Peter Freed ABSTRACT Crude homogenates of the algae Fucus vesiculosus contain a factor(s) capable of inhibiting the fertilization of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (purple sea urchin) eggs. Previous studies indicated that this effect might have been due to the polysaccharide fucoidan. I here examined the effect of the homogenate at a molecular, cellular and ecological level. Inhibitory activity was present in seawater homogenates of the algae at a concentration of approximately 2 mg fresh weight/ml. The inhibitory factor was heat stable and molecular sieve centrifuge filtration showed the active fraction had a molecular weight above 10,000. Comparison of the »10,000 MW fraction with fucoidan indicates that the inhibitor in the homogenate is not fucoidan or is not fuciodan alone. Sperm binding experiments showed that the factor(s) prevents sperm from penetrating the jelly layer of the eggs and possibly from penetrating the vitelline layer. This suggests that the factor(s) inhibit a sperm enzyme that allows sperm to penetrate the jelly layer and perhaps the vitelline layer. Studies assessing whether intact F. vesiculosus might leak the inhibitory factor into the surrounding seawater-as in a tide pool- and thereby affect fertilization were inconclusive. Characterization of this potent inhibitor could provide new insights into the sperm-egg interactions leading to fertilization. Peter Freed INTRODUCTION In the 1950’s a small literature showed that homogenates of the fucoid algae Fucus vesiculosus inhibited the fertilization of the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Harding 1951, Runnström et al. 1959). Further work suggested that fucoidan in the algae might be the inhibitory factor. However, this work neither indicated the mode of action of the inhibitory factor nor did it speculate on whether this effect could be documented in situ. The purpose of this project was to reexamine these older findings in light of our current knowledge of fertilization. I also hoped to be able to determine if fucoidan was indeed the inhibitory factor in the homogenates. Finally, I wanted to see if the effect seen in the laboratory might occur in some form in nature. There have been many significant scientific insights into the mechanisms of fertilization since the 1950’s. The inhibitory factor(s) in the homogenate may have had one (or more) of several cellular targets not yet discovered in the 1950’s. Two candidate targets that my data seem to support are sperm-egg binding and sperm factors that degrade the outer egg coats. The sperm has been shown to bind tightly to the egg surface during fertilization (Vacquier and Payne 1973). My data shows that the sperm do not bind to egg surface while exposed to the fucus homogenate, but rather become embedded in the jelly layer. We also know that there are species-specific sperm factors that are used to disperse the jelly coat of eggs prior to fertilization Peter Freed (Yamada and Aketa 1983). This knowledge combined with the fact that sperm cannot penetrate the egg jelly indicates that the inhibitory factor may act on these sperm dispersal factors. The action of sperm dispersal factors is inhibited by sulfated polysaccharides such as heparin and glucose-6-sulfate (Yamada and Aketa 1983), making fucoidan a likely candidate for the inhibitory factor. However, comparison of the action of fucoidan and the fucus homogenate on normal urchin gametes as well as spectrophotometric analysis indicates that the inhibitory factor in the homogenate is not fucoidan alone. Fucoid algae living in the field may have similar effects as the homogenate does in the laboratory. Fucus and purple urchins have some overlap in their vertical ranges (Russell 1987). This results in a number of possible interactions that could cause the fucus to have a mechanism for inhibiting urchin fertilization. Urchins may feed on fucus and, as a result, the algae produce a factor that is capable of reducing urchin numbers. It is also possible that the algae and the urchins compete for space and the algae tries to get more space by keeping urchin populations low. However, preliminary trials show that the inhibitory factor is not simply leaked into seawater by the algae. Our current knowledge provides many new insights into how this inhibitory factor might work. This project was designed to look for a cellular target of the inhibitory factor, to explore the role of fucoidan as the inhibitory factor and to see if these inhibitory effects were evident in nature. Peter Freed METHODS Homogenate preparation and concentration approximation Fucus gardneri (heretofore referred to as fucus) was collected from the rocky intertidal at Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. Two pieces were cut to the same wet weight (1-2 g). One of the samples was then homogenized in a 20ml glass homogenizer with a teflon pestle in eight to ten ml seawater. Homogenization was stopped after approximately 50 strokes when there was no appreciable change in the appearance of the homogenate. The extract was centrifuged for 5 minutes at 13,000 rpm in a microfuge and the supernatant used for subsequent experiments. 500 ul aliquots of supernatant were frozen at -20’c and thawed immediately prior to use. Gamete Collection Strongylocentrotus purpuratus gametes were collected by injection of O.5M KCl. Females were placed upside down on a 50 ml beaker of filtered sea water into which gametes were shed. Sperm were collected “dry" by pipette from males set upside down. Sperm was suspended at 1% in sea water and stored on ice each day for experimental work. Testing homogenate effects on gametes and fertilization The effects of the fucus homogenate were tested on many combinations of sperm and egg. Those combinations and volumes are represented below: -5. Peter Freed Effect Volumes Plain sperm 100 ul 1% sperm 100 ul homogenate 800 ul filtered seawater Plain eggs 500 ul egg suspension 100 ul homogenate 400 ul filtered sea water Homogenate added to egg suspension and ther 500 ul egg suspension sperm added 100 ul homogenate 10-100 ul 1% sperm 300-400 ul filtered seawater Homogenate added sperm then eg 100 ul 1% sperm suspension added 100 ul homogenate 800 ul filtered seawater These were combined and then 500 ul of this solution was mixed with 500 ul egg suspension Homogenate added to egg suspension then the 500 ul egg suspension eggs were washed and sperm added 100 ul homogenate — —Wash Re-suspend in 500 ul filtered sea water and then add 10-100 ul sperm. Homogenate was used in concentrations ranging from 100% to 0.01%. Fertilization was quantified by counting the number of eggs with a raised fertilization membrane out of 100 eggs. Peter Freed Sperm binding experiments This technique was modified from Vacquier and Payne (1973). 100 ul egg suspension were combined with 100 ul sperm and then 200 ul 5.6% formaldehyde was added 15 seconds later. To examine homogenate effects 100 ul homogenate was added to 100 ul egg suspension and allowed to sit for several minutes, 100 ul sperm was then added and then 300 ul 5.6% formaldehyde 15 seconds later. 50 ul of each sample was viewed at 200x by light microscopy. Removal of the jelly layer and homogenate effects on jellyless eggs Jelly layers were visualized by mixing an equal quantity of 6% sumi ink dissolved in seawater with the egg suspension and then by looking for a "halo" by light microscopy at 100x. Egg jelly layers were removed in one of two ways. The first was to pour the egg suspension several times through a 90 um nitex mesh. The second was to take suspended eggs and add O.IM HCl until the suspension reached pH 5. The eggs were then added to a large quantity of filtered seawater and pH corrected to 8 with 0.1M NaOH (if not already at this pH). To test the effects of homogenate on jellyless eggs, 500 ul egg suspension were combined with 100 ul homogenate or 100 ul filtered sea water and let sit for several minutes. Then 50 ul sperm was added. Binding experiments were also performed on jellyless eggs by the method described above. Peter Freed Removal of the vitelline layer and jelly layer and homogenate effects on treated eggs Egg vitelline layers were removed by exposure to strong protease for 5 minutes at a final concentration of 0.5 mg/ml pronase. Eggs were then washed twice in a large quantity of filtered seawater. Jelly layers were then removed from these eggs using nitex as described above. Homogenate effects were tested on both protease-treated and protease-treated jellyless eggs in a like manner as for jellyless eggs. In this case, eggs were allowed to sit for 10 minutes after the addition of sperm and then fertilization was quantified by counting the number of eg with hyaline membranes out of 100 eggs. Test for the effects of Sigma brand fucoidan The effect of fucoidan was assessed at logarithmic dilutions of a 1 mg/ml solution of fucoidan from 0.001% to 100% and also a 10 mg/ml solution was tested at 100%. 500 ul fucoidan was added to 500 ul egg suspension and then 10 ul sperm was added and fertilization scored as described. Homogenate analysis: heat stability 500 ul homogenate was exposed to room temperature (20-24°C), 60’C and 100°C for 10 minutes. 100 ul of each heat treated homogenates were added to 500 ul egg suspension and then 10 ul sperm was added and fertilization scored as above. Molecular weight estimate of the active factor Approximately 10 ml crude homogenate was centrifuged at 12,365g for 15 minutes. This solution was then passed through a 10 um nitex mesh and then filtered through a 0.45 Millipore Peter Freed filter. The filtrate was then separated by centrifuge sieve filtration using a Millipore Centricon Plus-20 centrifugal filter. Both filtrate and retentate effects on fertilization were tested on normal eggs by combining 500 ul egg suspension with 500 ul sample and adding 50 ul sperm. A dilution series was run on the retentate using one-third serial dilutions. Pentose composition of the active factor Carbohydrates were determined by the orcinol reaction for pentoses as described in Colowick and Kaplan (1957) for the following samples: sea water, commercially-available fucoidan in concentrations of 0% through 100 %, retentate, filtrate and raw homogenate. The sugars were quantified by absorption at 670 nm in a Hitachi U-2000 double-beam spectrophotometer and scanned over 400-700 nm wavelength range. Samples were scanned against distilled water and seawater. Microhabitat tests One gram of fucus was placed in 100 ml of filtered sea water and allowed to sit outside in the sun for 10, 30, 60, 180 or 360 minutes. Also 100 ml of plain filtered seawater was allowed to sit for the same amount of time. The fucus was removed and the seawater was then allowed to cool to near room temperature (21-24°C). 2 ml egg suspension was then added to 10 ml sea water and allowed to sit for several minutes, 100ul sperm was added and fertilization scored as above. -9- Peter Freed RESULTS Fucus homogenate strongly inhibits fertilization in S. purpuratus eggs The effects of the fucus homogenate was tested in concentrations from 0.01% to 100% crude homogenate on normal gametes and had no appreciable morphological effect as observable by light microscopy up to 200x. However, the homogenate did have marked effects on egg fertilization (all effects compared to a control of 500 ul egg suspension, 500 ul filtered seawater and 10 ul sperm). When raw homogenate is added to eggs there is 0% fertilization whereas control fertilization was 100%. Fifty percent inhibition was achieved at a homogenate concentration of 0.5% (figure 1). The homogenate and sperm mixture added to eggs decreased fertilization by 20% indicating that there may be a time factor involved. This effect was seen to be partially reversible since eggs combined with fucus and then washed showed 30% fertilization when 10 ul of sperm was added where as the control was 100%. Homogenate causes sperm to become stuck in the jelly layer Sperm binding assessed by examination of eggs fixed in formaldehyde showed that in the control situation eggs had » 100 sperm bound at the egg surface (figure 2). However, when the binding assessment was carried out in the presence of the homogenate sperm were visibly stuck in the jelly layer and did not bind to the egg surface (figure 3). Removal of the jelly layer or vitelline layer alone does not increase fertilization and removal of both increases fertilization -10- Peter Freed Because the sperm were embedded in the jelly layer, I looked to see if removing the jelly layer would allow fertilization to occur in the presence of the homogenate. One hundred percent of the jellyless eggs fertilize in the control situation. However, in the presence of the homogenate there was 0% fertilization. I then looked to see if the sperm were becoming stuck to the secondary layer around the egg, the vitelline layer. The sperm did not bind to the secondary layer. This being the case, I looked to see if the eggs would fertilize without a vitelline layer. However, 100% of the protease treated eggs fertilize in the control situation but 0% in the presence of the homogenate. I anticipated that the sperm should have been able to fertilize the eggs in the absence of both layers but I then discovered that protease treated eggs still had some jelly layer. When this layer was removed by passing through nitex mesh the control eggs showed 52% fertilization and the same eggs in the presence of homogenate showed 37% fertilization. Properties of the Fucus homogenate The inhibitory factor was found to be active after exposure to 100’C for 10 minutes, with 100% fertilization in the control and 0% in the presence of homogenate. After the fraction was run through the centrifuge sieve filter both the filtrate and the retentate were tested for activity and the retentate was found to be the active fraction again reducing fertilization to 0% compared to a 100% control. 1 next assayed for the presence of pentose sugars in the retentate using the orcinol reaction. This test represents a way to see if there are fucoidan like compounds in the retentate -11- Peter Freed and filtrate and acts as an approximation for the amount of fucoidan in the extracts. Figure four is a standard curve of commercial fucoidan dilutions. Using a third degree polynomial curve fit on the normal curve, the absorption of the retentate indicates that the retentate is a 0.22 mg/ml equi valent of fucoidan. The homogenate is not fucoidan alone Comparison of the absorption curves of fucoidan and the retentate show similar but not identical curves suggesting that the sugar composition differs from fucoidan. As seen, the absorption in the 600-700 nm range is very similar however; the peaks are not the same in the 400-500 nm range. Comparison of the effects of fucoidan and the homogenate on fertilization also indicate that the inhibitory action on fertilization is not due to fucoidan as seen in figures seven and eight. Fucoidan does not inhibit fertilization of eggs in concentrations up to 10 mg/ml (figure 7). Additionally, fucoidan causes what appears to be a secondary fertilization membrane to rise (figure 7) and then causes cells to lyse (figure 8). None of these effects were seen with the homogenate. Can intact fucus exude the inhibitory activity? The microhabitat experiments were set up to determine if the inhibitory factor in whole fucus plants was leaked into seawater. The water in the microhabitat experiments had no appreciable effect on the level of fertilization of eggs. In each case there was a -15% decrease in fertilization between the control situation and the fucus treated water. -12. Peter Freed DISCUSSION My results confirm and considerably extend the earlier observations on the inhibitory effects of algal homogenates on urchin fertilization. The fucus homogenate contains a potent inhibitor of purple urchin fertilization, which eliminates the sperm’s ability to pass through the jelly layer. The inhibitory factor is a heat stable macromolecule(s) with a molecular weight greater than 10,000, but does not appear to be fucoidan as was previously suggested. Finally, while there is reason to suspect that there might be in situ effects of the inhibitory factor, my data showed no such effects. The fucus homogenate contains a potent inhibitor of purple urchin fertilization. The interaction with the eggs is time dependent. If the factor is allowed to interact with the eggs for several minutes before the addition of sperm, fertilization is completely blocked; however, if sperm and homogenate are added directly to the eggs, without giving the homogenate time to interact with the eggs prior to addition of the sperm, there will be 80% fertilization. Finally, if the homogenate is washed off of the eggs there is 30% fertilization, which indicates that the activity of the homogenate on eggs is at least partially reversible. The factor is effective at very low levels, producing 50% inhibition even at a 1:500 dilution, which is equivalent to 4 ug/ml of fucoidan. -13- Peter Freed The inhibitory factor caused sperm to become embedded in the jelly layer, suggesting that passage through this layer is the cellular target of the inhibitory factor. I then looked to see if binding occurred after the jelly layer had been removed; sperm-egg binding did not occur, nor were the eggs fertilized. These data led me to think that perhaps the sperm could not penetrate the vitelline layer of the egg. When both the jelly layer and the vitelline layer of the eggs were removed, the inhibitory action was significantly decreased. These findings lead me to posit that the active component of the fucus homogenate is an inhibitor of a sperm factor responsible for dispersing the jelly layer and perhaps the vitelline layer of the eggs. The work of Yamada and Aketa (1983) showed that there are indeed species- specific sperm dispersal factors. It is possible that the homogenate is blocking the action of one of these and thereby causing the sperm to become stuck in the jelly layer. This would be a good starting point for future research. Analysis of the chemical composition of the homogenate proved to be difficult at more than a crude level. However, it is also apparent that the active compound (or perhaps compounds) has a molecular weight greater than 10,000. This rules out simple molecules as the active compound(s). Furthermore, the heat stability rules out most proteins. Combined, these observations likely indicate a complex macromolecule(s) as the active component(s), perhaps a complex polysaccharide or polyphenol, two families of compounds common in fucoid algae. Fucoidan is a large, sulfated, polysaccharide and was the candidate for this active molecule based on previous studies (Patankar et al. 1993). This is consistent with studies showing that other -14- Peter Freed sulfated polysaccharides (heparin) or sugar sulfates (glucose-6-sulfate) block the action of sperm dispersal factors (Yamada and Aketa 1983). However, the spectrophotometric analysis for fucoidan in the homogenate, combined with the bioassay, indicate that fucoidan alone is not responsible for the inhibition of fertilization. As was presented in the absorption data (Figures 4 and 5), the peaks at 600-700 nm show similarities between the two samples, but the increased absorption in the retentate at 400-500 nm is indicative of other unidentified carbohydrates in the extract, many of which may have some action on fertilization. However, the orcinol reaction only detects pentoses and therefore is at best an estimate of relative fucoidan concentration in the homogenate. In the future, more extensive analyses that could give quantitative assessments of the various types of sugars in the homogenate would allow better understanding of its action. An impetus for exploring the possible effects of the inhibitory factor in nature was to examine the potential species interactions of the fucus and the urchins. However, the data in the microhabitat experiments indicate that the inhibitory factor is not leaked into the seawater from whole plants. These preliminary experiments only looked at the natural release from plants in water incubated in sunlight. The algae is likely subject to tidal grinding, de- and rehydration and warming in its life history and any one of these mechanisms could cause an inhibitory effect in situ. Further studies should be done to test these mechanisms and their implications. In conclusion, the inhibitory action of a factor(s) contained in fucus homogenates as shown in work from the 1950’s has been confirmed. It is a complex macromolecule(s) that is heat stable and has a molecular weight greater than 10,000 but is not fucoidan acting alone as -15. Peter Freed previously thought. The inhibitory factor appears to be an inhibitor of sperm dispersal factors acting on the sperm’s ability to penetrate the jelly layer and perhaps the vitelline layer of the egg. Such a potent inhibitor likely has a wide variety of applications. Future research should be directed towards determining if it similarly acts on other animal models or if it might be applicable in humans. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 would like to thank Dr. David Epel for his invaluable time and insights and endless enthusiasm. I would also like to thank all of the members of his lab for their technical support and also all of the professors of Biology 175H. -16- Peter Freed REFERENCES Colowick, S. P., and N. O. Kaplan. 1957. Methods in Enzymology. Academic Press, New York. Harding, C. V. 1951. The action of certain polysaccharides on fertilization in the sea urchin egg. Experimental Cell Research 2:403-415. Patankar, M. S., S. Oehninger, T. Barnett, R. L. Williams, and G. F. Clark. 1993. A revised structure of fucoidan may explain some of its biological activities. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 268:21770-21776. Runnström, J., B. E. Hagström, and P. Perlmann. 1959. Fertilization. Pages 358-362 in J. Brachet and A. E. Mirsky, editors. The Cell: Biochemistry, Physiology, Morphology. Academic Press, New York. Russell, M. P. 1987. Life history traits and resource allocation in the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson). The Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 108:199-216. Vacquier, V. D., and J. E. Payne. 1973. Methods for quantitating sea urchin sperm-egg binding. Experimental Cell Research 82:227-235. Yamada, Y., and K. Aketa. 1983. A species-specific sperm factor dispersing the jelly coat of the egg of the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina. Gamete Research 8:279-293. -17- Peter Freed FIGURE LEGENDS 1. The concentration curve showing the relative inhibitory action of the fucus homogenate over à range of concentrations. 2. A normal egg, fixed in formaldehyde, with sperm bound to the egg surface. 3. A normal egg exposed to fucus homogenate, fixed in formaldehyde, with sperm embedded in the jelly layer as shown by the arrows. 4. The absorption of commercially-available fucoidan treated with the orcinol reaction. The solid line is a third degree polynomial curve fit and the dashed line is the absorption of the retentate and its equivalent concentration. 5. A spectral scan of 0.3 mg/ml commercially-available fucoidan against seawater. 6. A spectral scan of the retentate against seawater. 7. Normal eggs fertilized in the presence of commercially-available fucoidan. All eggs fertilized. Some were normal as seen on the left and some raised secondary membranes as seen on the egg on the right. 8. Eventually, all eggs fertilized in the presence of fucoidan at a concentration of 1 mg/ml or higher lysed. -18- +o taakakakakakakakata- % Figure 2 Figure 3 0 ondosqy " — Fucoidan (0.3 mg/ml) Against Sea Water 3.000 -O.100 700 400 500 600 Wavelegnth (nm) Figure 5 Retentate Against Sea Water 3.000 -O.100 400 700 500 600 Wavelegnth (nm) Figure 6. Figure 7 Figure 8