ABSTRACT Unfertilized sea urchin eggs, centrifuged into nucleate and enucleate fragments, were activated by ammonia and time-lapse videotaped on a light microscope to record move ments of the membrane surface. These fragments, unable to divide, exhibit wiggling" and contractile movement that corresponds in time with the nor mal first and second mitotic cycles, peaking in intensity with expected cytokinesis. Movement then declines in intensity, corresponding in time with nor mal interphase. Cytoskeletal isolations performed at times of intense move ment show astral organization of microtubules in both nucleate and enucleate fragments. INTRODUCTION It has been hypothesized by Koki Hara, Peter Tydeman, and Marc Kirshner that control of the cell cycle is driven by an "autonomous oscillator" (Murray and Kirshner, 1991). Three main experimental ideas, concerning the critical event of a cell entering mitosis, have led to the formation of this concept. First, premature chromosome condensation (PCC) occurs in an interphase cell when fused with a mitotic cell; cell in Gl will prematurely condense its chromosomes into single strands, a cell in S will prematurely condense its chromosomes partially into single and partially into double strands, and a cell in G2 will prematurely condense its chromosomes into double strands (Johnson and Rao, 1970). Second, unfertilized sea urchin eggs activated by ammonia-treated sea water will begin successive cycles of DNA synthesis and chromosome condensation, but do not divide (Mazia, 1974). These eggs will cause synchronous PCC in as many as 50 polysper mically fertilizing sperm nuclei. PCC also occurs in these sperm nuclei when polysper mically fertilizing am monia-activated nucleate and enucleate cell fragments formed from a whole cell by centrifugation or bisection (Poccia et al., 1978). Cell cycle control, therefore, appears to pervade the cell and be cytoplasmic as opposed to being discretely contained in an organelle, such as the nucleus. Third, cyclin, a protein component of MPF (maturation promoting factor or mitosis promoting factor), has been shown to oscillate in amounts critical to the onset of mitosis. Since enzymes are closely linked to protein levels, MPF defines what is controlling the cell cycle closer to something that is inherent in the make up of the cell, possibly a series of self-perpetuating chemical reactions (Murray and Kirschner, 1991). These studies that have shown unfertilized, enucleate fragments of sea urchin eggs capable of controlling the onset of mitosis, or chromosome condensation. By observation of membrane surface events, the present study investigates the ability of these fragments to assemble a mitotic apparatus (MA), that is, to proceed even further into mitosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eggs and sperm of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were used. Animals were induced to shed by hand-shaking and/or intracoelomic injection of 0.5 ml KCl. Eggs were shed directly into filtered sea water (FSW), passed through a 130 um Nitex cloth filter, and maintained at approx. 170C in a waterbath shaker. Sperm was stored dry at 40C and diluted at least 3000X just before use. Centrifugal production of fragments Nucleate and enucleate fragments from S purpuratus were prepared in a ultracentrifuge (Nishioka and Mazia, 1974). One molal sucrose was made with distilled water and 0.25 molal sucrose was made by diluting the 1.0 molal sucrose with FSW. Both sucrose solutions were used to prepare six 35 ml 0.25 molal to 1.0 molal linear sucrose gradients by hand and were allowed to stand for at least 10 min or overnight. Two ml aliquots of a 42 egg suspension were layered over each gradient and centrifuged at 7,000 rpm for 10 min and 9,000 rpm for 10 min in a Beck man ultracentrifuge with a SW-27.1 rotor. Immediately after centrifugation, the nucleate fragments (upper band), whole eggs (middle band), and enucleate fragments (lower band) were collected separately with a pipette into an equal volume of sea water. Immediately after collection, the fragments and whole eggs were resuspended in FSW. Generally, three layers-a thick layer of nucleate halves, a thick layer of enucleate halves, and a thin layer of whole eggs-were obtained, although on occassion 1 or 2 additional layers of nucleate and enucleate quarters were obtained. Whole eggs stratified into a centripetal oil cap, a large clear zone containing the nucleus just underneath the oil cap, and yolk. Fragments were split equally in size, with nucleate halves containing the oil, clear zone, and nucleus, and the enucleate halves containing mostly yolk. Variations in size and stratification did occur in eggs from female to female. Manual production of fragments Unfertilized eggs were passed, by mouth suction, through a 23 um Nitex fitler fitted to the end of a small cylinder. Irregularly shaped fragments were produced which eventually reassumed a round shape. Egg sample preparations for time-lapse video recording Fragments, centrifuged whole eggs (control for fragmentation by centrifugation), and uncentrifuged whole eggs (control for centrifugation) were combined together for ammonia activation as described below. Samples also included control fertilized eggs obtained as described below. Egg samples were prepared on chlorofluorocarbon slides and placed on a Zweiss WL microscope for video recording by a Panasonic time-lapse system. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) slides: Depression slides were filled with some CFC FC-43. A normal microscope slide was tightly moved over the depression slide, flattening a drops of egg sample. Petroleum jelly was applied to the edges of the slides to ensure the tight seal between the depression and covering slides. Ammonia activation Eggs were activated by culturing for 18 min in FSW titrated to pH 9.4 with NHAOH (Mazia, 1974). The culture was maintained in a waterbath shaker at approx. 170C. Eggs were immediately resuspended in FSW (approx. pH 8). Activation was considered to have occurred at initial exposure to pH 9.4. Fertilized control eggs Uncentrifuged, untreated whole eggs were fertilized at the same time eggs were activated by ammonia, followed by 3 washes with FSW to eliminate sperm in egg sample. Time-lapse video recording A Zweiss WL microscope fitted with a Panasonic WV350A camera was used to record onto a Panasonic time-lapse video recorder. Recordings were taken at time-lapse mode 180 hr/Ihr real time onto a videotape and played back at real time speed. A Blue M cooling probe was layed flat on the microscope stage to maintain a stage temperature of approx. 170C. Note: Due to sudden difficulty in playback imaging, selected still images from the time-lapse videotape were converted by a Megavision image processor. Cytoskeletal isolations A solution of 10 mM dithiothreotol (DTT) in sea water was calibrated to pH 9.0 with NaoH. Unfertilized eggs were treated with DTT for 5.5 sec with agitation in a waterbath shaker. Eggs were resuspended in sea water before centrifugation. collection, and ammonia activation, as described previously, to obtain fragments and centrifuged whole eggs. Isolation medium was calibrated to pH 5.9-6.0 with HCl. At times corresponding to expected mitotic apparatus assembly for the first cleavage (1.75 -2.25 hrs), 3 ml samples in 15 ml rounded-bottom glass test tubes were resuspended in KGE. Immediate resuspension again followed, with 200 ul Triton X-100 pipetted into the suspension and covering with parafilm for gentle mixing by inversion of the test tube. Observations were made by a Zweiss WL microscope. Twenty ul of DAPI was added to each 3 ml sample for observations on an Olympus BH2 microscope with fluorescence attachments. RESULTS Time-lapse video recording Successive patterns of membrane surface movement were observed in both nucleate and enucleate fragments and both centrifuged and uncentrifuged controls, with increasing intensity corresponding to the onset of mitosis and cytokinesis of the first and second cleavages in fertilized controls (Fig. 1). Decreasing intensity of movement corresponded to post-cleavage events in fertilized controls, often decreasing to the point of very little movement ('calm" period) or no movement at all (’quiet" period). Furthermore, these events corresponded to the cell cycling of uncentrifuged controls, apparent by the disappearance and reappearance of a visible nucleus. In general, the fragments and controls exhibited the following relative intensity of movement: nucleate » enucleate » centrifuged control » uncentrifuged control. On occasion, at times beyond the second 'calm/quiet" period, both nucleate and enucleate fragments and both centrifuged and uncentrifuged controls, were observed to undergo violent distortions of the the membrane surface to the extent that the cell would ’explode", or fall apart. These movements would begin at 3.5- 6.5 hrs and would take place over the course of a few hours (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). TIME-SCALE OF MEMBRANE SURFACE MOYEMENTS: TIME“ PERIOD 1:15 - 1:45 Movement 1:45 -2:45 First Cleavage 2:00 - 2:30 Calm/Quiet 2:15 -3:00 Movement 2:45 - 3:45 Second Cleavage 3:00 - 4:00 Calm/Quiet Preparations for time-lapse video recording consisted of assorted ceil fragments and controis. Most fragments and controls exhibited these movements. The time-scale of events was taken from four recordings. These recordings were made from CFC stide preparations of egg samples that were temperature controlled (approx. 170C), because it was found that fertilized controis were more successful at completing two divisions at cosder temperatures. However, it did not appear that the cosder temperatures greatsy affected the presented data. Times (hrs: min) indicate the range of times the specific events were observed to occur. Note: slight movement was often observed before the first movements (1:15-1:45). Note: Slight movement was often observed before the first movements occurred (1:15-1:45). Cytoskeletal Isolations Cytoskeletal isolations of both nucleate and enucleate fragments at times corresponding to expected MA assembly for the first cleavage showed an astral microtubule arrangement in each type of fragment. DAPI staining confir med distinction between nucleate and enucleate fragments (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). Note: Isolations of bisected eggs by Daniel Mazia were used to illustrate these results. Isolations of centrifuged eggs were unsuccessfully photographed and time constraints disallowed further isolations. DISCUSSION It is shown from this study that patterns of membrane surface events in activated, but unfertilized, sea urchin egg fragments can be defined. These patterns can provide alternative means of analyzing the occurence of cell cycle events by observing the outside of the cell, as opposed to the inside. These results are supported by three different controls--centrifuged, uncentrifuged, and fertilized eggs. Time-lapse video recording of bisected, rather than centrifuged, fragments could provide further evidence. Slightly flattening these fragments by the CFC preparation would facilitate the visibility of nuclei and, therefore, the distinction between nucleate and enucleate fragments. The flattening, however, would probably alter nor mal development somewhat. The isolation of microtubule structure underlying the movements observed also supports the findings of this experiment. An ammonia-activated sea urchin egg will not divide, requiring the bipolarity the sperm provides with its centrosome. Debate exists as to whether the unfertilized egg contains a centrosome at all or whether it contains an inactive centrosome. Nonetheless, the egg is capable of assembling microtubule structure, which has been described as "non- polar" (Mazia, 1988). This experiment shows that this structure is at least capable of moving the membrane surface. In some instances, mostly later in the cell's life this movement is sufficient to destroy the membrane. Further studies on the correlation between types of surface movement and types of cytoskeletal arrangement in these fragments would provide a better understanding of assembly and use of organized microtubule structure, such as in cytokinesis. The correlation found between the time of the most active movement and the isolation of asters may support hypotheses about communication of intracellular elements with the surface. It is known that vesicles are transported bidirectionally in microtubules. This experiment also has implications for models of maternal centrosome arrangement. The linear model proposed by Mazia (Mazia 1987) is supported by this study in that an unfolded linear structure split by centrifugation could explain the finding of astral organization in both nucleate and enucleate fragments. This study has addressed the idea of endogenous oscillators, or "clocks", in biological systems. Endogenous control of behavioral, physiological, and bioche mical patterns have been uncovered in most organisms that have been the pursuit of such studies. For example, the hypothalamus in the brain of humans is regulates cycles of rest, body temperature, metabolism. What is the cellular clock?" is a question that has been the inquiry of previous experiments. Enucleate cells and the discovery of MPF have provided a clearer picture. The questions asked by this investigation are "Where is the cellular clock?" and "How long will it run (under experimental manipulation)? appears that it runs quite successfully throughout the cell, so that both nucleate and enucleate fragments are capable of attempting cytokinesis, sometimes even to the point of self-destruction. ACKNOW LEDGEMENTS l’d like to express my gratitude to Dr. Mazia for his guidance, support, friendship, and a great dinner. Working with you has undoubtedly been a unique experience for which I am very greatful. Special thanks goes to Chris Patton for assistance both in the Mazia lab and photo lab. I am also indebted to Dr. Stuart Thompson and Megavision Studios" for recovering my time-lapse videos/ data from the dead. Emile, you deserve a good portion of recognition for cleaning my dirty glassware as fast as I produced it. John, your popcorn, coffee, and company kept me sane that day my data was destroyed. S. Purp, thank you for the results I wanted. 663 Spencer Street *1, you treated me very well; I will not ever forget the good times, recipe swapping. Simpsons Nights, pillow fights, and the people I lived there with. And everyone else-the Spring students and those that chatted with me in the halls and labs-you are also in every bit of this paper. Thank you. I had a fun time. BIBLIOGRAPHY Johnson, R. T., Rao, P. N. (1970). Nature 226, 717. Mazia, D. (1974). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 71, 690. Mazia, D. (1987). Intl. Rev. of Cytology 100, 49 -91. Mazia, D. (1988). Zoological Sci. 5. 519 - 527. Murray. A. W. and Kirschner, M. W. (1991). Sci. Amer. March, 56 - 63. Poccia, D., Krystal, G., Nishioka, D. and Salik, J. (1978). Cell Repro. 17,197 - 206. Nishioka, D. and Mazia, D. (1977). Cell Bio. Intl. Rep. 1, 23. FIGURES Figure 1. First Cleavage." Ammonia-activated centrifuged fragments. Approx. activation/fertilization time (hrs:min) (a-d) 1:20-2:05. EH, enucleate half; NH nucleate half; FC, fertilized control; UC, uncentrifuged control. Arrows indicate fragments that exhibited the most movement. (inverse Megavision image) Figure 2. Explosions.“ Ammonia-activated centrifuged fragments. Approx. activation/fertilized time (hrs:min) (a) 4:57 (b) 6:36. EH, enucleate half; EQ, enucleate quarter; CC. centrifuged control. Arrows indicate fragments observed to "explode" (not all shown). Figure 3. Explosion. Ammonia-activated centrifuged fragments. Approx. activation/fertilization time (hrs:min) (a-d) 5:34-7:14. EH, enucleate half; EO, enucleate quarter; FC, fertilized. Figure 4. Astral microtubule structure (Daniel Mazia). Ammonia-activated bisected fragments. Isolation time 1:45 (hrs:min). (a) light microscopy (b) DAPI staining and fluorescence microscopy. Arrows indicate fragments with astral microtubule structure. EH, enucleate half; NH, nucleate half. Figure 5. Astral microtubule structure (Daniel Mazia). Ammonia-activated bisected fragments. Isolation time 1:45 (hrs:min). (a) light microscopy (b) DAPI staining and fluorescence microscopy. EH, enucleate half. EH UC Figure Figure a) Figure 4 Figure 5