ABSTRACT Rates of oxygen depletion per biomass were determined separately for four groups of organisms: fish, invertebrates, healthy algae, and necrotic algae. Rates of oxygen addition per biomass were determined for healthy algae at varying degrees of solar irradiance. These rates were incorporated into a computer program and used to predict oxygen levels in tidepools with known amounts of biomass of the above groups of organisms. The model was calibrated using input values from one pool, and tested using values from two other pools. The model predicted oxygen levels reasonably close to actual field values for night depletion and morning addition, but predicted a continuous rise in tidepool oxygen during the afternoon, when actual tidepool oxygen concentrations tend to level off. When manipulated over a midnight to noon time course, the model highlighted the importance of algae to both addition and depletion of oxygen in tidepools. Other factors that showed significant effects on ambient oxygen levels included invertebrate population, daylength, and local topography. INTRODUCTION The tidepool is an interesting ecosystem to model because physico-chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen or temperature display much greater diurnal fluctuation there compared to variation seen in the ocean (See Figs. 1 & 2). Temperatures in these pools at low tide during the day reach levels never experienced in the ocean the whole year round, and this limits the number of species that may exist there. For instance, two species of tidepool cottids, Clinocottus globiceps and Oligocottus maculosis, have upper temperature limits of 26°c, and so they are only found in tidepools on the Pacific coast from San Francisco northward, as temperatures in Monterey Bay tidepools exceed this threshold (See Fig. 2). The cottid Oligocottus snyderi resides in pools at Hopkins Marine Station, and has an upper temperature limit of 30°C (Morris, 1960), well above the maximum level recorded during a sunny day in June (Fig, 2). While temperature can limit the number of species in tidepools during the day, dissolved oxygen levels may limit the number of species at night, when algae becomes a consumer of oxygen instead of a producer. As Fig. 1 shows, oxygen levels may dip to near zero in a tidepool by dawn, and fish cannot survive at zero oxygen for long. Fig. 1 also demonstrates that oxygen levels vary significantly from pool to pool, and that they may decrease even during the day. It appears from this natural variation that a number of factors determine ambient oxygen factors comprises the focus of this investigation. Here a computer simulation model is constructed to elucidate factors controlling oxygen levels and the relative significances of their control. Models are observer-defined abstractions of the real world, and though they may only approximate what is happening in an ecosystem, they can be valuable research tools for a number of reasons (Wetzel and Wiegert, 1983). First of all, they provide an easy way to "manipulate" the environment without causing damage, and may be used to forecast potentially harmful impacts of a questionable environmental alteration. Additionally, a model can condense years into minutes, further assisting in the long-term prediction of impacts. Models also determine sensitive or controlling parameters and may be used to identify areas where information is lacking or inadequate. These characteristics point to computer modeling as a sound research vehicle for this investigation into what factors, biological or physical, determine ambient oxygen levels in tidepools. MATERIALS AND METHODS We identified sixteen tidepools on the coastline of Hopkins Marine Station, located on the southern end of Monterey Bay, as feasible potential study sites. Factors which went into determining feasibility included size (less than one square meter surface area), elevation (less than two meters above MLLW), and separation from any interconnected pool networks. Each pool was numbered and marked with surveyor's tape glued to the rock. Tidepool surface areas were determined by approximating the surface as a combination of triangles and rectangles. Volumes were estimated by removal and measurement of the tidepool water. We determined each tidepool's elevation above MLLW through the use of a surveyor's transit. Extensive field measurements were made for six randomly chosen pools. I measured dissolved oxygen and temperature on site with a Yellow Springs Instruments Model 54 oxygen meter, and samples were taken and removed to the lab for determination of pH and salinity. The readings spanned three days and nights, and were obtained at high and low tides and at midpoints between tides. These measurements were designed to identify any correlations between tidepool physico-chemical parameters. I calculated linear regressions of oxygen against corresponding temperature readings (n=69) and pH readings (n=58) to note whether such correlations existed. An experiment was conducted to determine the degree of mixing that takes place in a tidepool. The experiment was carried out on a single oval-shaped tidepool on a calm day (wind speed = 0-5 mph) and on a windy day (w.s. - 15-20 mph) to note whether air turbulence affects mixing. I performed the experiment on a horseshoe-shaped pool as well to determine the effect of pool shape on mixing. A wire grid marked off in inches was placed over the tidepools and anchored against the rocks. I gently pipeted 1/2 ml of a 1 g/1 solution of fluorescein dye into the tidepool at the center of the grid, starting the stopwatch simultaneously, I recorded the time elapsed when dye crossed the marked lines on the grid in the north, south, east, and west directions. Average tidepool horizontal mixing velocity (THMV) was then determined by dividing distance by the time recorded in all directions. These values were added and then divided by the number of readings to arrive at an estimate of average THMV. To establish oxygen depletion rates for the simulation model, rates of oxygen depletion by the different groups of organisms were determined in the lab. About 100g of fish and 600g of invertebrates (e.g. crabs, snails, anenomes, urchins) were captured and brought to the lab. I bubbled carbon dioxide into an unmarked tidepool to facilitate fish capture. The invertebrate species were sampled in roughly the same ratio as seen in the tidepools. About 500g of healthy algae was collected from the intertidal zone at low tide, mostly composed of species found in the sample tidepools, and it was divided into two samples. About 300g of upcast necrotic (rotting) algae was collected from the West Beach of Hopkins Marine Station. Total biomass of the fish, invertebrates, necrotic algae, and the two samples of healthy algae were determined on a Mettler 1 kg balance. The number of each kind of fish and invertebrate species was recorded (Note: the calcium carbonate or chitin exoskeletons of the invertebrates were included in the measurement of biomass). Seven aquaria were prepared for the experiment by filling each with 20 liters of sea water and nothing else. They were situated away from direct sunlight, and the algae tanks were covered with black plastic to prevent photosynthesis from occurring. I took oxygen and temperature readings as well as samples for pH and salinity determination before loading any of the groups of organisms into their respective aquaria. Using an Aquarium Systems aquarium heater, I heated one tank to 25°C to measure temperature effects on the oxygen consumption rate of healthy algae. One aquarium was left empty as a control for microbial influence upon oxygen levels, pH, and salinity. The invertebrate tank was covered with a screen mesh to prevent the animals from escaping. After the different samples were placed in their aquaria, readings and samples were taken every three hours for twelve hours (the algae tanks were sampled every four hours for twelve hours). From these data I determined instantaneous oxygen depletion rate per ambient oxygen level for fish, invertebrates, algae at 25°C, algae at 15°C, necrotic algae, and microorganisms [in umole 0 / (g biomass X hr. X ppm ambient o,)) (See Appendix 1). Experiments were also carried out to determine rates of oxygen addition by algae. These experiments were begun at 12 noon, so that oxygen addition rates obtained represented those at maximum solar irradiance, which occurs at about 1 pm. About 1 kg of healthy algae was collected in the manner described above. Four aquaria were then prepared: one for direct sunlight exposure and three for gradations of diffuse sunlight exposure. The interiors of the aquaria were lined with black plastic to mimic tidepool conditions. Without taking this precaution the aquaria would receive radiant input from the sides as well as the top, a situation that does not occur in tidepools. Two of the aquaria were lined with the plastic to the 20 liter waterline. One of these was placed in direct sunlight and one in a fully shaded area to mimic the diffuse sunlight a trench tidepool would receive. A third aquarium was lined with plastic to the level where the algae resting on the bottom barely showed above the plastic line, thus imitating diffuse sunlight exposure in an open pool. A fourth aquarium was lined at a level in between the two prior plastic levels, approximating the amount of diffuse sunlight a semi-trench pool would receive. The latter two aquaria were also placed in a fully shaded area. All four aquaria were filled with 20 liters of filtered sea water and initial oxygen levels were recorded. The collected algae were divided into four samples, each of which was weighed and loaded into one of the four prepared aquaria. Oxygen readings were made at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, and 150 minutes. Oxygen addition rates were calculated in umole O/(g biomassX hour) for each of the four conditions represented by the experimental aquaria (See Appendix 2). To provide field data to test the oxygen model against, and to demonstrate the stresses that the tidepool ecosystem must endure, I took hourly oxygen and temperature readings from three sample tidepools and from the ocean off Agassiz Beach, Hopkins Marine Station. One of these pools, Tidepool 3, represented an open pool, while #4 and #7 represented a trench pool and a semi¬ trench pool, respectively (See Fig. 3). These hourly readings, taken on three separate days, combined to form one diurnal cycle. The weather was virtually identical on the three days - sunny and clear - and the readings fit together smoothly (See Figs. 1 and 2). Before modeling oxygen flux, oxygen sources, sinks, and pathways had to be clearly defined. A tidepool oxygen model schematic was constructed for this purpose (See Fig. 4). Data from the oxygen depletion and addition experiments provided values to be assigned to the arrows in the diagram. The dependency of various fluxes on the ambient oxygen level itself implied by the data - is depicted in the schematic in the form of dashed-line informational controls, and was entered into the computer program within the flux equations (See Appendices 1 and 4). Oxygen addition rates were assumed to be dependent upon solar irradiance, which can be modeled as: L = Lmax X SIN(/daylength X time of day) Since photosynthetic rates do not increase linearly with irradiance, but rather in a fashion described in Fig. 5, oxygen addition was assumed to ascend during the morning (and descend during the evening) proportionally to the square root of the sine, which seems to accurately model the increase in oxygen levels observed during early morning in directly sunlit pools (See Fig. 10). I introduced an ad hoc equation for diffusion of oxygen to the atmosphere at levels above supersaturation (28 ppm): Rate = (K) (Surface Area) ([0) - 7.966) ((o) in uM/1, S.A. in sq. m) Such a development in the model can necessitate additional model inputs - in this example, tidepool surface area. A full listing of the oxygen model inputs can be found in Table 1. Note that the times of sunrise and sunset are necessary inputs to define the daylength, and subsequently influence oxygen addition in the model. To test the model, characteristics of real tidepools had to be determined, for example the biomass of different groups of organisms. Each of the sixteen sample tidepools were censused for fish biomass. To estimate invertebrate biomass I collected average-sized individuals of different species found in the pools (e.g., Tegula, Anthopleura, etc.). The weights of these individuals were recorded and used to convert the number of individuals to biomass. I counted individuals of the different species in each test pool. Two types of healthy algal biomass had to be estimated in the test pools: foliose and crustose. To estimate foliose biomass, I collected fronds of algal species found in the test pools, weighed them for reference, and counted the number of similar-sized fronds found in the pools. I repeated this procedure for the determination of necrotic algal biomass. I collected samples of crustose algae (e.g., corallines, Hilden¬ brandia spp.) by hammer and chisel and measured the area of the larger pieces. The weights of these pieces were determined, and an area:biomass conversion factor was developed. Exposed area of crustose algae was determined in each test pool, and estimates of biomass were derived from these values. Phytoplankton content of each of the sixteen sample tidepools was determined by spectrophotometric analysis for chlorophyll in the sample water. This survey was performed to determine whether enough phytoplankton biomass was present to affect net oxygen addition in the pools. The model parameters were fine-tuned by using Tidepool 3 10 model input values. The diffuse sunlight coefficient of 0.178 umole 0/(g X hr.) was adjusted to 0.070 to provide for a tighter fit to the field data. This adjustment indicates that experimental conditions for the determination of algal oxygen addition did not accurately mimic actual diffuse solar irradiance occurring in the tidepools. The diffuse sunlight coefficient for a semi-trench pool determined in the algal oxygen addition experiment was approximately half that of the open pool [0.083 umole 0/ (g X hr.)], and this value was adjusted to 0.037, using the same scale above. Once the model predicted oxygen levels close to actual field levels along the time course of a low tide in Tidepool 3 it was tested with the specified values for Tidepools 4 and 7 for validation. As soon as the model had achieved some degree of accuracy with regard to all three test pools, model inputs were manipulated to simulate changes in the tidepool ecosystem, and predicted impacts on the oxygen levels were noted. Examples of such manipulations include the removal or addition of fish, removal of half the invertebrates or algae, and the addition of drifting necrotic algae. RESULTS Linear regression analysis of 58 simultaneous oxygen and pH readings yielded a product-moment correlation coefficient of r=.932, which at 56 degrees of freedom is significant to the Pe.O01 level. This highly significant correlation allowed for the formulation of a linear equation predicting pH levels at any 11 given oxygen concentration (in ppm): pH = 7.34434 + 0.093187 X [01 In the computer program, predicted oxygen levels are converted into an estimation of pH using the above equation along with 953 confidence limits. The derivation of these limits comprises Appendix 3. See also Fig. 6. Oxygen and temperature were also found to be significantly correlated, but not as directly (See Fig. 7). High oxygen concentrations correspond to high temperature, however, which goes against the physical relationship between the two parameters, whereby oxygen is less soluble in water at higher temperatures. Salinity was found to be uniform throughout the tidepools. The tidepool mixing experiment yielded higher average horizontal mixing velocities during windy days compared to calm days: 0.0556 inches/second compared to 0.0308 ips. During the windy day test, the dye was untrackably dilute after about four minutes, whereas the dye on the calm day could be tracked for 6-8 minutes. Additionally, on the windy day, fluorescein was distributed evenly over the oval-shaped pool (t7) while in a horseshoe-shaped pool (+3) the dye tended to drift toward one end. Oxygen depletion rates by fish, invertebrates, and algae are depicted in Fig. 8, as are the weights of each group observed. The fish consumed about as much oxygen per time as the other groups, even though much less biomass was present. The control tank showed no net depletion, so microorganisms were assumed to have negligible effects upon oxygen levels compared to the other 12 groups of organisms. Algae at 25°C showed a greater depletion rate than algae at 15°C. The initial steep slopes of the lines in Fig. 8 demonstrate what appears to be a dependency of depletion rate on ambient oxygen levels. A sample calculation of this dependency is given in Appendix 1. Only necrotic algae continued to deplete oxygen linearly with time at oxygen levels less than 3 ppm. Oxygen depletion constants for each group of organisms are listed in Table 4 on a per-mass basis. The two-hour algal oxygen addition experiments yielded linear addition rates at all levels of sunlight exposure (see Fig. 9). The calculation of addition coefficients (in umole o,/Ig X hrj) with respect to exposure type was straightforward and is presented in Appendix 2. Field values of fish biomass and estimates of invertebrate and algal biomass in the three model test pools (3,4,7) are listed in Table 2. Other model inputs are also listed therein. When entered into the model, these values lead to predictions that follow actual field readings quite closely during the night and morning (Figs. 10, 11, 12). However, during the afternoon, the model continues to rapidly add oxygen due to photosynthesis, while field values for tidepool oxygen show a tendency to level off (See Fig. 1 to note this leveling effect). Increasing the mass-flux coefficient, K, helps to dampen the model's erroneous afternoon oxygen climb, but it also dampens the morning oxygen rise which otherwise fits rather closely to the field readings. Hence the model in its present form seems to predict night to morning levels with some accuracy, but loses its usefulness from 13 about solar noon on. The phytoplankton biomasses determined for the sample tidepools were very low compared to their algal biomasses. The average value found was 0.227 mg chlorophyll per pool - hardly significant compared to the amount of macrophytic chlorophyll in any given pool (over 500 g). Manipulations of the model led to some interesting results (see Table 3). Neither removal of fish nor addition (up to the highest biomass found in the 16 sample tidepools) resulted in any significant changes in oxygen levels. The most significant results occurred when half the algal biomass was removed, indicating the importance of algae in terms of affecting both oxygen addition and depletion. Daylength was also found to be important in determining oxygen concentrations. All other factors held constant, the same pool during the second week of December had oxygen levels decline further than in June because of the longer night. A tendency for Tegula to migrate above the waterline of pools at night was noted during diurnal surveys. Pachygrapsus crabs also enter and exit the pools often. These phenomena were observed in Tidepool 4, which contained 145g of snails and crabs. Removing these animals from the pool would hence mimic their migratory behavior. However, when this was done in a model simulation, the oxygen still fell to about the same level as when the snails and crabs were present. An upcast heap of Macrocystis came to rest in the trench of Tidepool 4 during mid-May for about a week, until another high tide carried it away again. Toward the end of its stay it was 14 emitting a strong odor, and no fish were noticeable in the pool. Addition of 1000g necrotic algae (probably a gross underestimate of actual levels) into the modeled pool resulted in a decline to zero ppm oxygen 1 1/2 hours after separation from the ocean, not gaining any oxygen until the next high tide. This simulation points to drifting necrotic algae as a potential factor controlling tidepool oxygen concentrations. Tidepool 7 is largely encrusted by coralline algae (estimated 1357.6g of 2041.8g total algae present there). Simulation of a specific parasite which kills off all the coralline algae, assuming no necrotic oxygen utilization, results in oxygen levels significantly higher at dawn and significantly lower at the next high tide (see Table 3). This simulation once more demonstrates how important algae are to tidepool oxygen depletion as well as addition. Simulation of the removal of a large rock wall from the east side of Tidepool 7 yielded predictions of oxygen levels which differed significantly from levels with an intact wall present. This alteration transforms the semi-trench pool into an open pool, and allows direct sunlight to reach the pool about an hour earlier. The higher oxygen levels experienced in the morning without the rock wall demonstrate the importance of local topography in determining oxygen concentrations during the day. DISCUSSION The relationship of oxygen levels to pH and temperature in the field tidepool readings was striking. However, it would be a mistake to conclude that a causal relationship exists, for instance, between pH and oxygen levels in the tidepools simply because they correlate significantly. One hypothesis regarding this correlation is that a third input is controlling both parameters separately. According to this hypothesis, the photosynthesis-respiration exchange of CO, and O, gases is responsible: « PHOTOSYNT. (DAY) (NIGHT) RESPIR. 0 + C(H,O) «= H,O + CO «=» HCO3-+ H+ In this way, when oxygen levels are high due to photosynthetic activity, carbon is being fixed in the algae, depleting ambient carbon dioxide stores, pulling overall equilibrium to the left of the equation, lowering H" concentrations and making the solution less acidic - the trend seen in the field and in the laboratory (See Fig. 6). Similarly, the correlation between oxygen and temperature depicted in Fig. 7 can be viewed as an influence of one outside factor upon two independent physico-chemical parameters. Solar irradiation causes water temperature to rise, and it also causes dissolved oxygen to rise due to its photosynthetic effect. The discrepancies between predicted and actual values of oxygen depicted in Figs. 10-12 are minor, but significant enough to merit further development of the model. More importantly, the model yet fails to predict the afternoon leveling effect aforementioned. In this way, the model helps to point out what 16 information is lacking or inadequate, as some mechanism after solar noon is either enhancing oxygen depletion or stemming algal oxygen production. To fine tune the model further, one needs to consider the fundamental assumptions of the model in its current form. Some assumptions are listed in Table 5. The assumption that temperature remains constant at lab conditions of 15-17°c is invalid for tidepools, as demonstrated by the field data. Further investigations into temperature effects on oxygen depletion rates of the different groups of organisms could perhaps yield insight into the afternoon leveling effect. For instance, Table 4 reveals a clear positive correlation of algal oxygen consumption with temperature. Additionally, oxygen depletion was found to be dependent on ambient oxygen levels, but the experiment that provided this information was conducted at oxygen levels of 0-10 ppm with readings taken every 3 hours, and therefore did not provide a complete picture of ambient oxygen effects on depletion rates in the tidepools (no readings above 10 ppm, regularly exceeded in my tidepools). To obtain a more accurate picture of these effects, an experiment could be conducted that began at levels of 25-30 ppm, with readings taken every 1/2 hour, which would offer better estimates of instantaneous oxygen depletion rate per ambient oxygen concentration. The model also assumes uniform mixing in tidepools, which may or may not be the case in different situations. The tidepool mixing experiment showed that pool shape and air turbulence can affect overall mixing rates. Field readings performed early in 17 the investigation showed that oxygen levels could vary substantially in one pool - the extreme example being Tidepool 1, a horseshoe-shaped pool which showed a gradient from 5.3 ppm at one end to 7.2 ppm at the other at 3:00 pm on a sunny day. Gradients present in pools on a much smaller scale, say along a transect beginning at an algal frond and extending perpendicularly outward, could not be detected with the Model 54 oxygen meter, as the probe had to be continuously moved to complete a measurement. A study on microzonation of oxygen levels within tidepools using a more precise technique of measurement could lead to the determination of contours of oxygen concentrations in tidepools. The Model 54 meter was also inadequate for this investigation because the maximum oxygen level it could measure was 20 ppm, a value regularly exceeded in my tidepools. Other assumptions of the model which may affect its accuracy include the assumptions that oxygen depletion and addition rates are similar among the different groups of organisms analyzed. The model could benefit from a species by species analysis of oxygen depletion and addition as well as a more precise field method of biomass estimation. The model in its present form does not account for seasonal or geographic variations in such parameters as solar irradiance and temperature, and this renders it very specific to the Monterey Bay area. Field investigations conducted at various locations during various seasons could provide a more accurate view of tidepool oxygen dynamics. Additionally, much more testing is necessary before this model can be deemed accurate. More 18 diurnal field readings and biomass data for more tidepools would be necessary to adequately test and tune the model. One can be confident in a model's predictive power only when the model is tested in such a rigorous manner. In spite of the many shortcomings of the model, some conclusions could be drawn. The simulations pointed to algae as the most important controlling factor in terms of both oxygen addition and depletion. Additionally, the model suggests that fish play an insignificant role in affecting ambient oxygen levels in tidepools off of Hopkins Marine Station. These two findings appear to be fundamentally derived from the biomass of the groups of organisms present in tidepools as opposed to their depletion rate per biomass, as fish certainly consume more oxygen per time per biomass than algae, but the typical tidepool contains so much more algal biomass, as shown in Table 2, that the net depletion due to fish is insignificant. Manipulating the model also helped to show the importance of other factors in determining tidepool oxygen levels, such as daylength, local topography, and random ecological events such as upcast drifting necrotic algae. The next logical step would be to remove half of the algae in one of the test pools to see if oxygen levels are really affected in the way the model predicts. LITERATURE CITED Morris, Robert W., "Temperature, Salinity, and Southern Limits of Three Species of Pacific Cottid Fishes," Limnology and Oceanography, 5:175-9, 1960. Sokal, Robert B., and F. James Rohlf, Biometry, W.H. Freeman & Co., New York, 1981. Wetzel, Richard L., and Richard G. Wiegert, "Ecosystem Simulation Models," from Carpenter, E. J., and D. Capone, eds. Nitrogen in the Marine Environment, Academic Press, New York, 1983. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Mark W. Denny for his invaluable assistance and advice regarding this project, as well as for his steadfast encouragement and patience. I also would like to thank Ladd Johnson and Dick Zimmerman for their willingness to take time out of their busy schedules to assist me in my research. Lastly, but certainly not least, I would like to extend my deepest thanks to Kelly Jensen, my field partner, for her time, efforts, patience, intellectual stimulation, and good sense of humor. 20 FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1: Oxygen field readings conducted over a diurnal cycle on 5/31/89 and 6/4/89. This graph demonstrates the fluctuations of oxygen found in tidepools relative to the ocean, variations among tidepools in oxygen concentration, and the afternoon leveling effect unaccounted for by the simulation model. Figure 2: Temperature field readings conducted over a diurnal cycle on 5/31/89 and 6/4/89. This graph shows temperature fluctuations found in tidepools during the day which exceed any temperature extremes found in the ocean. Figure 3: Local topography of the three model test pools. All three sketches are views from the south-south west. These sketches demonstrate how topography can affect the amount of diffuse sunlight that may irradiate a tidepool. Figure 4: Schematic of the computer simulation model. Dashed boxes indicate factors not accounted for in the model. Large rectangles indicate biological oxygen sources and sinks. Triangles depict ambient oxygen concentration. Figure 5: Rough mathematical relationship of photosynthetic output to solar irradiance (Denny, 1989). Figure 6: Scatter plot and linear regression of simultaneous 21 oxygen and pH readings (n=58) from the field and the lab showing the strong correlation used to derive the pH predictive capacity of the computer program. Figure 7: Scatter plot and linear regression of simultaneous oxygen and temperature field readings (n=69), indicating a strong correlation. Figure 8: Oxygen depletion by different groups of organisms. Rates of depletion are listed in Table 4 on a per-mass basis. Figure 9: Oxygen addition by algae at varying degrees of solar irradiance. Figure 10: Model test run on the calibration pool, Tidepool 3 (an open pool), conducted over a low tide beginning in the middle of the night and extending through to late morning. Figure 11: Model test run on a validation pool, Tidepool 4 (a trench pool), conducted over the same low tide as Tidepool 3. Figure 12: Model test run on a validation pool, Tidepool 7 (a semi-trench pool), conducted over the same low tide as the others. 22 APPENDIX 1 SONPLE, CALCULATION OF OXYGEN DEFLETICN RATE PER AMBIENT CXYGEN CONCENTRATICN s) 1 instantaessat u -Oky/(lX. - 6.X (20 1 in aguarium - 18 umoles y (110.2 ima hr. = O.16333 umoles /g hr.) At Oxygen Level of: (3.2 - 5.5) / 2 - 5.85 ppm 4t X's reprasent midpoints between data points to which the calculated instantaneous rates correspond. ** Dots ara the experimental data points. APPENDIX2 SAMFLE CALCULATICN CF ALGAL OXYGEN ADDITICH IN UMOLES OXYGEN PER BICMASS FER HCUR UNDER UARIOUS LEVELS OF SOLAR IRRADIANCE Linear regreesions were calculated for each af the data setsas they appearedoeaddingge in each experimental aguaritm. Direct Sunlight: Eitpe af regreesion -.Se amolehr.) Rateaf Additin ope -m Diffuse Sunlight (Trench Feol): Slope af regreesion - G.164705 umle OE /(1X hr.) Rate of Addition = Slope X (20 1 / 245.0 g blomass) - 0.01 umola hr.) Diffuse Sunlight (Open Pool): Slope of regression = 2.05029 umale 02 / (1 X hr.) Rate of Addition = Slope X (20 1 / 230.0 g biomass) - 0.178 umle h.) Diffuse Sunlight (Semi-Trench Fool) Slope of regression = 1.001754 umole C2 / (1 X hr.) Rate of Addition = Slope X (20 1 / 235.g biomass) = 0.083 umole 02 /(qXhr.) APPENDIX 3 Linear Regressien Eqvation: - 0.093187 o t 7 37139 XIndepender varalle (Lo.1) AFR dependat [=.732 Varfable (pH) Jp. - S6 n-58 ttest for significance ef (o.073187-0 t- Sope- - = 77.23 0.004 876 Sslope t 3.20 Nate: sope ande ott ho The lineat P.00 rgsin pte 781 Canfdence limik for pl Espnales T latus S.tware, 2X- 449.4 DY-467.85 X= 7.748 Vr.74 x4404.04 2 2Xy - 3110.746 (X) 921.905 X (9 - 30.8844 Zy - 2) (EX)(29) - 85915 Lry - ZXy- Explahed Variaten! (85.915) 29 -8006 921.765 2x Onexplawed Varate! = 2229 = 30.8841-8.000 - 22.88 Xx w SZx - 22.82 - 0.4085 V.) 5 h-2 Sadard tr.f Pestate fon 4 (K.-3) 59 = 464-7748) s n 5.4085 2x 721.965 Cerfidaee lait Ly - pt (to)sy) la - ph- t)(s) 11 APPENDIX4 JEM MODEL O ++ TIDEFOCL OX SY STEUEN MOCRE JUME 7. 1780 S:PRINT"TIDEFCOL OXVG N MCLEL" 10 CL PFINT — — — SOLUED GXYGEN LEUELS TN TILEF FOCLS FECM THE 15 ERINT" 'THIS MCDEL WILL PREDICT DIS! ION. AM IO THE TIME OF SE-INUNDA SEFARATION FEOM THE OC IME OF -I E LIMITE TAN CORFD CONETFUCT 7 15 PRINT:FRINT"THE MODEL WILL ALSC! MOXYGEN AND H LEVELE. ANFL ICN EE ERVED FIELD COFREL OF H BASED ON OE - = 28." T"ELEASE IHEUT THE FELLCHTME ALUET NNDHEL EINTERI IMEE a- Tidenel Volume MEL aaa- ttaaat NEE O F a MEUI"Time of Re-inundation by Oeean heuryninute H."m,e E I"Iime af Sanrise hoarminute' IMEUI"Iime of Sunset (heuraminute!':s. 47 INEUT"EStimate Leyel of Cloudiness (-Cles -npletaly Overcast; SIF W35 THEM 57 70 PRIMT"Now, Enter the range during the day in which the Tidepool is entirely illuminated by Direct Sunlight." 75 INFUT"Baginning Time (hour,minute, r F)":EH,EM,ABT IMEUT"Ending Time (hour.minute.aor EE IMEMI"Local Topography Factor (0-Open, 1-Semi-Tranch, E-Trench)";G 2IF TG2 THEN TG=O THEN TF=.07 74 IF7 THEM TF=.67 95 IF TG=1 96 IF TG=2 THEN TF=.022 100 ERINT"Now, enter the time increment you'd wish to have owygen readings pred: (in minutes). cted at 110 INPUT IHEIMUATICN 115 INEUT"WQULD YOU LIKE A FRINTOUT MADE 117 IF P="Y" THEN PT=1 140 HI=H:MI=M:AIt=AS:GOSUB 5000:T-71 000:TM=T 145 HI=HH:MI=MM:A1S=AAS:GOSUB 5000:TB=T1 SO HI=BH:MI=BM:AIS=ABS:GOSUB 5000:TE=I1 155 HI=EH:MI=EM:A1S=ACS:GOSUB 160 HI=RH:MI=RM:A1S="A":GOSUB SO00:TR=T1 165 HI=SH:MI=SM:A1S="P":GOSUB 5000:TS=T1 US="*4.*4“ N TI=1 CLS 00 205 IF TDTN THEN T6=1 OH 952 CONFIDENCE LIMIT! 210 PRINT,," 225 PRINT"TINE", "OXYGEN (ppm)", "pH", "LOUER", "UPPER O M2=T-(60(INT(T/80))) H2=INT(T/0) FM=O IF H2I2 THEN HA-H2-12:FM=1 37 IF H2-O THEN H2=12 239 IF H2=12 THEN PM=1 245 PRINT HE;:PRINT USING":44";M2; 247 IF PM=O THEN FRINT"am", ELSE FRINT"pm", 248 IF OHO THEN O=O 249 GO U 00 2EO FRINT O/V,:FRINT USING US;FH;:FRINT TAB(4S);:FRINT USING US:LI::FRINT TAEC );:FRINT USING USL 260 X1=0:X2-0:XS=O:X4=0:XS-O:X-0 270 IF PT=O THEM 27E PRINT HE;:LFRINT USING":44":M2 272 27 IF FM=O THEN LFRIMT"am", ELSE LFRIN "m" 274 PRINT O/V.:LFRINT USING"44.44"; (7.34434+(.673187(0/0)) 275 IE TETH THEM 999 I=II 280 00 T=T+1 IFT14 THEM TH=1 THEN 310 304 F TTH THEN TETM 3 I1=1/60 310 —. REM FISH DEFLEION D1=.007014+(.580404(0/)) 1=DIAFEII 2 230 O=O-X1 HEM INVEETE -RIEERATE DEPLETION IF D/VSS THEN D2=.008(079) TO 345 FO/OS4.S THEN D2=.00435(/):C 34 344 2=.00(0/V) X2=D2IEI1 345 35 C=O-X2 EALTHY ALGAE 360 IF TTR AND TKTS THEN 380 365 REM DEFLETICN IN DAEE IF O/V39.S THEN DS=.00727(0/0):GOTO 372 369 371 DS=.00S(O/) (3=D3I1kAB 1=0-X3 375 37 TATR THEN 450 IF TSTB AND TKTE THEN 400 380 ssa IN DIFFUSE SUNLIGHT FEM ADDITION S4=SIN((3.14157274/(TS-TR))(T-TR)) 383 38 Q=0+X4 388 X4=(TF(S40.7))I1AB 389 Q=0+X4 GOTO 450 390 399 MM ADDITION IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT SS=SIN((3.14159274/(TS-TR))(T-TR) 400 27-(W((.3 7-TF)/5)))(SS.7))I14B 5=. 405 410 C=OX5 450 NECROTIC ALGAE DEPLETION REM 455 X6=.OS3IINB O=C-X6 OXYGEN DIFFUSION TO ATMOSFHERE DX=.35SA((0/V)-7.766) 466 IF DXO THEN 475 468 470 C=O-DX 475 IF TETN THEN 230 IF TTI THEM 300 480 GOTO 797 END FH=(7.34434+(.093187(0/9))) 000 SY=(.408((1/8)(((0/)-7.748)2)/21.7 400 Li-FH-(2.0042) 4010 2-FH+(2.0042) 4011 RET 402 1=0:IF AIS-"A" THEMO o IF HIE12 THEM TI(HIO)-MI ELSE TI((1S-HI0+MI SOOt TO EOBE 01 IF HI=12 THEN TIEMI ELSE TI(HIOHI SOS RETURN MODEL INPUTS TIDEPOOL OXYGEN FISH BIOMASS INVERTEBRATE BIOMASS HEALTHY ALGAE BIOMASS NECROTIC ALGAE BIOMASS TIDEPOOL VOLUME TIDEPOOL SURFACE AREA INITIAL HIGH TIDE OXYGEN LEVEL TIME OF SEPARATION FROM OCEAN TIME OF RE-INUNDATION BY OCEAN TIME OF SUNRISE TIME OF SUNSET ESTIMOTE OF CLOUDINESS LEVEL (O=CLEAR, 5-COMPLETELY OVERCAST) IIHE RONGE IN WHICH TIDEPOOL IS IRRADIATED BY DIRECT SUNLIGHT LOCOL TOPOGRAPHY FACTOR (O=OPEN, 1=SEMI-TRENCH, 2-TRENCH) I 02 O m 7 12 19 7 a- — Table 3: Some Manipulations of the Model Maximum OI Minimum LOe Manipulation What It Represents at 5:45 am at 10:45 am TIDEPOOL 3 — 20.4 3.0 None —— 3.0 20.4 Removal of Fish 20.0 2.9 ii of Highest Fish Mass Found in 15 Sample 2.g Fis Tidepools. 12.7 —— Remaval af 1/2 4.1 Algal Biomass ——— 22.3 3.5 Remal of 1/ Inyert. Biomass 2.2 (7:4am) Canrise at 7:0am Same Tidepool. 17.1 in December TIDEFCOL —---—— S.2 .3 Nae 0.9 8.2 Migration of Removal of 1459 Tegula and Invertebrates Pachygrapsus at Night Upcast Heap O.O .O itn o f Drifting Necrtic Algae Macrocystis TIDEFOOL —--— 2.7 10.- None S.3 Parasite ills Off Remoal of 4.2 Al1 Crustose 1357.6g Algae Coralline Algae In Tidepool 17.3 Removal of Large 2.7 Cpen Fool emi Rock Wall From Insteadof at ie f ol Trench Pool: with irect Sunlight Irradiating at 7:Soam Table 4: Per-Nass Oxygen Depletion Constants Derived From Experimental Data Depletion Rate (umoles Oxygen 7 fg X hr. X LGxygenl in ppal) Fish O.020404 9.006497 Invertebrates Algae at 15 O.00S754 lgae at O.011128 Necrati lgae .O5 umel ehr. (independent of Cxygan SOME ASSUMPTIONS OF THE MODEL STEADY STATE RATES OF OXYGEN ADDITION AND DEFLETION UNIFOEM MIXING OF TIDEFOOL UNIFOEM OXYGEN DEFLETION FATES AMONG ALL INVERTEEFATE SFECIES UNIFOEM OXYGEN DEFLETION RATES AMONG ALL FISH EFECIES UNIFOEM OXYGEN DEFLETION FATES AMONG ALL SFECIES OF ALGAE UNIFOEM OXYGEN ADDITION RATES AMOMG ALL SFECIES OF ALGAE OXYGEN CONSUMFTION RATES INCREASE WITH OXYGEN CONCENTRATION ALL INVERTEBRATES STAY IN FOOL FOR DURATION OF LOW TIDE COMSTANT TEMPERATURE OF 15-17 DEGREES C MICROBIAL ACTIVITY HAS NEGLIGIBLE EFFECT OXYGEN DIFFUSION TO ATMOSPHERE DUE TO SUFEF-SATUFATION IS CONTRIBUTING TO DEPLETION AT HIGHER OXYGEN LEVELS V DISSOLVED OXYGEN (ppm) S D Z G) Z Z 0 8+ H x0 E TEMPERATURE (C) S + 5 O + 2 8 Ae O 7 2 I Z G) 0 3 C + S 8 — 7 3 SOLAR RRADIANCE pH aatataavaaaaaaaa- o- 04 1 D o D ( - 1 D p ) + - 9 51 - - TEIAPERATURE (degrees C) tatakakataaaaaavaa- & 5 6 1Z 9 o+ O¬ o. G. I Z 2 O O 0 DISSOLVED OXYGEN (ppm) o+ DISSOLVED OXYGEN (ppm) N 6 5 — G) 2 9 X 30 + N + 4 6 Z — T 0 DISSOLVED OXGEN (pm L 25 9 - 30 UISSOLVEU CXYGEH (pp n T 9 E - H Z — — — + N- - n DISSOLVED ONGEN (pom) - P a L 4 Z C —