Energetics of Idothea resecata Introduction Determination of an energy budget for any organism is important in understanding its relationship to the environ- ment. Most studies of this type have concentrated on ani- mals of current nutritional importance to humans (Kleiber 1961). However, as research into food web relationships deepens, more emphasis is being placed on the importance of lower organisms in the system. Idothea resecata can be found as a primary grazer on Macrocystis pyrifera, the common kelp which is actively harvested by man for alginic acid. (Jones 1971). Thus it can be assumed that this isopod is able to subsist chiefly on a diet of Macrocystis. For this reason, I. resecata is an important animal on which to do an ener- getics study. In order to determine an energy budget for any animal, several basic parameters must be characterized: 1. Ingestion 2. Excretion 3. Metabolic energy expenditure 4. Growth and reproduction This study has attempted to find values for the first three of these parameters for the isopod Idothea resecata. Materials and Methods Idothea resecata were collected from kelp beds to the east of Hopkins Marine Station during the months of April and May. Fresh algal blades were also collected at this location. In order to avoid the errors involved in weighing wet material and to eliminate variability between blades of 2. Energetics of Idothea resecata algae, strips of Macrocystis were cut in triplicate at the same level from a single blade for each experimental container. One strip was immediately labelled and dried in an oven at 80°C. The second strip was placed in a plastic container with five male isopods of size range 2.5 to 3.0 centimeters in length as measured from mid-eye to tip of telson. The third strip was placed in a separate container to control for weight changes in the algae independent of grazing. Containers for the experiment consisted of 18x30 cm. plastic boxes with plankton netting at eitherend to facilitate cir- culation when suspended in an outdoor pond. At the end of the specified time period, the animals were removed and remeasured. Water remaining in the container was centri- fuged for 20 minutes at 1500 rpm to collect fecal material. A modified procedure was adopted beginning with test 47 in which the water was partially drained through silk bolting cloth. Another change in procedure at this time involved resuspension of the fecal material in distilled water in order to cut down on salt residue in drying. Since lengths of animals were controlled during this experiment, a length - dry weight standard curve was con- structed (fig. 1). In addition, it later became necessary to construct a blotted-wet weight - dry weight standard curve in order to convert values obtained in respirometry data (fig. 2). Regression lines were computed using a com- puter program for regression (Sokal and Rohlf 1969). Dried samples of algae, isopods, and fecal material were ground to pass through a 60 mesh screen in a Wiley mill. Energeties of Idothea resecata The resulting powder was then pressed into pellets of approx- imately 0.2 gram in weight. Caloric values were obtained from runs in a Parr 1411 semi-micro calorimeter according to direc- tions in Parr Manual f144 (table 1). Due to its high ash con- tent, fecal material would not combust adequately on prelimi- nary trials. Therefore, Nujol mineraloil (11026 cal./gm.) was used as an additive (Paine 1971). Duplicate samples were ashed in a muffle furnace at 500°C. for 5 hours in order to convert dry weights and caloric values to ash-free equivalents. Finally, average oxygen consumption of the isopods was measured by the Warburg direct method of respirometry (Umbreit 1949). Each animal was covered with filtered sea water. Two of the five vessels used were large enough to allow limited movement by the animals. Eighteen animals were tested at 15°C. Results Data on consumption of the algae are listed in table 2. Values for the total consumption by groups of animals were obtained by difference between control and partially eaten algal strips. A paired T-test performed on the algal strips kept in the control box versus those dried immediately upon cutting showed no significant difference in weights, supporting the assumption that no appreciable growth was taking place in the algae during tests. The same statistical test applied to control strips and corresponding partially consumed strips gave a significant difference (p.001). This indicated that there was measurable grazing taking place. In calculating Energetics of Idothea resecata assimilation efficiencies for each of the boxes, caloric equivalents for Macrocystis consumption and fecal production were substituted into the equation E - I where E - assimilation efficiency, I = Ingestion, and F - fecal production. Excretory waste of I. resecata has been found to consist of gaseous ammonia and is thus negli- gible in energetic considerations (Dresel and Moyle 1950). When consumption and fecal production data are totalled for the sixteen test runs an assimilation efficeincy of 0.71 can be calculated. A regression line for oxygen consumption data is pre- sented in figure 3. Calculation of total respiration for the experiments was made of the basis of the mean length of the isopods in each group. Because of greater statistical significance in the wet weight - oxygen uptake regression line than in the line for dry weight, lengths were converted to wet weight estimates using data from figures 2 and 3. A conversion factor of 4.82 cal./ml. 0, was applied to respi- ration data. This is a reasonable figure when it is assumed that I. resecata metabolize proteins and fat in addition to carbohydrates (Dr. Frederick Fuhrman, personal communication). Even if it were found that the animal metabolizes only carbo- hydrates, the discrepency would be only 3.6%. Total energy for respiration was found to be 371.9 calories. The total energy values obtained in the experiments as well as values reduced to calories per gram ash-free dry weight (AFDW) are presented in figure 4. Energetics of Idothea resecata Discussion The assimilation efficiency of 0.71 obtained through this study seems plausible when compared to the value of 0.66 found for the Macrocystis-fed isopod Tylos punctata (Hayes 1969) and to that of 0.88 found for the omnivorous isopod Cirolana harfordi (William Johnson, personal commu- nication). However, the large variance found between the sixteen test efficiencies suggests that experimental error is too large to consider the results conclusive. As was mentioned earlier, two procedures were used to collect fecal material. This seems to be reflected in the data as boxes 1-6 showed strong evidence of high salt contamination and have correspondingly low values for assimilation. On the other hand, boxes 7-16 give extremely high values for assi- milation, giving strength to the suspicion that fecal mate- rial was lost in filtration. Another possible error might be found in the caloric value used for fecal material. Although the two calorimeter runs on this material gave very similar values for its caloric content (1361 and 1420 cal/gm.AFDW), the use of an additive in such a determination is considered a potential source of error (Paine 1971). Hayes (1969) assumed that non-ash material in fecal pellets would contain the same number of calories as Macrocystis and calculated his values accordingly. Such an estimation might be considered to give an extreme lower limit to assimi- lation. In this study, an assimilation efficiency of 0.26 would constitute such a lower limit. Energetics of Idothea resecata The relatively low caloric expenditure accounted for by respiration in the energy budget defined in this study is further evidence for suspecting a lower actual assimilation efficiency for Idothea resecata. Although data from a few of the respiration vessels in which the animals were able to move somewhat might be indicative of a slightly higher active meta- bolism (fig. 3), these values are only about 50% higher than their regression values. Data available for swimming and resting larvae of Mytilus edulis show that the energy require- ment of a swimming animal is less than twice that of a resting animal (Zeuthen 1970). Such an activity factor would do rela- tively little to help balance the energy budget of this study. Considering the error terms involved, it must be concluded that the estimation of assimilation efficiency derived from the data in this study is rather high. A value closer to 0.5 might be more realistic for Idothea resecata on the basis of the possible experimental variables mentioned above. Summary An energeties study was carried out on the marine kelp bed isopod Idothea resecata. An assimilation efficiency of 0.71 was found for animals living on a diet of Macrocystis pyrifera. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Dr. Frederick Fuhrman for all the help and guidance he has given me for this project. I would also like to thank Dr. William Johnson for his help with the calorimeter. Energetics of Idothea resecata Literature cited Dresel, E. and V. Moyle. 1950. Nitrogenous excretion of Amphipods and Isopods. J. Exper. Biol. 27:210-225. Hayes, W.B. 1969. Ecological Studies on the High-Beach Isopod Tylos punctata Holmes and Gay. PhD. Thesis Univ. of Calif. San Diego. Jones, L.C. 1971. Studies on selected small herbivorous invertebrates inhabiting Macrocystis canopies and hold- fasts in southern California. The Biology of Kelp Beds. W.J. North, ed. Cramer. 600pp. Kleiber, M. 1961. The fire of life and introduction to animal energetics. Wiley, New York. 454 pp. Paine, R. 1971. The measurement and application of the calorie to ecological problems. Ann. Rev. of Ecol. and Sys. 2:145-163. Sokal, R.R., and F.J. Rohlf, 1969. Biometry. Freeman, San Francisco. 776 pp. Umbreit, W.W., R.H. Burris, and J.F. Stauffer. 1949. Manometric techniques and tissue metabolism. Burgess, Minneapolis. 227 pp. 125- 100 50 10 15 210 Length (cm.) Flg- 130 100 60 40 100 300 200 Wet weight (mg.) Fle. 2 400— 500 1.00- 60 .40 J.30 20 N.15 30 o dry weight wet weight 5... 4 ------ ----- 00 %0 o8 70 10 150 200 360 Welght (mg.) Flg. 3 500 Ingestion: (1) 2966.7 cal. (O.18cal./gm) - - - O.715 Respiration: 371.9cal. (0.02 cal gm Growth —Reproduction Assimilation:(A) Vole 2121.02 cal. 2 (0.13calgm.) 2 Feces: 845.7cal. () (0.05 cal/gm.) Fig.4 Macrocystis lresecata Feces Ash 33.85% 34.0% 72.7% Table 1. cal./gm.AFDW 3607 3620 1392 Table 2 Algae Fecal Average consumed material Assim. No. length Time (gm.AFDW) (gm.AFDW) Efficiency Isopods (cm.) (hr.) 0.102 0.165 0.36 2.87 24 0.078 0.129 0.36 2.79 24 0.022 0.39 0.035 2.80 24 0.140 -0.06 2.80 0.008 0.008 0.62 2.80 28 0.067 0.007 0.96 2.88 28 0.044 0.013 0.88 2.8 25.5 0.068 0.024 0.86 2.82 25.5 0.030 0.012 0.82 2.80 0.046 0.008 0.93 2.82 0.005 0.008 0.29 2.95 32.5 0.089 0.022 0.90 2.87 0.086 0.014 0.94 2.77 20 0.047 0.014 0.89 2.71 20 0.029 0.0004 0.99 2.78 0.051 0.008 0.94 2.79 25 Total 0.607 0.82: 0.71 -2.80 423.5 (x =0.69) x-0.32 values for fecal material are corrected for residue collected in controls Box igure Captions Fig. 1. Relationship between length (measured from mid-eye to tip of telson) and dry weight of Idothea resecata. Regression equation: Log I = -2.33 + O.39 X Fig. 2. Relationship between wet and dry weights of I. resecata Regression equation: Y = -5.03 + 0.22 X Fig. 3. Relationship between body weight and oxygen consumption per mg. per hour in I. resecata. indicates values in which animal had the option to be active. Regression equations: Log Y = 0.86 - 0.62 X Dry weight: Log Y - 0.78 - 0.69 X Wet weight: energy flow in I. resecata. Fig. 4. Schematic diagram showing Lower values are computed for ash-free dry weight. Table 1. Ash content and caloric values for Macrocystis pyrifera, Idothea resecata, and fecal material of I. resecata. Table 2. Data for algae consumption, fecal material production and assimilation efficiencies for 16 test runs. Fecal material is corrected in each case for residue collected in the control box.