ABSTRACT: In this experiment ! compared the toxicities of Exxon Corexit 7664 9550, 9527, and 9580, SLIK-A-WAY, Nokomis 3-F4, and Nutri-Bio 1000, with and without 1 gram of crude oil, using the splash pool copepod Tigriopus californicusas a test organism. Investigating T. californicusas a test organism revealed that males are more sensitive than females to change, that the organisms' survival is inversely proportional to the amount of crude in their environment, and that they survive longer in filtered water than in tide pool water when no outside air is available These preliminary studies resulted in the final sample of 5 female 7. californicus ( with eggs), in 3ml tide pool water, in a 12hr light/dark cycle, at 15°C, with and without 1 gram crude oil to test the cleaning reagents. INTRODUCTION. Since the Torrey Canyon and Santa Barbara spills in the 60's when toxic dispersants were used to remove oil from the rocks and in the process irreversably damaged the environment (Smith 1968), more "environmentally safe“ cleaning reagents have been developed, but evidently not perfected. Äfter the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, public awareness about the tragic effects of oil in the environment and the ineffectiveness, costliness, and destructiveness of clean-up procedures has grown. So has the need to evaluate the ecological effects of the current cleanup procedures beyond the anecdotal (Foster, Tarpley and Dearn 1990). As a result, I chose to do a comparative study on the effects of dispersants, fertilizers, and detergents. I tested Corexit 7664, 9550, 9527, and 9580, SLIK-A-WAY, Nokomis 3-F4, and Nutri-Bio 1000 with and without crude oil fractions on the marine organism Tigriopus californicus. I californicus, a harpacticoid copepod, in its natural environment of high splash pools on rocky coasts must cope with the severe environmental fluctuations in salinity, oxygen, temperature, availability of food, population density, and buildup of toxins (Haderlie et al., 1978). 7. californicus can also be easily maintained in laboratory conditions that are almost identical to the original habitat, overcoming the problems of a gap between the experimental and natural system (Foster, Tarrpley, and Dern 1990). To devise a stable and easily replicable experimental system for bioassay tests, I reviewed the studies of Kontogiannis and Barnett (1973 and 1975) and Dorit (1977), and experimentally established standards for container size, number of test animals, sex, type of medium and light cycles. I also investigated questions raised about the differential survival of male and female T. californicus with and without eggs when exposed to a variety adverse conditions (Dorit 1977).1 evaluated the effects of different crude oll fractions in 24hr light, 24 hr dark, and reqular 12hr light and dark cycles, in tide pool and filtered water to establish the best parameters to create repeatable and significant experimental conditions to properly test a variety of oil spill cleanup techniques. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tigriopus californicus used in this study were collected from a high splash pool west of Loeb lab at Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. They were kept in a 100ml container filled with tide pool water at 15° C with alternating 12hr light and dark cycles for at least a week before being tested. To determine the best experimental density and sex ratio, 5ml jars were placed within both the laboratory and field populations overnight. Äfter removal, these samples were sexed and counted under a dissecting microscope. Samples were also collected with a sterile pipette from small (3Om1), naturally stressed pools (Vittor 1971) in the field. The T. californicus from the laboratory population were tested in different container sizes, varying conditions of light, and tide pool or filtered water. The only food avatlable was the unicellular algae and bacteria contained in their water. They were placed in in Sml flat bottomed jars to facilitate counting. The jar samples tested in 24hr darkness were wrapped in tin foil and placed under soup bowis with sufficient space for air circulation. They 24hr light samples were placed under an incandescent light and were subject to slightly higher temperatures. The final experimental samples used to analyze the cleanup reagents and crude oil controls consisted of 3 adult females with eggs and 2 adult females without eggs in 3ml of tide pool water (in a Sml jar), kept in alternating 12hr light and dark cycles (normal indirect sunlight) at 15•c. The crude oil used in this experiment was provided by the Texaco Inc. fields in San Ardo, California. This heavy, tar-like oil (sp. gr. 0.9799) consisted of 75% naphthenes, 17.3% paraf fins, 6.5% aromatics and 2.27 sulphur (Texaco Inc. R1350 Crude 011). Weathered crude was prepared by placing 60ml of San Ardo crude on 600ml sea water in an evaporat ing pan exposed to sunlight and no rain. This oil was collected after 24 hours and 72 hours (1 and 3 days), losing 50% of its volume by evaporation in the first 24hrs and 60% by the 3rd day (Wheeler 1978). Mineral oil was used to examine the physical effects of crude oil in the absence of toxins since mineral oil is essentially crude oil without impurities (Stecher, 1968). When 0.5 ml crude or mineral oil were added to the samples, the oil naturally positioned itself on the water surface, and blocked gas exchange between the air and water. Otherwise, only 1 and 0.5 grams (about 0.1 and 0.0Sm1) of crude were weighed then added on the end of a toothpick (to hold the substance in the water column and to prevent it from rising and disturbing the surface gas exchange). Samples of Exxon's (Houston, TX) Corexit 9527, 9550, 9580, and 7664, MI-DEE's (Hayward, CA) SLIK-A-WAY and NOKOMIS 3-F4, and A & V Inc.'s (Sussex, WI) Nutri-Bio 100 were generously donated by the companies. Solutions were prepared to manufacturers reccommendations and added to the lcm* surface and 3ml of tide pool water in the samples. Since about five US gallons per acre of Exxon's two open water dispersants Corexit 9527 and 9550 and MAR-LENS SLICK-A-WAY are normally added to spills, after conversion, O.Iml of the solutions (about 2 drops) were added per sample. A mixture of O.Iml Corexit 9527 diluted with 1Oml seawater was also prepared, according to the reccomended use, and 0.Iml of this solution was tested. 1.24 ml of Corexit 9580, a shoreline cleaner (one gallon is normally added to 100 square feet in undilute form) was added to the samples as well as a smaller amount, 0.Iml Corexit 9580. O.3m1 Corexit 7664 (normally added as a 1-3% solut ion to 10 to 15 square feet) was also tested. 0.05 and 0.001mI NOKOMIS 3-F4 were tested, equivalent to seawater dilutions of 1:15 and 1:100. Finally, O.0Iml and 0.001ml of Nutri-Bio 1000 were also evaluated, equivalent to sea H20 dilut ions of 1:10 and 1:100. RESULTS: There were about 10 females (with no eggs) and 2 males per 5ml bottle (about 2 antmals per mi) left in the splash pools overnight. In the jars from the laboraory populat ion there were about 8 females (one with egg) and 3 males per bottle (about 2 per ml). In my analyses of stressed (small) high splash pools 1 found about 33 animals per 12m1 pool, 15 of which were females with eggs, 15 females without eggs, 2 males, and some small juvenile females, together averaging about 3 animals per ml. The test Light, 0-24hrs (Fig. 1) describes the experimental controis for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool H20. The points where the population increases are due to the appearance of juveniles. In the laboratory condition of alternat ing12hr light and dark cycles the organism survived over 30 days with a 608 reduction in its original population. Exposed to 24hr light, the entire sample died in 7 days. Exposed to 24hr darkness, the sample died in 30 days. The Repetetive Crude Oil Fractions (Fig. 2) show that three separate experiments under the same experimental condition respond in an almost identical and repeatable manner. When exposed to 0.5q crude sample T. californicus lived about 10 days as opposed to its 5 day suryival when exposed to Ig crude. When exposed to a 0.Sml crude oil cover the samples died in 4-5 days and died in 6-7 days when covered with the same amount of mineral oil. The Repetitive Female Crude (Fig. 3) shows that two sets of 5 females with no eggs in tide pool water, exposed to 1 gram of crude died in 7 days. Two sets of 5 females (3 with eggs), exposed to the same conditions died in 6 days. Two sets of 5 females (all with eggs) in the same conditions died on the 6th and 7th day (although the early mortality in one sample may be due to the fact that on the fifth day the oil had broken loose and formed a cover over the surface). Overall, no difference was seen between the organisms with or without eggs when tested with ! gram of crude oil. Females w/ Eggs vs. Females & Hales (Fig. 4) reveals that 5 males in tide pool water exposed to 0.5 grams crude oil survived 8 days and when exposed to 1 gram of crude survived only 3 days. The group of 3 females with eggs and 2 females with no eggs exposed to 0.5 grams of crude survived10 days. Females with and without eggs survived around 6 days when exposed to 1 gram of crude (weather or not they were in tidal or filtered water or if the crude had first been weathered 3 days before addition). The Male and Female, 24hr Light, Mineral OII Cover (Fig. 5) is a repetitive experiment in tide pool water that shows two sets of females living 4 days, twice as long as the two sets of males that lived 2 days in tide pool water. In the Crude OiI Cover vs. Hineral Oil Cover in 24 hr Dark (Fig. 6) the life of animals in filtered sea H20 with a mineral oil cover in the dark is almost triple that of the tide pool H20 with mineral oil samples. Similarly, in the Crude & Mineral OII, 12hr Light/Dark Cycle (Fig. 7) both the males and females survive almost twice the time 12-13 days when covered with mineral oil if they are in filtered seawater. Cleaning Reagents: The addition of shoreline cleaners is often performed in con junction with steam cleaning. Although steam was not tested with all the solutions, boiling hot water added to a sample caused complete mortality within 7 days (Fig. 10). Corexit 7664 (Figs. 8 &9): O.3ml Corexit 7664 by itself was mildly toxic, killing all the samples within 12 days. When O.Sml crude oil was added to 0.Jml Corexit 7664, the sample died overnight. Otherwise, O.3m1 Corexit 7664 prolonged the life of the 1g (0.1m1) crude samples from 5 to 15 days and the sample with a 3 gram tar ball from 7 to 11 days. The sample with ig mineral oil and 0.Jml Corexit 7664 also died on the 15th day. Corexit 9550 & 9527 (Fig. 10): The open water dispersants Corexit 9550 and 9527 (Fig. 10) proved to be much more detrimental to 7. californicus. O.Iml of Corexit 9527 killed the sample within 15 minutes and 0.00 Iml killed the sample in 4 days. 0.Iml of Corexit 9550 with or without Ig crude killed the sample in 3 days. 0.1 ml of Corexit 9550 killed the samples within 15 minutes. 0.001 Corexit 9550 also killed the samples within four days. Corexit 9580 (Fig. 11): 1.24ml of the shoreline cleaner Corexit 9580 blocked the air/water interface and killed the sample in 2-3 days. (Absolute mortality due to mineral oil blocking gas exchange occurs in about 5 days). O.Iml of Corexit 9580 (not enough to block surface gas exchange) and Ig crude killed the sample in 5 days (the same as ig crude alone) and just O.Iml of Corexit 9580 killed the sample in 8 days. SLIK-A-WAY & Nokomis (Figs. 12 & 13): O.ImI SLIK-A-WAY with or without Ig crude killed the samples within 1Sminutes and 0.001m1 SLIK-A-WAY with or without ig crude killed the samples by the 2nd day. 0.05ml Nokomis with or without Ig crude killed the samples by the 2nd day. 0.00 Iml Nokomis with ig crude killed the sample in 6 days (one day beyond just Ig crude) and the same amount without crude killed the sample in 7 days. Nutri-Bio 1000 (Fig. 14): O.0Iml of Nutri-Bio 1000 killed the samples with or without Ig crude in at least 15 minutes. Ig crude and 0.001ml Nutri-Bio 1000 resulted it absolute mortality by the 4th day. DISCUSSION. I. californicus' survival is inversely proportional to the amount of crude it is exposed to (Dorit 1977, Barnett and Kontogtannis 1975). Figure 2 shows T californicus living about 10 days when exposed to 0.59 of crude and about 5 days when exposed to ig crude. When the oxygen exchange was blocked by a 0.Sml crude oil cover the sample died within 4-5 days. When mineral oil was used (crude oil without impurities), total mortality took 6-7 days (Fig. 7). These results are identical to the findings of Barnett and Kontogiannis (1973) and reillustrate the fact that I. californicus is affected by the physical as well as the toxic elements of crude oil and that an experiment performed on S animals in Jml tide pool water yields the same experimental results as tests on 50 animals in 20ml of tide pool water. The fact that T californicus survived about twice the time, 12-13 days when covered with mineral ofl when they were in filtered seawater (Fig. 7) is probably due to the lack of other oxygen requiring organisms in the filtered water. From his experiments, Dorit (1977) proposed that females with eggs survive longer than females without eggs when exposed to crude ofl fractions. I was unable to find evidence for this in repetitive experiments using females with and without eggs (Fig. 3). In fact, males showed a much greater sensitivity to crude oil fractions than females. Exposed to I gram of crude, the female samples out lived the male samples by twice the time (Fig 4). Likewise, the mineral oil in 24hr light tests (Fig 5) showed that out of the organisms subjugated to higher temperatures and oxygen deprivation, the two sets of females lived 4 days, twice as long as the two sets of males. It was previously noted that in the juvenile stages, female T. californicus had a better chance of survival than males (Vittor, 1971). This may be due to the fact that they are copulating with larger males and thereby avoid being preyed upon by other T. californicus(Burton 1985). Yet, since adult males are the first to die when exposed to adverse environmental conditions and since females can have 15 to 20 consecutive broods after a single copulation (enough to last the rest of their 90 day lifespan), rendering males relatively useless (Vittor, 1971), it is to the population's advantage to have lesser numbers of males when under stress. This would explain the sex ratios (1adult male:15 females) in the stressed splash pools. It is also interesting to note that under the starving and oxygen deprived conditions in figure 7 the male population crashed, but not completely. Perhaps males are also more sensitive to changes if their density is greater, explaining their scarcity but not extinction in the naturally stressed ecosystems. Nonetheless, since females dominate the populations under stress, and are the most abundant T. californicus they were used as the experimental controls for the cleaning reagents. Cleaning Reagents: SLIK-A-WAY was the most toxic reagent tested (0.001ml with or without ig crude killed the entire sample overnight). Next were Corexit 9550, 9527 and Nutri-Bio; 0.001ml of the solutions killed all the samples by the fourth day (one day sooner than ig crude). Nokomis was slightly less toxic followed by Corexit 9580 (when it did not disrupt oxygen exchange) then Corexit 7664. Corexit 7664 had the lowest toxicity to T. californicus. Past studles have shown that it has had small negative effects on copepods (Venezia and Fossato 1977). Verily, O.3ml Corexit 7664 by itself was mildly toxic, killing all the samples within 12 days. The hypothesis that there is a positive synergistic effect between Corexit 7664 and crude ofl (Elgershuizen and De Krui jf, 1976) was false only in the experiment with O.Sml crude oil and 0.3ml Corexit 7664, since this sample died overnight and O.Sml crude usually takes 4 days to kill T californicus Otherwise, O.Jml Corexit 7664 prolonged the life of the Ig crude samples from 5 to 15 days and the sample with a 3 gram tar ball from 7 to 11 days. Interestingly, the sample with ig mineral ofl and 0.3ml Corexit 7664 also died on the 15th day, indicating that it may not be the toxins in the crude that are detrimental when combined with Corexit 7664 but the physical properties that affect the organisms. Further tests of cleaning reagents might include generat ional studies where the organisms' fitness could be measured against the number of eggs per clutch since when female T californicus are exposed to toxins the number of eggs per clutch decreases (Vittor 1971 and observations). An experiment that could analyze this without disturbing the organisms would be an important measure of toxicity. Generational and recolonization investigations could also be conducted if even smaller fractions of the cleaning reagents were used on larger populations and studied for a longer period of time. If a spill cannot be prevented from reaching the shore, political haste must not cause early or unnecessary cleansing since the natural degradation of the oil and the cleaning of the surf are usually the best cleaning options, both economically and environmentally (API, 1985). Highly toxic cleaning reagents should not be used on living ecosystems and should only be used post mortem if their negative effects can be shown not to inhibit habitat restoration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: would like to express infinite thanks to Alan Baldridge and Chuck Baxter. I would also like to thank the companies who generously donated their products; Texaco Inc, Exxon, Hydro-Tech, and A & V Inc. Thanks also to Terri Shaw and the students of Bio 175H for their support and to the copepods who gave their lives for my experiment. BIBLIOGRAPHY American Petroleum Institute. (1985). Oil soill cleanuo: Options for minimizing adverse ecological impacts A. P. I., (Washington, D.C.) pp. 191-222. Barnett, C., Kontogiannis, J. E. (1973). The effect of oil pollution on survival of the tidepool copepod, Tigriopus Californicus Environmental Pollution 4, 69-79. Barnett, C., Kontogiannis, J. E. (1975). The effect of crude oil fractions on the survival of a tidepool copepod, Tigriopus Californicus Environmental Pollution 8, 45-54. Burton, R. S. (1985). Mating system of the intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus. Marine Biology 86, 247-252. Cairns, J., Buikema, A. L. (1984). Restoration of Habitats Impacted by Oil Spills Butterworth Publishers, (Boston). Crothers, J. H. (1983). Field experiments on the effects of crude oil and dispersant on the common animals and plants of rocky sea shores. Marine Environmental Research 8, 215-239. Eljershuizen, J. H. and Nuwayhid, (1976). Effects of crude oil and dispersants on bivalves. Mar. Pollut. Bull 7, 22-25. Foster, M. S., Tarpley, J. A., Dearn, S. L. (1990). To clean or not to clean: the rationale, methods, and consequences of removing ofl from temperate shores. The Northwest Environmental Journal 6,105-120. Haderlie, C., Abbott, D. P., Caldwell, R. L. (1978). Between Pacific Lide Stanford University Press, (Stanford). Jordan, R. E., Payne, J.R (1980). Eate and Weathering of Petroleum Spills in the Marine Environment. Ann Arbor Science, (Ann Arbor). Stecher, P. (1968). The Merck Index: an encyclopedia of chemiçals and drugs. Merck & Co., (New Jersey). Venezia, L. D., Fossato, V. U. (1977). Characteristics of suspensions of Kuwait oil and Corexit 7664 and their short- and long-term effects on Tisbe bulbisetosa (Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Marine Bioloqy 42, 233-237. Vittor, B. A, (1971). Effects of the Environment on Eitness-Related Life History Characters in Larioous californicus. University Microf ilms, (High Wycomb). Wheeler, R. B. (1978). The fate of petroleum in the marine environment. Exxon Production Research Company Special Report. FIGURE LEGENDS: Fig. 1: Number of T. califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool and filtered seawater in no light, 12hr light/dark cycles, and 24hr light. Fig. 2: Number of T califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool seawater containing 0.5 m1 (5 grams) crude oil on the water surface and 0.1 ml (I gram) crude in the suspension. Fig. 3: Number of T califoricus surviving over time for 5 females with 3 eggs, 5 females with no eggs. and 5 females with 5 eggs, in tide pool and filtered seawater exposed to one gram crude. Fig. 4: Number of T. califoricus surviving over time for 5 females with 3 eggs, 5 females with no eggs. and 5 females with 5 eggs and 5 males in tide pool and filtered seawater, exposed to 1 or 0.5 grams crude. Fig. 5: Number of T. califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) and 5 males in tide pool seawater containing 0.5 ml mineral ofl on the water surface in 24 hr light. Fig. 6: Number of T. califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool and filtered seawater with or without 0.5 m1 mineral oil on the water surface in 24 hr dark. Fig. 7: Number of T. califoricus surviving over time for 5 females with 5 eggs, 5 females with 3 eggs, and 5 males in tide pool and filtered seawater with 0.5 ml mineral oil or crude oil cover. Fig. 8: Number of T. califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool seawater exposed to 0.5 ml crude on the surface or I gram crude in the suspension with or without Corexit 7664. Fig. 9: Number of T. califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool seawater with a 3 gram tarball or 0.5 ml mineral ofl on the surface, with and without 0.3 ml Corexit 7664. Fig. 10: Number of T califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool seawater with or with out 1 gram crude and 0.1 ml Corexit 9550, 0.1 and 0.001 ml Corexit 9527, and one sample tested with steam. Fig. 11: Number of T. califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool seawater with 0.5 ml mineral oil on the surface, 1.24 ml Corexit 9580 on the surface, or 0.1 ml Corexit 9580 in the solution with or without 1 gram crude. Fig. 12: Number of T. califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool seawater with 0.1 and 0.001 mI SLIK-A-WAY with and without I gram crude. Fig. 13: Number of T califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool seawater with 0.05 and 0.001 ml Nokomis with and without 1 gram crude. Fig. 14: Number of T califoricus surviving over time for 5 females (3 with eggs) in tide pool seawater with 0.01 and 0.001 ml Nutri-Bio 1000 with and without 1 gram crude. Light, 0-24hrs 8- po se ooo 4 Les * eg bog lag boo o — Time (days) — 5 females (3 eggs). Tide Pool Seawater — 5 fomalos (3 eggs), Filterod Seawatar 5 females (3 eggs). Tioe Pool Seawater. 24 1r dart 5 females (3 eggs). Tioe Pool Seawater. 24 h liont Figure 1 Figure 2 Repetetive Crude Oil Fractions 3 b 2 L L Time (days) S fomalos (ogs). Too Pool H20. O.Sol Crude Cov — 5 semalos (Segga). Tioe Pool 120. O.Sml Crude Cover 5 females (Seges). Tide Peol 120. 19 Crude Cover 5 females (o eg0a). Tide Pool H20. 19 Crude Cover 5 females Gegp). Tide Peol 10. 19 Crude Cwer —0— 5 fomales Cegga). Ie Pool H20. 19 Crude Cover Repetitive Female Crude bg 2- 0 + Time (days) —0— 5 females (3 eggs), Tide Pool Seawater, Ig Cruge —— 5 females (3 eggs), Filtered Seawater, lg Crude 5 females (5 eggs). Tide Pool Seawater, la Crude 5 females (3 eggs). Tide Pool Seawater, la Crude 5 females (5 eggs). Tide Pool Seawater, l9 Crude — 5 females inc egos). Tide Fool Seawater, ' Crude Figure 3 Figure 4 Females w/ Eggs vs. Females & Hales 0 + L L 2 8 10 12 Time (days) 5 females (Zegys), Flltered HO. Ig Crude —0— 5 females (Jogys), Tldo Pool N20. 1/29 Crudo 5 females (Zeggs), Tide Pool H20, lg Crudo. 24 Dack 5 females (3egys). Ilde Pool H20. lq Crude 5 fomales (Jegos). Tide Pool H20. Ig Crude 5 females (Joggs), Tide Pool H20. Ig Crude Weathered 3 days — 5 females (Seggs), TIde Pool H20. 19 Crude — 5 fomales (Sogys), Tido Pool H20. Ig Crudo .... .... 5 Tomales (no eggs). Tide Pool H0. 19 Crude — 5 males. ol H20, 1/29 Crue —— 5 males. 1 Pool H20, 19 Cus Figure 5 Hale and Female, 24hr Light, Hineral Oil Cover 6 0 + — 3 4 Time (days) femaies (7egs), ae Pool Sewater, O.Sm ineral Oil, 24h Lot eawte h — Figure 6 Crude Oil Cover vs. Mineral Oil Cover in 24 hr Dark o stesstes boood 1 Le g bog bes boo 1 ol Time (days) —O 5 females (3 eogs), Tioe Pool Seawater — 5 females (3 eggs), Filtered Seawater 5 females (3 eggs), Tide Pool Seawater 0.Sml Mineral Oil, 24hr Dark 5 iemales (3 eogs), Tide Pool Seawater, 24hr Dark 5 females (5 eggs), 1e Pool Seawater O.5ml Mineral Oil. 24hr Dark 5 females (no egs), Filtered Seawater 0.5ml Mineral Oil, 24hr Dark Figure 7 Gude & Mineral O11, 12hr Light/oark Cycle 5 boo T Time (days) âO— 5 femalos (Seggs). Te Pool 120. 0.Sml Crude Covor — 5 females (Segos). Tide Pool HO. OSml Crude Cover — 5 females (Seogs), Tide Pool H20. O.Sml Hineral Oil Cover 5 fomalos (Jegga). Tide Pool H20, O.Sml Hineral Oil 5 females (Segos). Tide Pool H20, O.5mi Hineral Ol 5 females (Jeogs), Filtered 120, O.Sml Hineral Oil. 5 males, Toe Pool H20. O.Smi Hineral Oil —— 5 males, Filtered H0, O.5ml Hineral Oil s— 5 females (no eogs), Tide Pool H20, O.Sml Hineral Oil Figure 8 Exxon Corexit 7664 and 19 San Ardo Crude H — + Time (days) —— 5 females (Jeggs). Tide Poo1 H20. 0 Sml Crude Cover. 0 Jmi Corex:t 7664 —— 5 females (Zeggs). Tide Pool H20. 0 3ml Corexit 7664 —— fems'es (Jeggs). Tice Pool H20. lq Cruce, next day 0 3ml Corexit 7664 —4— 5 females (Jeqgs). Tide Pool H20. lq Cruce. O 3ml Corexit 7664 ——— 5 females (Jeggs). Tise Sool H20, lq Crude Figure 9 Exxon Corexit 7664 with Tar and Hineral 01l 5199 V 2 20 Time (days) —0— 5 fomales (Jogga). Tido Pool H20. O. 3mi Coroxit 7664 —— 5 females (Jeygs), Tide Pool H20, H1S terball —— 5 females (Jeggs). Tide Pool H2O. HS tarball, O Jmi Corexit 7664 —— 5 females (Jeogs), Tide Pool H20, O.Sml Hineral Oil, O.3mi Corexit 7664 4 — — Figure 10 Corexit 9550, 9527 and Steam — 4 5 6 Time (days) 5 females (Jeggs), Tide Pool H20, 19 Crude 5 females (Jeggs). Tide Pool H20, Steam Cleaned 5 females (Jeggs). Tide Pool H20, O. Imi Corexit 9550 5 females (Seggs) Tlde Pool H20, Ig Crude. O. Imi Corexit 9550 5 females (Segga). Tide Pool H20. O. Imi Corexit 9527 5 females (Seggs). Tide Pool H20. O. Imi of Diluted Corexit 9527 with 1Om Ses H20 Figure 11 Exxon Corexit 9580 — 4 b 0 - 0 Time (days) ------- 5 Temales (3 eggs), Tde Pool Seawater, 0.5mi Tiner al Ol — 5 females (3 eggs). Tide Pool Seawater, lg Crude, 1.24 ml Corexit 9580 5 females (5 eggs), Tide Pool Seawater, 1.24 ml Corexit 9580 — 5 females (3 eggs). Tide Pool Seawater, 0.1 mi Corexit 9580 — 5 females (5 eggs), Tide Pool Sezwater, Ig Crude. 0.1 ml Corexit 9580 — 5 females (no eggs), Filtered Seawater, 1g Cruge Figure 12 SLIK-A-WAY —0 O 5 Time (daya) — 5 females (Jeggs). Tide Pool H20. 1q Crude 5 females (Jeggs) Tide Pool H20, 19 Crude, 0 Imi Slik-A-Way 5 females (Jeggs). Tide Pool H20, O. Imi Slik-A-Way 5 females (Jeogs), Tioe Pool H20, O. Imi Slik-A-Way+ 1Omi Sea 120 ——— 5 females (Joggs). Tide Pool H20. lg Crude. O. Imi Slik-A-Way- 10m H20 Figure 13 Nokomis 6 5 4- kv v- 4 5 6 0 1 2 Time (days) —0— 5 females (Jeggs). Tide Pool H20, 19 Crude 5 females (Jeogs). Tide Pool H20, O. Imi of NOKO- I.5ml Sea H20(1:15) — 5 females (Jeogs). Tide Pool H20. Ig Crude. O.Imi of NOKO15m Sea R — — 5 females (Jeggs), Tide Pool H20. O. Iml of NOO- 1Oml Sea H20 min —s— 5 females (Jeggs). Tide Pool H20, Ig Crude, O Imi of NOKO- 1Oml Sea R0 Figure 14 Nutri-Bio 1000 67 I 0 Time (days) — . 5 females tes). fool H20, 1a Cu les (s). ol H.0. O.Im Nutri-Bioim Se H20 mix 10) — es es) T ol H20. 19Cruoe, O Im Nutri-Bio- Im Ses H20 mu(1.10) —les (s) Filered H20. lCrue. O ll Nutri-Biom Ses H20 mi(1 10 — Siemlese) ool H20 19Crue. O.Im Hutri-Plo1Om Set2 m 100