentration of tissue sample. It is interesting to note that the percen¬ tage increase in rate during glycerol utilization increases by approximately 1003 increments for each concentration and that the amount of oxygen consumed also increases by 5yl each time. More experiments are necessary before any further analysis of these figures is possible. One aspect which was not expected to occur is the time lag from the addition of glycerol to the beginning of its utilization. The lag ranges from 45 minutes for both the 0.5 and 1.5 ml samples to 60 minutes for the 1.0 ml sample. It would seem that this period is too long to account for the diffusion of glycerol into the cells. A more suitable assumption would be that glycerol has an inductive effect. The time lag would then represent the amount of time required for the induction to occur and somehow cause an increase in Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption 12 the amount of oxygen consumed. The results from the use of 14C glycerol show that approximately 108 of the glycerol is oxidized to form 140-co.. However, this figure is known to be inaccurate because the 14C carbonate ions were not driven from the suspension med¬ ium. The number of counts (background counts subtracted) obtained for 0.2 ml of 14 mMolar glycerol/U-14C glycerol was 2050 whereas the value for Beta-phenethylamine was 190. This experiment neither confirms nor denies the assumption that glycerol is directly metabolized, further experiments are needed to clarify this. Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption 13 Conclusion From qualitative experiments, it was determined that a 96 hour depletion bath was a suitable period of time to devoid a cell preparation of A. elegantissima of most of its reserves. The depletion became apparent from the observation of a linear endogenous rate. This result was also obtained by DiRaimondo (1975) in a similar investigation on A. xantho- grammica. Comparing the mean endogenous rate of both Antho¬ pleura, it was found that after 96 hours both consumed oxygen at much the same rate. The rate of oxygen consumption for a cell suspension of A. elegantissima was 13.8 1/mg protein/h while that of A. xanthogrammica was 12.8 l/mg protein/h. After these figures have been standardized for the amount of zooxanthellae present (measured by the amount of chlorophll a), they become 3.9 and 4.3 l/mg protein/h/mg chlorophyll a respectively. Thus from these experiments it appears that whole cell preparations of A. xanthogrammica and A. elegantis¬ sima respire at nearly identical rates. Glycerol has an effect on the consumption of oxygen when measured by the Warburg respirometer on a cell suspen¬ sion of A. elegantissima. This suggests that the glycerol produced by the zooxanthellae which is translocated to the host's tissues could also be used in respiration, rather than just as a subsidiary storage molecule such as lipid. However, Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption this does not suggest whether glycerol has an inductive effect, as possibly shown by the time lag on the graph, or whether it is directly metabolized. If it was directly metabolized, glycerol would require phosphorylation and oxidation to form dihydroxyacetone dehydrogenase. This would then be enzymatically converted to glyceraldehyde phosphate -- a metabolite which can enter the second stage of glycolysis to produce ATP and indirectly consume oxygen. Radioactive studies with U-14C glycerol did not conclusively prove that glycerol was directly metabolized by a cell preparation of A. elegantissima. 14 Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption I wish to thank Drs. F. Fuhrman and J. Phillips for their advice on the procedures of this experiment and for their encouragement, Mrs. G. Fuhrman for her suggestions on the Warburg vessel "washing technique", Mr. Murphy for his aid in the use of the radioactive glycerol, and Dr. R. Burnett for his critical assessment of this paper. Special thanks go to my Warburg partner, Chuck DiRaimondo, for his help in making the "Warburg Technique" less of a mystery and in making this spring quarter more of an enjoyable one. 15 Glycerol Affects O, Consumption 16 References DiRaimondo, C.V., 1975. An Investigation of the Effects of Glycerol on the Oxygen Consumption by the Sea Anemone Anthopleura xanthogrammica, Unpublished Research Paper, Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. Dixon, M., 1951. Manometric Methods 3rd. ed., Cambridge University Press. Jeffrey, S.S., and Haxo, F.T., 1968. Photosynthetic Pigments of Symbiotic Dinoflagellates (Zooxanthellae) from Corals and Clams, Biol. Bull. 135, 149 Lowry, O.H., 1951. Protein Measurements with Folin Phenol Reagent, J. Biol. Chem. 193: 265-275 Muscatine, L., 1974. Coelenterate Biology: Reviews and New Perspectives, Academic Press, New York. He cites: Muscatine, L., Some Aspects of the Relationship Between a Sea Anemone and its Symbiotic Algae, Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley. Strain, H., Manning, W.M., and Hardin, G., 1944. Xantho¬ grammica and Carotenes of Diatoms, Brown Algae, Dino¬ flagellates and Sea Anemones, Biol. Bull. 86: 169-191 Taylor, D.L., 1969. The Nutritional Relationship of Anemonia sulcata (Pennant) and its Dinoflagellate Symbiont, J. Cell. Sci. 4: 751-762 Glycerol Affects O, Consumption 17 Trench, R.K., 1971a. The Physiology and Biochemistry of Zooxanthellae Symbiotic with Marine Coelenterates. I. The Association of Photosynthetic Products of Zoo¬ xanthellae by Two Marine Coelenterates, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B177, 225 Trench, R.K., 1971b. The Physiology and Biochemistry of Zooxanthellae Symbiotic with Marine Coelenterates. II. Liberation of Fixed 17c by Zooxanthellae in vitro., Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., B177, 237 Umbreit, W.W., Burris, R.H., and Stauffer, J.F. 1972. Mano¬ metric and Biochemical Techniques, 5th ed., Burgess Publ. Co., Minneapolis. Glycerol Affects O, Consumption Graph Captions 1. Relative Depletion -- percentage increase in rate of oxygen consumption upon addition of an unlimited amount of glycerol -- plotted against time for sym¬ biotic A. elegantissima. Cell suspension of symbiotic A. elegantissima after a 96 hour depletion bath to show the increase in rate of oxygen consumption upon addition of glycerol and a return to the endogenous rate after glycerol utilization. This graph represents an expanded portion of the whole 10 hour graph. The numbers at the end of the line segments indicate the 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 ml samples. The other numbers stand for the amount of oxygen consumed in l. Table Captions 1. Percentage increase in rates of oxygen consumption after addition of unlimited glycerol to a 1.0 ml sample as compared to numbers of hours in depletion bath for symbiotic A. elegantissima. Cell suspension of symbiotic A. elegantissima after a 96 hour depletion bath showing the different rates of oxygen consumption, the percentage increase of the rate during utilization of glycerol compared to be¬ Slycerol Affects O, Consumption — fore utilization, and the amount of oxygen consumed during utilization. *.. Glycerol Affects 0, Consumption GRAPH 1 200 100 50 L 20 40 TIME IHR) 80 100 Gylcerol Affects 0 Consumption GRAPH 2 0 — 131 - . 110 - -: - - — 26 90 70 211 A 50 22 30 TIME IHR) 6 El 1.5m A lUm 9 O.5m Glycerol Affects O Consumption 0 00 O — 6 — 3 10 9 o 5 8 o O a Glycerol Affects O, Consumption aa- 8 5 ktaa- a o aa- O