I. Abstract Some of the most interesting aspects of a kelp forest ecosystem are the herbivore kelp interactions. Macrocystis pyrifera utilizes different methods to deter consumption by herbivores. Both nutrient levels and defensive chemical concentrations may be allocated differently to the different tissues of the kelp, showing defensive preference for those tissues responsible for growth and reproduction. We examined this nutrient allocation as well as differential distribution of polyphenolic concentrations in three different tissue types (mature blades, apical meristems, sporophylls, and drift kelp) of Macrocystis pyrifera, and those from drift kelp, and analyzed how these differences affected the growth of the herbivore Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Sea urchins were fed restricted diets of a single type of algal tissue for 14 days, and their growth rates were compared. Urchins fed a diet of mature blades experienced the strongest growth, as mature blades had low concentrations of polyphenols and high nutritional value. Urchins fed diets of both sporophylls and apical meristems experienced the least growth, as sporopyll and apical meristem tissue palatability was low, due to either low nutrient levels (sporophylls) or high polyphenolic concentrations (apical meristems). Urchins fed diets of drift kelp had strong growth rates, because although drift kelp was low in nutrients, the tissue also contained low polyphenolic concentrations. We concluded both nutrient allocation as well as differential polyphenolic concentrations both played roles in palatability of kelp tissues and their effect on herbivore growth rates. II. Introduction Kelp forests ecosystems provide a complex home to numerous organisms, including invertebrates, herbivores, including echinoderms, gastropods, amphipods, and isopods (Barrales & Christopher S. Lobban, 1975). It has been shown that herbivore-feeding habits can exert a certain pressure on the evolution of kelps and the allocation of their defenses, such as polyphenolic/phlorotannin concentrations (Hay & Fenical, 1988, Wright, De Nys, Poore, & Steinberg, 2004). The relationship between these herbivores and the giant kelp dominating the kelp forest ecosystems of the west coast of North America, Macrocystis pyrifera, is vital for understanding kelp forest ecosystem dynamics as a whole (Watanabe, 1984, Foster and Schiel, 1985, Wakefield, 1998). Macrocystis pyrifera is comprised of many different types of tissues, including meristems, reproductive tissues, and the non-reproductive tissue of the kelp blades (Van Alstyne, McCarthy III, Hustead, & Kearns, 1999). The meristematic tissue of kelp is responsible for the growth of the organism, while the reproductive tissue, or sporophyll, is responsible for the production of the spores used in reproduction (Barrales & Christopher S. Lobban, 1975). The non-reproductive tissue refers to the blades of the organism, and is responsible for the majority of photosynthetic activity. It has been shown that these different tissues may utilize different methods in the defense of their parts, possibly both chemical defenses and differential nutrient allocations are used (Bazzaz and Grace, 1997). Some of the specific anti-herbivore chemical defenses include the production of polyphenols and/or phlorotannins on the surface of the kelp tissues (Tugwell, 1989; Van Alstyne, McCarthy III, Hustead, & Kearns, 1999). Phlorotannins are polymers of phloroglucinol and are ubiquitous in brown algae, and can also serve as anti-biotic, anti-fungal, and anti-fouling agents (Ragan & Globmtiza 1986, Pavia et al. 1997, Wikstrom and Pavia 2004). Multiple past studies have examined the variation in phlorotannin concentrations in the different kelp tissues, but a more detailed understanding of the nutrient variations that exist in these tissues is essential (Norderhaug, Fredriksen, & Nygaard, 2003). These studies provide further explanations of the physiological evolution giant kelps have undergone to protect their most important tissues for growth and development (Van Alstyne, McCarthy III, Hustead, & Kearns, 1999). The grazing pressure of herbivores is considered one of the most important factors affecting the health of kelp beds (Dean et al. 1984, Schiel & Foster 1986). In the northern pacific, grazing sea urchins have devastated many areas of kelp beds, developing these once rich ecosystems into what are termed "urchin barens" (Estes & Duggins 1995). Growth rates of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, and other herbivores, have been examined in past experiments (Ebert, 1968, Swan, 1961, Watanabe, 1984)), but no research has been carried out to see how restricted diets on the different kelp tissues of Macrocystis pyrifera affect growth rates of these sea urchins. This research project specifically examines how kelp tissues differentially partitions nutrients (as C:N ratios) and polyphenols in its different tissues. The apical meristem, sporophylls, and mature blades will be the specific parts of the kelp that will be analyzed, as well as drift kelp. The project will also address how restricted diets on these specific kelp tissues affect growth rates of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The data collected from these experiments will provide vital information on the macroalgae- herbivore interactions present in the Monterey Bay region, and will aid in understanding the complex ecosystem present in kelp forests around the world (Hemmi & Jormalainen, 2002). There has been a lack of research looking at the growth rates of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and how different allocation of Macrocystis pyrifera nutrients will affect them. This project will allow for these gaps in knowledge to be filled. I hypothesized the levels of nitrogen would be lowest and C:N ratios, as well as the polyphenol levels, would be highest in the parts of the kelp responsible for growth and reproduction (apical meristems and sporophylls) (Swan, 1961). Nitrogen levels may be decreased in the meristems and sporophylls because of the evolutionary advantages these tissues would experience for being less nutritious to herbivores (Diaz, Güldenzoph, Molis, McQuaid, & Wahl, 2006). An increase in C:N ratios would accompany an increase in carbon in the growing apical meristems and sporophylls, which follow the source-sink phenomenon, which describes the importation of carbon- rich materials to kelp tissues responsible for growth (C S Lobban, 1978; Schmitz, 1980). An increase in carbon levels leads to an increase in C:N ratios. C:N ratios help signify how nutrient rich certain plant material is, as nitrogen plays a major role in the nutrient requirements of marine organisms (Hamilton, Lange, Boyd, & Peters, 2011). There have been strong correlations between the amount of nitrogen with respective growth of organisms (Davies, 1971, Lambers, 1992, (Howarth, Marino, Lane, & Cole, 1988). Past experimental studies have shown that polyphenol levels are indeed higher for those tissues that are most important for a kelp’s growth and reproduction, specifically in the meristems, holdfasts, and sporophylls (Tugwell, 1989; Van Alstyne, McCarthy III, Hustead, & Kearns, 1999). Based on these results, the polyphenol levels of both drift kelp and mature blades should be significantly lower, as their role in the survival of the kelp is not as vital (Lubchenco & Gaines, 1981). I also hypothesized the nitrogen levels of the sporophylls and the meristems will be very low, and the nitrogen levels in drift kelp and the mature blades will be significantly higher, with lower C:N ratios as a result. Drift kelp refers to any parts of kelp that have become dislodged from the substrate and drift near the ocean floor (Nosengo, 2011). Because these tissues do not play as vital a role for the survival of the kelp, their high nutrient levels do not play a disadvantage for the kelp’s endurance (Jackson, 1977). The polyphenol levels of these parts will also be significantly lower, as the kelp does not have incentives to as vigorously protect these tissues (Tugwell, 1989; Van Alstyne, McCarthy III, Hustead, & Kearns, 1999; Watanabe, 1984). Past studies have also shown that as kelp undergoes degradation at the hands of microbes, polyphenolic concentrations have been shown to go decrease significantly (Van Alstyne, McCarthy III, Hustead, & Kearns, 1999). This microbial breakdown of polyphenols may also decrease the polyphenolic concentration of the drift kelp. III. Methods Field Sampling. Strongylocentrotus purpuratus individuals and tissues from Macrocystis pyrifera were collected for laboratory experimentation along the California coast in the Monterey Bay, specifically from the kelp forest adjacent to the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University (36°36’ N, 121° 54’W). The kelp tissue samples were collected between the depths of 0 and 10 meters. The collected kelp samples were kept in a large tub with a continual flow of seawater, while the sea urchins were stored in an aquarium also with a constant flow of seawater. Growth Rate Studies. The quality of nutrients of different tissues of kelp as a bio¬ assay for herbivore growth was determined by restricting the diets of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus to those specific tissues in the laboratory, over a period of two weeks.. In the growth rate trials, four experimental groups of each tissue type (mature blades, apical meristems, sporophylls, and drift kelp) were used, as well as one control group, receiving no kelp tissue. For each tissue group, four different arenas were created to separate the sea urchins and prevent competition. Each arena with a single urchin was initially provided with 15 grams of kelp tissue (wet weight), after starving for 72 hours to remove confounding effects of their previous diets. Before the experiment, each sea urchin’s diameter was measured with vernier calipers to the nearest 0.1 mm. The urchins were placed between the jaws of the calipers and were rotated until the greatest diameter was determined. Each arena was subjected to natural light-dark cycles, and provided with a continual supply of running seawater (n-4). Food was replaced in the arenas ad libitum, when little food remained. All arenas were maintained with similar amounts of food. At the end of the experiment, the diameters of the sea urchins were measured in the same manner as the initial diameters, with the maximum diameter being recorded, to the nearest 0.1 mm. The growth was then determined, subtracting the initial diameters from the final diameters. Nutrient and Polyphenol Determination. In order to determine both the nutrient and polyphenol levels in the different tissues of the kelp, 10 g of kelp (wet weight) were dried at 120° C for 48 hours. The dried kelp samples were then removed, and placed in canisters of a Wiley ball mill for 30 seconds ensuring grinding into fine powder. This kelp tissue powder was then used in the determination of nutrient allocation (n-5) as well as the polyphenol concentrations (n-4). To determine the nitrogen and carbon levels in the different kelp tissues, the powder of the dried tissues was processed in a Carlo Erba CN Elemental Analyzer. 4-7 mg of powder was measured by microscale and placed in tin capsules for carbon and nitrogen content, and these tins, after being placed in the analyzer, were run. A standard curve was developed before the procedure with acetanilide, and applied to the experimental samples for standardization. For determination of the polyphenol levels, -75 mg of the dried tissue sample was used according to a modified Folin-Ciocalteu method, according to Hendrik Poorter & Yvonne de Jong-Van Berkel, from Utrecht University (Van Alstyne, 1995). In this revised method, the dry plant material was first extracted with 5 ml of 80% ethanol in a centrifugation tube. The tubes were placed in a heating block for 30 minutes at 30° C, and then centrifuged at 4500 rpm for 10 minutes. After the supernatant had been removed, the pellet was extracted for a second time with 2.5 ml of 80% ethanol, and again placed in a heating block for 30 minutes at 30° C. After a second centrifugation at 4500 rpm for 10 minutes, the supernatant was removed and added to the supernatant from the first extraction. To remove chlorophyll, the pellet was extracted a third time with 5 ml chloroform and 2.5 ml deionized water. The chloroform is removed after centrifugation for 10 minutes at 4500 rpm. 0.1 ml of the ethanol-water fraction is mixed well with 5 ml of reagent A (75 ml Folin-Ciocalteu reagent made up to 750 ml with DI water). After 0.5-8 minutes, 3.5 ml of reagent B is added (57.5 g sodium carbonate dissolved in 500 ml of DI water). The tubes were then incubated at 40° C for an hour. After incubation, 1 ml of the mixture was added to a cuvet, and the absorption at 765 nm was measured with a spectrophotometer. A standard solution of 0.05 g of p- Coumaric acid was dissolved in 2 ml 96% ethanol and filled up to 50 ml of DI water. The standard was diluted to a range of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mg/ml. After determination of the standard curve, the measured absorption allowed for the calculation of polyphenolic concentration of the tissues. Statistical Analyses. Single-factor ANOVA testing was used to test and analyze all data, including polyphenolic levels, nutrient levels (nitrogen levels, carbon levels, and C:N ratios), and the effect of tissue identity on growth rates. Significant (Pæ0.05) tissue nutrients and growth rate results were used to indicate whether certain tissues were beneficial for the growth of sea urchins and also what defensive mechanisms kelp organisms may employ. IV. Results The growth rates of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus differed significantly (p-0.0006) when feeding on restricted diets of the different tissues of kelp. Figure 1 shows the averages of the growth rates of the sea urchins feeding on different diets of the kelp tissues. Sea urchins fed the mature blades had the highest average growth at 0.136 mm per 2 weeks, while those fed apical meristems grew the least, on average 0.0422 mm; those fed sporophylls 0.0558 mm, and those fed drift kelp grew 0.114 mm. A control group of sea urchins fed nothing grew on average only 0.015 mm. The results from the nutrient allocation in the different parts of the kelp are significant, in terms of % nitrogen levels, % carbon levels, and C:N ratios (P= 0.0001, 0.0008, and 0.0012 respectively). Figure 2 displays the % nitrogen levels from the different parts of kelp. The average for the mature blades was 2.838%, apical meristems 2.318%, sporophylls had the lowest value of 1.446%, and drift kelp had 1.911% nitrogen. Figure 3 displays the % carbon levels from the different kelp tissues involved in the experiment. The average % carbon level for mature blades was 24.182%, apical meristems with the lowest average of 20.433%, sporophylls with 28.051%, and drift kelp with the highest average of 29.231%. Based off these % carbon and nitrogen values, C:N ratios could be calculated. Figure 4 shows these C:N results for their respective tissues of kelp. Mature blades had an average C:N value of 8.573, the lowest value of the experimental variables. Apical meristems had the next lowest value, of 8.857, sporophylls had the highest ratio of 19.560, and drift kelp had a C:N value of 15.399. The polyphenol values for the different kelp tissues were also significant (P=0.0022). Figure 5 shows the respective values of the polyphenolic concentrations measured from the different tissues. Apical meristems had the significantly highest value of 0.202 mg/ml, while drift kelp had the lowest value of 0.00585 mg/ml, mature blades with 0.0273 mg/ml, and sporophylls with a concentration of 0.0121 mg/ml. Tables 1-5 display the results from the single factor ANÖVA analysis, with the test degrees of freedom, error degrees of freedom (df), number of replicates (n), P values, and F values displayed. V. Discussion The significance in the difference of growth rates between the sea urchins feeding on different kelp tissues may further assist in the knowledge of preferential feeding patterns of these organisms in a kelp forest ecosystem. Many experiments have been performed to attempt to understand food choice in marine invertebrates (A. G. B. Poore & P. D. Steinberg, 1999; Wakefield & Murray, 1998; Watanabe, 1984), but little work has been done linking possible nutrient variations and defensive mechanisms employed by algae to explain how growth rates of those invertebrates may be different with their different feeding patterns. The data in these studies leads to the belief that sea urchins are a good stand in for other herbivores that may benefit from consumption of tissues that are high in nitrogen levels, low C:N ratios, and low in polyphenol levels. The growth rates of those sea urchins that have fed on mature blades and drift kelp is much higher than those growth rates of the urchins feeding on both apical meristems and sporophylls. For mature blades, their high nutrient levels and low polyphenolic levels make them very palatable for urchins, thereby providing the ability for strong growth. Drift kelp, meanwhile, has a somewhat intermediate value of nutrients, but their significantly low polyphenolic concentrations allow their tissues to be extremely palatable for the urchins (Tugwell, 1989; Van Alstyne, McCarthy III, Hustead, & Kearns, 1999). With their low polyphenolic values, the urchins may be able to consume enough drift kelp to satisfy their nutrient needs, and allow for another strong growth rate. The lower growth rates of urchins fed both sporophylls and apical meristems seem to follow the hypotheses that organisms have evolved to allocate their defenses in such a way as to enhance survival (Rhoades, 1979; Tugwell, 1989). While sporophylls have extremely low values of nitrogen, and the highest of C:N values, apical meristems had the second highest percentage of nitrogen, and the second lowest value of C:N, which could possibly lead to increased grazing by herbivores, if no other protective mechanism were present. So in order to protect these extremely important tissues for growth, kelp has evolved to allocate very high concentrations of polyphenols to these tissues. Because of this high concentration, apical meristem tissues may not be palatable to urchins, and therefore the urchins fed restricted diets of meristematic tissue will be unable to consume this tissue, and will therefore be unable to obtain enough nutrients to support growth. For those urchins on diets of sporophylls, however, they are not deterred to consume the tissue of the sporophylls, but the lack of nutrients does not support strong growth. The high levels of nutrients in the mature blades can be explained by the notion that because of the relative lack of their necessity to growth and reproduction, as the meristems and sporophylls are. As a result, the plant may not need to protect these tissues in any manner, and have evolved to decrease the amount of costly chemical defenses to these tissues. The high nitrogen levels are explained by the source-sink theory, which says that mature blades produce an excess of nitrogen levels, and because of their lack of growth, are sources for nitrogen for the rest of the kelp organism (Schmitz, 1980; C S Lobban, 1978). The high relative nutrient levels examined in apical meristems is intriguing. The high nitrogen levels could signify the large amount of nitrogen transported to the meristems to support growth (Schmitz, 1980), while the low carbon levels could represent very high turnover due to the rapid expansion and elongation consuming the carbon for that growth of the kelp organism. It has been shown that sporophylls receive significantly less translocated products, such as nitrogen containing amino acids, than other parts of the kelp, supporting the finding of the low % nitrogen of the sporophylls (CS Lobban, 1978). The same study describes sporophylls as growing the slowest of the kelp tissues, which translates to having the highest carbon levels, as herbivores that have strong growth rates do not consume as much carbon (C S Lobban, 1978). Because of the high C:N values, and therefore low nutrient enrichment, these tissues have evolved to need lesser defenses, as they may not be targeted by certain herbivores. While other experiments have found reproductive tissue to have high concentrations of defensive chemicals, the low nutrient levels themselves may be enough to deter herbivores from consuming these important tissues of the kelp (Tugwell, 1989). The low concentration of defensive chemicals, like polyphenols, in the drift kelp samples is supported by past experiments, which have shown that bacterial degradation of drift kelp decreases the amount of polyphenols produced by the kelp tissues (Norderhaug et al., 2003; Van Alstyne, McCarthy III, Hustead, & Kearns, 1999). It is also possible that this bacterial degradation led to a decrease in nitrogen levels in the drift kelp, influencing the C:N value. But because of such low levels of polyphenols, sea urchins feeding on this drift kelp did not experience nitrogen limitation, and therefore experienced strong growth (Norderhaug et al., 2003). This study has shown that kelps differentially allocate both their defensive chemicals and nutrients in their different tissues. Nutrient values and the concentration of polyphenols can help determine the importance of certain tissues, in the event kelp may preferentially defend those tissues most important for growth and reproduction by decreasing their palatability either through a decrease in the nutrient levels or by an increase in the polyphenolic concentrations. Sea urchins fed restricted diets on these different kelp tissues displayed growth rates positively correlated with nutrient levels and negatively correlated with polyphenolic concentrations. Those fed mature Macrocystis blades and drift kelp, which are high in nutrients and low in polyphenols, grew the most, while those fed meristematic tissue, also high in nutrients but significantly higher in polyphenolic concentrations, grew at a much slower rate. Those urchins fed sporophylls also grew at a very slower rate, as these tissues have very low polyphenol values, but also have very low nutrient values. These conclusions help to clarify herbivore-kelp relationships, and can further develop the complexity present in giant kelp forest ecosystems. It will be important to further examine how herbivores may preferentially choose one kelp tissue over another, whether that choice is cased by differences in nutrient levels or defensive chemicals. VI. Acknowledgements: I would like to thank all the participants in BIOHOPK 175H, including lan Markham, Sharon Beltracchi, and Acata Felton. He would also like to thank Sarah Lee and Vanessa Michelou, his mentors for their extremely generous help throughout this research. I also need to extend a heartfelt thank you to the entire student body and faculty of Hopkins Marine Station, where everyone’s love of the marine world drove my interest. Thank you all! Tables ANOVA Results for Sea Urchin Growth MS P-value F-value 0.0012 149.7717 142.535 Test Error 16 Table 1: Sea Urchin Growth. Results from single factor ANOVA analysis. Displays degrees of freedom (df) for both test and error, number of replicates (n), P-Value, F-Value, and Mean Squares value. ANOVA Results for % Nitrogen for Different Kelp Tissues P-value F-value MS Test 0.0001 19.4947 0.006 Error 16 Table 2:% Nitrogen for Different Kelp Tissues. Results from single factor ANOVA analysis. Displays degrees of freedom (df) for both test and error, number of replicates (n), P-Value, F-Value, and Mean Squares value. ANOVA Results for % Carbon for Different Kelp Tissues MS P-value F-value 0.212 0.0008 Test 9.3683 Error 16 Table 3:% Carbon for Different Kelp Tissues. Results from single factor ANOVA analysis. Displays degrees of freedom (df) for both test and error, number of replicates (n), P-Value, F-Value, and Mean Squares value. ANOVA Results for C:N Ratios for Different Kelp Tissues MS P-value F-value 0.0006 0.010 Test 10.0457 13 Error Table 4: C:N Ratios for Different Kelp Tissues. Results from single factor ANOVA analysis. Displays degrees of freedom (df) for both test and error, number of replicates (n), P-Value, F-Value, and Mean Squares value. ANOVA Results for Polyphenol Concentrations of Different Kelp Tissues F-value P-value MS 39.6659 Test 0.0022 0.018 Error Table 5: Polyphenol Concentrations for Different Kelp Tissues. Results from single factor ANOVA analysis. Displays degrees of freedom (df) for both test and error, number of replicates (n), P-Value, F-Value, and Mean Squares value. Figures 0.18 0.14 30.12 0.1 0.08 2 006 0.04 0.02 Apical Sporophylls Drift Kelp Control Mature Blades Meristems Figure 1: Sea Urchin Growth. Average growth of sea urchins over 2-week period, fed restricted diets of different kelp tissues (+ 1 SD). P-0.0006. Standard Error Bars shown (n=4) 3.5 2.5 1 0.5 Mature Blades Apical Meristems Sporophylls Drift Kelp Figure 2:% Nitrogen Levels of Different Kelp Tissues. Average % nitrogen levels from the different experimental kelp tissues (+ 1 SD). P= 0.0001. Standard Error Bars shown (n=5) 25 20 15 Mature Blades Apical Meristems Sporophylls Drift Kelp Figure 3:% Carbon Levels of Different Kelp Tissues. Average % carbon levels from the different experimental kelp tissues (+ 1 SD). P= 0.0008. Standard Error Bars shown (n=5) 25 10 Sporophylls Drift Kelp Mature Blades Apical Meristems Figure 4: C.N of Different Kelp Tissues. Average C.N ratios for the different experimental kelp tissues, taken as the ratio between the %C and %N levels (+ 1 SD). P= 0.0012. Standard Error Bars shown (n=5) 0.25 0.15 01 0.05 I Sporophylls Mature Blades Apical Meristems Drift Kelp Figure 5: Polyphenol Concentrations for Different Kelp Tissues. Polyphenolic concentrations for the different kelp tissues (+ 1 SD). P= 0.0022. 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