Concentrations of DDT sublethal and lethal to Calanus helgolandicus (Claus), and effects of sublethal concen- trations on respiratory rates A. Decker Hunter Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford Universityl Running head: Effects of DDT on calanoid copepods ABSTRACT Marine copepods (Calanus helgolandicus) were classified as visi- bly unaffected, visibly affected, or dead after varying periods of incubation in varying concentrations of DDT. At 24 hours 50% were affected (visibly affected plus dead) by a predicted 60 ppb; at 48 hours 50% were affected by a predicted 5.8 ppb. It was found that 1 ppb DDT increased the rate of respiration over that of the controls. 8. INTRODUCTION Until recently, little was known of the effects of DDT on marine organisms. With analyses demonstra- ting the presence of DDT in such animals as the pere¬ grine falcon (Risebrough, 1968) and various other sea birds (Risebrough, personal communication), blue fin tuna, northern anchovy, English sole, Pacific jack mackerel, and squid (Risebrough, 1967), the preva- lence of the pesticide in the ocean was established. Its deleterious effects have been documented in ani- mals high in the pelagic food web; little work, how- ever, has been done on the effects on those animals at the base of the food web, the zooplankton. The marine copepod, Calanus helgolandicus, was chosen because it is representative of the zooplank- ton, easily obtainable, and has been the subject of many respiration studies (Marshall and Orr, 1966; Cono- ver, 1960; Zeiss, 1963; Raymont and Gauld, 1951). The aims of this study were to determine the visible effects of various concentrations of DDT in the medium and to make preliminary investigations of the effects of 1 ppb DDT on the rate of oxygen consumption of these animals. The author wishes to thank the staff of the Hopkins Marine Station, and in particular, Dr. E. H. Wheeler, Jr., without whose advice and assistance B also this project could not have been undertaken. thank Thomas C. Malone for his helpful suggestions on the respiration experiments. This work was supported in part by the Undergraduate Research Participation Pro- gram of the National Science Foundation, Grant foY-58 METHODS Were obtained from Monterey Bay, Call in late April and throughout Nay, 1960 With a meter net of 0.333 mm mesh aperture both ver- tical and oblique tows were made from depths of 25 m Immediately after capture indivi to the surface. duals were placed in pre-cooled sea water until s. were ting; adult femaleg, used in most experiments, kept in the laboratory in membrane filtered (0.8u During the last two weeks of May only sea water. thes stage five copepodite females were available and The ex were used with no apparent change in results. perimental animals were maintained in semi-darknes: in large, uncovered glass jars at an approximate density of 1 animal/20 ml. The sea water, kept a The copepods were C. was changed twice weekly. fed with mixed phytoplankton cultures of Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira sp., and Chaetoceros sp. They were removed from feeding jars at least thre hours prior to the beginning of any experiment. Under these conditions the animals survived ix weeks. for 24 or were carried out Incubations in DDT hours in closed glass liter jars. Because DDT co- distills with water, stock and experimental jars were opened as infrequently as possible. Since the pesticide has a low solubility in water (1.2 ppb fresh stock solutions were made up daily to prevent partieles from settling out. Ten adult females were placed in each jar at a density of 1 animal/50 ml and appropriate concentrations of p,p' DDT dissolved in 954 ethanol were added. For the 24 hour experi- ments Dor concentrations ranged frou 10-500. ppb, for the 48 hour experiments from 1-50 ppb. The values were chosen after preliminary screenings at higher and lower concentrations. Ethanol controls were run with all experiments. Atter incubation, copepods were removed indivi dually from the jars and examined under a dissecting microscope. They were classifled as visibly unaf- fected, visibly affected, and dead. Visibly affected animals were those unable to swim actively or at- tempt to escape the presence of the pipette. They rested without moving on the bottom of the jars or twitched spasmodically and asymmetrically. Swimming movements were ineffectual. If no twitching was ob- served, heart beat and/or anal contractions identi- fied a visibly affected animal. The animals in the respiration experiments were ncubated at 1 ppb in the closed jars described a- bove for 0-144 hours. As before ethanol controls were run with all experiments. Twenty animals were se- lected from the closed jars with a large pipette at 24 hour intervals and placed directly in 300-ml dark BOD bottles (1 animal/15 ml) containing 1 ppb DDT in previously aerated sea water for eight hours. In each set of experiments initial oxygen concentrations were determined on duplicate bottles with correspon- ding ethanol concentrations. Titrations were done using the standard Winkler technique with 0.02 N thio- sulfate. The water in the incubation jars was changed periodically and results were not corrected for bac- terial respiration. All phases of these experiments, except titrations, were conducted at 12° C. RESULTS Figure 1 shows representative results of the 24 hour incubations in DDT. There is a clear difference between the effect on the experimental animals and that on the controls. From the regression line, fifty per cent of the animals are affected at 60 ppb. The rank difference coefficient is 0.905. The data from the 48 hour experiments is illus- trated in Figure 2. Because of the longer incuba- tion period lower concentrations of DDT are effec- tive. From the regression line, fifty per cent of the organisms are affected at 5.8 ppb. The rank difference coefficient is 0.95. Two typical respiration experiments are sum- marized in Figure 3. At each point in a particular experiment, the oxygen consumption of the experi- wental animals was kigher than that of the controls. There is an obvious peak at 48 hours in both experi- ments. ESCUSSTON concentrations below 50 pb do ne Aitroeh learly affect the copepods in 24 hours, the 18 hour xperiments show a significant effect at as low as This could indicate a cumulative effect ppb DDT. ith time until a critical level is reached, or that with low concentrations, a longer time period is re- quired to cause the metabolic damage which presumably incapacitates the animals. Copepods were in- cills or cubated up to lu4 hours at 1 ppb before succumbing to the pesticide; at this point the controls were still lively. Asithe concentrations were increased, the time required before visible effect was observed decreased. Concentrations as high as 10,000 ppb were tested even at this level all animals were not killed 2b hours, although 100% were affected. Because so much of the DDT precipitated at levels above 1000 ppb most experiments were conducted at lower concentra- to ensure as much accuracy and retention of the tion: original concentration as possible. This method was not infallible, however, as white particles presumed be DDf or associated with DDT were observed on the appendages and antennae of the copepods incubate for 48 hours at concentrations as low as 30 ppb C Control animals were never affected in this manner. To clarify the data presented in Figures 1 and 2 no differentiation was made between visibly affected and dead organisms. However, it is interesting to note that all copepods at 5 ppb for 48 hours were visibly affected but able to move sporadically, while those at 10 ppb for 48 hours were all dead (33%) or moribund (67%). At 20 ppb for 48 hours, 90% were dead and 10% were moribund. (see Table 1.) Moribund ani- mals are those in which only heart beat and/or anal contractions were observed. Since even the lowest concentrations used here are higher than those in the natural marine environ- ment, longer experiments at much lower concentrations should be run. Studies should also be done on the methods and sites of DDT action within the organism. To determine the permanence of DDT damage, copepods could be incubated in, and then removed from, varying concentrations of DDT and their progress followed. Copepods react to DDT with violent, rapid twitching; a more complete study of these reactions should be undertaken. The lower limit of DDT activity on cope¬ pods should be compared with levels found in both the ocean and the phytoplankton they eat. The respiration data given in Figure 3 has two main characteristics: 1) the peak in respiration at 48 hours; 2) the fact that respiration of the expe- rimental animals is always higher than that of the controls. The difference in rates is neither cons- tant nor consistent within any experiment, but ranges from 0.06 to 2.07 ul 0,/animal/hour. In all experi- ments at 1 ppb both of these characteristics appear. After 96 hours of incubation in the storage jars, the animals in Experiment B treated with DDT were be- ginning to show effects of the pesticide. By 144 hours they were all moribund while the controls were fairly lively throughout the experiment. Despite this the respiration of the treated animals at 144 hours remained 0.356 ul 02/animal/hour higher than the controls' respiration. Since respiration in cope- pods is usually related to movement these results are difficult to explain unless the amount of stress experienced under such conditions is taken into ac- count. The peak found at 48 hours appears to be re- lated to the presence of ethanol and not to that of DDT. No such peak was found in sea water controls. Possibly the ethanol causes a peak in activity around 48 hours which is reflected in the respiratory rate. REFERENCES Article: Conover, Robert J. 1960. The feeding behavior and re- spiration of some marine planktonie Crustacea. Biolo- gical Bulletin, 119(3): 399-415. Artiele: Marshall, S. M., and A. P. Or. 1966. Respiration and feeding in some small copepods. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, U6: 513-530. Artiele: Raymont, J. F. C., and D. T. Gauld. 1951. The respira- tion of some planktonic copepods. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 28: 681-683 Article: Risebrough, R. W. 1967. DDT residues in Pacific sea birds: a persistent insecticide in marine food chains. Nature, 216(5115) 589-591. 1968. Polychlorinated biphenyls in the glob Article: ecosystem. Nature, 220(5172) : 1098-1102. Article: Zeiss, F. Ralph, Jr. 1963. Effects of population den sities on zooplankton respiration rates. Limmology and Oceanography, 8: 110-1 FOOTN Present address DDr obtained from Aldrich Chem. Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. able Breakd ected 3 concentrations DDT. DDT Affected twitching ibund PDL 100 dead LEGENDS FICURE in sea water. Three DD Per cent copepods affected Fig. 24 hour experiments. Open circles: DDT; closed circles: controls. affected by DDT in sea water; three Fig. 2. Per cent copepods 48 hour experiments. Open circles: DDT; closed circles: controls. Respiration rates of copepods incubated in 1 ppb DDT Fig. 3. Dashed line: exp. A; solid line: exp. B. Closed circles: DDT; open circles: controls. S O O 4 O O N O O O % Affected D O( % Affected 147 — 4.0 - 3.0 2.0 1.O O.O O 24 48 72 Hours — 96 120 44 146