THE EFFECTS OF UNCHLORINATED AND CHLORINATED SEWAGE ON SEA URCHIN FERTILIZATION DOUGLAS B. MUCHMORE HOPKINS MARINE STATION JUNE, 1970 Home Address: chr INTRODUCTION External fertilization is widely used by marine organisms and may be especially susceptible to environmental pollution. In the present study the effects of primary treated sewage from Monterey, California and Pacific Grove, California were observed on fertilization in the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Tests were run with unchlorinated sewage from both cities and chlorinated sewage from Pacific Grove only. (Sewage from these two cities is almost exclusively domestic waste; few industries contribute to the effluent.) The inhibition of fertilization by unchlorinated sewage is minimal when compared to the striking inhibition caused by the heavily chlorinated Pacific Grove sewage. The action of chlorine on fertilization proved to be of central interest, and tests using sodium hypochlorite showed that this was the active inhibitory agent in chlorinated sewage. Low concentrations of hypochlorite rapidly (within one second) inactivate sea urchin sperm, but do not affect the egg. Concentrations as low as O.04 parts per million (ppm) available chlorine, which corresponds to a 1000 fold dilution of heavily chlorinated sewage, can affect fertilization. As such, chlorinated sewage could have drastic ecological consequences. METHODS AND MATERIALS Gametes were obtained by intracoelomic injection of 0.5 M KCl. Eggs were collected in sea water; seminal fluid was collected dry. Sewage was obtained fresh at 9:00 AM each day. Eggs and/or sperm were treated in various sewage or hypochlorite dilutions prior to insemination; treatment time was 5 minutes unless otherwise stated. Sperm concentrations of 0.33%, 0.10% and 0.033%, all of which are sufficient for 100% fertilization in control suspensions, were used for most experiments. Fertilization success was determined after 20 minutes by scoring presence or absence of the hyaline layer; samples of approximately 200 eggs were counted. In studies to determine the sensitivity of the fertilization process to hypochlorite, aliquots of a fertilized suspension were removed at intervals and treated two seconds with sodium hypochlorite before the addition of excess sodium thiosulfate. Temperature was held at 15° C. Available chlorine was assayed in sewage and hypochlorite solutions using an iodometric method, adding a known amount of sodium thiosulfate to the sample and titrating the unreacted remainder with iodine solution using a starch indicator. A disparity between known hypochlorite concentrations and the available chlorine assay values was found. This could be due to decomposition of the hypochlorite or the result of reaction of the hypochlorite with the sea water to which it was added. Chlorine levels cited here are available chlorine values as assayed. ESUTRS As shown in Table 1, unchlorinated Monterey sewage inhibits fertilization strongly at a concentration of 10%; inhibition is less complete at 5% concentration. No attempt was made to restore osmotic balance of sewage dilutions. Unchlorinated Pacific Grove sewage is generally weaker as a fertilization inhibitor. The composition of the sewage is sufficiently variable to make the numbers in Table 1 typical rather than absolute; the concentration of sewage sufficient to yield a given inhibition level may vary by a factor of 1 from day to day. That the effect of unchlorinated sewage is on the sperm or the egg-sperm interaction is shown by experiments in which eggs and sperm were separately treated. Eggs were treated ten minutes in 10% sewage, washed and then fertilized with untreated sperm. Fertilization success was 100%. Attempts to wash treated sperm by centrifugation at 3K rpm and resuspension in fresh sea water were sporadically successful in that control sperm did not always yield 100% fertilization. As shown in Table 1 when control sperm survived the treatment, fertilization success for the centrifuged sperm was comparable to that of unwashed treated sperm, further substantiating that the effect is essentially on the sperm. Incubating sperm for longer times resulted in corresponding lower fertilization success. The inactivation effect resulting from unchlorinated sewage treatment can be partially reversed after treatment by diluting the suspension with fresh sea water. A O.33% sperm suspension treated 5 minutes in 5% sewage gave 7% fertilization success. The same sperm, diluted 1:3 after treatment gave 32% success despite dilution. The far more drastic effect of chlorinated sewage from Pacific Grove is shown in Table 2. As seen, even 0.2% chlorinated sewage is more detrimental to fertilization than 10% unchlorinated sewage. That this is due to the chlorine is supported by the additional data in Table 2; when chlorinated sewage is treated with sodium thiosulfate which reduces OCl to C1", the strength of the sewage as an inhibitor falls to that of unchlorinated sewage. Chlorine levels in the sewage vary from 15 to 45 ppm; the inhibition effects vary accordingly. Further evidence of chlorine as the dominant inhibitor in chlorinated sewage is seen in Table 3. In this experiment hypochlorite was added to sea water to a level comparable to that found in sewage. A sodium hypochlorite solution of 12.8 ppm available chlorine was a slightly better inhibitor than sewage with 11.0 ppm chlorine. That the effect of chlorination is primarily on the sperm and not the egg is seen in Table in which treated ggs were inseminated with untreated sperm and vice versa. Morphological study of treated sperm (5 minutes at 0.19 ppm. indicates an increased tendency for the flagella to fall off and the occasional presence of an unidentified fiber of very small diameter attached to the sperm head. Whether or not the acrosome is caused to evert is as yet unknown. Adding sodium thiosulfate to sperm suspensions exposed to 0.04, 0.08 and 0.21 ppm available chlorine for 5 minutes and then fertilizing eggs with this sperm results in improved fertilization success as shown in Table 5. This could indicate some reversibility effect on the thiosulfate teated sperm; I favor the alternate hypothesis that hypochlorite might also have a deleterious effect of the sperm-egg interaction. An experiment was done to determine how long it takes hypochlorite to inactivate sperm; very short exposure to hypochlorite was made possible through neutralization of the unreacted hypochlorite by addition of excess sodium thiosulfate, an agent with no observable effect on eggs, sperm or fertilization. Exposure of sperm for 1 second to 1.9 ppm available chlorine greatly reduces fertilization as shown in Table 6: Table 7 shows a preliminary study in which gametes were exposed for two seconds to hypochlorite of concentration .76 ppm at different times after insemination. The results show that the sensitivity of the fertilization process to hypochlorite becomes markedly reduced by 40 seconds after insemination; more stringent work remains to be done. Of ecological significance is the observation that the potency of chlorinated sewage or a hypochlorite solution as a fertilization inhibitor drops with time as shown in Table 8. Bubbling air through fresh sewage dilutions for three hours did not hasten the decompostion. DISCUSSTON Tests show that the effect of unchlorinated domestic sewage on fertilization is relatively slight, especially when compared to the effect of chlorinated sewage. Sperm are considerably more susceptible than are eggs. The inactivation is partially reversible with unchlorinated sewage (providing lethal levels are avoided); reversibilit is effected by dilution with sea water. The hypochlorit effect on sperm appears to be slightly reversible if the sperm are treated with sodium thiosulfate before fertilization. However, this apparent reversibility could result from removing a chlorine effect on the egg-sperm association at fertilization. Irregular fertilization with centrifuged control sperm make testing this effect directly more difficult. The effect of a given treatment on fertilization b different dilutions of sperm is of great interest and also of ecological importance. Thus, exposure of sperm to O.19 ppm available chlorine (Table 4) shows the percent fertilization success at 0.33%, 0.19% and 0.033% sperm concentrations to be 94, 45 and 7 respectively. As seen in Table 1, a similar relation between inhibition level and sperm concentration was observed at appropriate unchlorinated sewage concentrations. This effect is far greater than the respiratory dilution effect described by Tyler and Tyler (1966); it is typical of results obtained using other fertilization inhibitors as discribed by Metz (1966). I interpret this sharp reduction in success as the requirement for a fiven level of "inactivation factor" per sperm before fertilization is affected; thus, any slight increase in inhibitor concentration or decrease in sperm concentration would affect fertilization once this critical level is reached. The reversibility effect noted above for unchlorinated sewage is consistent with this interpretation. Further tests of the usefulness of hypochlorite and thiosulfate in rate studies, such as performed by Baker and Presley (1969) to elucidate intermediate steps in fertilization, need to be performed. Neutralization of hypochlorite can be effected with sodium thiosulfate. which in turn has no effect on eggs, sperm or fertilization. These characteristics of the hypochlorite — thiosulfate pair suit them particularly well to rate studies of fertilization; preliminary work is promising in the regard. The finding that a 1000 fold dilution of heavily chlorinated domestic sewage can significantly reduce sea urchin fertilization is of great ecological interest. Under such conditions of chlorination the presumably safe dilution of sewage nutrients and noxious components of 1 to 100 is unacceptable for successful fertilization ir sea urchins. ABSTRACT Unchlorinated sewage is a relatively mild fertilization inhibitor. Chlorinated sewage is a very strong fertilization inhibitor, and a concentration of available chlorine as ow as 0.04 ppm can reduce fertilization. The primary effect of both chlorinated and unchlorinated sewage is on the sperm. 4) The effect of unchlorinated sewage is partially reversible. The sodium hypochlorite — sodium thiosulfate pair is potential tool in rate study determinations of fertilization. UNCHLORINATED SEWAGE CONC SPERM CONC Monterey 33 Pacific Grove Monterey .10% Pacific Grove Monterey .033% Pacific Grove TREATED SPERN NOT WASHED 5% 10% 94% 100% 9% 100% 48% 98% 78% 97% 20% 72% 80% 92% TABLE 1 TREATED SPERM CENTRIFUGED AND WASHED 5% CONTROL 10% 98% 86% 100% 49% 99% 92% 18% 62% 95% CHLORINATED SEWAGE CONC SPER GONC .33 .10% .033% NO Na»S.0. TREATMENT 0.5% 0.2% 59% 22% 18% 20% 1% TABLE 2 1% 0% SEWAGE TREATE WITH Na,S,O. 24 100% 100% 99% 99% 5% 90% 10% 98% 384 SPER CONC .330 .10% 03. HYPOCHLORITE CONC 0.2% 0.57 100% 100% 23 100% 100% 1% 6% 14 19 CHLORINATEI SEWAGE CONC. 0.2% O.5% 100% 100% 100% 56% 100% 14% 09 TABLE HYPOCHLORITE CONC. SPERM ZONC. .33% .10% .033% EGGS TREATEL 26 986 99% 986 TABLE SPERM TREATED 0.5/ 0.2% 94% 906 459 78% 40% 17 15% HYPOCHLORITE CONC SPER CONC. 33% 10% 033% Na,S,03 ADDE BEFORE FERTILIZATION 0.1% 0.2% 0.5% 2% 80 98% 97% No 67% TABLE 5 NO Na»S.0. TREATMENT 0.2% 0.1% 97% 60% 1% 96% 16 0%o 30 0.5% 0% SPERM CONC 33% 106 033% HYPOCHLORITE CONC. 5% 10% TABLE 146 SPERM DNC. 33%0 4% EXPOSURE TIME (SECONDS 20 10 15% 13% 34% TABLE 40 70% 20% 44 SPERM CONC 33%0 .10% .033% Fresh Sewage 72 Hr. Sewage Fresh Sewage 72. Hr. Sewage Fresh Sewage 72 Hr. Sewage TABLE 8 SEWAGE CONC. 0.5% 1% 1% 78% 71% 2% 0% 476 11% 1% 0% 24% 10% 44 TABLE LEGEND Fertilization success after 5 minute TABLE 1: treatment of sperm in dilutions of Monterey and Pacific Grove sewage is given in per cent values. Fertilization with unwashed sperm was in sewage dilution; washed sperm were used to fertilize in fresh seawater. Drastically lower fertilization success is TABLE 2: seen with dilutions of chlorinated sewage (42.5 ppm available chlorine). Treatment of the sewage with sodium thiosulfate markedly reduced the inhibition of fertilization. TABLE 3: Comparison of the inhibitory effect of the same dilutions of chlorinated sewage (11.0 ppm available chlorine) and hypochlorite in seawater (12.8 ppm available chlorine) shows hypochlorite to be the major fertilization inhibitor in chlorinated sewage. Eggs treated in a 2% dilution of a hypochlorite TABLE 4: solution (38.5 ppm available chlorine) show no inhibition after treatment and washing; sperm treated in lower concentrations of hypochlorite solution show great reduction of fertilization capacity Fertilization success for sperm treated in TABLE 5: different dilutions of a 42.5 ppm hypochlorite solution 15 with and without thiosulfate treatment before fertilization shows a slight apparent reversibility of the effect which is attributed to a hypochlorite effect on the fertilization process. One second exposure of sperm to a 5 TABLE 6: dilution of a 38.5 ppm available chlorine hypochlorite solution reduces fertilization greatly; thiosulfate was added one second after hypochlorite treatment was initiated. Susceptibility of fertilization to TABLE 7: hypochlorite (2% dilution of a 38.5 ppm solution) as a function of time after insemination shows decreasing sensitivity for the first minute; treatment was limited to two seconds by addition of thiosulfate after hypochlorite. The stability of hypochlorite in chlorinated TABLE 8: sewage is shown in a comparison of the inhibition effects of fresh sewage and sewage three days in seawater dilution. 444 BIBLIOGRAPI Baker, P. F., and R. Presley, 1969. Kinetic Evidence for an Intermediate Stage in the Fertilization of the Sea Urchin Egg. Nature, 221: 488-490. Metz, C., 1961. Use of InhibitigAgents in Studies on Fertilization Mechanisms, pp. 219-254. In: Bourne G. H., and J. F. Danielli, Eds., International Review tology, 11. Acad. Press, New York. of Physiology of Fertilization Tyler, A., and B. Tyler, 1966. and Early Development, pp. 683-742. In: Boolootian, Interscience R., Ed., Physiology of Echinodermata. Publishers, New York. 44 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to thank the faculty and students of Hopkins Marine Station for assisstance in various phases of this work. Thanks go in particular to Dr. David Epel for aid and consultation on all aspects of the project This work was funded in part by the National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Program, Grant Number GX 7288.