ABSTRACT The modulation of the central pattern generator for swimming in Melibe leonina by serotonin is the focus of this paper. Changes in behavior and neuronal firing patterns were monitored during the application of serotonin in order to elucidate how a neural circuit can be modified by a chemical transmitter. Behavioral observations indicate that micromolar concentrations of serotonin cause an increase in swimming frequency immediately after application in a whole animal preparation. Recordings from Interneuron 1 in the swimming circuit show that serotonin causes a decrease in burst duration and an increase in both instantaneous frequency and spikes/second/burst immediately upon application. These three parameters are all consistent with a transient acceleration and tightening of the burst firing pattern of Interneuron 1. Äfter washout, a second application of serotonin to the same ganglia results in no significant changes in the firing pattern of Interneuron 1. Similar results were seen in a whole animal preparation; after 1-3 applications of serotonin no changes in swimming frequency occurred upon additional application. Two possible mechanisms are given to explain the effects of serotonin. One explanation is that serotonin works as hormones affecting all the cells within the swimming neural circuit. The other explanation is that serotonin works as a neurotransmitter at specific synapses between the cells of the circuit. INTRODUCTION The concept of a central pattern generator, or CPG, has played a key role in the understanding of how rhythmic motor patterns are generated. It is theorized that discrete neural circuits present in the central nervous system, operating in the absence of proprioceptive feedback, control the stereotypical motor patterns seen in many behaviors (Harris-Warrick et al., 1989). Studies of systems like that of the crustacean digestive system and stomatogastric ganglion have provided insight into, not only the control of a rhythmic motor pattern by a CPG, but also the modulation of a CPG by neuroactive substances like serotonin and dopamine, and the peptide hormones proctolin and red pigment concentrating hormone (RPCH) (Harris-Warrick et al., 1989). For the studies of chemical modulation of rhythmic behavior, alternative systems can give new insight into understanding CPG control. One such system consists of the swimming motor pattern of Melibe leonina. Melibe swimming behavior has been characterized by Stuart Thompson (unpublished observations) and by Anne Herst (1968). The swimming motor pattern consists of alternating contractions of the body wall when the foot is dislodged from its substrate. These alternating contractions cause the animal to bend from side to side (Figure 1). Although Melibe exhibit several other behaviors including feeding, crumple, and shrug responses (Diane Scott, personal communication), it is the swimming behavior which has been a primary focus of previous studies. The neural circuit, or CPG, underlying the control of swimming was studied and modeled by Thompson (personal communication). His model centers on two pairs of interneurons. One cell of each pair, Interneuron 1, is located on the dorsal surface of the pleural ganglia, and the other cell, Interneuron 2, is located on the dorsal surface of the pedal ganglia (Figure 2). The two pairs of interneurons synapse on motoneurons in the pedal ganglia, which innervate the body wall of the animal and cause the swimming contractions. Interneuron 1 and Interneuron 2 form mutually inhibitory synapses with the interneurons of the other pair while electrically synapsing on each other (Figure 3). The pattern of connections between the interneurons of this CPG results in an oscillating burst firing pattern in which one pair fires a burst while inhibiting the other pair and vice versa. Modulation of the swimming CPG by serotonin (5-HT) is the focus of this paper. Changes in behavior and neuronal firing patterns were monitored during application of 5-HT in an effort to elucidate how the output of one neural circuit can be modified by a chemical transmitter that is widely found in molluscan nervous systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS Melibe leonina were collected from Monterey Bay using SCUBA. They were maintained at Hopkins Marine Station in flowing filtered sea water at a temperature of 10-15° C. As a precautionary measure, the sea water was degassed by filtering it through a column of marbles to quard against bubble disease. The tanks were sheltered from bright sunlight and were filled with kelp to provide the Melibe with a somewhat natural habitat. The animals were fed mysids/brine shrimp every other day. The mysids were collected by dip-net in kelp beds. For the first few weeks, the Melibe exhibited normal behavior (swimming, crumple, feeding, shrug, etc.), and during this time, experimental animals were selected at random from the individuals in the tanks. After 3-5 weeks, the Melibe began to exhibit abnormal behavior such as lethargic swimming and no feeding. From this point onward, experimental animals were selected based on their ability to exhibit normal, vigorous behavior. Preparation of Animals lwo types of experimental preparations were used. Behavioral observations were made using a whole animal preparation developed by Diane Scott and Stuart Thompson. An incision was made on the dorsal surface of the animal so that the head ganglia were exposed. An additional incision was made just to the right of the head ganglia and esophagus. A metal stage was inserted through this second incision so that it rested directly ventral to both the esophagus and head ganglia. The head ganglia and esophagus were then pinned to this metal stage so that the ganglia were stabilized. Once the ganglia were stabilized, the animal hung suspended in a tank of cold (13° C) running sea water. While suspended, Melibe exhibit normal swimming, crumple, and shrug behaviors. This preparation allowed behavioral observations to be made while applying solutions to the head ganglia. A second preparation was used for extracellular suction electrode recording. The head ganglia and a portion of esophagus were surgically removed from the animal by cutting all nerve roots to and from the ganglia and by cutting through the esophagus just anterior and posterior to the head ganglia. Particular care was taken to make sure the circumesophageal connectives between the right and left pedal ganglia were not damaged. Once removed from the animal, the ganglia and esophagus were bathed in a cold (14° C) artificial sea water solution (ASW) containing 470 mM Nacl, 10mM KCI, 50mM MgCl», 10mM Cacl», and 10mM Hepes (pH 7.8). The ganglia were placed in a perfusion chamber and pinned to a Sylgard base in the chamber. The perfusion chamber was kept at approximately 14° C by a cold plate. Drug Application The effect of serotonin (5-HT) was studied in whole animal preparations and isolated ganglia preparations. In the whole animal preparation, 10 ml of 10°2 M 5-HT was pipetted directly onto the stabilized head ganglia of the animal. This concentration was chosen so that some of the drug would reach the neuronal synapses in the ganglia without eliciting non-specific responses. Solutions of 5-HT creatinine sulfate were made in ASW + 0.1% ascorbic acid (pH 7.5). Ascorbic acid was needed to preserve the stability of the drugs in solution. Even with the addition of ascorbic acid, 5-HT solutions were stable for only a few hours. 10 ml of 10-9 M 5-HT solution was applied directly to the isolated ganglia preparation. Solutions of 5-HT were again made up in ASW + 0.1% ascorbic acid (pH 7.5). Drug application was followed immediately by a 10 ml washout with ASW. Extracellular Recordings Recordings were made directly over Interneuron 1, which is located in the pleural ganglia (Figure 2). Recordings from Interneuron 1 were only done in the isolated ganglia preparation. Interneuron 1 was located by its topographical location in the pleural ganglia and by its burst firing pattern (Thompson, unpublished data; Wesseling, personal communication). The isolated ganglia preparation was chosen for recording because of its convenience and because isolation of the ganglia has been shown to have no effect on the burst firing pattern of Interneuron 1 (Thompson, unpublished data). Extracellular suction electrode recording allowed quick and easy location of Interneuron 1 by monitoring its firing pattern. Electrodes consisted of glass micropipettes with fire-polished tips. Neuronal firing activity was monitored on a digital oscilloscope (Nicolet) and recorded on a chart recorder (Gould/Brush). RESULTS Behavioral Observations Live animals were observed in tanks of cold sea water devoid of substrate so that their natural swimming behavior could be studied and compared to the swimming behavior seen in whole animal preparations. When dislodged from substrate with a tactile stimulus, the Melibe were observed to crumple and slowly sink before initiating swimming. Once swimming was initiated, the animals were observed to swim without pausing until their foot touched substrate. A pause was defined as a momentary stop at either midline or to one side during a swim cycle. Observed swimming frequencies were fairly constant with a mean of 15.5 + 2.6 cycles/minute (n=19; all values given with s.d.) (Figure 4). Swimming frequency was defined as the number of full alternating left and right bending cycles per minute. Observations using the whole animal preparation were made to assess pre-serotonin swimming behavior and frequency. Swimming was only observed when the animal was suspended without a substrate touching its foot. When a substrate was touching the foot, the animal crawled on its surface. Dislodging of the foot from substrate by a tactile stimulus resulted in crumple behavior which was usually followed by swimming. Swimming frequencies ranged from 4 to 22 cycles/minute (Figure 5) with an average of 12.7 + 5.3 cycles /minute (n=25). Maximum swimming frequencies resulted from vigorous left and right contractions without pauses. Minimum swimming frequencies resulted from pauses between and within cycles. Öften, an animal was observed to swim for a few cycles, to pause at midline or to one side, and then resume swimming for a few more cycles before pausing again. The resumption of swimming from midline was observed to occur both in-phase (left, pause, right) and out-of-phase (left, pause, left) without apparent pattern. Behavioral Changes After 5-HT Application 5-HT application to the stabilized ganglia of a swimming Melibe in the whole animal preparation resulted in an increase in swimming frequency immediately upon application in 5 of 7 animals (Figure 6). There was an average increase in swimming frequency of 181% upon 5-HT application. Swimming contractions were more vigorous as defined by tight right and left bends of the body wall so that the cerata touched the oral hood (Figure 1), after the application of serotonin compared to those before 5-HT. 5-HT application to the stabilized ganglia of a Melibe standing on substrate resulted in writhing-consisting of alternating left and right contractions of the body wall reminiscent of swimming. When the foot was dislodged from the substrate using a tactile stimulus, vigorous swimming ensued. If only the posterior portion of the foot were attached to substrate, the animal would writhe until it dislodged itself from the substrate. Äfter successive 5-HT applications to the same animal, no noticeable behavior changes were seen, i.e. contractions were no longer produced while the animal was standing on substrate, and swimming frequency was no longer increased. Applications of 10 ml sea water alone or 10 ml ASW + 0.1% ascorbic acid (pH 7.5) to the stabilized head ganglia of a swimming Melibe were also done to control for movement or vehicle artifact. In 7 of 10 trials, neither sea water nor ASW + 0.1% ascorbic acid resulted in an increase in swimming frequency. Only 3 of 10 control applications resulted in an increase in swimming frequency with an average increase of 169%. Application of control solutions to Melibe standing on substrate also resulted in no noticeable behavioral changes. Effects of 5-HT Application in the Isolated Ganglia Three parameters of the burst firing pattern of Interneuron 1 (Int 1) were analyzed. Burst duration is defined as the time interval from the first spike of a burst to the last spike of a burst. Instantaneous frequency is defined as 1/period where the period is the time interval from the first spike of a burst to the first spike of the next burst. Spikes/second/burst is used as a way of analyzing how many spikes were occurring in a burst independent of burst duration. Application of 5-HT to Interneuron 1 in an isolated ganglia resulted in an immediate statistically significant decrease in burst duration and increase in instantaneous frequency. The most dramatic example of this is seen in Figures 7, 8a, and 8b where serotonin application results in a decrease in average burst duration from 10.8 +1.4 sec. to 3.1 + 0.6 sec. (Pc 0.001, df=19; df defined as degrees of freedom) and an increase in instantaneous frequency from 3.1 cycles/minute to 9.0 cycles/minute (P« 0.001, df=18). Once the burst duration dropped, it began to slowly increase; and once the instantaneous frequency increased, it began to steadily decrease. Although both trends were significant, neither parameter returned to its pre-serotonin value. Serotonin also had a significant effect on the third parameter, spikes/second/burst (sp/s/b). In one recording, 5-HT application resulted in an increase in the number of spikes/second/burst from 14.0 + 1.8 sp/s/b to a maximum of 16.9 + 0.8 sp/s/b (P« 0.01, df=28). From this maximum value, the number of spis/b decreased to a pre-serotonin level. Consecutive applications of serotonin to the same isolated ganglia preparation resulted in no significant changes in the three parameters after a second application. As seen in Figures 9a, b, and c. no significant increases or decreases were seen in burst duration, instantaneous frequency, or spikes/second/burst upon the second application of 5-HT. A control was also done using ASW + 0.1% ascorbic acid as an applied solution. The control solution was observed to have an opposite effect on burst duration as 5-HT. Burst duration increased from 2.1 +0.2 sec. to 2.7 + 0.1 sec. (P« 0.001, df=38). The control solution was also observed to increase spikes/second/burst from 11.6 +1.7 sp/s/b to 15.2 + 0.4 sp/s/b (P« 0.001, df=18). Although this effect is analogous to that seen with 5-HT, the time courses of the two effects are different. Serotonin caused an increase in spis/b for about 20 cycles while the control solution of ASW + 0.1% ascorbic acid resulted in an increase for 5 cycles. Serotonin effects on sp/s/b were seen immediately upon application of 5-HT while the effects of the control solution were not seen until it had already been washed out with ASW. DISCUSSION The aim of this study was to explore the possibility that serotonin had a modulatory effect on the central pattern generator for swimming in Melibe leonina. Both behavioral observations and extracellular recordings during the application of 5-HT showed this to be true. In the whole animal preparation, serotonin increased swimming frequency immediately after application with an average increase of 181%. Serotonin was also observed to initiate alternating left and right body wall contractions if the animal was standing on substrate, a state in which swimming is normally inhibited. These observations suggest that serotonin can cause the initiation of swimming behavior. This indicates that serotonin may activate the CPG for swimming from a quiescent state. This type of excitatory activity has precedent in the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion. In this system, proctolin and red pigment concentrating hormone have been shown to strongly activate the pyloric system of C. borealis in quiescent preparations (Marder, 1989). Extracellular recordings from Interneuron 1 have shown serotonin to have a modulatory effect on swimming CPG firing patterns. In the isolated ganglia preparation, serotonin had an excitatory effect on Int. 1. Of the three parameters studied, serotonin affected all in an excitatory way. Burst duration was shown to decrease while instantaneous frequency and spikes/second/burst were both shown to increase. Thus, serotonin excites the swimming CPG by tightening the bursting pattern. Similar modulation of a CPG is seen in the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion (STG) upon the application of proctolin. In this system, Marder has shown that proctolin can produce increases in cycling frequency in slow cycling preparations in addition to increases in the number of action potentials/burst from the LP neuron, an integral neuron in the pyloric neural circuit (1987). Based on behavioral observations and extracellular recording, serotonin seems to have a state-dependent effect on the swimming CPG. Modulation of the CPG activity depends on its state of activity when serotonin is applied. If the CPG is quiescent, serotonin activates it. If the CPG is exhibiting a burst firing pattern, serotonin tightens the bursts and increases the frequency. There are two ways in which serotonin could be acting as a transmitter on the swimming neural circuit. One explanation is that serotonin has a hormonal, or neuromodulatory, effect on the CPG. Serotonin may be released locally in the pedal ganglia neuropil where processes from all the neurons in the neural circuit are present. Once released, the chemical could locally diffuse and affect all the cells. This type of local release system and hormonal action is analogous to that proposed to explain the role of 5-HT in the crustacean STG (Marder, 1987) In this system, serotonin has been shown to influence the STG of all species. In P.interruptus, Beltz has theorized that serotonin plays a hormonal role (reviewed by Marder, 1987). An alternative explanation for serotonin's actions on the swimming CPG is that 5-HT acts on specific synapses within the circuit. Serotonin may act as a neurotransmitter at a synapse between Interneuron 1 and another interneuron resulting in a change in the firing properties of Int. 1 and the firing pattern of the circuit. In either case (neuromodulator or neurotransmitter), serotonin may change the synaptic efficacy within the circuit. 5-HT could increase the strength of synapses within the circuit, thereby tightening the bursts and causing the excitatory effects seen in this study. In analogy, the monoamines serotonin, dopamine, octopamine, and histamine, have been shown to change the relative strength of a specific chemical or electrical synapse within crustacean neural circuits (Harris-Warrick, 1989). In addition to the excitatory effects of 5-HT on the swimming CPG, the results given here suggest that the serotonin receptors within the circuit can be desensitized. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that after 1-3 applications of 5-HT to the whole animal preparation, no noticeable behavioral changes are seen in response to later applications. Additional evidence for this hypothesis of receptor desensitization is that a second perfusion of 5-HT on the same isolated ganglia results in no significant change in the three parameters of burst firing pattern studied. The mechanisms underlying the serotonergic modulation of the swimming CPG of Melibe are complex and leave ample room for fürther experimentation. Additional studies will elucidate the specific location and mechanism by which serotonin acts on this CPG. Further experimentation on the effects of additional neuroactive substances and peptides on the swimming CPG will also lend insight into how neural circuits can be modulated to cause changes in behavior and rhythmic motor patterns. LITERATURE CITED Harris-Warrick RM, Johnson BR (1989): Motor pattern networks: Flexible foundation for rhythmic pattern production. In T.J. Carew and D.B. Kelley (eds): Perspectives in Neural Systems and Behavior. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp 51-71. Hurst A (1968): The feeding mechanism and behaviour of the opisthobranch Melibe leonina. Symp. zool. Soc. Lond. 22:151-166. Marder E (1987): Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. In A.I. Selverston and M. Moulins (eds): The Crustacean Stomatogastric System. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp 263-300. Marder E, Nusbaum MP (1989): Peptidergic modulation of the motor pattern generators in the stomatogastric ganglion. In T.J. Carew and D.B. Kelley (eds): Perspectives in Neural Systems and Behavior. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc., pp 73-91. FIGURE LEGEND Figure 1. Dorsal view of vigorous swimming in Melibe. Figure 2. Melibe head ganglia (dorsal view). Interneuron 1, Interneuron 2, and specific ganglia are labeled. Figure 3. Circuit model of the neuronal pattern generator for swimming in Melibe. The model centers around 4 interneurons (L&R Int. 1's and L&R Int. 2's) which form chemical synapses on antagonistic (Ant.) and synergistic (Syn.) motorneurons. Circles indicate inhibitory synapses; arrows indicate excitatory synapses. The direct lines between ipsilateral Int. 1's and Int. 2's indicate electrical connections. Figure 4. Swimming frequencies of intact, free-swimming Melibe. Average swimming frequency observed = 15.5 +2.6 cycles/minute. Figure 5. Swimming frequencies of Melibe in the whole animal preparation before serotonin application. Average swimming frequency observed = 12.7 + 5.3 cycles/minute. Figure 6. The effects of serotonin on the swimming frequency of Melibe. Data were taken in the whole animal preparation. The graph shows data from one representative animal. Figure 7. The effects of serotonin on the burst firing pattern of Interneuron 1. The recording was made in an isolated ganglia. A 10-2 M solution of 5-HT was applied at the arrow. Figure 8a. The effects of serotonin on burst duration. Data were taken by extracellular recording from Interneuron 1 in an isolated ganglia. A solution of 10°9 M 5-HT was applied at the arrow. Average burst duration before 5-HT application was 10.8 + 1.4 seconds. Average burst duration immediately after application was 3.1 +0.6 seconds. Data shown are from a representative animal. Figure 8b. The effects of serotonin on instantaneous frequency. Data were taken by extracellular recording from Interneuron 1 in an isolated ganglia. A solution of 10•° M 5-HT was applied at the arrow. Average instantaneous frequency before 5-HT application was 3.1 cycles/minute. Average instantaneous frequency immediately after application was 9.0 cycles/minute. Data shown are from a representative animal. Figure 9a. The effects of two applications of serotonin on the same ganglia with respect to burst duration. Data were taken by extracellular recording from Interneuron 1 in an isolated ganglia. A solution of 10°2 M 5-HT was applied at the arrow. Data shown are from a representative animal. Figure 9b. The effects of two applications of serotonin on the same ganglia with respect to instantaneous frequency. Data were taken by extracellular recording from Interneuron 1 in an isolated ganglia. A solution of 10° M 5-HT was applied at the arrow. Data shown are from a representative animal. Figure 9c. The effects of two applications of serotonin on the same ganglia with respect to spikes/second/burst. Data were taken by extracellular recording from Interneuron 1 in an isolated ganglia. A solution of 10°9 M 5-HT was applied at the arrow. Data shown are from a representative animal. S L N S E 0 GAAdasao SaWiI Jo ägaWoN L 1 L L + 1 t GAAASSaO SAWII Jo AZaNON L 1 O L L E L 2 O- 1 (ZIONIW/SGIkO) XONARDZAH ONIWWIMS L + 3 21 — 10 L O 18 O 8 O —+ + U 1 (SUNCSES) NOlIvaad Isana O O O O JIONIW/SAOO) XONAOÖZAJ SOOZNVINVISNI + 8 o 1 Z 8 O L Z Z + 1 O — O 8 4 O O +1 + N SANoSas) Nolivand Isana 0 O Z L E L L O — O 4 4 (JIONIW/SGIOXO) XONADOZAJ SOOZNVINVISN 8 8 O + 0 Z 0 L E L O — 0 O D Isana, aNooss/Sayias L O + L 0