ABSTRAC The noxious yellow slime secreted by the marine snail Calliostoma canaliculatum contains mostly small constituents (less than 12Kd) that are heat stable and partially hydrophobic. There are at least two bioactive fractions in the slime. One has a molecular weight of approximately 700 - 800 daltons, and the other contains the characteristic yellow color. INTRODUCTION The marine snail Calliostoma canaliculatum secretes a vellow slime as a defense against a sea star predator, Pycnapodia helianthoides. In response to the noxious slime P. helianthoides retracts the arm exposed to the slime and nay move away. Behavioral observations on this interaction (McDevitt, personal communication) indicate that the slime release is the final method of defense used by the C. canaliculatum, after the snail has attempted to flee and work itself free from the sea star. This indicates that the slime may be an energy expensive compound to make. The snail does not need dietary precursors to produce the slime, which seems to be synthesized di novo and stored for later secretion(McDevitt, personal communication). The purpose of this study was to characterize this slime biochemically and fractionate it, isolating those fractions with bioactivity. P. helianthoides, was used to test bioactivity, because it is the natural recipient of the sline. 3 - MATERIALS & METHODS Bioassays Bioassays were conducted on the sea star Pycnopodia helianthiodes. The sea star was placed in a fingerbowl with 1-2 inches of sea water, and 50 ul of the test substance was applied to the tip of a small arm (1.5-3 inches). There was a minimum recovery period of 3 minutes between trials. The reaction was classified on a scale of O - 3, with O equal to no response, 1 equal to weak response (closing of arm around tube feet and slight retraction of arm), 2 equal to a moderate response (retraction and curling up of arm), and 3 equal to a strong response (strong curling or retraction of arm - often coupled with running away from stimulus). Collection C. Canaliculatum were collected on the kelp off Cabrillo Point at Hopkins Marine Station (Pacific Grove, California). The snails were induced to secrete the yellow slime in air by placing a tube foot of the P. helianthodes — 4 on the tentacles of the snails so that they retracted with the tube foot when prodded with the pipet. This caused the secretion of sea water, and in most cases the yellow slime. This crude yellow slime/sea water mixture was collected and refrigerated in flasks. Ultraviolet Spectra/isible spectre Ultraviolet and visible spectra were taken on a Hewlett Packard 8452A array diode spectrophotometer connected to an IBM PC. The spectra were then loaded into the Lotus Worksheet package for analysis and graphing. Solubilities The crude yellow slime was centrifuged at 7500g for 10 minutes. The pellet was mixed with a pipet in the test solvent. Distilled water, distilled water with O.iM HCI, and distilled water with O.1M NaoH, ethanol, acetone, ether, and benzene were the test solvents. The ethanol soluable constituents were tested for bioactivity by freeze drying the ethanol away and resuspending the dry solids in filtered sea water (to the original volume of the slime). Heat Stability Epindorph tubes containing the crude yellow slime were put in a boiling water bath (98 C). At 1, 2, 5, and 10 minutes tubes were remove and put on ice. Bioassays of serial dilutions(1, 1/5, 1/25, 1/125) were taken of the tubes boiled for 5 and 10 minutes and of the original slime control. Washing by Centrifugation Each wash consisted of centrifuging 2.0 ml of the crude vellow slime at 150,000g for 1 hour (4 C) in a Beckmann Ultracentrifuge, pipeting off the supernatant, and resuspending the pellet in 2.0 ml of filtered sea water. Two series of four washes were done, one started with the crude slime sonicated for 10 brief (approxinately 1 sec each) pulses, and one started with unsonicated crude slime as a control. The four supernatants and the final pellet (resuspended in 2.0 ml of filtered sea water) were tested for bioactivity and analyzed were analyzed by the UV/visible light spectroscopy. Coomassie Blue Stainfor Protein -6 A 2.5ul sample was applied to a Whatman No. i filter paper, dried, stained with Coomassie Blue R-250 dissolved in 252 isopropanol, 10acetic acid and 65 distilled water for 15 minutes. The stained paper was washed in distilled water for 10 minutes, and then dried. (Esen, 1978) Dialysis The crude slime was centrifuged at 7,500g for 10 minutes and 1.0 ml of the supernatant (the rest of the sup. Was kept as a control) was loaded into a dialysis bag (with an approximate cutoff of 12Kd), which was stirred in 100Oml of filtered sea water. After 6 hours the bath was poured out and replaced. This was left overnight and the retentate in the bag and the control were compared on the UV/visible spectra, in bioactivity, and in protein concentration. Gel Column Chromatography A 40ml Sephadex G-50 column was used and 30 drop fractions (about 1.7m1 each) were collected. For one experiment filtered sea water was used as the eluent. The crude vellow slime was centrifuged at 7500g for 10 minutes and 40Oul of the supernatant were loaded onto the column. Fractions were then analyzed by UV/visible spectroscopy, tested for bioactivity, and protein concentration. In a second experiment distilled water was used as the eluent, and 2.Oml of the supernatant was loaded onto the column. Spectrophotometer readings were taken of the fractions at 234nm. The regions of peak absorbance were pooled ( fraction numbers 20-27, 28-40, 46-54) and lyophylized down to solids and then resuspended in 2.0 ml of filtered sea water. These concentrated fractions were analyzed by UV/visible spectroscopy, and tested for bioactivity. The column was calibrated using dinitrophenol (M.W. 185), aspartane (M.W. 294), bromophenylblue (M.W. 670), vitamin Bi2(M.W. 1250), aprotinin(M.W. 6,500), cytochrome C(M.W. 12.400), carbonic anhydrase (M.W. 29,000), and blue dextran(M.W. 2,000,000) (see Figure #15). A 40Oul sample of each standard was loaded on the column, and the region of peak UV/visible spectroscopic absorbance was the elution place. (see Cooper,1977 for explanation of techniques) Infrared Spectra Two sets of concentrated fractions (20-27) and (28-40) from above, were lyophylized again, dissolved in methanol and filtered to remove salts. The methanol was evaporated off and the residual solid was made into a Nujol mull to take the infrared spectrum on a Perkin-Elmer Spectrophotomer with salt plates. Gel Electrophoresis Two acrylamide gels were run, a 10-182 gradient gel, and a 123 gel (see Cooper, 1977 for techniques). The gels were calibrated with both high and low molecular weight standards (see Figures #11 and #12). On both gels the experimental lanes consisted of crude supernatant (7,500g for 10 minutes), and fractions 23 and 47 from the gel colunn eluted with sea water. The gels were stained with the silver chloride technique. (Morrissey, 1981) RESULT! Solubilities The yellow pellet was very soluble in ethanol, soluble in distilled water, slightly soluble in acetone, and insoluble in ether and benzene. Distilled water with Naoh precipitated the pellet, and HCl brought it back into solution. The portion which was dissolved in ethanol produced a strong response from the sea star when the residue was transferred into filtered sea water. It had a spectrum almost identical to the supernatant from the original centrifuged crude slime (see Figure l and control on Figure #6). The ph of the slime (as it was collected crudely in its sea water mixture) was 7.4. Heat Stability The tubes which were boiled for 5 and 10 minutes showed no significant decrease in bioactivity as compared to the untreated control over the range of dilutions tested. (see Figure #2) Washing b Centrifugation - 10 There was bioactivity in all the supernatants, except one, as well as in the final pellets (Figure #3). There was no significant difference in the sonicated versus unsonicated slimes. The biological activity did not decrease significantly with progressive washes, although the absorbances in the UV/visible spectra were lower with progressive washes (Figures #4 and #5). Dialysis The retentate showed no bioactivity, while the undialyzed control produced a strong response from the sea star. The UV/visible spectrum of the retentate showed that it had lost much of its absorbance. (Figure #6) Gel Column Chromatography The Sephadex G-50 column, eluted with filtered sea water, separated the slime into two major components with peaks centered at fractions 23 and 47 (as determined by UV/visible spectra - see Figure #10). The bioactivity of these fractions were higher than that of other fractions (Figure #9). Fraction 47 stained stronger with coomassie blue than did fraction 23. - 11 Elution with distilled water separated the slime into 3 components centered at fractions 23, 31, and 50. When concentrated, fractions 20-27 produced moderate to strong reactions, fractions 28-40 produced strong reactions, and fractions 46-54 produced moderate to strong reactions. The original supernatant produced strong reactions. Gel Electrophoresis In both gels run, the lanes loaded with fractions 23 and 47 showed no protein bands, and the lanes with the yellow sline supernatant showed 2 major protein bands having molecular weights of approximately 50,000d, and 18,000d (Figures #11 and #12) UV and Visible Spectra Peak absorbances of crude slime were a double peak at 30Onm, and a shoulder at 380-400nm (see control, Figure 46). Peak absorbances for fraction 23 were at 234nm, 260nm, 318nm (Figure #7), and peak absorbances for fraction 47 were at 234nm, 308nm, and 36Onm (Figure #8). The retentate from the dialysis had a sharp peak at 220-230nm and very small shoulders around 30Onm and 400nm (Figure #6). - 12 - Infrared Spectra Fractions (20-27) (Figure #14) and (28-40) (Figure #15) seem to have nearly identical infrared spectral profiles. They both show a broad absorbance centered at 3350 cm-1, a narrower absorbance at 1660 cm-1, and a small peak at 1150 cm-1. Other peaks at 2900 cm-1, 1460 cm-1, 1380 cm-1, 1020 cm-1, and 720 cm-1 are all artifacts due to Nujol. DISCUSSION Much of the data indicate that the slime is amphiphilic. The initial collection showed that the slime was somewhat inniscible with the sea water secreted with it. In the solubility tests, the fact that the slime dissolved more easily in ethanol (including an active component) than in distilled water indicates that the slime is slightly hydrophobic. But it is not entirely hydrophobic, or it would have been more soluble in acetone, ether, and benzene. Washing the pellet (the progressive washes experiment) indicated that the bioactive component was in both the pellet and in solution. Sonication made no difference with this data, so the slime was not slowly being released from inside a nembrane-bound compartment. More likely the slime was saturating the water, and the excess was left in the pellet. This again supports the possibility that the compound is partially hydrophobic. Also, a component of the slime(fract 47) seemed to stick to the gel chromatography column, because its elution volune exceeded the column volume. This indicates that this portion has some hydrophobic characteristics. Also relevant to the amphiphilic character of the sline, are observations made on detergent-like properties of it. The slime seemed to destroy sea urchin egg membranes. No quantitative analysis of this was performed. Behavioral observations show that this hydrophobicity may make sense. The snail has been observed to wrap itself in its own slime as it secretes it (McDevitt, personal communication). The slime could better serve its purpose of deterring the P. helianthoides, because every time the sea star touched the shell it would sense the slime. The slime also would be harder to wash away. The slime is fairly pH neutral (7.4 in sea water). The fact that it is more soluable in acid than in base indicates that it might contain a basic functional group (amino?). The bioactive molecules are not large proteins. They are dialyzable ( therefore « 12Kd M.W.), heat stable, and do not appear on an acrylamide gel (possibly running through, or not staining silver chloride), and are soluble in precipitate in proteins usually ethanol (large ethanol) (Cooper, 1977). All of the bioactive components are smaller than 12,000 daltons as evidenced by the dialysis experiments. Fraction 23 has a molecular weight of 700 - 800d, calculated from its elution volume on the gel column. (763.53d calculated - 15. from linear regression of the calibration) (see Figure +15). Fraction 47 is beyond the linear separating portion of the column, so no molecular weight can be assigned to this fraction. The gel electrophoresis data shows that both fractions 23 and 47(whose columns show no bands) contain no proteins or peptides with molecular weights of greater than 2,500 daltons (the lowest molecular weight standard band on the gel). Whether the active components are peptides or other small molecules was not determined. There was conflicting data. There appear to be many small peptides in the slime; the crude supernatant of the slime strongly stained with coomassie blue while after dialysis the retentate stained weakly if at all. The active fractions 23 and 47 stained vith coomassie blue more strongly than do the other eluted fractions. So the fractions either contain peptide or other compounds which stain coomassie blue. None of the spectra indicate that the bioactive fractions are peptides. In the UV/visible spectra, both active fractions have a peak near 230nm but are lacking peaks at 280nm (Figures #7 and #8). Proteins and peptides characteristically absorb at both peaks (Pavia, 1979). The peaks at 260nm, 308nm and 318nm are a mystery. The 16 shoulder at 360-400 could be the yellow color absorbance. The infrared spectra of both fractions do have a carbonyl peak at 1660 cm-1, but are lacking both the characteristic carboxylic acid hydroxyl absorbance and the characteristic amino group absorbance. The peak at 3350 cm-1 shows an alcohol-like hydroxyl absorbance (Pavia, 1979). There are data indicating that the slime components block both sodium and potassium channels at 1/100 dilution of the crude slime, and that the fractions from the second gel chromatography column (concentrated fractions 20-27, and 46-54) have separate, different effects. Fractions 20-27 seem to block the sodium current, and fractions 46-54 seem to block a potassium current of Lolligo opalesceas chemoreceptor cells (Dr. William Gilly, personal contact). The slime also seems to block the potassium current in neurons from the Doriopsila albopunctata (Dr. Stuart Thompson, personal communication). It is possible that the compound shares structural characteristics with tetrodotoxin, or saxotoxin. Summary of Characteristics The characteristics of the yellow slime shown in this paper are: 17 1. There are at least two active components in the slime as separated by the Sephadex G-50 column. 2. The slime is amphiphilic, showing both hydrophobic and hydorphilic traits. 3. The active components of the slime are a relatively small particles. All are less than 12,000d. One bioactive component has a molecular weight of 700-800d. 4. There is no conclusive data to show whether the active components are peptides or other other small molecules. Further Experiments Further purification of the slime should be attempted. Fractions from the Sephadex G-50 column could be run on an ion exchange column to separate the slime according to charge if it has any. The bioassay should be made more quantitative. Possibilities include developing neurological, or sea urchin egg lysis assay. It also might be possible improve the P. helianthoides assay by attaching force transducer to an arm of the sea star to measure the force of arm retraction. Infrared specs should be taken of more highly purified fractions. The HPLC could be run to analyze amino acids of acid hydrolyzates, and to analyze the similarities between the slime and TTX and PSP. 18 References: Cooper, Terrance G., The Tools of Biochemistry, (John Wiley and Sons, 1977). Esen, A. 1978. A simple method for quantitative, semi-quantitative, and qualitative assay of protein. Anal. Biochem. 89: 264-273. McDevitt, Christine, The dynamics of the escape response of gastropod Calliostoma canaliculatum to seastar Pycnapodia helianthoides., Spring Class 1988, Hopkins Marine Station. Morrissey, J.H. 1981, Silver stain for proteins in polyacrylanide gels: a modified procedure with enhanced 2: 307-310. uniform sensitivity. Anal. Biochem. 1! Pavia, Donald L., Lampman, Gary M., Kriz, George S. Jr., Introduction to Spectroscopy: A Guide for Students of Biochemistry, (Saunders College Publishing, 1979). EIGURE LEGENDS Eigure l Ultraviolet and visible spectrum (190 - 820nm), of slime components soluble in ethanol. Figure 12 Heat Stability of Slime. Strength of reaction of P. helianthoides vs. dilution strength of slime. A - control slime, B - boiled for 5 minutes, C - boiled for 10 minutes. Eigure 13 Bioactivity of Successive Elutions from Slime Solids. Strength of P. helianthoides reaction of four successive washes and final pellets. A - centrifuged at 12,500g for 5 minutes, B - Initially sonicated, centrifuged at 150,000g for 1 hour, C - centrifuged at 150,000g for 1 hour. 20 Eigure 4 UV/visible Spectra of Successive Elutions from Sonicated Slime Solids. Ultraviolet and visible spectrum (190 - 820nm), of supernatants of sonicated slime. A - sup. from wash fl, B - sup. from wash #2, C - sup. from wash #3, D - sup. from wash #4. Eigure 25 UV/visible Spectra of Successive Elutions from Unsonicated Slime Solids. Ultraviolet and visible spectrum (190 - 820nm), of supernatants of control (unsonicated) slime. A - sup. from wash #1, B - sup. from wash #2, C - sup. from wash #3, D - sup. from wash #4. Eigure UV/visible spectra of Dialyzed Slime and Control Slime. Ultraviolet and visible spectrum (190 - 820nm), of A - - 21 - control slime, and B - the retentate slime after dialysis. Eigure t7 Ultraviolet and visible spectrum (190 - 820nm), of fraction 23, from Sephadex G-50 column chromatography, eluted with filtered sea water. Eigure 8 Ultraviolet and visible spectrum (190 - 820nm), of fraction t47, from Sephadex G-50 column chromatography (eluted with filtered sea water). Eigure 9 Bioactivity of Chromatographic Fractionation. Strength of P. helianthoides reaction vs. fraction number from Sephadex G-50 column (eluted with filtered sea water). (Notice Y axis range is none to moderate). Eigure 19 Absorbance at 234nm vs. fraction number from Sephadex G-50 column eluted with filtered sea water. Eigure ll Analysis of Slime by SDS-polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis: 10 - 182 acrylamide gradient. Calibration of gradient gel (10 - 182) with standards i, myocin n.w. 205 Kd. 2, B-galactosidase m.w. 116 Kd. 3, Phosphoglutarate m.w. 97 Kd. 4, BSA m.w. 66 Kd. 5, Ovalbumin m.w 45 Kd. 6, Carbonic anhydrase m.w. 29 Kd. 7, Soybean Trypsin Inh. m.w. 20 Kd. Log of molecular weight ys. migration distance divided by total migration of gel. Line is a linear regression of the 7 standard points on the graph. Eigure #12 Analyais of Slime by SDS-polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis: 122 acrylamide. Calibration of 122 gel with standards 1, myocin m.w. 205 Kd. 2. B-galactosidase m.w. 116 Kd. 3, Phosphoglutarate m.w. 97 Kd. 4, BSA m.w. 66 Kd. 5, Ovalbumin m.w 45 Kd. 6, Carbonic anhydrase m.w. 29 Kd. 7, Soybean Trypsin Inh. 23 - m.w. 20 Kd. Log of molecular weight vs. migration distance divided by total migration of gel. Line is a linear regression of the 5 middle points on graph. Eigure #13 Analysis of Slime by Sephadex G-50 Gel Chromatography Calibration of Sephadex G-50 gel column with standards 1,dinitrophenol (M.W. 185) 2, aspartame (M.W. 294) 3, bromophenylblue(M.W. 670) 4, vitamin Bi2(M.W. 1250) 5, aprotinin(M.W. 6,500) 6, cytochrome C(M.W. 12,400) 7, carbonic anhydrase(M.W. 29,000) 8, blue dextran(M.W. 2.000,000). Log of molecular weight versus K - (elution volune - void volume)/(total volume - void volume). Eigure 1 Infrared spectrum of concentrated fractions (20 - 27) from Sephadex G-50 column in taken in a Nujol mull with salt plates. Eigure #15 Infrared spectrum of consentrated fractions (28 - 40) from 24 plates colu take! Nujol salt 4 . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I want to thank my advisors, Dr. Robert Swezey and Dr. Charles Baxter. At the start of this project I was a newcomer to both biochemical techniques and the marine life at Hopkins Marine Station. Rob taught me the biochemical technigues and was always around the lab and willing to help me. And Chuck was an invaluable source for information on the species I studied as well as other species of the Monterey Bay. I also want to thank Dennis Larochelle, a graduate student, who helped me with the laboratory technigues, and answered the infinite questions which I asked. Lastly, I have to thank Tom Otis (one of the Teaching Assistants for the course) who helped collect hundreds of snails, and my "partner in slime" (as she coined the term), Christy McDevitt, who was fun to work with, even when she was seasick. FIGURE 1 — — — — NNN 8 Q: J D FIGURE 2. + os I D NNNN FIGURE 3. — — os FIGURE 4. O — Q +NND 4 u 8 8 — FIGURE 5. O S O+NNDN — — — NNN +8 S O 55 FIGURE 6. I DDNNDN NO * ——— NNN u - 2 9 FIGURE 7. N-NODROONN-N-O 8 — 6 6 FIGURE 8. 8. O I 0 FIGURE 9. t + t t N —o o u -N — D FIGURE 10. o O H N FIGURE 11. + t t t AN 50 9 N FIGURE 12. 1 t t t t N'N 50 0 S O FIGURE 13. 1 22 N +N +++NN AN 50 13 2u IGURE SURE