Abstract: Levels of fecal-associated bacteria that may be harmful to human health can be very high near haul-out sites of marine mammals. Water from sites near Seal Beach at Hopkins Marine Station and from varying distances from the haul-out site was tested for bacterial abundance with both epifluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, and was not found to have increased total numbers of bacteria near the haul-out site, even though it has been shown that the microbial community at these sites is different than others around Monterey Bay. There was, however, significant variation in bacterial abundance based on the day the sample was taken. Various environmental factors including number of seals on the beach, water temperature, air temperature, and wind speed were compared to the daily mean bacterial abundance counts to test for a significant effect. Sea surface temperature was found to have the strongest correlation on bacterial abundance of the factors tested. tracchi 20 Introduction: Water quality in coastal areas is frequently monitored to ensure human health and safety in recreational or seafood-producing areas (Boehme 2005). Human activities can cause high levels of pathogenic bacteria in coastal seawater, but many other factors contribute to bacterial abundance as well (Stewart 2008). Marine mammal haul-out sites have been cited as a cause of high levels of fecal-associated bacteria, due to the high density of animal feces being introduced to the water (Calambokidis 1987). In winter 2011, the microbiology class at Hopkins Marine station used 4-5-4 sequencing to examine bacterial community composition in various sites around Monterey Bay. Seal Beach at Hopkins, so named because of the hundreds of harbor seals that use it as a haul-out site, had a significantly different bacterial composition than any of the other sites tested (Hopkins Marine Station, unpublished data). This study examines bacterial abundance at the Seal Beach site and many sites nearby, to test if proximity to the seal haul-out location would increase bacterial abundance, as well as change community composition. The data were tested against a statistical null hypothesis that bacterial abundance was unaffected by proximity to seal beach. In addition, other environmental factors that may have an effect on bacterial abundance, such as time and weather conditions were examined over the course of the study and compared to variability in bacteria counts. The number of seals was expected to positively correlate with bacterial counts, as more fecal production would likely increase bacterial concentration. Wind speed was expected to effect swell height and water mixing (Pinet 2005), which could possibly suggest that high winds could cause bacteria created at the beach to be flushed out to sea, decreasing bacterial abundance (Boehme 2005). The temperature factors were measured and compared post hoc, and had no initial hypothesis attached to them. Beltracchi 2011 3 Methods: I chose seven sites in the Hopkins Marine Reserve for sampling, and numbered them O- 6, with site 0 on Seal Beach, and site 6 the farthest from Seal Beach (Figure 1). I sampled Site 0 only once during the experiment to minimize disturbance of the seals, while I sampled site 1 a total of eight times to get a stronger temporal resolution of bacterial variation close to the loading site as well as the weather station (ancillary data source). Sites 4 5, and 6 were sampled four times over a three week period, while sites 2 and 3 were sampled three times each, with one sample taken from a site halfway between sites 2 and 3, called site 2.5, sampled on April 27, due to a high wave that caused me to lose my sampling bottle at site 2. I collected water at high tide in IL plastic bottles. In the lab, I fixed 57 mL of each sample with 3mL 16% paraformaldehyde solution and refrigerated it overnight. I then filtered this through a 0.6um filter. 30mL of this filtrate was then filtered again through a 0.22um black polycarbonate filter and stained with 2% DAPI saline solution (according to the Kirchman 2009 protocol). The filter was then mounted on a slide, so that there were two filter slides for every sample. 1 counted bacteria on the slides in ten fields of view using a Nikon FXA microscope fitted with DAPI filter 31000 (Chroma). The mean of 20 total fields of view was taken and compared for each sample. One 60 mL sample of deionized water was also filtered, stained, and counted as a control. For flow-cytometric analyses, I fixed 1.5 mL of each unfiltered sample with 100uL of 16% PFA solution in 2mL vials and froze them until a trip to the flowcytometer could be arranged. Once the samples thawed, I stained them with the cell-permanent, green-fluorescent SYTO BC nucleic acid stain for 2 to 5 minutes in the dark. I then added 1OuL of a solution containing 6um beads for comparison before the sample was run through the flowcytometer. Beltracchi 2011 4 Abundaces were estimated with a BD Influx: Four-Laser Flowcytometer (MEGAMER, UCSC) equipped with an air-cooled argon laser (488 nm, 25 mW). I analyzed scatter plots of particle fluorescence using FlowJo software, and found 3 distinct populations of bacteria in most samples, although all of the samples from May 16 and 17, as well as some of the samples from May 2, only showed 2 distinct bacterial populations in addition to the beads. In addition to bacterial counts, I obtained data on conditions at the time of sampling including wind speed, air temperature, and sea surface temperature from the Hopkins Marine Life Observatory Weather Station and the Scripps Institute of Oceanography Wave and Temperature buoy. I counted the seals on Seal Beach at the time of sampling for five out of the eight sampling days. Daily means and site means from both the flowcytometer counts and the microscope counts from each sampling day were compared with a single-factor ANOVA. Significant ANÖVA results were tested again with a Student-Newman-Keuls test. Linear regressions were performed to test correlation between the bacteria count data sets and the environmental factors (wind speed, air temperature, water temperature, and seal count). Results: The bacterial counts from the microscope and from the flow cytometer showed very similar patterns for each sample (Figure 2), and served as a control to ensure both sampling methods detected the same variation between sites and sampling days. The variability between sites was not significant by a single-factor ANÖVA in either the microscope counts or the flowcytometer data (Figure 3). Therefore, the null hypothesis that distance from Seal Beach does not effect bacterial abundance was supported. There was, however, a great deal of temporal variation, and a single-factor ANÖVA analyzing the day of sampling was significant for microscope bacterial counts at the .05 level. Flowcytometer daily Beltracchi 2011 5 counts were only significant at the .25 level. The microscope data was then tested with a post hoc Student-Newman-Keuls test, which showed that May 2 is significantly different than the sites with the lowest means (May 9 and 10), but no other differences were detected. The control sample of deionized water from the lab had a very high number of cells, and although the bacterial counts were lower than any of the ocean samples, the Student-Newman-Keuls test did not show that it was significantly different than any sample other than the very highest ones. This daily variation was compared to daily variation of environmental factors that may have influenced bacterial abundance, including the number of seals on the beach, sea surface temperature, wind speed, and air temperature. The environmental factor with the strongest correlation to bacterial abundance was sea surface temperature, with an r°2 value of 29989 when compared to the microscope daily means, and r°2- 647 when compared to the daily means of flowcytometer counts (Figure 3). The samples taken on May 2 in particular showed an unusually high abundance of bacteria in both the microscope and the flowcytometer counts, when the water was 13C at the time of sampling. This temperature was warmer than any of the other sampling times (average between 11 and 12 degrees). In addition, the May 2 samples, as well as those taken on May 16 and 17 showed only 2 distinct populations of bacteria in the flowcytometer, while the samples from April 27 and May 6,9, 10, and 11 showed 3 populations of bacteria (Figure 5). May 16 and 17 did not have outstandingly high sea surface temperatures, but May 16 had the highest air temperature of 13.58C at the time of sampling. Air has a lower heat capacity than water, so these two variables did not correlate particularly well (r42=.057), and bacterial abundance did not correlate with air temperature as well as it did with water temperature. The could have been some heat transfer, suggesting the high bacterial count on May 16 and 17 could have been effected by warmer weather, although Beltracchi 2011 6 more data is needed to support this, particularly considering the springtime upwelling in Monterey Bay which would have effected water temperature more strongly. Wind speed, which effects swell intensity, showed no correlation whatsoever with bacterial abundance (r*2=.017). These were not analyzed any further, although it would be interesting in a future study to investigate bacterial community composition based on wind¬ driven mixing. When both sets of bacterial abundance data were compared to the number of seals on the beach at the time of sampling (Figure 6), fewer seals seemed to correlate with higher amounts of bacteria (with an r22 value of .94 in the comparison between seal counts and bacterial daily means from microscope counts), when it was expected that more seals would mean more fecal production, and therefore more bacteria in the water. Discussion: The microscope and flowcytometer counts showed many similar patterns in daily variation of bacterial abundance, but the comparison of the two counts showed some distinct differences as well (Figure 1). Differences between the results obtained from both may be due to the fact that the water analyzed using the flow cytometer was not pre-filtered before the bacteria counts were taken, so larger cells and pieces of phytoplankton may have been counted in the sample. Any particles larger than 6um were filtered out of the sample before microscope counts were taken, minimizing the potential for larger cells or particles to be included in the counts. In addition, many of the flowcytometer samples showed a population of unstained cells (Figure 4), likely Synechococcus cyanobacteria, which would not have been detectable in the microscope counts. Beltracchi 2011 7 The variation of bacterial abundance showed no significant difference based on distance from the loading site, even though it has been shown in the past that bacterial community composition is greatly different near seal beach. Abundance of bacteria, regardless of species composition, showed little spatial variation at any given time (Figure 8), but other factors do contribute to increased amounts of bacteria, particularly water temperature. A higher sea surface temperature usually meant a higher number of bacteria in the water, perhaps suggesting warmer temperatures is more conducive to bacterial growth. However, there could very well be other confounding factors, such as upwelling, which effects both water temperature and nutrient abundance (Pinet 2000), that were not tested in this experiment. There seemed to be unexpectedly more seals hauled out on days when there were lower counts of bacteria in the water, but these were also days when the water was cooler. A possible logical explanation for this correlation is the seals were more inclined to be out swimming when the water was warmer, and hauled out to sleep in the sun when the water was cold, as it has been shown that at least during the molting season, seals will haul out for the purposes of increasing skin temperature (Sydeman 1999). This experiment, too, showed a general trend of more seals on the beach when the air was warmer, or when the water was cooler (Figure 7). The roughness of calmness of the sea (as measured by my personal observations) did not show any correlation with bacterial abundance, which may imply that fecal bacteria are not flushed from seal beach is by high swells. However all samples in this study were taken at high tide, so perhaps tidal currents have a stronger flushing effect than wind-driven waves (Boehme 2005). Tidal flushing of bacteria, seal haul-out habits, and bacterial abundance changes based on water temperature could all be investigated in future studies. To better understand the impact on the health of human Beltracchi 201 beachgoers and seafood consumers caused by the seal haul-outs, water should be tested for fecal bacteria, and the bacterial community in this water can be better analyzed. Acknowledgements: I would first like to thank Dr. Vanessa Michelou and Dr. Sarah Lee for their valuable feedback and support of this project throughout. I would also like to thank Professor Steve Palumbi for his supervision of the project, and the rest of the Hopkins Marine Station faculty for their feedback, especially Professor James Watanabe for teaching me how to do the statistics for this project. In addition, I would like to thank Brandon Carter for allowing me to use the MEGAMER flowcytometer, and Chris Patton for helping me use the microscope. Finally, I would like to thank my classmates Acata Felton, lan Markham, and Walker Clayton for their contributions to my learning experience. Literature Cited: Boal, J., 1980. Pacific Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina richardii). Haul Out Impact on the Rocky Midtidal Zone. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2, pp.265-269. Available at: http: /www.int-res.com/articles/ meps/2/m002p265.pdf. Boehm, A.B. & Weisberg, S.B., 2005. Tidal forcing of enterococci at marine recreational beaches at fortnightly and semidiurnal frequencies. Environmental science & technology, 39(15), pp.5575-83. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16124289. Calambokidis, J. & McLaughlin, B., 1987. Harbor Seal Populations and their contributions to fecal coliform pollution in Quilcene Bay, Washington. Hopkins Marine Station. 2011 unpub. data. Izbicki, J.A. et al., 2009. Sources of fecal indicator bacteria in urban streams and ocean beaches, Santa Barbara, California. Annals of Environmental Science, 3,p.139-178. Kirchman Lab Methods, 2009. Direct Counts of Microbes by Epifluorescence Microscopy. Pinet, P.R., 2000. Invitation to Oceanography. 2nd ed. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, Massachusetts. Beltracchi 2011 9 Schneider, D.C. & Payne, P.M., 1983. Factors Affecting Haul-Out of Harbor Seals at a Site in Southeastern Massachusetts. Journal of Mammalogy, 64(3), p.518-520. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1380370 [Accessed April 15,20111. Sydeman, W. J. and S. G. Allen (1999). "Pinniped population dynamics in central California: correlations with sea surface temperature and upwelling indices." Marine Mammal Science 15(2): 446-461. Simpkins, M. a et al., 2003. Stability in the Proportion of Harbor Seals Hauled Out Under Locally Ideal Conditions. Marine Mammal Science, 19(4), pp.791-805. Available at: http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/j.1748-7692.2003.tb01130.x. Stewart, J.R. et al., 2008. The coastal environment and human health: microbial indicators, pathogens, sentinels and reservoirs. Environmental health : a global access science source, 7 Suppl 2, p.S3. Available at: http: /www.pubmedcentral. nih.gov/articlerender. fegi? artid=25867 16& tool-pmcentrez&re ndertype-abstract. Yochem, P.K. et al., 1987. Diel Haul-Out Patterns and Site Fidelity of Harbor Seals (Phoca Vitulina Richardsi) on San Miguel Island, California, in Autumn. Marine Mammal Science, 3(4), pp.323-332. Available at: http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/j.1748- 7692.1987.tb003 19.X. tracchi 201 Figures: Figure 1: Map of seven sites from which water samples were taken. Beltracchi 2011 11 Figure 2: Scope Mean vs. log Flowcytometer count, every sample 8 + + ++ 8 6 + — -+- 55.25 80.375 30.125 105.5 mean cells/view Log Flowcytometer daily means 08 2 06 8 04 8 02 00 Apr 27, May 2, May 6, May 9, May 10, May 11, May 16, May 17, DI 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 control Scope mean by day 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 § 2000 E .00 May 9, May 10, May 11, May 16, May 17, DI control Apr 27, May 2, May 6, 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Microscope counts show a similar pattern to flowcytometer counts, as seen directly compared for each sample (top) and in the daily means of both types of counts from each sampling day (bottom). Beltracchi 2011 12 Figure 3: SST Vs. Scope Mean 81.80 63.85 45.90 â 27.95 10,00 — SST vs. Log Flowcytometer mean 10.000 — 8.787 7.573 — 6.360 ++ 5.140 15.00 10.00 11.25 13.75 12.50 Both sets of bacterial abundance data show a moderately strong positive correlation with water temperature. Beltracchi 20 Figure 4 Scope count vs. site 105.5000 90.4286 75.357 + 60.2857 + 452143 30.1429 * 15.0714 6 — 2 3 Site number Log FlowCytometer Count vs. site number 8.626 7.394 6.162 + + 4 4929 3.697 2.465 1.232 Site Mean number of cells in each field of view in the microscope for every sample, with site 7 being the deionized water control sample. There is no discernible pattern or significant relationship between bacterial abundance and distance from Seal Beach in the microscope count (top) or in the flowcytometer count (bottom). Beltracchi 2011 14 Figure 5 10* 102 101 10 10 10° 101 102 103 10 10° 10 102 103 572-27 572-27 A typical sample from May 2, 16, and 17 show 2 distinct populations of bacteria, plus the beads added to the sample for comparison (right), while a typical sample from all the other days showed 3 populations of bacteria in addition to the beads (left). The extra population is most likely cyanobacteria, which did not react to the stain. racchi 20 Figure 6 Seal count vs. log cells/mL (Flowcytometer) 7.876 7.194 6.511 5.829 5.146 170.00 91.00 110.75 130 50 150.25 Seal count vs. cells/viewfield (Microscope) 90.000 70.575 51.150 31.725 12.300 150 130 170 110 Surprisingly, there seemed to be fewer bacteria on average on sampling days with a higher number of seals, and this was reflected in both data sets. Beltracchi 2011 1 Figure 7: SST vs. Seal Count 170.0 127.5 85.0 42.5 — 11.25 3.75 7.50 15.00 Air Temperature Vs. Seal Count 170.00 129.75 89.50 49.25 9.00 T140 + 135 105 15.0 The temperature measurements compared to the seal counts show a general trend of more seals out of the water when the air is warmer, or when the water is colder. Beltracchi 201 Figure 8: 6 control Daily Scope mean counts (cells/vie wfield) 47.5 59.8 40.52 46.7 Apr 27 23.6 23.6 77.8 61.2 88.15 105.5 78.05 81.8 80.1 May 2 33.3 30.15 44.467 74.65 47.5 May 6 33.5 May 9 34.7 34.7 May 10 884 51.925 45.45 May 11 56.05 56.05 May 16 24.95 52.116 38.85 74.9 56.1 57.9 May 17 12.3 12.3 DI control 44.94375 51.8 48.2375 60.625 61.875 54.125 12.3 58.4 site mean control day mean flowcyt (cell/mL) 1.19E406 9.84E405 3.65E406 3.65E406 1.12E406 1.52E406 1.15E406 X Apr 27 7.52E407 2.78E+06 4.23E+08 7.91E406 1.02E+07 5.81E+06 1.60E+06 X May 2 1.30E406 1.27E406 1.18E406 6.55E+05 1.99E406 1.39E406 X 1.30E+06 May 6 1.59E406 X 1.59E406 May 9 5.50E+05 5.50E+05 X May 10 1.88E+06 6.37E405 X 1.26E+06 May 11 2.87E+06 May 16 2.87E+06 X 4.47E406 4.40E406 4.74E406 2.50E406 8.73E406 3.13E406 3.37E406 May 17 X 1.40E405 1.40E405 DI Contro 1880000 1.89E406 1.08E408 3.81E406 5.18E+06 3.11E406 1.88E406 1.40E+05 site mean Tables of microscope and flowcytometer counts, as well as the means by day and by site. Beltracchi 2011 1