Tolerance of Tigriopus californicus,
(Baker, 1912) to Slow Increases in
Salinity Produced by Evaporation and
Hypersaline Solutions.
David W. Stoller
Biology 175H
Hopkins Marine Station
Pacific Grove, California 93950
Spring 1977
The susceptibility of Tigriopus californicus (Baker, 1912)
from the coast of Central California to high salinities was studied
using evaporation and hypersaline solutions. The EDgo for coma
occurring during 2 days of evaporation was 144 %. with a 95% confi¬
dence interval of less than + .003. The EDgo., for three different
rates of salinity increase produced by the addition of hypersaline
solutions were 132.2, 145.2, and 154.5 % with fpp:g of 1.02, 1.01
and 1.01 with 100% coma occurring at 10, 40, and 70 hours respect¬
ively. Fifty percent of the animals became inactive but not comatose
at a salinity of 93.3 %0 with a 95% confidence range of 97.97 to
88.86 %0 during a 2 day period of evaporation. Females with egg
sacs appear to be more resistant than the general population.
Tolerance of T. californicus to High Salinities
The comatose condition as observed in Tigriopus californicus
is one in which non-responsive body movement is observed following
exposure to stress. The potential to recover to the active state
separates coma from death.
The ability of T. californicus to withstand in laboratory studies
salinities in excess of 190%0 (Issel,1914) was confirmed by Egloff in
his studies of a natural tide pool in which T. californicus were
observed to be inactive subsequent to an increase in the pool's
salinity over 44 days from 43 %o to 200 % (Egloff, 1966). After an
additional 12 days in salinities in excess of 300 %the animals showed
recovery within two weeks after being placed in normal seawater.
Work on the copepod Tigriopus fulvus indicated that the time
required for recovery in normal seawater was proportional to the
hypertonicity of the affecting solution (Ranade, 1957).
Studies on the effect of evaporation and the effect of increasing
salinities prompted Patterson to suggest that T. californicus was
capable of osmoregulation. However, this has not been confirmed.
Patterson also described swarming and clumping behavior in T. californicu
in salinities exceeding 200% seawater with loss of activity in 300%
seawater (Patterson, 1967).
Evaporation with resultant salinity increases is a common
occurrence in high tide pools. Variation in salinities is an import
ant variable in the environment of T. californicus.
There have been few studies of the adaptation of T. californicus
to gradual increases in salinities. Rates of salinity changes,
specific salinities and time considerations relative to the comatose
Tolerance of T. californicus to High Salinities
and recovery states are key subjects which have yet to be examined.
Differences in population density and sex ratio have been noted in
the field (Nimkin, 1977). The effect of salinity changes with
respect to population size and structure is an interesting subject
for study as well. Past work has only superficially explored the
physical and behavioral characteristics of T. californicus in coma
and recovery.
This study is an attempt to further elucidate the effect of
hypersaline conditions on T. californicus and utilize both evapora¬
tion and solutions of high salinity as a means of producing gradually
increasing salinities.
Tolerance of T. californicus to High Salinities
Materials and Methods
T. californicus were collected from high tide pools with
salinities of 35-45 Mussel Point, Pacific Grove, California.
Salinities were measured in the field using an American Optical
Studies on the effect of evaporation were conducted in 8.9cm
diameter petri dishes. Evaporation was studied at 20 C with or
without the aid of a fan.
Studies on the effect of elevated salinities utilized solutions
prepared from Instant Ocean (Aquarium Systems, Inc., Eastlake,
Ohio). These studies were carried out in a volume of 20 ml in
14½ x 1 3/4cm test tubes.
Fifty percent effect doses for activity, coma, and death were
obtained using an approximate probit analysis (Litchfield and
Wilcoxon, 1949). 953 confidence limits for the EDgo are obtained
as the product and quotient of the EDgo and its fyp..
Tolerance of T. californicus to High Salinities
In the examination of salinities resultant to evaporation at
which coma could be observed 20 petri dishes each containing 10
T. californicus of both sexes were placed in 10ml volumes of 35 %0
sea water. Figure 1 shows the result of this experiment. The 50%
effect dose, EDg, was found to be 144 %owith a 95% confidence
interval of less than +.003.
Figure 2 shows percent of animals in coma and death resulting
from exposure to increases in salinity produced by the addition of
hypersaline solutions. The figure shows that not only do percent
in coma and death increase with increasing salinity but percent
death exceeds percent in coma after reaching a salinity of 175 %
Some T. californicus can survive gradual increases in salinity to
175 %oand remain active in 140 %.
The difference between death and coma was determined by returning
the animals to a salinity of 35 %0. Death became the dominant
effect when a salinity of 175 %owas reached.
When the salinity was increased more slowly over a two day
period even greater adjustment by the animals is indicated as shown
in Figure 3. An even greater percent of the animals showed an ability
to recover at 175 %0.
Figure 4 shows the effect of the rate of salinity increase
produced by evaporation. Animals were placed in 5, 15, and 25ml's
of 35 %sea water and salinity increased at different rates due to
the differences in the effect of evaporation. A faster rate of
salinity increase from the smallest volume resulted in a higher
percent coma at lower salinities. This affect, however, seems to be
Tolerance of T. californicus to High Salinities
less pronounced when 15ml and 25ml volumes are compared. The
EDgoeg for the 3 different rates of salinity increase from starting
volumes of 5, 15, and 25mls were 132.2, 145.2 and 154.5%respectively
and the fepgoes
for the 3 rates were 1.02,1.01 and 1.01 respectively.
In Figure 5 ability to recover as a function of time after
100% of the population was in coma is presented. Ability to recover
was determined by returning thesalinity to approximately the starting
condition of 35 %0 by the addition of distilled water. The results
indicate that the slower the rate of salinity increase due to
evaporation the greater the percent recovery. However, the longer
the animals remained in coma the smaller the percent recovery,
Populations of T. californicus can be divided into three segments
based on their response to increasing salinity due to evaporation.
See Figure 6. As salinity increases the percent of free swimming
animals declines. Many of the inactive animals can, however, be
prompted into activity through physical stimulation. There exists
a range of salinities between 125 % and 135 % where all the animals
are quiescent but can be prompted into movement. Beyond this range
coma becomes conspicuous. The EDgo for inactivity was 93.3 % with
a 95% confidence range of 97.97 to 88.86 %0. Physical stimulation
by stirring leads to only very temporary activity.
As salinity is increased through evaporation T. californicus
tends to group together in lose aggregations. The salinity at which
this curious phenomena can be observed is dependent upon the population
Figure 7 shows that high population density leads to aggregation
at a lower salinity than is observed with intermediate or low popula¬
tion densities. A greater percent of the animals at high and medium
Tolerance of T. californicus to High Salinities
densities seem to participate in the grouping behavior.
Figure 8 again using three different population densities
illustrates that at low density coma is conspicuous at lower
salinities than is observed with medium or high population densities.
These differences diminish as the salinity is increased.
A comparison of the susceptibility to coma of females with egg
sacs and a mixed population is presented in Figure 9. The EDgo for
coma in females with egg sacs is 148.25 %o salinity with an frp.
1.004. The EDgo for the mixed population is 144.05 % with a fyp-a
of 1.04. Similarly, in the mixed population the females of copula¬
ting pairs appeared to be somewhat more resistant.
Although ability to recover upon return to normal salinity was
used to differentiate between coma and death, the occurrence of a
90° dorsal retroflexion of the tail before or after return to normal
salinity appeared to be related to an inability to completely recover.
Tolerance of T. californicus to High Salinities
This study has explored the ability of T. californicus to
withstand high salinities produced by evaporation or the addition
of hypersaline solutions. The observed changes from active to
inactive, to coma and death have improved the characterization of
these animals' response to this stress. The relationship between
high tolerance to high salinities and the rate of salinity increase
is compatible with Patterson's hypothesis of osmoregulation (Patterson,
1968), however, a real demonstration of an osmoregulating ability
requires an analysis of the body fluids of the animal.
High tide pools in the field undergo slow changes in salinity
from evaporation, therefore, populations of T. californicus would
be faced with gradual salinity changes over a period of time and
appear to be quite tolerant of such slow increases in salinity.
Egloff's study with long term adaptation of T. californicus to rising
salinity in a natural tide pool suggests that some animals showed
activity in salinities near 200 % (Egloff, 1966). In the present
study 150 % was found as an extreme upper limit for activity in
short time acclimatization. The rate of increase of salinity is
crucial in determining the salinities at which coma occurs and
from which recovery is possible. Percent recovery can be elevated
through slower rates of salinity increases. Most natural tide pools
of significance to T. californicus contain greater volumes of sea¬
water than this study used in evaporation experiments and even longer
time would be available for acclimitization under natural conditions,
The mechanisms involved in adaptation to slow salinity increases
remains to be explored.
Tolerance of T. californicus to High Salinities
The increased resistance to high salinities of females with
egg sacs perhaps represents an additional insurance for the main¬
tenance of T. californicus in its changing environment.
Acknowlegement: I wish to express my appreciation to
Dr. John Phillips for his valuable contribution in thought
and efforts in making this paper possible.
Figure 1. Plot of the percent of animals in coma, i.e. no
activity subsequent to physical stimulation vs. increasing salinity
in parts per thousand produced by evaporation over a two day period.
The bars indicate the standard deviations obtained from 14 to 18
Figure 2. Plot of mean percent coma and mean percent death
vs. number of hours exposed to a one day regime of increasing salin¬
ity. Salinity changes were made at 6 hour intervals. Closed circles
indicate percent in coma. Open circles indicate percent dead. Bars
indicate  one standard deviation obtained from five replicate
Figure 3. Mean percent coma and mean percent death vs. number
of hours exposed to a 2 days regime of increasing salinity. Salinity
changes were made at 6 hour intervals. Closed circles indicate
percent in coma. Open circles indicate percent dead. Bars indicate
one standard deviation obtained from five replicate experiments.
Figure 4. Mean percent of animals in coma vs. salinity in parts
per thousand resulting from evaporations over a three day period.
Closed circles are results from evaporation of an initial volume
of 5ml of 35 % sea water; open circles are results from evaporation
of an initial volume of 15ml and open triangles are the results from
evaporation of an initial volume of 25ml of 35 %. Times for 1003
coma are indicated for each of the three types of preparations.
Figure 5. Histogram of the percent of animals recovering from
coma vs. time after 100% of the animals became comatose.
to recover was tested by returning the salinity to approximately
35 %. Open bars represent results from evaporation of an initial
volume of 5ml, and linedbars represent preparations from evaporation
of an initial volume of 15ml and solid bars represent preparations
from evaporation of an initial volume of 25ml of 35 % sea water.
Figure 6. Plot of mean percent active, inactive and coma or
death vs. increasing salinity produced by evaporation over a 2 day
period. Open circles indicate percent inactive. Open triangles
indicate percent active and closed circles indicate percent of
animals in coma. Bars indicate+ one standard deviation obtained
from five replicate experiments.
Figure 7. Histogram of percent of animals aggregating ys.
increasing salinities in parts per thousand during 2 days of
evaporation of 10ml of 35 % sea water. Solid bars represent pre¬
parations with more than 150 animals, lined bars represent prepara
tions with 25 to 50 animals and the open bars represent preparations
with less than 10 animals.
Figure 8. Histogram of percent animals in coma)i.e. not showing
movement in response to physical stimulation,vs. increasing salinity
in parts per thousand during a 2 day evaporation of 10ml of 35 %.
sea water. Solid bars represent preparations with more than 150
animals, lined bars represent preparations with 25 to 50 animals
and open bars represent preparations with less than 10 animals.
Figure 9. A comparison of a mixed population containing males
and females with and without egg sacs, and females with egg sacs,in
coma,vs. salinity. Closed circles indicate females with egg sacs
and open circles indicate the mixed population.


143 144
145 146

140 -



















Literature Cited
Egloff, D.A. 1966. Ecological Aspects of Sex Ratio and
Reproduction in Experimental and Field Populations of
Marine Copepod Tigriopus californicus. Stanford
University PhD. Dissertation, Hopkins Marine Station
Issel, R. 1914. Vita latente per concentrazione dell' acqua
(anbiosi osmotira) e biologia delle pozze di scoglura.
Mill Zool. Sta. Neapil. 22: 191-254.
Litchfield, J.T. and Wilcoxon, F. 1949. Graphic Method for
Evaluating EDgo. J. Pharm. and Exptl. Therap. 96: 96-113.
Nimkin, K. 1977. Environmental Effects on Sex Ratios in
Tigriopus californicus. Biology 175H Research Paper,
Hopkins Marine Station, Spring 1977.
Patterson, R.E. 1961. Physiological Ecology of Tigriopus
californicus a High Intertidal Copepod. Master of Arts
Thesis, U.C. Berkeley.
Ranade, M.R. 1957. Observations on the resistance of Tigriopus
fulvus (Fisher) to changes in temperature and salinity.
J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K., 36: 115-119.