ttr ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, IF ANY, CONCERNING AUTHORS, ADDRESS, TITLE, OR CITATION DATA PLEASE TYPE ABSTRACT DOUBLE SPACED BELOW JOHNSON, SAMUEL E. (Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Calif., USA.) Occurence and Behavior of Hyale grandicornis, a gammarid amphipod commensal in the genus Acmaea. The Veliger Immature individuals of the amphipod Hyale grandicornis were found under the limpets Acmaea scabra, A. scutum, A. digitalis, A. limatula, and A. pelta on intertidal rocks 1 - 6 feet above mean lower low water along the California coast. H. grandocornis was not found in other situations in the adjacent habitat. During the day the amphipods lie deep in the mantle groove or nuchal cavity; at night they move to the rim or upper surface of the shell and apparently feed on algae growing on the shell. The percentage of Acmaea hosting immature H. grandicornis increases with decreasing height in the intertidal region. Hyale exhibits no definite preference for particular species of Acmaea.--Author PLEASE DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE 213 Occurrence and Behavior of Hyale grandicornis, A Gammarid Amphipod Commensal in the Genus Acmaea (Mollusca : Gastropoda : Prosobranchia) by Samuel E. Johnson II Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Pacific Grove, California* (7 Text figures) In the course of preliminary studies of the genus Acmaea at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California, mottled grey-green amphipods were frequently encountered under the shells of Acmaea digitalis Eschscholtz, 1833, Acmaea limatula Carpenter, 1864, Acmaea pelta Eschscholtz, 1833, Acmaea scabra (Gould, 1846), Acmaea scutum Eschscholtz, 1833, and Lottia gigantea Sowerby, 1843. Dr. J. Laurens Barnard of the Smithsonian Institution has identified the amphipods as immature specimens of Hyale grandicornis (Kryer, 1845) (Figure 1). No mature amphipods have been found in association with any of the above lim¬ pets. Dr. Barnard (personal communication) states that he found mature specimens on cobbles and with Ulva in Carmel Bay, California. An examination * Footnote 1 2/ muel the algae Endocladia, Sigartina, Ulva, and irid growing in areas adjacent to the Agmasa populations vielded no amphipods resembling those found with Acmaes although an unidentified species of Hyale, mentioned lynn (1965), does occur here and has been found in t present study. This species differs from immature grandicornis in the pattern of its dorsal markin and in having brown rather than black, silver-spotted The Ha grandicornis found under Acmaea spp. oyes. averaging 2-3 mm in length (the range is 1-6 mm much emaller than this unidentified Hvale, which has ar e length of 6 m. ver grandicornis occurs under individuals of Aemaea epp nmany different localities along the coast of the Monterey Pennsula.. Population studies on this amphipod carried out at Pescadero Foint, on the open coast ust north of the northern edge of Carmel Bay, California m 25 April to 30 May 1966. The intense wave action ir hie area, the presence of vertical granite surfaces canging to 30 feet above the level of mean lower low water and the varying conditions of exposure and protection afforded by large boulders and sheltered pools provide a variety of different habitats. The sites selected for (Figures 3-5) vere not exposed to direct wave action study ituated either oblique to the line of waves or Samuel E. Johnson the shore side of large boulders. The sites chosen were divided up into zones (Figures 3-5) based on both plant and animal indices, and following natural grouping forganisms on the rocks. Correlation of these zones with those of Ricketts and Calvin (1939) and Doty (1946) is shown in Figure 2. Intertidal elevations were determined by measurement from a United States Geological Survey bench mark on Pescadero Point and wore checked against the theoretical tidal heighte as determined from the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Tide Tables the Pacific Coast, using the time and height corrections for Nonterey. The population of the five species of Acmaea studied determined by dividing the surface of the campling sites into quadrats of 400 cm2, and recording numbers of each Acmaen species present. The total area of each zone studied in the sampling sites ranged from 2,5 to 3 m2. After determining the distribution and numbers of Acmaed spp., the distribution and frequency of occurence of H. grandicornis was determined by sampling of Acmaea species in the individual zones. Attempts were made to sollect representative numbers of the five species studied from each zone but certain species in some areas were extremely scarce or non-existänt. Extreme care was Samuel E. Johnson needed in collecting, for the amphipods often jump away when the limpet is lifted from the substrate. Each limpet collected was then identified, and its shell length measured. The amphipods present with each limpet were counted and sorted into three size groups (0.5-2 mm, 2.-4 mm, and 4.-6 mm), kinpertten. Figure 6 shows the population density of each species of Acmaea for each zone, and the percentage of each Acmasa species which served as hosts to H. grandicornis. In Zone A, no amphipode occur even though suitable hosts are present. The Acma species of Zone B, slightly lower in the intertidal but overlapping Zone A, bear a small population of amphipods. The large bouldere characterizing this zone shade and protect it from deseidation, keeping it moister than Zone A. From this point down to the lowest populations of Acmaea examined, the population of amphipods increases, with the exception of Zone D. Zone Die characterized by the macroscopic algae Endocladia, Sigartina, and Iridaea, while Zones C and E are distinguished primarily by the encrusting algae Hildenbrandis, Peyasonelia, Fetrocelis, and Ralfaia Ulva was just beginning to grow in Zone E when field studies were discontinued. Samuel E. Johnson The present studies do not indicate any clear preference on the part of the amphipods for any particular species of Acmaea. Moreover, for those limpets which did house amphipods, there appears to be no clear correlation between the shell length of the limpet and the number of amphipods present (Figure 7). Howe ever, for limpets with a shell length of 8 mm or more there does appear to be a slight positive correlation between shell length and the percent of the population bearing amphipods (Figure 8). Limpets less than 8 mm long did not accomodate amphipods. Natural History Field examinations carried out at Pescadero Point and at Mussel Point during day and night and at high and low periods indicate that the amphipods do not leave the limpet at any time, unless the latter is removed from the substratum. These obser- vations are supported by the absence of free-living immature H. grandicornis in areas adjacent to the limpet populations. The position of the amphipods under the shell was deter- mined from laboratory observations using aquaria in which field conditions were approximated. During the day the amphipods are found behind the head in the nuchal Samuel E. Johnse cavity or deep in the groove between the mantle fold and the foot. Sometimes an amphipod may be observed at the edge of the mantle fold, but thie behavior i rare in the daytime. In conditions of near darkness and splash or submergence they are found lying on their eides, in contact with the pallial tentaeles of the limpet at the mantle margin. In this position the amphipods groom themselves, and from it they also feed, reaching around the edge of the shell or moving completel. out onto its dorsal surface and seraping up the algae growing there. Gut contente were unidentifiable, but the material on the shell is composed of numerous varities of diatoms and several types of blue-green algae, primarily Enteromorpha. Occasionally small growthe of Ulva are found on the shells. The amphipod seem never to leave the limpet, but seek cover under the sbell when disturbed. If an amphipod is trapped outside and is unable to crawl under the host's shell again, it either presses itself closely against the edge of the shell and remains there, or moves away t a nearby limpet. Other types of shelter, either in field or laboratory, appear to be ignored. When forced to awim, H. grandicornis moves very rapidly a first, but quickly slows and appears to seek shelter. If repeatedly disturbed, it soon ceases all movement. Samuel E. Johnson It is of particular interest that Dr. Barnard found mature specimens of Hyale grandicornis in Ulva, and that the present study has revealed only juvenile individuals in the mantle groove and nuchal caviti of Acmaea. Ulva occurs mainly in the warmer months in the region studied, and at the end of the present study it was just beginning to grow. Perhaps the immature forms of Hyale grandicornis migrate to the Ulva as they attain sexual maturity and as the alga appears each summer, and possibly the juvenile amphipods survive during the winter and spring under Acmaea shells. The author plans to continue research on the problem. Summary 1. Immature specimens of Hyale grandicornis (Krøyer, 1845) are found in the nuchal cavity and pallial groove in five species of Acmaea and in Lottia gigantea. 2. The percentage of limpets hosting immature H. grandicernis increases with decreasing height in the intertidal region. The amphipod shows no clear preference for particular lim- pet host species. 4. No amphipods were found in any limpets less than 8 mm in shell length. For limpets above this size there is a slight positive correlation between shell length and the percent of limpets bearing amphipods. However, for those limpets which housed amphipods, there was no correlation between 280 4 Samuel Johnson Samuel E. Johnson Acknowledem shell length and number of amphipods borne by each limpet. Immature H. grandicornis remain in contact with their lim- pet hosts under all prevailing conditions of tide and light. They appear to feed on algae growing on the surface The author tof limpet shells. 1212 grandicer 6. No mature H. grandicornis have been found in association with any limpets. for pertinent literature supplied by Dr. Peter Glynn of the Institute of Marine Biolo University of Puerto Rico. Discussions with David A. Egloff of Hopkins Marine Station proved helpful in suggesting approaches to field and taxonomic problems. Special thanks must go to Dr. Donald P. Abbott of Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University for his time and effort spent in discussing the project with the author, and particularly for his criticism and editorial comments on this paper. The Monterey Foundation authorized the use of Pescadero Point for field studies. 2 Samuel E. Johnson Acknowledgments This work was made possible by grant GY806 from the Undergraduate Research Participation Program of the National Science Foundation. Dr. J. Laurens Barnard of the Smithsonian Institution identified the amphipods as Hyale grandicornis. The author is very grateful for his help and suggestions. Appreciation is also expressed for pertinent literature supplied by Dr. Peter W. Glynn of the Institute of Marine Biology University of Puerto Rico. Discussions with David A. Egloff of Hopkins Marine Station proved helpful in suggesting approaches to field and taxonomic problems. Special thanks must go to Dr. Donald P. Abbott of Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University for his time and effort spent in discussing the project with the author, and particularly for his criticism and editorial comments on this paper. The Monterey Foundation authorized the use of Pescadero Point for field studies. 228 Samuel E. Johnson Literatu Doty, Maxwell, S. 1946. Critical tide factors that are correlated with the vertical distribution of marine algae and other organisme along the Pacific coast. Ecol 27 1 315-28. Glynn, Peter, W. 1965. Community composition, structure and inte relaticnships in the marine intertidal Endocladi muricata - Balanus glandula association in Monterey Bay, California. Beeufortia, 12 : 1-198. dicketts, E. F. & J. Calvin 1952. Between Facific tides (3rd. ed., rev., J.N. Hedgpeth). Stanford University Press, Stanford, pp. 1-502. (Page 1.) Permanent address: Samuel E. Johnson 22 0 ure nuelE.J An immature Hyale grandicorni shoving dorsa. and lateral markings. The scale represents mm. Description and Vertical Position of zon t Peccadero Foint, and Correlation sith ones of Ricketts & Calvin (1939) and 5 April - 30 kay 1966. Pescadero Point, Carme Zones A, C, and D. 1966 at California. Taken on 23 May Arrow points to marker representing O A.M. levation of 15.2 The scale represente feet. Zone B. Pescadero Foint, Carme Bay, Californ aken on 23 May 1966 at 100 Tho scale epresents 2 feet es Point, Zones A, D, and E. Carm California. Taken on May 100 A.M. The scale represente Distribution of Acmaen spp. and i andieornis at Pescadero Point. nia, April - 30 May 1966. Figures i or ne right of the white square. indicate the The erage number of Acmaea per 400 om ze of the square is proportional to thie Samuel E. Johnson number. The black area within the squares is- proportional to the percent of Acmaea hosting amphipods; all % figures shown refer to the percent of Acmaea bearing one or more amphipods. The numbers below the boxes show the total number of limpets of each species examined from each zone. Figure 7. Dorrelation between limpet shell length and the number of amphipods housed, for those limpets which bore amphipods. Figure 8. Correlation between limpet shell length and the incidence of amphipods. Figure 9. Amphipod orientation and feeding position in Aomaea scabra. The scale represents 5 mm. 2 Samuel E. Johnson Descriptions of Zones - To go on Figure 2,legt side) Zone A. Microscopic algae and diatoms in the upper region, with the Balanua - Chthamalus association near the lower margin. Zone B. Microscopic algae and diatome on the undersides of large boulders, shaded and protected from desigcation. Zone C. Leathery encrusting algae, primarily Peyssonalia, Hildenbrandia, and Petrocelis. Zone D. Macroscopic algae, mainly Endocladia, Gigartina, and Iridaea. Zone E. Encrusting algae, mainly Peyssonelia and Ralfsia, associated with the barnacle Tetraclita. Ulva appeared at the end of the field study. Below this zone the dominant plants on the rock face are encrusting and branched coralline algae. 22 Figure ! a i . en er . a . M e e . in ineineianiniteunine. Pre Figure F. 22 2 8. 39 0 ou - u 0 -1 — —............ ........ ........— o- —............ ..........— -0- —............ ........ - —............... ..... —.......... 8 880 898 85 L 8 t 0 60 4 6 88 83 a 2 oO 2 6 0 d 22 5 o0 28 o- o uo 2 6 10 ........ - 21 — ............ ........ —............ —0— 6. .......-—........... es...e.. —e.............. ..... —.......... 6. 86 86 8 6 2I2 2. 6 g - 2 O 6 230 ihe e eni. i . aein . eenne r a. . a e e enenenenee e enenen Figure 4 Ke . . e e e e . Eeeeneaneinaelen Figure 8 2 4 2 0 260. 20 % o. 9 8 3 6 8 o O 32 C .. . .. . . — Tor Kalls Tnters, de Gait da figore 233 —— 11 For ollas gla a ggarada slast figore 8 23/