Tang Abstract In this study, the connective tissue sheaths in the tube feet of Pisaster ochraceous were studied. The role played by the spiral fibers in the inner layer of this sheath during extension of the tube foot was also examined. This was done by fixing the tube feet at various states of extension, and by measuring the external dimensions and the fiber angle of the fibers. These spiral fibers were found to be extensible when the tube foot was extended or contracted, and the value of strain for the extended tube foot was very large. (1.84) The fibers were also found to provide adequate hoop stiffness during the contracted state to prevent circumferential deformation of the tube foot. -3- Tang Introductio Asteroid movement is primarily due to the operation of tube feet. The tube feet are extended, attached to the substratum, and then contracted, pulling the animal along the substratum. The extension of the tube feet is accomplished by the contraction of the ampulla, which forces the fluid into the lumen of the tube foot. In order for there to be an effective translation of this increase in volume to an actual elongation of the tube foot, there must be some structure preventing circumferential deformation of the tube foot as the fluid volume inside the foot increases. At the same time, this structure must allow the tube foot to extend. In this study, the possibility is examined that the connective tissue of the tube foot provides such a structure in Pisaster ochraceous. Tube foot morphology has been studied in detail by Smith (1946), and the biomechanics of ophiuroid tube feet has been analyzed by Woodley. (1979) However, no direct biomechanical study has been done on asteroid tube feet. Clark and Cowey have analyzed the fiber wound system in the basement membrane of turbellarian worms and nemertean worms, (Clark, 1958) and the applicability of their findings to asteroid tube feet will be examined. Tang -4- Materials and Methods I. Preparation of specimens The tube feet of Pisaster ochraceous were in 3 states of extention : (1) maximally stretched; (2) relaxed, and (3) maximally contracted. For the stretehed and relaxed tube feet, the starfish arm was relaxed in Mgol», and the tube feet were amputated as close to the base as possible. The extended tube feet were manually stretched to a point where further extension would break the tube feet. They were then pinned down and fixed with formaldehyde (37% in sea water). The relaxed tube feet were pinned down and fixed at their original lengths. Maximally contracted tube feet were amputated from unrelaxed animals and fixed without being pinned down. Fixed tube feet were carefully dissected to expose their layers. Dissection was made easier by soaking the tube feet in a solution of 1M KOH mixed 1:1 by volume with glycerol. (Woodley, 1967) After this treatment, the cuticle layer and the internal longitudinal muscle layer were removed by tearing them away with a pair of fine forceps. The outer layer of connective tissue (composed of longitudinal fibers) can also be partly removed by this manner, II. Measurements The tube foot, with the sucker removed, was slit along its longitudinal axis, spread out, and mounted on a slide. The specimens were viewed under the polarizing light -5- Tang microscope. The crossed fibers of the inner layer of connective tissue were seen under careful examination, and the fiber angle was measured as the angle rotated by the stage between each set of fibers being at extinction. In addition, the external dimensions of the tube foot were measured with the use of vernier calipers. The thick- ness of the sucker was similarly estimated, and the length of the cylindrical portion of the tube foot obtained by subtracting the sucker thickness from the overall length. Since the tube feet were flat in the relaxed and extended specimens, the diameters of them were estimated by squeezing them between the calipers until the tube foot cross-section was approximately circular. These measurements of radius were confirmed by cross-sectioning tube feet of various states with a freezing microtome; thickness of cuticle, muscular layer, and connective tissue were measured from these cross-sections. Tang Results Examination of cross-sections of tube foot stem under the compound light microscope revealed 4 distinct layers. Taken from the outside, these are: (1) an outermost layer of cuticle; (2) a layer of connective tissue sheath; (3) a layer of longitudinally arranged muscular fibers (4) a thin layer of ciliated epithelium that rests on the lumen side of the muscle layer. (fig. 1) The thicknesses of layers 1-3, and the total wall thick- ness of tube feet in the three states of extension were estimated. (fig.1) Examination with the polarizing light microscope (Aus Jena, low power) showed the connective tissue sheath to be composed of an outer and an inner layer. The fibers in the outer layer have the same orientation as the fibers in the muscular layer, and thus longitudinal. The fibers in the inner connective tissye layer are oriented obliquely to the longitudinal fibers in a right and left-hand double spiral lattice. The connective tissue layer is reported to be collagenous by other authors. (Smith, 1946; Woodley, 1967) This is consistent with the finding here that this layer stains with Alcian blue. Taking the relaxed specimens as the standard, the measured radii and the observed fiber angles (6) can be used -7- Tang to calculate the length of 1 turn of fiber (L): L= 2wr/tano (fig, 3) The number of turns of fiber (N) per relaxed tube foot was estimated by N=length/L (fig. 2), N= 1.33. The length of the fiber, D, was estimated by D-L/cos 6 (fig. 2) D=4.08mm. If the fiber is assumed to be inextensible (D stays constant at 4.08 mm when the tube foot is stretched or contracted), the fiber angle can be predicted for the extended and contracted tube feet by the relationship e-Sin" (2wr/D) using 4.08 mm as D and the measured radius for each state as r. (fig. 3) The predicted values of e did not agree well with those observed (fig.4), indicating that D does not stay constant. The new values of D which are consistent with the observed e in the extended and contracted states can be calculated using the observed 6 andr for each state. (fig. 5) The strain on these fibers can also be calculated as ln D'/D. (fig. 5) Using the measured radii, lengths, and wall thicknesses of tube feet, the lumen volume for each state of extension can be calculated. (fig. 6) The lumen volume was observed to have decreased when the tube foot was extended from a value of 0.34mm2 to 0.25mm2. (fig. 6) Tang Discussion The fiber angles in the inner layer of connective tissue were observed to change when the tube foot was extended or contracted, inconsistent with Smith's observation for Astropecten irregularis that the fibers are circular. (Smith, 1946) (fig.6) If the fibers were circular, the fiber angles should not change as a function of extension. and should remain at 90' to the longitudinal axis. The presence of spiral fibers presents two problems regarding the mechanism of tube foot extension: (1) Clark And Cowey (1958), based on an analysis of turbellarian and nemertean worms, show that the volume enclosed by an inextensible spiral fiber wound cylinder is defined by the equation: Da sin e cos e V= (fig.7) 4 T Thus, the volume is maximum when 6=54 44', and decreases as 6 departs from this value. The relaxed tube feet of P. ochraceous have a mean 6 of 42, whereas in the contracted feet, 6=75, and in the extended ones, 6=6. Therefore,based on this analysis, the volume of the tube foot will decrease from the relaxed to the extended state. The lumen volume of the tube foot was indeed observed to have decreased as the tube foot is extended. (fig.6) However, this is inconsistent with the accepted mechanism of the operation of the ampulla/ tube foot system. Tube foot extension is accomplished by the contraction of the ampulla, forcing fluid into thelumen Since fluid is incompressible, the lumen of the tube foot. Tang volume of the foot must increaseduring extension. This seeming discrepancy can be explained in 2 ways: (a) The fibers may be extensible to an extent greater than expected, and the equation proposed by Clark and Cowey therefore does not apply to this system. The strain on the spiral fibers was calculated for extended and contracted states, and was shown to be non-zero. (fig.5) The reported value for vertebrate collagenous fibers is about 10%. (Wainwright, et al., 1976) This agrees well with the strain calculated for the contracted specimens of about 0.07. The strain calculated for the extended tube feet (1.21) is substantially larger than 102. The basis for this exten- sibility is not clear. It may be conjectured however that the fibers are kinked similarly to those in vertebrate arteries (Wainwright, et al, 1976), and therefore allow much more entension than expected. Further studies involving electron microscopy are needed to verify this hypothesis. (b) Although the actual measurements show that the lumen volume does decrease, this could be entirely due to an artifact introduced by the sample preparation. The tube feet were extended by manually stretching them, whereas in live animals, the tube feet areextended by pumping fluid in. Thus, in a live animal, the cross-section stays circular as the tube foot is extended, and the radius in the extended tube foot is conceivably larger than the ones measured in the fixed specimens. Indeed, observations in live -10- Tang animals show the radius of extended tube feet to be approxi¬ mately 0.46 mm., as oppose to 0.24mm in the prepared specimens. The lumen volume calculated (3.5mm2) using this value for ris actually larger than that of the relaxed specimens, as required to be consistent with the classic view of the operation of the tube foot. Using the measured value of r-0.46 mm for the extended foot, the strain calculated for the spiral fibers is 1.84, Again, no explanation for this large extensibility is immediately forthcoming. Another artifact that could be present in this method of sample preparation is again due to the fact that the tube foot is stretched while there is no fluid in the lumen. This could result in the detachment of the connective tissue sheaths from the tube feet wall. If this is the case, the radii measured on the prepared samples have no bearing on the actual radii of the sheaths. The second problem presented by the spiral fibers is: (2) When a cylinder is pressurized, the hoop stress on the cylinder wall is twice the longitudinal stress. (Wainwright et al., 1976) (fig. 8) Consequently, for a cylinder constructed from an isotropic material, the radius increases at twice its rate of the length as the cylinder is pressurized. Thus, if a cylinder such as a tube foot is to increase in length rather than in girth, its circumferential (hoop) stiffness must be at least twice that of its longitudinal Tang stiffness. For a fiber wound cylinder where the fibers are the only elements resisting the internal pressure, the hoop stiffness (Eg) and the longitudinal stiffness (Ep) are related to the fiber angle (0): EH= Ef sin e E- Ef cos 0 Er=modulus of fiber along its axis EH/E =2 if 0= 63° 26: Eu/Er is larger than 2 if 0 is larger than 63° 26'. The Eg and Ey, theoretical values for different extensional states of tube feet are shown in figure 8. The contracted tube feet exhibit fiber angles corresponding to a hoop stiffness that is more than two times the longitudinal stiffness. This indicates that the spiral fibers effectively revent circumferential deformation only in the contracted tube feet. Other structures must play this role in the extended and relaxed tube feet, but the identity of these structures is uncertain. To summarize, this study has shown that the spiral fibers allow the tube foot in P. ochraceous to extend by being able to tolerate a large strain. Their role in the prevention of circumferential deformation as the tube foot is extended is only apparent in the contracted tube foot. -12 Tang Acknowledgement MAny thanks to my advisor, Dr. Mark Denny, for providing answers to all questions, and for the careful revision of the paper. Thanks to Freya Sommer for inputs and providing numerous glass slides and cover slips. Thanks to Dr. W.H. Magruder for assistance in microscopy and photography. Thanks to Janet Vogelzang for encouragement and moral support all along the way. Finally, thanks to all the Pisasters for selflessly sacrificing tube feet for the study. Also, gratitude is warranted to the Pycnopodia for being the villain all quarter. Tang References Clark, R.B. 1964 Dynamics in Metazoan Evolution. London: Oxford University Press. Clark, R.B. and Cowey, J.B. 1958 Factors controlling the change of shape of certain nemertean and turbellarian worms. J. exp. Biol. 35, 731-48. Cowey, J.B. 1952 The structure and function of the basement membrane muscle system in Amphiporus lactifloreus (Nemertea). Quart. J.micr.Scl. 93, 1-13. Smith, J.E. 1946 The mechanics and innervation of the starfish tube foot-ampulla system. Philos. Trans. B, 232, 279-310. Woodley, J.D. 1967 Problems in the Ophiuroid water vascular system. Symp. zool. Soc. Lond. 20, 75-104. Woodley, J.D. 1979 The biomechanics Ophiuroid tube-feet. Proceedings of the European Colloquium on Echinoderms. 3-8 September, 293-299. Wainwright, S.A. et al. 1976 Mechanical Design in Organisms. London: Edward Arnold (Publishers) Limited. Tang Figure Legends Figure 1: Cross-section of tube foot, showing different tissue layers and their dimensions at different states of extension. Figure 2 Schematic representation of an amputated tube foot with the sucker removed. Diagram only shows one set of fiber in a double spiral system. Figure 3: A unit length of tube foot slit along the longitudinal axis and unrolled out. D-length of fiber 0=fiber angle reradius length of tube foot for 1 turn of fiber (Clark and Cowey, 1958) Figure 4: Plot of radius vs. fiber angle of extended and contracted tube feet. Solid line represents the pre¬ dicted values, assuming D remains constant at 4.08 mm; whereas the crosses, the observed values. Figure 5: Calculated D and strain for extended and contracted tube feet. Values reported are mean values in units of mm. extended tube feet: n-9, standard deviation (S.D.) for D=2.36 contracted tube feet : n-10; S.D. for D-0.384 Figure 6: Dimensions measured for tube feet at different lengths. Reported values are means in mm. L=length for 1 turn of fiber r-radius 0=fiber angle V=volume=r (length) thickness)2(length) LV=7(r-wall Relaxed Extended Contracted 0.18 S.D. for L 0.18 1.9 S.D. for r 0.039 o.018 0.035 3.16 S.D. for 6 2.0 0.85 0.47 S.D. for V 0.31 0.31 0.18 S.D. for LV 0.13 0.09 volume enclosed by inextensible fiber wound Figure 7: cylinder. Volume is in arbitrary units (Clark and Cowey, 1958) O Tang Figure 8: Theoretical hoop stiffness and longitudinal stiffness for different states of extension. 6-= longitudinal stress OH-hoop stress - pressure Reradius t-wall thickness Er=longitudinal stiffness E-hoop stiffness Ef=modulus of fiber along its axis O gre 1 -CUTICLE OUTER CONN.TISSU INNER -LONG.MUSCLE -EPITHELIUM LUMEN THICKNESS (in mm.) CUTICLE CON.TIS. MUSCLE TOTAL RELAXED O.105 0.045 O.20 O.270 EXTENDED O.O6O 0.030 O.075 O.165 CONTRACTED O.105 0.045 O.300 0.450 O Hgre a TANG L= 27r/tane n= length/L n=1.33 n: number of turns of fiber O C C Kgore 3 271 99 ANG . . O=On (2T7/D) D=L/eose (C 80 60 c 40 4 20 Fgure 4 extended ..* .4.5 3 2 radius (in mm) TANG contracted — .6 .7 C e 5 Extended Contracted Relaxed 4.38 3.64 4.08 O.O7 .2 Strain O Forr-O.46, Strain-.84 Strain= In D/D 27r — D¬ sine C relaxed 4.0 43 420 2.4 LV .34 V= VOLUME LV - LUMEN VOLUME extended 12.8 .24 6° 2.3 .25 contracted 2.5 66 75 .35 (C H C L 10 D'sin?0 cos 9 41 — 30 50 70 fiber angle (9) (0 Figure 1 TANG States contracted relaxed extended .. PR 2t 8 Ht - 26 0 E-Efsie O.96Ef 42° O.67Ef 6 O.OEf E, -Efcose O.26Ef O.74Ef O.OOET Hgure g TANG