Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella page 2 INTRODUCTION Marine molluscs which occupy middle and upper intertidal regions must be adapted to periodic exposure to air. Whileadptations toward avoiding desiccation are usually apparent, the means by which these animals cope with respiratory problems during periods of emersion is not so immediately evident. Studies of intertidal molluscs have demonstrated an ability to breathe air in several species, and some investigations (Sandison, 1966; Micallef and Bannister, 1967) have revealed capacities for aerial respiration even greater than those possible in the submerged state. Adaptations to air breathing typically involve 1) increased rigidity of the ctenidial lamellae (Steen, 1971) and 2) increased vascularization of the mantle skirt (Newell, 1970). Several species of Polyplacophora occur in the upper intertidal region and face the problems of exposure. However, the only study known to me on aerial respiration in chitons concerned the low intertidal species Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1846) (Petersen and Johansen, 1973). The work described here involved Nuttallina californica (Reeve, 1847), which is found at +3 to +5 foot tidal levels and is frequently exposed to Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella air, and Tonicella lineata (Wood, 1815), which occupies subtidal to low intertidal zones and is very rarely uncovered. These species were compared with respect to respiratory anatomy, efficiency of aerial respiration, and recovery from exposure upon resubmersion, in an, attempt to reveal possible adaptive advantages of Nuttallina over Tonicella under humid exposed conditions. ANATOMICAL OBSERVATIONS The general anatomy and function of the chiton respiratory system has been described in detail by Yonge (1939). Nuttallina and Tonicella were examined for variations of this basic pattern in terms of structure, number, and orientation of the ctenidia, as well as shape and variability of the pallial groove. Representative cross-sections of the two species are shown in fig. 1, along with the typical ctenidial structure of each. The number of ctenidia per animal is known to be variable, but preliminary counts gave.Tonicella 22-29 and Nuttallina 30-48 ctenidia along each side of the foot. The greater number of gills in Nuttallina, which reaches a larger adult size, agrees with the observations of Johnson (1969). The general morphology of the ctenidia appears very similar in the two species, although page 3 Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella closer examination reveals that Nuttallina ctenidia are somewhat stouter and contain 250% more lamellae. These filaments do not appear to possess greater self-support than do those of Tonicella. Major differences between the two respiratory systems include the shape of the pallial cavity and the involvement of the girdle in its regulation. As seen in fig. 1, Nuttallina has a relatively deep pallial groove bounded by a highly thickened and bristly girdle. The orientation of the girdle is variable and under voluntary control; it may be partially or totally raised, promoting exposure of the gills (fig. 2a), or clamped against the foot, shielding the gills and undoubtedly decreasing their efficiency (fig. 2b). The latter behavior is generally avoided, except in response to a local disturbance or to critical levels of desiccation. Normally, as observed in the laboratory, the girdle is partially raised along one side of the foot. In contrast, Tonicella maintains a shallower pallial groove of constant shape, with the smooth thin girdle pressed flat against the substrate and lifted only locally as entrance and exit ports for water circulation. There is no active response to shield gills from desiccation. Responses to exposure were studied as chitons clinging to horizontal glass plates were taken out of water. It was found that Nuttallina could hold water page 4 Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella Robbins in the pallial groove for several hours with its girdle down, but in its normally raised position the gills were freely exposed to air. Tonicella usually developed air pockets in its pallial groove, though it too could hold water beneath the gills under moist conditions. In both animals, when the gills were exposed to air they collapsed against the foot or the back of the pallial groove. In this state they were kept moist with a mucus¬ like secretion. RESPIRATION STUDIES Materials and Methods Chitons were collected weekly from the Mussel Point area surrounding Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, Calif. Nuttallina were obtained intertidally at the 13 to 15 foot tidal level on exposed rock faces, while Tonicella were found subtidally in rocky areas at -15 to -25 feet. Animals were scrubbed to remove any commensal algae, and a standard "wet weight" determined after blotting for 30 seconds on a paper towel. Chitons were then placed in "restraining chambers" (fig. 3) designed to minimize activity and facilitate future manipulation. Restraining chambers were constructed of 1.5 X 3 cm glass plates enclosed in perforated plastic page 5 Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella page 6 tubing capped at both ends. Nuttallina and Tonicella weighing between O.5 and 1.0 gram fit easily into these chambers, where they remained throughout the experiment. Chambers were placed in an aquarium supplied with circulating. well-aerated sea water at 13.5°C where the chitons were allowed to equilibrate in a horizontal position under constant light for 3-5 days. Oxygen consumption was measured on individual animals under successive conditions of submersion. exposure to humid air, and secondary submersion. Respiration rates were determined by the direct method of Warburg using standard manometric technique as described by Umbreit et al. (1972). Restraining chambers were adapted to fit available Warburg vessels so as to maintain animals in the submerged condition and horizontal position. All phases of the experiment were conducted at 13.5°C with vessels agitated to maximize diffusion of oxygen. Submerged rates of oygen consumption were first determined with chambers immersed in glass fiber-filtered sea water, and readings taken half-hourly for a period of 4-6 hours. Chambers were then removed, drained for I minute on paper towels, and returned to vessels containing 0.3 ml sea water to maintain humidity. Aerial respiration rates were then recorded under these conditions for the next 12 hours. Finally, filtered Robbins Respiration of Nuttallina and Tonicella sea water was replaced to its original level in the vessels and post-exposure respiration followed for 4-9 hours. Each run consisted of a maximum of 3 Nuttallina and 3 Tonicella. Final data were compiled from 10 of each species, 7 of which were followed through re¬ submersion. Additionally, several of each species were run as controls which were handled exactly as were the experimental animals, but were maintained submerged throughout the experimental period. Data were expressed as oxygen consumption in ul 0/g wet weight/hr for each of the three experimental phases, and as ratios of aerial rate/ submerged rate and resubmerged rate/ submerged rate for each individual. Results Both Nuttallina and Tonicella displayed remarkedly constant oxygen consumption rates during the primary submerged and aerial phases of the experiment, possibly reflecting the standardization of activity imposed by the restraining chambers. A greater variation of rate with time was observed during the resubmersion period. Table 1 summarizes the average primary submerged rate, aerial/submerged rate ratios, and resubmerged/sub¬ merged rate ratios for experimental and control animals page 7 Robbins Respiration of Nuttallina and Tonicella of each species. Results for experimental animals are depicted in fig. 4. Individuals of both species exhibited aerial respiration at a level significantly (p£.001: paired points t-test) below that of the initial submerged rate, while controls showed a slight elevation of rate during this period. Furthermore, the average fractional decrease in rate upon exposure was very similar («.73) for both Nuttallina and Tonicella. The pattern of post-exposure respiration, however, differed significantly (pX.025; Student's t-test) between the two. While Nuttallina's resubmerged rate returned to 94.5% of its initial submerged rate and was depressed below.the associated control, that of Tonicella rose 22% above its original wef rate and was elevated above its control, DISCUSSION Anatomical studies present little evidence for any adaptation to aerial respiration in Nuttallina. Excepting the observed differences in numbers of ctenidia and filaments, the basic orientation and structure of the gills in Nuttallina and Tonicella appears very similar. The expected adaptation towards increased rigidity is apparently absent in the ctenidia of Nuttallina; the gills collapse upon exposure as do those of Tonicella page 8 Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella Manometric studies confirm that Nuttallina has no significant advantage in aerial respiration over Tonicella, Respiration rates were equally depressed in both species. reflecting the lessened efficiency of the gills in minimal retained water resevoirs and in the collapsed state. Studies of Cryptochiton stelleri showed a greater decline in rate upon exposure, with aerial rates averaging 3 to 5 time less than the submerged value (Petersen and Johansen, 1973). Preliminary experiments (unpublished) show that Nuttallina survives longer than Tonicella under humid exposed conditions. The nature of Nuttallina's advantage is suggested by the observed post-exposure respiratory behavior. The elevated oxygen consumption of Tonicella upon resubmersion probably indicates that an oxygen debt was accrued during the period of decreased oxygen uptake accompanying exposure. Nuttallina has no such increase in respiratory rate and evidently avoids anaerobiosis during emersion periods. In this manner, it is not forced to cope with the problems of acid-product accumulation and eventual re-oxidation of those products. Intertidal Cryptochiton stelleri show a pattern of post-exposure respiration similar to that of Nuttallina; more significantly, no accumulation of lactate in the body fluid has been observed during page 9 Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella exposed conditions (Petersen and Johansen, 1973). Similar chemical analysis for lactate or succinate in body fluid of exposed Nuttallina and Tonicella would help to confirm the presence or absence of oxygen debt. This evidence suggests an internal regulatory control rather than a structural alteration through which Nuttallina has adapted to exposure. Newell (1970) has reviewed in detail the recognized physiological responses of intertidal animals to a decreased availability of oxygen. Possible mechanisms of avoiding oxygen debt include: 1) excretion of anaerobic products 2) maintenance of stores of oxygen within respiratory pigments in the body 3) reduction of activity and general body metabolism during restrictive periods. The latter possibility is supported by observations that Nuttallina becomes extremely sluggish and remains sessile when emersed. Similar behavior was noted in Cryptochiton stelleri (Petersen and Johansen, 1973). Finally, the possibility must be considered that measurements in the laboratory may not accurately reflect behavior during exposure in the field. Animals were always maintained on flat glass surfaces during manometric and observational studies of responses to emersion. However, field studies show Nuttallina to be found wedged in cracks or depressions in the page 10 obbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella substratum, with the girdle molded to the contour of the local environment. A similar preference was noted in the laboratory, where Nuttallina grouped into corners of aquaria rather than remaining on flat surfaces. This preferential "wedging" is possibly an adaptive response which allows for a raised girdle and maximum gill exposure while simultaneously protecting the gills and maintaining a large water reservoir in the pallial groove during aerial exposure (fig. 5). In this manner, the collapse of the ctenidia would be avoided and efficiency of respiration maximized in the emersed state. SUMMARY The respiratory anatomy and function of inter- tidal Nuttallina californica and subtidal Tonicella lineata were compared in an attempt to elucidate adaptations of the former to frequent aerial exposure. Ctenidial structure was found to be very similar, with- out additional self-support in Nuttailina. Most significant is the thicker more actively flexible girdle in Nuttallina which permits control of gill exposure and possibly maintains a reservoir of water beneath the gills in the naturally exposed state. page 11 Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella Manometric studies have shown aerial respiration rates to be equally depressed to 73% of the submerged rate in both species. Though Nuttallina has not apparently adapted for increased efficiency of air breathing, studies of recovery from extended periods of exposure have indicated a probable oxygen debt present in Tonicella and absent in Nuttallina. Field and lab- oratory observations suggest that Nuttallina decreases its metabolic activity when uncovered. However, further work is necessary to confirm these conclusions and to elucidate the physiological basis of Nuttallina's resistance to oxygen debt during periods of exposure. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Fred Fuhrman for his helpful assistance and advice, and Dr. Donald P. Abbott for making this whole venture possible. page 12 Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella LITERATURE CITED Johnson, Kay M. 1969. Quantitative relationships between gill number. respiratory surface, and cavity shape in chitons. The Veliger 11 (3): 272-276; 6 figs. Micallef, H. and W. H. Bannister 1967. Aerial and aquatic oxygen consumption of Monodonta turbinata (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Journ. Zool. Lond. 151: 479-482 (8 November 1966). Newell, Richard Charles 1970. Respiratory mechanisms. Pages R. C. Newell, Biology of intertidal animals. New York, N.Y. (American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc.). Petersen, Jorge A. and Kjell Johansen 1973. Gas exchange in the giant sea cradle Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff). Journ. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 12: 27-43; 10 figs. Sandison, Eyvor E. 1966. The oxygen consumption of some intertidal gastopods in relation to zonation. Journ. Zool. Lond. 149: 163-173; 4 figs. (8 February 1966). Steen, Johan Buch 1971. Transitional breathing. Pages 56-76 in J.B. Steen, Comparative physiology of respiratory mechanisms. New York, N.Y. (Academic Press, Inc.). page 13 Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella Umbreit, W. W., R. H. Burris, and J. F. Stauffer 1972. Manometric and biochemical techniques. 5th ed. v + 387 pp.; 125 figs. Minneapolis, Minn. (Burgess Publishing Co.). Yonge, Charles Maurice 1939. On the mantle cavity and its contained organs in the Loricata (Placophora). Quart. Journ. Micro. Sci. 81 (3): 367-390. (June 1939). page 14 tobbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella FIGURE EXPLANATIONS Fig. 1 Top: Schematic cross-sections of Tonicella and Nuttallina showing ctenidia in the pallial groove. Center: Ctenidia lateral views. Bottom: Typical cross-sections of the ctenidia. Fig. 2 a. Schematic cross-section of Nuttallina with girdle partially raised on the left side and totally raised on the right. b. Schematic cross-section of Nuttallina with girdle in the clamped-down position. Note ctenidia pressed against the foot. Fig. 3 The "restraining chamber" in which animals were maintained during experimentation. Actual size; 1.5 cm diameter X 3 cm length. Fiq. 4 Mean relative respiratory rates of 10 Nuttallina and 10 Tonicella during successive periods of submersion, exposure, and 7 animals of each species after resubmersion. Lines through bars indicate standard deviation. Schematic cross-section of Nuttallina "wedged" Fig. 5 in the corner of an aquarium. Note the raised girdle, the exposed gills, and the large water-holding capacity of the pallial groove. page 15 Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella TABLE EXPLANATIONS lable 1 Weight-specific oxygen consumption of Nuttallina californica and Tonicella lineata under submerged conditions; average fractional changes in respiratory rate during 12 hours of aerial exposure, followed by resubmersion. Controls were maintained submerged during all phases of the experiment. Number in parentheses is the number of individual animals studied. Variation shown is + 1 S.D. page 16 Robbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella — ( 0 2 H 8 1 9 50 97 OO R TONICELLA L NUTTALLINA C o0fe B. Robbins bins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella 2 — C O pagep oins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicalla FIqRA 3 page fracio of submerged rase o 5 — . .... + - B. Kobbis Fo. obbins Respiration in Nuttallina and Tonicella 5 C Page