* Inter-Individual Variation and Effect of Wave Height on Foraging upon Mussels by the California Sea Ötter, Enhydra lutris Steven W. Randle 5706 E. Bryce Ave Orange, CA 92667 srandle Oleland.stanford.edu Advisor: Jim Watanabe Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University June 7, 1996 Permission is granted to Stanford University to use the citation and abstract of this paper, Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels ABSTRACT Foraging on intertidal mussels by the California sea otter, Enhydra lutris, was examined to determine its effects on the mussel beds around Point Cabrillo, Pacific Grove, CA. Frequency of success for foraging on mussels and foraging on other types of prey were observed, as well as the mean number of mussels removed and eaten by otters. The average duration of individual feeding bouts and the average number of dives per minute were measured in order to discover the mean number of mussels removed a day. These data were analyzed comparing individual otter eating habits. Frequency of success for mussel (94.53%) and non-mussel foraging (69.05%) and were significantly different (p««0.001). There was also significant inter-individual variance in mean number of mussels removed (p«40.001) and mean number of mussels eaten (pæ20.001) among different otters. Foraging on mussels in relation to increasing wave heights showed a significant decrease in number of mussels removed (p20.005) and mussels eaten (p40.001) as wave height increased. Success ratio also decreased as wave height increased (p20.01). In addition, the frequency of foraging on mussel beds increased with tidal height and was more prevalent in the early evening compared to the other times of the day. Because otters have such a high metabolic rate, they must eat up to 25% of their body weight daily. Using previously published data (Costa, 1978), mean number of mussels per dive, and average number of dives per minute, a sea otter would have to forage for mussels for approximately 294 minutes per day to obtain sufficient kilocalories. Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels INTRODUCTION Sea otters are the smallest marine mammal and were once thought to be extinct in California, due to exhaustive hunting. The population now stands at approximately 2000 individuals (USFWS/CDFG 1990 census, M. Staedler, pers. comm.) and ranges south from San Luis Obispo to the northern boundary of Ano Nuevo Point (Riedman and Estes, 1988). The original distribution stretched from central Baja to northern Japan (Riedman and Estes, 1988). The removal from and subsequent reintroduction of sea otters in central California has had a large effect on the coastal communities they inhabit. Sea otters live close to shore of areas composed of rocky substrate, rarely swimming past of the outer limit of the kelp canopy. Occasionally otters live in sandy bottom areas or are observed more than one kilometer from the shore (Riedman and Estes, 1988b, 1990). However, rocky substrate supports a higher density of otters than a soft bottom community does: 5 otters/km2 versus 0.8 otters/km? (California Department of Fish and Game, 1976). Sea otters spend much of their time in the large kelp forests of Macrocystis pyrifera, either resting or foraging. Unlike other marine mammals, sea otters lack blubber. Instead they have a thick, dense fur, that must be constantly groomed to keep a thin layer of air trapped inside it for insulation. To reduce the amount of heat lost to the cold waters off central California, otters maintain a high level of heat production (Costa and Kooyman, 1982). Because of this high metabolic rate, an average Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels sized female sea otter (20 kg) requires about 6000 kilocalories per day. This typically corresponds to 20-25% of its weight, daily (Costa 1978, Östfeld, 1982). For this reason, otters spend approximately 25% of their time foraging, with the rest of their time divided between resting (-60%) and grooming (-15%). There are three peak times of foraging activity per day. One peak occurs in the early morning, the second at late afternoon, and the third peak happens around midnight. (Shimek and Monk, 1977, Loughlin, 1977). The extent of the foraging activity throughout the night is currently under debate, since there is such difficulty in making nighttime observations. The California sea otter's diet consists of practically any macro¬ invertebrate that can be found near the coast. Ötters feed on species ranging from turban snails, clams, sea urchins, and mussels to octopuses, abalone, and kelp crabs, even eating the occasional fish or sea bird (Riedman and Estes, 1990, 1988a). The object of this study was to find out to what extent otters feed on the mussels at Point Cabrillo, Pacific Grove, California. At Point Pedras Blancas, San Luis Obispo County, California, otters were observed removing mussels in clumps, creating gaps in the mussel beds. Measurements of the increase in size of these gaps and the number of new gaps created have been used to determine the frequency of occurrence of sea otter foraging (VanBlaricom, 1988). The questions addressed by this study were how the behavior of foraging on mussels varied among individuals and how increasing wave height affected Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels this behavior. It has been established that sea otters commonly forage on mussels (Mackey, 1982, VanBlaricom 1988), and the type of otters foraging on mussels are usually females, mothers with pups, and recently independent juveniles. The variation in diet of different otters has clearly been demonstrated (Lyons, 1991), and individuals exhibit sustained preferences for particular prey (Riedman and Estes, 1990). The variations among individuals foraging on a single prey species, in this case mussels, has not been examined, so this was chosen as an area to be explored. Since sea otter predation and wave force are the two main factors acting on mussel mortality, the effects of waves on sea otter foraging was chosen as a second factor to investigate. Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was carried out at Point Cabrillo (also known as Mussel Point). at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California, from April 22 to May 30, 1996. Observations were made between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The rocky intertidal community on the exposed side of the point is dominated by the California mussel, Mytilus californianus, and sea otters forage there regularly, There were two main sites on the point where the otters were observed (Fig. 1). Observations were made from points along the shore with 20x binoculars or a Questar spotting scope. While watching otters forage on the mussels beds frequency of success, proportion of dives in which an otter returned to the surface with prey, number of mussels removed, number of mussels eaten. duration of dive, duration of foraging bout, number of dives per minute, and number of otters foraging throughout the day were all recorded. When possible, the identity of the otter was also noted. The number of mussels removed is probably underestimated. Ötters commonly remove mussels in clumps and then place them on their chests while eating. Only those mussels which were too small or too difficult to crack open and thus actively discarded or those mussels accidentally dropped could be counted. Any mussels that fell off the otters chest (whether intentional or not) while it rolled over to clean off debris or wash of the mussels went uncounted. When making observations of otters foraging subtidally on food other than mussels, only the frequency of success was measured consistently, Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels Identifications of the prey item and individual otter were sometimes difficult, depending on the distance from shore. Tidal height estimates were provided by TideMaster» - Zephyr Services, Pittsburgh, PA. Wave height was obtained from the National Data Buoy Center Buoy Number 46042, located in the northern Monterey Bay (36.8° N, 122.4° W). The wave height was recorded for each hour, and then classified into one of four categories: calm (25.0 ft), mild (5.0-6.9 ft), medium (7.0-8.9 ft), and rough (29.0 ft). Marking of individual mussels with fingernail polish was attempted, but proved unsuccessful as the majority of mussels that the otters were foraging were below MLLW and did not have sufficient time to dry. The polish stayed on only about 70% of the mussels, so is was impossible to tell if the mussel had been removed by an otter, wave force, or if the paint had just worn off. In order to determine the average caloric value of a mussel, samples were collected and their length and weight were measured. The wet weight was then converted to a dry weight, considering that a mussels is approximately 83% water (Peak, 1983). The ratio between the lengths and dry weights correlated to those found by Salkeld (1995). This dry weigh was then converted to kilocalories per mussel using the constant 4.66 kcal/g (Costa, 1978). The following comparisons were made using chi-squared tests: the frequency of success for mussel versus non-mussel foraging, the frequency of success for mussel foraging between different otters, and the ratio of mussels removed and mussels eaten by individual otters. Also, the frequency of success Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels across the tour wave height categories was analyzed with a chi squared test. Methods of statistical analysis were obtained from Sokal and Rohlf (1981). Single factor analysis of variance (ANÖVA) was used to test for differences in mean number of mussels removed and mean number of mussels eaten for different individuals and at different wave height categories, as well as inter-individual mean dive time. Duration of dive was separated into nine time categories and the mean number of mussels removed per dive depending on dive length was compared. Two factor ANÖVA was used to analyze the effects of time of day and wave height on the mean number of otters foraging on mussels and the effects of tidal height and wave height on mean number of otters foraging on mussels. The time of day was grouped into four different categories: early morning (0600-0959), late morning (1000-1259), afternoon (1300-1659), and early evening (1700-2059). The number of otters was log¬ transformed flog(x+1)] before analysis. The test for tidal height was carried out in a similar fashion, with four groups: low low (g1.49 ft), high low (1.5-2.49 ft), low high (2.5-3.49 ft), and high high (23.5 ft). The same type of test was run for tidal height as was for time of day. The data were log-transformed and tested for independent effect and interaction effect. Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels RESULTS Behavior of sea otter foraging on mussels remained highly consistent among the different individuals around Point Cabrillo. Most often, the otter dove very close to shore in shallow water for about 20 seconds and removed a clump of mussels. Then the otter ate the mussels one at a time, leaving the remaining mussels on its chest or under flaps of skin under the axilla of each forelimb while eating. While otters that were not feeding on mussels were frequently observed using tools to crack open their prey, tools were very rarely used by otters eating mussels. Generally, the otter split the mussel with its molars, pried it open and scraped off the meat with its incisors. This characteristic behavior, along with the bright orange color of the inside of the mussel, facilitated identification of otters foraging on mussels. Occasionally otters climbed up a vertical rock face to reach mussels, using the swell to lift them higher, and the force of gravity to help remove the mussels. Although otters were sometimes observed foraging on horizontal rock faces, the majority of feeding was done on submerged vertical faces. The highest spot from which otters removed mussels was approximately 3.5 feet above MLLW. Ötters were seen hauled out on areas with mussels, and twice observed to bite at the mussels, but they were never seen actually removing or eating these mussels. No noticeable gaps in the mussel beds caused by otter foraging were noticed at Point Cabrillo. However, gaps would be difficult to see since the majority of foraging is done on beds that are usually submerged. Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels After removing the mussels, the otters float on their backs and consume prey. The otters foraging off Point Cabrillo usually stayed close (-3 m) to the mussel beds. Even on relatively rough days, with offshore wave heights of 6 to 7 feet, the otters made no obvious effort to distance themselves from the shore. After eating a mussel, an otter commonly rolled over face down in the water to either remove shell debris from its body, wash off a mussel, or possibly drink water. There were 14 individually identifiable sea otters and numerous unidentified sea otters that fed on mussels at Point Cabrillo, and three other identitied otters that were never seen eating mussels. Of these 14, only one was a male, and it dove for mussels only on one occasion. However, this male and one other male were regularly seen stealing mussels from females. Usually, the male swam quickly to the area, stole the mussels from two or three dives, and then the female quit diving and started to groom herself, so the male would leave. Shortly after, the female usually resumed foraging again. Sometimes the female and the male left the area together. The reactions from the females varied from a violent scuffle to willing relinquishment of the mussels. Even though there were 14 otters seen foraging on mussels, there was only one individual that was observed almost every day. Approximately half of the observations include this otter, since she was foraging on mussels for the majority of her diet. There was another otter that was observed frequently for the first two and a half weeks, then not seen again until the final few days of the Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels study. There were three mother-pup pairs in the area around Point Cabrillo. and two pairs were seen foraging on the mussels beds in the area. Seven of the 13 females otters that foraged on mussels had nose scars, and two of these were the mothers with pups; the remaining six otters were assumed to be juveniles or younger adults. Using Garshelis' (1983) criteria for estimation of age, only two of these otters were older than six years. Most of the others were probably under four years of age. Frequency of success for otters foraging on mussels was significantly higher than the combined frequency of success of foraging on all other types of prey (Chi-squared, p««0.001, Table 1). The frequency of success for individual otters was also examined and was proved to differ significantly (Table 1). The frequency of success for otters foraging on mussels also varied significantly with wave, with lowest frequency of success when wave height was highest (Table 1). Next, the ratio of mussels eaten to the number of mussels removed was examined at varying wave heights, and this ratio decreased significantly as wave height increased (Table 1). There was no significant difference in the ratio of the number of mussels removed to the number of mussels eaten among different individuals. The pooled ratio of mussels eaten to mussels remoyed was 0.88, and figure 2 shows that ratio of the mean number of mussels removed and mean number of mussels eaten for seven otters remains fairly consistent. There were a significant inter-individual differences of both the mean number of mussels removed and the mean number of mussels eaten (ANOVA, p«0.001, Table 2). The mean number of mussels removed for the population 10 Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels was (-S.E.) 3.540.1 mussels per dive, with a maximum of 13 mussels, and several occurrences of a single mussel being removed. The mean number of mussels eaten per dive was 3.040.1 mussels per dive, ranging from zero to twelve mussels. There were also significant differences in the mean duration of mussel dives for different otters (ANÖVA, p««0.001, Table 3). The mean duration of dives for the population was 18.440.5 seconds, with a shortest dive of 6 seconds, and the longest was 47 seconds. Also, the mean duration of dive decreased significantly with increasing wave height (ANÖVA, p-0.014, Table 4). Only dives made at calm and medium wave heights were analyzed, since there were very few dives timed at mild wave heights, and none at the roughest conditions. Otters made, on average, 0.95 dives per minute while foraging on mussels. The mean number of mussels removed increased significantly with duration of dive (ANÖVA, p«0.001, Table 4 ), reaching a peak of 4.9 mussels removed for dives lasting 30 to 34 seconds. The mean duration of foraging bouts for the population was 75.744.8 minutes per bout, and it did not vary significantly among individuals (ANÖVA, p=0.995, Table 5). Increasing wave height did not effect duration of foraging bout (ANOVA, p-0.680, Table 5). However, the mean duration of foraging bouts increased slightly as wave height increased. The mean number of mussels removed and mussels eaten both decreased significantly (ANÖVA, p40.001, Table 6) as wave height increased. The average number of otters foraging on mussels throughout the day (Fig. 3a) increased slightly in the morning and remained constant until 3:00 Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels p.m., when it sharply dropped, then increased to a peak at 6:00 p.m., then decreased again. Foraging activity was significantly greater in early evening compared to both early and late morning. Foraging activity also decreased significantly as wave heights increased (Fig. 3b, Table 7) Foraging activity at medium and rough wave conditions remained low throughout the day, and the peaks of activity that the overall pattern of foraging show are not present for foraging on mussels (Fig. 3b). The number of otters foraging increased significantly with increased tidal height (Fig 4, Table 7). The average number of otters foraging on mussels was significantly lower on rough days versus all other categories. Increased wave height did more than influence the individual foraging behavior, it also reduced the mean number of total otters foraging per day in the study site (Fig. 5, Table 8). While otters were observed foraging on mussels at practically all wave heights, at wave heights above 9 ft, this behavior was short lived and infrequent. The mean number of otters foraging on mussels per day drops from 7.8 to 1.25, resulting a large effect of the total number of mussels removed per day depending on the wave conditions. The numbers of otters foraging on mussels decreased at all times of day and at all tidal heights as wave heights increased. The average wet weight of mussels approximately the same size that otters forage on was measured to be 8.8 grams. This was converted to a dry weight of 1.5 g/ mussel. Multiplying by 4.66 kcal/g (Costa, 1978) gives 6.99 kcallmussel. Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels DISCUSSION Foraging activity on all types of prey peaks at 7:00 a.m. and at 5:00 p.m., separated by a sharp decrease in activity at noon (Shimek and Monk, 1977). Only one peak at 6:00 p.m. was observed for foraging on mussels. The number of otters foraging on mussels increased slightly from 6:00 am to 3:00 p.m., with no noticeable times of increased or decreased activity. Garshelis (1983) observed substantially higher levels of activity from 8:00 am to 4:00 p.m. in an area high in both consumption of mussels by otters and in number of mother and pup pairs. He hypothesized that the majority of the otters foraging on mussels at off peak times are doing so to avoid competition from other more dominant otters. In addition, food stealing was most frequently observed in the early evening. The lack of a peak of foraging activity in the early morning could be artifact, due to seasonal variation in tidal height. Since this study was only carried out in the spring, there were no substantially high tides in the morning. Kovnat (1982) did not observe a single occurrence of intertidal foraging in the early morning (0700 to 0930), and attributed this occurrence to intertidal foraging being of secondary importance to foraging in the subtidal. In order to test for this effect, further studies would have to be done at other times of the year, when there are early morning high tides. In contrast to this study, Kovnat (1982) concluded that large waves have littie effect on intertidal foraging. As wave heights increased, almost all Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels quantifiable aspects of otters' foraging behavior were significantly reduced. Mean number of mussels removed and mean number eaten decreased, as did duration of dive. It could be due to sheer wave force, so the otters have to devote more effort to avoid being smashed into a rock, leaving less effort for removing mussels. Wave force probably plays a large part in the reduced frequency of success with increased wave height. Although VanBlaricom (1988) reported California sea otters swimming 10-20 meters away from the shore after each dive, the otters foraging off Point Cabrillo did not exhibit this behavior. The otters stayed relatively close to the shore even at larger wave heights. Also, the ratio of mussels eaten to mussels removed decreased with increased wave height, and this is most likely due to an increase in the amount of dropped mussels due to larger waves. One aspect that did not decrease with increasing wave height was the mean duration of the foraging bout, which increased slightly with wave height. Even though this trend was not significant, it makes sense that the otters would have to forage for a longer period of time in order to eat the same amount of mussels, since mean number of mussels eaten per dive decreases with increased wave height. Using Costa's (1978) numbers for caloric content, considering that an average female otter weighing 20 kg requires 6000 kilocalories per day, and using the empirically determined average weight of a mussel, an otter would have to eat approximately 860 mussels per day if its diet consisted strictly of mussels. At 0.95 dives per minute and 3.04 mussels eaten per dive, this results Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels in a period of foraging of about 290 minutes per day. This is about 20% of the day spent foraging, which corresponds to previously determined otter activity budgets. If an otter fed on only red abalone (Haliotis rufescens), then it would only need to spend 93 minutes a day foraging, and if it fed strictly on kelp crab (Pugettia producta), then it would take 268 minutes per day (Östfeld, 1982), However, these two species are not nearly as abundant as Mytilus californianus. A diet consisting only of mussels would not be energetically unteasible, but individual otters have prey preferences, and do not feed on any single species of prey exclusively (Riedman and Estes, 1990, Lyons, 1991). While watching foraging on mussels and other prey, otters seemed determined to find one type of prey at a time. The otters at the mussel beds persisted to eat mussels, even though there were usually several Pisaster in the same area, they were never observed to eat them. Ötters were commonly observed to return to the surface with the same species of prey on continuous subtidal dives. Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost I would like to thank my advisor, Jim Watanabe, who went above and beyond the call of duty in helping me with this project. I would also like to thank Teri Nicholson and Emily Carrington in helping me conceive the idea for this project, and to Teri for walking me through the first few weeks of observations. Thanks to Nancy Eufemia for making sure none of us fell into the cracks and making all of our presentations look professional. Special thanks to Mike Kenner and Dawn Breese of UCSC for loaning a Questar spotting scope to me. Thanks to Michelle Staedler of the Monterey Bay Aquarium for taking time out to talk to me and set me on the right track. Thanks to School House Rock for teaching me how to count, since these skills were definitely put to the test this quarter. Also, thanks to Bryan Sun for helping with measurements on the mussel beds. And finally, another large outpouring of gratitude to Jim Watanabe, for spending countless hours helping me with statistical analysis, numerous revisions of this paper, and critiquing my presentation at midnight the night before it was given. Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels LITERATURE CITED California Department of Fish and Game. 1976. A proposal for sea otter protection and research, and request for retum of management to the State of California, January 1976. 2 Vols. Unpubl. rep. Costa, D. P 1978. The ecological energetics, water, and electrolyte balance on the California sea otter, Enhydra lutris. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Califomia, Santa Cruz. 75 pp. Costa, D. P., and G. L. Kooyman. 1982. Oxygen consumption. thermoregulation, and the effect of fur oiling and washing on the sea otter, Enhydra lutris. Can. J. Zool. 60:2761-2767. Garshelis, D. L. 1983. Ecology of sea otters in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Ph.D. thesis, University of Minnesota, Minn. 321 pp. Kovnat, G. D. 1982. Intertidal foraging by the southern sea otter, Enhydra lutris. Master's thesis, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 60 pp. Loughlin, T. R. 1977. Activity patterns, habitat partitioning, and grooming behavior of the sea otter, Enhydra lutris, in California. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles. 110 pp. Lyons, K. J. 1991. Variations in feeding behavior of female sea otters, Enhydra lutris, between individuals and with reproductive condition. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz. 176 pp. Mackey, F 1982. Underwater observations of sea otter foraging behavior. Center for Coastal Marine Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz. 38 pp. Östfeld, R. S. 1982. Foraging strategies and prey switching in the California sea otter. Oecologia 53:170-178. Peak, T. 1983. Foraging patterns and prey selection in Leptastrias hexactis. (Unpublished MS on file at Hopkins Marine Station Library). Riedman, M. L., and J. A. Estes. 1988a. Predation on seabirds by sea otters. Can. J. Zool. 66:1396-1402. Riedman, M. L., and J. A. Estes. 1988b. A review of the history, distribution and foraging ecology of sea otters. Pages 4-21 in G. R. VanBlaricom and J. A. Estes, eds. The community ecology of sea otters. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, West Germany. Riedman, M. L., and J. A. Estes. 1990. The sea otter (Enhydra lutris): behavior, ecology, and natural history. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Biol. Rep. 90(14). 126 pp. Salkeld, P. N. 1995. Aspects of reproduction associated with the use of a segmented regression to describe the relationship between body weight and sheil length of Mytilus edulis. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 124:117-128. Shimek, S. J., and A. Monk. 1977. Daily activity of sea otter off the Monterey Peninsula, California. J. Wildl. Manage. 41::277-283. Sokal, R. R., and F. J. Rohlf. 1981. Biometry. 2nd ed. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco. 859 pp. Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels VanBlaricom, G. R. 1988. Effects of foraging by sea otters on mussel-dominated intertidal communities. Pages 48-91 in G. R. VanBlaricom and J. A. Estes, eds. The community ecology of sea otters. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, West Germany. VanBlaricom, G. R., and J. A. Estes, eds. 1988. The community ecology of sea otters, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, West Germany. Randle: Sea Ötters and Mussels Table 1: Frequency of Success: Mussel versus Non-mussel Foraging Chi-Squared Type of Foraging Mussel Non-mussel Y of Groups Successful 898 145 145 Unsuccessful 117 950 210 L of Dives 1160 Freq. of Success 0.69 0.95 Gadj=94.6889 df=1 p0.001 Frequency of Success: Individuals Chi-Squared Individual Otter 2 Otter 3 Otter 4 Otter 5 Otter 11 Otter 13 Y of Individ. Successful 713 469 54 Unsuccessful 21 L of Dives 490 2 — 150 Feq. of Success 0.94 0.99 0.96 0.92 0.78 0.97 Gadj=15.612 df=5 p0.01 Frequency of Success: Wave Height Chi-Squared Wave Height Calm Mild Medium Rough Z of Wave Heights Successful 310 328 243 898 Unsuccessful 10 349 320 25 L of Dives 950 Freq. of Success 0.97 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.77 Gadj=11.7814 df=3 p0.01 Ratio of Mussels Eaten to Mussels Removed: Wave Height Chi-Squared Wave Height Calm Mild Medium Z of Wave Heights 469 253 Mussels Eaten 354 1076 46 Mussels not Eaten 140 515 416 289 1220 Total Removed Percent Eaten 0.91 0.85 0.88 0.88 Gadj=55.66 df=2 PO.001 Table 2: Mussels Removed: Individuals Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Individual Average .25 Otter 4 187 Otter 3 5.11 Otter 4.14 4.17 Otter Otter 1.83 Otter 3.53 Otter 5 2.80 ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups 133.68 Within Groups 277 1099.09 Total 283 1232.77 Mussels Eaten: Individuals Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Average Individual n 2.87 187 Otter 4 Otter 4.67 21 3.33 Otter 3.83 Otter 1.50 Otter 12 Otter 3.07 2.50 Otter 10 ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups 117.78 Within Groups 944.42 277 Total 1062.21 283 SE 0.129 0.550 0.618 0.562 0.345 0.559 0.490 P-value 22.28 5.6153 50.001 3.97 SE. 0.12 0.525 0.465 0.601 0.289 0.511 0.477 P-value NS E 19.63 5.7576 50.001 3.41 20 Randle: Sea Ötters and Mussels Table 3: Duration of Dive: Mean Mussels Removed Anova: Single Factor SUMMAR Duration (s) Average (6-9) 1.86 (10-14) 3.6: (15-19 3.68 (20-24) 3.92 (25-29) (30-34 4.88 (35-39) 3.43 (40-44 3.00 (45-49) 3.00 ANOVA Source of Variation S Between Groups 118.36 Within Groups 541.56 201 Total 659.92 209 S.E. 0.159 0.175 0.222 0.340 0.399 0.972 0.429 2.000 0.000 P-value N 14.80 5.4913 50.001 2.69 Randle: Sea Ötters and Mussels Table 4: Duration of Dive: Wave Height Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Groups Count 133 Calm Medium ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups 352.41 Within Groups 12072.59 Total 12425.00 Duration of Dive: Individuals Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Individual n Otter 4 145 Otter 2 Otter Otter Otter Otter ANOVA Source of Variation Between Groups 3595.37 Within Groups 8764.13 12359.50 Total Average 18.98 16.31 dt 209 210 Average (s) 15.56 25.24 21.54 19.00 26.64 26.88 df 194 199 SE 0.725 0.690 NB 352.41 57.76 S.E. 0.515 1.810 1.674 2.000 2.394 3.833 NB 719.07 45.18 22 Randle: Sea Ötters and Mussels P-value 6.101 0.014 P-value 15.917 50.001 Table 5: Duration of Foraging Bout: Wave Height Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Wave Height Average (min) Calm 70.37 Mild 77.35 Medium 80.60 ANOVA 8 Source of Variation 946.68 Between Groups 48 Within Groups 58433.90 59380.59 Total 50 Duration of Foraging Bout: Individuals Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Individual Average (min) Otter 4 79.67 Otter 74.50 77.33 Otter 93.00 Otter Otter 81.67 77.50 Otter ANOVA Source of Variation S dt Between Groups 551.11 48900.67 34 Within Groups 49451.78 39 Total SE 9.091 7.914 7.908 NB 473.34 1217.37 SE 8.513 14.953 9.333 1.000 13.642 16.500 165 110.22 1438.25 23 Randle: Sea Ötters and Mussels P-value 0.3888 0.6800 — P-va 0.0766 0.9954 Table 6: Mussels Removed: Wave Height Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Wave Height Average S.E. 144 Calm 3.58 0.159 Mild 107 3.89 0.243 100 Medium 2.89 0.167 Rough 1.00 ANOVA Source of Variation NB P-value Between Groups 26.06 78.18 6.2413 0.0004 Within Groups 1465.60 351 4.18 354 Total 1543.79 Mussels Eaten: Wave Height Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY wave Height Average S.E Calm 144 3.26 0.152 107 3.31 Mild 0.218 100 Medium 2.53 0.157 Rough 0.000 1.00 ANOVA Source of Variation F P-value M df Between Groups 57.14 19.05 5.3261 0.0013 Within Groups 1255.23 351 3.58 Total 1312.37 354 24 Randle: Sea Ötters and Mussels Table 7 Time of Day vs Wave Height Anova: Two Factor df Source of Variation F P-value NS Time of Day 4.341 1.447 5.252 0.002 4.785 1.595 5.790 Wave Height 0.001 3.470 Time x Wave 0.386 1.400 0.201 23.418 Error 85 0.276 Total 36.014 100 Tukey Hs Multiple Comparisons Waves Calm Mild Medium Mild O.360 ns O.495 Mediun O.135 ns Rough 0.731 0.371 ns 0.236 ns Time E LM AE LMO.166 ns AF O.335 ns 0.168 ns 0.433 0.264 ns E O.559 Tidal Height vs Wave Height Anova: Two Factor Source of Variation P-value NS 14.196 Tidal Height 4.732 20.186 0.000 Wave Height 6.228 2.076 8.856 0.000 3.25 0.361 1.542 0.392 Tide x Wave 94 Error 22.036 0.234 45.713 Total 109 Tukey H: Multiple Comparisons Waves Calm Mild Medium MildlO.170 ns Mediun 0.398 ns 0.228 ns Rough 0.759 0.590 0.361 H 14 Times LL 0.398 ns LO.722 .324 ns H1.103 0.705 0.381 * 25 Randle: Sea Ötters and Mussels Table 8: Mean Number of Ötters Foraging: Wave Height Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Group. Average S.E Count Calm 7.80 1.158 Mild 4.18 0.605 Medium 3.00 0.307 Rough 1.25 0.455 ANOVA dt Source of Variation NE 46.79 Between Groups 140.37 Within Groups 115.94 3.62 32 256.31 35 Total Randle: Sea Ötters and Mussels P-value 12.9146 50.001 26 Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels FIGURE LEGENDS: Figure 1: A map of Point Cabrillo. The two main sites of otter foraging are indicated. Figure 2: A comparison of the mean number of mussels removed and mean number of mussels eaten per dive among 7 otters. Error bars are standard error. Figure 3a: Mean number of otter foraging on mussels taken at hour intervals and plotted against time of day. Error bars are standard error. Figure 3b: Mean number of otters foraging on mussels throughout the day, divided up into wave height category. Number of otters taken at each wave height at hour intervals. Error is standard error. Figure 4a: Mean number of Ötters foraging on mussels per day plotted against tidal height. Error is standard error. Figure 4b: Mean number of otters foraging on mussels per day plotted against tidal height, and then divided up by wave height categories. Error is standard error. Figure 5: Mean number of otters mussel foraging per day at each wave height category. Error is standard error. Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels Figure 1 N kelp Locations of Ötter Foraging kelp V 28 S A 9 o Hopkins Marine e. de. v. 8bre. Ttst. Dewoy Ave. Ear 3r6gt. 28 Figure 2: Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels □ Mussels Removed per Dive Mussels Eaten per Dive Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels Figure 3a: Average Number of Otters Foraging on Mussels Throughout the Day . 0. 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Time of Day Eigure 3b. Calm Mild 3.5 5. 3.5 — — 3 3 — . 32 2.5 4 2 2 2 15 — — — /4 1.5 1 E o5E att N L 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Time of Day Time of Day Medium Rough + 4 aa- aaaa- 5 3.5 —— a 3 3 E. 2.5 2.5 — 2 2 1.5 15 1 t o5kI f 0.5E R EN 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Time of Day Time of Day Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels Figure 4a: The Number of Otters Foraging on Mussels Increases with Tidal Height 3 2. .... f 1.5 4 ... 0.5 Tidal Height Flgure 4a: Calm Mild 5 . 5 . ... Vt / 2 O O o 0 Tidal Height Tidal Helght Medium Rough 5 sa .. 4 4 3 2 L L oed o Tidal Height Tidal Helght Randle: Sea Otters and Mussels Figure 5: The Number of Otters Foraging on Mussels Decreases with Increasing Wave Height — ............ 55 . EE calm mild medium spicy Wave Height