This paper examines kinetic properties of Na- channels in Strombus luhanus, a gastropod
notable for its rapid backward jumping escape response. Previous comparative studies on
cephalopod and gastropod Na- channels indicate that taxonomic differences exist in the
voltage-dependencies of activation and inactivation: cephalopod channels are fast across
a broad range of voltages, whereas gastropod channels are much slower at negative
voltages than they are at very positive voltages. The voltage-independence of cephalopod
Na+ channel kinetics is hypothesized to be important in mediating fast escape and
swimming behavior. Analysis of kinetic parameters of Strombus sodium currents was
performed in order to ascertain whether the voltage-dependence of their activation and
inactivation rates deviate from those of slower gastropods and resemble those of
cephalopods. It was found that as in cephalopods, activation rates in Strombus Na¬
channels display little voltage-dependence. Similar to other gastropods, however,
inactivation rates in Strombus Na+ channels are quite voltage-dependent.
The gastropod mollusk Strombus luhuanus exhibits a dramatic backward jumping
escape response in the presence of molluscivorous cone snails. During an escape
sequence, à Strombus thrusts its serrated operculum forward and into the substratum, lifts
it shell off the ground, extends its muscular foot, and lands with its shell up to 5
centimeters backward from where it started (Berg 1974). Analysis of footage of the
Strombus escape response reveals that a typical jump lasts approximately a second, from
the moment the snail first lifts its shell from the substrate to the time it lands.
Strombus' ability to rapidly initiate this escape sequence, combined with the
considerable muscular control it exhibits during a single jump, suggests that the Strombus
neuromuscular system may be capable of high-frequency activity. One means of
examining the speed at which neurons can transmit information is to investigate the
kinetic characteristics of voltage-gated ion channels responsible for the propagation of
action potentials, particularly Na- channels. Kinetic properties of Strombus Na- channels
are interesting not only in their own right, but also in comparison to those of other
mollusks. Notably, cephalopod sodium channels possess fast activation and inactivation
kinetics over a broad range of voltages, but kinetics of gastropod Na- channels, in
contrast, are much more voltage-dependent (Gilly et al. 1997). Thus, gastropod Na¬
channels are slower at middle voltages (-20-0 mV) than they are at very positive voltages.
It has been suggested that the fast Na- channel kinetics at mid-range voltages near action
potential threshold, such as those in cephalopods, expedite rapid signaling crucial for
control of fast swimming behavior or escape. Given Strombus' rapid escape response, it
is interesting to ask if they possess "slow" or "fast" Nat channels at the mid range of
This paper describes the results of experiments investigating both Strombus'
ability to transmit high frequency motor information as well kinetic parameters of sodium
channels recorded from Strombus pedal ganglia neurons. This paper integrates data on
Strombus sodium channels with similar data on Loligo and Aplysia taken from Gilly et al.
(1997). While Strombus sodium currents appear cephalopod-like in their relative
voltage-independence of activation rates, inactivation rates in Strombus are more voltage¬
dependent and thus more similar to typical gastropods.
Materials and Methods
Force Measurements
A strain gauge was used to measure the force exerted by the foot due to electrical
stimulation of the motor nerve. Two procedures were used to determine the maximum
stimulus frequency that the motor nerve could follow. The first involved varying the time
between twin pulses of stimuli and determining the shortest interval which gave
summation of the twitch amplitude. The second involved applying a stimulus of a given
frequency for - 1 s and monitoring the rate of force development. Similar experiments
were conducted on two snails.
Cell Preparation and Culture
The pedal ganglia was identified and extracted from a dissected snail. The sheath was
removed after soaking the ganglia for 45 minutes at room temperature in a 7 mg/mL
solution of commercially-available protease IVX (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) dissolved in sea
water. Cells from the ganglia were then manually dissociated onto Con A-coated
coverslips and cultured at 12 °C for up to a week. Details of the culture medium used are
described by Gilly et al. (1990)
Recording from Pedal Cells
With the use of a List EPC-7 amplifier, conventional whole-cell patch-clamp
methods were employed to record Na+ current from pedal neurons. Electrodes made of
7052 glass were pulled and fire-polished so that their resistance in the bath was -0.8-2
M82. Uncompensated input resistance values were typically less than 1 MQ. Series
resistance and capacitance compensation were adjusted frequently throughout the course
of an experiment by examining the capacitance current transient resulting from an 11 mV
test pulse. All recordings were filtered at 5-10 kHz. Linear ionic and capacity currents
were removed on-line with a standard P/-4 procedure.
External bath recording solutions contained (in mM) 480 Na, 20 MgCl» 10 CaCl»,
and 20 MgSO, at pH 8.0. Internal pipette recording solutions contained (in mM) 20 tetra
methyl ammonium (TMA)-Cl, 80 TMA-glutamate, 50 TMA-F, 10 lysine, 1 EGTA, 1
EDTA, 381 glycine, 291 sucrose, 10 Hepes at pH 7.8 . All recordings analyzed in this
study were taken at 22.5 %
Determination of Kinetic Parameters
Both activation and inactivation parameters were determined by fitting single
exponentials to current traces in response to 6 or 12 ms voltage steps, sampled at rates of
10 us and 20 us, respectively. Activation time constants were determined by fitting
exponentials to the final rise of lya; i.e., from 3/4 peak amplitude to peak amplitude.
Inactivation time constants were determined by fitting lya from the peak to the end of the
pulse. Exponentials were not fitted to traces where noise prevented a reasonable fit, as
judged by the eye. Characteristics of recovery from inactivation were ascertained by
varying the duration and voltage levels between two test voltage pulses of identical
Maximum firing frequency of the motor nerve is - 100 Hz
The small size of the Strombus motor nerve prevents easy measurement of action
potentials. Maximum firing frequency can be ascertained indirectly, however, by
examining the relationship between frequency of motor nerve stimulation and the graded
rate of force development by muscles of the foot. Application of a short train (-1 s) of
stimulus at various frequencies revealed that the muscle response approached a maximum
around à frequency of 100 Hz (Figure 1A). Application of two pulses at various intervals
indicated that summation of twitch response did not reliably occur with an interpulse
interval of less than about 10 ms (Figure 1B). Thus, both of these experiments indicate
that the motor nerve can fire at a maximum frequency of about 100 Hz.
Features of Strombus Na- Currents
Current-voltage and conductance-voltage relationships
Na“ channels of Strombus pedal ganglia cells display typical current-voltage and
conductance-voltage relationships (Figure 2). Strombus G-V relationships are similar to
those of both cephalopods and gastropods described by Gilly et al. (1997). Like
Strombus, Loligo and Aplysia Nat channels, achieve peak conductance around 20 mV
and about 2/3 peak conductance at 0 mV.
Comparison of Kinetic Parameters for Strombus, Loligo, and Aplysia Nat Current
Activation time constants for sodium currents in Strombus pedal cells are much less
voltage-dependent than those of slower-moving gastropods, such as Aplysia, as shown in
Figure 3A. Furthermore, although Strombus sodium channels activate more slowly
than cephalopod channels at all voltages, they display similar exponential voltage
dependencies. These distinctions are apparent when one fits single exponential curves of
the form Ko + Kjexp(-Kzx) to the Tauon-voltage relationships for Loligo, Strombus, and
Aplysia.. Ka values for Loligo, Strombus, and Aplysia sodium channels are .033,.02, and
07 respectively
In addition to activation time constants, the time required for the current to reach
half its peak value provides a measure of how quickly channels open. As shown in
Figure 3B, Strombus sodium channels have slightly longer half-times-to-peak than
Loligo sodium channels, but shorter half-times-to-peak than Aplysia sodium channels.
These results are consistent with the activation time constant trends in the three
organisms; Strombus half-times-to-peak are intermediate between those of Loligo and
Aplysia. Unlike the time constant data, however, exponential decay rates for the half-time
versus voltage relationships are similar across the genera studied. K» values are .038,
.031, and .036 for Aplysia, Strombus, and Loligo, respectively.
Unlike time constants of activation, the kinetic parameters of inactivation of sodium
currents in Strombus pedal ganglia cells display marked voltage-dependence. Strombus
cells exhibit fast inactivation rates at high voltages, but much slower inactivation rates at
lower voltages (Figure 4). Indeed, inactivation time constants for Strombus sodium
channels appear considerably more voltage-dependent than those of both Loligo and
Aplysia. Fitting single exponentials to the inactivation-voltage relationships for all three
organisms yields K» values of 0.054, 0.116, and 0.015 for Aplysia, Strombus, and Loligo,
Recovery from inactivation
Comparative data for recovery from inactivation of sodium channels for
cephalopods and gastropods were unavailable for analysis. Across most studied
organisms, however, the relationship between the interval between the conditioning and
test pulse and relative recovery of Iva is approximately described by an exponential curve
Furthermore, recovery from inactivation is highly dependent on the voltage between test
pulses and is increasingly rapid at more negative voltage levels (Hille 1992).
Strombus pedal ganglia sodium channels clearly exhibit both recovery trends.
Recovery is quite rapid at very negative interpulse voltages and less rapid at more
positive voltages, as shown in Figure 5A. The relationship between Strombus recovery
time constants and voltage is given in Figure 5B. Note that even at an interpulse voltage
of -60 mV, Strombus sodium channels fully recover by 10 ms, a value consistent with a
maximum motor nerve firing rate of 100 Hz.
Toxin sensitivity
As shown in Figure 6A, Strombus pedal ganglia sodium channels are resistant to
tetrodotoxin (TTX), a trait they share with many other gastropods (Adams et al. 1980). In
contrast, cephalopod sodium channels, like those most other organisms, are highly
sensitive to TTX and would be completely blocked at the concentration used. Strombus
sodium channels also display little sensitivity to Conus californicus milked venom
(Figure 6B), which also is known to block cephalopod sodium channels at the tested
concentration (Gilly, unpublished results).
Results described in this paper are consistent with the hypothesis that Strombus
motor neurons can transmit high frequency information in order to control their rapid
escape response. Less clear, however, is the extent to which biophysical properties of
Strombus sodium channels deviate from those of the typical gastropod and resemble those
of the typical cephalopod.
Although the voltage-dependence of activation time constants is similar in
Strombus and Loligo, Loligo channels are considerably faster at all voltages.
Furthermore, recordings from Loligo giant fiber lobe cells were taken at 10 degrees,
whereas recordings from Strombus pedal cells were taken at 22.5 degrees. Because
channel kinetics generally become more rapid as the temperature increases, the relative
slowness of Strombus sodium channels might be taken as an argument against their truly
being "cephalopod like." However, activation time constants in Strombus may be
comparable to those of cephalopods when recordings are made at temperatures more
representative of their natural tropical environment (i.e. -30 degrees). Further
experiments at ecologically relevant temperatures are necessary to confirm this
hypothesis. Ultimately, because the absolute speed of channel kinetics is so dependent on
temperature, what is most relevant is that Strombus sodium channels display cephalopod¬
like voltage-activation trends.
Inactivation-voltage relationships in Strombus are even more difficult to interpret.
The same cell whose activation time constants displayed relatively little voltage-
dependence demonstrated highly voltage-dependent inactivation time constants. Similar
trends were evident in multiple Strombus pedal cells. Given that activation and
inactivation gating is thought to be coupled in many organisms, including squid and
mammals, the trends observed in Strombus are somewhat surprising. It is possible that
Strombus Na+ channels are true deviants, activating in a voltage-independent fashion, but
inactivating in a voltage-dependent fashion.
Strombus Kinetic parameters described in this paper may be confounded by the
fact that exponentials were fit to currents that contained both inactivating and non¬
inactivating components. In their comparative analysis of gastropod and mollusk Na¬
channels, Gilly et al. fit exponentials only to the inactivating current component, isolated
by a prepulse subtraction method (see paper for details). Similar methods were not
employed in the study of Strombus Na+ currents, however, because isolated fast-
inactivating traces are much noisier than non-subtracted traces, preventing reliable fitting
of kinetic parameters. While the non-inactivating current seen in Strombus pedal cells
was generally quite small (on the order of -200 pA at 0 mV), it is possible that failing to
subtract this current component distorted the estimations of activation and inactivation
time constants.
Despite an indication that Strombus sodium channels resemble cephalopod
channels in their voltage-dependence of activation, the data on toxin effects suggests a
fundamental dissimilarity in structure. Even if Strombus has evolved sodium channels
that open quickly at middle voltage levels-an adaptation which would enable their rapid
escape-it seems quite reasonable that structural features of gastropod channels
independent of activation and inactivation gating have been preserved.
This preliminary analysis of Strombus sodium channels suggests that voltage-dependent
features of activation and inactivation differ from those of both cephalopods and other
gastropods. Further confirmation of the apparent lack of coupling between activation and
inactivation in Strombus are warranted, and should be achieved ideally by fitting
exponentials to prepulse-subtracted traces. If the observed trends are replicated,
Strombus sodium channels deserve much closer biophysical analysis.
This project could not have been completed without the invaluable help and guidance of
my advisor, William Gilly. Thank you also to Rob DeConde for his commitment to
acquiring excellent cells. Td also like to thank all of the members of the Gilly lab who
provided patience answers to my many questions.
Literature Cited
Adams, D. J., Smith, S. J, and Thompson, S.H. lonic currents in molluskan soma. Annu.
Rev. Neuroscien. 3: 141-167, 1980.
Berg, Carl J. A Comparative Ethological Study of Strombid Gastropods. Behavior: 274-
321, 1974.
Gilly, W. F. Lucero, M. T., and Horrigan, F. T. Control of the spatial distribution of
sodium channels in giant fiber lobe neurons of the squid. Neuron 5: 663-674, 1990.
Gilly, W. F., Gillette, R. and McFarlane, M. Fast and Slow Na Channels in Molluscan
Neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 2373-2384, 1997
Hille, Bertil. Ionic Channels of Excitable Membranes. Sunderland, Mass: Sinauer
Associates, 1992.
Figure Legend
Figure 1
A: Relationship between frequency of stimulus applied to the Strombus motor nerve and
the maximum rate of force development in the foot.
B: Relationship between the duration between twin stimuli to the Strombus motor nerve
and the amplitude of force exerted by the foot.
Figure 2
A: Instantaneous I-V curve for sodium current in Strombus pedal ganglia cells.
B: Conductance-voltage relationship for Strombus pedal ganglia cells, determined from
the equation G-(Vmembrane-Vreversal). The reversal potential was -85 mV, determined by
extrapolating the IV curve in A to where it intersects the x-axis.
Figure 3
A: Voltage-dependence of activation time constants in Strombus pedal cells, Loligo giant
fiber cells, and Aplysia pedal cells.
B: Voltage-dependence of half-times-to-peak in Strombus, Loligo, and Aplysia.
Figure 4
Voltage-dependence of inactivation time constants in Strombus, Loligo, and Aplysia.
Figure 5
A: Recovery from inactivation in Strombus pedal cells. The different traces represent
different interpulse voltage levels.
B: Dependence of the time constants of the exponentials fitted to the recovery curves in
5A on interpulse voltage levels.
Figure 6
A: Effect of 200 nM TTX on Strombus Nat channels.
B: Effect of 1:100 dilution of Conus californicus milked venom on Strombus Na¬
Figure 1
2.0 -
1.5 -
2 60x10° -
interpulse duration
frequency of stimulus (Hz)
Figure 2
-500 +
2 1500

10 30 50 70 90
Page 1
800 -
200 -

0.6 -

A Strombus pedal cells
□ Aplysia pedal cells
Loligo giant fiber lobe cells


voltage (mV)
Loligo giant fiber lobe cells
□ Aplysia pedal cells
A Strombus pedal cells

voltage (mV)
Figure 3
Figure 4
□ Aplysia pedal cells
Loligo giant fiber lobe cells
strombus pedal cells


voltage (mV)
0.6 -
2.5 -
2.0 -
1.5 -
1.0 -

duration between test pulses (ms)
interpulse voltage (mV)
+ -60 mV
A -70 mV
-80 mV
□ -90 mV
• -100 mV
Figure 5
Figure 6

after application of TIX

-200 -

-400 -
before application of TIX
-600 —
O 2 4
10 12 14
time (ms)
after application of Conus venom

-200 -

400 -

-600 -
-800 -
before application of Conus venom
-1000 -
-1200 -
2 3
6 7
time (ms)